Bambi The Goat And The Forgotten World Of Old Mines And Miners!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well hey welcome back everybody and I gotta tell you rarely does a location make me say to myself you know you're really really out in the middle of nowhere and if you break down you're gonna be camping out for two or three days either trying to fix old Bob or hiking back to civilization yeah this is this is one heck of a remote site folks and the road getting in here was many miles long all filled with washed out cobble and all it was something else um just just the road into this place was an adventure but anyways so I found this on Google Earth I'm not quite sure what we what we're looking at in front of us here it may be it may have been like an old trestle they came off the edge of that cliff and then Clifton then dumped down into a into an orb in right there we've got some sort of a processing building right here and then a moment ago I glanced out of the corner of my eye off off here to the right and I believe that there is a steam boiler hiding up there in those trees so let's kick things off with this what looks to be used to be a processing building which is all falling apart and scattered around lots of lots of round nails so we're not in the 1800s actually I should say wire nails yeah okay I like to look around on the concrete sometimes you get lucky you know when you guys were kids and your parents poured a new foundation or patio or a porch or something you kids would ran out there and you scratched your initials in it sometimes you can get lucky and find people's initials scratched in the concrete but I'm not really seeing anything okay see you don't know if you can see if there's an old there's an old steam boiler over there I'll meet you folks over there yeah it was a pretty darn rough road getting up here it's it's adventures like this is when I wish I had about two or three more inches of suspension lift on old Baba's I was bouncing off four oxen it got pretty crazy there for a while so look at what we have here steam steam boiler and yeah this was used to boil water you got your you got your outlet there one of them was for water coming in the other one was for steam coming out on now on this one here I'm not seeing all those pipes that run on the inside they may have been removed so we're just looking at the outer shell of the thing but many pieces of equipment back in in the early 1900s that were that were used in mining were steam powered steam driven etc take a little closer look at this thing here I have seen these things in so many different sizes and types and all the different places I've explored and they all have these really cool cone-shaped dimpled rivets because they were manufactured back in the day before welding existed okay so let's head back to old Bob I got to throw the backpack on my back and then we're gonna work our way up to what looks to be at that trestle and or bin meet you over there well you say they're old Bob you got a few more fresh grapes on your on your belly huh he's probably not too happy with me right now okay for all this equipment on my back here we go this is one we've got a hike to let's see what we got going on up here mmm let's go this way okay yeah looks like some sort of an old orb in the loading area and oh yeah we had a road a road here so you can load up the trucks and the thing has since collapsed and fell down I'd imagine at one time they had some sort of a trestle up here and maybe a long shoot that brought it down to the hopper all right I saw something behind me here oh cool take a look at this folks look at this I got a powder magazine looks that way all right I've got to get my handy dandy flashlight out of here first there we go okay see what we have in here you know me I always enter these real slow just in case there's a rattlesnake hiding behind the wall well we've got a bucket of oil a clamp two more buckets of oil on the floor oh really old Coors can see the top on that that's early 70s what's back here used to be some sort of a makeshift tool bin yeah this was definitely powder storage the reason I say that is because if you look up here there's the vent number I was saying I always put a vent in these storage magazines what's this down on the floor it looks like used to be a seat out of us some sort of a vehicle what's that Tim can okay all right huh okay that's all that's in here folks let's continue working our way let's see where should we go next well I ain't gonna climb up the rocks so why don't I skirt around this direction I'll meet you folks up top I see you up there well I didn't get too far help the hill we've got some sort of an artifact hiding here in the stage brush let's see what this is all about what could it be and I've never seen anything quite like it might have been a hmm I don't know folks I'm stumped on what that thing is okay well we've something down in the comments give me your best guess what do you think that thing is all right I'm headed further on up the hill okay so a moment ago we started started things off down there by ol Bob there's the processing building we were just in that little we were in that dynamite magazine right there and we've got the the trestle and Orban right here in front of us okay turning around so somewhere I'm guessing up here it's got to be this direction must be the editor the chef and off to my left way out in the distance the military is doing