Diamond Mining at The Crater Of Diamonds - January 2020

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hey everyone welcome back to another video I'm at the crater a diamond state park and today I'm going to fill up sixteen buckets of material off the surface I won't be digging a hole when you scrape the surface you can get just as many diamonds and a lot less work hopefully that'll be the case today so stick around and maybe you'll get to see me find another diamond okay so what I'm gonna do first is check the east drain which is right here when you walk out onto the field it's the first drain that's the east drain that has produced the most diamonds from all the other places you can dig out here this has produced the most most of mine that I have found came from this east drain I'm up to thirty diamonds kind of look around and see if there's some gravel to get I don't really see a whole lot showing you know there's quite a bit right here a lot of silt that's what I don't want my bucket is all that now all this stuff you know so I'm gonna kind of walk around and try to find the best spot to get our material for it today and get that big shiny two carat after a good hard rain that your best odds to finding a surface fine that diamond will just be shining away and all you have to do is pick it up that's one of my goals before I hang up my booth is to try to get a surface find you won't get them if you're not looking just see a lot of nice gravel right here just all just piled up right there got some agate Jasper all kinds of good stuff we're going to set up at the south wash pavilion today okay I'm in the new trench that was made in October I'm at the very south end of the park and what I'm going to do what I'm going to do is all this has ran downhill right along here and I'm gonna go and scrape up all these blow spots all these wash outs and clean all that gravel out get all this gravel up and just scrape these bottoms here it's just loaded with gravel so that's the game plan time to fill up some buckets okay I'm out of breath like always out here as you can see I have my buckets pretty well spaced out where I think I can get some gravel lots of gravel here sweet get all this got some red see some red that's good lots of red so I'm gonna kind of focus on just this area right here and see if I can get a diamond I [Music] don't know I may just get all of this stuff right here it's the same stuff as when you dig a deep hole it worked really hard for it's right here you don't have to do all that work and it does it happened that often here at the crater of diamonds so I may just work on getting as much of this that I can all the buckets filled up total of 16 now it's time to get them up to the wash station okay I got two buckets washed and as you can see it doesn't look like much in there just a bunch of clay 20 see what's in this notice all the gravel that was trapped in all that clay and this over here was some gravel that James Archer was after because how do I know that because I found an old Dr Pepper can with the old pool tab and that was his favorite drink out here was dr. peppers so if James Archer was in this stuff it's probably some pretty good gravel you can notice here all the red Jasper lots of red Jasper so I can't wait to get this stuff worked okay here is the bottom screen noticed all the gravel nice piece of quartz look at all that growl oh I'm just down here at the pig pen area letting my feet dry get some air there's been some really big diamonds found in this area okay this stuff I'm washing is really difficult to wash full of clay and it's taking like 20 minutes a bucket I would say and I may run out of time to get them all washed but that's okay I'll get what I can get done and that's all you can do out here well it looks like I ran out of time today those buckets were very hard to wash lots of clay the gravel is unbelievable so hopefully it'll produce a diamond so I will be finishing that up at the house because I wasn't able to finish doesn't mean I can't take this material home each person is allowed one five-gallon bucket of your concentrates so I'll take them home and get them Center it up and see what I got we'll see you back in Texas Texas now we're going to work the material through some more classifiers there's so much gravel in that clay and there's still a little bit of clay I need a break up so I have one more classifier I have two here people just use one these are my number six and the number ten and when I say number six and their attendants meaning the wire age that's how you go by in a stream in my wire gauge that's a number ten wire could fit through that and the number six and wire could fit through this so we'll just break it through the down through here that'll help get the clay and then go back to this bottom screen here here's the set then I have the crater and we'll use this bottom screen to catch everything and then use the Sarika here is the gravel just see how much is in there so it's gonna be a good idea to go ahead and classify this one more time okay so I have my two screens and I don't have my paper it on I'll be careful I don't want to get wet too much redoing that chunk of Jasper so this will help get everything separated I'm in way too much super thick just crazy all the clay I want to get all that clay out there's gravel in that clay there could be diamonds in that claim dinner just so much gravel it seems to be the bigger rocks are now just here is the top screen as you can see all the smaller rocks have fallen through seeing a big diamond target doesn't mean there isn't one I'm gonna put this in a bucket and the bottom screen okay here is the bottom screen and look at all that gravel focus like crazy let's grate the bottom nuts ah gonna let spinel solid spinel that's a good sign spinel is one of the best heavy indicators you can get all right good deal I'm excited to get this stuff centered up I have the gravel separated from the number six screen to my number 18 another tsuruga that I made and it's a number 32 screen very small I wanted to be able to make centers with the silt out of the bottom of this number 18 because there's diamonds that small that are under a point so I wanted to get every little diamond you can get so I'm gonna put the number 18 back in the water and go ahead and get these two buckets Center it up