I Entered a Twitch Plays Pokemon Race

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so if you guys start saying a start saying hey you're i'm not pressing anything right now and basically every 90 seconds i lose control of the game and it's solely in chats control oh jesus what are you gonna name wonderful gang wonderful oh no you ran out of time and this is how it works so this i will have 30 seconds to play it and then you'll have 60 seconds tonight we are going to be in a race is ourselves versus doug doug failboat point crow lincus and alpharad and the goal of the night is to simply get the first two badges in pokemon go on gag i believe it i believe in you so was it as a motivation for use mistakes if we win the race i will purchase a single mcdonald's happy meal the stakes are incredibly high also i believe there is an extra rule on it that uh doug doug specified for me i believe only chat is allowed to use healing items which is rough in terms of steering the ship we're [ __ ] rt's chat if you guys throw i will buy you a quarter pounder with cheats sabotaging is allowed um you know make sure obviously that if anybody gets way ahead we can you know if our if our viewers happen to go over there and do a you know i can't control that um how bad do you want the happy meal chat okay all right i mean whenever we're ready uh who wants to count down i got here good luck everybody i'm so excited [ __ ] four three two one good luck everybody here we go okay gang let's go yeah gang you got you gotta press a there we go we desperately need bulbasaur for this challenge or we will lose uh is the first two gyms which are a rock type and a water type bulbasaur is super effective against both of them if we pick charmander we have to reset the entire game okay let's name your character gt gt no no why aren't you anybody get a cool name you're not happy with that name uh yeah uh gaegon is my rival mine was cd for cds nuts legitimately and then they redid it again so oh no we got a good old ag here a good hearty canto name right there come on chat now we need to navigate out of the house out of the house go on you can do it you can do it oh my god you're trying so hard right now come on yes go on chat okay no don't go back in okay oh no this is okay this is the most important bit of it chat it's gonna be in your control you have to pick bulbasaur you have to pick bulbasaur i'll be honest guys the likelihood of you guys picking bulbasaur it's not going to happen if i could get everyone to just keep saying left and keep you guys away from the table don't don't don't do it don't don't take a pokemon from the table it's not where it is there we go yep hide away in the corner hide away in the corner okay we got bulbasaur we're in the clear we're in the clear okay chat has been acquired take it away so i think you need to leave the lab no no you don't need to read the books there's there's nothing on the bookcase it's going to help you okay the tutorial might be long enough here that i have to do the battle oak is like casually preventing us from killing ourselves there okay no good tackles right there go on chat i'll i'll take it from here it's a group effort i think we can tackle them down the crit is actually quite handy of course you gain [ __ ] 69. we were in the lead and died to a pidgey who critted us i lost the rival battle so sorry beat the rival battle we had to like struggle because they kept trying to choose charizard or charmanders had to tell them like they were spammed down into this ball and like just get me to control yeah so so i i just told my chat to stay away from the table because we just need bulbasaur like and we just like hugged the wall we're like committed smart that's alright yeah my chat actually chose bulbasaur so that was awesome oh nice so lucky there okay now not too much down not too much down okay we need to use the pokemon center gank okay you got it just press a activating twitch chat play okay it's just straight down gang it's straight down you've somehow hit a tree i'm curious if chat's actually going to be able to catch a pokemon at some point you could catch burb this is like probably the closest you're ever going to come to see in burb again yeah i have some pokeballs now what out the door what are you trying to do what are you trying to get from there gang okay actually wait no because if you heal off this [ __ ] then we don't need to go to the pokemon center good thinking it's it's very slow it's one hp okay yeah check the map check the map yeah work out where you're going just beat the first gym leader okay yeah i also just got pokeballs my chat just successfully checked the town map to see where they need to so go gotta go left here and around deactivating that's okay that's okay happens to the best of us it's just constant spat people are still saying down okay yeah yeah check is it jolly nature that's actually a very good nature okay the strategy is definitely to hover over an item and then give it to chat because they definitely caught a pidgey and it was glorious that's actually quite impressive to be fair they weakened the pidgey themselves then i just sat there for 30 seconds in the backpack until they threw the pokeball see that shot chat like doug doug's chat now has a burb we don't we're burbless wait i i didn't know we weren't allowed to use pokeballs ourselves you want me to take like a three-minute break no no who cares but my chat