Biggest Army Ever! - Right Click to Necromance Gameplay

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hey everybody I'm blitz welcome to a game called right-click - and necromancer right collection decrements is a free-to-play game you can donate if you want to totally unfinished game by juicy beast this game will probably never get finished either because it's been a year has not been developed at all and is still a lot of fun we played it a few months ago and it's very simple easy game basically the whole idea is you walk around as your little army of dead things and you walk into living things like these purple guys here you stab them you stab them you stab them and then you necromancy as soon as their entire army is dead so oh we're in trouble now yes okay we got we got our army of eight that's great we can take out an army of five everyone how about this little army of three so you have to kill the entire army like that before you can necromancy before you can bring them back to life so let's take these three out and you can see if we kill like one now I can't do it if I right-click but as soon as we get the third guy he's out so get after the - well slowly level up get her army bigger and bigger bigger guys are gonna spawn in and have some fun so if you do want to play it down below in the video description has the link if you could want to go to the site I'll leave that down there I know a lot of people are saying hey how do I play the game and it's down there you just do that so let's get these guys dead perfect man our little army is getting huge now we got like what 15 guys for so oh so one of us just died you can hear that when it goes but that's what the nest sound like okay yes we got 402 more died there it is very good so ooh there's a group of three there's a good but like five five six and three let's go after them come here come here come here come here I said there we go oh another one of us died just a groat a second group it's okay his army just got bigger oh look at that big stopper down there I think it last time I played it I had like three or four of the snipers oh man I did not recognize that this group was so big oh no this is gonna go really bad for us oh no we just got a second group are they gonna join us no they're not Oh finally yes oh now we're big come here come here little muggy buckets what's a mug it I don't know I was gonna say nugget but that didn't make sense mugging I'm here yeah over here there there little necromancer's now come here yeah Oh bear guys let's get the bigger guys oh I pulled it I pulled another group up there too and they just left great we got three now well here's four of the bigger guys let's surround him surround and conquer defeat look at the guy in the top left and these guys are powerful oh oh oh oh oh it came in a in serious trouble now I can't do oh oh now I drilled into oh this might be the end of us might be the end of us come on oh I can't necromancer pal there it is come on up kill the guy kill that kill the caster kill the caster kill the caster please please go be caster a skill yeah I got the caster oh we got both groups so that wasn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be and now the caster is upon us great aha here's five we will attack the five of them come here nope I'm faster than you oh I trapped him on a rock and there's another six up there another big group coming in we don't want to take the big group go yet run away from home come in nope yep yeah there we go and now we'll go up this way solve that little group let's take out the five and then we'll go after that group of like seven eight oh boy run away nope haha Oh what good luck was that okay we'll go after these guys no we won't nope stay away from that oh look at the cute little ones I know we're just detecting another group up here with the castor bolt great work get him destroyed awesome come down here let's go after this bigger group now maybe hi oh I was hoping the castor we get it so I want to get like three or four casters maybe some of the smaller stumps there's another group of smaller stuff guys and the smaller stumps we'll get in before we we go and attack the big stump okay these guys are going down pretty quickly and now we got a big army of sorta guys the big sortie dudes come on in yes let's go there they are so there's the bigger story guys man those guys look awesome nothing take them out take them out surrounding conquer great what do we have here nope let's go down here oh there's a lot of them that's fine we have big guys now plus we have casters and those guys left good good another caster in our army and then we'll go after these guys but two casters are you get some more big guys like so and I don't want to go after that guy I want to get the the small stoppers first oh look at the cute little ones Oh smash and then the bigger guys here we're gonna have the biggest army in the game all there's a small it was a big or small stopper and some bigger of the sort of guys great let's try to keep our casters away from them because our casters are kind of squishy you don't want our casters today oh that was good that's a big army I want to kill it come on stop e yeah get him stop done stop again come on excellent oh what a nice army let's go after these guys too hey boy your boys there it is man stop good stuff another big another little snapper down there oh man we ripped those apart ah three of them poor little army yes oh look at that big army of a big