Building A Gold Bar Mountain Because I'm Insane - Ram Drill Gold Mining Factory - Hydroneer

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well hello there everybody Dre here and welcome back to Hydra near today it's gonna be mining day we're finally gonna put this system to its tests and see if we can make a giant gold bar because that's the ultimate goal really I didn't lock that down um anyways I have been busy off recording locking everything down aside from this one wall of course and I did a few small changes to the system first of all I took filters off the two systems that I don't think need filters basically as long as there isn't a machine on the system you shouldn't need filters I don't think these sorters break down I've never actually seen them break down the only things that I have break down are the RAM drills and then the extractors or whatever you want to call them so yeah I took all the filters off the other two systems that have no machines on them so that's great because that should give us more flow if you don't know filters take 2% whereas an ordinary pipe takes 1% of the flow I also added more filters to the other systems to hopefully stop the breakdown so we got a couple over here I think I put a couple over on the other side too that way there's more filters throughout the system because my major thing is the RAM drills are breaking down like crazy so I think I added four extra filters to the system and a few more to the extractors as well ah one more thing I might want to do we might change this later but for right now I'm gonna keep it as it is is move some of these pressure chambers over to the end of the system because I don't exactly know how far this pressure goes throughout the system I think there's a certain limitation where it doesn't reach the end of the system but through our testing it worked well so we're gonna keep it as it is and yeah we're gonna test this out today and hopefully we can make a giant gold bar now I was having leg issues so like I said I've locked pretty much everything down I might have a few things that are still not locked down but well filled like these things need to stay unlocked because I'm moving them around all the time but yeah whatever I could lock down I diety ah so yeah I'm excited to test it out it's been you know built for like a week now and I haven't really tested it too much does that oh no that's just a pressure gauge I was like did I leave a filter here no okay so I'm gonna clean out the little bit on the system here and then we are going to hopefully melt a lot of gold let me just make sure all the chamber I should probably put a basket in here so let's do that all right we're just gonna clean out the little bit of gold that is currently in the system and I think the dirt should all be cleaned out so we should be good to go and I am so excited to see how the system can do because I think it's gonna be pretty good at earning a decent amount of money double check up here make sure there's no giant dirt clubs anywhere and no we should be good through our testing we only had one blockage and we didn't really have the system on for too long so yeah we're gonna go for the long run today I'm hoping I don't hit too much lag but I probably will and yeah that's just because our system is so large now all right so let's turn everything on um I don't know which ones to do I forget which is which so we're just gonna turn them all on oh I didn't even hold on probably turn on the RAM drills first cause you know that's how we get dirt in the system so I really wish these things would stay on like once you told them to but every time you reset the game they turn back off unfortunately okay now we're good to go now I didn't fix any of the dirt issues that we were having some of the RAM drills aren't working so I can obviously hopefully do that while the system is on here we'll see what happens here that's a good sound when you see that much gold going right away you know things are working we also still have that leak I will fix that later I want the system to be running right now and I just want to make sure these breakdowns hopefully stop look how beautiful this is ah it's so nice to see just a system that actually works well okay so yeah it's looking pretty good over there we're getting all them going amazingly I don't have too much lag yet so it's been hit about five times now this is about when I was hitting lag last time so this is good to see it's looking like everything's working up here I've really got to fix that leak issue just because of Lee knowing noise and yeah it is literally raining gold right now so if this goes well obviously I want to add more to the system today but we're gonna be mostly focused on mining right now and just making sure the system is stable which it definitely seems to be a hell of a lot better now that I lost everything down obviously the more longer we have it on though it will hit lag that's just going to happen because of how much moving parts there is but this is by far my best system yet and I am so excited it's looking pretty good in here as you can see no blockages at all yet and unfortunately we might need to put a few more filters in that system we already have a breakdown up there so getting a little bit of lag now it's been on for a couple minutes that's just gonna happen I mean this game can only take so much alright so there we go we fixed that it's nice that I can kind of see everything from the outside as well so I don't need to go inside and it's looking good well it's a big clump of dirt there I must be old at least I hope it's old well yeah those little filters seem to fix it though I haven't had any Ram drills break down yet so we're just gonna have to put filters every you know 50 feet or so and it seems like that's gonna fix it now the downside is when one of those filters breaks it usually stops the system then I'm gonna have blockages and whatnot so that's something we have to worry about and also I have one Ram drill that's not getting dirt so we should probably try and fix that now so every now and then we're gonna have to turn off the system and just kind of clean it out