will yell rigged repeatedly at you you don't have to fight this trainer he's minding his own business he's you really want to fight him just just leave him he's not worried he's not worth it just go down just go down there's nothing in the bag that's going to help you gank there's nothing there no don't use the antidote it won't have any effects out of that menu you can't run from a trainer battle chat you gotta fight you have to fight yep check those stats out check those stats oh thank god chat learned vine whip okay that's huge so that's the sole move we're gonna use to beat brock because all of his pokemon are like times four weak to it go go celebrate and have it left yep saving the game's important saving the game is important okay don't want to lose progress okay we want to fight this trainer specifically for the xp and then it's brock time important thing for the battles from this point on right you need to use vine whip now it's assigned to the fort slot i'll reassign it after this battle activating twitch church you just need to use vine whip again nicely done okay no if you keep it locked in place it's perfect no what have you done strategic heal even tackled okay well leech seed will kill it you got there in the end unfortunately we don't we're pretty badly hurt going in the brock okay i need to very quickly reassign the move i can't reassign it activating twitch oh no no i don't know if chad's gonna be able to navigate this one no gang what have you done okay remember where vine whip is first trip we're now fighting brock oh geez chad said you were there i didn't believe i thought they were kidding come on okay no there's no running for the trainer battle you gotta do this okay if we don't get behind whip streamer time i can do it i'm gonna do the whole gym hang on okay you're gonna need to take a premier gang okay you just need to hit him you just need to hit him no okay it might do enough damage it might just barely do enough damage amazing job chat okay we pulled it off we have now defeated brock [Music] yeah i i mean i should have bribed my chat with the happy meal the counterpoint is that mount moon and route 3 are the really hard parts i think so i trust that we'll catch up oh yeah i'm kind of dreading those honestly we struggle with navigation okay what you're gonna do you really want to save your progress oh yeah no just admire your new badge yeah you did it i'll get your dog knocked me out oh my god tails i'm so sorry oh you got a letter as well dear ag here's a pair of running shoes from my beloved challenger remember i'll always cheer for you don't ever give up from okay okay you you're getting the hang of them come on oh my god you this is like playing quap a chat just got a metapod that only knows harden so anytime it switches to them like if my starter pokemon dies unfortunately we have to just harden to death all this oh okay all right all right oh no just keep you just keep saying a no directions just keep using tackle this is a very dangerous matchup oh this might be it keep using tackle we might get through no that's a wipe that's a wipe okay if we're back in pewter city what i'm going to do is i'm going to give us a moment to go to the pokemart we're going to stock up on supplies you've almost got the door little bit to the right nice over here so i can purchase the items for you i cannot use them uh so we are simply gonna stock up i'm gonna buy you ten potions i'll get you two antidotes chat i'll get you some pokeballs we're gonna have to fight that trainer again now if you just go down we might be able to skip them okay no you've actually skipped the mice thing good job chat as long as you don't go down now we don't have to fight them okay uh yep good cop chat yeah that's a good use out of the potion there got your money's worth and we can skip this trainer oh no i'm so sorry i've made a mistake okay you can use vine with vine whip will deal more damage no not the [ __ ] again yep check his nature check his nature that helps yep just you got to double sometimes you got to triple check that nature sometimes you got to quadruple check that nature oh okay i can't heal i can't heal i'm gonna try and win this chat's trying to learn sleep powder oh no no don't do it chat don't do it no okay all right it's all thank god wagon potion you need to heal chat no oh this is gonna be that oh he's not attacking he's not attacking okay just one more hit all right i'm done with the uh first gym as well oh on my way good job nice all right good job now i can't heal right so what i'm gonna do and this is important gang okay you gotta use that you have to use that on yourselves we need to heal up activating twitch track planes come on i have faith in you no you need to you need to heal okay okay wait wait oh you're so close that'll go to the left pocket oh potion yes use it oh no chat holy [ __ ] okay use another one no even even one is good even one is good holy [ __ ] you're healed thank you chap there you go there you go you got it just keep tackling okay yeah get the status off sure status problem might help oh [ __ ] you're gonna go for the heel again no not quite pack up okay really well done there very well done weird strategic play here we're gonna go for the leech seed and that's going to give you a heal oh the animation's too long i can't line it up again yeah because he's going to be using harden anyway he can't actually hurt us so we might as well get a