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[Music] is it a diamond oh [Music] yep welcome back to another video miners prospectors and rock counters it's always good to see all of you back and if you're new to my channel welcome i hope you like what you see and you decide to subscribe we go to the crater diamonds and some of us may think well that's it no diamond well really once you get home your diamond search has just begun if you go to the crater diamonds you can classify the material and collect concentrated material through your classifiers which is washed clean gravel basically each person is allowed a five gallon bucket each day so in this video that's what i'll be doing is going through my material that i bring back from the crater diamonds each trip i go and we're gonna see if we got a diamond here at the house okay some people may never seen one of these it's a made-up name it's called the ceruka i call it my diamond screen this is actually to me a screen i'm not classifying the material it's just defined my diamonds so i call this my diamond screen here's all the gravel as you can see it's all been washed and it's all from the east drain so most of us lamp right we do have some good gravel in there and i believe a couple of these are centers only and we'll definitely see those when we start making the flips because the centers will be small to really big and that'll tell me i probably have already uh worked those and i want to thank everybody for uh all the views last month i was able to afford this table which we're going to fold out set up over here and i won't have to bend over and look at centers so thank you all this table is gonna come in handy okay i got at least i would say two three hours of work right here ahead of me i'm gonna take my diamond screen work the heavy minerals we'll flip them over here on the table pick out our diamonds a little bit of wind noise sorry about that i moved you all over there you just got to stay over there um plus that way you can see more oh my gosh those of you that have never done this you don't want a whole lot of material because you want to be able to have all this moving and when you're bouncing it in the water that gets all the diamonds to go down to the bottom because they're heavier [Music] all right perfect did not really cave in the table's not a good idea i made the flip here and all of this over here balanced up in the air i scanned over it first but you can see it's completely just not the way it was when i first flipped it all this bounced up man lots of good heavy indicators check out that little green rock chromium dioxide and this one over here you can see how it's all nice and packed in there let me know if you see a diamond and some of you may wonder how i get my gravel that i sell on ebay and i give to my patreons and giveaways this is it that's my search i just searched through that you know i know how to use a ceruka so my diamond the diamonds that i want to find should be visible if it's not that goes into the bucket i bag it up and ship it out here i will not be going over on the tray i grab my bucket here i'll take these heavies and that goes to my pay dirt i've had people reviewed i swear i don't know they say they found a diamond through my ebay gravel you can go back and look at my reviews but maybe they did some diamonds just aren't meant to be found by you i know i've missed several diamonds it hurts to think how big of a diamond i have actually missed my 1.03 carat i missed it at the crater diamonds i came home like i'm doing here now i did the flip didn't see it and something told me to go back over those centers and i'm glad i did because that's when i noticed it on the third time to look at the centers i seem it's just that diamond was buried and all the gravel it's not like it was just sitting right there on top being the formation and heavy like it was it was really hard to see but i say some diamonds aren't meant to be found by you [Music] unfortunately the table idea was not a good idea so i'm back to using these mats and the centers are looking pretty good letting these dry that's the best way to find your diamonds is letting all that dry because everything's shiny but once it dries the quartz and the barite and all that's gonna get really dull looking and dried out and the diamonds will keep shining here's a good example of spinel a little black rock right there and the one right below it see that really shiny black rock that's the spinel it will fool you as a diamond lots of spinel that's a good indicator because it's heavier compared to all these other rocks you can see how it works its way into the center a lot of times if you notice most of my diamonds are over here you know i rarely get them right here on the bullseye those bigger ones my one carrot was way over here so a little bigger diamonds can't always get through all this so you definitely want to check your outer ring of your bullseye for diamonds okay we're a few buckets down long process but check this out what in the world is that what is that so yeah notice that right off the bat kind of weird huh what's that whoa holy smokes let's dig this thing out and see what it is type of metal you know what that is uh leave a comment not sure what that is nothing else though quartz eight buckets left the centers are looking pretty good still that's a re-flip every time i scoop up the center i'll read flip that material and sometimes you'll get a few more heavies like that and i've actually got diamonds like that the really chewed up ones okay i've had these centers laying out for like two hours i forgot about them so they're fully dried been going to each one of them checking them out lots of good got all kinds of hematite in that one but over here on this one the last one i noticed something down right right over in here a little shiny let's dig that object out this could be a diamond it definitely has that metallic look so i have my awesome little spoon okay so let's get the spoon there it is a little diamond oh yep we have a nice diamond oh yeah that's a diamond let's get it got the finger oh yeah nice little ball cool okay we got a diamond at home going through the gravel it's a really nice one too look at that facets all the way around it that thing could be flawless that's a nice one i would say 15 point my guess oh i just dropped it get back little boy i just dropped that diamond oh here it is oh my gosh okay there's the diamond we have company crane buddy all right cool so you know your diamond can be hiding down in that gravel wow that's a nice diamond look at that thing it's like a soccer ball just like i've always wanted to find that soccer ball formation all right well time to head back to the diamond mine and get it registered after we finish the rest of the material yeah it could be about a 12 point it's it's hard to tell but that thing is just amazing look how awesome that diamond looks okay let's get some more we're going to take a look at this center here there's all the heavies we want chromium dioxide's in there it's a really small green rock that right there kind of looks like a diamond that just moved it one thing you don't want to do is disturb the pile because the diamonds will just sink into this stuff being so heavy and if it's a small diamond it'll really sink fast and if you try to dig it out with your fingers it'll just keep going down into the gravel that's why we use the spoon