A Controversial Tier List of Every Pokemon Game

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i am going to express an opinion on the internet and you can't stop me he said the mean thing about the game i like 20 years ago it's just a shame when you were a child your taste was [ __ ] isn't it welcome to the tier list of every mainline pokemon game i'm going to start with a very bold move the absolute worst one is red and blue literally every pokemon game that is released since red and blue is objectively better than the first ones and you want to know what else is that at this you're not gonna like it yellow is next to red and blue for only being marginally better and the main mechanics from pokemon yellow where pikachu follows you is implemented better in other pokemon games alongside red and blue is ruby and sapphire now here we go this is where people start to lose their minds the region is very bland it has way too much water the selection of pokemon is very contrived in order to get a complete roster of pokemon the pokedex you have to own two pokemon gamecube games and trade them into ruby and sapphire people complain about things like dexter today and sword and shield when you don't have access to all the pokemon this started specifically with ruby and sapphire and the changes they made with pokemon colosseum and xd if you are against the things like the dexit move that happened in sword and shield and people campaign against that then you should be furious at what ruby and sapphire did back in the day there is almost no post game in ruby and sapphire as well there's very little to do some mechanics are cool like the reggie trio but they're done better in later games and now the world's on fire unsubscribed it's your poor sense of taste my man emerald also exists and emerald emerald gets a nudge better i know too much water is a meme but it's actually so incredibly true half of this game is an ocean that you swim in and you just battle trainers and there's nothing else happening i think a lot of people have good memories of the battle frontier in emerald but they really didn't actually participate in it some of the battle facilities are actually not that interesting or engaging one of them is you pick three doors and you walk in them and then you fight a trainer and status problems carry over it's it's kind of lame i think it's massively overrated and i think if people were still wanted to play that battle frontier in emerald they would still be playing it in emerald but they're not now here's a weird one right emerald d tier ruby and sapphire f tier omega ruby and alpha sapphire right b and the reason this one is so high is because a lot of the battle mechanics by the time this game came out have been fixed ghost types are actually viable electric types are actually viable they've broken up the regions a little more and added some slight graphical tweaks to make them just a little more visually appear appealing even stuff like the abandoned ship has some new kind of tree layouts and they do some new stuff with the spirit arm in there to make it more interesting you have things like pokemon outbreaks across the region which just make it a little bit more interesting mega evolution is added in this game and mega evolution is single-handedly one of the best battle mechanics they've ever added to pokemon and let's not even forget the delta episode of omega ruby and alpha sapphire which is some of the best pokemon story based content we've ever gotten in the franchise's history it has enough tweaks that fix the problems of those original games it actually has a substantial post game you can fly about the region you can catch a lot of legendary pokemon you have access to pokemon of past generations you're not locked out of them like you were an emerald like you were in ruby and sapphire i hated the original gengh3 but i loved alpha sapphire when i played it the best pokemon remake they've ever done is heart golden soul silver pokemon heart golden soul silver is just one of the quality pokemon games that you can ever play everything about it is just a wonderful time and experience pokemon now follow you the graphics have been improved dramatically there are new legendary pokemon at it uh there's new trainers there's new encounters there's new ways to re-battle a lot of gym leaders things like the pokewalker were although a bit weird was still a kind of cool way to get a squeeze a few more pokemon into the game and it kind of laid the groundwork for what would become some stuff like pokemon go later which is kind of weird if you think about it in a way it all goes back to a little pedometer in that gen 4 game the only reason it is not s is because the kanto region is a bit bland half of kanto is simply a grassland route with water the other half is a cave and that's it this game is very hard compared to a lot of pokemon games i think people forget that uh unless you actually go back and play it bugsy is a nightmare whitney's milk tank is a nightmare the stelix is a nightmare in jasmine's fight chuck is a nightmare morty's gengar is a nightmare there's actually a lot of genuine hard pokemon battles and it's one of the most challenging games they have made period not the hardest though it's not the hardest no it's not the hardest and this is going to give you a bit of insight into what i really value in a pokemon game okay the absolute best pokemon game ever made is pokemon black and white 2. unova is one of the most realized pokemon regions they've ever made in terms of variety there's so much to see and do and explore if you turn on the dedicated challenge mode everything in the game becomes harder gym leaders all get additional pokemon in their teams the elite four has revised teams they have