Pokemon Violet But Random Eggs Decide My Team

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these eggs can contain any Pokemon in the game and I have to try and be Pokemon Violet with whatever team I have first egg sets the tone for the series let's see what we got hey that's pretty good what do we got next sure everyone's ready to Bunch someone I'll take it you looking at me I'm calling my shot Park and I yeah what we even got one of these in my regular game good luck following that up hi doggy let's get a fully evolved Pokemon or an ugly fish find the legs gotta be something good it's Gotta oh let's go he just jumped out of the egg ready to go is that the flying Terra type I think it's time we dust this team out wait a second who are these sending out my second legendary maybe we're ready for the bug gym kind of looks like an egg I wonder if I added enough times of a legendary will pop out I'm gonna find out come on if I get if I score the goal the legendary needs to pop out of the Green Egg I'm so sorry for what's about to happen to your team you know what they always say when in cortado become a bird I feel like that should have given him Wings not balloons they never stood a chance Eddie Ursa wait a second the original bear vs Giant punching bear that became a bird hi teddyer so what hat do you got for us huh a little bug hat cue the music and let's get this battle over with let's end this and open some more eggs start us off on a good note egg oh sure I'm completely fine with that it's the bird that drops Boulder it's about drive it's about Boulder egg egg egg egg what do you got egg how you like that sunkern yeah genuinely no pressure you can't be worse than the last one hello everyone let's go it's a Froakie go frog Focus I celebrated Froakie in the next gym is grass so maybe you could give me something good shiny cloth I was not expecting that but as you can find him he said the bf7 you find more shinies and as we get closer to a million that shiny luck only gets higher don't believe me try it for yourself oh no it started raining that can't be a good sign for the next day more wetness incredible for the next gym actually wait a second weevile I Think You're Gonna Save the team why did the rain stop oh no buying a leg no the Terrors were kind to us last time what do we got this time water what is a flying type I just don't need to tear up oh come on why couldn't fire be on the bird yet what you think I'm gonna use my one Terra on you you really think I'm gonna use fire type Sun cards flame on dumb Kern flame on there you go Sun cards they got nothing on ya that did a little bit more than I expected but that's fine that's fine just ignore it it's fine tackle there we go I don't think this is working on to plan B come on out Bobby let's see what you can do I'm in danger pretty good but can you keep it up yeah you can dumb Kern really wanted a chance of Sudowoodo let's see what you got Bobby oh come on Bobby here we go Bobby plan Bobby always works plan dumb girl on the other hand well the magical egg in the skies make an appearance it's gonna be a shiny legendary I know it or a Larvitar which is actually a ground type Tyranitar's Rock dark but this pretty good for the Electric Gym we gotta hatch this quick the moon's disappearing no I actively avoid gum on my shoes don't be rude third time's the charge it's not the scariest team but you could change that I'll take a Haunter hey at least it's a ball I don't know why he does this but he does this got a good feeling about this one I got a good feeling hey I had a good feeling and it paid off gorilla boom welcome to the team finally what do you got for me huh you can never have too many bike lizards that's what my mom always used to say I think it's about time for the next gym wait for me oh come on I see how it is you want to see what's the strongest Rock Pokemon don't you you think howling at the moon will help you my Pokemon were hatched in the moon's lights an electric type who Do You Think You Are the third gym leader speaking of that hide iono get rid of the bird it's time for the Frog they think they're taking you out with water guns put on your silly hat and show them we mean business [Music] I thought that would kill all right Larry come on hang in there buddy hang in there no my entire strategy was Larvitar what do I do now all right Nelly it's all up to you now at least the Frog's out of the way what could be scarier than a frog maybe I should have been using Gorilla boob the entire time you just gotta break the light bulb Nelly you just gotta break the light bulb Nelly your head is not a drum no Nelly I repeat your head is not a drum [Music] [Music] three times in a row I can't believe that just happened I boo oh you ugly Gumball is it really up to you do you want to play Let's play gumball if you hit yourself too I swear thank you that did so much damage okay we have a chance all right come on Gumble come on no this is so bad come on Gumbo come on Gumble you just gotta live yes Gumball yeah yes please one more oh yes never in a million years I think I'd win this battle of Gumbo I mean I named it gumbo we got the lights in the background it's time for the big reveal what are you gonna give me come on a kickball I was facing the wrong way last time come on egg this is the one the pretty lights were too distracting we need all eyes on the yay here we go because you are the only bright light in the sky I need that thing looks crazy at night I'm choosing to ignore that the next gym is a water gym egg number four egg number door I don't I don't know where I was going with that but I do like the civian let's go what do we got this time Meg what do we got bacon pancakes making bacon pancakes hey that's perfect for the next gym I didn't even know this was in the game last but not