Let's Play All of Pokemon Black & White: A Nuzlocke

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[Music] what sick new jrpg have i booted up i can't wait to play the new fire emblem wait a minute [Music] the king is crowned popes dreams that's discontinued discoveries that you need friends for that one no one talks about the musicals but you and your pokemon [Music] pokemon black version hi there [Music] welcome to the world of pokemon my name is professor juniper everyone calls me the pokemon professor i'd like to know your name please tell me can't be dad this time it's gotta be something different nobody seems a bit mean to call your trainer nobody oh look it's nobody fail here it's a very mean protagonist name your name is failure yeah that's what my mom and dad call me this young man is cheering can be a little difficult but he's a very honest person this young woman is bianca she's a little flighty but she works very hard and thank you three potential so i'm gonna give you a very very important pokemon befriend new people and pokemon and grow as a person there's the most important goal for your journey let's go visit the world of pokemon failure oh gee you know i got a name sharon known for 10 years that you have no sense of time but seriously today's the day we can finally get a pokemon from professor juniper i know sorry failure sorry i might as well name my character [ __ ] fakes or something like jesus they're really talking down to me choose a pokemon oh this game is straight to the point snivy tepig oshawa now i thought about this long and hard okay snivvy is simply doing his best you no one chooses snivy tepig there's a lot of better fire types in this region and generation which unfortunately means that this guy might win by default the oshawa fan club is being thrown a bone today because we're actually going to be taking him on board failure chose oshawa yeah the two go together here we go so nuzlocke rules from this point if we lose here we have to reset the game so let's go prove yourself little oshawa we got a tail whip in the start we just need to get access to water beam water beam water gun i'll take that okay bianca is defeated thankfully they don't have any super effective attacks as well even with snoopy coming up it did it little oshawa oh good lord wow failure you're going to be an awesome trainer someday i can tell like what have you done to my home well pokemon are amazing so little but so strong i'm glad that i get to have a pokemon sorry about your room failure decided you'll be my opponent in our first pokemon battle see what you can do sniffy at least the wii made it yeah the tv didn't but we can still play mario galaxy after this okay please don't die to a crit thank you snippy show me made the wrong choice snoopy's dead now gonna be on your way to meet professor juniper mom's way of saying get out of my house i'm not grounded mom am i there go with the pigeons what nonsense is this my daughter who knows nothing about the world we're going on a journey with pokemon don't mind my husband dear he's just being overprotective all children go on adventures with pokemon it's part of growing up that's just pokemon society when you're 10 years old it's like right you're moving out good luck in the world that's unusual you've already had a pokemon battle maybe that's why just as though your pokemon have already begun to trust you by the way would you like to give your pokemon a nickname uh okay we get the name oshawa i feel like mistake compliments fail here quite well they're made for each other i see you okay with the nickname mistake mistake is its name that's such a great name failure sharon bianca go on an adventure to complete the pokedex well you're not i'm good i want you to travel to many distant places and meet all the pokemon in the innova region oh okay i changed my mind press the juniper i'm sorry to have kept you waiting and everyone's here i'll explain welcome to the rules of a pokemon nuzlocke if your pokemon dies even once it's dead forever rule number two you can only catch the first pokemon you encounter in each area if you encounter a pokemon that you've previously caught in another area you may catch another one we're actually playing with dupe's claws this time which is something we did not do with heart gold but that does also bring me on to rule three we're not allowed to use items in battle shout out to uh pokemon challenges uh how's it going uh we're gonna take on board his advice since the last nuzlocke uh the training wheels are off all right there's something about the pokedex that professor juniper is telling us about too he's gonna give us a catching tutorial why don't we see you can catch the most pokemon i mean i'm not winning this contest i only get to catch one i don't think i'm gonna win here okay let's get our first encounter no yeah whenever you encounter this guy it's just like no he's a bit [ __ ] isn't he uh the thing is we have to catch him though to get the duke's claws in effect otherwise if we encounter him again um like that's gonna be our encounter for the route we're talking like actual mistakes here this guy's a mistake i this is no one's favorite pokemon absolutely no one's favorite he's not even worth a nickname it's not even word he's going in the box he's never going to see the light of day if we use them i'll give him a nickname nuzlocke failed didn't nickname i mean we're not even gonna use them you need the nickname for the nuzlocke rules all right we'll call them [ __ ] right there's another pokemon failure has two we all have the same number then oh i see they're playing and it's locked as well hello how is everybody doing junior pokemon are getting along great now right oh professor right now in front of a cumulative town's pokemon center i'd like to show you around so hurry on over everyone literally just a few paces up here [Music] i can see you can you see me waving to you i play my favorite tune [Music] you want to listen to my drum they add music to the town's theme [Music] this guy's just jamming so you might notice that there's a mailman in this pokemon center already that thanks to some wizardry uh that the community has made for this game it's actually possible to restore a lot of the generation 5 pokemon events for black and white meaning that we're actually going to be able to see some things that like it's normally unavailable for instance we get to pick up the liberty pass which gives us access to a special area a little later in the game where we get to do the victini event we also get to pick up a caldeo now we're not going to be using this keldio for obvious reasons but there is an event with causio later in the game and i have simply picked it up so that we get to see it later and also um this last point is just to demonstrate like that this system is really weird we also get to pick up the god of time now i don't know why he's in there uh but they just gave that to me on one of the on one of the times i did this he's also level 100 and shiny for quite obvious reasons we're not going to be using this fellow my name is i am here representing team plasma today ladies and gentlemen i would like to talk to you about pokemon liberation pokemon are subject to the selfish commands of trainers they get pushed around when they are partners at work and anyone say about confidence that there is no truth in what i'm saying yikes that's right we must liberate the pokemon then and only then will we humans will humans and pokemon truly be equals everyone i end my words here today by imploring you to consider the relationship between people and pokemon and the correct way to proceed sincerely appreciate your attention the course is now on their way to the next town uh so meet the evil team of this game peter your pokemon just now insane so then you talk too fast what's this about pokemon talking that's another thing to say oh then you two can't hear it either how sad my name is n my name is jared and this is failure failure is it let me hear your pokemon's voice again oh here we go he's just challenging us actually forgot he does this pokemon trainer and i can't does the ends i think the n stands for it's something weird i think it's like natural harmony it's something real out there natural harmonia gropius is his full name yeah it's a real weird one isn't it and we just call him n because it's the idea that he's a variable it stands for mistake of course failure and nail your as long as pokemon are confirmed confined to pokeballs pokemon will never become perfect beans i have to change the world for pokemon because they're my friends i love when n said it's an orb in time and just norbed all over the place i don't think that's quite right oh failure it's your mom how are things are you and your pokemon getting along and enjoying your journey so far i need to talk to you so i call them i'm gonna hang up the cross transceiver now she was like running the catch up with us finally caught up with you look how far you've come already president says that you were probably hurt for a strat on city by now having that a present for you failure try these on probably how she caught up she actually had running shoes barely you understand that you're never really alone right we're pokemon you have friends and you're always in my thoughts it's all right then enjoy your trip [Music] that's the last time we see mom in the adventure okay we do get an encounter on this route oh joy but it's okay because now dupes class kicks in so we get another encounter because we already have this one so we will get something new each route so now we get a purloin that's much more interesting i mean who really wants two pack rats there's probably one guy who's devastated like no not my favorite pokemon but it's okay because that person probably doesn't exist okay what we gonna call the cat london is our naming scheme just gonna be like everything is awful reject mistake unwanted oh he's going to show us how to jump down the ledge he's stuck there now oh high failure oh no you're not going to charge me to a battle are you oh i actually haven't healed this could actually be quite bad ready or not here i come uh oh no it's okay she picked the starter that's weak to mine i think it's if sharon challenges us to a battle randomly like we're in a bit of a pickle because he's going to have a super effective move now oh hold on i'm going to give it our all pokemon i'm going to die bianca that pig is dead poor bianca woohoo you are a tough cookie failure i'm going to work hard trading my pokemon so we won't lose anymore okay bye-bye your pokemon have nicknames when you give a poke about a nickname you go attached to it don't you agree absolutely do you want to see this pat rat i couldn't give a [ __ ] about excuse me his name is [ __ ] face oh sorry the [ __ ] face fandom is in tatters after my comments leave [ __ ] face alone it's not his fault he is what he is quick the [ __ ] face phantom is dying please [ __ ] on your face to keep the [ __ ] face fandom going [Music] oh no oh my god dan please level up your team for [ __ ] sake dude calm down i've got like a cat that's level four and like [ __ ] face i have like three pokemon and you're losing your mind because i'm training one of them got the [ __ ] face shambles but the the the [ __ ] face fandom is in shambles i haven't used them in two battles actually i think i know if they're upset i'm not using that shiny level 100 the alga i got you're right i should go back and get that god i'm playing this sub optimally hey hey you what was the first pokemon you received oshawa really then panzer could be a big help joshua does not do well against grass type pokemon say do you want this panzer of mine honestly no but we probably want to take this misery has been acquired comes at level 10 and it has incinerate this is actually quite a significant pokemon at this point in the game the reason being is the gym leaders in this game are actually a set of three and the gym leader you face is the one that your starter is weak to which meaning that the monkey you receive here is actually super effective against the gym hey failure have you come looking for the gym leader he was here talking about pokemon types until just a few minutes ago if you walked right past him by the way failure will you have a battle with me i want to test how important items are in battles oh i shouldn't have led with the monkey actually i should have switched into the monkey no it's okay he led with his starter oh thank god for that incinerate him [Music] it's pretty much what the first jim's gonna come down to i burnt his items so he doesn't get to use it the one thing he wanted to do he's got a purl line now as well what the choose which out of your pokemon holds sure is an important consideration my man hello i'm clyde i'm the guide for trainers challenging a pokemon gym you appreciate you're challenging the gym take this to commemorate the occasion they all they give you water in this game before you challenge the gym it's actually quite sweet jesus the level jump is actually quite severe already it is a little intimidating when they're already a higher level than you and we're gearing up for the gym this will hopefully give us oh [Music] okay we're gonna have to be a little bit careful here if he gets a crit here he might kill us no we're okay having a heart attack it's just the first trainer in the gym oh my god i've only got one berry left [ __ ] yeah i need them for the gym leader that's a rough start uh we gotta we gotta grind to get this monkey more powerful yeah we're gonna be in like fierce trouble we'll level up oshawott as well we'll just make everyone more like the two of them more powerful sweet the alga would make quick work at the gym you're not wrong i will probably intentionally kill [ __ ] in the first gym i want to i want to brace people for that because my plan is i'm gonna send out oshawott first the deal with the puppy and then because it's set battle style that means that [ __ ] face has to go this might be the end for the [ __ ] face fandom you can't do this to us i i might have to kill the cat instead what did blunder do to deserve that treatment just a little cat but what did [ __ ] face do dan exist that's where it all started to go wrong room well [ __ ] face i hope you had a good life because that is fast approaching i think i actually have to switch there with that defense drop he's never gonna take too much damage jesus christ please mistake we'll get some more xp like why is the monkey so bad i did so much more damage hashtag save [ __ ] face not like someone has to take the fall guilty alco instead of [ __ ] face that might take a while for you for a diagon to die that might take a very long time i'm chilly i light things up with fire type pokemon i'm a water type specialist my name is chris pleased to make your acquaintance my name is is silent i like grass type pokemon the three of us will decide whom you're to battle it'll be based on the type of first pokemon you chose that is indeed the case the partner you first chose was water type it seems nothing personal no hard feelings mean by grass type pokemon will um we're gonna battle come up may okay this actually could be quite tough if the monkey sets up we may lose got a mistake this part's easy oh no okay they both have it do not die to a crit oh thank you i mean i'll take it i'll take it okay pan sage this damn monkey okay you know just switch direct in we're gonna see if [ __ ] face can live [Music] this is bad this is so bad oh no he might one shot kill us now oh my god [Music] oh that does [ __ ] nothing [Music] it's okay i forgot oh thank god i forgot the monkeys are awful pokemon of course we should be in the clear no one had to die [ __ ] face lives [Music] i completely forgot yes of course it's just the monkey they're terrible this is why no one uses them what a surprise you are very strong seems like not even chili or cress could beat you everybody lives first badge has been acquired hey there i'm fennel professor juniper asked me to give you something please follow me russell juniper is my friend from college he asked me to help you guys so i'll give you something to help you this is a hidden machine for you we get cut like to ask you a favor too it's a place called the dream yard on the outskirts of straton city like some of the dream myths that a pokemon there called muna gives off oh [Music] hey did you hear a sign come from the other side of that wall come on let's go see we found you mana on come on make some dream mist huh who are you what are you doing you're talking about us we're team plasma battle day a night to liberate pokemon from foolish humans he just punched it kicking a poke about to make it give off dream miss that's mean why your trainers too right oh sorry not punched kicked i'm like you two we're fighting for the freedom of pokemon setting pokemon free means that we can win pokemon battles and take pokemon by force so on that note we are going to rescue your pokemon from you peter no [Music] okay thank god they're a bit weaker than the gym can rest a bit here it shouldn't be as dangerous what are you two doing goofing off we team plasma shall shut separate pokemon from foolish people this isn't guess is when he is gathering followers or gets us when he is trying to control people by tricking them with speeches yeah this guess is when a plan has failed and he's about to issue punishment anyway let's hurry and say we're sorry so he forgives us [Music] happy family there they go something happened oh fennel they see muna was here but team plasma and munna machanda came and it showed us something like a dream and then team plasma i think i followed that the machinery of awesome money seeing money in trouble it uses power making dreams into reality to save money it means wait a second [Music] this dream missed with this i can complete my research you two come to my house later okay uh how do we actually play gift pokemon in here gold yep that's what i think that's what the monkey rolling comes down to as the encounter how do we play it because i think we got we got an eevee in one town before and we got the dratini in goldenrod didn't we yeah i think we allow give pokemon as separate then let's go oh it's an arduino okay adinos are really good they're kind of like this jen's chansey they give a lot of xp if you beat them someone said mishap i like mishap next you got some dream myths now i can collect save files with various trainers thank you very much talking my appreciation i will give you the sea gear to use sea gear is a device related to communications such as infrared connection and nintendo wi-fi connection here you are warning please turn it off on airplanes and hospitals now you can you can use the cross transceiver to call your friends but this bit still has a little bit of functionality [Music] oh someone showed up welcome to the ontra link everybody look at you you don't seem to know where you are this is an island called the ontra link it's located in the center of the innova region the entre link is a mysterious place where you can connect with someone's world to go to someone's world by passing through this island you'll be able to meet an adventurer in the world you can help that adventure because if you want to help cross a bridge in this island go to someone's world must be someone who is waiting for you to we can do this because i have two ds's and i have a copy of pokemon black and a copy of pokemon white so we're actually gonna have a look to see what this is connect it to daniel's world here we go [Music] okay we're here off to daniel and give hatching power s eggs hatch faster for 30 minutes all right so this is the wild thing right that's actually me walking on the other ds right now so the moment you actually talk to them on the other system what's happened the character actually immediately appears and you're now talking to them the moment they find you adventure is going smoothly thanks to my pokemon and everyone else on the other dies to saying did i surprise you i came to see you through the anchor link oh