make sure there's not a bunch of nuggets everywhere I mean it's playable right now I've had way worse leg in this but obviously it's kind of hard to do anything while you're lagging like this so let's just clean this out all right there we go we had a lot of Nuggets there as you can see it's actually it can't keep up beats machine only takes a certain amount of nuggets so it kind of has like a traffic jam here which is why I'm constantly here trying to fix it's just it's too efficient right now down the line we might need to have like one on each side and have a two layered conveyor belt just because of how much gold we have going through the system now but it's so nice to see I don't even think I have a blockage yet yeah let's turn it off for the time being do a little bit of a clean-out here and there's a few things I want to fix like that annoying leak and then hopefully that one Ram drill we can figure out what's wrong with it as well but yeah that was the most stable first test that I've had in a long time and when I locked everything down now it seems to of fixed the lag issues that we were having like I said we we're always gonna get lag that's just the downside of having such a large system but I mean the great thing about this game is you can build as big as you want alright yeah the lag is definitely better so it's just the amount of nuggets that were in the game like it's still a little bit laggy um and obviously if I reset my game that should fix that as well all right yeah we did have a little bit of a blockage good thing I turned it off when I did ah this is the same area I believe I had the blockage in the for my first test so I'm wondering why these ones are doing that it's kind of weird because everything else is you can see totally fine I mean it's not a big deal we're gonna get blockages regardless of how efficient our system is just because the game is physics based it's just weird that that was the same area as before that got blocked so I'm not sure if there's something it with that funnel or what so I am gonna power the lower conveyor belts a little more that might be why they were kind of getting a blockage at the front here the more power we have going through the system the better I don't want to go crazy though I might might seem like I have a lot of shards here or shard bars as they're called but obviously if we were to fill this system up there would be 12 shard bars sorry math is hard 16 shard bars so yeah that's too much shard bars so I'm just kind of testing the system the one thing is we definitely do want to put some more in the RAM drills we only have one in there right now so let's up it to to the system is stable enough to get it a little bit faster so that should hopefully help out a lot and I think everything else should be good all right one more thing I wanted to do I'm having a little bit of a blowout here I mean not much there was four Nuggets in that whole test unfortunately I bought the triangular ones but you can't flip them upside down because the game's dumb so we're gonna have to have this annoying thing oh it doesn't sit in the middle that's right well that's annoying but it should help a bit for right now I also didn't buy many yet I just want to see if this is actually useful or not but for getting around quickly I'm always jumping in here and it's kind of a pain in the butt so obviously having a walkway around the outer perimeter at the top kind of makes sense oh god damnit I also forgot to buy one stair and that's why I fell through that stupid pool I decided to just add one more layer of stairs because I'm clearly drunk in this game and I fall off at about 15 times every episode okay and yeah that gives me enough for one lane so obviously I do want to wrap but the more I add right at the end here um the more I'm gonna have to move every time I expand out so I don't really want to add too much cuz I just makes adding more to the system much more annoying oh there's my hammer I've been looking for you thank you I can lock everything down now holy crap it's actually like a an effect behind these things cuz they're so fast now now I am lagging a bit you know what maybe I should reset now for some reason I don't know if it was an update or something but whenever I reset the game it deletes the stuff in these so we're gonna melt these down and then we'll just saw the bars I forgot there was a saw in this game in the last episode but yeah we'll saw these bars and combine them together to see how much gold we earned because yeah every now and then the game just likes the lag until you reset it and resetting it just like everything in life seems to fix it alright now we are ready doing your water oh my god okay well we're not gonna fix it right now that's obvious but what the hell did I screw it up I hope I didn't screw it up I mean I'm hearing good things right now I hate that I've one stair I forgot one freaking stair game okay well the important part is I've boosted the RAM drills it seems to be doing okay I still have that annoying what what water noise though what the hell like I swear that was it what is leaking is it the other side that doesn't make any sense do I have that doesn't need to be there that whole pipe doesn't need to be there because it's going in over here okay III know why now I added one too many pipes so I literally just have an edge of a pipe I'm going nowhere alright well the gold highway is much faster now as you can see Jesus this is great that should help with the lag as well you can see there's actually like an effect behind lead Nuggets they're like getting dragged from the sheer speed of this thing now but yeah that should help with the lag because the less nuggets we have on this the less lag we'll have oh my god this is amazing okay I I have to fix that this this damn water noise drives me nuts like it is of my nightmares I hear it at night because I play this game so much so yeah what I thought was that obviously this conveyor was going the same way as these ones so this plug is literally going nowhere so we're gonna have to move this over here get rid of this one and we should hopefully never hear that noise again