least oh gravestone nailed it houndstone close enough I was close enough okay pretty solid tea but if I'm gonna be honest I'm just here for the pancakes wait what that's a shiny mud break it's not doing anything rash what are your thoughts of going into an egg and then letting me hatch you and then I can say that I got a shiny hey hey I love you fancy not right now this is not bye-bye well that's a shiny you're gonna be caught in the Ultra Ball or I'm going to say goodbye looks like we got a mascot for the Run thanks for subscribing Liam go Food answer right not gonna like the consequences pancakes are waffles I'm making waffles I've heard enough it's pancake time pancakes in a funny hat it's not my best work I'll be honest I dare you to put a funny water hat on the crab are you feeling it now Mr Krabs this is a nice change of pace after the last gym let's go hatch some eggs apparently if you hatch in the water there's purple fog okay wait a second why is this back what is this Virizion 2.0 with future Verizon why can't I escape you the purple fog's kind of overwhelming I don't know how to feel about it this thing looks ridiculous with all the Sparkles emanating from its body oh mystical purple fog what will you bestow upon me this time hey what trio that thing looks ridiculous out of the egg the entire Rock being shown what do you got for me now the only time iron leaves shows up is when it brings a legendary friend and I absolutely love it after gallerian Zapdos this is going to be the most random Pokemon possible good night my little ones well at least it's not drowsy one more egg and it's time to see Larry Bing Bang Boom Boom wait what of all of the Pokemon that can be repeated why is bruxus here again in the same thing where I got iron leaves Dragon snobs kind of fun I what can you learn there's so many moves here oh we're absolutely learning Terra Blast I don't know if I've ever used Terra Blast normally this feels incredibly unfair what did Larry do to deserve this all right BP let's do the thing you're not gonna go for yawn Larry that's that's an interesting decision beep beep put on that fun hat and punch him in the face all right that looks very mean by the duns bars let's see what you got not much hey Larry I'm not gonna tell your boss what happened here you're done messed up hey let's go I forgot about Defiance I got a feeling next time I see you it won't be this easy but this is pretty fun the Champions gonna watch this give me like five seconds I think it'll be time for some new eggs cue the sweet music it's time to have how many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man time to bring out the actual strong Pokemon on the team it was at this moment that he knew people always tried to tell me what trail is a bad Pokemon I don't see it he can never lose a battle the walking talking W on the team you just couldn't I'm a little worried this is where the wheels fall off but it could be another legendary the cream of the Cross is pretty good actually except for when you're going against the ghost Jim don't be suspicious doing don't mean hey shiny no wonder spine Ops is trying to steal it there's no way this is gonna help in the next gym but it's such a cool shiny why are all the Pokemon attacking me you're gonna have to be something strong to protect me it is not going well here who's my savior I don't know if you're gonna scare Persian away but it's gonna be helpful in the gym and that's all that matters this is where we get our heavy hitter now that we've found some peace and quiet are you playing Minecraft abracadabra alakazam I always overestimates the Viper bun this time it'll come through I need a ringer what do you got egg what do you got I'm your savior hey okay that is so cool wait a second this isn't ghost normal right this is Ghost normal I've had a lot of fun teams so far but this one's my favorite I hope you like it I think you will how do you like that rhyme shiny roll pretty ripe for the Pickens huh ghost is super effective against psychic and Walt isn't too strong ah rats dude that's so weird Why didn't it affect the rolls that's like what's going on that's so weird oh come on let's get the smart ghost out of here no more of that yeah get Hound Stone out of here okay let's get this guy out of here wait a minute Ron you're not going to rob me of a chance to show off the snake in a funny hat bring out Chomps a lot no jobs a lot it's fine it's time to put on your funny hat come on Seviper there we go Chomp Salon don't steal the show and just like that the perfect strategy egg on the main stage this is where we get the shiny legendary guaranteed come on okay I will take that it's so in Samurai that's so cool the snowflakes starting to come down what's hatching in the snow it is so cold or should I say hello it's been a mixed bag so far why the psychic gym is next you could have just waited for the next gym buddy one gym too soon why is the purple fog back I'm not in the water magnets oh are you ready to be better than magnets probably not not better than magnets you're probably wondering how I got up here yes okay it does stay up here Perfect all right you gotta be something special I got you up in the rafters yeah I used to think this was a legendary I was very wrong but still pretty good now this helps us a ton wait a minute Hopkins this could be a really fun gym I love this team it's super interesting your future is hazy why would you say that if I lose the next gym battle it's this guy's fault I don't know how that's what I thought too until I talked to you she talking to the guy in the cave maybe it's not the guy in the cave I've been excited for this battle let's see how it goes all right Samurai take this thing out and get spikes up there we go you'll love to see it ooh Gardevoir I want more spikes I want more