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so we looked at the diamond on this flip and i come over here to check this one out and sure enough we have a diamond right there folks look at that one it's a nice roundish diamond so we're gonna get these pulled out and go get them registered and weighed look at the recent fines one carrot one carrot nine carrots check out that walking stick the size of my hand [Music] hey everybody welcome back to another video i'm at the creator of diamonds i've been down here for several days now working material from the snake pit let's take a look at what i got going on here here's my workstation i've been at it this is my second day to wash i just washed i believe oh 14 buckets here's 12 buckets we're about to go fill up 12 buckets at the very beginning of the snake pit that's where we're at we're back at the crater of diamonds i've been working material out of the east drain that's where the african wash once was set up and we'll take a look at the african wash here in a minute in the video the african wash would break down a lot so they'd have to scoop that material off and would forget about it i actually found some of that material and i got 18 buckets of it and it produced a quarter carat diamond and my centers had no quartz there was nothing white about it it was all hematite magnetite so far today i've got a couple of buckets of concentrated material hopefully there's a diamond or two in it okay i'm going to grab these other 12 buckets and head down to where that african wash was once set up [Music] okay i had to drain my tank my wash tub started to bow in so i had to do something i had to get all the silt removed and now we are ready to head down towards the snake pit area get those 12 buckets filled up add to the pile i'm making my way down to where the old african wash station was set up and it's right there where all those people are in that general area the old african wash was set up in that spot i have found some really good material so let's get down here see what kind of diamonds we can get here's the african wash that was set up in the area that we're getting our material looks like they would feed material maybe in through here and if this would rotate break apart the uh material who knows maybe it was spinning and the heavies were coming out of that this looks like it could have been a drain i'm not sure exactly how this thing operated but i know they used it to find diamonds but here we have another compartment where material would fall out so that could be where the heavies were coming out of since it's at the bottom but anyways that's the african wash it would break down quite a bit and they'd have to scoop out the material and it would be laying all around the place and they never went back and got it all as you can see here in the photo it's all hematite and magnetite and hopefully we get the same thing out of this gravel and here recently there was a 2.73 or a 2.78 carat found about 30 yards from shirley strong's shovel so that would be somewhere in this area where that diamond was found but it looks like the african wash area is uh taken we could definitely work some of this spot inside bend okay i've been walking up and down this stretch and lots of gravel lots of gravel under there so i think i'll just work on a little bit of this inside right here and everything up here seems to just be loaded [Music] uh [Applause] there i've been going at it for a while now you just see all the gravel coming out of here so this could be a pretty good spot where that african wash always won't set up everything looks really dark and black that could be the magnetite really good indicator plus the hematite's black and the spinel i've been digging straight down normally we hit the lamp right but this spot right here it's just loaded with gravel so i'm gonna keep working this little area see what we can get out of it okay i got the 12 buckets filled you can see i just focused on this area right here because the gravel just kept coming out of the hole so i just kept digging maybe we will get a diamond or two okay got all the buckets hauled up to the wash station probably won't be able to get them all done it's around probably two in the afternoon let me get what i can get done come back out tomorrow we'll get this stuff centered separately from what i've been working on i got a huge tub in the back of my truck full of gravel i got those buckets there full of concentrated gravel to work we should be seeing some diamonds this trip that's a good thing about hurricane season that brings the rain and the rain washes out the diamonds okay i just got the first bucket wash i'm gonna use my scooper and i've got everything all the head i have all the heavy minerals settled to the bottom so let's scoop it and see what we got oh yeah we got lots of uh good indicators i even see spinel lots of spinel and the other buckets could be better all right i got six buckets left here's number six the top screen got a really nice agate on that one that's why you want to save all your big rocks when you're out there scooping up your material you never know what you're going to get yeah agate's really cool you could polish that up you could cut it then polish it let's get this jasper that would look really cool polished lamp right all this stuff right here is the uh lampright which is the host for the diamonds it comes in all types of colors just so happens where i'm at it's that color it's like another piece of agate okay i want to save that may give that to a patreon so you never know you may see that in your thank you bag for supporting me on patreon ain't no diamond on this screen darn oh that's pretty cool check that piece of quartz out you never know what you're gonna get okay we are back out at the crater it rained really hard last night probably got three four inches of rain this is my breakdown pile that i got going on about two days of work so that's where i'm at i got to get everything out of my cage i just got here get set up we've got four more buckets to wash out of the 12 and then we'll start working on centers over here and see some diamonds