are you giving me something on the other ds i thought this might come in handy in your adventure thank you that'll help me a lot this is from my anchor link please take it wow what a great power thank you that'll help me a lot so you give the power to the other person basically so now on my other copy of pokemon i can hatch eggs faster for half an hour and we get pass orbs for that the ontra link levels up in exchange for your pass orbs you can give yourself certain abilities immediately restores the hp of the lead pokemon a little increases the experience points from battle a little the effect lasts three minutes you can actually use this to actually level up a little bit faster and we won't be doing this obviously because this is a nuzlocke this would throw balance kind of out of the window but i wanted to show this off this is like a combination of like we're doing a let's play all of this game but but we're also doing an slack it's like the two combined this time because this this is what lives in my head grinding is cringe cheating is based so what this is if you connect the pokemon dream world this is where they start to show up uh this entire region basically acts like pokemon storage boxes for for lack of a better description the pokemon that you get from the dream link would have hidden abilities which was like the real draw of it thankfully black and white 2 actually has changes in that game where you can get pokemon with hidden abilities and will will someday get round to that it was not completely lost can you store your dead pokemon here sadly not we can just say in spirit they go to the anchor link when they die another interesting thing for gen 5. here's the daycare you get access to it real early in this game so you can just start using that to level up pokemon uh and guess who's gonna be deposited in here until the end of time [Music] free [ __ ] face would you rather they die because i i can like that's very possible yes better to die in freedom than live in captivity oh no okay yeah we still need to get more pokemon these damn monkeys it's the salad monkey pokemon nfts no wonder they're [ __ ] because i think misery is like depreciating in stat value every second on the market i was told this would be the most powerful pokemon in the entire game uh i don't know what's going on here right i'll run you ch are you gonna chase me you run am i gonna chase you change your perspective and the reality changes that's a bit too much for a four-year-old failure stop you you talking to me oh he's gonna have a stronger snivvy oh okay we might have underestimated the monkey we're gonna have to send him back in should he's worked up too light now [Music] we burnt the berry okay just get as much damage as he can because he might just one shot kill you oh it's okay he's stupid oh thank god well that could have been scary he did nothing but change that's the entire battle misery is growing impacted you don't need anything just gonna box out of the way oh hey where were those people headed that way but why are you running now seriously they run so fast it's all my pokemon will be okay it'll be okay don't cry uncle really why were you running the hawk answer the [ __ ] question those people stole this girl's pokemon could have spoken up sooner oh yeah we're gonna get that pokemon back bianca stay by this girl's side i need to go heal if sherrod hadn't kicked the crap out of me i wouldn't be able to rescue it faster child cannot use a pokemon to its full potential doesn't that make the pokemon sad same thing for all your pokemons to hand them over to us now better yet we'll just take them we will end pokemon abuse by abusing pokemon i use the stones to destroy the stones okay we get we get oshawa evolution now this is gonna be this could be so good we get an evolution everyone's spam and b again it's no longer twitch place pokemon you have no power here failure we've been friends our whole lives we've got each other's back when it counts let's show them how it's done yeah we've been friends i just wish it stopped calling me a failure my name's daniel oh double battle quickly we must defeat sharon's pokemon in the nuzlocke attack sniffy that razor shell is really good at this point in the game it's just so much damage and it's stab and it's like like oshawott's signature move it's so good okay failure turn the pokemon okay we're looking for a drill bear grover will come up when there's a dust cloud come on drill birth where are you bud this is kind of sad gilbert trump there he is oh god damn it yeah so you can also find items in the dust clouds but that's uh actually that's really not what we wanted okay i mean that's not bad we can use that okay there we go we got him [Music] there we go i kind of like calamity calamity it is uh shall we try get our no let's go for the double grass we might get something good in the double grass what's down here a little bit here we go it's a single pigeon that's unfortunate i mean at least we can catch it so we can get it out of the spawns everyone's so excited right now holy [ __ ] that's a [Music] pigeon guess we could consider using it just because it's level 13. it's a high enough level got nothing to lose you can't call it burp because we've had burb it's got to be yeah bungle it's always got to be like a negative connotation bungle's been acquired the most positive team imaginable probably shouldn't actually linger in this glass grass because we get like double blitzel we're in trouble yeah that is what we were hoping for with the blitzel he would have been way cooler but alas i thought i had a quick attack give me a heart attack there let's just safely like sneak into the next town question if you want to play what would you prefer outside or at home i have no time for these games and which one are you interested in the thing everybody knows or the thing no one knows i have no time for these games in my view you're a person with common sense okay [Music] you're not going to battle me are you does anyone remember green city's gym leader uses normal types if fighting type pokemon it might give you a big advantage if we can get oh what's his name is it girder i think that's the middle stage there is a fighting type pokemon that's available near here the song is chill as [ __ ] the soundtrack in this game is the best soundtrack in any pokemon game i'm absolutely convinced of it uh like the the soundtrack for these games have specific memes that have spawned because the music is just so damn good like driftvale city the ferret walk such an amazing soundtrack how do you like the sound of accordions [Music] oh listen to that he slipped in french moment okay the gym is here i don't think we want to like charge into the gym uh because we're probably gonna die if we do that we should go see if we can get another encounter pinwheel forest actually has quite a few spawns we actually have to think about how we want to use this or chance it for something there's a class that is inside and outside the forest with separate areas um i don't know i feel like that's that might be double dipping i think i would treat it as one because the thing is right because victory road has wildly different areas and i would count it all as victory road i'd say maybe for survival sake we chants getting a fighting type because having an actual fighting type on board would make this next gym significantly easier no i should use repel that's my own fault no disaster has struck damn it no we still gotta catch it i guess we just don't get a fight and type this around [Music] you know i count the inside of the forest as a separate area because like the encounter rates are really different if you think about it and it seems unreasonable to just count them like one in the same as pinwheel forest god damn yeah okay well welcome disaster can't believe that yeah that was quite costly encounter to lose there it's all right we will get access to other stuff second gym is going to be really rough now that we don't have a fighting type yeah we might bungle might have to stick around because we actually just need something that can get us through the forest and there's a lot of grass type pokemon coming up how far into the forest can i go right now okay not very far double battle fighting type please anything but a temple oh my god we were never gonna get the fighting type oh that would have been so good earlier the sock is basically a pokemon in like judo suit it's having a good time this is just the person attacking you they've painted their face blue oh god he used bide i better make sure i kill him yeah we're good we're gonna we're gonna really treat fungal because we need bungle to be strong bungle has a lot of pressure oh we interrupt this train and montage bring your temple audino level 14. so this should give like a shitload of xp get them bungle now and kill range if they get two crits but that's like astronomically low odds oh no it's only one crit oh don't do it all right perfect max there's the panic music i guess you wonder what that sounded like oh that's way faster i'm gonna have to use bungalow the bird playthrough everyone's been hoping for is finally finally here get a tranquil big pigeon oh i forgot he was here i want to see things no one can see the idea is a pokemon inside pokeballs truths of how trainers should be in a future where pokemon have become perfect do you feel the same sure i think my friends and i should test you to see if you can see this feature too i completely forgot you fire in here here we go oh i think he has a temple as well yeah you are it's just a temple they can't cause that much damage provide it you hit it oh my god all right let's let's just switch because temple is kicking our ass it's three pokemon to bring that down it lasts the timber that one's pretty straightforward there we go now i know what power i need zekrom legendary pokemon that along with the hero created the unova region my turn to become that hero you and i will be friends there he goes oklahoma has the assistant director do you kind of have to visit i'll give you a tour of the museum skeletons of a dragon type pokemon it's a theory that i had an accident while i was flying around the world so it became a foss yeah i mean it's dead oh this is an ordinary old stone it's found near the desert but in the fact that it's old it doesn't seem to have any value don't display it because it's rather pretty to look at the end of the gym a very strong and kind gym leader is waiting by the way the gym leader lenora happens to be my wife all trainers in this gym use normal type pokemon this is just between you and me normal type poke about a week against fighting type pokemon they show up in pinwheel forest good luck catching one gotta fight in a library he's rubbing it in yeah he is bastard actually starting to be able to fight which is great it's gonna need that ground type stab but baby steps i'm kind of just dreading lenore i'll be honest i i've kind of accepted that the pokemon is going to die no one has to die if you let the alga rewind time do i switch in the shiny dial that feels pretty cheap to like counteract their main move you could lose a dialga dan so much gambling it's gonna be a [ __ ] [ __ ] post though if i use like a level 100 shiny dialga to weasel my way through the fight i'm gonna get a review in a few months where it's like yeah so that's completely illegal okay here's lenora [Music] drop your desk bottom challenger i'm going to research how you battle with the pokemon you've so lovingly i'm raised try and kill him okay actual scary fight here it's just the watchhog come on bunga [Music] okay um i could roost here i feel uh she's gonna use a potion isn't she yeah just use an air cutter is the potion gone though on this which is probably good no oh the plans gone wrong fungal no oh now we have to sit him pull it's your time to shine wait timbal i actually have a good kit here hang on come on temple didn't use retaliate oh but you [ __ ] missed come on tip up yeah there he goes [ __ ] this is the worst situation we have to just hope that mistake can two-shot it dodge the hypnosis [Music] the fence fell come on we're good oh bungle no why do you have to bungle it yeah temp will die too but no one cares about it button style so enchanting this is chairman you're a pokemon trader where are you receiving this basic badge tim paul died for nothing yeah he actually did here here come quickly team plasma's threatening to steal some bones what what's going on phil you come too not the bones you've come gym leader we team plasma claimed this museum's dragon skull in the name of pokemon liberation show you were serious we'll steal it right before your eyes well then here is our smoke screen plasma such a menace good day lenora find any good fossils lately this is a surprise visit are you suffering from artists block again failure this is burr you may not look it but he's stella city's gym leader seems hectic or something around here what's up what's up someone just walked away at an exhibit that's what's up oh hi failure what's everybody doing here they're really rubbing it in that one of my pokemon died failure is there's some kind of problem the name hits different now yeah they're really gonna rub it in every time any time like a pokemon faints it's a sad moment as well we now have to make the graveyard box in our pc here we go grape graveyard oh fungal that's the later temple hey you've got a very oh give us that you're not taking that to your grave pinwheel forest is gonna be so much harder now because with all the bug and grass pokemon that we're i'm gonna have to use the bloody monkey again i don't have a choice i i i have nothing else i have nothing else this damn monkey hey failure how is your [ __ ] face doing after the fight i heard about your bungle and i'm sorry for that disgust jesus christ oh no this is what i was afraid of [ __ ] okay we could only we have jettison calamity mistakes just gonna have to live a hit if they just double up on like mistake like that's it like he's dead oh thank god that crit might have mattered oh okay no that's actually quite weak right we might be all right that's times four effective i was thinking they might have something stronger it is a sad day we have to use the monkey again but it's all we have ah uh whips the cat's literally one of my favorite pokemon but we are not going to be able to use it because we've already got our encounter for pinwheel forest i will just say i've seen a guy use cbc really well in a fire only hardcore nut stock so at that point it's a skill issue you know i'm going to release the rest of the team [ __ ] it let's have an only similar team that we want i'm gonna be so much fun i'll release the monkey at the next pokemon set i'll do it and it works we only have like two well-leveled pokemon i'm fully aware i'm doing my best [Music] oh he just has the skull i thought there was someone else we need to fight nice the dream a king had the dream we had won't come true oh gorm of the seven sages a mortified score which he went to so much trouble to obtain was stolen from us so easily it's not important you can afford to abandon the dragon skull one of the results of our research this is not the legendary pokemon for which team plasma is looking it's completely unrelated secure the liberation of pokemon we will steal pokemon from trainers even though your gym leaders will not tolerate any further obstruction from you in any case we will settle this someday hope you are looking forward to that time as much as i fail your thank you so much a kind trainer like you taking care of them the pokemon with you must be happy i had another happy pokemon lenora until you killed them this is a big moment like back when this game first out this was like a blew your mind kind of sequence like holy [ __ ] how is this possible in a pokemon game there we go [Music] 2011 this entire sequence was insane actual moving cars in a pokemon game too [Music] there goes the royal unova perspective well that's stelia city skyline welcome to what is basically pokemons new york welcome to castellia city i know this doesn't seem like much now if you compare it to like everything 3d pokemons have get done since but like on nintendo ds this is like a holy [ __ ] moment if you go down the streets [Music] they're full of people commuting all the buildings here are basically skyscrapers hey trainer show me your paces give me a whirl all right a fight is like a dance oh wait i don't know that's what you meant oh no no it's just the grass type wood it cuts through most of my team i'm switching into this monkey first just to use incinerate in case he has a berry oh this monkey might be dead [Music] oh he's all right super effective did you tell oh good job misery yeah you did it i'm so happy for you yeah someone made a very interesting point on regards to catching victini victini has the same capture rate as other mythicals would actually getting victini is actually going to be very hard he's not gifted to you you have to battle him uh there's a very real chance that the entire team dies trying to capture victini i still want to give it a shot remember i won't be able to heal in this fight too i won't be able to heal i won't be able to use items i don't know if we're gonna be able to physically get victini unless we break out shiny diagonal i'm gonna catch one more pokemon simply so we have some potential fodder for the team that's how you know it's desperate if we're going for this get a fire light to make victini catch easier oh [ __ ] is a violet available in this town where did i put those sunglasses oh my god i found them you really gotta have more light to see your weight by take this i hope you see in dark places actual jump scare in new york ah this is it thank you okay this is actually quite huge this is gonna give us a fighting chance so avaya light gives you a 1.5 defense and special defense buff specifically to not fully evolve pokemon absolutely huge item to get here considering we're not fully evolved yeah we need to get one encounter in the desert i think we're hoping for sand aisle here i know we have a ground type if we get daramacco we get daramakka it's a backup fire type sand out okay i'll take it fairly happy with this this also gives us a backup perfectini yeah despair is pretty good okay that's the only encounter we get for there for now oh you have a liberty pass would you like to go to liberty garden i'm just perfect the ship is about to leave please get aboard the ship and wait a fun tidbit for when i did my original play tour pokemon why i ditched my starter and picked up victini instead so like this is like very nostalgic for me that like we kind of have to do this now team plasma's taking over the islands too you get a few a few trainer battles from this too which is actually quite nice for the next gym it's a secret room meant to hide victini 200 years ago a certain rich person bought this entire island and hid victini in this underground room after that no one saw victini and it became a mythical pokemon like it's waiting to test your strength you better get ready dangerous play is going to be quite stupid as well considering that we might be sacking this pokemon uh but we are going to evolve the monkey because he has more stats reminder this monkey is probably going to die trying to paralyze him but he'll be able to tank hits just a little bit better this way we could teach rest this is the only hp recovery move we have everything can learn rest maybe we have some chesto berries it would let us survive just a little longer okay so that banks us a turn of healing on every pokemon uh oshawa who might be able to just tank oh no wait yeah if it uses incinerate it burns the berry oh you're right this is so dangerous here we go oh here's the intense music okay we gotta lick it no we use incinerate the berry okay that gives us a good measure on damage though okay we must lick injure is great oh this one's gonna hurt we can tank another confusion yes rest no quick attack the monkey is falling start with the ultra ball [Music] god damn it 24 great boss this is bad