and see what heavy minerals we have we've seen a lot of spinel which is a very good sign I realize I had that much spinel or I'd go back out of state and got all that gravel so when I go back hopefully it'll still be there that was on the far north end so remember I was on the far north all right time to get this centered up and see if we have a diamond or two I have this floor mat that I like to flip my centers on that way I don't lose any material and it's basically all I use it for it's already got a nice little padded surface so I'll just throw that over here we'll start with the big stuff like a piece of ice but it's a good bounce and get aggressive now get that diamond and heavy minerals a sink you don't do it it's not gonna sink water drain [Music] two flips out of the bigger material that's all we had was two you can see there normally you won't see spinel this size or you will see beright and if you do see spin over that size you're in a good spot and same with the beright calcite would be good calcite it's not a good indicator but you have the size of that it may not be a bad idea to dig in that area here's more of the heavies over here in this pile you can see right there right here that looks like a big diamond look it is a big diamond I very keep it a secret that would be a over a one carat okay here's the first one of the smaller screen the bottom screen [Music] [Music] this is number three a little bit not enough for a center but we'll take some of this material over here and put it in the bucket to make it a full flip there is hematite out there and the hematite is not magnetic at least not at the crater of diamond there's magnetite which is and then there's hematite which is a very good indicator one of your best with the magnetite so we're get a magnet here in a minute and see if any of that is magnetic and if it is you have magnetite but if it's not the hematite is really good as well I once found some material at the crater from the old African wash that's the big rusty piece of equipment out in front of the Visitor Center it's right out front and I got 18 buckets of that and it had a quarter carat diamond in it and the center's were just solid hematite and magnetite I will scoop these up and first let's take a look at them and then we'll scoop them up okay that's what we have left Center up in Flint so I'll need to take some of this material that's right remove the center's and here's the first flip we'll take some of this stuff and add to that to help make a full making a full flip and you can just see all that dark that looks like a giant big chunk of spinel right there that's crazy it's probably the biggest chunk of spinel so a matter of time this will probably spit out a diamond and you want to wait for your centers to dry because everything shiny when you flip it and everything else is gonna dry out and look pretty dull and the diamonds will still shine there's flip - not bad I got the third one there's the center like some more heavies over here not too bad alright I'm gonna double-check these and get them scooped up and get that last one flip okay I'm on the third flip and that there's something really Brown like a brown looking diamond right I'm not sure if y'all can see that right at the top where my finger was right in here right there at the bottom of my thumb there's a brownish looking diamond a brownish it's got a look of a brown diamond and almost it is a diamond yet I just noticed it so I'm going to try to scoop that out and put it to the test he just made the last Flint of the smaller stuff and got the heavies in the gold pan I see what we got the bottom of the bucket is normally the best when you've traveled five hours to get home all that heavies settled you can see there's a lot of stuff to look through on the tray some good-looking stuff I may have to go back and keep working in this spot sometimes it takes 40 buckets to get a diamond okay I made the flip from the bottom screen and look at all that spinel so I'm in a good spot it'd be nice to see all this Bunnell in my larger screen when I say large like I'm just you know the number 16 like this Arouca that's a good indicator just to have this much of it let's see see if we can get down closer isn't that crazy do you see a diamond what I have here is a earth magnet very strong and we're gonna see if there's any magnetite oh yeah look at all that just so we do have magnetite some more over here couple that side now so looks like we have a lot of hematite the shinier black rocks but now so we have a lot of good heavy minerals I may need to go back and just work another twenty buckets to get my diamond well that's it for now the winds starting to pick up I hope you all enjoyed what you seen today the gravel was really good we've seen a lot of spinel which is very good a lot of magnetite the hematite is good just didn't see any diamonds but you can't really expect to get a diamond out of that few buckets it takes average twenty buckets to get a diamond go ahead and give it a thumbs up if we could get 200 likes on this video I will make a trip to the crater of diamonds and dig where I found a half carat diamond and five buckets and that's called the snake pit I'll take everybody to the snake pit and we can really get some big diamonds in that area until next time everyone take care hey I'm at the Diamond Discovery Center and if you look over here you can see a man named Marshall wreaths and a lot of you may wonder how I got my nickname diamond miner eivin's it was this man right here talk to Marshall for a good couple years and he's the one that gave me the nickname this man found it over a thousand diamonds one year probably a total of about 3000 diamonds you can pause this and read it very knowledgeable diamond miner
Channel: Diamond Miner Ivins
Views: 51,161
Rating: 4.8356166 out of 5
Keywords: diamonds, mine, dig, digging, rockhounding, prospecting, minerals, gemstones, mining, arkansas, crater of dianomds, digging diamonds, arknasas state park mine, vidoe, new, age, crater of diamonds state park, diamomd miner ivins, prospecting diamonds, arkansas state park diamond mine, diminds, crystals, quartz, DMI
Id: yNY6Rc0ZcEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 49sec (1549 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 03 2020
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