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check that out oh man wow you see the scales and the prints oh look at that wow back to another adventure of miners prospectors and rock counters and if you're new to my channel welcome i am diamond miner ivins i hope you like what you see and you decide to subscribe you found the real deal real adventure real diggs in this video we're just going to be walking around ammonite creek here in texas north texas this creek is loaded with fossils and ammonites and hopefully we see some more of the scaly type creatures that i found here recently so be sure and drop a thumbs up share this video out ever wondered what a biscuit looked like floating down a creek now you know and right here i noticed one right there that i missed the other day this one should come up a lot easier you can already see where it's starting to lift up so i'm going to work on this and see if it's a complete ammonite [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] um [Music] so okay here we go oh cool got some good detail got some mud right there yeah that's a big one right there nothing heavy can't wait to carry this back to my truck grief oh came up though that's really good detail see right there [Applause] i might be able to chisel that off might be able to work some of that off definitely got some really good i just can't believe all this [Applause] [Applause] um that's something right there i'm not sure what that could be hang on to that one it's been about a week since i've been out here and found the fish fossil and as you can see the water has gone down a lot there's a couple uh pieces of an ammonite right here there's one there's one and i was hoping i would find another one of these vertebrae looking type fossils and i thought this was one right here but it's not if it was it's broken but not far from that i noticed that right there well you know it's uh kind of looks like those maybe it's just the way this one's formed it's kind of flattens out very very weird there is no telling what's in all of this there's just so many rocks the imprint oh look at this did i find a sand dollar one of the giant sand dollars come on man this is just hessing oh just that right there kind of threw me off these two marks ah someone's gonna be a huge sand dollar [Applause] fossilized here's something i thought it was like a footprint of a bird definitely some type of bone yeah that looks like a bone i'm now around the uh first bend of the creek about to jump over to the good spot and right here i noticed a small ammonite right there sticking out of the concrete matrix just right up from it looks like we might have an ammonite sticking out yep there's something right there of course it's broken this stuff on top not good to pull them out like that but ah it's broken yep that's all there is just a piece of one get over here and uh oh gosh whoa man it's getting rough but we have made it over here i want to go back to where that fish yeah i'm just surface hunting today here is the large ammonite that i've been hammering on that i've been using the rd1 been chipping at that for hours and who knows it may never break free from that rock so all that for nothing is what i'm starting to decide i'm gonna go check out the spot where i found that fossilized prehistoric fish committed some type of fish and see if there's any other type of artifacts that i might have left to me it was like it was face down so there could be some more of that fossil a little bit deeper i was so excited that day i kind of over fought to keep digging around and pick up everything i picked up what i could see but you almost got to spend some time to oh here's a ammonite we might have already looked at that one broken up let's see the fish yeah where was that uh my next problem is where was that been about a week i don't think it was this far but yeah it's not this far oh great i don't know where it went looks like some bone right here i have lost that spot that fish i made it across to the other side further up the creek and i just saw my first snake of the year looks like some type of grass snake underneath that rock i'm gonna put the camera under there maybe you see the snake [Applause] wow that's a huge ammonite right there pretty good sized ammonite size of a lawnmower tire oh there's a nice one right there check that one out cool there's one oh here's one lots of them over here oh it's just so heavy nothing weighs a ton that's going to weigh a ton but this one right here might break free all right now there are snakes out i need to be careful underneath all these rocks picking them up be a poisonous snake oh it's in the uh attached pretty good to that mud gonna need rd1 for that one chisel wood out see if we can't find anything on the surface that we can carry out of here man those things are heavy headed up one of these channels that feeds into the creek i'm not sure what we got here hey there's a little tiny grasshopper but right here i noticed something along oh notice something long and round that could be one of those things off the shrimp that's kind of cool not sure what that is wow what's this oh it's a broken one and it's huge man that's off an ammonite look at that that's pretty cool here's a small one first i saw this piece of one and then this one right here i noticed oh neat wow that's a neat one right there it's just perfectly in half almost to the water and i notice it looks like some type of coffee mug or a cup i don't know if it's a complete nope i think it's a bowl piece of a bowl maybe there we go there's something a piece of one there's a fossil oh there's a little bitty ammonite i'm gonna keep that may give some away to my patreons like where are these small ammonites i mean i just don't see them in this gravel ever of course i'm looking for the bigger ones but you would think you'd spot the small one oh here we go check that out oh man that is like perfectly rounded nice little ammonite unreal check that out look at this something there baby and right here it's got some eyeballs cool found another small ammonite this looks like a heart yeah not really from a distance cool oh check out that huge shell man that's a record i have found several of these but not that big man it's a massive clam where's the pearl holy smokes that's cool put that in there there you go that's cool oh yeah nice one i do not remember that tree being there what do we have here oh oh there's the one with the two