This Rare Material Is More Valuable Than Gold in Hydroneer

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ready to be sold at the stock market or jeweler well you know what that's all right because i didn't put a ton of new gold into this because it's actually kind of hard to find so i need to scale up my operation so i can find more of that but that sounds like a problem for next time here's my brilliant idea for today and we for the first time ever have a mostly unjammable operation and that should make it very easy to build a large amount of all of this stuff working my way all the way down to the end simple enough to start we need 12 swords which apparently is more than i have then we're going to buy ourselves a workbench and also a screwdriver not really sure how this works but i'll figure it out eventually also this works better with money pretty sure i left a few dollars somewhere around here if i was smart i would have just driven my vehicle here but i'm just not smart is this by chance enough to cover the hundred and ten dollars i need did that include the palette because it'd be nice to carry this all at once all right trucks are almost obsolete already uh until i try and put everything in the back of the truck wow it actually fit now we're gonna put this in this spot where i'm least likely to run it over and now i guess we just start making some swords i hope i could divide one iron bar enough times to make everything i need does that work we just keep stacking these up forever oh it got smaller probably can't make swords out of that maybe we can what else if we keep doing this interesting that's kind of fun because i don't have enough trouble keeping track of my stuff it never said they had to be valuable swords okay very cheap metal swords now does it work it does not did one of the things fall off maybe that's a problem it does work i think it just kind of makes little swords but it didn't specify what size we needed little swords it is let's maybe be smart for the first time ever and lay those on a palette for some reason the game doesn't like me making them any smaller than this that's four so far next time i'm going to be smart and cut the metal bar inside the fire because then all i have to do is remove them put them on there hit them with the hammer rinse repeat i might actually be able to do this with one single iron bar which seems very weird to me but we're gonna make it work i've already broken something because these aren't heating up properly now in case you were wondering that is what 12 swords looks like now let's figure out what exactly we're supposed to do with these while also removing a bunch of crap in the back of my chocolate i don't want to play with today one order of danger coming up i have to put them in here so this is currently locked because i need 12 swords i have 12 swords do i do that and how do i get that that's mostly really all i'm after i get how this is gonna work i put the recipe here i put the bars over here hot and i use the screwdriver to create what i want maybe the swords are too small this doesn't seem to work either is this saying i need to make a size 12 sword is that too small because this is 1.24 if that's the case this is not big enough here i thought this would be a straightforward thing for once let's bring a scale back with this that might help give us some answer a single sword weighs 1.86 according to this maybe if i make a full-sized sword it's definitely a lot bigger by comparison so this might be the size we need it's so big it doesn't even fit but yeah according to what i'm seeing this should be big enough all right game do you think this is gonna work for you 139 that's you know good enough right yeah that seems to have worked i mean it took the sword did that work did i unlock it i feel like nothing changed nope never mind it's letting me leave with this one so that means it's paid for which works out great because i'm way too lazy to try and figure out how to steal stuff right now so we put that there then we just need three hot bars to make a candle where am i gonna find some ore also what are these that are a different yellow from gold is this like super gold i don't know it was just fitting at the end of the conveyor so i guess it's a new material probably a pretty rare one because i only found this much of it anyways we can use this for a little bit of cleanup because i need to smelt some stuff and it won't take long at this rate in theory the less material we put into this the better because radius is changing weight not value so that's good enough for me we'll cut this bar into three turn it into a candle and we're gonna keep everything nice and close one two three and then boom oh okay we might have only needed one gold bar to do that but we now have this thing let's go see if the dinosaur boat is happy with this i can straight up zelda stuff too and it might be pretty valuable later on we might make something out of new gold but let's get some recipes first i uh yeah it's this way definitely faster to drive and that weighs 18.89 and this is asking for 12. then we get a teacup blueprint a teapot apparently next we're going to need what exactly a teapot with weight 18. all right that should be easy enough you think we can make a teapot out of power crystals i'm going to start storing uh extra blueprints over there probably a few extra power crystals in there we'll turn this into a bar whenever you're ready i've got all day there we are one crystal uh yep thanks for being in the way we'll see if this actually heats up i get the feeling this probably isn't going to work because this doesn't seem to be heating up but you know what nothing better nothing game nothing maybe we'll try gold though i think this is trying to tell me iron by its color but if i give the game a gold teapot over an iron one you think it would just like that okay it does want to be picky one iron bar it is this gold isn't good enough for this game bigger than i thought what does this thing weigh if i was seeing that correctly it was sitting at just over 18. i didn't really see that properly i assume it's big enough