items on their teams they have competitive move sets they have better ivs it's actually one of the most challenging pokemon experiences you can find purely because the challenge mode exists the post game is one of the most realized kind of post games i think in any pokemon game too it is more interesting than hercule and soul silver's post game there is events there is weekly battles there is monthly battles there is seasonal changes in the game it features the best soundtrack of any pokemon game and i'm mentioning all these positive traits of the game without even mentioning that it builds off the best story in pokemon's franchise that is black and white it is a sequel to that but also the pokemon world tournament black and white 2 features every single gym leader and every single champion in the entire pokemon franchise in one place where you can fight them all with revamped teams competitive strategies and a re-mixed music it is the best feature that has ever been put in a pokemon game except coke okay they miss koga all right i know a lot of people do not like black and white too because they're biased against gen five's pokemon they look at things like the trash bag pokemon they look at things like the ice cream pokemon the shocker is every generation of pokemon has [ __ ] pokemon generation one has a pokeball that is a pokemon it evolves by turning upside down generation one has a fridge magnet that's a pokemon it evolves by sticking onto two other fridge magnets generation one has a pokemon that's literally just a set of eggs they have one that's just a polygon they have a snake pokemon called ekans that is just snakes spelt backwards for the bag of trash i will defend him it's better than a pile of sludge that we got in gen 1. and i think the ice cream pokemon it's better than a seal called seal they didn't even try with that one it's a seal called seal the only point that it suffers is arguably the story just because black and white has a better story it is much more interesting and this is also the sequel and it requires a bit of knowledge of black and white to properly appreciate and speaking of black and white that's gonna go on par with her golden soul silver i think black and white too is better in terms of gameplay but i still think black and white is absolutely a solid game the most controversial thing with this game when it came out is that you had no access to the to the old pokemon i think that's one of the best decisions they've ever made with a pokemon game here's the way i look at it and suppose your favorite pokemon is gengar gen 1 you use the gengar gen 2 you use the gengar gen 3 you use the gengar gen 4 you use the ganger gen five you could not and your pokemon team is actually going to be a bit more distinct and interesting because of that and i think that actually makes for a significantly more memorable experience because you're thrust into the deep end of the pool here you don't have your old favorites to rely on it's going to be something new you have to try a new flavor of pokemon this time and that makes for a much more memorable experience the story of black and white is actually very compelling because it's a bit more interesting than just evil team trying to take over the world you actually have an innocent villain who kind of believes in what he's doing where pokemon should not be used by trainers and that's his philosophy today stands for to the extent that a legendary pokemon in the game accepts him he's actually recognized as a hero for what he believes in and the legendary pokemon joins his side which is a very interesting take the champion is actually a post game bit of content that you have to go back and do if you are interested they don't matter they take a back seat the final boss of this game is n which is significantly more interesting i think they've actually merged the gameplay with the story for once rather than tacking on a villain arc to beat every gym story pokemon black and white 2 is also the first pokemon game that actually had a tangible reward for completing the pokedex beyond a certificate if you complete the pokedex in this game you get the shiny charm that was only introduced in that game i'm back on black and white 2 mentioned in black and white i was trying to position black and white the two i recommend taking together i think they are some of the best pokemon experiences just period in the franchise let's change course a bit the pokemon games on this list that i have never played ultra sun and moon and pokemon xd gale of darkness so pokemon xd gale of darkness full disclaimer for it i own this game i simply never got around to playing it ultra sun and moon is the only pokemon mainline pokemon game i have ever skipped because i just didn't see the point in getting it compared to sun and moon in terms of gameplay tweaks and differences to each throne for sun and moon maybe a b it's it's debatable it's like a c plus generation seven has a lot of cool aesthetic tweaks like the saturn of hawaii for it and surrounding islands is actually wonderful it's a radical departure the soundtrack for the games is simply wonderful there is a okayish amount of post-game content in sun and moon it's only it's only okayish i think what holds sun and moon back so much compared to anything else is the pacing it's literally you walk 10 feet and hop stops you and you walk 10 feet an evil team stops you and you walk 10 feet and the professor stops you and you walk 10 feet oh sorry it's not even hot it's how sorry you understand why i don't like hop so much as well because he stops you a lot as well how is like proto hop it would be much higher this is why i'm hesitant to put it here and i want to kind of make it like a c plus or maybe even a b this game introduced