How To Locate Gravel/Diamond Ore - The Crater of Diamonds - June 23rd 2020

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this gravel is just loaded with heavies check that out well i got excited i thought i found a diamond and peed myself lots of good stuff in this there's a diamond in that i'll have to dig it out hello my fellow miners prospectors and rock lovers welcome back to another adventure always good to see each and every one of you and if you're new to my channel welcome i hope you decide to subscribe okay i'm back at the crater diamond state park we're going to be working on the west drain the east drain is very hard to get to as far as the cages so i can't get my equipment down there so i'm going to be over here on the west side so we're going to move over to the west possibly go back and dig where i found my flawless 12 point if you haven't seen that video go back and check it out i've got my new classifiers so i'm going to be testing those out so let's get to it i'm going to be using my probe that i brought custom made stainless steel 3 8 inch rod with a custom half inch handle the good thing about using these probes is you can probe down and find gravel veins that contains diamonds since most of the diamonds are trapped in gravel digging down deep you will find layers of solid gravel and they can contain lots of diamonds i am back in the new trench that was built back in october of 2019 they've plowed since i've dug my hole where i got my 12 point flawless so i don't know exactly where that hole was i've got some pictures i've got an idea but in this video we're going to be using the probe it's what we use to find the gravel layers and i'm going to probe around i think i found some right here it's about there we go nice little crunch about a foot down so instead of having to do all that really hard digging like i normally do and a lot of people still do since they dug this trench it exposed a lot of gravel layers and they're only a couple feet down versus the five feet i'm going to tackle this layer see what kind of centers we can get hopefully get that diamond and when you're probing you want to probe in a good area where you want to dig out you want to make sure there's gravel in all directions every two foot or so this gravel changes so you could have some really good gravel and two foot over it completely changed to the gravel you don't want it all wow okay we got gravel over here let's come over here and see what we got hear that it's a big rock so you want to take the probe out and move it over there's a layer of crunch right there that might be a board sometimes when you feel those solid thumps like that that could be a ply board that has been laid down from the old miners to cover up good ore or to keep people from finding their gravel so we may want to dig that up and it is you definitely want to get the material underneath the ply boards that's where my one carrot came from here you will listen to the different sounds below the surface that sounds like a piece of plywood to me it's always good to look at the end of your probe okay let's come over here and check this spot and listen to the difference hear that crunch that's what we're after that means it's gravel and really small gravel it's about two feet down okay we've used the probe to locate the gravel i'm gonna check around in this spot and then we'll get to digging oh crunchy crunch and then a solid hit like it's a fly board come on plywood uh okay so i moved locations i came over here and probed and i found some gravel that's really crunchy and it's at least a couple thick and gravel so we're going to move over here and probe around that's always something good to do is just because you find gravel in one spot don't mean there's a spot that's even better so we're going to see what i can find over here hard pan so i found gravel going through the hard pan which is really good move over here not sure what that is starting to thin out there we go ah found it so it's coming towards the east that's north that's south so it's going towards the east let's go towards the north and i go about a foot away from my last hole just so you know damn let's go back to the east not much gravel here at least uh 90 degrees it's always 10 degrees hotter out here so keep that in mind when you come out here there we go here's some oh yeah i can't even push down so much gravel let's take a look see if you can hear it [Music] went through hard pan okay we jumped around looking for some gravel and i may have found a better spot over here i'm gonna work on getting this area right in here it's about two feet two and a half feet down so that's what i'll be doing for the next two three hours i'll catch back with everybody later on foreign when you're digging your hole to get the gravel you want to dig at least five feet wide and five feet five feet by five feet at this depth if you're going to go down six feet and deeper you've got to have it even wider and take several people so i'm pretty much at the gravel i'm going to clean this all off i'm going to get all this dirt off the gravel and start scooping buckets up when you're throwing your dirt out you just want to throw it about two three feet away you don't want it near your edges it'll just fall back in plus you're gonna have to re fill the hole so you want your dirt nearby it'll make the fill in a lot easier looks like i've hit a clay layer hit this layer here a bunch of clay probably not many diamonds in that stuff we're just throwing it out when you're digging you're living everything else is just waiting okay okay about a foot to go and up here the gravel's right there so it's