this is really bad this is the the most dangerous part of it oh channel your energy gang oh wait that's a good sign five percent one in twenty oh i one in twenty is better i'm a gambling man we will go to the last damn ball especially since the monkey died we really need this thing now like we are [ __ ] if we don't catch this oh it's looking bad guys but we must believe [Music] this is it we really need this come on there's nothing more we can do okay mistake do the only thing you can nice teeny vanish from the underground room oh [ __ ] wait do we get a second shot [ __ ] it's still there technically the same pokemon like that's the exact one it's like static not technically dead this is very iffy can't wait for the review on this look there's gonna be some controversy here i think that without paralysis this is gonna be like this could kill us this could really murder us all all right that we have the difficult job here where yet we do need to try go for the very very small weekend this could be the dead of mishap though we need to use a single pound perfect okay it's safe it's safe all right that's as good as it gets gotta believe yes [Music] gonna call this one defeat we have a fire type careful nature that's a bit [ __ ] a monkey might be dead we got victini team plasma has been arrested making sure no one misuses victini's powers is now your duty also in the innova pokedex victini was assigned a special number zero i've heard the special number was assigned in the hope that victini's power to bring victory will be shared with the trainer who travels with this pokedex the chat seems to be divided on whether this counts as cheating or not i am going to chalk it up as similar to ante encounter rules like i think that's a good way of putting it it's still technically speaking it's the same pokemon using diagonal and make great content i mean i think that's like a area of the rules where we're all pretty like 100 clear uh like this is absolutely okay a pokemon egg okay this is zoroark so we just get to see him oh sure it's our cry i'll take one of those i don't know what's in the egg i don't know what that contains um i'm curious enough to hatch it we won't use whatever's in this but we will take the egg along with us i've no idea what's in it every morning my pokemon makes me wake up slap so i always look like a wreck i appreciate it's good intention so work my hardest provide for it today as always and says true love board in a slap in the face every morning you have good eyes eyes full of curiosity good i was especially appoint you as a statistician statistician failure i expect you to do a great job oh gee i don't know do you oh she just gave me a pokeball how do you thank a passerby what a wonderful phrase it warms up my heart reading is important isn't it if you don't mind would you tell me your favorite greeting [Music] oh it won't let me input that but [ __ ] he's okay details about people what is your hobby feeling called out here what is your job can i answer with the same thing that's right i'm an influencer okay welcome to pokemon uh buzzfeed edition where do people prefer to live uh i i like the city more which partner would you choose smasher athletic these are mutually exclusive what do you value more in a person appearance are substance if they look lovely there's nothing there like what are you in flying game what type of person you like fun cool kind rich i'm a gold digger thanks man i got the best team in the world here that's how i feel amulet coin communicate by dancing how we say happy things sad things how how we say the world shines brightly look at them go we want to avail of this as much as we can just to get some finances again and i figure we keep leveling up calamity in particular because we really want to get excadrill i feel like we just kind of push calamity a little more forward it's the bin bag pokemon everyone's favorite it's a sentient bag of trash this pokemon gets a lot of hate it's like why people just despise gen five as like one of the worst pokemon i actually kind of like rubbish he's better than grimer for me grime is just a pile of sludge this guy's got a little more personality speaking of sludge ah so cute let's kill them too wow you're really cleaned up eight grand for winning that amulet coins putting in work there's a token of my esteem please accept this experience share pokemon hold an experience here i get some of the xp points for every battle even if it's not involved right it may be useful for raising weak pokemon aha you're the one who fought team plasma in pinwheel forest but remember your name is failure from the challenge of the gym i suppose oh sorry but could you wait a bit it's a form that team plasma is showing up in fact come with me i'm gonna i'm going to the dock at prime pier i completely forgot about this oh that was quick what's in the egg oh sweet i hope we can catch one of these later that would be amazing i'm not allowed to use this one yeah we're not we're not allowed to use that one but god almighty i hope we can catch one in the wild oh yes and then we can do my mana team plasma took it heard this lady screaming ran after the thief as fast as i could this city is so big and so crowded i'm afraid i lost him oh that's convenient as time went so well i thought i'd grab him at a pokemon rethinking i need to get out of here no one's here not a soul other team plasma members nor any of the seven sages are inside i think i'm lying why don't we have a little battle and find out no i'm pretty sure like you're you're being honest trying to take new york can't let him walk here did he get the intimate after he might have don't think it matters user talking to me got a mishap yeah this is great so like despair is just going to be an insurance policy in the wings because we've lost so many pokemon already that we just need what we can to take what we can get my word if it isn't the chimney to birth what would you say is the guiding principle of team plasma anyway take what you want from people who names the kid bronius blackjack would appear before our heroes sought their ideal way to knit together a world full of war and people this black dragon type pokemon shared its knowledge fired its fangs at those who stood against it together the power of this pokemon the hero brought unity to the hearts of everyone in the land and that is how you know it was created i just want to get all this out of my system in people's hearts and minds we can easily create the world that i i mean team plasma desires i wonder whose interests he's got at heart a girl over there returner pokemon thank you funny i'm so glad to see you again between pokemon people can be very touching but in order to liberate pokemon from foolish people who revive the legend of unova win the hearts and minds of everyone i'm totally not evil farewell now there goes the there goes like the evil team again the main evil act in this game is just like spreading ideology but like hostile one not accepted anyone's beliefs politics this gym must be a nightmare to clean oh imagine how sticky their clothes must get in this gym i i think it's a nightmare to clean like the amount of hair that's probably caught in that honey when people just like going to work in the morning can't be hygienic dirt and dust yeah it'd be filthy you walk through like your monkey shoes like that muck's just in the honey now free lunch though plus remember that like the the gym is completely full of bugs as well it's like they're just swarming everywhere all of the time thanks again for your help i bug pokemon to scare you with excitement about getting the battle ya let's get straight to it [Music] we can take him down now okay it's gonna inflict paralysis here that's a nice start go on mishap oh that's mean it's one down we'll take a freebie smackdown right like it's access to that so early quick razor shell that should absolutely do it okay this is the scary one that like most of our team is weak them but we do have a pokemon we fought hard for [Music] got a mishap i don't think he's not going to be able to get true unless he gets a crit i think but it is going to make me a little uneasy [Music] ah it's not allowed [Music] there we go that's what you get [Music] you're paralyzed again [Music] we didn't even need the victini i lost whatever listen to you doesn't bug me because you are amazingly strong this is the gym badge you beat me so it's yours the big teeny still brought us victory by existing true true see you later find your hair on the honeywell on your way out hey failure that we can have a pokemon battle and get as long as we're careful not to break the electric bulletin board why don't we just step outside bianca there's like a desert like literally 10 pesos up here less risk no you got a monkey as well you can never escape them they're everywhere i think i think sharon has another monkey as well so i think everyone got a monkey what happens if you dig with the yarn active oh you just fall asleep under craft like oh i better come back up oh my god let's go easy stop using yawn [Music] there we go she's got a pig night now the only starter from this game to actually get additional titans it's fire fighting again there it goes having my pokemon stone was just really hard and i felt really unsure still i gotta say i'm really glad i went and so learned so much in this journey i'm also excited that being with pokemon is really really important okay well i hope to see you again soon bye-bye failure hey failure i'm waiting for you to get the insect badge now it's time to see which one of us stronger trainer hey get him mishap oh he's got nothing on you seem to understand the importance of the first attack very well and you don't servine is alarmingly dead oh he's got pursuit don't switch yeah there we go the reason you're so tough is the trust between you and your pokemon that shouldn't be a problem i can get more out of serving on my other pokemon too it's talking about if it's like mileage in a car okay i'll be waiting for you two in front of the gate to nimbasa city uh hello was bianca trying to join there she just couldn't get signal because of the sandstorm said hello at the end i believe so this is one the thing that's that's actually different i think between black and white uh i believe in um white they're excavating ruins whereas in black they're a building like a new city or town and you actually get to see what happens to both of those in black and white too there's a resort ahead it's nicer than the average desert the tourism bureau just did not know what to put on the board okay we get a daramaka i mean i'm okay with that honestly [Music] oh we gotta catch this quick too did i just use an ultra ball i think yeah given the circumstances here just go for it quite it's a risky enough catch great [Music] there we go yeah we have a new friend fiasco i like fiasco i might get to the point where like pokemon get to actually retire in peace from the nuzlocke and don't have to die in agonizing debt on like the battlefield like these six pokemon are the only ones we have which is a bit wild everything else has died you have [ __ ] face oh yes lest we forget rt would you still love chat if they were gosh a man has to draw the line somewhere he's saying we aren't yes we have the team of despair defeat mishap mistake actually quite a bit of god energy what's your name failure dad would you still love chat if we were a worm that's always such like a weird question like you see i've seen that in like kind of tv shows and that was like one character asking i was like would you love me if it was a bag of potato salt and vinegar crisps he's avoiding the question but it's just so random like would you love me if i was a pencil would you love me if i was a mousemat he's still not answering would you love me chat if i was a twitch.tv streamer be honest okay i can think i can take a bit of criticism [ __ ] no you love us dad of her favorite pokemon [ __ ] face i don't know how much say i have there so we're pretty much guaranteed your mask then aren't we because yeah we're going to do the species clause like for duke's claws that probably just makes more sense that's like a more refined dupes clause i don't think we can go too far in this in here his relic castle yes there's sand dial so that's just straight up dupe if you end up catching us rubbish will you name it jared leto it does fit the neiman schema the naming scheme of negative connotations carrying two pokemon fossils but they're just so heavy take one of them off my hands okay so this is the cover fossil and the plume fossil the one we probably want is the plume fossil though plume fossil gives you an archon which is a rock flying type that then evolves into archaeops now archaeops has monstrous stats but also the worst ability in the game it's called defeatist if you lose half your hp on archaeops uh you do basically half damage it's a heavy consequence but it has insane stats for what it is also in this game this game introduces acrobatics which is a 55 base power flying type attack that doubles in power if you're not holding an item 110. now if you use that with a flying gem that goes up to 220 damage and i can pretty much one-shot anything in the game and i believe you get it at level 25 which is actually really nice as well granny you still can't move ahead because there's so much sand i do my best to remove the sand give me a second that's okay we can just fall down the pit oh yeah and here's your mask as well [Music] more metal claw oh come a little close i don't like calamity's current hp [Music] uh what level does your mask evolve 34 was it we're gonna have a lot of cool options we need a nickname first dread yeah dread feels right for this ambassador city [Music] oh we don't get to enjoy the music just yet though you're taking pokemon away from people since you work in the daycare we figure you must have a lot of pokemon hand them over kind of nonsense is this but when peta beat up the local animal child care center like really what they're doing right now it's not a good image for team plasma oh they're getting actual pokemon now too not watch hog kind of sad they all have watch outs like it's such a bad pokemon in general this went downhill fast so i think we better run let's hide out the amusement park thank you so much please take this as a token of my gratitude it's a brand new bike i'd always plan on riding around in vast city but i never ended up riding it i haven't used my car in a while you want it musical theater is always looking for participants making more wonderful props you participate repeatedly uh do you want to experience the magic that is the pokemon musical it's not that magical but this is what replaced contests in this game what do we do here we use props to make your pokemon fashionable and glamorous want to join in play dress-up to get started here's a prop case and pull out props from the list and put them on your pokemon tennis racquet ribbon of course need top hat might be room for some sunglasses does this look okay let's go i might be able to get the alga now this is this is important perfect god of time is here [Music] one of these is not like the others i can't control anything by the way but we get some nice music oh that's impressive backflip yeah i don't think i can do much because i don't have hands get another back flip in the alga's doing his best belly's dress up performance is very elegant pokemon use prof to convey such abundant expression just as if they were actors okay sure daddy what are you doing here come to take you back home of course no way i'm gonna keep traveling with failure in my pokemon absolutely not i'll just do things their way and we do things ours is that so how about you do things your way and i'll do things mine you keep going on your travels hey who do you think you are this is a family matter my name is elisa i'm this town's gym leader i also happen to be in battle weird thing to interject in the conversation but okay there are people whose way of thinking may be completely different from yours sometimes this means you may get hurt of course that's exactly right it's because i'm worried about that but it's important to keep trying learn about the differences between yourself and others being different is okay i guess want to continue your journey of selfishness on your part i wanted to stop you with selfishness on mine rise to find i'm the one being childish at my age failure please take care of my little girl okay i'll come home after i found out find out what i really want to do [Music] there he travels the trainer himself in the past being a parent must be hired but i meddle and necessarily look troubled so i decide to chime in by the way if you're trainers please stop by the pokemon gym teach you a little something about how tough journey you can get [Music] so cool huh i want to be a totally cool woman like elisa i wonder how i'll get there before that i guess i need to discover what i really want to do see you later failure it's actually quite sweet like so bianca stands up to her dad a character development yes but is she a model like [Music] hello there looking for team plasma right iran's the amusement park come with me first i must tell you i am the king of team plasma bombshell guest has asked me to work with him to save the pokemon i wonder how many pokemon exist in this world i'm also a model perhaps i can't beat you here and now that i'll battle to buy you time for these members of team plasma to get away [Music] team plasma's in doing great calamity baromacca uh basically and went shopping in the desert you might notice the theme with his pokemon here he just like picked up a few friends even if i lose this is a different from the future i saw we have rockslide now though so this isn't even a problem for us calamity is so damn strong you're quite strong by the future i must change and for that future i'll defeat the champion and become unbeatable unlike any other make all trainers free their pokemon just try and stop me you want to be together with pokemon your only hope is to collect the badges from each area and head for the pokemon league try and stop me there if you're there he like just steps in closer to say that and then steps back welcome to the gear station uh this is basically this game's equivalent of the battle tower uh you get access to it quite early and it's just an underground metro it's quite cool aesthetically this is where you get your battle points too uh most of the tms in the game uh not most of the tms but a good few of them are locked here you need a lot of points to get them all what we can do though is we can get the train to anvil town [Music] unfortunately no trainers come here today god we picked a sad day to visit so normally there's like a train that's kind of parked there and they'll just tell you a bit about it and you get this like look at the trains model hello i'm dr al masheen the sweep is a simple but wild move it's a swift kick to the lower part of the target's elixed and also be handy in everyday life just imagine a lady wearing a short skirt and she has to kick someone you can use this move without causing any embarrassment to herself i see i learned a lot i don't know what they're implying with that weird broadcast yeah remember people wearing skirts sweep the legs to stay elegant pick them in the knees yeah we get another we get two more encounters here there's like a forest and there's this roof oh it's me it's the cops that's an undercover cop sorry you had to find out this way this has all been an undercover operation this entire twitch shot tv channel gonna get that one guy in chat quickly gamer scatter daniel no one too high for this look listen man i'm spacing out already i don't i don't need this this is getting too confusing do i need to beat elisa to get access to strength as well i can't remember how some of the hms work in this game no can i just use it uh who can learn it uh hmm kind of slim pickings i i don't really want the teacher to calamity teaching to the alga is using a level 100 shiny uh dialga again as a hm slave against the rules