regional variants the regional variants are so cool like alolan raichu lovable a lowland dog trio it's doug trio but with hair that mechanic is one of like the best things but it's just unfortunate that the game itself is paced the way it is because it just slows the experience uh down to a crawl also who gives a [ __ ] about z moves speaking of of games where i appreciate the mechanic changes but i don't want to play them again pokemon x and y is d exp go the story of it is forgettable i can't even remember like my four rivals names in this game team flare is a boring team of villains it's a generic i'm going to take over the world plot line the champion is very forgettable she's not very interested also this game commits a cardinal sin i think in terms of the franchise with the gen 1 nostalgia pandering that has been rampant ever since this game goes too hard on dipping your toes back to gen 1 and evoking memories of gen 1 that a lot of the new pokemon do not get a chance to shine the spotlight and have been robbed of the attention they deserve no generation 6 pokemon actually get a mega evolution in this game which is criminal also don't forget the roller skates in x and y if you play with the circle pad you're on roller skates and you can barely control your movement otherwise you have to use the d-pad in your locked tile-based movement wasn't that a fun mechanic i guess we can take pokemon gold and silver and crystal i mean these games are just kind of old and there are like kind of better ones to play like maybe we just pop them down here these games while they were kind of great for the time like now actually pop them in c maybe uh yeah pop i'd pop maybe in c uh with gold and silver it's the first pokemon games where you could actually kind of do gym leaders in like kind of like a really odd order i think they're better than emerald so yeah okay why is emerald in d i think emerald is horribly overrated the other gen 3 pokemon game to address though right fire red and leaf green i think it's the best version of kanto that they've done and what sets fire red and leaf green apart from the others is the islands i think it's the best realized version that we've had of the gen 1 games because you basically get to a point where you're doing the gym challenge but then you hop off and you explore and it actually has substantial post game because you can just go explore more of those islands and you unlock more of them specifically after you beat the game you might notice i value post game content a lot in my rankings my justification for that is you're going to spend the majority of your time playing specifically in the post game you play the main campaign it'll last you about 30 hours if you're gonna get 100 hours out of a pokemon game that's specifically post game and it's about 70 hours of that time is spent there so the more post game content that it has i think in the long run it makes for a better pokemon game because you've just got more [ __ ] to do speaking of more interesting right pokemon legends arceus this is probably the most refreshing pokemon game they've ever made in terms of mechanics i'm leaning between a b and an a and i think i'm more inclined to maybe give it the a it is a wholly unique pokemon experience in legends arceus it's the finally the idea of it being an open world pokemon game somewhat being realized even if like the structure of the mainline pokemon game is very different and very revised the way that you actually engage with pokemon in this game is the best in any pokemon game they've made it's the most interesting pokemon game to actually complete pokedex in where it does it feels like way less of a chore and you're almost going to want to go out and do it because there's not so much a barrier to entry it has quality of life changes too in legends rc's where you no longer need to trade with your friends to evolve certain pokemon one of the roadblocks for completing the pokedex in every pretty much every pokemon game that has come before this one is you have to trade with a friend to complete the pokedex legends rc has said no to that and it's the only pokemon game where you actually don't have to do it in terms of post game content the shiny hunting is just there and i think that actually carries it because the capture rate is so high it's a huge feature almost of the game but you know thinking about that i'm actually going to drop it to a b once you complete all the missions your post game content is very much so your shiny hunt and suppose you don't like that what do you play here okay so this one is wild right pokemon sword and shield i did a let's play of this game where i had a rough time i had a real rough time it's a b tier and the reason it goes up to b is purely because of the dlc content the main game of sword and shield bear with me on this is one of the worst pokemon experiences i have ever had the region is so linear it is painful to explore it howls holds your hand at every single point the main characters are so damn obnoxious the main plot of the game is absolutely stupid and ridiculous basically a man turns evil because he literally can't wait a day to start resolve an energy crisis that will happen in a thousand years the dlc single-handedly saves it because the isle of armor and the crown tundra are incredibly fun to explore and when you're in those regions paired with the new mechanic with the mechanical changes and the refinements that it's made through the franchise up until this point things like the mint uh the nature mints being added things like competitive being more accessible than it is ever possibly been because it's on a switch it's on a console that a lot of people have and a lot of people are playing the max ray dungeons and how you