few extra points of healing my god you actually moved it back to tackle as well the animation is just ruining us here okay but this is great though because we're going to get level 16 and we'll have ivysaur don't want to alarm you all but i just beat brock so um careful there yeah nicely done you're ahead cooking with fire now cooking with fire level 16. good job chat well i don't know where rt is but at least like four of us are you're on the third gen oh yes okay oh god do not do not cancel the evolution don't press anything oh i didn't even think about this don't do it don't do it don't do it no god damn it my chat just canceled my bulbasaur from evolving and i'm so distraught there's no way they're going to be able to restrain themselves for the 20 seconds of evolution apparently it was my chat you know there was a lot of people taking credit for that in my chat oh that's cruel when we hit level 17 we just need to hope that i have control of it because that way then you guys don't it it's really the only way we can possibly get an ivysaur and if we get ivysaur it's huge like literally all our stats like double okay so down and right a bit down and right a bit okay no you're gonna you're gonna go catch the pokebot all right is it time to get burp you gotta throw the ball okay oh wait you've almost got it what holy [ __ ] you're going first you get one shot oh my god you just did it verve has been resurrected okay all right let's uh quickly give her a name remember that metapod i've brought up before i'm currently in a battle where i'm only using hardin in the rat the red the rattata that i'm fighting is only using tail whip oh no i have an endless hell loop of upping and lowering my defense with no signs of it ending you know sometimes i think we've gotten bad but we really don't we've got a pretty good right now oh no tackle is disabled uh you need to use vine whip i won't let you use tackle now okay you gotta go down into the right yep that's perfect yep use that yeah that's good that's good that's in love with jigglypuff oh no chad you're immobilized by love i think i found the super boss of the next route after pewter city there's a jiggly puff uh that will immobilize you with love and also put you asleep good luck oh hell yeah there was a chance that my chat would have ignored that before no chance we're skipping that up now no guys you can't use a pokeball update on the jigglypuff my chat is now trying to steal it and catch it in battle that's optimal give everyone else the hell come on you can kill it oh twitch chat finally oh good god no just don't press anything don't press anything don't do it we need the ivysaur it didn't even like flash with the next stage evolution so your next goal is to get us into the mountain it's all right now it's it's it's confusing i know you're trying to get to his survey come on your mom's got it come on come on little okay back up back up you're so close you're so close okay all right i'll be honest that wasn't the best use of 60 seconds my chat just overwrote vine whip with poison powder we're going for the leech no we're going for leech feed poison powder we're going to get chemicals oh we're going to chemical warfare everything to death look you drop the chemical bomb onto the enemy and then you swap in kakuna and heart exactly exactly oh god we'll find we'll find a light at the end of this tunnel i swear every time we think we have it bad we don't in comparison go chat just finish the job you're not in love with clefairy the fairy broke your heart there you go oh my deactivated god stop slapping us holy [ __ ] it got oh my god ten slaps and two crit it's not over yet hey uh rt i uh i think i got karma my bulbasaur didn't evolve either i think it's i've just given up i think it's impossible there's no way okay come on i think this thing might no gus so be careful be very careful you've basically in the long animation battle you can run from this one too you can run from this one [Music] no all right that's another way to end the fight though you can run from this battle you don't have to fight him you're determined to catch up i knew i shouldn't have given you the pokeballs i should have tossed all those immediately i should have made it impossible okay there we go fight him oh no it's the wrong way is it oh bollocks okay if you can pull this off we have another chance to get an ivysaur dan throwing i'm not the one chucking pokeballs like literally throwing them at trainers pokemon you're gonna run out of pokeballs if you're not careful if you can kill the next one then i can steer the ship long enough to get ivysaur though instead you're gonna opt to um sacrifice your pokeballs the town map cannot be selected uh if shaq could heal uh bulbasaur up that would be great we need to go back up the ladder too apparently we went the wrong way come on yep good job gang good job gang why are you people saying down there's nothing down there we gotta go up i see we got some burger kingers and kentucky fried comrades just hanging out here we don't think kind of the dirt kind wait so where where is everybody right now i'm like close to mount moon i haven't actually gotten there yet i'm almost done with mountain i'm i'm almost through too i'm in mount moon right now this is definitely a situation where nobody from the people who are farther behind should be going into the other chats and messing things up let's let's keep it clean here guys don't