I Found A Better Way To Mine Gold in Hydroneer

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and here comes another flurry of it look at each one of those little individual rocks and think about all the gold it's spitting out our gold pile is starting to work its way up the edges of the box we're gonna make some improvements today because well I do like what we have going I'm not actually processing a lot of dirt I'm just kind of piling it up I understand that things will probably not fall through the ground anymore so I'm gonna believe that I'm gonna set everything right here on the dirt if it does fall down I should be able to collect it anyway and yes I am planning on breaking a lot of stuff today including my computer the first thing we need to do is make a way to the shop to buy a few things that I need to test the first - which is a Goliath drill second is simply gonna be some lights so you guys can see what I'm doing when I'm down below and while I'm at it I'm long overdue to buy a construction hammer this will stop me from picking up stuff I don't want to pick up which actually equates her about 80% of the time I spend playing this game so first let's add some light down below which looks something like that I could get used to that I'm going to be buying a lot of lights today next I'm gonna try and fix is that filter and get rid of some of this dirt just to clean things up a little bit down here I don't really know where these are gonna go or what's gonna happen to them but I'll deal with them later now I've kind of been led to understand that if you put a Goliath drill on the very bottom here it will continuously mine despite the fact there's no dirt before I get carried away with anything else we need to see if that is true or not and that's easy enough to do we just need to connect it to that pipe and we'll see if it actually produces any dirt at all because if it does we know it's gonna work the light isn't on so far I like still isn't on wait but this actually worked just will make me a very happy person the parts give me a solid 0 cups of dirt I might need to put a little bit under there with a shovel let's try that it seemed to make a happy sound as soon as I put dirt under there and the light came back on so we'll see what happens okay here just that out that chunk of dirt but then it also stopped running again so maybe this doesn't work well in testing that I'm just gonna make a little more room for storage right over here so far it is spitting out dirt that is making a comes bigger and bigger I'm gonna let this run for a minute but this is looking kind of promising so far is giving me two large chunks of dirt from basically no dirt underneath it so I'm going to assume this works I'm gonna let it go for a little bit longer because it is still eating something down there okay I'm pretty much gonna consider this a success despite the fact that is broken but it is continually spitting out dirt you know we're just got to figure out a way to relay all this out the first thing is gonna go are these and they're gonna go straight into the back of my truck because they're going on a little adventure out to the countryside because I understand it may be having a little bit less letter all around my world might make the game run a little bit smoother I mean I don't really see what the problem could be that's better no I just need to find a way to align the Goliath drills but before we do that we're gonna test out how efficient this thing is I'm ready Oh does it oh there we go all right I'll go get the kids does it seriously give me these one at a time don't they stack this is more work than I wanted it to be but I guess once we take care of these that's a few less items to clutter in my world I'm not really sure what I'm gonna do about those ones I could get to them I just don't want to and I even sell these at the jeweler I can $192 each actually there's something I've been meaning to try anyways $577 people keep telling me there's a wishing well I assume there's a reason they're telling me there's a wishing well I just don't know how to do it think I figured it out and wait what is this boot I get stuff out of the well what is the boot do there money in it yeah how much for that five hundred seventy seven dollars did that just replace my money I guess that's fine the rest of those sell for seventeen hundred and thirty two so a total of twenty three hundred dollars that I can spend on stuff like another five Goliath drills that should get us started now how deep down exactly is the bedrock looks like it's right there so we're actually already at a good height just gonna need a little bit of dirt but as long as I connect to that they should be at the maximum depth but that's gonna look something like that that should be an ever producing Goliath drill then I'm gonna put on every second spots of a V one here one here and then three more the same over there evenly spaced out which also means some plumbing changes I'm definitely not gonna have that many T's I'm gonna replace a lot of these with straight pipes a lot of people have been suggesting a double conveyor system that's something I actually might implement but I want to see if this one works before we get too carried away all right I've got all these later where I want them now I just got to change the intake for this whole thing I'm actually gonna take it and turn it straight you that way and that's definitely gonna require some extra room and these are a bit of light down here