Creating The Most Dangerous Secret Slimes in Slime Rancher

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oh hey buddy are you thinking what I'm thinking are you thinking what I'm thinking I hope so nope you're not you're not thinking he's just going some he's just leaving I thought we were friends I thought mean you we were gonna go we're gonna go have fun we're gonna go play mini golf and now you're sleeping you're not allowed to sleep gotta wake up there you go yeah now you're happy now you're happy and just leaves he's just wow look look at all the money in there I must sell things I'm not older no I was taking see now you wanted to help here you go back I promise you'll help yeah I come back who's that who's that good thingy I don't even know you're just be called wow there's a lot kind of come to the realization that we have more money than we'll ever need in this game we've like bought everything unlocked everything and pretty much maxed out the game in every single capacity but there is one thing that we haven't done before we have not made the most dangerous slime the most dangerous excuse me I was here first I was I was see this is why we're not friends anymore you break things you make them a mess then you make me work for more so if you guys have been following the the updates of the game there's this new secret Styles thing going on with a bunch of weird things we've got the rock slime with the heavy metal and we also unlock the puddle which turns into the lily pad but there's a lot more oh the glitter slime we got that one too there's a lot more that we haven't found yet so I'm thinking I go find some of these and then we try to create the most dangerous slime in the history of most dangerous lives unfortunately they're they're not on they're not on the map anywhere so I'm just gonna have to like explore and find things or maybe look at the wiki cuz that's a lot more fun than exploring for hours and hours and these things are really easy to pick out at night Wow just a glowing a shining orb of glowing shining into or Venus hello my friend no what are you going to be ooh ooh okay what is it the ange eloquent okay I guess that turns the phosphor ones in angels oh shoot there's a party slime over here hey big guy stabbed up feech face hole oh look at the little angel bro hey dude how they're so cool-looking oh it goes that's so nice yeah go swimming oh lucky you got a safe never mind let's see if you have a large chicken collection in here I don't know why there's a ton of chickens but we're gonna feed that party dude some of these also things taste green I don't know why everything tastes green no hey big guy don't you like partying mouth it is like KFC's here oh that didn't take nearly enough Wow Remo oh okay we're gonna blow these up Wow nice oh nice look at that we got something a fiery ornament yeah you guys just party like rock stars over here do your thing oh hey one of those good I didn't realize box just broke like that nice I got is that at r1 it is okay roosters you guys are just gonna make baby roosters over here I know you I know what you do it might be okay everything's good give me this bud and bingo nice another puddle I wasn't expecting that today I guess we get to decorate a tree a little bit more that was the terrible one all these are new fire ones I didn't have those before here's a rainbow going in we okay rainbow gotta get you a little closer that'll work put that tar somewhere Dan the puddles inside nice look at her trade so pretty it's like Christmas there's the next pod I'm gonna get you and I think this one cat would get down let's see yeah tiger a tiger kitty oh there yes that's so cool hey buddy oh I like him oh there's two of them nice so I wonder what happens if we put you and a rock bro together okay you don't need those either give me okay so that's what it looks like a pink I like that one oh there is the rock bro that's so cool-looking got a little tail on him those guys don't look very friendly over here look at the firewood that was cool hey buddy go over there in a box I found a box and there's nothing cool in it oh yes here we go so this one this one's gonna be an surprise oh the archein so let's go see what an arcade one looks like quick oh that looks awesome look at that thing it looks like a jelly bean tasty oh yeah that might be my favorite those guys look so cool I love it Oh found a new cave I don't think I've ever been in this cave before ah there it is treasure pod thank you to the wiki okay the radiance point obey no one doesn't look too much different whoa look at the arcane honey that looks weird I don't even know what to think about that one I like the puddles though our cane pink looks good like a jelly bean now this box was easy to find right by this teleporter amazing oh the royal jelly Oh so that's got to change how this one looks oh wow oh that looks cool I like it so that's just that's the honey