The Giant Undead Army! - Right Click to Necromance Gameplay

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hey everybody Hamlet's welcome to a game called right-click to recommence so this game the whole idea behind it is you start as a small little army event undead critters and as you kill other packets of undead critters you continue to grow bigger and bigger and bigger your pack dose but your guys can die so it's kind of a strategy game with which pack of bad guys do you want to collect before your backup bet or good guys who are bad guys die anyway it is free to play or you can donate to the developer on a website called hto at the time of recording this sometimes developers like to add a little bit of price to the game after I record it but I'll have a link down below in the video description if you do want to check it out I'm playing on PC so we can go from there and here we go so it's pretty simple it's just click and then you you move in here and you kill these two guys oh we got attacked by a second army we're gonna kill that one right there we're necromancia their neck remise whatever it is and our army continues grow bigger and stronger and faster well not really faster oh there we go let's get them and there are more enemies so once we kill off all these little peons then we can start killing bigger and bigger things it's not a very good idea to get surrounded like this because if you have more swords than you do more damage so the whole goal that I've been practicing with is to take on these little packs and unless we get bigger than we can start taking bigger packs so we're at 3 here and it's kind of nice to maybe go around them a little bit once in a while too so get around them and then kind of bring your guys from behind like so like that ok this is a little bigger pack there's like six or eight of them there so we can go around bring them in that was good we didn't lose any or we didn't lose many every time it goes back that's where the guy dies so yeah one died okay but we got four out of it so that's a pretty good trade-off here's to these guys of easy oh they both got a kill that wasn't so good okay look at this pack there's a whole bunch from there let's stay away from those and then we'll come down here they don't hunt you down there's no a chase mechanism that I've seen and they just kind of group up a lose three who got the three look how big our army is already isn't that fun oh okay so that's a little weird we didn't kill everyone in it now that's why the guys are still sort of dead in the ground and we didn't kill everyone in this one so let's take out these maybe it might be that guy is a bad guy okay we got some Nick Romancing going on there okay there we go that's awesome only this here's a bigger army big pack a lot of our guys are dying don't get attacked from back that wouldn't be do good come on come around there you go there you go there you go oh that was a good army okay let's go get this one uh-huh yeah that was good too and should we go after this big one oh there's some guys so they just randomly showed up now okay I'm gonna go for it I'm gonna go for this big pack we should be replenished a little bit yeah there we go okay now bring in some guys on behind span is surrounded envelop them there we go now there got it that was awesome okay look we got a bigger pack here these guys are a little bigger let's go for him I was like having the the small packs of the big guys oh this isn't good you got another big army hopefully we get those guys we can necromancerr them we got one left come on take him up take about eight watch everyone take them out I said take them out oh this is not good this is not good we've lost almost our entire army okay okay watch this ready everyone disappear and boom aah I surrounded them that was good oh boy this isn't this isn't fun you guys are just gonna die so I'm gonna evade um man now it's tough like which army do we go after okay we're gonna go for these kind of hate to do this though because there's so much bigger and stronger and it's gonna kill a lot of our little guys but I think we'll be fine with it I think we'll be okay we'll replace a lot of little guys with bigger guys that was pretty good we'll get that dude a giant dinosaur Cyclops thing Rock Cyclops raka plox I don't know what we're done aim it came surrounded let's go up for these oh this may be a bad idea maybe a bad idea maybe a good idea we'll see okay oh hey I'm gonna take out these guys we're gonna get totally surrounded here oh oh stay away from that big pack up top okay okay that's good that's good that's excellent awesome okay so far no no no okay Wow oh now we're in serious trouble now we're in serious trouble where I'll lose I need to kill these guys on the left side first I can kill the guys a little left I might be able to I can deck remise them go go go go go go go take a look I think I got this I think I've got this maybe not I can't tell err oh we got another pack in excellent and other one there good oh that was pretty good we replaced most of our little guys with the big rose oh what's that like a wizard thing okay nice there's another group here's a nice pack we can take out for the rock here - okay ready group it up we're gonna group it up oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy Wow our groups pretty big it's weird how fast you roll should I take these up I'll just take these guys out for sure oh wow you spit some green goop that's gross take it down nice I'm gonna take these guys out now that I've got a wizard guy take taking a group behind them now surround him sandwich him in don't hit the big guy with you just green spit thing that was good whoo here's another pack oh wow that's another group I don't know what those are if you've got some sort of big sword let's take these guys I feel like I'm kind of in trouble I feel like the map is full of a lot of things okay I'm gonna go for these because mainly because they attacked me now we're gonna surround them a little bit that's awesome that's awesome I don't know how I got away with that man these guys are surrounded by big things I'm gonna take this pack up oh great well it's a little bit bigger than I expected here I'm gonna take off that necromancer oh boy okay we got it that one's down now these guys are bigger is this gonna work every day okay another pack two packs let's go through this one let's go through this one just