I Turned A Mountain Of Gold Into A Single Necklace in Hydroneer

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but very very valuable gold bar then we're gonna do both of these gold bars and together to spell them down into one make it make it gold bar all right well that's one mountain of gold into one single gold bar how much do you think all this gold is worth and more importantly how do we smelt it especially considering the game is already running at a crushingly low friendly I could go one by one but that's not gonna happen so maybe a magnet on a stick I know I already had one of these but good luck finding it why is the gold exploding for some reason the game doesn't love this area and I couldn't imagine why oh we can pick up a lot of gold at once this isn't gonna be as bad as I thought getting a large cluster of gold into a pot this small however is going to be a challenge especially considering we know what happens when this thing's full of gold and you try and move it so I'm gonna repurpose this conveyor to be a gold catcher we're gonna put that over there we're this over here and deal with the floating dirt balls then we just got to be sure that the gold falls to right down at high speed before getting too carried away I need to get an idea of exactly how far the gold is gonna fly off the end and it looks like not very so that'll work and we did move a few things out of the way and right here is where my gold catcher is gonna go I actually have to climb my mountain of gold just to get to my smelter so we'll put it down nice and gently right about there as long as we can add gold nuggets to the existing smell bit gold I'll be happy looks like that's gonna be okay well that was one day also gonna need a few of those things because magnets don't discriminate since I'm in the neighborhood let's add the funnel something like that I'm actually gonna leave it floating in space that way if it clogs up the gold falls over the side and that guy's gonna spit out all the iron this way that way I don't get any iron in my gold the only problem is gonna be plugging that luckily I have a lot of everything floating around my ground with a careful jump I actually got that plugged this is all going way better than normal so the gold will make its way up the conveyor system yeah that's what I wanted to do and eventually land right down in that funnel sort of like that perfect now I just need a place to kind of you know deposit the gold boxes really are the ultimate multi-tool something like this is what I was picturing and it's got to be fairly dummy proof because the game is running very slowly and I already lost my magnet on a stick now that that's located let's give this a bit of a test run and see how it's gonna go all this misbehaving gold please come with me this clump of gold in itself is worth a lot of money slowly guided over here we got some of it yeah that worked well let's get what we can and slowly make our way over I do have a bit of an idea this doesn't work and it's not gonna be any better but it's gonna be more amusing and there they go again okay I didn't realize this would also pick up clumps of dirt we successfully got one piece of gold over here so I'm just gonna drop it something like that and it's eventually gonna make its way up to the top but I need more of those sorters because I'm assuming these can grab pretty much everything at this point at least the gems I don't even know what they're trying to grab right now the game isn't very happy and I don't really know what to do about that aside from cleaning up all the gold one thing we can do is try moving this cuz I think it might be having a bit of an issue so let's just unstuck this and that actually didn't do anything too bad can't help but wonder how much all that gold is worth alright the game seems a little bit happier this morning probably because I moved the truck out of here so let's take another clump of gold slowly over to where we need it maybe walking backwards is the key it doesn't matter which direction I face I can't see a thing and if I go too fast I drop most of the gold but this was one good idea we're gonna let it go right about here there we go look at all the gold under the conveyor belt we're gonna lose a little bit along the way but probably gonna get most of it into the pot oh god what is happening everything shifting I want to see okay we're down here now why is everything running around maybe because of all the gold of topped it's currently pouring down in well I think we got one out of five in and that's better than we normally do and at least if it's over there it's closer to the pot every time I go near the floating gold it tends to collapse and causes a massive chain reaction which is kind of fun but also slowing the game down a lot and if I can't walk the gold over what I'm gonna do is just turn it around and drop it I'll take a huge comfort Gold drop it there grab it another one rinse repeat we'll take it one step at a time the game is definitely lovingness lots of gold flying everywhere I've got a big clump of gold I'm just not really sure of course am to the drop point let's try this again right about there perfect alright we'll get some of that in we can kind of see from here a lot of it falls out and I'm not actually sure we got one of those in oh we got one no it bounced out of the pot anyway clearly we need more boxes a few of just those boxes later let's see where this gold lines up it still bounces out the opposite way in a box there hopefully catch the rebounds and that should work perfectly because I'm always a hundred percent right so let's find out the efficiency on this stupid thing is getting better but it's pretty low I think there's a piece of gold actually sitting on the rim yep so even my anti clog design has quickly clogged time to make a little adjustment since they're spilling so much of the gold over the side let's set up a conveyor system to bring it right back to where it needs to be I knew I bought this many conveyors her a reason gonna have to move a little bit of dirt out of the way clearing out all the ore that's in the way the conveyor is probably the hardest part and I'm gonna put this sloping roof at the end to hopefully funnel the gold inward places like this pit full of gold are gonna be so hard to deal with luckily I have nothing but time and I'm gonna bring the conveyor as far as that one spot past my smelter no she's a matter of finding all the pieces to plumb it properly and then some more these slow proves to make sure the crap getting spit out of here doesn't land on my conveyor system again only gold then I've got to do the same on this side so we've got to move