one now interesting Wow honey boom not sure what to think about that jello icky says that the next slime is about right here on this island but I forgot how to get to that Island uh whoa what's this area I don't even remember that area this game so big it's been so long yeah I did it oh I'm so smart I actually there's that a teleporter like right in here but yeah you can make it in and then there's this thingy right over here treasure pod oh it's in the lava as this lava cyst something I wondered is that lava is it just flowers that look like lava I don't know as if it was flowers I can walk on above his lava on my feet would burn but I don't actually have feet I could get to ruby-red secret thing no wow what was that oh it's you hey little weird little ghost boom slime your weird looking I like you there it is the crystal one oh that looks cool I wonder if the crystal mixed with the red one what are what that's gonna be like I'm thinking that this is gonna be a candidate here for a very dangerous looking slime so let's pop you over here like so no coming let's just get you right over on the wall and then we're gonna turn you into a mutant no here eat this eat that it'll be no don't you dare go in the water steak right lay down plate up nope now there you go sit eat no you're supposed to you're supposed to be I eat it eat it no whoa okay that dude looks cool it's got like a little goatee there I like it he doesn't quite have ice or the D does but they're hard to see that looks awesome I love that one Oh even better when he's got the spikes on the ground that's so nice so I think this one's gonna be the hunter hunter looks pretty dangerous he does if he's not invisible the shesh chess Shire okay maybe it's just a cat now yeah I don't know let's go find one yeah kitty kitty show yourself ah there we go oh okay it's just thinking it as an extra tail Wow disappeared on me where are you right there you are oh I don't know I don't like that one too much I like the tail I like the old hunter better whoa he got super big what do you turn okay that's kind of cool no joke that's kind of cool right there you are gonna come with me I'm kidding we're not we're just gonna go swimming oh there's gonna be cool ones here aren't there I forgot about all these guys the dervish in the tangle Wow tornado I guess the fire slimes are probably in this zone - oh wow I accidentally found him I don't even know what this one is tada nightshade okay so that's the tangle what is this open nebula hmm that sounds cool I want to go see that one there's the oh is that the nebula derp it looks neat like a little galaxy inside of galaxy cuz there's stars and junk in there oh look he turned pink then it'll like the pink run good boy okay whoa hold up always the cat I think you would look better with the crystal I should take a crystal one oh wow I just accidentally found another one right here hello how are you this one's probably into the mosaic Oh shattered okay this is the shattered zone in here let's see if we can find a good one oh wow they're cool look at it that's nice I want to see you and you combine by the power what does that other things whoa whoa whoa whoa there's a down thing I didn't notice that in there so let's see what this looks like here you eat that oh-ho-ho that's awesome well I forgot about that thing again I like that one hey you that might be my felt nois your friend yours not eat that okay things are getting kind of dangerous out of here that's all right just fire tornadoes everywhere what's this one a dervish okay I don't remember our devilish he's the fires claim is there fire slimes Nellie's quantifiers right we got plenty of fire happening but I don't see any new slimes out of it whoa what was that oh there's one oh oh sorry that thing looks awesome I want it in my life okay now that everything isn't trying to kill me that thing's cool I like it I like that blue glow to it yeah I'll be brutally honest like I'm in this next zone trying to find the last things in here I never liked this zone I don't even know what it's called but it's just annoying yeah this one don't ancient runes yeah it's just it's long it's confusing there's just a bunch of junk everywhere there's left to season down Z's that you can get lost in I've never liked it thankfully these treasure pods are easy to find tada Guardian Oh what is that is that the lucky slime variant it must be because that the Quicksilver ones are the ones in here oh wow there's one right there I need a chicken I need a chicken hopefully it didn't spawn it hey buddy got a chicken actually there's a box here in here too nope there was the thought never mind oh there it is yay another chicken perfect well that's kind of Oh oh he's still here no well I mean he was here for a second I found a shiny thing hello shiny thing sure and more shiny thing dude okay so this should be the Quicksilver one which is the quantum right bingo monochrome okay