Maskmaker | Part 1 | Crafting Masks To TAKE OVER Bodies!

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that is so cool though i really like this all right we're going in the masks we wear that's correct wendy we all wear masks metaphorically speaking [Music] oh [Music] [Music] okay hello wolf pack and welcome to mask maker a brand new game by the makers of a fisherman's tale which is another game that i should really play on this channel sometime this is a puzzle game about making masks much like that one right there and every time you create a mask and put it on you become a new person in a new world and that allows you to move around solve puzzles it looks really cool and i'm very excited let's go you are about to enter the world of the mask maker a realm of fantasy mystery and many secrets to discover our fable begins in a far-off land [Music] i don't know who are you or was that me talking do i know who i am why are my gloves so dirty some paper is there just forming together and apparently i can move all right the apprenticeship must be completed before it's too late apprentice wanted good with hands oh yeah very free room and board imagination required i can do all of that i'm gonna be the perfect mask making apprentice look at this town i really like the atmosphere of this game it's kind of spooky but very mysterious prospero the mask shop i guess that's the direction that i need to go but what's over here oh i can sprint haha oh stairs my mortal enemy down the creepy alley we go is this it is oh oh my god what it back you you are not ready so make me ready you risk everything you understand nothing you care for nothing and you've taught me well i cannot teach one who will not learn i cannot teach one who still will not be himself i'm sick of your riddles i'm sick of your rules old man old man given me anything you've never given me anything i gave you the chance you didn't i gave you a chance to be anything but first you must want nothing you must learn to become nothing say nothing now you're nothing oh monster no no oh we just witnessed a murder do we go in should i call the police are there any phones around here anything in the trash darn it maybe he's still alive it was just a misunderstanding what hello a customer no i'm here for a murder a new face but familiar all the same perhaps they came to change their face here once before yes long ago when the shop bell still rang all gone wise shh we are so fragmented all together now pardon our dust to the creepiness shop thank you so much it's good to be here see yourself synchronize what is the truth who am i am i the apprentice or am i the mask maker or am i just some random that was walking down the street at the wrong time i just saw your flyer and i was like ooh chess time for the queen's gambit yeah you're done oh yeah queen's gambit oh wow look at the physics on the chest the mask maker's pipe puff puff puff puff please ask before touching and if i don't oh i can't actually touch anything maybe that's why i have to ask these are really cool i like all the different masks oh they're supposed to find the master spot yeah i mean you told me i know in the mirror yeah i will i'm just taking my time i'm exploring is this the pottery that killed the master boom one hit right to the head something like that okay mirror don't move mannequins do i have to pick it up no i'm not doing that what's happening it responds to them to me oh no mirror mirror on the wall oh god there was an old mask maker the last master of a magical trade owner of a renowned mask shop hello every year his masks would transform the town children could play the monster beneath the bed lovers could discover themselves and each other yeah the old could be young and new and the young could even seem wise all only for a night at carnival time carnival but amid the rebels the mask maker was alone that he would take his secret knowledge the three ancient laws of carnival with him to the grave for fashions change and humans find ever new ways to change themselves and few wanted to learn the old secrets of paint and beast born i do me is that a baby is there a baby in the middle of this very dark alley do i go pick it up i like my blue hands hello baby am i the baby what the hell please take good care of this child where's all kinds of faces one day a boy with no name arrived at the shop a boy from the streets come looking to steal anything that would fit in his pockets hey stop it a boy from a hard world who had already worn many masks the old man offered him a choice return to the streets pockets empty or stay and learn the craft of mars the boy saw his chance the old man saw a clean slate a pure heart who could become a great mask maker yeah until he murders him whoa oh this is cool [Music] i really really like the presentation so far this is neat am i in a castle well that's a big door the mask maker i'm excited to learn the craft and the story you're creepy no the mirror has spoken still broken not ready i only just started ah i'm back the mirror is still broken what was that was that a dream should i leave i'm just gonna i'm just gonna okay can't get out of this shop looks like i'm living here now was that there there is much more to this shop than meets the eye explore find the hidden door there's a hidden door they are not ready that's what you think you must trust the workshop awaits them yeah the workshop it awaits me they move oh wait what's up second feeling oh wait there's this what happened here excuse me mask there's some twisties here now how do i know what goes where there's the little things above these circles kind of diamonds and fat diamonds is that what i need to do circles uh this one the kind of diamond and then the fat diamond this one there hell yeah i'm incredible a must-maker's workshop isn't dangerous why is it dangerous did he set up a lot of booby traps should i throw something just to be safe hello oh this is intricate guess we're going up how long have these candles been lit whoa this is beautiful the last century of the mosque what everything here is yours mine if you can prove yourself though i'm so worthy first you must