alright turn it back on I don't hear any water anymore thank God oh wait you bet what the hell now how many leaks did I have in this system clearly I'm not a freaking plumber guys cuz where is that leak oh my god I am losing my mind with leaks now it's somewhere up here I can hear it maybe it's up at the top I honestly don't know this is amazing though I'm learning so much money as I'm trying to troubleshoot this whoa a little a jam there Jesus well there it is it's one of all it's got to be the same thing as I did on the other side okay well I'm gonna leave that for right now but I know where it is now so we'll fix it next time the system shuts off well that was convenient okay and there goes all my shards so we have double in each one so it should last for quite a long time but we are gonna have to start worrying about shards looks like we got quite a few though that doesn't look like much but that's probably two bars right there okay let's finally get the system up I have repaired all of the filters so we should be good for a while and oh yeah that's right every time freaking Ram drills man okay now we are officially good and I am pumped because I have cleaned out everything we shouldn't have any water anymore oh look at that yes come to me my golden Dougie's okay perfect now well that's doing that oh I'm hearing something hold on sometimes these things glitch out that's looking okay I'll have to keep an eye out it's a very annoying noise but as long as it's holding the Nuggets I don't care but as that's doing that wait how many times do I got to do this is it because they're so expensive they don't have oh no yeah this is a dumb idea I thought it would literally half the bar regardless of size but no because I'm putting so much these bars they're not having that's not good cuz I want one big bar not a million big bars alright well maybe if I'm a patient I can slowly stick these things in here I feel like it's possible it's just very annoying to get them in there and now I have so many more bars I got to deal with as well before I was worried about leaks now I'm gonna be freaking spending all my time on the damn gold bars odd no that's not good either that was the first time a ram drill is broke I mean that's okay as long as it's just one still call you bastard seriously how many how many times just out of curiosity do I have to before they get small oh there we go that's actually kind of convenient or pleasing to the eye but I mean I guess I could do that but that's gonna be like an hour of warp that was like a maybe four K bar I have a hundred K bar in here so there's gonna be so many bars Oh God somehow getting blowouts over here that's kind of weird what is that noise shut up oh is it that blockage that we saw earlier it's probably that alright hold on here hey guys just come on out there there you go oh god that go down the side oh that explains it you bastard alright come on over come on over we're gonna have to put some sort of system there what am i stuck on oh the tool rack here join your friends this is ridiculous this has been so efficient though my god this is too good oh you know what one thing I'm worried about before I start doing all of this is if I restart the game will it delete what's in my cauldron like it does with these ones you know what I'm gonna turn off the system for right now this was a really good run no actually let's keep that on that's the lower conveyor so that was about two days um in-game time of course not two days in real life that would be a little crazy um but yeah and I didn't have one blockage we might have a few pieces here no like okay well that might have just popped in there I don't know but like a look at this this is so efficient now not seeing anything like a few small pieces that might turn into blockages and you know a couple days of runtime but nothing to worry about I didn't even look up there at all and I knew it was gonna be good okay and as you can tell it's not laggy as well I mean this is great so big question is how much was that there's still a little bit of gold in there but I'm not too worried about it how much was that in the little time the water that it was on looks like every other bar I'm guessing like maybe 10k okay 16 K not God okay I have to deal with these but yeah like I said before that I want to make sure that this doesn't delete them because I've learned that that indeed does happen and I'm thinking it's just when it's melted it seems to be fine yeah it's totally fine as long as we don't melt that down we are good to go all right so let's clean out the little bit that's in the system right now and turn it back on this is ah this is the life now this this is what I dreamed of in hyejin ear when I freaking started alright during my last run I had a lot of breakdowns as compared to the other ones so I'm thinking it's just there the UH the actual machines are still breaking down just a lot slower now because there's more filters in the system so I'm trying to add some more filters to the system here I added about seven more to our two main systems here obviously the extractors and then the RAM drills ah hopefully that fixes it because yeah I was spending a lot of time repairing but yeah aside from that it's been good seems like Flo's been good and everything so we're gonna turn it back on and once again get back to mining well that seemed to have fixed the issue with the machines breaking down so oh I guess I spoke too soon [Laughter] I have so many filters all throughout the system now now interestingly enough I don't know if it's because of the added filters or whatnot I'm also getting a couple blockages I've already had to deal with too which is not much but for one day that's pretty crazy and I'm also getting lag once again so that's the weird thing like any my new change of the system can drastically change the way it acts still working great but uh a little frustrating we're getting blockages when I did clean out the system right before this test run so there was no blockages in the whole system even oh look at speak of the devil we got another one I don't get what's going on like I checked the I checked the pressure