maneuvers today every so often I hear a a thump and a boom they must be firing mortars or howitzers or dropping bombs or doing something it's kind of cool huh well here is where the addit would have been oh come on don't tell me it's gonna be choked off look at that darn it all anyways the opening isn't much bigger than my tennis ball how are we gonna get into that folks all right raise your hands who wants me to dig oh hey I can feel well we got a nice cold air blowing out of there you folks are gonna make me dig this out aren't you well I didn't drive all the way up this nasty road to get to this location not to explore an adit and we've got air coming out of it I guess maybe before I start digging what I should do is go up go up top here and see if we have another maybe an incline shaft coming down into it why don't we do that first I'll meet you up top well folks we got lucky I'm glad I walked up here now I'm not a hundred percent convinced that this one links into the the lower one that's somewhat buried here's what we have and that I can skinny into okay I want to gear up and I'll be back in just a moment all right back again folks got the safety flag out all my equipment out here outside the portal let's explore this old mine the fun parts gonna be crawling down into this thing all right well let's see how are we gonna do this well the first thing why don't we get rid of this big boulder that would be good maybe holy cow that's a heavy there and then I'm gonna have to do maybe if I I'm gonna try to go down oh wait a minute no that's just my breath see even if you breathe into an o2 meter it's going to go off yeah yeah yeah be quiet okay let's see if I knock it off that's just me breathing into the meter folks because I'm on my back oh not earth that's gonna leave a mark okay it'll be quiet now okay give me just a moment folks may I set the camera down put my backpack on there we go Hey there we go make a few adjustments here give me one second that's better okay and right off the bat we're going into layers of granite we've got a vent pipe here in front of us and look it's one of those with the with that spiral wound with the rivets in it just like we saw in the last episode looking at the ribs of the mind I can see it's all shattered up with pick ax marks old can of spray paint how old that is looks like probably from the 70s okay here we have a mind tag somebody came in here I was probably doing some survey work and at one time they did have rail in here let's look at here's a baby there's a little tiny spike tells me the headrail and we make a sharp turn to the left okay and we have something above us and to the left a little raised here and look at how they got the rocks up into that little little raised looking thing okay decisions decisions we've got something going off to the left and that way and this way all right why don't we oh there's a nasty hanging rock above my head right there folks let me get off from under this rock Yee oh we have a dope it goes up there and they blocked it off with that wood okay let's continue on oh here we've got a big collapse Wow Wow okay let's exit from that location quietly I'm looking up in back up into that stoped area and that's as far as it goes well this decomposing granite is so unstable all right let's continue on this way look at how narrow this is folks it's only about two feet wide here just a piece of wood and then that's where it ends okay turn it back around I can't even turn around in this mine I got to back out at least not with my backpack on that's how narrow it was so what you're seeing here folks is exploratory x' they went off that way to see if they could intersect with some sort of the vein that they were looking for and they didn't get there they didn't find it alright let's look up here that's as far as that goes and we have a winds that went down right there but it's all filled in with stuff that is collapsed from above my head here okay well so this one did not intersect with that lower adit but because that there is a because there is um rock falling down from higher up tells me we may have another added higher up so we'll have to search more of the hill okay all right we're just headed back out I'm taking you with me and there's the exit so should I take you folks with me as I work my way back out of this thing why not so I got a crawl on my belly and that's that one all right let's scratch em more let's scratch around more higher up on this hill and see if there's any other ad it's hiding around here okay I'll be back in a bit okay folks back outside that was fun goodness I gotta stop eating so many cookies if I'm gonna be squeezing three little tiny places like that maybe we should change the name of this channel hence instead of abandoned and forgotten places with change it over to watch the fat boys crawl into a hole yeah all right so I'm gonna work my way higher up this ridge line here and see if we can't find any more workings so if I find something I'll just meet you folks higher on up okay see you up there okay I worked my way a little bit higher up on the hill I didn't find another added or an open Stoke but I did find what they're looking for okay see this rock right here okay that's granite and you have a stringer of quartz running through right there and another stringer quartz running through right here but now let me see if I can get the camera in on it okay do you folks see if you look right in there