craft a mask [Music] wow a place for such powerful magic it's so cool i feel like dummy geppetton to hold masks as you work on them okay that makes sense sure what is this is that water oh it's paints broken we'll get to that soon don't you worry all right sure i feel the magic here it's just permeating the walls what there's like buildings that's not where i am that's clearly somewhere else pride rock where simba is hello that's a spooky little mask you got on there your mouth is all askew what do we have in here nothing all the blueprints so why why don't you want me to follow you you didn't do a great job burning all of them though a first taste of your new power hell yeah each blueprint like this allows you to craft one new mask excellent where's the mask we need to create many of them to master the art ah all right he's in the mask realm gone not coming back yeah i'll get him so proud the realm took him the mask took him he was lost oh he didn't know who he was but he wanted everything this goes there now we need raw material like wood like a big hunk of wood from this you can create oh my god yes this is really cool the mask is there within the wood i'm really bad at this what if i don't find the right mask what if i clear your mouth oh damn good let the chisel guide you oh look it i'm creating it that sound it has been too long this is so neat oh my god this is really cool i mean i know that i'm not actually doing anything creative but just the act of using the chisel and the hammer thank you so much guys with the carving in its own special place on the main workbench look at this mask oh the mosque of the islands the islands yeah you must be open you must defy isolation there by adding paint feathers shells and so on this one base carving will be the source of many masks oh and a little of the mast makers magic already i'm pretty incredible do you guys trust me yet i'm gonna find your master follow the blueprint to the letter where'd the blueprint go oh i have to go get it generations of mask makers have learned this craft before you step by patient yeah i'm not very patient though so red i need red ah we just do it a couple times now i take my mask oh oh no no just all right that's fine nope i can't reach it oh god hold on ah that is really cool i like all the tools here look at that bendy arm all right we dip it you're first damn that's it the power of the craft [Music] well i'm just here for a job how much does this pay by [Music] oh that is so cool though i really like this all right we're going in oh my hands they're wooden whoa is that me hi how many of these did you guys mail out and no one wanted the job that is so neat time to go explorers at a familiar mask wow what are you i wonder raw materials that's what after all every master needs his welcome apprentice thank you i am king prospero oh you must be looking you're the mask maker has my fame spread so far apparently i am janitor landlord and supreme monarch of this humble realm humble really yes look around i have been beautiful is it it really is a little misty today perhaps but that is not so unusual in the far feather island our feather huh there's a giant tower tasks are the gateway to this place okay if you take off that crude first attempt from your face you will return to the workshop really try taking off the mask now okay then they return oh shh i met the king guys all right i'm gonna go back and you know it was really easy to find actually i just needed one mask so you know the game's almost over good there you are hi i'm back eh you will frequently return to the workshop to make new masks in order to move through my world of course now onwards let's start our journey wait go to the bridge wait my my journey is just to find you so could we like make it really easy and you just come meet me wow look at all the shells it's so glittery is there gold here i want i want gold this is beautiful this is really cool i love the style all right to the bridge i know it's misty but i would never steer you wrong the way you said that find your way to the broken bridge okay yeah really the way you said that though has me confused it's a person king is that you oh no i've just got the place the way i like it look at that tower quiet hello i admit these islands have a certain tumbled down charm is that what it is now are you feeling watched yes is that you see that figure on the next island over i do do not worry my subjects will not hurt you no it's not you he wears the next mask you must craft oh okay i need to take a closer look at the mask i'm squinting how do i do that spyglass in the workshop no all right i'm back hey have you guys seen a glass yup how'd you know oh excuse me mask this was not here before the spy class oh it's gone i've seen and being unseen this is a crucial tool for a mask maker ah you have found my faithful old spy glass oh keep that close you will need it cool must make a scene take a closer look at my subject standing on the other side oh oh neat now hold your breath for a second i'm doing it i'm holding it yes yes got it okay blueprint now that is a sight i've not seen since oh that is so cool the blueprint is your guide great a new mask this has the same face mask as the one you wear now right the red thing with two of those white clasped shells on the top do i need to find those i have to go find shelves you will find the components for your mask somewhere around oh probably down here looking for shells can i go in the water it looks really lovely oh man i guess i am wooden maybe i would just float or something can i crank this up there we oh yeah oh look at that anything good in there is that a shell that's really tiny all right it's a part of the realm so you will have to forage for components to build each new mask let's try this one okay wait the white one the one right in the middle not you you're too blue yes that oh god i feel that once you have found a new component for your masks like this white clasp shell it will appear back in the workshop ready for you to craft new masks great and explore new areas really cool you only need to find a component once thank god the workshop will