sir guys down there oh I think it did we lose somebody probably yes oh no is just the getting smacked around there good okay let's go after these that should convert oh no oh no no we're in trouble we're in trouble now oh good stops good stumps Oh a double stump man those stoppers do a lot of damage let's knock back which is great for our casters good necromancy and now we just transferred a lot of the small guys and a lot of the bigger guys here ooh I don't want to take those out yet did we lose a stopper it did oh I don't want to take those out either okay I was feeling kind of a little bit of a right now good take you out good now we'll get these three five in here should we go after the big guy now I'll take these in ah let's go after these Oh No oh this is bad news this is really bad news we got to kill that we got to kill these first and we'll get these guys on the right into our squad there it is s and now we'll go up to the big guys down here the big army whew oh no they're castor oh no we need we need move we need to move get out of here get out of here get out of there okay castor good work whew dominated the castor or another castor great I like that I like the ranged units can they stay in the back a little bit Oh a big army they see us wow there's another castor awesome and I'll take you got our tank up front nice we have a big army now let's go after should we go after the big castor or the big tank makes not be nude or should we just farm some more how about we go for these guys because they look awesome oh no wear it we're in serious trouble now how do our casters are getting hit our casters are getting hit and our stopper died this is not good not good all the casters going down okay take this little army up in fact two more two more good now I'll attack these surround them the stoppers dead I feel like we got the worst end of the bargain on that one he'll take this little army out this little army oh we're getting surrounded again I would not plan it for that I was hoping they're gonna go back the way they came great oh we got we got taken out of the bottom two okay we got a big army we'll take this top one out oh here's a big stuff we're coming in huh no no no no no no no okay this is good this is good I want to take that big stopper run big stopper yes there it is and we're surrounding him oh boy we're gonna attack from behind okay do I take the oh this oh yes we got him I was wondering if we should take him out or the other guys it looks like a lot of more casters died in that situation too oh we got a new caster in another group all the big stopper yes do it do it do it there's another big stopper we need to get our army a bigger before we'll go after him anymore casters good work rekt get rekt yes perfect nice and OH double stoppers oh boy this is not good this is not good this is not good come here well those are little guys that would've been fine yeah it's fine we're okay we need to kill that one up here too come on little stopper give the little stopper good we got double little Stoppers we have one caster left good work cool another caster excellent how much air we go on another big stopper I like him I like having multiple big Stoppers might be in a little trouble though getting the flame from behind okay come on in there is nothing stopping us now we are too big to fall like like Rome right Rome died one time oh oh oh okay little stoppers dead a lot of RB just died I don't like that plus we did a lot of armies dead uh-oh uh-oh where where is the other guy there's a lot of dead stuff I can't right click to necromancy because there's no one alive anymore let's take these out maybe they are part of the army oh boy okay nope that wasn't it oh yeah oh maybe it was that little one hiding oh no we're getting oh great we got flanked again how hard our casters are gonna go down come down here big guy oh there's two casters that's okay heal the casters don't don't leave me don't leave me don't leave me no I said not to leave there we go okay uq4 I need you in my life and we'll take these guys out no come here come here shoot how order big stoppers god no we're doing small again oh that was group oh nice what should those guys too so that was good that way you grow those uh run away hello little man okay we have to wait and now you do it because that was that other group good work I feel a lot more comfortable now have you got some of those guys back and we got stuck by the rock so note to self don't get stuck on the rock anymore every go see we lost a lot of guys around the back side of that rock and we can't do that there get the tanks in the front so I just said not to Oh awesome that was a lot more than I thought it was gonna be we got a giant army again let's take these guys out surround them surrounded conquer especially with all these casters going strong ooh nice hit double hit again you know stuck on that rock it was a double group cool look at that army hello nice to meet you good got it here's another little little little group that we're gonna surround oh yes and surround them awesome oh that's a double Peck and we'll get these guys good work oh this is great I love this game it is so so easy so simple and just so much fun oh there's a big guy let's go the big guy before he gets to be as good as buddy's there see this is oh we don't want we don't want her our casters getting injured and then I leave the casters right there oh we're surrounded come on kill it kill it there it is stomp on him good work