those are silver sulfide crystals right in that vein right there okay this is what they're going after and here's another example of the vein right there in that rock makes me wonder if this was a silver mine I'm gonna work around this tree and then I'm not gonna go any higher cuz we're past oh wait a second okay here just about the time I was gonna give up looking here folks oh and here's that collapse we found remember we got further back up in there and I was when we took the the right-hand route and it all collapsed in there it is okay see that just about the time you give up well we're not getting in there because we know what that's all about we know where it goes we got something else right here they were digging they were chasing something okay and we got another one right over here let's see what this is and I was just about ready to turn around okay what do we have oh just a prospect they were peeling away the rock layers looking at that vein here it is right there yep okay well I just noticed over here well I mean to work out today huh we got a little trail going off that way I'm gonna head off that way maybe we'll get lucky meet you over there all right I'm continuing up to draw but I'm not finding anything else folks not seeing any waste rock piles looking off to looking off to my right here there's a road that switchbacks and goes up you can see a big waste rock pile over there on that hill so we're gonna have to check that out but now going back to the mind that we just crawled out of remember when we got in there we had a decision we got to that three way we went left straight or right okay now remember when I went left and there was that that wins that shot all the way down okay that is the access or the or pass that is going down to meet up with that lower adit right above the trestle and Orban that's what that is so that makes me wonder even if we did dig out that lower at it we know that it's an ore pass so all we're going to do is just get down in there it's going to flatten out and go straight until it comes into that that decline or that wins going down where they pass the order to the bottom and then took it out to it to the trestle so it might not be worth it's probably not worth digging that thing out I don't know I'm still contemplating it but in the meantime we have some other things around here I want to explore there's another waste rock pile on that hill and another one way over there so let's go let's go do them first I'll meet you back down by ol Bob back again real quick folks I want to show you something all right we're back at that decline that was when we got down in there remember it was collapsed okay now one time they had some sort of a winch set up right here okay and you see this tree here in front of me well how many minors you suppose sat at the base of this tree and ate their lunch while they were working this this winds or this decline right here so after operations were all over with they unbolted the winch and Auld it off down off the mountain but the guy that unbolted it he took the bolts had him in his hand he walked over to this tree look at this and he set him in the crook of this tree right here and here they here they lay after all these years still sitting there and they been here so long they're darn near I'm not gonna move him too much because they're almost like a part of the bark but they're they there they lay after all these years I'm so I suppose there's still some more oh yeah there's one right there yeah right there kind of cool this goes to show you how old these trees are okay working my way back off the mountain all right folks I'm back down here at the lower edit and the more and more that I looked at this look the situation over taken into consideration the size of the waste rock pile behind me as well as how much money probably went into lumber building that that Orban in that trestle all those clues kind of point towards this this or passes maybe a bit a lot larger than what I'm thinking it is so with that said there's really only one way to find out and that's to start digging all right I'll meet back up with you folks when I get this thing big enough to get my fat boy body through the hole okay I'll be back in a bit [Music] [Music] all right folks so I just spent probably oh I don't know 30 40 minutes digging this thing out I me a little pile here I dug it out far enough where I could get my body down in here so I could at least poke the flashlight let me show you what we've got I'll try to get in there for you look it there they blew it up it's all collapsed see that they had a bunch of squares set timbering back in there they probably set charges on the back of the mine and blew it up darn so well there's only one way to find out and that was to dig and dig down in there that's too bad especially after moving this great big look at the size of this boulder I had to move out of there it looks a pain in the butt darn okay well time to pack all the tools back to old Bob and we'll see if we can't find some more adits around this location I'll be back in a bit [Music] okay folks I got I jumped back into old Bob and we worked our way back down this dry wash if you look way up on the hill up there there's those waste rock piles ever we just came from but we have another mine here off to my right there's an old cabin right there and then over here they're supposed to be three shafts so let's explore this and see if maybe we'll get