you guys can finally kind of see what I'm doing being underwater makes a gauge a little bit hard to see but I can still see it next we're gonna put three of these oh there's two in that one that's fun right before that so we can always tell that we're at max power so that looks something like that and then the understand it takes actually four filters to properly not break these so I'm gonna add four filters unless I hit the edge I guess we're going back this way it's not gonna be pretty but it's good at work and it's gonna be out of my way and there we are four filters just need to attach the actual pump thing and then the glide trails are more or less ready to go again I'll probably have to adjust them as we're doing this but we'll figure it out as we go this conveyor and the grinders and stuff up there don't really seem to break so I'm not gonna worry about the filters for them for now what I am gonna do very carefully is move them all one spot to the right and that's basically just because in case I need to T into that and make another pipe go up to help some of that stuff up there but I think for now this would be okay and now to wait for daylight and figure out what we're gonna do with all of this the first thing I'm gonna do is remove this pipe as many of you pointed out that doesn't really work it was a fun idea kind of guided the rocks but yeah especially where these burger comes to dirt this thing's not gonna go there or one I kinda feel like everything probably needs to go a little bit higher if anything kind of just to get away from the mess I've made and the more I run around looking at everything I've done I do realize it is quite a mess that I have made alright so it take things a few levels higher up to about here at which point we can see all the land and I guess we should probably try and do something about all of this before we would get too carried away cuz that's already a lot of gold pieces on the ground for the game to have to figure out really hoping I can get away with one of these hopefully this doesn't crash the game already it's kind of up to some weird stuff there we go one giant clump of minerals uh-huh we're gonna try and drop it in the pot and smelt it all this one game does not like this one day yeah it's definitely pretty cool visual though names definitely suffering alright let's see if we can walk over to the pot and get most of that some of that in there I would be happy with some of it I don't know what happened but it's doing a pretty good job cleaning it up but everybody sure if we can smoke the crystals or not I'm actually gonna stand over the pot this time cuz I can't walk at all once I have all this stuff up in the air and then we just kind of gently put it over or into the pot and let it go low enough let's let it go yeah a little bit by little bit we're getting it in might be a few impurities in that one wow that actually good it even Hooper's up the dirt well I left the power gems and stuff behind but I'm okay with that because I'm probably gonna need those eventually to power my stuff I don't care about the monetary value of this I just wanted to clean it up alright do we want to use the giant sapphire or the giant sapphire there we go please balance good enough for me and there we go one moderately valuable ring worth a total of four thousand four hundred and twelve that probably about paste of the drills I just bought now before I get things to set up in their permanent location we need to test to make sure things are working so far the grind is gonna sit about there I'm gonna fire things up and see if the rocks make it up here at least so for the very first time we'll actually have this thing running to see if my new and improved idea is even starting to work yet that goes there everything goes along the glide drill should be running hopefully the dirt doesn't clog up too bad I'm just gonna throw one on for now it comes the dirt might squeeze up right there and we're at full power as of here so the drill should be starting at full power oh there's our first rock it's going up the left side like they all do and that's fine it can do just that as long as it makes it into my grinder makes it all the way to my drill thing um yes so far so good it actually landed directly in the hole where we're supposed to without any guidance I also need to Cork this and I think I want to add just one more of these in case I need to add another grinder somewhere along the way so it'll look something like that i'm also gonna shoot all the gold that way cause i don't want to clean up that got mostly everything in place the gold will eventually spit out that hole the only thing i need to do is plug my little grinder and this isn't gonna be easy to do because I've got a feeder with power crystals I've gotta make my way up here in boxes and try to get a power crystal into that this would all be a million times easier if I didn't have dirt all over the place but I'm too lazy to clean it up right now eventually this pipe is going to connect to this pipe this should probably be enough and that still wasn't enough pipe because it has to go all the way down there then all the way down to here that was the final piece so now I'm gonna fire it up and see what kind of pressure we're getting up at the top because there's no point in running this if we're not getting maximum pressure all the way up and it looks like we are so that's a relief these two crystals are enough to get it there now to give the grinder just a little test