gauges as well and they were totally full and look at that we have another breakdown here and this is what I'm talking about it's like you do one small change and everything goes to crap oh that turned them all off I just I just heard them turn kickback on I am scared to go upstairs right now because it is going to be a mess probably a little bit okay let's turn it off all right guys I think I'm gonna accept defeat I was dreaming of having a system bit um works perfectly for days upon days and it did until I added more filters and then broke everything again that's the thing at this game man you change one thing and everything breaks it's not awful it's that like you can easily earn like 10k before you start hitting issues generally the thing is I know on July 15th developers going to be adding something to the game that will literally fix all my issues with dirt so I'm really excited for that Goliath drill should be totally fixed as well then so we might even change these to collaterals so I think until then I'm gonna kind of slow down a little bit on expanding this out because I think that will solve all the issues I'm trying to solve myself ah thing is it's gonna take me forever to melt all these things down I'm not expecting you know a million bucks I have no idea what to expect here but I'm thinking maybe I'd be happy with like 200k so we'll see what we can do and I mean at least we have lots of money so when the update does come we'll have money to spend that to upgrade our system to be even better so just for fun let's see how many gold bars there actually is I don't know if I'm losing gold or not but okay okay stop I'm definitely losing ah god damn it oh Jesus Christ that scared me oh I'm definitely gonna lose so much white gold but god damn it it's worth it I mean I know these big bars are getting smaller I mean in terms of a weight but they're there seriously no end in sight I I'd the more I look over here the bigger my staff I'm just trying not to lose bars oh god I can't even tell which ones are big and which ones are small anymore by the way there's a little pile I gotta say it's fun seeing you know more gold though cuz don't get me wrong it's nice to have a big expensive bar but when you can actually visually see how much gold is truly in that bar it gets kind of ridiculous just just a little bit well day three of cutting bars I gotta be honest I thought there'd be like a hundred maybe 200 max there's got to be a thousand freakin bars here and look look I haven't even frigate I don't think I've gotten to the hundred K gold bar at this point I'm scared I'm honestly scared but my morbid curiosity I want to see how many bars are in these bars now I just know that I have to put all these in the cauldron when I'm done and I'm not looking forward to that I I i regret my decision but now I now I can't stop so of course I just realized at the end I'm not a smart man ah there is a slightly smaller version of the big bar that actually does fit in here I didn't even notice it because it's so subtle so the majority of are the even smaller bar this is this is after I'm almost done there's the rest there it is God how did I not notice that okay I've made a lot of mistakes in my life guys but this might be my my worst one I like I said I thought there'd be a hundred bars maybe 200 you know something doable this there's still some big bars in here like there's one right there there's there's still a bunch of different sized bars but I got to stop I'm gonna lose my mind I am there's too much gold in the freaking big bars that I had also there's a bunch in here as well well not a bunch but there's like at least 20 in there as well so I thought I'd make a game out of this because I'm not crazy enough to I'm I'm pretty crazy but I'm not crazy enough to work on the crucible now so I want you guys to let me know what you think this is all worth now the closest three I will give you a copy of Hydra near now the way this will work is I'll have a pin comment saying if the guessing is still open or not obviously when I record the next episode I want to announce the winners and you guys won't see the recording too a few days later so I don't want people saying after the competition that they were closer or whatnot so I will have a pin comment on this video saying if the competition is open or not and yeah the closest three will get a copy of Hydra near and that will basically make me have to do this because I'll feel bad if I don't so yeah it's safe to say um there's a lot of gold in some of these big bars and yeah like I said let me know what you guys think this is all worth the closest three will win a copy of Hydra near and the way I'll do it is all respond to your message with an email and basically email me and confirm it's you and then I will gift you a copy on Steam so yeah let the comments come let me know what you guys think this is all worth and I need a break and in the next couple of days I'll get back into this and obviously throw all these into a cauldron so yeah let's go wrap it up for this one guys I hope you guys enjoyed checking out my system here as you saw it's not perfect but it's definitely really really good and when July 15th comes around there's gonna be a few updates that make it in my opinion perfect so I'm so excited for that and yeah I'm not excited for dealing with this in the next episode as always guys thanks for watching and liking and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Drae
Views: 610,670
Rating: 4.9018726 out of 5
Keywords: hydroneer gameplay, hydroneer game, hydroneer drae, gold mining, hydroneer highlights, gold mine, gold mining simulator, mining sim, mining simulator, indie games, gold mining sim, simulator game, hydroneer gold rush, hydroneer walkthrough, mining games, blacksmith simulator, gem mining, gold nuggets, mining game, mining gold, gold simulator, hydroneer base building, indie game, hydroneer mining, automation, automated mine, ram drill, gold haul, finding gold
Id: TORgdx3Ignk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 47sec (1487 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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