Radioactive Quantum Drone Army! - Slime Rancher Gameplay

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hey everybody here I'm Blitzen welcome back to more slime rancher hey like a googly eyed man and also the googly eyes on these guys well that's not gonna be you guys that's the shade you guys seem to really enjoy the shades and the googly eyes themselves from the last video and you know what I'd like them as well I'm a big fan of both of them so what we're gonna do there's a really really really good comment in the last video about sorting up the the drones based on their type what they do for work so we're gonna do that today we're also gonna re overhaul that little area down there and I want suggestions again on what to do with this area I was thinking there was my thinking my thinking going on in my brain was to create this into like a port collector for this guy because the big boards we need a lot of them for basically everything you need pink floyd's pink bores point ports there's so many playing Florence plate ports there's so many pinkies that we need like everything pretty much well except that one doesn't as some of the others don't but we need like a lot of pinks and I was thinking of doing that today getting a lot of that stuff up and we can kind of move on from there we can also make a bunch of those really interesting I haven't even played with a lot of these because they're so expensive there's like so much stuff to do but yeah so we're gonna Ryo ver haul some of the things we're gonna get shades it's more shades wait where am I getting marcin to be throwing where'd those come from we're gonna get some more googly eyes boy and we're gonna go try to use these to kind of sort out who does what so Yap it explodes you have to jump over a pretty good card player so I wanted to move okay so this guy here what is your job your job is vegetables you will be googly eye man vegetable man will be googly eyes and you will keep shades let's give you some water give you some more water you look so surprised go oh maybe there's no vegetables to get there aren't hey so a vegetable man gets two googly eyes and the shades man is the pork collector let's go install these on the proper locations also I wanted to Ryo ver hall this area so we can continuously get more and more and more and more and more more and more and more and more money don't know I don't know which is which you'll land there you go so yep googly eyes that's right and then the port dude port dude gets these come out come out mister come out got it hey all right he's got the shades cuz he's making me money okay let's put you down we'll put you in there very good and same general thing down here so the money guys got the shades give you some water hey get some water to give you some water okay and then you are gonna get the googly eyes I see you over here oh yes yes it's got googly eyes perfect so those three are all sorted up we'll be able to get those nicely going get lots of money I could grab the Pink's out of here nope that's not thanks have the banks in here I think this might work pretty good we could also put up another one so we have another availability we could do that to make more of these guys up why not let's try actually you know what I didn't like the tornadoes tonight hey well let's just roll with this for a little bit you guys also said that I could put another duck in in a different corner and we could get 500 of these dudes into so move you guys over here you guys play with that duck then we can go collect five more of them I'll quickly put these six pinks in here and then we're gonna run over to what's the cave called I forget the name of the cave um grotto something slime grotto remember come on Jimmy I know we got money though ah I have to go look at the thing miss Lima pedia the grotto it is the grotto oh I'm so smart at this game sometimes okay so you guys said and I want to test this out that the face lemons now have been changed is going on here what's going on look at all this food oh my word okay here we got to cancel this uh demolish okay they were putting you in and oh I was gonna do garden garden it will change this up nutrients oil sprinklers here's time I don't want the scare slime demolish okay we'll put that back garden wasting my money and then nutrients soil sprinkler miracle mix and deluxe upgrade okay and then we put the lemon in here and it'll grow up like crazy look at all this phone Oprah's how many am I going to get off with this one thing I think there's a little bug or something that ninety I got close to a hundred of them I did I got a hundred exactly a hundred Wow yeah there's definitely a bug going on here and we got a lot of chickens in here too these guys are all are full too nobody's hungry we need more we need to get like three times the amount of Quantum's in here Wow let's do that okay you need water and you guys also said I should turn these into like what are they called the ones with the radiation ones I think that would be cool so let's go see what we can find some this guy needs googly eyes dystopian shades cuz he's making this bunny alright so let's go get some more of the condoms and some radiated slimes now I don't quite remember where or how to get to the