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just covered in druzy just a really awesome piece never found anything like this before at the crater diamonds wow that looks like a diamond right there there it is under the microscope welcome back to another video miners prospectors and rock lovers it's always good to see each and every one of you we're gonna go dig where a lot of one carrots have been found so i hope you stick around and if you like what you see i hope you subscribe to decide i mean i hope you decide to subscribe if you'd like to see more videos like this be sure and drop a thumbs up all right we're gonna get down and get dirty yeah we're gonna be going for some gravel that's really rich i mean there's been several one carrots pulled out of this stuff half carrots just about everybody that digs in this stuff gets really nice diamonds so hopefully we can succeed and see some diamonds looks like they got the field plowed up pretty good we got a new road going to the east drain which helps a lot makes it easy for us to get to our cages that we pay a lot of money for you know we're paying a lot of money for those cages and it's nice to be able to have a road to get to it and not wear out our wagons thank you crater diamonds for putting in this road we appreciate it it's about 8 15. we've already got this much done this is where we're working today i brought the special tool to rip up the material once we get down to it plus this helps get the hole dug say hello to the destroyer this thing can rip some ground these are about a foot and a half long it's just taking chunks out of the ground so it really helps while we're digging in the ground all right it's about 8 30 this is where we're at almost to the gravel there's hurricane hardin this is his first time to dig with me i think it's his first time ever to be out here first time yep he's a first timer we've been at it for a good 30 minutes we're almost to the gravel and it is definitely time for a safety [Music] meeting [Music] been at it pretty hard it's about 10 minutes until 10 o'clock i can walk right down in here and i can walk right out if i had to so there's nothing wrong with this hole and we're at the gravel taking a break from digging that huge hole you always got to stop and get a breather notice a lot of trash laying right here in this snake pit area come on if you're going to bring something out here take it with you did i get tired of picking up people's trash dumpsters out of every pavilion pretty much at the wash station they got them just right up around this corner there's an orange trash can you can throw this stuff away i mean i walked over here and there's trash all up along this tree line look at all this plastic bottles i mean if i had time i would pick all this stuff up that's all i'm asking if you bring it in haul it out or go throw it away at the dumpsters that the crater diamond provides keep the park nice and clean for everybody else this is why you don't want to walk barefooted out here stuff like this it'll ruin your trip if not send you to the hospital you got it i'm talking to you those people who leave this trash i'm not talking to you that don't litter pretty much as deep as we gotta go just gotta swipe that stuff off top and get whatever's in there good luck thanks me too thanks [Music] she wouldn't go up there and tell him anything there wouldn't be no problem but because she's gonna go up there and run her mouth that's okay as long as i can get the gravel out as long as i can get all this on film i'm good give me a million views i'll be happy we gotta have some way to pay for that ticket they act like we're selling cocaine or something out here i got i got some breath i know but you only get down and start filling them up just uh square no just take the try not to hit the ground we'll just clean clean up around it okay yeah clean up you better keep sloping this up though though or don't matter i don't i don't know i don't know if it's going to matter because even if we do it perfect it still ain't good enough yeah it's never been good enough never has been good enough keep that camera they say you just got to be able to walk out of it walk out of it one way yeah but they're going to make up whatever rules call matt does she got a phone on her probably i might go a little bit down in there but we got to get this a little more also you know that seems pretty easy i mean i don't gotta use my hands or nothing probably it's all right let's slip this real quick i said we get five buckets each we get five bucket seats dude probably finish walk out of that right there that's about four feet from the morning morning how are y'all hi how are you pretty good tired yeah about the four foot mark trying to guess where we can walk out right here i mean that's what i want it's gotta be stepped out yes ma'am looking good huh see y'all later not going to help us dig dang i got him good for me we'll give you some diamonds i got an extra shovel we'll give you all the big ones uh yeah i'm just gonna keep working on the slope you guys aren't the only naughty ones the lady upgrade i told you can't use a flashlight oh no yeah no yeah no electronics no diamond testers or nothing electronic all manual okay we just got to the gravel and we just had a visit by the crater of diamond state park they