spikes I need more spikes hang in there buddy I need more spikes I don't have a problem okay they say you can only have three layers of spikes I don't believe them I'm getting four of them we'll get them next time maybe I flew too close to the Sun who's to say either way Hopkins we don't need a remake of dumb Kern okay not gonna work this time oh come on only one Pokemon left Swagger toxic Swagger I got a plan just for the record this is a terrible oh Hopkins how could you do this buddy let's bring in the Mothra got a little quiver dance up and we're good to go let's end this and hatch some eggs wait there's still a chance and you know what that means egg time only one gym left this is an important hatch what do you got for me I'm just a little guy and it's my birthday not a good start for the ice gym almost anything will be better than dreamy almost anything it's an ice Jim come on there's no way you will be weak to ice right dog what is going on stinky stink and stinkiest throw me a bone please anything you will give me an egg I'll take it it's it's the Pokemon with it with an egg coming out of the egg it's exception I'm calling my shot this is the Moose where's the rest of this moose I forgot its name so yeah maybe I deserve this okay all my hopes and dreams rest on you turning into something good here we go oh God still weak to ice but maybe we got a chance now oh come on why would this be flying Terra wait that that might be our ticket that's not mine that is our ticket that's how we win never mind I'm still really nervous maybe it's because I named the crowd on Mr Sting I may have five Pokemon a week to ice I may also have five Pokemon named after some variation of stink but Mr Sting it's time to get even stinkier you really think a little ice is gonna hurt to be fair they did a little bit more than I wanted if they hit two more we lose we gotta take this out now you couldn't miss one this has to kill or get the Boost this is not going well hard yes okay that was way too important tailwind's gone do we at least out speed this thing let's ruin that with a single Hammer arm two down two to go hi Mr Stink this is where it gets tough that's not that bad can we take it out no what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing just might have to take on the final Pokemon without Groudon I'm not giving up one more move one more come on you got this five verse one come on stinkiest we just need a pair up ah jeez you can live an ice beam and then go for flail with your like one HP left there we go that's the opening we needed Heights stink just a little more damage there we go that's some real damage exceptions your time to shine that did nothing light screen and let's see what you can do buddy how much does this do nothing but it's zero Kaboom but just wait wait for the next one there we go oh he did we did gyms and now there's only one challenge remaining the most important egg of the entire Series so far no more messing around I need a good team come on there we go I need to send you one that's how you started to evolve are you kidding me the snowman's good luck we gotta get him in the background I'll take any ice type for the ground elite four members I can barely see you in the snow this looks ridiculous there we go I love elephants I'm just gonna pretend like it's gonna be good against the ground Pokemon and ignore anyone tells me otherwise the Snowman with a gimme ghouls Gotta Give me luck right give me a hug staring out in the great blue sea what do you got for me egg come on finally it was a little bit of a bad stretch but that thing you love to see it finally come on why water decidueye oh my God Terra Blast water decidueye that could be pretty crazy no turning back now let's get this started wish cash I like my Pokemon in the shape of a w not just a w on the head camera I think it's time no way she sees this coming I might regret making my grass type into a water type but I hope not we lost our ground resistance you turn and break the sturdy Grim I'm gonna be honest you're just kind of here for fodder we call it a girl wave crash and get this thing out of here there we go uh-huh not many Pokemon are surviving that wait what it survived I said so many words not realizing what am I doing okay Doug Trio we make up for the last play it's going for Sucker Punch we go for aqua jacket let's go only one Pokemon left I know this thing is water absorb but let's just get a little damage on this bear sneeze hit the blizzard there we go the leap four member goes down to a cub chew time for a new team the purple fog is back and maybe I gotta get used to it oh he's taking earthwork look how happy this guy is I need something for steel types A little flame a little ground there we go that's the flame just look how cool this thing looks in this game that guy is ready to beat up a toddler's Pokemon team their Pokemon team we got the fire time for the ground what do you got this is the ground type are you sure all right egg get serious this is serious serious business why is it floating why isn't it in the middle of the screen It's upsetting me I can't focus on anything else this is the most important egg of the entire Series so far come on I'm a bird that's what you're gonna give me I'm not saying it's all up to you but I'm saying it might be all up to you I don't know how this elite four runs gonna go but I know one thing I cannot lose to the child I cannot lose to the child I cannot let this thing get stealth rocks up we gotta take it out here we gotta there we go okay magnazone we got a switch oh so you don't float now huh Dragon Tail this thing out of here and get rid of it sturdy light screen sturdy broken that's huge hammer time oh no I think it's time we bring out the dude come on you can eat that and light screen is done it's not overbon