that one area with the Quantum's is it through here no that would bring us through this one over here though weird oh yeah Wow okay okay the idea now is that I changed this thing from Target to blarts and then we do a source that'll just be outside plots and we'll destination into the plot market activate that and then we'll throw these guys down and we're gonna have just a big mess in here that we'll never be able to do anything with because it's gonna be so many people there you go oh I forgot how cool these guys look there we go and then you like you eat you eat that there it is see now they eat everything oh hey wait do rads eat meat fruit and veggie oh they don't I should have made them Expo dias in the ate meat too and this is work this will be fine it might be so now I wanted to see is this thing actually making food over here oh it is it is okay so I need to grab link to more of those three more it works and we're gonna deconstruct these let's remove crops approaches and we're to change this up miracle mix and deluxe up through it and then we're gonna throw one of those in there make sure I don't burn from radiation poisoning look at how many stupid things these are making now let's remove the crops and we're gonna do a miracle mix and one of those very good whoa fast they grow hay big old trees Wow and we got a big mess of things here so I need to get another what I want is another one of these guys working in here cuz they're gonna be overwhelmed pretty soon with the amount of food that we're making and they look really cool though don't they that looks awesome and when you have the market to we're not gonna do with that we could make another something up here I don't know I can do something up there I don't like you guys being over here though hey I got a cave Dave is amazing okay so I wanted to go to Ogden's lair to if I could remember how to get there and see if we came to pick up the slimes down splash there's a lot of food I think we're I think we're good with this with secret utilities I do have another drone perfect okay let's go down somewhere down in here put another drone in another utility and another drone and install that that's T out of that and hit on you destination quartz source outside and destination to the market activate perfect you water give you water there it is and now we're gonna sell everything that should be a really good source of money in here we have a lot of different things perfect okay that was a great idea these guys are keeping well fed too they all have a hundred food let's turn this up a little bit we'll turn this up to level two see and they're still making money - that's perfect Wow whoopsies I got zapped I did forget buy another duck so hopefully that'll work for just a little bit of time let's put the pinkies in here quick just purchase their Corral and high walls music box air network collector and auto feeder and I'll put all four or six TVs in I still don't know what to do in here is there anything in this time a pedia that uses what are these Pogo fruits if I could combine what are these like something that ate this with those I guess I could do anything here it's the Pogo fruits are up top but they eat the meat from the chickens order is just regular chicken right so slimes rock heartbeat huh okay it's a stony head for the tabbies because it's just regular chickens that spawn in here but if I made fields for these guys to eat too then it would be even better mint mangoes would work right or crystals we could do odd onions and that sounds kind of fun we can combine these with the odd onions now I used to keep odd onions in here because well frankly there were a lot of them but no they're a little bit harder to make I think because it's carrots and then it's like every third one is an odd onion so we can try to find those that is in this looks remarkably security it's like a bunch of things that all want to just zap you that's what this place is okay the odd onions are way over here at the edge of the crystal area which is wow it's even more of a walk oh wow speaking of the devil there's the odd onion right there ah odd onions I thought I saw here but those are the open okis we could we could go with that too left to see we do need to get a crystal baby I don't know if this is a good idea whatever we'll try it we're trying there's no fun in not risking things right so we don't really have any crystals and this was an idea that someone else gave in the video you also see if we could find one of the fire ones on the fire we do is in here so let's try it and it's gonna be dumb let's give your really dumb okay you guys can eat carrots too that looks good eat carrots it's carrots make the coupe's and then these guys need to eat the poops we're gonna make yep that's what we're gonna make Rafi looks cool though looks so cool so you guys like the carrots so activate let's remove the crops from here and we'll a dog you up well and in the process oh my word it's like a like a poop eating festival over here yeah look at all the carrots too so that's kind of the problem well let's let's go with it change it back over here we do have this guy who's just collecting those we don't really need that so let's just do that we'll put the onion in there we