run to see how it performs and drop this directly on it and see what it spits out oh I put one of those backwards that's alright and so far perfect I get some big gold out of the bottom well got caught up in the boxes but it'll push through eventually let's try a piece of dirt on the conveyor itself to make sure it's gonna do what it's supposed to do hey so far it broke down into two nice little pieces they both found their way in and gold is still stuck up there but it'll get down here eventually I do kind of want to see how big the gold is though that is not huge obviously but that dirt came from one of the other drills the little drills anyway the drills I have down here should find the big gold and we're about to find that out so for the first time let's get this whole thing up and running as soon as we hop over the boxes we can start turning these on one by one okay this one should already be on that's troubling but for some reason the lights didn't come on on a few of these I'm not really sure why I don't really care right now I'm just gonna see what they do what kind of gold they get for now there's our first company Oh they collided already that's not good you're not supposed to do that and we're jammed already outstanding well this is already bringing back fond memories I've got to break a few things open and I'm gonna put a grinder right down below only this way I can get a workout where the bad spots are because the rocks are gonna jam up okay you get out of the way on the way up now Azusa makes it to the top it did get ground up nicely it did fall into the hole and it did turn into some kind of gold both of them did Wow that gold goes a long ways but it's big gold very big gold very big crystals it's kind of bouncing all over the place though isn't it oh that's why there's no backdrop for it if it game forcing me to walk around and collect my giant gold can't even pick that one up hopefully things are a little more agreeable now we'll see if this gold spits out and where exactly it drops to I wanted to reign big gold for hours I need a natural mountain of this stuff and nothing absolutely nothing cuz it wedged right here somehow fun okay back in what yeah okay you go down there then let's just throw these in that's better it's a nice landing in here I will line this with boxes so we can actually make a proper pile of gold but so far things are looking pretty good but today I'm definitely gonna buy a few more grinders because I think if I put these in a few key spots it'll make a really big difference and then like a billion more boxes always more boxes that was the first normally the items fly up in the air not me but also I think the item flew up in the air because I don't know where it went so I guess I'm buying another one of those things it's getting painfully hard to do anything right now over here at the shop I'm not sure if that's because there's so many items lying around everywhere but anytime I try and put something down it goes flying or I go fly pretty much no matter what I do I think I can see a pretty major advantage for putting a grinder right here because normally the dirt hits it and goes right up this one edge this should hopefully suck it in and put it right down the middle where it'll get ground up easier on the top side but this isn't a first time I've had a theory about why things should work and then they don't so let's see how this goes here comes our first customer and it smashes right into the other dirt and jams up right there of course it does I might add a grind over there too anyways yep that worked great let's see what this one does hmm there's a big one of the top at least one of work does anything want to work no think I'm gonna add another grinder up top and things can hopefully get broken down twice the way they need to be and then we get a lot to go training down I like that so far why didn't that guy jam up there I need smaller rocks coming up I need to do something about that down below but so far this is where I can oh really good right here so for that part well pretend that didn't happen well a few short minutes of running has got me this much gold so this is a good sign yeah starting to see a problem down here gonna have to stop the dirt from colliding and find a way to grind it down here also I think the system at the top is pretty good so far though because it seems to be able to break down to big rocks pretty readily and get them into that grinder pretty readily now we arrange lots of big gold you know I'm kind of thinking maybe a grinder here maybe a grinder here maybe one there just to make sure no big clumps getting through that's not really gonna be a completely foolproof plan but it's gonna help for now want to see a fun trick when I try and throw something in my truck oh that one actually landed here the last one went that way like a long ways that way probably landed on my ground small little change of plans nothing too crazy still gonna add some grinders but gonna change a few things I've added a few grinders in case you try and clump up again so they'll break down to something nice and small by this point then I'm hopefully gonna be smart and add that on that's hopefully gonna land the bore so in the middle and grind them up which works fine in theory well fire it up and see what happens okay and the drills on now let's see exactly so far so good everything's kind of doing and it's supposed to those are landing in the far side but you know what as long as they're making their way up