How To Find Diamonds At Home - Crater of Diamonds

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hey everyone thanks for joining me today I was gonna show you how to find diamonds at home and we will also be tossing in a couple of diamonds from the Crater of Diamonds State Park and Murfreesboro Arkansas and I will show you how to recover these beautiful rocks okay we're back so what you're going to need first of all is material that is washed and classified through at least a quarter inch screen and you can see all the mud and all the dirts been washed out of these and you'll definitely need that this scooper here allows you to fill your Sarika perfectly you don't want too much material because then your heavy minerals won't be able to work their way to the center that's the whole purpose of these Saru cos is to concentrate all your heavy minerals like diamonds into the center so I'll show you what this is used for later so you'll want to bucket the center so rukon you'll grab your scooper nice full scoop sometimes it takes you know half half of one so you don't want to spill any material hope you guys can see all this okay so we'll get one more half scoop okay seems to be good if you don't put enough material in when you go to to make your Center and you do your flip on your suruga bed you'll have cavities and you don't want that if you have cavities your diamonds are gonna probably fall in to the cavities and you'll just have sus rework it or look for your diamond on the tray which I'll explain to that later on in the video okay so now I'm going to show you how I use this Iruka see a lot of people doing it wrong something you don't learn in a week of mining it takes time and patience and you will master it so first of all you will need a tub and if you're using a round circle like this you want to use a round tub because just the motion of the water being in a rectangle or a square tub and using around Tsuruga that's gonna have any effect on making a good Center so it's best to do the bounce and gets all your heavy minerals down to the bottom and you want this submerged in water you don't want it all the way in water like that but you want this bicycle rim in the water and where you see the material floating I mean you want to do this that which we all see and that's all I see people do is this and kind of rotate it out that's good at all but every time you do that it stirs up all the heavy minerals and you have to pretty much start over so what I like to do is give it a good bounce do the side-to-side and yeah you're gonna get wet rotate it and bounce it do that again and then grab it here and rotate it and shake it again bounce Jake grab rotate it shake and then bounce and what I've added to this is instead of we bounce it instead of doing this the whole time which you just need to do that like four times I mean you bounce it out a little shape all the heavy metals on the bottom probably couldn't notice but after a while you'll see some holes of air popping up out of your Center and when you see these holes that means you're done all the heavy minerals are in the center and it's just trying to get air out so it's making those bubbles and you need to let it drain for like ten seconds you don't have to sit here for one minute and hold it that's good enough as you can see it's all nice and even you don't want your gravel higher than this rim at all because then your you can't get your heavy minerals to even move and not enough gravel when you go to flip it you'll have a bunch of cavities and cracks and you'll lose your diamond the purpose of this is when you flip this over your diamond will be on top and you can take it out with a small plastic spoon never use tweezers if you try to grab a diamond with tweezers it'll just swing across the room and you'll lose it so let's go ahead and flip this now as you can see we have a nice Center lots of spinel that's the black shiny rocks if you watch my previous video identifying heavy minerals I explain the spinel and how it's a good indicator it's the black shiny rocks they're these blue rocks beright that's a very good indicator and all this white little ramen noodle looking stuff is calcite and it's going to be in your centers because it's heavier than all this Jasper and out here is your lamp lamp right ring you know that's where the the diamonds were formed in so I don't see anything on here and notice how it's nice and packed there's no there's no cracks in it like that when you flip it and or it don't look like you know when you flipped it don't look like that like I see a lot of people's you know you flip you flip it over and it looks like that your diamond is gonna sink and you won't see it so let's go ahead and make a center with two diamonds in it and maybe we will see them on the when we flip them so now we're going to drop this diamond you see that I'm going to drop this into the gravel on the Sarika and see if we cannot find it on the center toss the diamond in here's an idea what it looks like with all the other Jasper's and they're easy to like they're really easy to lose okay so let's try to find it so first off you want to bounce the material that gets all the heavy minerals to the bottom and then do the side-to-side rotate it do that about three four times rotate it sound good and kind of shake it my little trick that I've learned that really helps keep the minerals in the center when you do the other method really side to side I just stirs everything up centers but yeah just starting everything up at the same time yes all the bubbles form in the center you see those bubbles you're done let it drain for about 10 seconds no need a drain for a minute that's just gonna wear you out and if your gravel is nice and packed and loaded at the right material on the Sarika you don't have to let it dry at all really I'm not sure if you I can see the Suruga bed okay now let's do the flip and maybe we will see diamonds on the center or one diamond