wavy sometimes it's it does a wavy formation and it's deeper in other spots to get to the gravel and you always want to get that little bit above the layer because there's going to be diamonds on the very top of the gravel you don't want to miss all right so this is where i'm at okay this is where i'm at on the hole just took a shovel out of this stuff right here i started coming to some rocks and some gravel not much but there is gravel in here so there could be diamonds that's a lampright and gravel crushed up lamp right which is a really good indicator i'm gonna put some of this in my bucket may not be a bad idea definitely it's definitely a layer above the layer i'm trying to get to we got about a half foot to go and i start getting the better stuff all right i've been going at it pretty hard found a small gravel layer that i've been chasing right in here starting to thin out almost to the hard pan which is pretty cool scrape on that a little bit but getting my buckets filled too much i'm gonna be doing half buckets for a while that's where i'm at you can see down in here there's a little bit of gravel there's some lots of gravel up in there okay i've worked my way over towards the north and i've come across a metal let's see what this chunk of metal could be oh look at that big chunk of a big nail and that's a good indicator because metal is probably heavier than a lot of these rocks it may just have a lot of heavy minerals near it and i do recall in my video where i found my 12 point there was a bunch of metal in that material looking pretty good um okay here's a there's a big jasper so i'm gonna want to put that whole thing in my bucket all kinds of material stuck to it it's a good sign okay i've had my safety meeting got a nice dry shirt on took my boots off had something to eat i feel great it's time to get back in the hole get some more this gravel start hauling buckets all the way over to my cage and for those of you who don't know this is really considered the artifact side of the crater diamond this is where a lot of the early mining companies were set up and look what i just dug up big chunk of metal [Music] that is crazy this could have been used to mine for diamonds back in the day you see all the rust so that's a good indicator might have some heavy minerals as well okay the gravel's starting to thin out i'm having to undercut which means getting way up underneath and sooner or later it's just going to collapse with material i don't want from above i got water coming up anytime you probe holes anytime you probe holes you can have water start pouring in and it will fill up your hole sometimes it'll fill it up within 15 minutes so you'll have to peel out the water yeah i'm just about finished here got 12 buckets not a bad sample i like to try to get a diamond in about 18 buckets if i can't get one in 18 buckets something's wrong working on getting buckets hauled man this stuff is awesome that's the hard pan lots of small gravel in this stuff okay just about got all the buckets in my cage i think i have three more to grab getting to be closing time at the crater i'll have to come back out tomorrow and wash it it's day two we got the hole dough we got our material now it's time to wash these buckets like a beast get those diamonds and if you're gonna come out here at this time you gotta wear a mask under these pavilions while you're washing at all times okay time to wet sip like a beast knock these seven buckets out in about 20 minutes okay when you're wet sifting like a beast you don't use your little hand scooper and put a scoop at a time grab the entire bucket and you dump it on your screen like this [Music] now you're wet sifting like a beast throw that hand scooper away you don't need it here check out that conglomerate whoa that is sick when that's just fused together look at that guys so with this conglomerate i'm going to want to scrub on this really good and get all these cavities because there could be a diamond in that stuff right there we'll scrub on that get it cleaned up that is good so much fun to get the conglomerate really cool specimen check that out that's so cool all right not bad for your top screen see what else we can get down here all right we got lamp right this is a good piece of lamp right that's a good indicator see look we can get a piece of agate and some red jasper we're doing good sandstone [Music] so okay oh check that out nice chunk of quartz on the top screen always a good seat on the top screen we have a lot of lamp right this is a piece of volcanic tough jasper or jasper and over here the lamp right it's even like a brown colored lamp right brown and black the cow sight we found almost everything on that identification card on the first bucket everything but a diamond okay this buck is almost finished looking at around five minutes little bucket five minutes it's not bad we'll get the hand scooper and scrape the bottom and see what kind of heavy minerals we're getting in this gravel always fun to do not see a diamond again pick it up out of the bottom screen oh screenshot boy buddy screenflow [Music] [Applause] oh yeah i know you don't mess around you don't mess around for him nothing to get done around here all right let's go ahead and scrape this bottom while he cleans that tank out oh look at that holy smokes look at all that stuff whoa that is crazy that's crazy guys wow we got one bucket done in about five minutes he's got to clean the tank out get all that silt washed out and get me a quick safety meeting in get back at it all right time to get bucket number two wash [Music] so and remember to keep your bucket from sticking get all this mud off