like i said if i had a video that would reach 10 000 views i would be giving away a set of classifiers that i make these are the light series they're 12 inch wide by 24 long and around three and a half deep um number 16 on the bottom and number four on the top and that's perfect for the diamond mine because all your two carrots are going to go through here and all your diamonds are going to fall through there and three carrots and up will be on this screen they work great for other gyms good for uh sharks teeth fossils you name it all aluminum they've got custom bins so yeah i'm going to give a set of these away it's the top of the line it's got the 304 stainless steel mesh so you could probably stand on this and it will not bust through but i wouldn't recommend it so once again thank you all for uh all the views on the ruby mountain video i never thought it'd have 17 000 views within three weeks that's incredible and i'll be announcing the giveaway for these for the classifiers and also the obsidians on october 31st i'll make a video doing the random comment picker you can go to my facebook page and see who won so once again thank you all for the support also the arkansas diamond giveaway will be announced on october 31st be looking out for that video to make a comment so yeah once again just uh subscribe leave a comment on this video here and you'll be entered to win these classifiers so good luck everybody and thanks again [Music] so far we've got a two buckets of cons going a little bit in that bucket and we got four more buckets to wash that won't take me but 20 minutes there's at least four to five inches of rain last night and it really really fast i mean it came quick i'm gonna do some surface hunting plus i need to wait for my apron it's soaking wet left it in the back of my truck like the inside i don't want the inside wet it's to keep me from getting wet so yeah i'm gonna walk around on the surface see if i can't pick me up a surface fine that's one of my goals out here is to get a surface find over a carrot definitely don't want no little bitty teeny tiny diamond you can't see i want to be able to see the diamond come off the surface and normally when people find diamonds on the surface they're big i will catch all of you in the east drain all right i'm out here on the search field you see all the water standing lots of rain last night just what we need for the diamonds to pop out of the gravel help the gravel pop out of the mud and then that'll allow diamonds to be found because at one time at the crater diamonds everybody was set up right in here washing material just like i am up there i had 60 people lined up right here washing away so i mean there's diamonds out here in this stuff but like i say we've been set up for the past 15 20 years up there and all the rocks have been coming down there could be diamonds out here in this stuff no doubt but a lot of its tailings okay we are now making our way to the spot that i was digging at to get the 12 buckets and just look at all this gravel and yes some of this could have already been processed and some of it has not you can find diamonds in the water a lot of the times the diamonds are trying to swim out so they're up in here at all this gravel coming out of that right out of this trap this is a good spot to find diamonds if you want to come out here to the crater just come to this spot right here you'll get plenty just get as much material you can and you will get diamonds down here okay to be honest i can't really tell i had to have been right up in here yesterday so this looks like my spot i was digging up into and it's just completely filled up again with gravel this whole inside bin needs to be cleaned jasper lots of agate down here but you see all this top fluff got gravel in it it's got all kinds of heavy minerals there's gonna be a diamond in this stuff right here now this stuff over here is a different story it's kind of lighter material when that water came out of that channel all the heavy stuff dropped out of this inside bend right here but don't get me wrong there could be diamonds in that this looks like a really good spot to come get some material right up in all this holy smoke this is diamond city right here guys this is good gravel i need to come get it all these piles that's what you're looking for all right i'm just up a little ways from where i got the grout gravel from yesterday and i've been cleaning all these low spots all through this area there's been several big holes dug right here in the last year or two and anytime they dig deep holes they bring out diamonds and i cleaned all these low spots there's even a spot over here yeah right here this was a pretty deep cavity just full of gravel it just kept then it finally got the clay i got a lot of that right there that's all you do follow the low spots because the diamonds are going to fall in all these lower areas so in other words i've added six buckets to the four so that's ten better get up there and get the washing at the buckets ready to go here's the four from the 12. and then this morning i seen some really good gravel that i wanted to get and we'll get those flip those separate probably maybe one or two flips all right let's gear up [Music] all right let's get these buckets washed it's always good to have a little bit of clay because the diamonds get pressed into the clay see all the clay and it's got gravel in it it's got gravel we could have diamonds huge chunk of jasper and i saw a really pretty agate going to the other six buckets that's what helps having these multiple classifiers it chops that clay several times if you just had the three eighths in the bottom screen your bottom screen is going to be loaded with clay it's going to take longer to process so it's good to have this breakdown screen because that slices the clay and then now the 3 8 is going to help break the clay before it gets to the bottom screen all you got to do and you'll get your diamonds it's always good to give the screens a bounce that gets everything to the bottom far as the heavies and start scrubbing the material through the classifier i always like to