okay hopefully you guys can see that lots of spinel wants a bear right and most of the time I've only found maybe three or four diamonds on the center bull's eye area most of my diamonds out of 27 were found right along this ring of the gravel okay and every now and then and I've heard stories of people finding them way out here so you want to look all the way out here as well because some diamonds just don't travel well to the center like I say most of mine are spotted right in here so I'm not seeing the diamond so we know there is one in here so the next step is to place it into something with some walls another bucket would work great these little spoons are awesome to scoop out your diamond I'll show you that here in a minute you don't want to use tweezers you try to grab a diamond with tweezers and it's going to shoot across the room and you'll lose it don't be seen again so you just take your like I say the diamond could be all the way out here buy that lamp right so start with your Center don't in your bucket or your gold pan and all this does wet so it sticks to your fingers and small diamonds will stick to your fingers I've had several diamonds under a ten point and they stick to things my diamond tester they'll stick to my fingers if they're wet so diamonds will stick all this up okay a lot of times you'll want to take all this but I've already worked this material so we're just dealing with material that's been surged more than three I have confidence my diamond is now in this pan if you want to speed up the drying process you just take all your material stick it on this cookie sheet or a piece of pan easily dump it on to it okay all this all this is sticking it'll give a little tap that'll get the diamonds to not stick all righty let's go get this stuff dried up and all you do is stick this in the oven at about Oh 290 degrees 300 degrees and let it bake for about 15-20 minutes until it's dry all this other rock will get all you know dull and get it dried out but the diamonds will stay shiny and you know it takes a lot of heat to melt the diamond so you won't you won't hurt the diamond all right let's go get this in yes this pan is very hot so make sure you don't touch it all right welcome back we got the gravel dried it took ten minutes yeah a little wet but you can spread it out so dry really quick get a fan going okay so what you want to do is get you a gold pan if you guys can see this next dump all this material into the gold pan it's just it without spilling it could be your diamond and this is what we call looking on the tray for your diamonds it's pretty much the final step you can do if you can bring your material home and so let's get started you'll want a small cup take this scoop out sprinkle some on here just a little bit get it on out I think I found around maybe five or six diamonds like this normally small say my biggest diamond found on the tray was a 13-point and it's mature material I had sitting at the house for over two years I decided to rework it and I found two ugly chewed up diamonds with a good shake and the good thing about these pizza pans you can turn this while you look different angles will help make the diamond shine magnifier works great raise this have one of these that attached to the table an office or a desk magnifier really helps see those small diamonds because even those two points to the ten point whatever if it's a flawless diamond that's worth it some money and I don't care if it's a two point it's perfect you got some money there especially from Arkansas because those diamonds are up to 20 or the I think it's 30% stronger than our African diamond you can't take an African diamond and cut an Arkansas diamond is just not going to cut it so this is basically it you just kind of search your trays we know we have the diamond in here it's just a matter of time there's a garnet here okay so take another dope another gold pan and take off some stereo I'm just gonna shake it on into it and Spike it up it goes [Music] [Music] I'm not gonna for you guys this is good ain't nothing y'all surface hunting at the crater diamonds to me the best time to go is right after a rain a good hard rain and when the sun's not out when the sun's out everything shines the mica the quartz the spinel and it's all fools diamond so to me when it's cloudy that's the best time because a diamond is gonna shine if it's got sunlight or not it's gonna give out that shiner so that really will increase your odds if you go right after the rain and it's not cloudy day and don't get me wrong the Sun will definitely give it a little more sparkle but it gives everything else is sparkle and it's just frustrating the best diamond miner one of the best James archery his wife I found the diamond before he ever did and he was determined to find one and he watched that build for four years and never found a diamond really picked up a shovel and started washing his gravel and it's going through it and the man found over 7,000 diamonds in 30 wet sipping and classifying your material and breaking it down I got down here speed this up a little bit right off the bat I found several diamonds guys just get in my pants this right here I'm trying to just scratching through it like I say it's gonna have its own shine compared to all these raw it's almost like a piece of metal like a piece of mark read on some of these diamonds okay oh there it is right there camera easily easy nice and easy
Channel: Diamond Miner Ivins
Views: 13,371
Rating: 4.7842321 out of 5
Keywords: Crater, Mining, Prospecting, Diamonds, Searching, Minerlas, Geology, Digging, Hunting, Arkansas Diamonds, Searching Diamonds, Crater Of Diamonds, Diamond Miner Ivins, How To Find Diamonds, tips, how to find a diamond, state park arkansas, diamondminerivins
Id: mXcKomoOkm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 21sec (1221 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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