no one in the world needs this much tea it won't even sit in there it's so big hey you these that where you're supposed to i might just have to be quick okay got it not sure how big that was there was an iron bar i had lying around for a while so that might have actually been really big now i can make a shield out of gold i need one that's 16 big i realize some of those blueprints the ones up top are for making pipe that might be what that new material is is something to make pipes out of not really sure why that would be worth it although one could argue that nothing i do is ever worth it so we'll move this one into storage and then we wait hopefully this is going to be big enough i think it needs to be 16 weight and it's not working is that not gold what is the other one this one was gold they look different the one i'm holding is iron this one's gold this one must be that new gold so let's go collect whatever that we have uh not sure if there's anything in this currently i'm not going to take all of this because i assume it's fairly rare good we're keeping it nice and organized i just want to see what it turns into i don't want to lose it all right now it sounds crunchy i don't know why it sounds crunchy but we'll find out what it turns into shortly and kind of get the value of it because of everything we've produced so far which has been mountains of gold we've only found less than 100 of these it does smell down into something so there's a new bar of some kind what is this worth by itself out of curiosity 1435 interesting what is it worth if we turn it into a shield i'm seeing an awful lot of wood for something that is made out of i don't know what 35 1507 i think the value went up slightly but i'm very proud of my creation let's go trade it in for more crap we really need to make a bigger bucket here every time i don't drop something in it falls right out but yes that worked we now unlocked i think a cage but there's no children in the game this appears to be made out of the same material but is this new material worth more or less than gold a nugget of new gold is worth 143 a nugget of old gold is worth 87 and it's even a bigger nugget so this new goal is worth more i'll just put this back where i found it and i have pretty limited amounts of this so i'm going to try and get away with this much for now hopefully that's big enough now a cage a very expensive cage looks like that there's no way i'd ever put my kids in something this valuable and now we get to unlock the battleaxe if it was only the smallest bit bigger 19.72 out of 20. it's not big enough seriously it's that close can we just round up i'll bring you something better later all right well i guess we need a new one of these things and i guess when i get back home i'm gonna fire my entire operation again so i can continually mine this new gold but i should have enough here at least now to get a weight 20 cage pretty happy at this point my operation runs itself so it doesn't need a lot of babysitting i can keep crafting my stuff and this stuff should mine itself eventually we will add more drills and we will add lots of them we are going to check the weight of this bar before we bring it over there this time to make sure we have enough weight because i think we needed 20 i've already forgotten this one however weighs 22 no this weighs 50 pounds so i'm way over but it's worth 2200 it'll work now we can get our battle axe well i felt at least a few more of those while i was away at the shop i've also added an auto smelter for super gold so that's going to make my life a little easier i wasn't at all paying attention to how big of a battle ax i need but you can never have too big of a battle axe seem to be finding lots and lots of materials so far and hopefully lots of that is new gold i just pulled out a piece of dirt in there and let a whole bunch of dirt fall in at once and the game liked really hard but i found a bunch of crap i probably should have designed it where i can kind of keep track of how much new gold i'm getting but i assume there's lots well that's hopefully enough ooh the game looked pretty hard doing that but this has got to be a big bar never mind it's 19.75 i'm going to smelt that back down and we're going to wait for more i know i saw at least a few more pieces of new gold get into this yup we're up to about 32 pounds that's got to be big enough unless this is for your mom then it's just never big enough but that might work that's kind of fun kind of want to see the value of this before i sell it it might be hard to see fifteen hundred dollars for thirty two pounds of whatever this stuff is it'd be fun to make a giant pile of these at some point that's gonna be hard went away this requires a battle axe of twenty eight i'm really hoping that 32 pounds would ever translate it into a full weight paddle axe now that we have this unlocked i don't know if i'm going to bother with any of the pieces of pipe right now because i'll just buy them because i'm rich i do want to see the blunderbuss though i really do all right just shut everything down i should have a few more pieces of this stuff a few still bounced out of the way because my design there really only one of those nope there's more i just can't get anything into the hole anyways now that we have this let's see exactly what the blunderbuss is it's gonna look something like that that's pretty interesting can i shoot stuff nope it is purely for decoration but i can sell it at the stock market i wonder what blunderbusses are going for these these have to be reasonably valuable even though it takes a while just to unlock this blueprint and then they're made out of the hard to find new gold it doesn't really have a price for this particular item but it's worth apparently zero dollars it doesn't want my thunderbolt
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 865,911
Rating: 4.9312797 out of 5
Keywords: df, dangerously, funny, dangerouslyfunny, dangerously funny, gameplay, pc, hydroneer, hydroneer gameplay
Id: 5sRye2x_loA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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