I see the vision I got a plan for you bronze song Get on the ground Bell it's time for you to deal with an earthquake flip a kill but yeah man I'm hungry thank you poppy that's what you love to see get that thing out of here time to end this breaking the sturdy was huge one more frike and one more and I was worried about this battle Larry only deserves our best so we gotta give him that I'm the best hi Pikachu what did you get into the game come on do I even need to hatch any more eggs he's got a hat whatever you are you better have a hat I am Groot I'm choosing to believe that's a hat on his head I'm closing my eyes oh I know that cry anywhere wait what was that what what wait what why can't I escape this thing what is going on this is Verizon 2.0 but it is is literally Verizon 2.0 and now it's shiny this has been a chaotic mix of eggs I assume this will continue that Trend or maybe it's just Brutus again the metal bird against the other birds after I defeated a fellow meadowbird I got a good feeling about this oh you can't be upset looking at claude's sire you just can't be finally come on I think we need a ringer I can feel it weak to Flying but made of snow I don't know what to do with that combination but I think it might work oh yeah this thing does learn electric terrain cyblade is 50 boosted in electric terrain I did not know this electric type predominable that's pretty helpful wait a second predominable now this is a battle I'm excited for I'm ready for you Larry all right iron leaves electric terrain time oh that is crazy powerful and they didn't attack no way Iron Lee leaves this is something special just a raptor Larry won't see this coming hi bonzly you got one job and one job only just live this [Music] oh man and a little extra damage for the road you spoiled me bonsley you spoil me this feels like the perfect time to bring crystal out I almost didn't notice that you had the electric hat in your bag but time to put it on I belongs uh oh we're not playing that game Crystal don't whack yourself in the face with a hammer thank you I'm not leaving this battle without using the go come on Pikachu show us What You're Made Of pop those balloons come on Pikachu come on you had me in the first half not gonna lie iron leaves I think it's only right we end with you time to hatch some more eggs and I assume another iron leaves because why not at this point first egg what do we got Genie does as you wish they added this to the game isn't this a Fairy Type too it is a fairy type oh my God there is nothing that could hatch out of that egg that would bring me down are you sure about that what are the chances that you show up again you're like the most random random Pokemon to show up to watch brute bunny what does that spell egg egg egg egg this team is crazy this is where the other shoe drops and you give me like a love disc I get an egg sure that's pretty solid I'm feeling greedy time for a shiny I hatched one of our strongest teams yet and I'm still leading with the blubo the satado super Fang oh you got him quaking in their boots blubbo you got them nervous you did your job I hope this works a second time I did nothing get that thing out of here wow this is where it gets tricky yawn would be big here yeah it's fine hi blubbo remember nobody lives to tell the Tale come on blubbo you will pay you shouldn't have done that to blubo you thinking Apple will save you do it for blubo snack oh it's like blubo still here with us that team was a special one but we have six more eggs to hatch the final team here we go I don't know if it's good in battle but I actually really like this guy come on egg no pressure but I need something incredible but no pressure another solid one I'll take it what's next what's next we have diamonds so far this team is aggressively okay I'm starting to get worried egg I need some sort of legendary some sort of crazy powerful Bond come on that could be anything and by anything I mean any of the six Pokemon the champion has only two left a lot of pressure so much pressure all of my hopes and dreams rest on you being good come on come on yes let's go now I have a chance I started this journey with one go to become champion of this region and we only have one final test in our past no turning back now tumble Bumble I need you to rumble and stumble what's this whoa not a great star I'll be honest time for super Blog the prediction just got to get damage off at this point all right magnitude there we go needed that out speed Gambit no more messing around it's time to bring out the big guns has to kill right thank you okay I think we will Super Starly you're here for one reason and one reason only finally final commits civil finish with super Starly started this is where you shine Scyther this is where you shine get that thing out of here magnitude get it out all right come on out speed [Music] there we can make one Pokemon left Give Me Your Best Shot Gita Give Me Your Best Shot Terra Blast put on that silly hat this thing can I become champion in Pokemon Violet if I only use Pokemon I hatch from random eggs yes yes I can
Channel: PM7
Views: 1,041,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pm7, pokemon scarlet and violet, pokemon but, pokemon violet, pokemon scarlet, pokemon challenge, new pokemon, pokemon randomizer, pokemon eggs, hatching random pokemon eggs, random eggs decide my team, pokemon violet but random eggs decide my team, random pokemon, pokemon random eggs, random pokemon eggs, egglocke, hatching random eggs, random pokemon violet, pm7 pokemon, pm7 random eggs, pokemon violet randomizer, pokemon egglocke, randomizer pokemon
Id: xaDOlzM0otA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 56sec (1616 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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