a little smaller and lighter awesome we got three necromancer's now or three mages I don't even know if they are cuz the whole game of the whole idea of this game is to be a necromancer so ah perfect oh there's another pack here I'm gonna go for these guys come on down now I'm feeling good about our chances maybe not we're kind of we're in a pickle now okay ooh got those awesome oh don't don't hit my don't have my big guys don't hit my big guys I feel like they're squishy and I lost one Oh No oh good we got a big pack again whoo there's another pack I'm gonna go for these little packs as much as I can to get that big guy in others another pack of four another good one right now these guys were small I'm gonna take them just for some fodder perfect just get a little bit bigger there's another small group uh-huh ooh we're hitting more than what we bargained for okay nice look at our pack of bad guys oh wow that's that's a little little hammer dude or something um not good let's back away can I back away a little bit gotta reload well there's another one okay come on in okay this works this is working oh he's down awesome okay that's tank we got a little tank dude should we take these guys up I think so woohoo Hulk smash I don't like being at the top of the map like this but we'll be okay uh-oh Oh big pack coming in oh that's good okay take out the big pack now cuz they're not so big it kind of split up a little bit I don't know where those two dead guys are from Oh think you're the last one yes yes there's a good one these guys Oh Oh take you thank you okay we'll take them all we're taking them all oh we're controlling half the map down that good oh we got another pack awesome well I guess we're just kind of a wrecking squad right now Aereo take him down take him down pick up down yes know these guys - perfect perfect man we got a big pack army we got a bag already packed now where am I going oh these guys they're not doing anything just camping out behind the rock that's not too good for us I'd kind of split my army not realizing there's a rock there come on Nicorette no no don't get stuck behind you oh no I think those guys are just dead I should I mean it could go for Oh go in yes I want another tank there it is already get attacked from behind Bernie attack for bike no we're not yes we are okay but I take the big guy out before we take the little guys up Oh No Oh No take these I need these I need those two I need those two come on kill it kill it yeah Oh Oh another group down here shoot take them out don't you kill anything oh we got to rock man you know there's that big one isn't there how are we getting stuck that so many guys around us there's so many people around us now I don't like this now this is how you die this is oh we got another pack awesome take this guy out take this group out right try to focus fire a little bit take this guy I want to take this out to take grandma nope okay focus fire now we'll go after him all right that's pretty good pretty solid exchange there we got another mage take him down good should be eight I think we're gonna make our way over to the boss the big dinosaur thing the big rock dinosaur guy we'll see if we can kill him I don't know how many more guys there are in the game how many more we can get feels like we got a really solid army right now though so I'm gonna try to take out the boss here we go taking our another group we're gonna move our way over there the best we can hopefully we don't get two killed on the way over all there's two big rock guys down there that's not good for us maybe it is I don't know after this this little army first and then that army to the top right of that one and then the other army to the left I think that's the way we're gonna do this yeah well the other army to the left caught up to us let's take him out perfect okay let's go get the big army the big guys want to group up a little bit before we go down in here oh wow here let's get this guy first cuz he's all alone Oh big Hulk smash so totally surround him there come on mages oh wow those easy yeah well if you're as oez let's take these out maybe just one at a time if we can looking good looking good I'm gonna get my guys who are on to the best I can come on yell it yell it I guess we got both here Oh got two of them yes Odie you left me alone okay Hulk smash Hulk smash I feel like our little guys are dead though I can't quite see come on kill it kill it man kill it kill it dead yes oh okay oh we got two we have three mages oh let's give these yes get rekt I don't know if I like these big guys the big hoax stuck at the bottom corner again hey hello what how better smashed and these guys hit really hard to get wrecked nice whoo here's an army Oh staked our meals below they kind of want to attack us first it looks like it will take the major out above mage group looks like there's two mages in there got it okay let's attack these guys Oh another little rock rock oh oh oh we're surrounded now this is not good for us hey hey I'm Eric good smash I hold up we're dead oh maybe not those good time this is not not helping us right now if we're done we're done for we're done we get run away try to run away oh no no hey let's take this major group out right here we didn't have the big tanks I don't know if we could recover from this Oh we're surrounded again - kill it kill it kill that one there it is let's go a little guy here come on take him down there come on mage get over there oh ok let's go for this group cuz they're on their own down here in the bottom I need it I need to recover my army a little bit that time oh man we're in trouble we're in trouble we're in trouble don't you dare okay this might be good this might be good take these guys out oh oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no stay away shoot oh we're trapped you're trapped in the corner No hey this might be ok ok go attack come on take it out Oh boss boss - my big guys come on kill it yes one more don't you dare run away don't you dare run away there goes a kill ok kill it nice Oh just what we needed right there awesome got another pack still one giant dinosaur kill this little group getting more people at all times uh-oh it's messy it's messy or messy we're gonna hide oh there's so many bad guys I don't know what to do I don't know where to go these guys would be easy if I could get to them these guys are gonna be easy oh wow it was easy because