no it's not i mean we can do that can the alkaline surf as well we might be able to get good use out of them okay so we're hoping for like a double battle encounter here so that we get two shots at a good pokemon oh we get a mincino okay i'm happy with that oh it gets sick so cute spider trying to kill me right now [Music] there we go chinchilla pokemon so cute hey vanity it is this woman is actually a zoroark in disguise if you bring a shiny legendary dog like uh entei suicune or raiku uh that were given away for the zorak movie back in the day when you actually approach the truck she actually runs out and screams at you and enters battle i believe she's level 25. uh both tsuru and zoroarak this is the only way to get them in base black and white they're unfortunately not available in the game outside of events which is a bit [ __ ] uh they do thankfully fix that in black and white too got a little more to go on this side of the map we can go into the other route too i reckon we can just explore all these today might as well i'll i'll put the alga away again so he can turn the plume fossil back this is archen and we get to give it a nickname apathy i'd like that [Music] i just don't care okay we get an encounter here though we're not gonna get to the double grass so we might as well just take it here are we gonna get oh i'm gonna get my whimsicott oh i'm very happy with that whimsicott is like incredible it doesn't have fairy typing in this game which is a bit unfortunate but it's still so good i love whimsicott [Music] we're okay game please [Music] she made a gorilla noise i just panic famine it's a little bundle of joy it's so cute i will destroy your harvest oh we get another encounter here as well the mulga is here that'd be an interesting one to get yeah electric flying oh joy it's rubbish oh sweet a garbage bag and keep it with the naming scheme of negative connotations uh we're gonna call this one jared leto it's troubling time oh [Music] oh i didn't like that i think i don't want to chance this because we're so close to getting excadrill so i think mistake you're gonna tank some hits sir oh no [Music] okay that's all right oh my god why is it constantly critten hello okay this is actually quite dangerous now this thing hits quite hard get him vic danny geez that was surprisingly scary that thing is a menace that can cause a lot of damage oh joy it's temple's evolution if you missed me grass type here is just too good because it's times for brush their crops cut off their food supply yeah we're fine i probably should be using mega drain there could have healed i think it's even better than razor leaf too that's my own fault there okay big moment coming up but just not quite yet so cancel the evolution now we use a rare candy you have to cancel the evolution one more time and one more of our candy calamity wants to learn earthquake there we go and now we can evolve it excadrill acquired oh wait no i did not mean to do it oh it's fine i think we're going to do the gym it's an electric type gym uh x-control is going to destroy everything in it hey clyde how you doing allow me to demonstrate how the gym is gonna go meet excadrill and that's the gym let's try out eq absolutely dead so we're gonna get so much money they're all models on a roller coaster so fast that sped up too much actually at that height with the immediate turn that would probably snap your neck my spine [Music] like that yeah that sudden stop would probably kill you oh i forgot to get off i mean i'm already dead here fantastic speed leave you dizzy beloved pokemon be the next one to make your head spin [Music] gym battle for elisa did you know she's a model i don't even think i set up here i think i can one shot kill everything on her team there goes a moga eq [Music] oh my god x control is just making this incredibly easy properly dramatic victory requires a dash of danger and a pinch apparel uh and that's the fight [Music] oh my you have a sweet fighting style and you're a great trainer excuse me i uh oh here i want you to have this i struggled here why did no one tell me about ex-control honestly it's like one of the strongest pokemon in this generation we get vault switch also just the pokemon switch with a different pokemon after attacking of course you don't have another pokemon your party you can't switch you're on the driftvale city next of course there's a pokemon gym there after all oh but you won't be able to get there you know what i'll fix it so you can cross wait for me on route 5. oh failure stop got a bolt badge i've got a bolt badge test who's stronger you or me this time i'm going to win surprise rival i fight you a lot in this game leave tornado [Music] thank god cervine is just so weak even after like plus two in stats like it barely hurts us he's got scald now i'll get the burn please come on okay start in the panic okay really panicking now [Music] god i don't like doesn't come from her damage i could have killed a [ __ ] [Music] that monkey's a menace [Music] that wasn't an easy fight and festival's grand life should be enjoyed who is this man this is alder the unova region's champion champion how would the champion be goofing off in a place like this the goal is to train is to become the champion traveling with a goal in mind is a commendable thing what do you plan to do after becoming the champion what else is there other than striving to become stronger the strongest trainer that's the champion coming stronger becoming stronger you say is that alone enough of a goal hey youtube come here for a moment understood before that thank you i was just having a bit of a crisis the nice thing is we get to beat uh sharon as well can only be one winner when it comes to what a champion should be you and i may hold different views but so be it give it some thought let's roll the drift hill drawbridge is just ahead [Music] cinematic cutscene sometimes above the bridge you can see the shadows of bird pokemon right the feathers drift to the ground here you try to pick them up occasionally or run into a pokemon i believe the encounter on this route is like one it's only one pokemon [Music] see if we can get them [Music] might take a bit to find them it really doesn't want to come out does it what pokemon there's no pokemon here there we go a wild ducklit appeared okay one more should not kill [Music] that's a real shame just get more wings here's the music [Music] this is where this comes from welcome to driftvale city so you're the trainers elisa was talking about i'm clay i'm the gym leader around these parts don't be expecting no welcome now so when we lowered that bridge the team plasma guys we've caught then escaped and all the ruckus tell you what you find team plasma i'll let you challenge my gym welcome to texas i'm a heartbreaker my name charles i wanted to get the attention of a girl i like so i learned a new style of pokemon its name rotation battle okay welcome to anxiety central for the nuzlocke format oh this is a mean combination of pokemon too okay so in a rotation battle three pokemon are out at once you can swap which pokemon you're about to fight with but so can your opponent at any given time uh the masculine is all i'm really worried about otherwise i'm just gonna use eq got a good start there yeah we're all right uh they show up a fair bit more i think in black and white too more than anything you can randomly find trainers would just be like hey it's just going to be a triple this time why is he driving his motorcycle on the grass and not on the nice road he's kind of caught it's a bit of a thick move charles uh but before we get back on to the main story and drifthale city the reason i actually came back to nambasa is because i've adjusted the game's clock i want to show you guys anvil town on the weekend yeah here we go so there's a lot more people here compared the last time you visited delicious air trade lots of items was surprisingly fun when i tried that is a single train it's the oldest train in the battle subway it's for a loop line to go around the innova region you know about two do you know two blind bridge the train that runs on it is on it is this single train so if you're a train fan um you got like some exciting trivia every day except yesterday living is using time given to you you cannot recall last time don't forget that oh thanks for the existential dread man i was having a fun fun evening i think all people in the world can understand one another well there's people who think pineapples should belong on pizza well i don't know okay uh we actually have two new areas to us that we can go and explore uh i think we're gonna start with the one down here this one's probably the cooler of the two is this is the cold storage and there is actually a unique pokemon in this area that we might get uh that is one of the more infamous gen five designs chat might be getting its ice cream today oh yeah awesome apathy is at the point watch this like apathy is so damn strong emily's at the point where we can just use him to fight in battle by himself he actually has so much damn attack okay we got a double encounter we're hoping for the light we got to chat's finally gonna get ice cream we gotta kill that from the light and then we'll thunder wave this one no that's the level 27 one i hit the one on the left so i need to hit the one on the right to hit the one on the left which one did i hit we want ice cream and we got him what level does vanilla evolve it's level 27 already i feel like that's quite near felony it's now illegal purchase ice cream all of you huddle around me i can't take this cold whatever i can't believe you're really hiding bottom of your coal shall i show you the outside how are they not arrested i mean they will they'll hopefully be soon police is kind of like absent here i think clay just runs the land it's a sheriff it's texas ain't it it's different there you call that cold here's the sheriff i'll be right in a chilly old place like this guys take these pokemon robbers roger clay i don't know if you brought enough guards they they they could easily outnumber them they're cold you guys ain't so bad promise is a promise come on challenge my gym whatever team plasma's ideal separating people in pokemon exactly the same as not having pokemon in this world at all that bunch is a waste of oxygen failure it's cold so i'm getting out of here holy [ __ ] jared now cherry doesn't like kind of hold back like most of the rivals are like that will be like that evil team is up to no good aren't they sharon's take they should die uh there's double grass on this route isn't there i'm pretty sure there is a bit later uh so let's just use a repel for now so we can get some better encounter options later [Music] oh [ __ ] i forgot about these it's a fun gus i forgot these guys were here yeah they disguise themselves as pokeballs it's evolution which must not be named uh actually has like shockingly good uh vulcan defenses uh evolution was actually using the petal of like way back in the day i think it gets regenerator as an ability which means if you switch it out in battle actually heals a third of its hp it's like grass poison bulky and you can i think it learns spore as well i actually had like a pretty good tool kit what are we calling fungus hubris okay sure and here is our sunstone we have one handy okay let's get a whimsicott look at this guy your famine evolved into whimsicott they have a bountiful harvest now your buddies are trying to steal some folks pokemon what's this seems to be some misunderstanding only free pokemon from wicked people talk real nice what you're saying this kind of sounds like lion tell me plane what you're trying to say implasmo also has an interest in driftvale city we have many many more memories besides those who are here and we'll be taking our colleagues off your hands it's quite menacing it's just like let them go and it's like they can't do anything i have to go make my pokemon stronger i really don't want to lose that clay guy actually i'm going to win my gym badge in a flawless victory that's what that's what we need sharon we can't afford a loss here round tie pokemon good against water type attacks and it makes me wonder why clay is living next to water you might be onto something there clyde okay welcome to like such an elaborate and complicated gym setup like what is even happening here like someone's gonna get like their leg taken off by an elevator here cat fall off pokemon physics forbids it it's the trainers who work in the gym i feel sorry for imagine battling these narrow ledges like your pokemon would fall and die oh excadrill used swords dance excadrill fell off the side how does dick work on the ledges i that pokemon's gone it's truly used earthquake would cause the mind to collapse probably yeah probably the most like workplace violations we've ever seen in a pokemon gym like there should be handrails everywhere here okay how's it going clay okay so basically what i need to do is i need to paralyze excadrill and then switch into my excadroll and hope that my ex get drill doesn't get murdered by the other acts control that sounds so dangerous in theory that doesn't actually sound safe at all does it [Music] okay welcome to texas [Music] come on famine oh he's a higher level okay we can just use giga drain that's unfortunate but it's all right swagger not today okay we're absolutely gonna have to switch now famine wants to learn tailwind that's how we're faster than excadrill my god does a plot device deus ex machina oh [ __ ] he's going straight for the extra drill oh that's not what i want him to do i thought i had time to switch oh okay but tailwind oh no come on famine slash oh she's okay she's okay can my ex control live a potential like earthquake bulldoze that's going to be used on it here um don't chance it switch into mistake yeah that would have been disastrous god almighty speed's still falling too that tailwind might have actually saved us oh god the speed fell twice are we still fast enough dangerous play dangerous play i don't think he has rock slide happen he's got to go in pivot switch no damn you clay oh the tailwind's gone revenge kill him oh damn it we lost a potential very strong pokemon he's got a palpation left [Music] yeah we're good ah that's a huge loss archeops would have been so damn good i didn't know he had rockslide i didn't know he had it it's eve i sure don't like it such a young one you have an imposing battle style no you got people who could dig up your potential take this [Music] oh you did your best little uh affiday you did your best i think we just leave the slot empty for now and we're gonna catch something hopefully in the cave that's better uh we'll take we'll take we'll take jared on an adventure for the time being oh hi failure i heard your bird died that's a real shame you got a mushroom now as well moving up in the world bianca it's dead as well not that strong so i don't know how to say it but i think you're way tuned in to how your pokemon feel oh i know i want to share this hm with your failure we get the hm for fl oh that would have been great for the bird we just lost that would have been so good for the pokemon that is now deceased we've lost two birds what is it with birds birds don't survive the runs do they don't know why there's a nest here but if there are folks having problems giving leader is the one to fix it broke rock take it out [Music] i don't know how good you really are if you think you can go you can go go wherever and if you think you can do something keep doing it do things how you want decide your own limits [Music] see you later mr texas hearthstone cave i like this place formulas expressed electricity and its connection to pokemon people did not exist this would be an ideal place you've been chosen you know does it surprise you i said that just full of myself like no of course i've been chosen you don't understand what that means is not likely to surprise you i mean plasma will be waiting for you ahead jesus wants to see what kind of pokemon trainer you really are facebook stalked you i checked your profile and your hobbies and interests you haven't updated it since 2007. i wonder what's going on there oh no it's jared leto no [ __ ] you jared he knows he's rubbing it in kind of want to send the bin back out just to die to him jared must fight himself there's already enough trash on this boy [Music] holy [ __ ] [Music] oh that's scary dear god hi there how are you failure places always charge lots of electricity to pokemon like electric charges react from one stone to another that's why some of the stones are floating not all the stones can be pushed but your failure this is for you oh [ __ ] she gives you a lucky egg in this game i forgot that i thought that was just black and white too uh the lucky egg doubles all xp you receive it's pretty broken keep those going save the encounter for the best odds like dynamo joltik and pharaoh seed it's one of those three that we really want i think give you [ __ ] god damn it no wait it's a dupe it's a dupe oh thank god oh oh you give me a heart attack game it's a dupe it's a dupe yeah we're all right jesus oh it's actually scary drill bird jump scare like right in front of where you walk game why are you doing this i'll take a celtic i'll take a celtic just fear okay yeah pretty happy with that i could just get samurai how much xp have we got a mistake yeah we might as well it's just don't have to worry about it there we go not the suboptimal item usage it's fine i feel a lot safer no credit where it's due for oshawa he is very reliable as far as this run has been concerned yeah he's going to destroy you in his review for that rare candy usage he's going to stop like his review at this point it's like the victini business that's all okay that one rare candy in charge stone cave like rt should know better i lost to this guy in the pokemon tournament really failure do you have a dream of your own to survive that's wonderful i'll learn just what kind of dream you have in battle classic norbius move i think we should be mostly okay here no point using eq because it's always got sturdy excuse me alcohol hopefully attack buff oh if that jolt is using a nervous ability do we get a compound eyes jolt thick because that's like the amazing one that's actually very significant if we did yeah does that that boost accuracy significantly so we can probably teach it to thunder instead of thunderbolt [Music] professor juniper what are you thinking you appear to have no comments about the relationship between pokemon and people put pokemon into categories using arbitrary rules i think you can understand them like that very idea of a pokedex revolts me what do you have to say for yourself oh my looks like you're not my biggest fan this is why we shouldn't invited uncle to thanksgiving always gets political no i mean this is like 2010 2011 when this game came out to like ends like writing a very angry tumblr post right now you could see it happening oh no don't tell me it's careful again no why are they all careful i mean we still have to use it we still have to use it see you later jared we just popped jared in the graveyard might be where he belongs heads up failure as a gym leader i'd be happy to have you challenge the gym but there's something i need to take care of first just now as i was flying the cargo plane i saw something on top of celestial tower that's a sick pokemon if it is i can't just leave it there so look into it this right away i'm leaving route 7 celestial tower you can come along if you want the only planes that fly out of stratton airport are cargo planes trains want to fly in that they can go with a pokemon that knows to move fly yeah if only it was that easy i wish i had fly you move fly you can return to a pokemon city you've already visited pokemon don't know their destinations they cannot fly there everyone's just rubbing it in let's say i cannot reach i asked flying or psychotic pokemon for help sometimes i can't even imagine everyday life without pokemon god i don't know what i'd do if i didn't have a flying type pokemon i wouldn't