good work there's a double Peck okay let's take these this whole thing out Wow look at all of our casters no they're doing doing the work go may just go Hey look at these little cute ones on the side very good oh stop on them another group come on come on one left there it is all right little fellas come here come come here welcome to blitz dope yeah oh get rekt okay should we take on this double group or the double group of big Stoppers I don't know guys kind of concerned about that one we might have to might not be anything left in the game at a certain point you just that they don't spawn any more enemies so you have to take out what was given to you I'll just take these guys out and then we'll kill the big guys as the boss but there was that other group that just went up top so that could work out come on kill it you'll have to circle around a little bit there they are hello how are you how are you today oh how there's more spawning in excellent I like it we have surrounded them stop it on their faces come on here Oh what those guys are separate now come here oh there's three of them oh there's gonna be more and more and more until we kill oh well isn't there hello little snipers I want it I want a boy we're gonna take it out we're going for it we're just gonna mash everything because we have a big stopper interface yes we've got two more casters that's great oh oh I feel like we're losing a lot of guys here maybe these stoppers aren't the best in the game like I thought they were maybe having more little guys is the way to go but even still that's a pretty big army okay let's take these out having a lot of casters seems good to keeping our casters alive is important so let's try uh I don't know we'll try getting these guys there's five of them may not try and there is no try in this situation there's only do air goes I just walked I want the little guys that are dead on the map that are sitting around doing nothing being dead and stuff I want them to be in our group like that one right there oh okay let's go ahead and take out some big guys here maybe we can pull one without pulling the rest come on come on big guy nope oh no little guys oh there's what four there now it's be gonna be the epic battle oh he's attacking us we don't want him to attack quite yet okay working look in the magics oh there's four in there oh no this is gonna be really nasty we finally okay there's a good group you still have a bunch of casters oh we're damaging them from afar nice is there five I feel like there's five of them there is five how am I supposed to do this well you know what there's only one way to do it we go all in I see if we can just kill it the first or here oh come on come on oh no we got attack from another army we're going down we're going down and it seems like all my casters are out oh yes we got one we got two we need to run go run away come on oh we got we had three now now we got to get our troops back up a little bit better we gotta take them out we got to take out the ogre core the over some snappers come on smack them yes one little necromancer for us huh boom uh no stay away stay away no stay wait necromancer group necromancer group get some more little troops left oh this might be good just for here yes I'd like to be one of those four guys just getting totally stomped on by a big guy by a group of three big guys we're gonna in trouble now we're in trouble we need to kill this group so we can get a few more dudes come on take them up take them out yes now we can come back this way we'll be a fine we're gonna come back in there with a bigger army Oh No one of our casters just went out watch them get a little cross-eyed good work and a little Stoppard we got we got two big stoppers there's another big stopper okay we can take out both of these armies and try taking up this group oh man we're surrounded again all right we're all right we don't have any casters anymore being forecaster back there oh nice that's a big army come on down come on down uh-huh and and one more in the left good work okay do I go for another stopper or two or three I don't want to are so scary here we go little guys these guys would be nothing no match for our big army there it is take up these and we'll take up the little stopper on the left side maybe yeah we'll get the little stopper first and we'll go back in good work good work and workmen or all right is it it's like a a necromancy thing you mean it's called like a zombie right not really a man anymore okay I want that one hodo I want that one oh let's get these guys and this little group here to come on it dead air doesn't and these guys stop done excellent we're gonna have a huge army before we go in there again great oh yeah this is a pretty big army here I'm pleased with this let's go down and kill these guys I wasn't expecting this but we'll do it anyway I know if I cast her out the way get the tanks in front group it up there we go okay I guess we're in we're in now let's focus fire here get the tanks up front try to take these first two out and if we could take these first two out oh no okay we got one oh don't attack in the back don't attack in the back good good good good come on take him up take him out take him out told you to take him out once twice yes we have four let's get a fifth one it's gone bought it comes down bottoms down bottom stomach yes there's four oh man this is the biggest army I've ever had in this game look at them all oh it's gonna be a monster fest here oh no