can just keep exploring them how it's actually a really fun host game mechanic and system that they've implemented into these games paired with things like the huge legendary hunt emphasis that comes with the crown tundra paired with things like how you can access alolan regional forms in the isle of armor dlc those open world environments where you can actually kind of freely move the camera about now and there's a bit of stuff to actually do around the world specifically the crown tundra there crowned hundred that i mentioned the crown tundra the dlc for this game no joke is taken sword and shield from an f to a b the idea of the gym challenge too and the hype that surrounds it it's the most interesting gym battles i think that we've had in the pokemon game maybe second only the sun and shield dynamax is a stupid mechanic but when you get into the stadium and you have this music playing just listen to it it's pretty hype [Applause] it's like the music for this game is really good too and you got to give it some credit there you want to see something else that's controversial pokemon colosseum i'd only give a d so pokemon coliseum i think is a pokemon game where the concept and idea of the game is better than the actual game i love the premise of coliseum where it's like you're kind of like a turned rogue or turned good evil team person but the pacing of the game is actually horrifically slow the world's actually not that good there's almost no post game content um the only bit of post game content you actually have in this game is purely like the 100 battle challenge and that's it now it's cool and the reason that it's memorable and loved is because holy [ __ ] it's a 3d pokemon game and it's like kind of different you know and that's a cool concept other than stealing like the pokemon battle and like kind of like the stealing the pokemon and purifying them it's just trainer battle trainer battle trainer battle trainer battle trainer trainer battle until the end of the game pokemon let's go i think is a d tier as well i think it's it's an okay pokemon experience it's a d low c there's a bit of ocean to make it a bit more interesting but like it it's just so vanilla credit where it's due this is the most refined vanilla experience i think of any pokemon game it's cool that the pokemon walk about in the overworld and it even introduced that concept but every pokemon game since then has just been better uh in terms of execution i think we have a trifecta here pokemon platinum i would also put on par on the beat here you know what no okay tell you what i'll give it an a the ds era pokemon games were some of just the best realized ones uh pokemon platinum is generation four but better in almost every respect the story is expanded you have a battle frontier at it there are new forms for legendaries there is just more content in this pokemon game compared to others and they fixed a lot of the problems that the that gen 4 originally had too it's the probably the best generation 4 experience we've had i think the underground is in this game too and that in itself adds a lot of content to this game pokemon platinum introduced looker who has become one of the more significant characters in the pokemon universe platinum's not afraid to throw optional areas at you too uh when you get surf in this game the world hugely opens up and there is simply a lot to explore you can go down to where the pow park is and you just have a new route there you can go exploring more and mount coronet there's a way back cave this turn back cave post game for gen 4 uh is actually quite significant significant as well because it's basically a legendary scavenger hunt if we give it if we include sort of the pokemon like dlc events like the the shaymin event the darkrai event the arceus event too like holy [ __ ] those are some of the coolest kind of pokemon encounters in the entire franchise meeting arceus is such a cool encounter that one of the most significant encounters in pokemon legends rcs is almost ripped from this game i want to correct this as well you actually you pronounce it arceus i'm gonna correct this and clear this once and for all with a canon pokemon game are you ready wait wait i'm sorry what was that arceus you can correctly pronounce it arceus people always fight me on that point that i'm saying it wrong that was i believe that's the first time they pronounce irisius's name i'm not wrong look at the recent pokemon presents they said it there rt is correct did they we have some news about the pokemon legends arceus game okay they have changed their mind you can save always you [ __ ] tricked me they said arceus there but they've said arceus as well i think it's arceus i think that's how you pronounce it and i'll i'll never change it let me take out my arse phone in the new game i think diamond in pearl only suffers in relation to pokemon platinum because when the two stand side by side there's almost no reason to play pokemon like diamond and pearl over platinum it's just a strictly better pokemon game like brilliant diamond and shine and pearl is on par with diamond and pearl and i think that's because they tried to just faithfully recreate it it has one merit of the new underground and brilliant diamond and shine in pearl it's a strict i think it's a better underground overall it's not strictly better because the secret bases were gutted they did gut other features of the game though so i don't think i don't think it gets any higher than where diamond pearl was they wanted a faithful recreation of those games so it'll be on par with those games i think that's where the spot goes we have a bit of like almost a bell curve going with like how these uh rankings have gone look at that but there you go that's what