lucky and one of those shaft is an incline that we can get into but first I'll meet you over there by that cabin okay there's a little marker over here let's see what that's all about Oh federal mining claim corner monument that's what that says this whole cabins all about trying to read what it says on the door they're kind of hard to make out anymore okay no this is a cool thing it's a cool cabin here yeah so we had the miners bed was right over here that's where he would he would put his mattress a lot of stuff was brought in here later on that's an oil can some Coleman fuel a bunch of oh they brought in some nails to tack up the this tin looking stuff on the on the roof here okay but nevertheless it collapsed and over there there's a there's a dead pigeon okay all right oops an urban cabin yeah I'm definitely not gonna be walking on the ceiling of that okay over there is the three shafts um I was talking about I'll meet you over there all right so a moment ago we were just right over there by that cabin now we're here by these chefs got an old stone structure here with some artifacts that people have found exploring this area looking on the bottom of this trying to find a date and that one doesn't have one nope okay over here is that shaft I was telling you about and it's all well this is interesting I don't know if I want to walk out onto that folks it looks pretty old yeah it's a straight vertical shaft yeah I'm not walking out onto that wood no way that's too dangerous let's go up here and see what else we have another one we've got to be on somebody's patented claim here this isn't yeah I can peek down through the crack it's another vertical shaft again I'm not going to walk out on that there's supposed to be a third let's look up here yep there's a third again it's a straight straight vertical shaft go boy yeah I know you guys can't see down there you have to take my word for it but there's no way you'd want to walk out on that wood uh uh okay well that's it for here no incline chefs to crawl into its back in old Bob we're gonna work in behind this let's see where is it oh it's somewhere up here I think it's behind this Butte and then behind where you see all of that lava rock those layers up and over there yeah so let's head over that direction meet you over there all right folks were back up on the hill I took it took a drive up and over that the basalt plateau that where we just were and once I got up and over the other side I met up with this good fellow right here in front of us so he was coming down the hill and I was headed back up and so let me introduce you folks this is this is dr. Walton dr. Walton nice to meet you and Walt here he's got a mining claim right behind me and he was working his claim today so as I was headed up to explore those adits he was coming down and we met and he said hey I've got a I've got a location I'd like to show you so I followed him here and lo and behold yeah we've got ourselves uh again I got an old cabin right there and and then off to the right there's an adit down below so we'll be hitting that here shortly but I want to show you guys something real quick so doctor Walt has a travel companion and a pretty popular travel companion and her name's Bambi let me show you who Bambi is and some of you out there may know Bambi Bambi is a really popular goat but but Bambi passed away here or was alleged two years ago and dr. Walt here we had had Bambi you know how would you say well she went to the taxidermist and what they didn't need I took to a pet cemetery and had cremated okay so when it came time for me to pick up you know the goat mold you know I made arrangements with them to put the cremains inside so that she would ball be back together again I see okay it's back when we used to travel he would go everywhere with me the only place she couldn't go was like in a restaurant or into a market you know where they serve or sell food sure but everything every place else we went together so so so Bambi Bambi is is stuffed but she hurt her cremated remains are inside so her spirit may not may not be here but Bambi's still with us and dr. wall takes takes her everywhere he goes I think that's pretty darn cool yeah when we travel around together because of the velour upholstery in the cab yeah the cab was my the bed of the truck was the boxes were Bambi that was Bambi's living space was her space to travel this was my space no there you go well too cool no accidents in the cab now but Bambi was actually pet she was housebroken aha she lived in the house we ate together she slept in the bed just like a dog would knock alongside of me and occasionally she'd jump into the shower with me she actually likes the warm waters no kidding most goats are terrified of water because they can't swim swim like a rock but but she jumped right in there with you well there you there you go folks that's the story of Bambi the goat and dr. Walt takes her everywhere he goes now even in spirit well that's pretty darn cool well I tell you what I'm gonna peek through this cabin real quick and then we'll follow you down over to the addit how's that sound that had this claim aha back in the early 1970s I was this is the only shelter on this section of the mountain I say I was staying here even though this was somebody else's claim but I was maintaining the properties okay I was taking care of the cabin maintaining it replacing broken windows right holes like that so when I first