this pipe over a space it's times I guess what I'm actually really happy I've got so much crap lying around yet I'm still gonna need more conveyors and this little guy as long as I can count is the last piece of my conveyor puzzle I just need to connect them and continue to pillage parts off whatever that was and I've added a pair of crystal and there to make sure the conveyors are nicely powered although I did this wrong you'd think I'd have this figured out by now now I've just got to make the rest of the pipe connect and while I'm doing this all I'm kind of slowly organizing things before you know what there's place I look great if it should be the last piece let's see if it works all right both conveyors are going but none of the gold really is well some of the gold is let's see what it does at the end it all funnels in there and yep that's gonna work no it's like recirculating gold because I mean this village falls under the newer conveyors and it all goes back to where it's going eventually it'll make it into the pot eventually though I've got to say it's pretty annoying how most of this gold is just sitting here and I need to repack it up now we just need to figure out what to do about Jam ups right here I can just manually unclog them once in a while go in like this but that kind of defeats the whole purpose I want this to be mostly automated but these big funnels just don't really work because the hole isn't big enough for the big gold I could try and make a custom funnel out of dirt but that's gonna be a lot of work it looks like as long as the gold comes in reasonably slowly it'll work just fine but as soon as I get any amount of gold on their clogs up my half-hearted answer to all the spillage two more conveyors hopefully now all of this village should land back in a convey and recirculating the gold till eventually it falls into the pot is it gonna work is the other question already we're getting a Gemma but it looks like it's actually working out not bad so far the gold is still gonna get caught a little bit on the edges but it'll pile up there and then roll onto the conveyors pretty quickly I just made a special trip or these may not sound like a big deal but if I have to spend the next six hours listening to water drop I'm gonna go insane it's beautiful now I'm just gonna go full steam ahead with the gold and hopefully it works out ten seconds later we have a massive Jam up so I'm kind of wondering what would happen if I remove the funnel altogether I know it's gonna be harder for gold to get in the pot but at least it's not gonna jam up it's gonna fall back onto the conveyor system and eventually find its way in alright surprisingly it didn't it all work without the funnel but this seems to be working a little better if I put a funnel right at the top it tends to drop them nice and straight down nice and evenly so I get less Jam ups and yes I said less Jam ups if I didn't know something jamming up it wouldn't be me I can actually move a lot of gold with one of these magnets takes as long as the game is behaving that's beautiful look at all that gold eventually kind of make its way to where it's going and we already have a gem up up at the top somehow you're making progress so as long as you're getting some gold into that pot what did I get iron bars in there where did those come from know that I've got this more or less working well let's try something a little bit less likely to work I'm not really sure the best way to do this yet I might be able to fill the truck up just like this and something over my little smelting operation doesn't sound very happy but at least all the gold seems to stack up really nicely in the back of the truck good news it sounds like is my smelting pot it's probably deeply unhappy with the amount of gold in it right now but I can't move that thing because I'm never gonna get it back there again but I think I'm gonna like this new way for getting gold anyway I should have just done it this way from the beginning almost got the first mounting completely into my truck whatever I'm doing the game isn't liking it very much at all so I'm pretty happy about that I have a feeling it as something to do with this so what we're gonna do is actually take this away now and the game doesn't seem to mind me carrying this and we're gonna smelt this into a gold bar right away this is definitely the most valuable gold bar I've ever had so we're gonna put it somewhere very safe like into this and movable bucket with my other money it'll probably be fine there that's the frame rate you'll love to see [Music] things were going so well really hope this is gonna work so if we can this go like this and so far so good this is such a fun process and let me tell you I actually can't believe how much gold there was in the back of this truck and that was the last piece perfect imagine how much gold is in this look how much happier that game is I mean it doesn't look great still but it's way better now so let's add it to our collection one very very valuable gold bar and then we're gonna do both of these gold bars and together to smell them down into one mega make it gold bar all right well that's one mountain of gold into one single gold bar but now we're gonna need a gem where do you think we're gonna find one of those maybe somewhere in the gem pile this one will work big red one there we're gonna use this saw to get the gold bar in half because apparently that's a thing now we have two even ones which when warmed up and be smelted into a necklace of incredible value at least I'm pretty sure it's gonna be valuable well we're at it we're gonna throw our bed in our truck because like any intelligent person I'm gonna sleep until the money makes sense and it actually makes sense today it's up 84 dollars so we're gonna get an extra 84 dollars for our necklace I'm not really sure how it works but what's the value of this thing one hundred and fifty thousand is that it but there was so much gold in there I was piling gold nuggets into that bucket for like an hour maybe the price is just extra low despite the fact that it's up today what do we have 150 148 today it's out 150 six seven sixty so it makes our six thousand dollars just sleeping overnight so I'm not really sure that works but I'm gonna take it now 156 thousand dollars is disappointing I expected millions for that adventure more effort well spent
Channel: undefined
Views: 566,341
Rating: 4.9219813 out of 5
Keywords: df, dangerously, funny, dangerouslyfunny, dangerously funny, gameplay, pc, hydroneer, hydroneer gameplay
Id: 2taEteYV6Ao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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