How to Find and Pan for Diamonds

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[Music] I'm back at one of our favorite hunting spots for gold but I'm not looking to go today well if I see gold of course I'm going to keep it but I'm mainly chasing after diamond that is the spot where I found a couple of diamonds and this area had been cleaned out by prospectors looking for gold recently there was a big flood here again so all these rocks that you see on top now have all gone because of the recent floods these are new deposits and when you have new deposits like this there's a big chance that there's going to be new deposit of gold and of course hopefully diamond there's a bloke out there with a long beard good eye John hello okay so the friend of ours chasing after the yellow stuff he's from Audrey blog perspect ha or Eureka prospecting he's got the best pay dirt in Australia so if you want to buy some pay dirt with gold and gemstones in it here's a blob city John is scratching around there and hopefully he gets the mother lode over there but let's go back to my diamond there's some nice-looking iron throne so I'm just hoping that this is actually not someone else's painting so this is what I like to look for so these are sort of indicator concentration or heavy rocks basically so I sell so hopefully we get some nice loose dirt in the bottom of it that will hold some wash and it is quite dry so what I like to do in this scenario oops hang on let's apply some nice orange concentration of variable the diamond that I found here were only very small so the tiny so whether there's going to be big ones here I don't know okay so that might look like a good trapped so I'm gonna clean out this area being optimistic to person ever now I'm gonna have a quick seat and I'm just going to do a backwash slowly and when there's diamonds in it you know it is cause it is really like I do you see my one speck of gold [Music] do they see the tiny tiny there somewhere okay well Specter anyway any diamonds no nothing so one speck of salt it can go back to the river for the river goes okay so this is my second hand okay so now I'm going to have a fake there's a couple of pieces of goals that is one two three four but I don't see any sparkly sound I'd like to keep the bigger rock there sorry I can't do it that way so that way it will hold if there's any diamonds there with all the diamond better because gold will sustain the bottom but diamonds got lower specific gravity so it will tend to get washed off sometimes so now having those heavier iron stones their help to keep them in the pan or make them stay in the pan so the goal is variety I know is ready at the front end of that but then the diamonds if any okay so it's linked but it's not fine tend to sometimes want to jump out of the pen okay shall we get rid of this bit and okay so no diamond just go now I'm going to have to have a close look for diamond tiny tiny diamonds me the Scorpion could find even a tiny 1 millimeter one but [Applause] [Music] it is not easy so over these that we've been coming near I've only ever found two from this area so anyway the gold can stay there I'm not even going to bother taking it out of the pan but I'm going to get some more material so just wash number two I've done my fifth pan now and still nothing so I've given up in this spot so the areas I mean right now I've done a test pan earlier and it's showing good color for go and things are not really Africa and after silence I actually have a better chance of finding it here because there's a lot of telltale signs a lot of heavy rock ions down from the surface you can see even though someone has studies up but it looks like even from this area here there's a lot of heavy that's how we're deposited so I'm going to concentrate my app is here and it's only a short man so probably in about two and three meters pressure below so the spot I'm reading here is where someone previous thing adults have taken somewhat and probably put it through the high bank are because of all detailing or pile of malakut that's in the corner there so they just took the top or the EP was off and did not pay attention to the remaining what's in the bottom so now I'm going to do from crevices and try and get some wash as you can see all that iron stone and okay so if I scraped it through that some old washed-up crap in there that they need not bother because it's too fiddly but that is where the concentration or so and also because any diamonds would be so that's okay actually now if I don't as you can see that so straight away I've read it's out we're going to do a point so the tip there but it's a nice flake of gold that's now gonna go into my pan and again gonna get my rope slicer here and see that first region take success because we're not really after goals we're after joining so I just want a time you want to show you that there is diamonds in this area as well so now I've got a good concentration wash my pan so I'm just going to go wash it but you can see that is all very dust all wash has been here for a while so if I if I'm going to find any time is at all times that it's in this sort of wash that I'm going to find them now I am a little bit depressed because this thing here if I can't get to show you there's going to no diamonds feel even a tiny little 1 millimeter and nothing all I got it so only them gold so if you can see that but there's quite a few so there's at least if I have to count that ago ten Sweezy at least 50 bits no diamond still so now I'm going to give this to the drawing he's got this icing container support it's about 55 at least in their accounting so far effects right now and is that the whole now that's good Georgian this more here come on good quarter they were just a few hood is about six kill in there every little bit counts Oh notice those two okay thank you there you go and the boss why do you want some vial you are buying it for throwing it away you're just talking it old back to the river God not fair it's not even that it's like a pony God in the corner he wasn't doing his horses anything I'm going to give you as well it doesn't matter it's the best place to go doing the video because you know why every Tom Dick and Harry comes here and John Wall and me it's hope leaving probably he tenth or twentieth look at the flies in the pan and he's just been chucking it all back here normally yeah for a nice big flaky in the corner [Music] it will deceive me or do you want another bottle much quicker instead of a boil the pigment seems that's the one I saw in the cool new Z I got more than that you don't see lies about 60 but I stopped counting at 55 [Music] yes see and I got it's probably I recommend up new pockets but anyway I'm going to go back there here you know what I finally found what could possibly be a piece of tiny diamond but I didn't really find it so what we're doing a bit of hard banking and I was delegated to watch the concentrate to them and that's where I found this piece or I feel so but but I feel I take it home and have it tested I couldn't be a hundred percent sure that assignment but chances are it will get me 60% chance or being diamonds and to show you how small ready so that only about a couple of millimeters better I drop it so but goes to show that there is diamond in this area it has been recorded but Alzheimer's but it's very very rare to find diamonds here so you have to do a lot of work [Music] and the water goes through a holding area over there they just go to deliver [Music] and everybody's way way way over there and it's still nice Lisa [Music] you
Channel: Liz Kreate
Views: 1,303,334
Rating: 4.4920435 out of 5
Keywords: Diamond, Mining, How to find, Where to find, Prospecting, Fossicking, Digging for diamonds, Looking for diamond, diamond mining, gemstones, gold, diamonds, gems, digging, panning, gold panning, sluice box, sluicing, tailing, gold fever, digging for gold, garrett, gold pan, panning for gold, looking for gold, mining equipment, gold mining tools, mining tools, equipment, highbanking, digging for gemstones, gold nuggets, gold rush, prospectors, game of stones
Id: G56Z1OQBozQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 11 2017
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