little guy got attacked from behind me oh we just lost all of our little dudes - oh great Oh No there goes yes one more one more aerial Oh No somebody escaped somebody escaped err or pillaging I don't know I want all those guys in my army oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa maybe these this group yeah there's another caster we're gonna bring you in to our little little festival festival of death okay excellent let's go for these they look a little bit this does he believe maybe maybe they're the missing the missing dead dudes come on take him up take them nope it weren't the missing ones there's some oh maybe it's that one just one guy aimlessly standing there he's like uh I don't know what happened to my army aha hi Daddy yes it was them good good way to flank leave a bunch of guys dead if one guy alive and then call him Annie Needham well boom makes me want to play oh there's still a bunch more that's not it oh I don't want to be in the mess and this would be okay what is that game Hillier is a returnee no knock pillars of eternity it's the path of Exile boe it was one of the POVs this is a good career flanked we got flanked it will take this guy out come on yes take out the front take out the right side and yes yes yes oho look at this giant army attacking us now Wow okay uh we're in a bed we're bigger than attacked by four different armies right now let's go after the bottom side first cuz it's easier on the rocks and we're getting we're getting ripped apart our big stoppers are dying no big stoppers oh hey little guy give the little stopper that AoE is nasty to us Wow and we're missing so many now there there's another group come on give me more that was pretty good we'll take these guys out great ah man I just want I just want all the guys that are dead already oh no big stomper come on down here oh man yeah that's good ah what I want the the pig I want them dead armies we just can't get him okay that was good and that was good to know actually this is a decent size isn't it go after these guys we don't we have one caster hiding back there let's get a second one real quick look after these oh there's another caster to grab them right away yeah grab him first good work ah we still haven't gotten these let's go on an adventure ooh this is a good adventure I like these dudes get dominated Oh another stopper down here two snappers we'll take those though because we can we will we will defeat them we have plenty more armies than they do please don't kill them all please don't kill my army Hey yes they have this is not this is not how I was planning on this work Oh that'll work hi now we're up to five we will be in a second unless he kills one which I think he just did ah don't work five no now we're the unstoppable army the unstoppable army of snappiness Oh perfect look at us look at us go ooh lay this big army we're gonna eat eat for breakfast this game needs like dragons and stuff I really wished the villa crew would would take on more of it rather than just doing it in a weekend good work we need more games like this sort of simple easy fun to play I love it I like it look at our army isn't that fantastic let's go all this might do it this might be the one we need I think it is I think that's the I think that's the lonely fella maybe maybe not don't know probably it's probably dead right now probably it's probably no hope you four are not allowed to disappear oh we're getting ripped apart on this well the poor young dudes oh good work I just want it I just want to engulf like a bunch right now there it is seems like the more we engulf the faster we die Oh nope that wasn't it either I really want to get these guys I don't know what happened to him so down here I like this over a corner down here Oh dead air off the screen okay let's get up here to here oh I might have found him I might have found him come here buddy oh there's one guy that's all alone right over here right there that one no you're not allowed to escape you're not allowed to escape there he is you got a minute come on but now I'm being attacked on both sides I don't care right now he was all alone he might have been the missing one he might be the crow Magnus wait who's the missing link no he wasn't the missing link and oh that wasn't it either shoot I was hoping we found the missing guy maybe it's that one nope there's two here maybe one of these is the missing dude get dead dead get that no don't run away from me when I'm killing you uh-huh oh that wasn't him either ah now I have a bunch of guys that are stuck in the corner and we're gonna get flanked again because there's gonna be something off-screen that's gonna kill us get him kill him we're just gonna be sitting here for a while cuz I can't see out the screen maybe I shouldn't be here wow we lost we lost a lot of guys because I was playing on the engine screen okay push push maybe a bunch of guys that come off the side of the screen without another group spawning we need to get out of here we need to get out of here kill him kill it kill it Oh finally hello another big stopper I think I can take him they have three snappers how my guys are so stuck right now okay kill the stopper kill the stopper uh I think we lost those three guys because I can't get him off that rock oh there's so many other big guys coming around and so many big groups oh I got one coming in come on snapper your time is done time is done manis killing everything you know come on kill it oh oh wow what guy is dominating