always have a ready supply such is the magic of the mask maker i love you king that's great news and nothing there all right let's go make a new mask i guess oh this is so cool uh all right you go there so i need another red one so dippity doop you can go there where aha oh how neat is that there that's my new blueprint so i just need to put them here right learn the truth about yourself but do not trust your eyes what do i trust then that's all i have i'm in virtual reality guys i don't really have like touch okay there you are hey oh yeah look at my shells well how does that new body feel really nice this is reasonably obtained oh don't look so surprised how do you think you entered this there's my other guy way down there that is so cool look back over at where you arrived i see the body you were wearing before yep right over there now find my next subject and possess it yes sir what is that is that a person is that something i should possess look at that tower i want to get in there there's like a portal at the entrance uh huh you'll find these elders statues spread across the realm just relics of the old ways [Music] uh too bad i'm going right into this circle whoa okay this got a little bit spooky what do i do should i do i do like the same arm thing oh yep oh look it yes i did something i don't know just happened is it good the statue is awakened i did it maybe you are able to enter the test the towers hurry wait let's go find the three fragments of the ancient masters mask they're scattered in the towers oh bring them to me and my castle and with that raw material we should design a new mask fit for a true master me together of course am i the true mask maker am i more powerful than you oh i almost summoned my spyglass this reminds me so much of legend of zelda with the different towers and dungeons i mean how cool is that i'm really excited to explore these lands can i get through this water here oh wait i can go up here i like these environments it's really pretty and there's a bunch of different ones that i can use too i'm excited to explore this world fully now where the hell is the guy i need to possess ah there he is i see you hello sir i'm just gonna summon my little telescope here love it and there you are come on how do i zoom see what this one wears kinda use the spyglass controls to zoom in how oh aha got him i'm so wobbly this is the mass of the far feather merchants nice traders and travelers see the mask requires two different components from different lands well that's not good your apprenticeship truly begins how do i get anywhere else we'll grow more complex as you proceed yeah i assumed once this realm had another ruler old jealous and unwilling to share but now it is mine and i grant you passage through it well thank you really appreciate this land used to cultivate shell pearls in that cave you may find treasure lurking ooh treasure oh i think i found a pearl what a magnificent white glass bow thank you so much not a component found great this is the start of a long journey of usefulness to you but my king are you sure because yeah i mean i've served under a few different kings but i don't think you're mine dude so what else do i need to lower the paddles the entire realm where is the map this a piece of the machinery is missing yeah i see that watch has been lost trying to find a cog machinery you should be able to repair it now he knew this could not stay hidden forever where would i find a cog anyone seen a cog out here just chilling i needed to fix some stuff missing piece should be in the workshop somewhere oh wait it was literally just it was just lying there oh my god can reach different areas throughout the room yeah yeah you okay i said whoa whoa ready for the next stage awesome that's cool so these are all my red masks so i can just throw those on here that's really cool there's a bunch of different designs i need are there any other masks that i have oh we have a yellow mask what about down here so i have the first mask to a few places all right let's do the yellow because that's next in progression a new face appears yeah a new land to explore i'm excited all right get my wood and mask time i see you in there a new face is revealed and with it new destinations are discovered great yellow masks the swamps wear it you must be proud love thyself but do not allow vanity to take root oh jeez yeah maybe we should go with the blue mask then huh let's get all three of them done so we have our options i'm guessing we'll need to go both the swamps and to wherever this mask will take me goodbye you go back on there i'm really glad i don't have to go farming for wood and ingredients because that would get obnoxious this is neat that you just find it once have everything available to you look at that mask the mask of the mountain the mountains you must know thyself and fight against the shadow of oblivion the shadow of oblivion that sounds kind of spooky okay swamps or mountain mountain is here next so let's do that there we are nope nope uh release my mask thank you dip i can feel the power perhaps you shall be the one to heal the realm here we go to the mountains oh look at my mittens how adorable is that you can kind of see that there's like little fluffs on them oh the graphics are it's simple but it's really good do i have a mirror in here oh wow look at me so we're all puppets why are my gloves so white in the mirror and yellow on me oh hi i'm very interesting looking this is so cool i really really love the concept of this game we are really high up oh my god ah this is when i first came here the air was the clearest i had ever smelled and the ringing of the chimes the singing of the shepherds from mountain to mountain i want to hear it well a king cannot play favorites of course of course and this should be a place for a clear mind for solitude the windmills still turn here mostly yeah but my children are helpless without instructions oh you may need to patch a few things up on your journey sure let me just take a hot look at this guy ah there you go nope closer uh pink feathers see those feathers on the top of his mouth i do this one is from the