checked it out looking good can't tell yet not much gravel yet you can hear it yeah it's just fluffy down to it here's your next bucket oh yeah yeah getting crunchy this one was yours here you just filled up don't matter it was yeah red jasper i forgot to put mine over hey yeah cool red jasper all right here you go it's uh that was just your bucket i forgot to carry mine over there uh uh okay i'm down here in the hole not a lot of gravel just poking out everywhere but that doesn't mean that there's not gonna be diamonds in this stuff sometimes this is the best stuff to get here's what we got out of the hole so far it's looking pretty good mmm don't that look yummy all right we're doing good several buckets out of the hole gravel's still coming out we're able to walk in and out of this thing no problem daniel i've been doing this right here right i got some of this graham cracker crumble over here no i don't know why but today's going to be a great day hey don't forget this or we want to save that i got a flat board dude if you throw it towards the top don't matter yeah it'll be there go in the right direction but it's not too close it's kind of perfect oh that's right yeah you wanted to get him you know what i mean because we'll be heading that's pretty much cleaned out right there yeah that's what your mother said last night okay it's always good to have a bucket of water when you're digging you've got water to clean up get your tools clean get your gloves cleaned off all right looks like we got the hole filled in it's about 1 30. every bit of 130. okay time to get the buckets hauled up to the cage won't be any time to get any of this washed this spot is known for big diamonds i am out of breath working on getting the buckets get them stored it's been a slow drizzle all day everybody's soaking wet but it doesn't matter [Music] all right we made it oh okay well that's a day here at the crater diamonds we got the buckets in the cage next thing to do is come out here get everything washed we got the hole filled in all within three o'clock is a good day out here i even picked up some trash you can see the steam coming off the gravel see that okay here's bucket number one just covered in red jasper look at this piece of agate druzy all the small crystals formed on it that's really cool seeing all the indicators this red jasper more red jasper here's the piece of conglomerate anytime you dig a hole you want to see all these indicators conglomerate jasper that's fractured you don't want it to be completely rounded not broken yeah we're going to dump all this material in a bucket and go through it later there could be a big diamond in this stuff okay you can see here as the jasper dries it's got a slightly bleach to it but not really nothing compared to what you can find out here that's just white and just bleaching out everything turning white check this out what in the world wow yep quartz that right there will tell you it's quartz washed quartz what we call this there's another nice rounded washed okay got the bottom screen all cleaned and i bounced it really good so we're not looking at the heavies i'll have to do this to see all the heavies because they're at the bottom and this thing is loaded noodle oh man this stuff is look at all this stuff over here whoa wow i don't see much spinel there's some spinel yeah we got spinel yep looks pretty good okay got bucket number two washed check out these corks that showed up good indicator and chunks like that awesome that's the difference from the corks you can just see the jagged edges and the facets they're not rounded and smooth like the diamonds if they're sharp and rough yeah we're seeing all the indicators and every bucket chunk of conglomerate right here all the jasper fused together more red jasper red jasper all in the stuff you have sandstone that's good okay here's bucket number four here's that huge chunk of jasper all cleaned up looks like we had two conglomerates here's the bigger conglomerate that's a really good indicator because it's super heavy we may have a diamond with this bucket okay here's bucket number five loaded in red jasper just everywhere that's the best jasper to get it's coated with iron this one here has purplish tint to it here's a piece of agate oh look at that quartz in every bucket okay i was picking out the quartz we just looked at and digging around and check out that piece of agate that's really cool awesome this one right here is really interesting it's going to be agate you can see right there so we're gonna get this washed up with a brush and check it out here's a better look at that specimen that came out of the hole we're thinking it's a piece of agate that's been completely crystallized it's full of druze right there the druzy it's got pockets just covered in jersey just a really awesome piece never found anything like this before at the crater diamonds definitely gonna save this one for my collection if i found these every day i would probably give it away but it's a one-of-a-kind piece looks like i have a little bit of mud right in there i can dig out other than that it cleaned up pretty good why do we think it's agate is because of this right here that's the only indicator the rest of it very very unusual and this is material that could have came from 120 miles below the surface just like