go in there keep it clean i mean it would be like honestly i would be just absolutely remiss if my twitch chat went into yours and started spamming start i am in last place all right we don't need anybody to accidentally come over here we might be able to evolve something this time if chat loses control at the end of the battle we can get ivysaur here you have to get the zubat low though you have to hurt the zubat oh for the love of god tackle one tackle okay this is the setup right i can we can get ivysaur we can get ivysaur this is it oh this is going to be close don't press anything activating twitch chat please we got ivysaur against the odds we did it i want you to know that i was 90 of the way through the evolution animation when you said that and my chat immediately canceled it in excitement i'm so sorry i need to show you the clip afterwards you cursed it so hard you do an amazing chat the fact that we actually have iv store gives us such a huge advantage you can take team rocket now you have such higher stats no one else has an evolved pokemon kid you not i was like i think like two or three frames away from it actually becoming a knife literally saying i waited so sorry i got this and then like the sprite was fully on the screen and then i think the sabotagers are waiting until the very end for maximum emotional damage i think so unfortunately i'm going we're making progress oh [ __ ] a clefairy that's actually very rare alright good luck gang good luck oh no that wasn't even me that wasn't even me oh i'm going to be very cheeky oh that's the last fine place he's still trying to switch the birds every damn time okay go on use burp use bur go on let's see what burb can do fight okay burb's gonna fight if nothing else burb gets injured and dies and then you can't use burb anymore there you go activating twitch jackplanes [Music] oh that does so much more oh no that was a crit though that was a crit okay we got to go up after here burbs getting more powerful oh you get to pick your fossil oh no you got one more battle first all right i'll help oh no oh time is short i'm gonna just use leech sleep so i believe we're now in the final trainer of mount moon on our end i i'm also on the final trainer of mount moon apparently alvarado oh jesus close it's close you do an amazing gang okay level 19 that's going to give us more firepower from misty every time you know i'd like to use burb here yeah i believe in your chat this you can't use that one you can't use that one [Music] oh no it's missing one more would do it go you're doing amazing okay i might get the truth to the fossil depends on how fast chat is here you need to like be line four and pick one up okay get your fossil get your fossil deactivating okay okay i think you chose this one i'm sorry gang that's where chat went that's where chat went i picked the one that chat selected we are now through mount moon we got to the other side oh crap i just beat the final trainer oh good luck he accidentally picked up oh my god it is time to slow down yeah it's a little bit intense oh i'm catching up i really think i'm speeding up which is also what i'm telling my chats they don't lose hope but i really think i'm getting close i am also now out of mount moon just [ __ ] legit i need to get you inside the gym hard load oh god damn it you're so close like crow is literally like coming into the city though you have to go okay good up up no yeah we we know how to beat misty we know how to beat misty we don't need this advice all right we are now fighting misty good luck gang oh god just give me 20 minutes to get through mount moon please hey doug what's up uh who else fighting misty right now well i'm about to i'm fighting misty right now hey i'll see you there oh my god are you in there it's like are there three people in the gym yes uh we're fighting the stereo right now like it's in chat control they just have to use vine whip like twice oh my god they're like in there in there yeah no we're actually fighting her oh no confusion yeah you gotta go go on confusion chat confusion is the right okay chat there's one pokemon left they they beat star you come on it's the mario kart blue shell throw the sabotages don't switch pokemon no keep going no switch pokemon you need to just use vine whip just use mine to it oh it's down to the [ __ ] wire snapped out of confusion oh this is intense and i've got the truth okay here we go if you guys watch everyone raising the chance you have to do it right now i've got control they can't stop me oh we've been we've been missing time time you got it he got it dude dude congratulations that was that was such a close battle oh my god that came down to the wire that was insane congratulations chad harvey you've earned a mcdonald's happy meal wow wow that was such a hard fun i just missed you i just missed oh that was down to the wire that's crazy that's so damn close [Music] you
Channel: RTGame
Views: 631,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alpharad, failboat, pointcrow, pokemon, pokemon race, pokemon twitch, rt game, rt games, rtgames, twitch plays, twitch plays pokemon, twitch plays pokemon firered, twitch plays pokemon lore, rtgame, rt, game, funny, gameplay, rtgamecrowd, stream highlights
Id: rkTXUq98GYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 17sec (1577 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 23 2022
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