right grinder not really working as great as I wanted it to bryant land up interesting well these were getting more manageable size dirt making its way to the top we're getting a few weird Jam ups like that guy and also something back at the top but you know what overall it's working better and better as we go we're starting to get it figured out here comes two more the dirt the grind is to keeping it to a nice uniform size it's bouncing a little bit to one side but I think I know how to fix that we just use a bit of good old-fashioned dirt this seems to be working really well actually the dirt seems to be piling up nicely in the middle if it hits this thing and I can actually hear a raining gold for a second there so yep I'm really liking where this operation is going you can actually hear all the gold falling whoa don't know where that guy's going but yeah we're he's starting to get quite a collection going even now I'm not really doing anything like I don't have to maintain this and it's spitting out tons of gold so I think this is the most automated system I've ever had the most reliable system and all it took was 45 hours to get there I see what's catching some of the bigger pieces of dirt there's a little piece of dirt there floating in the sky all right it's a wreckin oh great look at it all go I don't have to do anything anymore I've collected a pretty large pile of gold alarmingly fast I like this even today still one day later it's still working its magic look at all the gold falling oh we're gonna get such a big pile of gold today I can't wait just need to try and secure everything else before the game starts legging too bad because it's gonna be spitting out a lot of gold for a long time and we won't be running short in any power crystals any time soon but I do need to keep an eye on those to make sure everything is running at max capacity we're finding as much gold with this many of my drills broken currently I am gonna try and increase our capacity just a little bit but everything so nicely balanced right now I'm a little scared to try I really like this operation everything gets broken down into so many small little bits if the grinder actually works I guess was all just a matter of getting things centered and adding more grinders I can hear it all grinding there we go look at the gold I haven't had to fix a jamup in forever and that's pretty impressive because we found basically all this gold or very little Jam up now I'm gonna try and feed just a little more dirt under some of these to try and get a little more going but I'm not sure which of the drills are really working right now I guess the ones with the lights off aren't getting any dirt I've also kind of learned that if I do feed this too quickly with dirt they all just pile up right here anyway like they can't simply go down the hole fast enough so I'm not gonna be able to run it's six drills not at full capacity but that's alright because we're still producing gold very very quickly this won't be a problem to build a massive mountain now because it's basically there's a constant stream of this at this point the game is slowing down there's so much gold dropping in yep more and more every time I look I think at this point to prevent even further Jam ups I'm gonna add a few more grinders to the system because every once in a while the big chunk of dirt does show up and bones things up pretty bad well what they care about no problem I have no idea how a comforter got all the way over here into my hole but it sure found a way this is more or less what it looks like down below and everything's working the way it's supposed to those are spitting out all sorts of dirt the dirts grinding itself down making its way up the ramp without any problem and then I can just sit here and watch it rain gold all day long no I think you're gonna need to add some power somewhere there conveyors moving very slow there is still a possible improvement if I was sad at Grindr say over here pointed back to words if their processor but it's spinning all the gold out that way so there would be a whole bunch of redesigning for me to have to do and I'm looking the way it is right now I don't think I really need to adjust anything just yet I think I might add one more grinder to the whole equation still it seems like the more I grind the better the results are and the best part is now I know that when I go to the store my operations gonna keep rolling and finding me gold it's not gonna clog up right away or do anything crazy on me I can hear a lot of dirt being ground up a pretty big chunk still made it over but all in all is getting ground up pretty small before it even goes up to the next grinders the game's starting to run pretty slow up top probably because the amount of gold being processed and probably the amount of gold sitting down below pretty big pile now I think I'm gonna add one more grinder up top right beside actual intake from my processor because the gold is piling up there once in a while and I think if it can touch a grinder it'll help break that stuff down yeah I wanted to throw that thing all the way over there I definitely didn't want to set it down here so I could put it here nicely whatever we'll just take an extra second to do this this does actually seem to be working quite a bit better with just that one extra grinder big rock thick that comes in gets ground up a million times over into smaller stuff issues raining gold constantly now raining giant big nice gold I wonder how big