met two gentlemen I explained myself I identified myself you know told who I was like where my claim was and they said they had no problem with it they could see what I'd been doing aha you know so they said you know yeah perfectly fine just to stay there yeah they didn't mind one bit let's that's cool yeah there you go well I'd love to take a look at it let's head over here real quick we'll look at that first the two gentlemen have had it army buddies oh they all army buddies from World War two that's who owned it okay sure sure even had a shower in the corner here well kind of a mate I see yeah yeah on this mountain this is a dry mouth mm-hmm so any water that you're gonna have up here you have to import yourself right so that's a lot it's hauling a lot of water up here just to take a shower and get fancy like that got some old bottles up there and a little hidey-hole I wouldn't even have noticed that unless you showed it to me well that's interesting yeah a good place to keep your keep your supplies cool haha okay let's look back we'll turn it around this direction folks yeah one time they had a wood-burning stove in the corner there no oh okay oh yeah I see still got a cooler in the corner is it full of beer oh darn it I see right with the springs holding it to the frame mm-hmm okay okay yeah I know what you're talking about okay this they just quit here pretty much for decoration you don't know no that's yep yep that's like around 1910 1915 in that area is when they were using that for vent pipe in mines yeah another little hidey hole door here oh very cool very cool oh there we go I can squeak through that and the other bedroom yeah and as they did oftentimes see all the cardboard on the walls folks that's that's cardboard from dynamite boxes often times they would use and recycle it and use it for insulation yeah that too yep yep very cool okay well one arm let's head on over to where the add it is alright I'll meet you over there pretty cool folks I'll meet you guys right over there okay we're working our way over to the edit really nice rock barbecue mm-hmm with a rock chimney which ended up in a big piece of stovepipe and it had a big quarter inch thick iron plate cooking surface and had a cast iron door for the wood feed off all fancy yeah yeah that's that's why in many of my many of my videos I make sure that I try to not show where the area is you know because there's so many people that do that type of stuff segments of bark seal barks doc he bolted to the sides of the truck frame that I was using for a road drag somebody came up with a cutting torch oh boy yeah yeah they had this all set up real nice look at that nice place to just get out out of the Sun right interesting 22 shell thing here okay all right well we'll keep working on over to the addit folks I'll meet you over there okay all right folks well me and dr. Walter we're headed over here to the Abbott there's a few rocks in our way apparently there's some more erosion has occurred since the last time the old doc was here oh yeah we can into that heck yeah you bet you okay crawling on the belly for a little ways but we can skinny down in there alright alright folks well I'm gonna switch out cameras real quick so and then I'll I'll meet you over here head it into the Edit be back in a minute all right folks let's explore this old mine with dr. Walton here just a moment folks sorry about that now this one we're gonna have them spinning in on my belly here there we go yeah that's better boy dr. wolf this is now I know what a prairie dog feels like where this section we're going through folks it's only about two and a half three feet tall and here yeah portal opening was maybe four foot tall mm-hmm maybe four foot tall once you've got past the slough yeah you can stand upright so so all of this is washed in here recently yeah she's probably been this last winds as we had all the road erosion and everything right cuz you had a you had a heck of a winner yeah this last this last winter breathe in a bug yeah what's wrong a little bit of fresh meat huh okay we'll just follow you right on in here that's right here used to be the powder storage okay that was your powder storage and then they stoped out a little bit of a stoped out area here all right a little bit muddy here okay stoked out here going up there and it looks like what they're burrowing in into here doc is a bunch of and ersite yeah it's all and ersite oh yeah yep look at all this silver sulfides running in that they're going after silver yep [Music] right about there so about 1820 inches of sulfites are your cool all right we'll keep following me in here somewhat enough I'm letting doc go first because it kind of gives you folks a sense of scale just goes to show you how much erosion washed yeah from the outside washed into this thing over the years but the time before that uh-huh about five years ago now I know we do the maintenance on this properties okay okay when I Texas I drift here first off this we're just left out here from that little Stoke down right from there all the way back into here was loaded with over 100 cases I'm brand new cases of dynamite no kidding somebody must have come in and they removed that well I can't figure we still had to jump out like we do now yeah over the top of the shaft and the portal was swept guard or wherever just barely a free for free to have the four-foot opening so how they moved at 100 cases of dynamite yeah I don't know