just wait so I'm gonna have both of these guys now to collecting them courts because we don't need the veggies we'll just make importance and then we can do source outside the plots and destination of the plot market activate that give you guys some juice this needs an upgrade like you need to upgrade these to get water for maybe like a hydroponic system for an aeroponic that would take it from the air just like the humidity in the air oh my word they're doing so well they're eating everything now this is amazing look he's so cool he's got this shades on he's like I love it which is got meat no I could use the parsnips in you too I guess but we don't need it man there's a lot though feel like if we can get about double the number the better in here though and that might have been the wrong type it might have what are you doing dude you get stuck hey he's stuck hey buddy I didn't get you out of there get you out of there you're stuck yo are you gonna help you huh can I do anything to him um there you go there you go I boosted him with water I was gonna get stuck in the corner poor little fella you can make it close to you out oh it's not good we got we got a stuck drone and it stuck slim I can't pick them up nope buddy get out here there we go there we go boosted MOA we know I'm stuck yeah I'm a base there we go we did it also what eats the Oh cocoa because we have some of those it's one of these guys down here Faye's lemon none okay okay it's gotta be water honey a mango boom okay okay oh the radiation eat the oka oka berries interesting and I don't remember how to get to Oakton or Ogden's area um might be over here somewhere let's do a quick check is this to Ogden this retreat no where's the map look like dry reef okay that Ogden's don't think so hmm I don't remember I don't remember where Ogden's retreat is because that's the oh I only have 11 of 14 of the drop pods here oh there it is there it is I found it finally between the two so you guys said I can buy the uh oh yeah they're working on selling everything here still I can buy the cuca dope of food somewhere or the toy is that this oh okay big rock hmm which one is it for is stip you guys said that I could only buy it here is it the big rock no rock slimes we got the tabby phosphor red boom honey buzzy bees puddle crystal ball I supposed to be like a cuca Doba disco this got to be for the fire soulmate tangle huh and then this day go buddy that's the saber septum what I'm looking for you guys said there was a special koukin opal one let's go into that other zone here quick you see if we can find a cuckoo Doba it's been a long time since we've done that all right I don't even remember how to do this oh there they are hey fun to do kuvvatov already be dead out out that bite me no bet bad bad bad bad people here eat a carrot Aaron make you better hey cuckoo dobos wonder if I can take these back plantain oh hello ha mad Kitty Bad Kitty Bad Kitty wow they don't eat them they don't eat coconut so let's go try to plant a fake uh wow that was kind of cool is there anywhere else in here to go oh this is a place that traps you and you have to find the teleporter to get out God about that is there a map to it negative found one on the wall we told you I can't get up Oh minute I was close that was close to being dead dead o'clock out most of my life we got tars up in this one okay there's some saber say reports I don't know where it is I did find another Cooper no kaput and this one okay give me that good of a nut it's live or we combine blood ball that's weird no I don't want to watch your cool shot Hey oh just bailed it get the rebound was he gonna go in it's gonna go in on its own you know not quite oh man guys why you guys everywhere I did it popped there we go there's the portal over glad now he's crazy trying to get it oh so supposed to sell these right and I get the tofu from it but I want to take one back and see if we can sell it I don't know if it comes with us I don't think it does let's go back to the ranch yep that's the ranch and now can we plant one of these oh it's worth trying anyway am i it's so lost sometimes okay I know we're met so we're just gonna try real quick right into here we're to remove that crop and we'll try yeah yeah all right so oh oh it doesn't even have a crop yet just blows that cue button I forgot about that a little bit of a knock back anyway guys that'll wrap it up for today's video I'm rancher I hope you enjoyed our radioactive quantum drone army back in there it was a lot of fun to build if you did let me know and give me some more suggestions on what we should do I like that big slime science area and some of these other places we haven't done anything with tube so thanks for watching the keepers stick on the ice we'll catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 453,721
Rating: 4.8102155 out of 5
Keywords: Blitz, Blitzkriegsler, Slime Rancher, Slime Rancher Update, Slime Rancher Update Gameplay, new slime rancher, slime, rancher, gameplay, slime rancher gameplay, 2018, slime rancher new update, slime rancher blitz, july2018, slime rancher drone, slime rancher drones
Id: SwF7xLL4zj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 31 2018
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