be able to survive at all i think i just sit down and cry okay route seven uh i think the encounter here is just whatever i i can't remember what we get here is there dark grass on route seven i don't know what we're hoping for here we're just gonna kind of see what we get okay we got did we get a twofer oh that's an interesting two for [Music] that doesn't want to go oh don't like that do not like that oh i don't like that either okay that uh that's the worst of them down there i can get calamity to safety now sap zipper oh no okay uh we just need to catch this i hope this catches it [Music] can't switch and use the ball okay [Music] okay oh erosion jesus christ guaranteed encounter there's only one pokemon that you can find in celestial tower and it's litwick there he is litwick doesn't evolve until level 41 so it is a while to get them there but absolutely worth the investment okay this is absolutely something we want to use for the team shine to the light that absorbs the life energy of people in pokemon which become the fuel that it burns it's kind of menacing behind that little smile i think it's going to be grief yeah i'm so excited for like chandelure and like galvantula we've pokemon we've pokemon we've been like struggling with like only two things like most of the run still can't fly though no we still gotta sort that out rtgabe oshawa like or cannon let's not get ahead of ourselves right we're not there yet uh like if samurai dies at any point in the run i will take back any and all compliments i ever gave oh you came thank you i was right when i saw a hurt pokemon don't worry though it's fine now given a max revived and it felt better and flew away that's cheating skyla don't have great eyesight no matter how far away things are pilot's eyes you can see him oh that's right since you've come this far why don't you ring the bell let's use tower celestial towers bells for suiting the spirits of pokemon also the character of the person ringing the bell is reflected in its sound the bell tolls it's not a good sign like they introduce myself again i'm skylar the leader of the stratton's pokemon gym he's flying type pokemon you're ready please come to the gym i'll give you a big welcome there she goes oh god so here we go dangerous gym someone's absolutely died in here you even land with like kind of like a crunch like my knees are probably gone by now knees lock is over i guess the the less often played variant of the nuzlocke where the goal is to simply protect your knees and only mess up once you've only got two knees low kick is instant death they just take you out and kill their will murder you like that's it that's the run you lost a round we go this might be embarrassing because we don't have galvantula i gotta go back in the cannons this trip might be from nothing oh jesus it's not just my knees that are gone now okay yeah we just need to level up uh joltik just a little bit more so we're gonna leave the gym and we're gonna get nadino with two see you later skyla spine is shattered undefeated because no one has ever survived the trip to her probably uh no one's been able to beat my gym oh in fact most people leave in a body bag we'll happily take it galvantula okay so the stats on this thing should be way up into the wall i want like a mod for this game but the only change it does is it just adds like a bit of blood on the wall like nothing else has changed there's just some blood okay we use fear and then if something goes wrong we wildly improvise that's the plan i've been waiting for you enjoy flying with the help of the mistration gym cannons for my pride and joy it's time let's try something else [Music] and here we go you probably could have just lied with ex control i think we might switch the uh but if i switch out i'm not gonna be able to get back in am i [Music] oh yeah no we're gonna be fine galvantula's gonna clean up here we shouldn't have anything to worry about crit yeah this couldn't have gone better this is just exactly what we needed perfect good job grief absolute slaughter you're an amazing pokemon trader but pokemon are happy because for the first time in a while we could fight with a full strength it's an official league gym badge i think it will look good on you we won that gym just because of preparation more than anything and you know the the luck of the draw giving us a speedy electric type before the flying type gym they may say it so they understand one another better what trainers really use battles for it is to compete they hurt each other's pokemon are the only one who finds is terribly painful whatever i'm going to talk to your pokemon i've been living with pokemon since i was born so it's easier for me to talk to them than with people the failure was born in november town lives with mom and was given the pokedex to start off a journey to see the world still does galvantula trust you for some reason that's good how does galvantula know all this we just caught him the vision is to change the world without using force trying to change the world by force would just make gutters resist people resist the ones that will be hurt of the innocent pokemon used by foolish trainers you understand okay are not just tools for people to use as a result pokemon trainers who care about one another like you and your pokemon will be separated and that does break my heart a little let me explain my ideology just got doxed by a spider twist mountain i think we're gonna get surf soon too we both hold the jet badge now let's see which of us is stronger like ah yes jared i see your knees are also gone now okay uh spider round two i guess [Music] you can just use them quite fr oh oh i don't like that [Music] oh no oh thank god for that oh we can beat his monkey now too what he's faster [Music] how that still did an alarming amount of damage i think this is bad either way oh no this has pursuit i think i use vault switch trying to get out because if i just switch it might use pursuit if i just switch it might use pursuit here we go oh thank god safely got out of there talk about fear yeah yeah that's one to watch next time we fight uh charon it was a fine pokemon battle oh it's alder happen to see your boat grown as trainers he's trained in the gym i see his knees are very strong of course having something you want to become is important what is even more important is what you do with your newfound power anyway take this [Music] here you too we finally get surf uh so getting access to surf has actually opened up quite a few new areas in the game there's a massive route that's opened up at the start of the game uh we've also unlocked access to uh mr alton cave here we can go in there and potentially get an axe here uh the big route is over here route 18 17 and 18 there's actually two routes here unfortunately we don't have fly i mean that we have to walk back pick up all the mushrooms that we can so we're mostly just here for axio and we got to get a dusk stone in here too okay pray for axe you okay axe you axe you no it's a bit [ __ ] that's the worst one the other one we want to add fly if we can get an amalga yeah disappoint two piece of disappointment who cares about this pokemon a little further wait a minute the guidance chamber is that a separate area do we count that that's a different name that's the criteria we've been going with at the same screen oh yeah that's good we're not in mr alton cave anymore hey sex machinist strikes again it's baldor and axe you only but we have bald there are dupes classes in effect so that means we get an axio what if we catch kabalyen why is the dusk stone we need to we're just stacking up here axe you strife strife it is very noble honor the mishap he's been so good to the team he's helped us through so many encounters and he's gonna enjoy retirement we're not going to let them die thank you for your service look how much we actually have that we can pretty realistically use we still don't have fly we're working on that we check on shipface on a road trip you know not every day we're gonna come this way we might not get another chance to uh but no gotta leave him be could be dead for all you know it's like schrodinger's cat you know i think it's better that we just leave the box closed can we at least put jay leno in him uh i think you mean jared leto we don't have jay leno we could though he could be out there okay gang your pat rat's doing just fine we checked on him hope that means something special i know there's a lot of demand for it i try my best here i've been working hard i've been doing some more wizardry and today we're gonna have some special stuff that's showing off on stream this is like forgotten pokemon content that's actually really like tricky to get an access these days but we've actually pulled the stops right i'd like to take a look at the legit box here this is the special event celebi that they distributed it back in the day for an old pokemon movie because we have this we actually get to see the zarua event on today's stream this is the only way to get zarua in this pokemon game unless you have black and white too i had this sitting in my copy of pokemon white too i trail it and test and can confirm it works uh we've also got a genesect a level 15 true black and white too and this [ __ ] right here this doesn't look like much right this is a defiant thundurus and the reason this is so significant is the only way to get this pokemon is to play the augmented reality game called pokemon dream radar for like six hours now there is an event in pokemon black and white whereby you can catch a landrus the only way to get that is if you have a tornadus which we will capture capture by playing pokemon black and a thunderous together now i did not have a thunderous anymore my copy of white or copy of white too so the only way to get sunderis was to have this old ar game and grind 1 500 orbs i had to click on 1 500 orbs basically in my living room over the past weekend which took about six hours and we've done this so we get to see the landorus event a shellmet of all things right pikachu [Music] oh and a metagross that's kind of nice there was some real weird like wi-fi events for this game back in the day oh that's just straight up a shiny metals okay all right the shiny claws oh sweet you're right i can use that shiny dialga i've got in here hang on you can get an egg in this area yeah we'll get there we're going to be making actually two trips here because um the genesect event is on this route we're gonna clear it out first with our standard pokemon defeat the trainers and then we're going to do like a second lap so when you get past the water currents you got an island and this is actually its own separate route this counts as route 18. uh so we still have an encounter for back there and we also have an encounter on this island okay what we got here pokemon trainer sparkle in your eyes i feel your kindness towards pokemon decide it i'm gonna trust the egg i found in the relic castle to you i would love to receive it but i gotta make some room with my party we will come back we're gonna do a second lap of this zone okay oh do we wanna you know let's just use a special encounter on this oh yeah alamola i'll take it just sad man hey rappel we're off what we get oh joy okay here's the twofer crustle and a scraggy oh this will be neutral oh no [Music] okay we're fine now it'll be really nice if we catch it like right now before crit high jump kicks us there we go these the double encounters are getting more scary i don't know if we should keep going for the double rash okay like that wild battle should not hurt the entire team this much this should work this should work i haven't actually tested this one specifically in this game but we do have the genesect in genocide they're in fly since we see it flying in the anime movie oh [ __ ] can it oh my god how did you call that that's actually insane of all things to learn fly do we make this our fly slave it's a hoverboard in the interest of time are you okay if i have genesect on board only to use fly like literally nothing else okay all right we have a [ __ ] hoverboard we gotta pick this up [Music] we get a pokemon egg uh this one i believe takes a long time to hatch but we got it with us hoping this works [Music] yes it did okay lost pokemon content we team plasma revived genocide from a fossil then we enhance the pokemon with the power of science it's the strongest pokemon in history but our lord and was not interested in this genocide that was modified by the power of science science damages the natural beauty of pokemon they're perfect beings that's what he said so her research was halt and this facility was closed however the genocide research is all mine if you want to know genesis secret you have to beat me in battle question what level pokemon does he have all right shot in the dark time no one's gonna know cause how often do you see this oh it's just a clink yeah we're fine i can't remember because like some of these events treat it as like specifically like it's a post game thing so it's like here's a level 70. you know so you got to you got to be a bit careful god gambler i've lost everything forgot my duty as a scientist is to make the world happy this must be what i get for trying to make a pokemon to a tool for fighting i'm gonna wash my hands at this genesect matter i don't need this anymore i'll give it to you uh so you get the shock drive there was another one in my outer pocket you get the burn drive as well so these items uh change the type of genesect's signature move which is actually just very cool in terms of coverage and an interesting little detail if you give genesect the drive it's this is such a slight thing but i'm such a nerd the model actually changes so the drive is actually red on genesect now and then if we change it back it's yellow isn't that the coolest little thing it's just such a nice touch really cool attention to detail i wish they did more stuff like that more often who said glorified cassette player it's a glorified hoverboard to you all right well that's like marty mcfly back to castelia okay so you remember this encounter this little boy got lost he looks lonely so please talk to him yep yep because we have the movie celebrity we get to toss it out here and the boy is the zaru in disguise a little boy was really zuru so cool looks like zaru and celebi are really good friends i'm sure zuru wants to go with you in celebi he adds a rule to your party trainer do you have a pokeball join your party i can call i can call him fraud i can call him fraud i like fraud uh zaru is a really interesting pokemon to use worst possible nature by the way because it has illusion uh so when you send it out it comes out disguised as another pokemon on your team uh which is just a wild concept um for an ability as one more thing here this one's real special the scent you brought me reminded me of a long ago melody from the fringes of my sepia toned memories it was a song my mother loved it makes me feel so nostalgic would you like to hear the melody [Music] so [Music] [Music] melody remembered the relic song it had forgotten that's some of the coolest music in the entire game and this is the only way to hear it okay welcome to the next dungeon now there's a lot of different encounters that we can get here i think the one we want the chance to try our luck for is honestly girder because cancel there is actually like one of the best pokemon in this generation i think the absolute worst you can get is cryogenic or some random [ __ ] like that yeah here's our encounter we've already got a hoverboard we've already got a hoverboard what do we do with them now also how do you fly in this thing you just like stand on its head okay we can it won't be very effective so we can get down safely [Music] never mind well i guess we're stuck with the hoverboard gang oh did we get we did oh we get to evolve twice now this is actually so good grief is is becoming all powerful we get lampang i personally think lamp is the cutest of this evolution line something just about the aesthetic he's so he's so cool are boys all growing up there's a wall from a candle really fast there we go all right now look at the stat increase here right 130 base special attack almost on power with excadrill in terms of offensive power snow but it's also like a way better like more offensive type of like ghost fire it can hit a lot of good [ __ ] the literal glass cannon is the strongest thing you have it's the most defensive pokemon it's actually actually made of glass okay grief actually has the time to shine here now so all those bulky psychic types we've ever met in the game uh we can now just like murder them we don't even have access to shadow ball yet but it's pretty good and the encounters in here different uh i think they're slightly more favored for the ice type pokemon oh my god okay they're angry in here jesus christ this is what we gotta we gotta check that corner over at the top left too i'm not going for the cloud okay oh that's just a ledge back i don't know why they're so angry in here uh that's everything in this cave just just get out failure i'm gonna stay here for a while i'll think a little bit about what the champion asked me what do i want to do with my power after i get strong why do i want to be strong in the first place i just want to go to the shop hey failure how's chandelure and the chateau lauren's really taking a shine to you get it cause it's a light banger new music time as well welcome to icarus city if you stand near this bunch you get claps you might recognize a lot of the soundtrack in my city skylines videos i i've pulled it many a oh i forgot the wetlands of the encounter here oh there's a stun fisk stone fisk is kinda is how i would probably describe it as pokemon looks hilarious in pokemon go as well because it's just completely flat but pokemon go positions the camera so you're looking straight at it so it's literally just a pancake it's cry is literally a fart yeah it's unfortunate ain't it oh i forgot the nickname it's sorry he's failed the nuzlocke neglected this [Music] you're right that that does seem to fit it better nicely done now thunder you normally wouldn't even attempt to use this because the accuracy is so low uh but we have compound eyes on our galvantula which i believe ups the accuracy i think it's to 98 i think it's like absurdly high which means that like there's no real risk if you use it yeah so that's pretty damn good i'll pay you well for rare oars not just oars stones gems shirts anything mineral i love it all uh i have a nugget oh yeah he pays double and you can just do it repeatedly okay let's just uh stock up let's sell him everything we've like hoard it like compulsively in our inventory this dude is loaded yeah he really is it's actually quite a useful trainer first and foremost we'll never have to worry about him again dan's poor now you guys don't understand building assets do you i've invested i'm not poor i'm not poor i have a picture of an ape this semi-sear is going to only appreciate in value this is a similar one of 100. don't understand what a sound financial decision this is that's why i'm screaming at you right now so you might notice there's like a ditch here and some ledges if you actually look in here there is a house now call this poor property design or placement this house is only accessible in winter i don't know how they live there they they they can't get home so this little hill up here uh you can actually only access in winter so what we're gonna do now is we're actually gonna change the clock we're gonna save the game and we're gonna jump ahead a bit oh wait this way please oh no this is the quiz house oh what do you take to get clean it's tremendously difficult can the challenger answer this hint yeah the audience is asking for a hint hey i'll give you a hint it's not a shower i don't i mean a bass is that the option i don't know what it wants because it's specific key phrases here i don't know if we have that is it under lifestyle term and amazing and these are mutually exclusive lifestyles do you subscribe to anime or