those are my rankings that's where i think the games fall i hope this gives an idea though of what i value in a pokemon game post game is the single most important aspect to me and if you have a good story and good progression up until that point then happy days you're just having a wonderful time all around aren't you pokemon starters ho ho right off the bat no you know he's too good for f here at a row below charizard i think is the most overrated pokemon in the entire franchise he's not really that viable in battles because he dies the stealth rock in pretty much every game but he always hogs the spotlight in pretty much every game and in games where he really shouldn't have as much attention he takes up a significant part of the spotlight in the gen 8 pokemon games and again in the gen 6 pokemon games he's the mascot of a gen 3 pokemon game i think charizard is a very plain dragon and not even that creative of a design my single biggest hope for generation 9 is specifically that charizard is not in it and that should tell you everything one of the weaker fire types i would say is epic epic is still kind of cool i think when he becomes an m boar he has some like kind of cool potential because he's just basically a flaming pig that's gonna punch the crap out of you uh the reason it's just low is because there's other fire types that are just fire fighting that i think are a bit more interesting in terms of design and if you want to talk more interesting design i think we give i think we get torchic like a c a sort of like a middle of the road we want to talk even better fire fighting i think we give chimchar the b i think he's really cool he's got kind of an aggressive kind of menacing presence and when someone sends out an infernape in battle against you you haven't almost oh [ __ ] they've gotten infernape reaction it is a pokemon to be feared we want to talk even better fire pokemon right lynn i think i think gets i think he gets a gets a b spot here next next to chimchar when i'm talking about the starter here as well i'm putting the starter first when i'm talking about its final evolution a lot as well because it matters because you're gonna spend most of the time with this pokemon as its final evolution the middle evolutions there's not much to really say it's like awkward teenage years or mostly pokemon maybe not as cool as infernape but i think incineroar is still quite cool he has a distinction of actually being one to start a pokemon that actually made the smash bros as well so you can play more with this guy which honestly does make the pokemon just a little bit cooler it's cool when you can play some smash except for you score bunny and cinder race i think is actually one of the best fire starters libero is a wonderful ability that you can have on this pokemon where it literally changes its type based on the attack you are using before you hit them and that's actually a really [ __ ] cool quality for a similar reason froakie is on power because uh greninja gets the same ability in the form of protein where it can change its type before it attacks and i think those are just some really cool starter qualities that set these ones very high above the rest of the pack finish off the fire types fennec and uh dell fox i think is a middle of the range pokemon basically evolves into a wizard i quite like the gen 6 starters i just think it's a bit average though it's not particularly powerful it's got like middle in defenses fire psychic is a cool type and i don't think it's as good as some of these other starters though so i put that a bit middle of the pack uh cyndaquil is zest here he's the best fire starter they have ever made he's one of the i think he's the coolest one that they've ever done the fact that he now has a unique form in legends rc is simply pushes them above and beyond everything else that's there uh fire ghost typing is simply amazing when he evolves into a typhlosion he is fast he can hit hard with his special attack he gets access to eruption it's incredibly powerful i'm very biased here because cynical is my first pokemon to take what i say with a grain of salt i think he's the best one we want to get another s tyrant hitler piplup and napoleon the emperor penguin the water steel typing oh my god it's so good empoleon is such a fun pokemon to use it is strong it hits like a tank and it can survive a lot of attacks but i think piplup is he just look at him his design is absolutely adorable he's a penguin he's your best friend and he's one of my most memorable starters i've ever had in my team if i ever have a chance to use a piplup in a game i always take it chicory oh god like i don't know what to do with this pokemon it just looks at you sad when you go to professor elm's lab in the gen 2 games because it already knows you're not gonna pick it it has no move pool it has no interesting abilities it's not even that bulky bulbasaur i think would be a d slightly more interesting chikorita venusaur still not the best grass type i think chespin i think is is a bit cooler than venusaur and chesnut it's a grass fighting type and it's a bulky wall and it gets an interesting ability oh no not an interesting sorry not an interesting ability an interesting move it gets spiky shield i kind of like the aesthetic of the all the gen six pokemons they were going for because they're actually based on a dnd party i don't know if people know this greninja is a rogue uh dell fox is the wizard and chesnaught is like kind of like the the fighter warrior tank of the group and i'm a bit of a nerd for that i kind of appreciate the cool aesthetic and design they have for those pokemon for awesome middle of the pack status we're gonna put snivvy in here it has an ability called contrary where basically