I FOUND A FLAWLESS WHITE ARKANSAS DIAMOND!! - Diamond Mining The Crater of Diamonds

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[Music] hey what's up everybody that last hole i dug went ahead and dumped everything right here by my cage i mean they're just not there was gravel but it's all the same roughly the same there's some small stuff in there but i came here in probe yesterday afternoon i found some really good stuff so you're gonna see the difference let's get to digging okay i got my wagon ready to go um got a few buckets about time to get about 30 more and we're gonna head on down to the new trench lots of good stuff down there to get wash tub is just about ready all right so i found some really good crunch can't show you where i'm at give the spot away i mean that's really good you can hear that crunch that's the best so far wow and this old can see it's the old pull tab it lets me know that there was somebody down here after it was a state park in the 70s to present day but this is an old campaign there was somebody here digging this gravel up so that's a good sign that it was good they didn't really waste their time back in those days all right i've been digging for a good 20 minutes and as you can see i have hit some really good stuff not bleached not sure how small the gravel gets i'm just breaking into it you want to work it down to this stuff and then you want to just you know leave all this to start filling up your buckets okay got down to the gravel check out this nail another reason why you wear gloves when you're washing your material in the water oh got three buckets filled more out time for a safety meeting i'll be back in a few okay i got seven buckets filled two four six seven and i've taken all the gravel down to the hard bank if you're a gold miner you'll probably do pretty good at the crater of diamonds because the diamonds are heavier like anything out here except the garnets and whatnot but just about everything else it's gonna go down to this heart i'm at the hard bank so there's nowhere for the diamonds to go i'm scraping this hardbank a little bit it's lamp right that breaks up and you know that's where the diamonds are formed in so there could be one in it all right i got six more buckets to fill up and i stuck my probe on down right there and the hard bank is another foot or two down this stuff here is like just some crazy stuff crunchy i've never seen this before i'm going to get as much as i can there's a small layer of gravel here and you can see it coming out over here and then it gets down to this fluffy lamp right with gravel and nails definitely something from the old mining companies so that's the update i will get these six buckets filled up and start carrying buckets to my cage get them washed hopefully see some diamonds there's no diamonds in this hole i may not be back to the crater for a long time when i'm washing my top screen i like to save some of the rocks like the little conglomerate that's a neat one lots of agate lots of agate in this gravel i like that a lot more agate a little burn up on that one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] okay i've got three buckets washed in about an hour i'm getting a lot of concentrate built up just from them three buckets it's looking pretty good that's where i'm at all right down to four buckets taking my lunch break as you can see this is so much different from my last video let me get out of the shadow a lot fluffier but there is gravel in here a lot of a lot of heavies i've seen it all i've seen all the good indicators haven't seen garnet okay i'm down to three buckets just washed the fourth one and here's the bottom screen that concentrates not too bad looks like a nice chunk of bear right that's a really good indicator lots of good red jasper even at the smaller size gravel which is really good i have faith all right one more bucket there's the cons okay i made the first three number two [Applause] a nail you know that nail's a heavy let me know if you see a diamond come on be there oh my gosh maybe maybe um got some shine to it okay just made five six and seven here's the fifth one not bad nice and packed in there the sixth and i was thinking that one may have been a diamond but it looked pretty coarchy quartz defied the seventh flipper good color i mean i like the way all this looks piece of metal all right number eight okay and here's number nine [Music] see right there okay so i'm was at the end of the tub there's just not even enough or a quarter of a flip and i made the flip my gopro messed up i'm on the cell phone but check it out let me know if you see the diamond right there on the flip oh man it's perfect it's a flawless i just got a nice flawless diamond thing beautiful yes all right successful trip at the crater of diamonds that is a flawless white i hope there's more we got a whole bucket to go through yet that is some excellent gravel oh it's beautiful there it is [Music] that was really awesome flipping a diamond for you guys i'm excited it's a 12 point to me it's flawless i mean there's no carbon or uh inclusions or anything that i can see here's the printout that's what it looks like through the microscope and there is the diamond so now you all know what it's like to see a diamond on the center at the crater of diamonds state park it's just a matter of time if you come out here and work material you'll get to experience the same thing i hope you all enjoyed what you've seen today it was a lot of fun and if you're not subscribed go ahead and subscribe so you don't miss any more diamonds that i might find and amazing crystals and gold be doing some gold mining next spring a lot of good stuff happening so make sure you hit that bell icon so you don't miss anything this is diamond miner iv and then i'll see everybody on the next video
Channel: Diamond Miner Ivins
Views: 190,609
Rating: 4.8180585 out of 5
Keywords: diamonds, mining, crater, rocks, rockhound, prospecting, digging, dig, minerals, diamond mining, digging for diamonds, crater of diamonds, flawless diamonds, uncut diamonds, arkansas state park mine, arkansas diamond mine, arkansas diamond field, arkansas diamond mind, arkansas diamond hunting, arkansas diamond digging, arkansas diamond state park, arkansas diamond mine finds
Id: K319D1euA6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 23 2019
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