bash yeah yeah good hustle congratulations sir this is a prize it's an antidote oh [ __ ] exciting thrilling zippy chillin that's a pep quiz see you tomorrow how long was this quiz we can now access this guy's winter home my dad used to have a cool job in a faraway region oh member of team rocket i was long time gone a team rocket bye bye a go-go i my region went home make new team rocket i did so myself i pledged but now i am now i marry damn now for team rocket there is no time by me but happy family is big hooray you might remember this guy so this was the rocket grunt who stole the power plant part in her gold and soul silver as him in his later years and he settled down down he has a family which is such like a sweet and odd connection between the games welcome hey i have a lot of souvenirs my sweetie's old co-worker gave me don't mind giving you one [Music] oh [ __ ] you actually get the rage candy bar here oh we can access an event pokemon with that that's actually quite significant that we get that now i thought this was a post game item we'll head back in a bit yeah we'll head back in a bit and do that that's actually cool that you get access to that uh here i i never even thought of that because that's supposed to be like a post game thing so because it's winner now the snow has filled in all the space here you see and this should make it so there's new regions accessible on the mountain ice can be metal with fire or shatter with fighting but you might want to smash it in the dust with rock or steel it's got a lot of weaknesses safest gym in the region as you can see the perilous void below okay let's completely sweep them let's go if you're ready to face a gym leader then bring it got three pokemon get him grief we saved the good move [Music] gotta yeah there we go extreme conditions really test and train you that's what he's facing right now oh [ __ ] he got him moving he did 12 damage oh we're not gonna recover from that one oh he lived he lived it he's putting up a fight he's not going quickly set up screens god love me set up the wrong kind of screen too he might have lived if he set up the the actual correction what a sad fight out of your style hurt i will give you this [Music] young man if you're here for a gym challenge hang on for a bit i've got to head the dragon spiral tower i'm going to dragon spiral towers to the norther here right bianca's like yeah i'm gonna go to the fan club really excited for that fan club oh failure and you must be bianca i'm the other professor juniper professor juniper who gave you the pokedex is my daughter nice to meet you professor thanks to professor juniper you got to go on a journey and start figuring out possibilities for my life very very grateful to her that right grand grand actually we should chat oh that's great bianca anyway dragon spiral towers stood tall since long before unova was founded on the top floor the legendary dragon type pokemon waits for a person pursuing ideals to appear that's what it said you're going to go after team plasma like your friend did admiral all of you to join the fight against team plasma it's risky too don't worry failure and chair and are both really strong they've beaten team plasma before i'm not all that strong actually i admit it not very strong so i was thinking it'd be nice if maybe i could stay here and be your bodyguard i thank you that makes me feel much safer oh failure it's up to you climb the tower that's all i can give you but it might help here's a snack i got from a haunted house in the sinnoh region because i actually broke some of the supporting pillars here means we can surf off the side oh he's just oblivious to the situation isn't he i am an ace trainer like dude did you not see the criminals here jesse how could you be so naive to go against an executor i cannot battle what could you possibly be thinking in that naive brain of yours you think you want to be the very best like no one ever was i am the very best jesse i am the one who catches pokemon this is really dangerous stuff for kids to be doing yeah it is like this is a really bad place to stand you're gonna slip and fall yeah there's golem do i have anything that can weaken it safe like mega horn i feel like aqua jet is just gonna [ __ ] murder it like go poke ball new to this battle business [Music] apparently i should have shouldn't have worried that makes it easier okay ghost ground he's actually got like an interesting move set and like he actually is quite bulky definitely worthwhile could like consider in this guy for the team anyway we're gonna call them burden finally time our lord and will become the hero [Music] but someone made it up here no stop that trainer for our lord and use all your powers to take him out well they just tried like push you off the side okay the four trainer kerfuffle let's go excadrill takes on the world oh no an enemy let's surround him and attack one after another there's a 4v1 here you know the boss is looking out thinking he's got it all figured out yeah that they really don't yes i want to learn sword stance axe control is completely [ __ ] broken now but calamity is now absurdly powerful so like when we get the gyms and elite four from now on uh the game plan is actually just use swords dance turn one and then just murder everything there he is what do you think failure how do you like the powerful form of the pokemon who appears before and fights beside the hero that will lead the way to a new world now zekrom and i will head to the pokemon league and defeat the champion if you want to stop me you must become a hero as well that's right when zekrom's counterpart resharam recognizes you we will finally be even and then you can try to stop us well what will you do a prediction future that i see is true you will meet resharan the pokemon with you believe in you so strongly will you be the one who interferes with my formula for changing the world you want to protect the bonds between people and pokemon you must search for reshiram i'm sure it is waiting for you in the form of that of the light stone oh you just see what flew off just now how could this happen why that was the guy in right why was he with the legendary pokemon he couldn't really be the hero could he possibly hear him tell you to search for the other legendary pokemon come down first we go back it's more important to decide what to do next than to analyze what just happened tell you this has turned into a big deal so confused and i don't know what to do you're gonna go to the relic castle failure pass route 4 in the desert resort here that's where relic castle is bianca's gonna be a bodyguard don't worry how's the egg i i really want this damn thing to hatch it's not even close you me just to spend like 10 minutes hatching the egg okay egg hatching montage here we go so how you doing gang [Music] okay the egg is ready [Music] what we got we get a larvesta we gotta give it a nickname i like suffering okay so suffering that's [ __ ] terrible nature why is it always so bad but this is uh this is pokemon's first bug fire pokemon which is a wild type combination unfortunately our one sucks oh it's gonna be a joy to get it would be great if i could just like you know pick up that item [Music] there's something on the ice i can't get it i don't think i could even fight this this parasol lady i don't know how i encounter look this way oh no i'm sliding too fast for okay we're back to the desert uh i think this time we get to explore the relic castle a lot more uh because last time there was a guy who was like the sand is gonna fall and he wouldn't let us go downstairs uh this time i believe he's just dead oh [ __ ] we can actually do a uh darmanathan i oh that's a scary encounter but we're here give the rage candy bar to the pokemon statue the ancient pokemon statue responded to the rage candy bear pokemon was a slow sleep and darmanitan he awakened our manatee attacked okay it's gonna use belly drop now belly drum cuts its attack in half well it's held in half i think i just start chucking balls because i'm worried if i weaken it it's just gonna kill itself i think we just start chucking them [Music] oh that was easy [Music] oh i didn't even need the chandelier uh we'll call this guy wet noodle scriptish i think we're fine to just evolve this there we go fracture acquired so its attack stat is now significantly higher looks like everyone is here seems you are working hard to resurrect reshiram you're a dragon type pokemon aren't you guess this for some reason our playthrough is the only character with a voice everyone else is just like yeah it's fine to chill every time gets there you'll suffer a king has no interest in you it's already determined that victory against you as a shirt you stayed behind just to tell me that just to make a fool of me make sure the champion doesn't get hurt for no reason rant at the moment when someone loses all hope i really do love to watch that moment but don't be ridiculous although it's pretty funny if you do lose well goodbye is this it oh isn't that the stone found in the desert resort yes that's right but is this really a dragon type pokemon surely when i investigated dragon spiral tower i found elements that were dated to the same era as this light stone if you take the light this light stone that means you'll be the one to battle n if anything happens to me are you really okay with that i don't know what happens if i say no here so you just go to allow ed to fulfill his plans for a new world a world of pokemon and traitors to separate it that's right still i must ask sincerely i must ask you take this stone just in case it's needed no i'm good things don't go as planned you use this light stone protect the true future for us in pokemon failure we're counting on you please take care of yourself [Music] you obtain the light stone failure go to appaloosa city the gym leader of that city uses dragon type pokemon gym leader can know something i'll go ahead and wait for you there until then as i've been traveling lately i've been thinking about things things like what i can do with my life and what i want to do but thinking how cool it would be to be a model like elisa then how cool would be to do research in pokemon like professor juniper that's what i want to do i'm gonna have to know a lot about pokemon so would you please battle me bianca the fate of the world is at stake we need to protect the region risky click of the day [Music] okay he's just using workup that's fine [Music] we should be able to sweep our entire team from here [Music] full restore thanks bianca all i wanted was to help you relax failure that's why i assaulted your pokemon and threaten their lives oh i knew you'll be fine definitely you'll be you'll totally be fine i guarantee it anyway you know what i mean yeah so bye bye i guess this is just waiting here i knew you would come this way of the trains it's futile for you to stop me he's just here that taught me from his infancy and provided him with the education required to become the hero of legend indeed he has been so acknowledged by that legendary pokemon such purity of purpose it has well it is his purity at least 97 i'm done talking smack now red flag like i don't know about that guy [Music] oh we oh we get gotta rita right sure this this can have shadow tag as an ability i believe as well which is like an interesting uh take on it gamer so following uh the negative connotations we've had with the other nicknames uh gamer has finally joined the team welcome to the shopping mall 9. it's called 9 because it's on route 9. you can remember it by thinking of this done shopping 9. i'm a rich boy so i have great pokemon oh no capitalism let's kill this pokemon good battle maybe n was right you think after seeing like some of the trainers you come up against like oh no these guys are awful maybe like maybe they shouldn't have pokemon oh no like this is just terrible pokemon are different from people they're living beings who contain unknown potential arabians whose greatness we should acknowledge beings who should be freed from our oppression creed pokemon that guy's struggling with like like the base concept of what a pokemon is right now once you've obtained the appaloosa's badge come to the league the appaloosa gym leader is tough take care farewell i'm counting on your dreiden and iris like time is of the essence one more gym you need that badge uh so appaloosa city has a huge design difference if you're playing in pokemon white uh if you're playing in pokemon white the city is actually way more traditional and rustic and it's kind of got like this like kind of somber aesthetic where there's like plants everywhere if you're playing pokemon black uh it's the future and it's got this all these neon vibes i'll explain what you're holding is the light stone pressure ram who will likely awaken from the light stone and zechariah who is already awake were once the same pokemon one day however the twin heroes the older brothers sought the truth the younger brother who sought ideals began to argue about how to decide which one of them was right a single dragon type pokemon that had been with them all that time split its body into two one sided with the older brother and the other with the younger brother twin heroes proclaimed that there was no one no one side that was right and ceased the conflict but but the two hero's sons started the battle again an instant later zekram and resharam destroyed inova with lightning and fire then they disappeared but but if people work with pokemon in the right way we don't have to worry anymore about the world being destroyed in zechariah worked hard for everyone and made a new region made a promise to alder you must win the gym about the gym badge from the opposite pokemon gym belly i'll be waiting for your challenge at the pokemon gym so paxoris is not quite ready to go for this gym uh but that's okay because excadrill is still here and excadrill is probably just gonna sweep it again actually how many rare candies do i have oh [ __ ] we only need one more level i i could get hacksaws for this gym okay i could try it it's dangerous well it took to the eight eight gym in the game but we finally have a fully evolved pokemon team here is hacksaurus come from a triangle mark when you land in a switch on an arm the dragon's head will move and you can move ahead okay that's how it's working can't just stand on it as jim pass planning permission you should see this gym in black and white too it's even worse the actual accident waiting to happen okay get him hacksaws is what we trained you for if it goes first and it's dead that's how it's going to work in this gym there's so much attack stat i use the dragons to destroy the dragons yeah i'm just well i'm wondering if if i stay in on a fracture and use a dragon claw on me do i live do i test the waters now let's find out this could be some rough science okay we're not gonna test this time we're not gonna test this time that's a little too much science do i get pokeross [Music] oh [ __ ] when did that happen at pogaris basically if you get it everything gives you double effort values while it's while it's active um so this is actually great in terms of grind and we can get so much in terms of stats it's actually very rare welcome thank you for coming i'm uploading pokemon's gym leader drayton it's the mayor i've i've given everything to develop in the city the trainer has simply been pursuing greater strength i'm searching for now as a young trainer who can show me a bright future perhaps you can show me that future the way iris has okay here we go this is excadrill's world and we simply live in it one sword stance okay he's going for it too he's probably faster now wow no apparently not okay [Music] well that's the fight i i don't think he can stop me [Music] let's do [Music] goodbye wonderful i'm grateful we had a chance to meet in battle the second gym i think was the hardest one hello was trading as tough as ever ah tough's a strong word failure do you regret setting out in your pokemon journey do i have a pokemon named regret i feel like i do yes oh that's okay don't worry you don't have to tell me everything i'm very happy that you threw chose to train pokemon like oh that's unfortunate but glad you're here failure this is a present for you you get a master ball yeah well while infected she's reporting pokers pokemon has said to grow exceptionally well as she reported that i forget that she does that they can detect it at the pokemon center did anything else have it shows up here no i we legit got this during the playthrough nothing else has it yeah that's crazy so grief is the perfect counter to the musketeer pokemon right we could go legendary hunting risk it all the thing is i think we can run from the battle if things goes out so you know what i'm gonna get my hoverboard here we go oh pokeball damn it i i don't think i can actually weaken it at all if i do so much as damage it with a fire type attack it's dead so i just gotta start tossing we get four more balls i think that it's dead is it meant to be not quite it was meant to be you actually got it gonna give him a very simple name oh no it seems that thanks to you cavalia has a sense of change in the world it's a world where people and pokemon help each other and live together and also blind random chance hey verizon how you doing okay round two of course we have to try at least one site oh pokeball we have to try it out at least once each time just start tossing them we'll see let's see if it's meant to be caballon was but balion was i'm shocked i didn't even heal since the last fight but i'm probably going to be all right [Music] okay 89 i have to keep track of how much this does down to 65. it actually is enough damage where it could kill grief depending how many times it used giga drain here oh could you imagine weirdly it's weaker than it's ever been and now it's starting to it's starting to fight back a quick giga drain from this range will actually kill us though this is actually dangerous is it one more pokeball we're in crit range this could be the stupidest dead in this luck i don't know if i should do this i'm a gambling man oh no wait i'm a gambling man [Music] okay i think it's dead was not meant to be creep nearly died the pokemon ran away deep into the forest oh god okay so we'll get to encounter that again once we beat the pokemon league uh we will not be attempting to rack you on on because tracheon will [ __ ] murder you like tarakian is sober off and there is another legendary pokemon i think later in the run that i do need the catch i think is going to be the roughest one uh and so that's what i'm probably gonna save the master ball for uh but yeah we are gearing up it's time for the elite four it's the hardest and scariest bit of the run uh it's a fearsome elite four in this one uh and then we have the champion and we have pretty much the end of the game just heard this in the cross transceiver there's a big storm on route 7. the storm seems to be different from a natural phenomenon so strange oh this is wait okay hang on hold up okay forget everything i just said we're gonna get sidetracked for the next three hours tarnatus is now gonna be making the rounds about the region here it is what a storm apparently is that pokemons doing there he goes route 16 a very unusual strong storm is happening okay that so that's how it's coming up right uh unfortunately i think route 16 is a post game area let me just see oh what a stroke of luck it's that route there it it just runs this functions like a lot of like the other roman legendaries i think if i just go in the grass it might show up yeah i think we found it there he is do we want to just be like oh pokeball again no i i i think we weakened him i think we get the stones for on because if we stun them he'll stay stunned even as he flees this one is like kind of like this is kind of just an exception to those lock rules it's not even an ecstatic encounter or anything it's just a roman legendary but like we're not going to be using it so i say it's honestly fine as we go through the gates it's probably