the diamonds so this could be some rare new mineral that nobody knows about what do we have here i believe that's bucket number six we got some cords real nice quartz right there again here's a piece of agate it's gonna go into the container throw that piece of quartz in there seemed like i saw another piece of agate oh right here you're going to get that big chunk as well so be sure and leave a comment and you're entered to win i'll announce the winner on my facebook page diamond miner ivan's and that makes another piece of quartz added to the pile of rocks that i'm going to give away to one lucky commenter oh i didn't lose any getting quite a few stuff we got agate in there washcourt bare right see if we can find something else to throw in there so yeah just leave a comment and somebody will win all the small heavy minerals i'm picking out i was just about to dump this pile and i found one more piece of aggot we can add to the pile sweet that is so cool okay see if it'll fit all right the container is full so be sure and leave a comment subscribe and somebody will win all these goodies okay i made four flips got one more to go when you have this much gravel you're definitely going to want to re-center all of this and just keep re-centering this material from a hole let me just look at all that gravel look at all the heavy indicators wow that looks like a diamond right there okay here's the first flip lots of heavy minerals things loaded with spinel all the small black shiny rock let me know if you see a diamond wow this stuff is amazing all right here's flip number three and dead center we got a really nice garnet you can see it right there tip of my finger so you if you're finding garnets you could get a diamond it's a really heavy indicator that's a nice one there right here is a beautiful garnet right there my finger is kind of buried there we go nate now you can see it pretty good it's just right there above my fingernail red nice and red i'm gonna scoop this little garnet out and put it in the container for somebody to win so somebody will win that small garnet along with that huge piece of quartz crystal and all the other little goodies there it is i got in my hand so yeah i'm gonna throw that little garnet in with the giveaway all right going through the material on the tray sorry for that noise is my heater and right there we have a diamond i'm gonna let you take a look and see if you can spot it first right there in the center sweet so we got a diamond out of all that hard work now we got to take it back up to the crater diamonds and have them take a look at it and get the certification card this will be diamond 44. see how it's got that metallic shine right there that's what we look for is that right there that's a facet naturally faceted by god and this side here it's all chewed up from the temperature since it got over 4000 degrees in this area most of the diamonds melted to nothing so this diamond here at one time could have been a one carat or at least a half carrot and it melted down to this size so let's go get it registered all right there that's a perfect example of what we look for that metallic shine right there sweet okay so it looks like it turned out to be a white 18 point there it is under the microscope let's take a look at it on the big screen let's really see the facets and really what color it actually is and here's all the small minerals i found that i'll be giving away there's the washed courts we found here's the really good one good example of washed quartz here's the other big one and then for some reason i didn't get the footage of this one here on this top classifier but check that chunk of quartz crystal that's the biggest piece of quartz i've ever found at the crater of diamonds it's got some small facets on it right there really rare to find that and it came about seven feet below the surface and i'll be giving this away along with all of this to one lucky subscriber here's the piece of agate that's the bare right there's some more agate cool piece of jasper there's a small piece of conglomerate that was in the container really hard to find those let's get this video up to 2000 likes and i'll give all of this away to one lucky subscriber that leaves a comment and of course all this stuff has dried so you can get it wet and it'll look pretty again you see the blue coming out of that bare right here's that washed quartz really shiny now oh wait that's a diamond holy crap no it's not and the agate looks really cool when it's wet and sometimes you can just spit on it so once again thank you all for watching the video thanks for all the comments all the views here lately i can't thank you all enough i wish i could get to everybody's comment but here lately i've had someone slandering me all over social media so i have to keep my comments to a minimum so i can see the negatives and get them deleted because it's all negative and slandering and it's just false information but anyways thank you all so much for watching and i'll see you on the next video [Music] you
Channel: Diamond Miner Ivins
Views: 263,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VUkxcokOVDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 39sec (2079 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 18 2020
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