half of them are dead already ok I guess we're in a big battle I don't like the big battles but we're gonna try it come on kill it yup a little one Aereo come on tank do some work for us do some work do some work oh yes oh boy I'm um these guys are tiny let's kill him it's a smaller smaller group that are easy to kill see see see just like I said yes we're doing it now we're doing it we've broken free from the chains of death and necromancy Oh get away oh we're in trouble no trouble again there's too many people around Mannion okay we got another pack there's another of a second pack that's what I was hoping for these two should go down awesome okay let's take these out now we have a huge army with a giant dinosaur Cyclops in the middle yes yes yes yes yes yes my plan isn't working here's another group Oh some smashing smashing dead don't knock me back bro oh no a big guy died I don't know the purpose of the big guys if they're I guess the tequila the purpose okay there's two majors in this one take these up nice the ball little Hulk smash there's a little hook smash almost loneliness down there let me go after him how he's not really lonely that was awesome all right okay now you in you die perfect down here take these guys out I don't I feel like there's no more enemies after this in it the whole point now is just to get the biggest army you can kill it kill it maybe majors aren't as good as I thought they were group up there's a good smash rip them up roll around him yes good let's go get these guys perfect nice trap there alright let's break out of our little area down below oh it's a nice cute little army yeah alright got you let's get you guys I'm feeling like we're doing a good job here right now good and oh these guys have to two Hulk's in it give a rock rock columns one now and they should be dead any second did we win have we won if you like the map isn't spawning nearly as many things anymore to tip that giant army that just walked by speaking of that giant army I'm gonna engage them after I engage that guy down there perfect to surround him eat him eat him for lunch nice work uh let's take out this one there we go there we go there we go oh oh well we're getting surrounded the end that's okay we got numbers this time one group uh let's go after these okay now this group should be a big one that was a big one so I have three rock columns okay another good group oh there's only two together yeah all right thanks there's another little group and so rounded awesome man we're gonna have the biggest army ever the biggest undead army ever I'd be really scary to be a regular soldier going against the big undead army of things that are smashing the ground like this we have what five mages there's three little dudes down there we had three of the big big rock guys at one point hey here's another little one I wonder if those big rock guys respond probably go check in a little bit down below face we can make our way down there now since we're at the top of the map I think we're at the top of the map for you oh those one are covered in right now awesome looks like we're gonna get another one whoo another Hulk smash hey buddies little guys attack little Tech Oh get him killed yes Hey I recruited him and he didn't get recruited what a waste I feel like the little guys are coming back in hey that was good favorite you're gonna die anyway you know these the majors don't do much look at this army that's perfect hey I got to keep watching at all angles here now all right everyone gonna die everyone gonna die you're gonna die you're gonna die Nick remise Nick a romance Nick ro necros something or another Nick really okay he's done yeah we got those yes we're just gonna be like one giant army spreading across the map spreading across the map necromancing everything doing the thing with the necromancers awesome look at these another group up here right like that [Music] and yours one more group I'm gonna play a head for a little while longer and I'm gonna see if anything more interesting shows up I feel like right now we're kinda at the end of the content in the game so if we got this giant army use unstoppable okay so I'm kind of in a bit of a trouble right now I pretty much egg rode the entire map somehow some way and I think there's a good group yeah there is oh there's another group Wow you can recover pretty quickly accepted no I just have a lot of my majors - wow this wasn't so bad get you get you dead nice huh so it looks like this is gonna go on forever and ever and ever and ever and ever oh hello big guy maybe we can recruit you this time last time you didn't want to be recruited haha err yeah we got him this time and little smash hey alright fellas it's been another 10 minutes and nothing else has really happened so I just want to end the video with killing of the big rock guy again and maybe some of these other dudes that are out here ah pretty fun game it still seems to be needing to be added more content to it I don't know what the state of the development is on this game but you know what it's it's a ton of fun I would definitely suggest going and checking up the the link down below in the video description if you want to play right-click - erecto maths I think that's the name of it right quick to necromancy others if that seems right so get that guy Oh perfect I love it I love this game it's just simple easy fun and it's it's nice nice and refreshing but once in a while play something derpy like this anyway guys that is gonna do it for the video I hope you've enjoyed it if you did please go ahead and let me know down below in the comments and keep your stick on the ice we will catch you next time after we killed that guy and these guys up here see that's the thing scam is just stupid addicting I just want to sit here for an hours and hours just holding down left click and moving the mouse around for some reason I don't know they said okay okay that's it goodbye this time [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 1,278,283
Rating: 4.8935289 out of 5
Keywords: Right Click to Necromance, Right Click to Nectromance Gameplay, Games Like, Games like, Games Like, Free Game, right click to necromance biggest army, Right Click to Necromance part 1
Id: F0_d4WVjuWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 15sec (1335 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 24 2016
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