going to give us updates on where he is okay yeah no there's the storm it is route five i think he's just he's just [ __ ] with us he's back on route he hasn't once been on route 5 at this point what's it gonna say okay route 5 a very unusual strong storm dude root five my man what's the billboard say he's back on route 16. okay wait i think i've cracked it hang on he's on route 16. he's gonna go to route five i got him damn it okay all right uh we're gonna get him later it's actually ridiculous route 10. i don't want to fight that trainer just yet because the music's really good here's the good bit it's so nice right now professor juniper told me you're heading for the pokemon league right i i'm just walking man now is not the time for modesty worst case scenario you'll be battling team plasma's boss ed any proof you can handle it oh here we go i could just go for the mega horn here but if this doesn't land or if something goes wrong then like well that's quite costly mistake for a mistake this should only have grass type attacks which we resist [Music] oh good god that did a pitiful amount of damage oh no [Music] oh [Music] not again fear i don't think attack in here will kill i really don't think it will it's not stab we had stab it was super effective tailwind is our best bet and we have to hope famine lives [Music] come on famine [Music] she's okay jesus christ okay we got it [Music] famine lives to see another day god almighty we're being like quite badly injured as this fight goes on calamity can take it from here i think [Music] no the [ __ ] monkey at the end okay go into mistake and we can use megahorn [Music] don't burn this getting worse all right just get some damage on it yup [Music] oh that does [ __ ] nothing this is really bad i think we have to make the call to sack something i think something's got to go we don't full stop says one guy in chat okay you want to chance it because this risks two pokemons lives here we go [Music] here we go and now famine has to die as well [Music] wait a minute famine's faster famine can live get a train batman's okay most important thing is that we can help one another out that's why people in pokemon are always by each other's side that's why i've come to think lately failure if anything happens to you or older i do everything i can to help you so i have to keep training and getting stronger just don't be reckless okay god forbid you did amazing calamity okay we still have the rest of the team okay it's time for gamer the shine then right it's not too far behind in terms of level as well so this won't take long to get like the catch up okay the run must continue uh we can still see what encounter we get here as well oh double battle encounter actually might be kind of bad oh it's the mushroom i get him down i guess my mandelbuzz is gonna is a weird option we just have available baby dash bird it will be awkward though when baby deck grows up like naming your cat kitten oh no i just had a terrible idea if i go into victory road and encounter a dust cloud can i just capture a new execution that's dupes dooms gives you the option to not capture the same you are allowed captured the same and use that as your encounter if you so choose i could just get a new one okay here we are victory road definitely more interesting than just a cave yeah victory road and this one's like a proper dungeon keep more in this economy it's very selfish ain't he i think there was a government official recently that came out and said just do jumping jacks and you'll keep warm there's some there's some solid advice uh for the general public [Music] okay got got excited there tell me about to just be thrown into a fight let me just see if i can get a dust cloud in here hey give me one more tarakia it's taking its time it doesn't want to show up easy the exca drill is on route 5 there we go all right round two [Music] there we go we got excadrill back the lambo too okay let's um let's hop by the pokemon center oh in before the nature hang on i said oh he's so sad pokemon league is every trainer's greatest challenge i want to prepare here because if you lose even once you have to start all over again he means the game all right we need to do we need to do a bit of grind let me get my hoverboard don't reveal calamity's death until after the edit is over just in the [ __ ] youtube highlights like nothing is said and at some point as you're watching it's like wait a minute like what's going on there no one needs to know what happened here it's an easter egg only the real stream viewers will know what happened i think because we're gonna be going to the elite four soon you know and this could really be the end of the play true i think we should pay a visit to a special friend we haven't seen in a while uh professor juniper i think has the tm for false swipe for so if we just stop off there real quick we can finally pick that up got to get that completion in chantal's lead has willow he's a rast berry oh thank you for that information that's actually quite significant is that right southwest is the one who does not fear the ghost type okay so fighting is the one we do last here ghost type here we go scary battles time ice broom with dark flame this man rejected everything other than himself in order to bring about one singular justice it's part of a novel i'm writing was inspired by the challenger who was just here somehow i got a little sad excuse me you're a challenger right i'm the elite four's ghost type pokemon user chantal i she'll be your opponent here we go round one scary ghost type it's actually going to be handy here because we're going to be able to sack our ability on this thing and we'll inflict more damage to it first okay so dragon dance we set up thank god for that very mention we would have been in a lot of trouble okay and now we shadow claw and now we get to sack our ability which is actually kind of good i don't think golork has anything that can hurt us and we should be able to just one shot it set up and sweep chandelure we should be okay i think we're faster it's why we want at level 50 so we're at least on par with them okay all right that's all right we're towards the end the best switch is probably into fear i think fear can live one hit no matter what and just return with a thunder go on fair okay thunder we're good we have a 10 chance to miss whatever we do that oh my god that didn't kill but that's okay [Music] that's all right okay vault switch out of here as she goes for the forward store there we go that's a crit okay that's a handy crit we're all right i was probably the safest of the elite four there down sorry first of us apologize to my pokemon i'm really sorry you had a bad experience because of me oh it's not your fault this is how battle's always there even in light of that i'm still won the elite four man oh man what is going on today challenges coming one right after another well no matter i'm grimzy of the elite four and i will be fulfill my duty to be your opponent here we go one dragon dance please [Music] don't get the defense drop but we can still kill him here [Music] oh no [Music] going to mistake we can tank at least one hit oh this is going to hurt [Music] uncomfortable amount of damage surf come on you can live it [Music] okay let's crocodile down oh no don't crit this is a high crit rate [Music] doing great calamity i think i take the fake out [Music] night slash oh jesus signal beam will guarantee kill come on there we go we're faster [Music] all right whether or not you get the fight at full strength whether or not luck smiles on you none of that matters only results matter and a loss is a loss your victory shines like a bright light right now you and your pokemon are shining brilliantly single if is the real problem this one it could be a situation for excadrill excadrill will resist everything yeah this is the next controller can encounter okay chandeleur and an exit drill that's what we do here to possess a combination of strength and kindness very well make your best effort not to bore me with a yawn and do some battle clear okay bulky psychic types the battle [Music] yeah if we can kill ray unicles in one go we're good [Music] oh okay oh all right [Music] jesus christ macharina it's psychic you should resist this fine this is what your calm nature comes in for of uncomfortable oh god okay how much did that do oh i have a water jam aqua jet for this scenario okay [Music] good job mistake i can't switch on this one because i think it might have shadow trap so i gotta use megahorn i gotta hopefully kill it calm mind please land oh [Music] thank god it's going for ct vault we resist that okay and hit with the signal being in return it was a [ __ ] close call you haven't faced all the members of you late for yet have you don't concern yourself about me go out ahead [Music] every fight like we are so damn battered protect protect yeah protect is what we need here we need to use protect to avoid specifically the retaliates greetings challenger my name is marshall in order to master the art of fighting i'm training to my mentor alder meant to seize your potential as a trainer and has taken an interest in you my intention to test you take to you to the limits of your strength yeah he i what's he saying battlecry i still dragon dance oh that rivalry's gonna hurt me bulldoze is actually not that bad the speed doesn't really factor into this fight [Music] not crit okay protect okay dragon claw oh he's oh that's really good [Music] come on strife oh come on strife okay i can call it get out of there wait use protect first [Music] okay retaliates gone hammer if i switch in famine i think i just prolonged the fight the famine's not going to tank that much better defense 106. it's going to be about the same amount of damage and traven has less help the fact we're going to get in the same situation i think we have to sacrifice mistake and get the water gem surf because that at least puts in this position where we can then win we don't have a choice because anything else we send out is like hammer arm dash stone edge death hammer arm who hits toys mistake you served us so damn well [Music] it's been an honor it's been an honor he gave it his all i have to go for thunder because he might pull the store here as well [Music] okay he didn't if whimsicott is faster then we can vault which giga drink and that's probably our best bet get him whimsy [Music] it's gonna hurt now you've become the strongest trainer in this pokemon league statue in the central chamber will take you to the champion's room we the elite four of unova are sworn to follow the champion's order be neutral the rest is up to you mistake did so well that was always going to be the hardest battle i think in the elite four now we still got a bit further they go though we have the title of champion you can't stop me with just a title the soft harris has left you weak years ago you lost your pokemon your partner to sickness going to forget the pain in your heart you wandered you know who knows how long it's been since you've had the fight with your full strength you and i both put our beliefs on the line and fought with all our strength and i won do not say another word [Music] i've been waiting in the future i envisioned you obtained a stone and indeed you have that light stone zekrom is responding to it stop this is not a suitable place for the legendary dragons and the ground rise up the castle of team plasma surround the pokemon league [Music] we're not done yet the real question is how do they build this [Music] i lost should have been able to demonstrate the bomb between me and my pokemon it would have shown that that breath the wortlessness of his outrageous dreams those convictions were the real thing be careful the ones who changed the world are always the ones who pursued their dreams failure i asked this of you even if pokemon and people are separated nothing good will come of it please let them know that if anything should happen to our king it will be disastrous but ruin gets is his perfect plan our lord and will be disappointed but the six of us shall defeat you here can you manage that still standing are you failure give your drift fails ain't just me [Music] so sorry not only are we stronger than you but there are a lot of us cursive gym leaders quarantined plasma that would be a terrible thing for us gym leaders to do bianca asks us to come too i'm fine don't worry no need to worry hold up the light stone please proceed the gym light leaders are useful in this game they're doing something oh does he teleport you out if you if you're neither going to go back i think he might go back for [ __ ] face we're at the climax of the game quickly no okay so thank god for the team plasma teleportation system take back [Music] he's level 49 this even gonna be allowed apparently that name does fit it better that room was the world that was provided to our lord and don't feel anything even when i go into the room but you may feel something so this is ends bedroom side of trains and traxxas have been played with recently basketball looks like it's been used a lot it says harmonia on it and n was pretty pretty isolated you might be able to tell and the stage is set we can seize people's minds and hearts we can bring into being the world that i know to team plasma desires more easily than you can we and only we will use pokemon we shall rule the powerless populace i've been waiting so long for this i've kept my silence so no one could piece together what i planned now those painful days are at an end go onward discover whether you have what it takes to be a hero all my machinations have come into play came all this way to battle me but resheram is not responding gavin yep and recognizes the hero have you no disappointment actually kind of liked you a little if two options challenge me to a fight you can't win but leave this place and watch watch the birth of a new world where pokemon are free of people zekrom come to me oh boy they probably should have accommodated for their own wall they knew this was going to happen just you guys spent a while constructing this there's probably no need to destroy it the light stone it's trembling inside the bag the light stone is i mean restaurant is now it's my turn we get one too kinda the castle's in not holding up too well it's like set on fire now i'll tell you what that pokemon is saying to you i want to battle with you try to make me your friend and ally it plans to test you to see if you are really pursuing truth i also am curious to see how powerful you are now catch resharam and make it your ally [Music] are you ready [Music] level 50 restaurant [Music] that was pretty straightforward gonna call it whoopsie i don't need rush ram i've got everything i need now i will create the future i desire i shall sweep you before me here we go [Music] get him [ __ ] face hit him with the head your hidden power [ __ ] face no our most powerful pokemon was defeated and one eq should do it giga impact [Music] okay we resist it i kind of hope this doesn't kill in there so i can set up more stop there's no way a cling clang second oh no [Music] oh i don't believe it that's a zorak [Music] holy [ __ ] that did not okay this might keep us alive this thing is flamethrower [Music] come on fear go for the thunder oh [Music] come on it's a [ __ ] slaughter set up with hacksaws this is probably the best opportunity we're going to have [Music] okay just time for one it's gonna really hurt us otherwise quick break vanilla oh good god the rivalry switch it's too dangerous fire blaster come on creep you're doing amazing [Music] come on whimsick drain it off [Music] [Music] oh we're gonna be injured going into the next one no it's not over yet [Music] yes we just need to get it into the feeder strange and we're safe [Music] in theory yeah we should be fine now thanks rocky helmet i guess i'll take it okay cling clang is the last one brick break for the kill [Music] jesus two heroes living at the same time one that pursues true and one that pursues ideals good could they both be right i don't know not by rejecting different ideas by accepting different ideas the world creates a chemical reaction this is truly the formula for changing the world after all of that you think you're still worthy of sharing the name of harmonia with me you good for nothing boy in order to rule this world utterly in order to manipulate the hearts of people who know nothing i will have end be the king of team plasma but for that to work you since you know the truth you must be eliminated ruled the world wasn't he plasma's goal to liberate pokemon pokemon even if it's just revered as a deity it's still just a pokemon failure so what if i chose you that doesn't mean you're a threat come on now you'll face me in battle i can't wait to see the look in your face when you've lost all hope [Music] and this is the hard part okay so these pokemon are technically dead so what we're going to do to get the fair switch in i'm simply going to spam pokeballs and then i'm gonna try and beat guesses with two pokemon wish me luck mummy does remove rivalry but the toxic is the problem if we set up now we eventually die just by course of the battle and we need hi uh we need to set up dragon dance for high dragon specifically grief will probably die here but we have no alternative this showed one shot at least come on it's probably gonna kill us okay i gotta go for it now it's dangerous after dragon dance head charge this is the one i'm scared of okay 126. did 51 damage i think i get a second dragon dance i hope you use earthquake come on that charge can miss too don't cry [Music] okay you ready to see the riskiest sweep of your lives [Music] [Music] that's buffalo oh my god thank god we did that when we did it [Music] tie dragon that's the hardest one says video toad we gotta do as much damage as we possibly can come on rivalry's gonna kick in oh no [Music] it's up the grief [Applause] [Music] oh god i need to land a fire blast this is his last pokemon if it is crunch it's better for me to use the burn because it will get a little bit of chip damage [Music] no more damage land a fire blast don't have time for this land of fire blast oh we pulled it off [Music] jesus jesus christ what i created team blast with my old hands i'm absolutely perfect i am perfection i have the perfect rule of a perfect new world now n you still think pokemon and people should be separated he's nothing more than a freak without a human heart you think you're going to get true to a warped person like that oh there's a waste of a valuable time listening to him ramble on he's the one without a human heart you're right he's truly pitiful and i'm sure you have much to think about i know you're not pursuing ideas because it gets as manipulation but because your heart was really inspired that is why you're able to meet the legendary pokemon but i have no right to be the hero is that so what you and the legendary pokemon are do are going to do from now on that's important wouldn't you say acting like you understand up till now we've been fighting each other over our beliefs yet despite that why and even if we don't understand each other that's not a reason to reject each other there are two sides to any argument is there one point of view that has all the answers give it some thought i wanna thought talk to you about some [Music] it's about when i first met you in a cumulative town i was shocked when i heard what your pokemon was saying i was shocked because that pokemon said it liked you it said it wanted to be with you [Music] i couldn't understand it couldn't believe there were pokemon that liked people because up until that moment i'd never known a pokemon like [Music] the that my journey continued the more unsure i became all i kept meeting were pokemon and people communicate with one another and help one another that was why i need to confirm my beliefs by battling with you i wanted to confront you hero to hero i needed that more than anything there's no way a person like me someone who understands only pokemon no actually i didn't understand the meter no