visit the ranch house to good style so that's those guys right over here oh yeah that's kind of cool I won't lie about that I like it just kind of gray instead that would be the monochrome part that's what monochrome means oh man look at these guys those are awesome Wow the nightshade those are cool I like those well excuse me coming through where are you you're supposed to be here somewhere are you way up top don't be Oh whoop got it abduct where's this last one it there it is right here now this should be the gold one hello golden slime tell me the secrets of your gilded ways nice now I have no idea if we'll ever find one of those again but I hope we do so I think that's all of them that I care about oh I didn't find I didn't find the literally the pink one I didn't find the pink and I haven't found these two which would be the saber-tooth in the Quicksilver thankfully the pink one is super easy to find like right on that first island yep pink oh it's sparkly I guess it's not too different just kind of kind of sparkly and stuff all right whoa hold on is that a gold one oh it was another one of the lucky ones and I missed it I didn't understand it I didn't see the head you know I'm kind of partial to these guys I really really like the way that these look maybe anything in these crystals let's go back and see what they look like back at base I know we've got a pretty nasty looking crystal one here you guys drink up oh the crystal boobs the mosaic boobs those are awesome and not a fan of the honey ones nope I don't like that honey wool okay that's cool I like that what do we have up here oh wow those guys look awesome what are these don't care about them interesting so I want to create like that the craziest thing trying to think here what would be the best ooh we could do something with the angel like hmm the crystal with the angel on it would that be neat maybe also I don't think the monochrome is gonna do anything with the quantum we have the tangles are cool the mosaics not as exciting as I had hoped so I want to check out the phosphor I want to check out the angel with the that uh the crystal ah I knew I could find you somewhere new if I get rid of the pink ones I could like the pink ones I liked a little update they've got ha ha ha I knew you would come out to play that's funny sorry I don't need any more okay no stain you're boy I don't need everyone that's okay I'm gonna believe before you Mars just keep coming out okay and then you guys go back home because I don't need you in my base beep alright so let's go ahead and grab one of these crystal ones over here like so she was good enough now I think I think I can just pop you right on here right yes and now if I feed you one of these this is work and right now although it's got Winx I didn't know they got Winx oh that's awesome fly you friendly thing that thing's cool I mean it looks dangerous oh no I'm sorry I didn't mean to yeah I like how its face it's just all like scared and stuff that's cool I like that one I didn't know it had wings - it's awesome oh no he got out how'd you get out how did you get out I really want to do a crystal and boom together just to see what it's like and out okay there's the new boom right here I need you let's go to that kind of a secluded place well pop one of these in your mouth like that no eat it eat it eat it eat there you go ahh I mean it looks dangerous I like it it's not too exciting though here you need to eat something eat some of this they're gonna give me your poop back thank you ah there's my next one I want to play with I want to see it if the radiation coz he didn't really change that much he just glows a little bit more I think come here and it will put a crystal in you no no no eat it eat it don't you dare okay got it back that's good you monsters leave me alone here we go come here come here my friends come here and eat eat eat what you not do that thank you nope you know turn now get get dead no you too okay I think we go oh I like it did I already do this one I think I might already did this one tell you what this little monster he'd better feel pretty important because I just literally carried him all the way back to base okay we remove you is your coolest stuff but I think you might be the most dangerous the deadliest oh I love it I love it that might be my favorite what is your guys's favorite do you have a favorite combination of the new slimes if you do let me know in the comments and subscribe if you haven't already bye [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 1,176,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blitz, Blitzkriegsler, Slime Rancher, Slime Rancher Update, new slime rancher, slime, rancher, gameplay, slime rancher gameplay, slime rancher new update, slime rancher blitz, slime rancher drone, slime rancher drones
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2019
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