me kill it guys kill it there it is okay we need it we need to group up ooh oh yeah four more want it good let's take this group out nope nope nope steady steady wins the race I'm scared we had a little army again you you've been chosen you're the chosen one dead oh you're not Joseph okay these guys shouldn't be hard to just take a little bit more time so we have four Stoppers oh look at everyone on the map this is gonna be great okay yeah step that was fine okay let's group up oh look at that big mess of things let's just sit right here and wait for things to come to us Wow okay this guy he's group this is a funny group I don't want it oh we're surrounded I don't even know who's who anymore there's a good little army I have no idea who's who anymore nope there's little one okay these guys okay we'll take this double group over oh there's three scared oh I don't know we're done this might be it we might have lost oh maybe not maybe not maybe so maybe not maybe so again I'm stuck oh we lost the big guy oh my god good group good time to get a group right there come on take out the little one good good circling on this one excellent I don't know well you didn't have anything with them Wow I do not like it when they all group up and like that here's one he's all alone we're in trouble kill this one all donut okay and now we're circled again maybe if we get lucky maybe your big snappers gonna kill some people Oh big stoppers up big stoppers down we're in trouble we're a little stopper yes kill these stoppers wear it we're in a big pile of hurt right now come on kill the little Stoppers kill the little Stoppers we didn't vote we did really good yes four oh we might do it we might make a comeback the epic comeback oh no no no we're then surrounded again I can't really get out of here come on kill him kill him yeah slice stop hey stop kill kill the necromancer yes come on come on come on we're making a comeback the comeback of the century or millennium or whatever a necromancer likes to do come on kill this one yes oh hello little Stamper Wow what a comeback yes we made it we'll take out this both groups here look at how many uh-oh this is gonna be messy focus on the top side focus on the top hey a couple of left good oh I didn't expect things from way over there oh one guy from way on the other side of the map and this will be good because they're all spread out nice nice great comeback the two down here we're getting flanked from behind three on this side good take them up excellent oh okay there's another little group let's take the stopper out first stompy stompy stompy ooh maybe oh there's a I didn't wasn't expecting that one okay and you good that one too awesome man what I come back what I come back and yes Wow now we're gonna meet it we're definitely gonna be the biggest army in the game again woohoo maybe the biggest army ever there's another stopper down here I really don't like going into this corner but we have to if you want another stopper maybe we'll just stay away from the stompers oh no he's that he's not staying away from us oh we hit him though okay yes okay let's get out of here even you two now up everyone up get out oh no way perfect there's so many dead guys on this map that I can't necromancy anymore just because like all of their buddies of e spawn or something god oh that was good there's a double group there come here and there's five or six guys we're getting our army I can't put this down I don't know when to quit I don't know when the video should end hey I guess we can end up pretty soon can't we I mean we could do this for hours but eventually it me nothing else spawns anymore so we could just end it with the biggest again we can get a little bigger army here for another minute and then go see what happens I kind of wanted to lose just to see what would happened if that thing of an army but I'm glad we did make a comeback Hey oh there's the little guy take them off take luck huh I don't know what that one is all about and it'll take these guys now work and we'll take these out too maybe we'll just try to a grow everything let's try to do that really quick we'll grab these guys I'll try to get these guys in here now everyone we got a multi-sided battle going on I don't know who to win I don't know who the she report there's another group up here come on in everyone everyone it's a party for everybody that's the way to do it the party atmosphere here in blitz topia I think we won the party where's the party when everyone's a winner and that's gonna oh yes you you're my friend we'll be our final boss I'm gonna defeat you in your stumping ways everyone stopping around oh we got him so that is gonna do it fellas I hope you've enjoyed go ahead and check out the game down below in the video description if you want to go ahead and play it I know you do and it's free so you can go ahead and play it industries awesome that's gonna do guys I can't put it down that is gonna do it for today I hope you've enjoyed if you did let me know and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 2,528,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Right Click to Necromance, Right Click to Nectromance Gameplay, Games Like, Games like, Games Like, Free Game, right click to necromance biggest army, Right Click to Necromance part 1
Id: i0pD6cF16ug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 11sec (1931 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2017
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