way could i measure up to you and you had met so many pokemon and we're surrounded by friends the champion has forgiven me and what i should do now is something i'll have to decide for myself [Music] failure you said you have a dream that dream make it come true make your wonderful dream a reality and it will become your true failure if anyone can it's you well then farewell [Music] we did it by the skin of our [ __ ] teeth jesus that is the pokemon black and white nuzlocke there goes anna and zekrom chandelure contains the souls of the dead oh chandeliers gonna like tend to the graveyard of all our fallen friends welcome home failure actually mom i succeeded ah ah this is oh i still wear my disguise pardon or rather let me introduce myself [Music] the best character in all the pokemon i'm a globetrotting elite of the international police my name i know i shall inform you of my code name only my code name it is looker it is how i am called the ones known only as the seven sages still they hide themselves in the innova region and so in the end it explains why i must ask this of you trainer of amazing skill travel the innova region and search it up and search it down for the seven sages alder the champion of renown recommended you to my notice are you willing to help me absolutely look her give it up one more time for the fallen the sole survivor was grief we still have our trusty hoverboard and you know there's one other friend we still have that we can get back in the team we still have mishap he's still with us he retired what's your opinion on oshawa now [ __ ] here pokemon couldn't even survive the challenge like god almighty you know i should have just stuck to my guts he was having a bit of a redemption act there but no i knew right all along the worst starter ever made got the alga you know what actually if we're gonna get some new pokemon uh let's see what the mailman's got first oh sweet mewtwo this bastard he's not here he's just not here [ __ ] that's not wait what if i go out here now oh i got you this time oh you [ __ ] up there it's been a while since we've seen them we meet again on route 5. okay slap him with the return [Music] weather is now calm but it's okay because he's gonna come back to route five let's try it again come on thank you yeah we got him that time [Music] seems appropriate okay so the big change that happens here uh when you beat the elite four finally that one traffic cone has been moved someone picked it up which means that you can access this little outcrop of land why is the traffic cone hiding this number of trainers who took away the traffic company i guess this is just like my plans my plans for this region are ruined oh i better pick up that cone now take this with me i could use this again one of my mean machinations so you get some actually like kind of quite good tms after seven sages every one every one of them has one for you here's looker ah and now about team plasma i am an officer of the international police there are so many things you must tell me at once the royal unova only operates only in the evening please come back then oh i'll come back then i've got a dialga welcome to the royal unova scenery is exhilarating the battles are exciting the ticket is one one grand would you like to get on board you're leaving the port shortly bon voyage so this is actually going to charter a course around the region and you can just sit back and watch if you want [Music] you don't have to do anything else if you want to the ship will actually just continue to sail while you're here see you got a cruise and you get you get like a couple of trainers each day for you the fight you basically kind of explore the ship go through the cabins look for the battles okay so if we look here from the post game the sand is filled up and now we can finally access this door and if we check inside this chamber there is an interactable volcarona yeah god love the pokemon theme for always trying to translate like pokemon cries in the text however the resurrection the cat i think this one has actually quite a low catch right yeah he's putting up a fight [Music] look at it though he's fighting [Music] well there goes another one for the nurse lock [Music] come on [Music] there we go won the best fire type pokemon i think they've ever designed it's such a cool design like bug fire is such an interesting type oh and here's sharon as well so he's relocated i mean we want to get revenge on sharon with a shiny d level 100t hour failure it's difficult isn't it you confront yourself you have to notice things about yourself that aren't too flattering of course no one can get away from themselves [Music] marshall oh we got all the murderers scattered in one room eh [Music] we got one last round he's got a team of six this time too [Music] you don't even deserve the attention simi for just gonna have you die and not say anything i don't think anything's gonna survive the app okay all right [Music] good effort oklahoma will always be with you and me as we go down our paths our important friends pokemon that's pretty much the end of sharon's arc in pokemon black and white but we will see him again in black and white too karen will return in black and white too it's like but don't worry bond will return this is probably this is the most menacing of all like the musketeers or like the swords of justice oh thanks very much to racheon it's not gonna keep us long what do we call the other ones kiss bob this is bob i did save it there yeah okay last one we need to pick up we almost have every legendary after this as well we've only got two encounters left and one one we have a master ball as well that we're gonna use on one just make it a little easier for ourselves there we go we have the trio i gotta call it wireless okay now i'm not touching the controls right now the audio seems to want to get out of the pokeball will you let it out keldio came jumping out long ago when a war between people started an intense fire in this forest the single young pokemon was separated from its parents valley and turkey and version teamed up to take care of this pokemon the three acted as his parents and taught it the knowledge and the moves it needed to survive however one day that pokemon disappeared from the forest no one knows why when i think about it young ones are always reckless and drawn to adventure [Music] looks like they are all happy to see one another again valiant tarakian and verizon trying to teach keldeo the new move secret sword peach secret sword to keldeo so uh the signature move of the trio is sacred sword which is a physical fight and type attack secret sword is a special fighting type attack welcome to marvelous bridge son i have a deal for you and for you alone here's your chance i will sell you the secret pokemon magikarp for an unbelievable 500. yeah so the magikarp salesman uh returns in these games uh we don't have room in our party right now but he will give you a magic carp the day gets us saved our lives he's sworn to be loyal to him even now after he ordered us not to search for him i guess also gets a set to give you this so we now get the adamant or which you might remember is the orb we use for dialga the lustrous orb which is the orb that palkio uses i guess they actually use the orb now to transform their form because the legends are here which is actually quite cool they all have one i forget that sometimes and you get the gracias orb give uh welcome to black city so this is this game's exclusive town if you're playing pokemon white you get white forest as the area here basically every time you have an interaction with someone else in pokemon black and white they'll show up in black city and you can then fight into a battle if you fight enough people to battles you unlock more merchants for the city which lets you buy more evolution items it's basically how it works uh these little huts can actually get bigger in size depending on the amount of encounters that you have even these small ones will can actually kind of grow a door if you will the reason why it sucks is because in white forest the mechanic is slightly different instead of batlin trainers you get to catch a hundred different pokemon that are not available in pokemon black so we fought a flygon here the equivalent in white forest is that you get to catch a trap inch and that's why black city unfortunately sucks you get battles here in evolution items but you actually get like a hundred unique pokemon in white forest it's an ambitious idea but it's one of the ones in black and white website and it just doesn't really work again tm it's for bulk up this time the legend of unova is about pokemon and people working together to build a new world the message is that simple and that strong change in the world makes you a hero anyone can become a hero garden team plasma i'm an officer of the international police and you must supply the information i request indeed i shall team plasma change me could not change the world i'm looking forward to seeing how you lot will do i think i thank you extremely curiously failure there's a topic on which we must speak a report has reached my ears of someone far from here indeed that someone has spotted a person like n and a dragon pokemon it's apparent to substantiate the substance of this information until next time i say cheers to you so that's the tidbit of information you get for capturing all the sages you get 60 m's and look or arrest the sages and you find out that n is alive and well just in a different region you get a little bit more plot there this bastard yeah landoros is somewhat infamous as a pokemon um because he would be one of the most overused pokemon in competitive pokemon's entire history uh landorus theory and specifically is one of the most powerful pokemon that's ever been introduced and that's unlike both pokemon's official format and like the smogon rulings like it's very powerful this little shrine is dedicated to a pokemon called landorus they said it when tornadus and thunderous were whipping up storms that damaged houses and fields all over the unova region landorus made them stop that's a story from way long ago when my grandpa was a little boy after an ass and thunder has come here again great landers may come back granadas and thunderous are struggling inside their pokeballs so tornadus is exclusive to pokemon black thundurus is exclusive to pokemon white if you bring them both here landoros appears this [ __ ] it's where you even see landros in its basic form as well i'm so used to only seeing this as like therian and in case you were wondering where we were gonna use it it was gonna be here so you get a level 70 landorus for it let me just call this one op here's a cool area i'm going to spend a little bit more time here this is the village bridge like this is a town in this game testing check one check one check two check check yep you hear his beatboxing [Music] so he's just going i am now he's added on you hear him it has lyrics in japanese does it interesting the english translation lyrics i am a geezer standing in the dusk mesmerized by the gulls gazing fixily into the blue sea i bemoan with shed tears as i yearn for the lovely goals soaring above the blue harbor [Music] oh thanks for sharing that yeah i never knew that okay welcome to lachinosa town it's lacking knows the town here everyone lives according to the rules from the moment they awaken to the time they go to sleep tonight a scary monster comes out of the big hole so you have to go home and be good for the lore for cure because kirum is basically the third counterpart the rasharam and zekrom zekrom naviram are said to come from the same pokemon it was a giant dragon pokemon back in the day uh well it's believed that curium comes from the same pokemon and was what was left over from that dragon it's got like a discarded husk and it's why that kirim come black and white too gets the ability to merge with both zekrom and reshiram because they were all originally the one pokemon the people here kind of live in fear of kirim because i think i believe they go inside at night because they're worried they'll be eaten by it i think i think it's canned in the lore that people have gone missing because kieran got them this window looks like it lost three grams on route 13. i wish i could help it oh no i don't know if there's anything we can do wingle's having a bad time what's this oh it's telegrams i thought it was referring to weight i thought it was weird oh no wingle lost the wacky backy what are we gonna do now it's clearly implied it was cocaine jesus christ wingle supply chain is in tatters wingle how could you be so careless to lose my product in transit looking for a gram are you look at this beard fell on my head just now give this to engel [ __ ] walter white here i have the product you need would walter y have like an all like kind of poison type team maybe some dark throne in there for good measure have a cryogano because that's like his blue product i think that that has to be on the team somewhere walter white would only use bold pokemon walter would use a landoros therian by the letter i mail fall from the sky i got it wingle dropped it here it is please give this to wingle tell wingle not to drop it this time [Music] away it goes back to delivering the mail and go flew away looking happy oh something's on the ground that's how you get u-turn which is actually quite an important tm that was probably someone else's post there someone's not getting their amazon order and when you get to the center suddenly the area is filled with snow [Music] okay dragon ice level 75 so this is the highest level encounter in the game as far as wild pokemon are concerned as a signature move glaciate [Music] it's okay god of dialga [Music] that's uh that's a bit unfortunate let's try that again like spring jesus christ i'm already gonna run out of power points for too long glacier it's not much i think we'll get it eventually it might just take a little while unless well nevermind forget what i said i like sniffles there we go sniffles acquired okay let's cure him that's the last legendary oops hey pedro how you doing right let's destroy the elite four round two so they all have four teams now they also all have national decks pokemon and they're all up about 20 levels compared to when you fought him before [Music] i just wanna see him squirm not even challenging this time it was just like pointing mewtwo and kill so we just killed the entire elite four and the reason we've done that is because the last time we were here we didn't actually enter the hall of fame uh because everything that would end happened we were never able to challenge the actual champion of the pokemon league and if you check your pc you're not actually registered for beating the elite four say now how about a match with the strongest trainer in the unova region you actually get to fight the champion now and he's a bug type champion of all things that's not a bug type they have enough bug types actually with the jenna right now surely he does i thought he supposed to be bug isn't he it's not a bug type fighter he's struggling today yeah half bug okay there it is level 77 volcarona [Music] oh it actually lives too it has decent special defense even without quiver dance behind it okay it's dead now he's got the ice cream as well a bug flew in it there's the ace his signature pokemon of course the background for alder is that like a pokemon close to him recently died it could just be another volcarona it would make sense most sentiments just about corona it was a semi-sear your skill and persistence you have earned your place in this hall of fame your name the account of your journey and the history of your battles will all be recorded here hope all this becomes a support to you and helps you grow stronger thanks trainer you and the pokemon who fought by your side will be recorded in this machine i'm just here for the ribbon for mishap and grief they've earned it and dialga of course made it to mandela journey's end this is our last stop in the unova region for now see it's the source of life the sea it's a lot of water you just move to your pokemon you can dive into the sea the dive is in this game darkest parts of the sea are called diving points and views dive there you can dive all the way to the bottom of the sea there's only one spot in this region okay so use dive [Music] the abyssal ruins what the ruins do is you navigate through them it's tracking the amount of steps you're taking now there's a lot of paths there's a lot of items to find and after you walk a certain amount it's going to kick you out of the ruins again your goals basically come down here dive for treasure and then you just go again there's not much consequence if it actually boots you from here it's a tarantula you want me you want me to give you a reading of what these runes say listen the king's words primes lead to truth king is brave king never loses hope king is kind king has a dream king is adventurous king accepts all there's also some trans that uh simply translate on the first floor as king turns the fifth corner those ones those might not be as interesting the king went left at the roundabout the king made a u-turn if possible [Music] the relic crown i was told is that the innermost part of the abyssal ruins i think it's understandable that you want to treasure it but will you sell it to me for 300 grand it has no other function other than just selling it but it's a collector's item i'll keep the crown i can sell him everything else gotta hold on to the crown it's just really calm you know you only get to this place once you've reached like the very end of the game it's like one of your final stops on the adventure you just stand by the beach a while that'll all soak in you know we might have lost some of the gang along the way but they're still with us in spirit not alone grief he made it to the end okay there's one fight left what's this an uncanny resemblance i'm cynthia i'm a pokemon trainer too like you in order to get to know each other better as pokemon trainers i would like our pokemon to have a match would you care to be my opponent interesting my pokemon their pokeballs are radiating a happy feeling are you the reason what are you the final battle of generation five here we go okay double team is problematic for obvious reasons but it's better than him attacking me and killing me instantly i'm gonna need at least two oh [Music] come on straight [Music] there we go melodic has ice type attacks but we just need some damage on it i think we take the loss let's go that's fine [Music] okay we need as much speed as we can fear is the most likely to have enough speed thunder oh no [Music] okay not fair probably gonna go for flamethrower now i could get the flash fire on grief come on do it you know you want to there we go [Music] and then we hit him hard [Music] you punch the hole as hard as you can don't chance the biscuit over flame burst try get the willow okay and now we probably die [Music] oh it dodged it oh that's no it's not gonna work man unfortunate i have to chance that she doesn't use earthquake for some weird reason it's okay i think i can live it [Music] what will you do now [Music] you did your best mistake [Music] fell you're blacked out considering we got half her team i'm quite happy with that [Music] you
Channel: RTGame
Views: 2,180,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rt game, rtgames, rt games, pokemon, pokemon black and white, pokemon black, pokemon white, pokemon let's play, pokemon white full game, pokemon black full game, pokemon n, pokemon ending, pokemon black ending, pokemon white ending, pokemon nuzlocke, pokemon black nuzlocke, pokemon white nuzlocke, pokemon events, event pokemon, rtgame pokemon, rtgame, pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges, pokemon funny, best pokemon game, pokemon funny moments, new pokemon, rt, game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 215min 33sec (12933 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 04 2022
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