balance it before raising it up and then i'll slowly go through this screen looking for three carrots and up [Music] and i goofed these tubs are already starting to bow in and i've got one bucket washed so i gotta empty the tub and have the wash tank just sitting on these tubs if that's not going to work i used to have the center blocks i guess since they're wider and i would double the tubs i try something new all right getting delayed hoping to get this done today [Music] do okay bucket number three top screen really nice piece of agate showed up you know what all the agget that i find in this video and that i save i will give it away just be sure you have subscribed like and leave a comment got the four buckets done there's some of the concentrates from it from those 12. got the other buckets in the cage so right now i'm gonna go see if i can't find some material back in here people have been working and nobody's been here for like a week so i can go get some of that fine material make me a saruka bed right in here start doing centers okay the saruka bed is made [Music] [Music] so made the first three flips there's the first one not all that great but we do see a lot of uh darker heavies which is good magnetite hematite there's some spinel always seeing spinel that's good there's some hematite alright magnetite more hematite definitely in some pretty good stuff that's why there's diamonds found in the east drain because there's heavy minerals like we're seeing let me know if you see anything that'll catch your eye man these centers are looking good all right been working on the concentrate we're getting down to just a few flips left these have been drying for a little while and i believe i have a diamond folks right there where my finger is see that that's a diamond we got us a nice one right on the flip check that one out oh sweet all right successful trip at the crater of diamond state park once again we still have material to go through but that right there is definitely a diamond [Music] and it's not very small that's close to about a 45 point i'm gonna guess maybe a maybe a 35 is my guess awesome [Music] okay so we looked at the diamond on this flip and i come over here to check this one out and sure enough we have a diamond right there folks look at that one it's a nice roundish diamond so we're gonna get these pulled out and go get them registered and weighed wow never had two diamonds back to back like that that is so cool now it's time to use the good old handy spoon and we're just gonna take it and scoop the diamond up because you do not want to use tweezers there we are we have our diamond in the spoon let's come over here and let's scoop this one up oh that thing is beautiful okay i just scooped up the other diamond i got both diamonds in the spoon now they're both in my hands check those out folks two pretty good sized diamonds right there in one day out of the east drain oh that is so awesome yes they look like they're both white diamonds but this guy right here man that's got some weight to it i'm gonna guess that's a 30 i'm gonna guess that's about a 35 maybe a 40. they're they're close gonna be they're both gonna be close in the 40 point range my guess let's hope they're bigger let's go for a 50 but uh just a little small for a 50 point half carat all right let's go get them registered okay i'm in here with the diamonds under the microscope got the cards here that are the diamonds and then they show up right here on this screen really good you can see the facets [Music] the first diamond that i found on the centers white got some carbon that's that black and we're going to soak this in hydrochloric acid and see if we can't remove that carbon and here is the other diamond you can see that basset just really shining one side's chewed up pretty good but it's still a really nice looking [Music] diamond down to half a bucket of cons but the centers are looking better check these out not bad lots of good indicators oh okay here's the top screen a bucket 1900. here's a really cool piece of agate it almost looks like fire agate you can see all the little bubbles that are formed on it that's a really cool piece i'm going to give all the aggot away so don't forget starting to get several pieces and here is all of the agate i was able to save we didn't see this one in the video man that's going to be an awesome one if you used to get that cut and polish it i mean just that it's so cool this one here we got to see in the video it's really cool these are all really really pretty i may not have got back with that really big one i don't know where it went this one right here is really cool see all the different layers but yeah i'm gonna give all this agate away to one lucky commenter so there'll be two separate winners in this video who knows i may even have a third winner and it might be some dmi merchandise okay we got to see two diamonds in this video that was so much fun i'm glad i finally found some decent sized diamonds those are 42 points almost a half a carrot and 12 buckets you can't beat that and i still have some material to go over on the tray i may find another one so that would be really cool i hope you all enjoyed this video don't forget to subscribe and leave a comment and you'll be entered to win the light series classifier set so like i promised i'll be giving away a really nice classifier set i hope you all enjoyed the video and until next time take care everybody thanks for watching [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Diamond Miner Ivins
Views: 207,100
Rating: 4.8689151 out of 5
Keywords: diamond, elements, gemstones, dig, digging, mine, mining, crystals, rockhounding, adventure, treasure, arkansas, state, park, searching, rocks, magnetite, barite, diamond ore, crater of diamonds, digging diamonds, diamond searching, diamond mining, arkansas state park mine, east drain, snake pit, flawless, white diamonds, yellow diamonds, brown diamonds, valuable gemstones, aquamarines
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 52sec (2092 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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