I'm glad it wasn't me doing it oh geez no kiddin let's go back over here and take a look at let's look over here at the shaft folks I'll let you walk in there first doc so give the audience kind of a sense of scale that's neat I'd say so because the manway used to have a full set of ladders coming all the way down going over actually a second level down below this one okay yeah totally blocked off and it looks like looks like that drift goes a little ways further but that's about it sorry for all the coffin folks yeah there's your vein yeah this makes two like that that big stroke opening we were looking at from the others yeah yeah okay huh all right you couldn't reach the Mandrake and put your hand into the you know the main choices apartment you couldn't do it I see okay right here there used to be a little trapdoor lifts up against the board's here ah - a lot of you access to hoist up and down three before right that's yeah yeah now you have a whole bunch of debris that's come down and fallen and it's laying on top of that false floor yeah and so you're saying that goes down probably what another another hundred feet yeah yeah I'd like to maybe get over there and explore that drift but I'm not sure if I want to walk across all that debris that's uh that's probably too dangerous because that drift on the other side it only goes for another forty feet thirty forty feet and that's it Oh does it does it go around the corner yeah okay yeah probably not missing anything it's not yeah I see yeah probably not probably not a good idea to put any more weight on top of this false floor all right well you I'll tell you what I will follow you out I'm gonna let you go first so the audience has an idea of the scale of things okay yeah oh there's the gym pole pulley things oh oh and these these are the gym poles that were up on the surface yeah we got one in here help flying about if I mouse they're our friends yeah yeah they threw those gin poles down in the hole okay very cool all right I'm gonna circle back this way well I got a big old breath of here's our bat friendly neighborhood bat big breath of either dust or bugs folks that's why it was hacking up a lung there he is what do you know mr. bat yes I have just I put the mouse and in our last episode well photos the last year a couple back we had one and he was just screeching his head off making all sorts of noise right at the border of being able to be heard by you're right okay such a high-pitched tone yep but they do make a screeching John that can't be yeah the one we phone I think he was feasting on crickets and well he was just making all sorts of racket when I first got into the adit I thought that he was a it was a rattlesnake okay all right folks back to the fun part here I'm gonna work her way back on our bellies you know look at all this and ersite I just breathe in another book Holly I won't have to eat lunch today you think they might be suggesting something to you I'm like hey my audience knows that I'm a big-time mouth breather yes sir I always complain about making my audience listen to all my huffin and puffin you see how small this thing is folks welcome to the world of abandoned mine exploring I almost got her all right I think it's our turn sorry about all the bumpy camera footage folks I'm doing my best boy what a day for crawling in and out of mines that's the second one today all right folks we're gonna catch our breath I'll be right back okay back again folks made it out of the Edit with doc here and that's gonna have to do it for today's episode what do you think sir wasn't that was a lot of fun yeah we're gonna have to she was pretty choked off but we we scooted scooted in our bellies and we got into it now I just want to let everybody know doc here 73 years old okay and he scooted down into that added on his belly and got back up into that mind and we showed you folks the rest of that mine so I just I'm just pointing that out because I won't let you folks know that even when you're old you're not really old it's only in your head you know what I'm saying yes sir all right well I'm gonna get I'm out of here and doc I may meet you again sometime down the road and we'll stay in touch in you betcha and we'll stay in touch in the comment section on the channel so all right folks why I thank you for all for coming along and as always I appreciate my new subscribers thank you so much for coming on board each and every weekend and I'm not quite sure where we're gonna head off to next weekend I guess I guess it's gonna be a surprise but I'll see you folks then okay you guys take care now bye-bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Abandoned and Forgotten Places
Views: 89,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A&FP, Abandoned, Forgotten, Places, Mine, Mines, Tunnel, Exploring, Adventure, Hiking, Artifacts, Antiques, Geology, Prospecting, Gold, Silver, Quartz, Dynamite, Blasting, Adit, Gly, Bobbie, Quackers, Gly Coolness, Old Bob, Old Mine, Old Building, Gold Mine, Ghost Town, Abandoned Mine, Abandoned Mines, Abandoned Place, Abandoned Places, Forgotten Place, Forgotten Places, Mine Exploring, Abandoned Mine Exploring, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Abandoned and Forgotten Places, Abandoned & Forgotten Places
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 36sec (4236 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 31 2019
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