if it gets a stat decrease it actually turns into an increase and that alone is just quite significant for this pokemon and makes it stand out a little bit more in comparison to the other pokemon that are here snivy snivy potato potato arceus arceus turtwig i think is a better grass type though than both of these a tour terror is just quite a scary thing to encounter on a team we want to go even more interesting for grass types this one is carried hard by its mega evolution uh sceptile i think is a remarkable pokemon when it has its mega evolution it is grass dragon it is very fast it packs a punch brass dragon is a very cool typing next up we got grookie and sable these are these are pretty low they're better than tepig and chikorita they're better than them they're probably better now bulbasaur at least has a second type and uganda max version no one cares about gigantomax maybe it's time to do our boy oshawa justice are you ready oshawott is a high beater and this is carried almost purely by its new form water dark is a cool type and it gets a new signature move you can pop a choice scarf on it and it actually has surprisingly good coverage it's nowhere near as cool as greninja it's like a greninja light but it has its place and i think it's better than a lot of the other pokemon here that are quite average i think blastoise and squirtle are on power with intelion uh there's some sort of homage that's happening here with like the gen 1 the gen 8 counterparts just not being that interesting like it's just a big turtle it's just pure water type mega blastoise is at least a little cooler and it does get like kind of a nice ability from that but i think it's simply dwarfed in comparison to a lot of the other water types which is why i'm gonna move on to the next one mud kick is a high a mudkip is a high a as one of the best of the best water type starters that you can get a mega swamper is just cooler than a mega blastoise in my opinion it can do more it packs a punch it hits very hard it has swift swim as an ability there's a lot of like scary teams you can construct with that speaking of just more interesting starters i think poor totodile here is down with chikurita for alligator is just like a worse samurai to me in almost every capacity popplio i think this is on par with some of the interests and just type combinations that you get uh water fairy is just a cool type honestly it has quite good coverage solid typing can just carry a pokemon honestly and the aesthetic of primarina is that it's an opera singer or like a siren which i just think is quite cool at gen 7 again you might see across the board like the rain quite highly we have one left [Music] oh wait no no he's not supposed to go there he's stuck rowlet is asked here and he's arguably number one this is a bold claim but i think rowlet and decidueye are the coolest combinations of startup the coolest starter pokemon that you can get in the franchise it comes as a grass flying type it has an adorable design with a bow tie it evolves into basically matt smith from doctor who and when you get it to decidueye it is just a really cool design i really like the situay i think it's like the coolest grass-type pokemon that they've ever made you can get a grass fight and decidueye which is actually quite cool but i think he's one of the best like starter pokemon just ever and if it's like rowlet versus anything else like i'd be hard-pressed not to pick rowlet like my own bias here would be it's like oh [ __ ] yeah like i love a cyndaquil but if rowlet came up against the cinderquil it's like i don't know which i choose when i play legends arceus i did choose relish charmander and charizard are the worst and then portuguese down here those are the top three i think the a tiers are very fair there as well i do have one more tier list if you guys are interested in it every pokemon at least the first ones are quite easy put a pidgey is kind of like one of the more basic birds basic bird family goes down here we don't like sparrow that's literally just a snake fat pikachu is a nest here pikachu middle of the pack alolan raichu higher nine tails in there jigglypuff jigglypuff is an a paris i've never heard anyone be excited about using a paris on their team the meowts kind of average long me out slightly better it's a pile of sludge it's a pile of sludge it's a pile of sludge it's a pile of sludge new tier there for mr mime magikarp in its simplicity and just being a meme gets a status of an a ditto can be anything so strictly speaker he actually occupies quite a high spot uh fluffy eevee is up there with fat pikachu eevee is an s-tier pokemon as well dragonite easy-est here mewtwo has committed several war crimes at this point uh mew is really cool so we'll put him up and say please zoom out this is as much as i can like you want me to zoom out like this i barely made a dent i barely made it dead uh we'll do one more oh no i dropped them no oh [ __ ] where did they go uh victini's the best one dream's over [Music] [Music] you
Channel: RTGame
Views: 584,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rt game, rtgames, rt games, best pokemon game, pokemon tier list, pokemon tierlist, best pokemon starter, best starter pokemon, pokemon, pokemon funny, pokemon ranking, pokemon starter ranking, pokemon games ranking, pokemon games, best pokemon games, best pokemon, pokemon rankings, best pokemon rankings, best pokemon games rankings, pokemon regions, best pokemon region, pokemon games tierlist, pokemon games tier list, tier list, rtgame, rt, game, funny, gameplay, rtgamecrowd
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 13sec (2053 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 22 2022
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