but yeah this gravel is loaded with heavy minerals that looks like a garnet right there a little small garnet possibly right there tip of my finger so we're seeing garnet it's chromium dioxide hematite we've found a diamond so far let's see how much magnetite's in here i have a earth magnet super strong magnet let's see what we can get out of this thing let me kind of angle it down like this oh yeah lots of uh magnetite let's see right there stuck to it still coming out of there let's go over here to this center [Applause] check it out it's really really uh pretty yeah i don't see any garnets in this one see what kind of magnetite we can pull out of this one oh yeah a whole bunch popping up sticking to the magnet there's the magnetite and that's a good way to get some of the heavy minerals out of your pile to help find your diamond the diamonds will not stick to the magnet okay so we found a diamond here at the house you never know what you're gonna have in your material so when you're at the crater diamonds you want to take your five gallon of bucket of material that's worked through the classifier than washed you just can't scoop up material from the field and then leave you have to process it through the classifiers and uh have it all washed don't ever just dump your buckets out because you never know there could be a diamond waiting for you here at your house i'm up to around 40 diamonds now and i would say maybe half or more have been found here at home digging through the centers doing the flips with the saruka so just some advice keep your gravel and take it home pour it out on a huge table on a dump it all out where you can look at every rock however you want to do it i won't be able to get all this worked if you'd like to see if i found any more diamonds jump over my facebook page and if i found any more diamonds i'll post it on my page diamond miner ivan's on facebook so be sure to jump over there give it a thumbs up every now and then i'll be doing random giveaways for those who leave a recommendation for my facebook page so if your name is already on the reviews or recommended my page in a positive way every now and then i'll do random giveaways so be sure to leave a recommendation to my facebook page i'll have a link in the description below you can click on that it'll take you straight to my facebook page all right everybody be sure and drop a thumbs up don't forget to subscribe thank you all for watching have a great evening and a night morning bye [Music] here's all the diamonds that i've registered every time you register a diamond they'll take a picture of it under the microscope and i like to save every one this one here is the six point nearly flawless there's a couple of spots of carbon on the skin a couple carbon internally but other than that it's a really nice diamond you see all the facets those are all facets natural facets from mother earth and this diamond here will be a patreon giveaway once we reach 10 total diamond gold and gemstone inspectors so one of you 10 will win this diamond we're halfway there we got five active right now so we get five more for a month this diamond will be given away to one of the lucky patrons this diamond here is really really nice one of my better diamonds it's got a few carbon spots right there in the center right in there there's the other side those facets were just unbelievable that thing was a four point or something like that and this is a 22 point brown this is my first diamond to ever get on a center and i found it at home when i got back from the diamond mine maybe my third or fourth trip after finding a diamond i came home and flipped this and it was sitting right there on the center two point ugly another ugly one six point here's a two point carbon ball here is a 42 point that i got recently out of 12 buckets out of the east drain two diamonds back to back you can go and check that video out if you haven't seen it it's also a giveaway video here's the other one so i got both of these diamonds on the same day back to back really cool it's like a new record nobody has ever done that before get two diamonds the same day exactly the same size and same color that was a pretty one kind of chewed up though there's a nice chewed up one here is my half carat my 53 point i guess i wrote it let me write everything down but yeah i got this out of five buckets after getting that 22 brown we looked at a minute ago i got diamond fever and i went down to the snake pit i grabbed five buckets i thought i'd go ahead and wash it my first flip my first diamond to ever get at the crater diamonds on a flip on my first day of my trip was this 52 or 53 point i think a 52 i don't recall but it was a really pretty diamond and here is the 12 point flawless that i got out of the south trench back in october of last year over a year ago got that diamond yeah i'm at the 40 diamonds all right here is a total of 40 diamonds the one i just found is 41. 29.9 two point that's a small one six point put these around seventeen point and now this one's upside down four point and here is my first diamond out of a hole the 33 white got in june of 2016. got this about six feet down out of twelve buckets of gravel that came by the uncle sam shovel two days after getting the 53 52 point i got this fancy yellow 11 point and here is my first diamond i ever found it's a one point very small there's another two point and a nice chunk of carbon two point here is the diamond that i recovered near the african wash i just put a video out with the diamonds back to back talking about the african wash and i got 18 buckets of that material and it was nothing but hematite and magnetite and this diamond was sitting way way off from the center here's a nice one small but it was a really clean diamond this diamond was prettier on the other side they took the picture of the wrong side this one right here is really cool this is like the closest to a mackerel that i've gotten to i mean this kind of has the mackerel form but not really you see the red look how that's got red in it nice reddish tint here's the other side and here is the big boy my 1.03 carat out of the east drain we dug a hole about oh six feet down i think i got 14 buckets out of that one had several diamonds got three diamonds a 17 point a seven point and a 103 i turned them in beginning of january of 2017 and i was king of the hill for about three weeks and a man from maryland george who was about 75 years old knocked me off with a 1.40 carat diamond rest his soul all right so there's all my photos that i found so there's all the photos of my diamonds and the one i just got makes 41 total [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Diamond Miner Ivins
Views: 32,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diamond, element, gemstones, dig, digging, mine, mining, new, age, video, crystals, rockhounding, prospecting, adventure, treasure, arkansas, state, park, searching, rocks, magnetite, barite, lamproite, calcite, agate, spinel, garnets, diamond ore, heavy minerals, digging diamonds, searching diamonds, finding diamonds, diamond mining, arkansas diamonds, snake pit, easr drain, flawless diamonds, uncut diamonds, white diamonds, yellow diamonds, brown diamonds, carat weight, carat cut, crater of diamonds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 1sec (1501 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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