of a power we can get before the game is absolutely not gonna run anymore it's getting to the point where when the gold is falling I can't even properly walk up here I'm just gonna sit here for now though and wait for a jamup if it does happen and break it down just letting gold do its thing I can't even see the pile of gold from here now the game is not really loving what's going on right now but I'm loving the amount to go through getting we're actually gonna start overflowing our box sooner than later I'm so happy I finally found a way to make this work I just need to make the game run a little better now somehow I think the conveyor is looking a little bit slow it might be that the game was running slow but I'm gonna go add more power down below well what a difference when there's no gold moving on the conveyor belts are dropping from the sky the game runs so smooth there - wondering right now if the gold is getting ground up small enough to actually use the funnel and have it work properly I think I'm gonna try not sure if this is gonna be to my benefit or not but it's also gonna be hard to get up there when they gave us running this slow this might actually work really nicely as long as the dirt doesn't pile up here in any way shape or form it'll drop down into their super efficiently but oh so I'm gonna painfully make my way down below for now and shut things down for a second instead and we gotta fix some stuff but I also want to go add another grinder probably just gonna walk to go get it I don't think I'll be able to handle driving a vehicle right now know that I'm a little ways away from that ground the game is running better but I'm sure as soon as I get back there it'll slow right down again actually it's okay now that I'm back I guess everything's settled into place in the game became happy this would be a good opportunity to save alright lets painstakingly fire things back up after we repair everything and then see if the funnels gonna work and let's watch the game so right down again interestingly there's a lot of rocks from not moving along the conveyor belts they're just kind of frozen in place I guess they can't really start and stop so I just got to get everything restarted I can hear from here the mud funnel is working well but I can't see it yet because I'm trying to grab my pickaxe and get up there but it's a bit of a process it's working wonders I can't really move from here but I'm gonna sit here and wait in case there's a cog up and hit with my pickaxe but we'll have a huge pile of gold really soon with all the grinders I could smell the dirt is by the time it gets here here's little crumbs but I still got the massive gold out of that and those little crumbs obviously aren't gonna cause much of a jam up for me I just reloaded back in I basically had to to make anything happen I just want to see how big our pile of gold is at this point getting bigger just fixed up every one of my drills put new dirt under everything so I'm gonna fire it up again and we're gonna watch gold come at max capacity I think this is whoops probably gonna be the final day I can even play before the games just not gonna have it any more but really really quick hopefully before things get started I want to put another one of these in my drills well alright well let's go to the top and wait for that gold I think sitting right here is gonna give us the best view and it's starting to come in you can actually hear every single piece of dirt that goes through there and produces big gold and here comes another flurry of it the each one their individual routes and think about all the gold is spitting out I could do this all day somehow the game today is actually running pretty good considering everything going on our gold pile is starting to work its way up the edges of the box I could disappear and watch this all day just looking at fall tees one after another big nugget big nugget big nugget so much gold and it makes me wonder what would happen if I set up two or three of these operations jumping onto one single pile also gonna start cleaning up some of these boulders everywhere because I think I got the operation to be able to take care of him now you can actually hear it up top grinding everything out though no gold is dropping yet we got a jam up a pretty bad one I wonder what all that is worth dad some good overflow surprised how many these energy crystals were finding - almost touching the box is now - I'm actually kind of at the point where I'm gonna have to move my boxes back a little bit probably risk losing some gold into the ground but you know what I've got gold to spare these days here's a fun problem to have the gold is actually so jammed up right there that nothing spinning utter anymore so I've got to adjust that a few hard-earned days later and I'm having kind of another problem I want a bigger pile of gold but it's hard to do it's starting to slow down at this point because there's just not enough gold like it's coming pretty consistently but the piles still take it's hard to make it bigger definitely pretty fun to have a pile of gold I can actually stand on like this though
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 474,558
Rating: 4.920537 out of 5
Keywords: df, dangerously, funny, dangerouslyfunny, dangerously funny, gameplay, pc, hydroneer, hydroneer gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 21sec (1221 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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