village in the valley below i think oh wow okay since i don't know how long oh poor guy he's just waiting for the to find those the left is to craft your next new box yeah ooh maybe in here oh we have some machinery that i'm guessing needs to be fixed moved the cable car but looks like someone has started to repair it and left the place in disorder there may be something to fix it yeah yeah i'm working on it never throw anything away well good because they shouldn't well let me grab this one oh wait there's one here ah so i probably want the longest at the bottom oh i don't know i'm just kind of connecting pieces now can i remove that ah ah okay i think i'm understanding i think i'm getting this so we need the short stick here in the middle that there that way this will connect i need a bigger one i need a bigger one is there a bigger one are you bigger you're like the same size you you look huge so you go there come on does it not fit this one definitely doesn't go there huh there's a there's a little wire over there what am i doing now that seems right that seems like it should go there but i don't know what goes here i can fit that but i can't do anything else can i lower this like this goes something oh wait i can go up here pull this oh i need something to keep that down i would need another body if i take off my mask oh this could get really tricky huh that might be something i need with another body so let's explore a little bit further before we dive into that now we do have pink birds which i would assume leave behind pink feathers the fabulous red heart birds migrate all across the realm but they always manage to find the very highest hardest to damn well-reached place look how cool this place is oh there's a guy down there can i spy him he's in front of the tower there there we go you got this or the wind got it oh lost marks this one as a tower guardian oh well power since the towers went dark but once they were spread throughout the realm and always bore the most intricate masks crewed things to a mask maker's eye look at the cows or yaks i guess i'm just gonna keep climbing i'm coming birds and would you look at that these heights during my own apprenticeship a feather of the red heart got it at least that's what i always called them my predecessor didn't leave many clues so i need three feathers let's go back to the workshop i love how quick that process is there we go three feathers i am not getting that one yet uh let's put this one here get you blue again dippity dip yup yup you're fine and then three feathers on the top one two [Music] and three right three feathers oh yeah now i'll become that guy and there's me but you won't go very far yup he's not wrong there is something there but i can't do anything cheese might be cheese that's the tower guard huh that is so cool now what could keep this lower here holding the lever and also over there oh can you apprentice i i get the concept of it but maybe i just don't have the right thing can i put this in there and that would oh come on that's clever right so short one here then you and then i lower it that would start it moving right maybe i don't actually have to be in there doing this success oh i'm brilliant the wheels of the world turn once more ah but you have to keep holding the lever to turn the mechanism yeah i know but now i have this guy all right let's switch masks i still have it in my hand now i'm free can i can we go past the rope am i really just stuck here is there a way for me to vault out of this can i teleport yes i'm free oh suck it okay hold on me i'm coming hey me how you doing i've always wanted to hold my own hand oh that's creepy now if i keep this guy here holding it down take this off perfect he's holding it he's still holding it yes jump on this look at that dummy with a play thing no given me by my old master and containing about as much human and feeling he told me i would understand one day how a wooden face is the best friend to a mask maker how do i get off i think the old fool had forgotten more about masks than he ever knew about children oh i have to hold on i've got an idea keep this going until i get that guy in the proper position look at him standing on that then he goes over there then i should be able to get out of this thing this is really neat there are going to be some incredibly complicated and really fun puzzles i'm loving it and stop switch and i can hop out right can i get up and we're free so you passed the chasm i did it i'm reasonably impressed well thank you so much potentially indeed i'll have to keep an eye on you i'll keep two because i'm incredible there's a there's a statue down there let's activate that this is really neat now i still need the ingredients for that mask back on the islands ooh there's a cave let's get the statue and then we can explore the depths hello where's your uh you're the other of the elders statues always been dormant useless how do i there we go oh wait kinda i felt a little buzz you guys can't see my hands but i'm trying oh no not you do i need the right mask on i'm doing the pose unless it's supposed to be opposite because he's doing hmm oh wait what are you up to oh fly little kite that is really cool clever little twist boom that's two i don't know what that does but i'm glad i can do it look at this village this game is amazing i'm having so much fun it's just it's so clever alright caves let's dive into you [Music] you
Channel: A Wolf in VR
Views: 325,622
Rating: 4.9359641 out of 5
Keywords: a wolf in vr, wolf in vr, maskmaker, maskmaker vr, maskmaker virtual reality, a wolf in vr maskmaker, maskmaker vr gameplay, mask maker, mask maker vr, maskmaker full game, maskmaker vr full game, maskmaker part 1, maskmaker vr walkthrough, maskmaker vr review, maskmaker 1, new vr puzzle game, maskmaker game, vr puzzle game, maskmaker walkthrough, maskmaker guide, maskmaker island, maskmaker mountain, virtual reality, vr gaming, maskmaker psvr, maskmaker quest, vr
Id: A6FajiJjQjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 29sec (2249 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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