get all that off get all the inside clean and your buckets won't stick look at that big old nail i wear gloves out here that wouldn't hurt there's our agate i've been looking for check that one out it's a good piece sweet pretty jasper nice and polished more tough there's another nail you trust the calcite maybe or even even again sometimes i'm saving [Music] all right i'm gonna spare you all the time and get these buckets washed and we'll check out centers and hopefully see some diamonds soon here is bucket number 11 and lots of glass on that one that'll ruin your day for sure so be sure you wear your gloves looks like we have a heart-shaped rock somewhat kind of makes it hard lots of red jasper every bug it looks like this that's good all right i'm on the last bucket and this bucket had that big piece of metal so i'm going to want to make sure you get all of that material off of it there could be a diamond in that stuff not sure what that was from but yeah get it cleaned up [Music] take me to a safety meeting number two probably won't be able to see that but there's a that green speck that's chromium dioxide that's a really good heavy indicator you see that little green speck eventually you'll get diamonds so we're seeing lots of good indicators in this stuff lots of spinel see the spinel right there that black shiny rock lots of red iron hematite there's some hematite our magnetite was to get the magnet a lot of that would stick to the magnet it's looking good bucket 12. time to get the centers made 12 buckets we got three buckets of concentrate to work get those done here in a minute here's the metal i pulled out a huge metal object this could have came from the lee wagner mining operations back in the 1930s when i asked shirley strong because her grandpa ran that operation and we have a bunch of nails that i found on my top screen here's a crystal that actually has a facets check those out so you know you can actually find crystals with facets at the crater of diamonds not very big this looks like some maybe some bear right [Music] so there's a piece so [Music] okay here's the first two flips this one stayed together pretty good but this one over here it kind of blew out notice i don't have a ceruka bed yet so i'll need to make a few more flips to get a bed started that way don't blow out make cavities like this it'll stay a night nice tighter center there's the green chromium dioxide right there so that's a maybe i have more more than one piece of it but yeah looking good piece of metal well i got excited i thought i found a diamond and peed myself but it's just courts like always lots of it though look at all that stuff lots of good stuff in this there's a diamond in that i'll have to dig it out um um pull it out okay we're one bucket down on the cons just made the first flip of the second bucket i guess they're still looking pretty good okay i'm on the third bucket of cons i have peed myself so much from all the courts from all the close calls look at this one i thought that was a diamond yeah getting down to the bottom of the buckets we don't see it here we might get it on the tray that's where i found most of my diamonds at home going through my centers all right that's the end of the cons the last two flips the whole time they stay like this so lots of heavy indicators in that area just a matter of time you'll get a diamond working this stuff if i was to get 10 more buckets i probably would have had a diamond maybe just needed two more buckets there could be one in all of this there's just so many heavies that the diamond may not have been able to work its way up oh i'm so thankful for this wagon made by ground works if you need a good wagon for the diamond mine these are the ones to get leave me a comment if you think you can see a diamond in this stuff there's some really good indicators in here check out all those heavy minerals man that is just crazy all right here's the re-flip i took all the centers and made one more and that's the re-flip we'll scan over this real quick and take everything inside i'll go through everything on the tray if i don't see a diamond on the center looks like we won't see one in the video but if i find a diamond on the tray you can always go to my oh my gosh that might be a diamond right there i'll have to check it out a small one that's some good centers not to have a diamond and we now have the reflip of the reflip and you could probably re-flip this re-flip and re-flip those re-flips and keep getting material but sooner or later the heavies will thin out so you can only re-flip so many times hope you all enjoyed learning how to use a probe and finding the gravel layers that are below the surface here at the crater of diamonds it's just a matter of time if you get the right gravel layer you'll get diamonds we also wash material like a beast you just dump the bucket on and go with my classifiers no little hand scooper needed here i hope you all enjoyed it and i'll see you all on the next video thanks for watching
Channel: Diamond Miner Ivins
Views: 62,115
Rating: 4.8847737 out of 5
Keywords: Diamonds, mining, prospecting, gemstones, crystals, ameythest, probing, digging, dig, mine, rockhounding, searching, digging diamonds, arkansas diamonds, mining diamonds, prospecting diamonds, gravel veins, diamond ore, arkansas state park mining, searching for diamonds, crater of diamonds, new, age, video, flawless diamonds, uncut diamonds, diamond in the rough, dimands, diemounds
Id: IEJzvjP4d_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 57sec (2277 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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