ammonites we've seen it before in the videos there may be three there i think there's three in that little piece of one nice imprint oh check that out that's a nice one just to take oh oh yeah that's a good one put some weight to the backpack though man [Applause] here's one in the water it should be damaged yep just leave it in the water i think 30 pounds i will leave this one here too if you want this one let me know leave a comment i might come back and get it and right here looks like an ammonite flip it over oh not the best one it's kind of filled with the mud not much detail i've got a long hike back to the truck about to get out of here on this side and head back towards the starting point and i'm walking back where i've already looked i see something right here oh man it's a big one just full of mud and not much detail i can see that right there that that showed me it wasn't ammonite just a lot of extra mud that weighs about i don't know 30 pounds backpack it's uh this strap has broken this one's still going i got some weight in it right now so far everything we've got it's about a 50 pound 40 pounds all right almost back to the crossing thought i would check along this inside where i didn't look when i was coming in and right here we have a nice i get under there a half of one flip it over oh yeah cool good detail on that one all right that's not too bad i can carry that one back with everything else oh i dropped one back on the other side and right off the bat got something here no good i might have found some more of that fossilized fish if not a different one right there check that out oh man wow you see the scales and the prince oh look at that wow awesome man another piece of the scaly creature yes wow this is really cool damn thing has been tumbling down and all these rocks [Applause] and i can't even find the location where i dug up that fossilized fish it hasn't even rained since i found it and there's just no sign of where i dug that thing up this is getting really weird but yes this is awesome oh i don't want to touch that part i really don't need to be touching any of this one see how fragile it is split right there maybe i'll put that in my backpack right now just come back over here and look for some more of it yeah i have to just put that right there and whoa that is so crazy another piece and here's a better look at the fish head and you can see right there the jaw and the teeth showing right there incredible discovery i just can't believe these three-dimensional fossils are being found at this location just look at that incredible a 3d fish fossil head and it's got a really good crack right there have to be very careful with this piece you can see it's cracked up pretty good it's extremely old those teeth just just can't stop looking at them here's another side of the fish head see some skills here's the front of it give you an idea what that looks like like the lower jaw is missing [Music] [Music] not far from the scaly fossil that we just found again just found another one of this looks like an ammonite right here oh yeah it's a nice small one oh look at this whoa look at that kind of like what i've been looking for but it's like not but this is really cool [Applause] pretty good stuff over here let's just get some more of that fish i mean if there's one of those that i found there's got to be more coming out of that matrix slash ancient mud that's hardened hey looky here a heart shaped rock i find these just about every time i go out raw counting no joke we've got probably a hundred oh and underneath the ammonite we have another one that's a heart and that one kind of looks like one lots of heart shaped rocks out the hill lots and lots y'all aren't gonna believe this next find here we go that's right a golf ball true blue number four and not too far from the last one it's not a golf ball i promise check that one out oh nice another small one cool i like these small ones it's not bad on the detail definitely got detail on both sides which is good and not a whole bunch of mud attached sweet i've walked over that thing probably four or five times that's why it's always a good idea to go back and walk at different angles and you'll see things that you missed hopefully back at the lab i got everything that i found laid out on the table here let's take a look at everything here's the big ammonite i was able to remove from the mud that concrete and i was able to get a lot of this off this was really caked on and i was able to chip some of that off without damaging the ammonite this one is really heavy you see the detail it's a very heavy ammonite check out that detail right there here's the other side very cool here are the smaller ammonites really cool the heart-shaped rocks here's that huge clam i'll be looking for that pearl next trip broken pieces of ammonites and here's that weird looking fossil and another strange one for sure the fossilized fish head there's the teeth this is the coolest fossil i've ever found a 3d fossil head fish fossil head [Music] well that's it here at ammonite creek we found several ammonites fossils and i can't believe i found another fossil that has the fish scales so that was really cool to find another one of those just on the surface like to thank all my patreons and youtube supporters that have joined my youtube channel you just click that blue button and you can pick whichever level you want to join at and you'll receive perks just like my patreons receive if you'd like to see more videos here at ammonite creek be sure and leave a comment let me know until next time take care buddy happy digging and remember be a hundred percent digger [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Diamond Miner Ivins
Views: 11,032
Rating: 4.9634371 out of 5
Keywords: fossils, Ammonite, Minerals, Trilobites, Fossilized, Megalodon, Mosasaurs, Prehistoric, Jurassic, Dinosaurs, Fossil, Archaeology, Archaeologists, Geology, Geologist, Dig, Digging, Searching, Adventure, Exploring, River, Creek, Sandbar, Gravel, Rocks, Rockhounding, Prospecting, Fossil fish, Fish fossil, Fossilized fish, Fossilized Ammonite, Fossilized bone, Searching fossils, Searching Ammonites, Digging fossils, Digging Ammonites, Walking creeks, Searching creeks, Mammoth skull, Dinosaur bones, Mammoth tusk
Id: OlM0Km_h4e4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 23sec (1823 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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