I Watched a Critical Review of My Content

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back at the start of 2021 Pokemon challenges it was pretty much like kind of like an expert when it comes to Pokemon Nuzlocke reviewed one of my nuzlocks on his stream he's now done a second review of my content we're gonna find out if my content has improved for lack of a better descriptor react YouTuber no stop stop I don't do that react content creator oh I was afraid of this only like wow Arty's changed like his name's RT game but all he's done is like review tick tocks for like the last seven years now I don't know what's going on [ __ ] amazing still image um just to start the review off by the way interestingly the name of this review is called this YouTuber got roasted for his Nuzlocke I already know specifically what this refers to there's a point in the playthrough where I caught a legendary Pokemon after it fainted and it was very dramatic on my stream when this happened and I'm very curious to see what he actually makes of this you cheated I can't believe my Rumble tumble would do this we haven't even started the review so we've reviewed a couple of YouTubers nuzlocke's on this channel already you know a few and we've actually received this YouTuber RT game as well but he's doing new Nuzlocke of Pokemon Black and he's caught a little bit of flack for something okay so again this is the Victini he's we're not even like waiting around for it's like oh no I already know what's happened your name is failure that's what my mom and dad call me this game is straight to the point hang on just a second I get to make that joke you don't this guy might win it's okay I don't see how that's unfortunate Oshawott is an amazing Pokemon look at him look at look at him so fun um since this Nuzlocke was made I very much come around to actually love Oshawa and you'll kind of see that as we go through some of it uh he's actually my favorite starter of this generation which is a huge leap up as someone who previously just wanted Oshawott to be deleted from the game he's pretty cute he's so great I love the entire line it's my favorite storyline just design wise we're not alone shout out to uh Pokemon challenges on board his advice since the last Nuzlocke I'm so excited to see where this goes yeah whenever you there's a lot of things he is a [ __ ] have to catch him though to get the dupe's claws in effect otherwise we encounter him again that's actually very smart of him this is what we call thank you routing we're catching Pokemon to eliminate them for dupes later on is like really important honestly no I've learned a lot since the last time we did this I've watched your reviews Mr challenge oh interesting okay so he's not playing with rare candies maybe this is maybe for the next Nuzlocke this is the next step that we can go RT take the candy pill okay I think the fact that you're not using rare candies is unfortunately going to make this review a little bit not great because uh oh there's gonna be points where you're going to be under leveled so my reaction is just always going to be oh if he was if he was grinding more if he was playing with rare candies then this wouldn't have happened he's actually okay so interesting tidbit there I'm not playing on an emulator uh I am playing on physical Hardware I actually have a DS capture card so that's why I don't have rare candies I can't just cheat them into the game and save like four hours of my life I really wish I could oh that's one work up this is so bad oh two workups oh this is getting really scary yeah oh that does [ __ ] plus three they're terrible damn that went Ultra smooth but you know what else is ultra smooth the ultra smooth package from the sponsor of this video manscape oh hang on hang on I'm not sponsored by manscaped I love this thing super skin safe I don't know how I feel about this hang on I've never hurt myself ever with it shaving my balls step one you use the crop exfoliator in the shower is just a gentle liquid scrub that you use to exfoliate all right manscaped right look you're looking at with this promotion okay this is going to be featured on another YouTube channel and you didn't even have to pay a fee for this one right you gotta call me now you [ __ ] owe me one isn't there like kind of a weird level where it's like he's watching my video and now him watching my content is sponsored I feel like I have some kind of weird affiliation now to manscaped use this code to establish dominance oh this is gonna be a driver isn't it also drover yeah is one of the most insane Pokemon in this game it is the main Pokemon that speedrunners use for this game and that's for a reason it's just so powerful it evolves really early too I'm pretty sure you can have this for gym three right or gym four I should say yeah actual we did have it by Gym four it's just the Watchdog this fight is really scary the retaliate from the Watchdog is so scary the Herdier is fine you can deal with it usually yeah so we were deathly afraid going into this gym that's why there's a cut here uh we did a significant amount of grinding before we came in today this I also realized it's quite horrific unlike the previous nose locking watched that we actually have to watch a lot of our team die this time okay he did uh 24 so you all watching know that this bungle is that this tranquil is in crit range that's right yes it is yes why is the potion gone though on this yeah I would have roosted for sure uh-oh to get you out of quit range because now yeah because now you're just in a situation where you're attacking in crit range and now you're just gonna lose it Hypocrites oh no not again no I was so upset oh okay so the problem is I am an oracle okay they're actually not playing around that crit was correct because you have a level four Pokemon on your team because this is your team okay average no candy tape yeah so it's gonna be very critical um fun fact for half of the entire nozzle I think it was up until we got our sixth gym badge we only had like three Pokemon that were usable if any one of them died earlier we we probably would have failed the entire run if these were actually leveled then like playing around the crit would have been correct because you would have had something to switch into but you have nothing to switch into here so yeah take that take out sustaining was actually correct because the only reason that you lost something there is because you didn't grind right big um quick aside all that cool stuff has been cut from this content review because of course it has nowhere and whatsoever on the actual battles which is what he's judging me for but that's besides the point it has the same capture rate as other mysticals would okay so this is I think where the controversy comes yeah here we go getting Victini is actually going to be very hard we're talking about catching Victini here which is an event Pokemon that you can get in black and white I think Victini is broken at this point obviously but he's really down right now there's a chance he could just wipe to Berg so I think the decision to get Victini here is actually pretty interesting in terms of making this run both interesting for him and for his viewers because Victini is really hard to catch it was going to be a hype like high-risk High reward kind of fight and I like that kind of stuff and thank you initial proceedings we have what I would say is approval the problem is the later technicality that comes with this oh there goes misery good call to evolve by the way good call I completely forgot him losing his um Sinister there was actually very unlucky because wild Pokemon have random AI so they just choose a move randomly so he had a 104 chance for Victini to use Quick attack there oh that's nice to know ain't it final ball oh no he's not gonna even catch it oh no oh [ __ ] wait do we get a second shot oh [ __ ] it's still okay here we go okay that's that I don't know if I like that it's not even your first encounter anymore if you are gonna go in and say okay I'm gonna take my chances and catch a mythical right now you can't go back for seconds if you fail the first time the whole like the whole reason I liked this was that it's hype to try that and if you fail I don't know if you get to try over but all that being said it's his run it's his rules he should do whatever things would make the run the most fun for him because guess what we do challenge runs because they're fun area thank you so we asked uh my chat based on that uh when it happened because of course there was a lot it was a very heated debate like can I do this again or can I not part of the logic for doing it again was if I don't do it I have to just restart the entire game again and I thought because of the difficulty and the fact that we lost a Pokemon uh we're just it's just [ __ ] challenging ain't it and I asked my chat and my chat said do it again the logic also was that it didn't technically faint because lore wise it's the same Victini it just gets up again lore wise yeah I know that's a hell of a claim to have to make in my Pokemon Challenge run you know like what would the lore say about this the Victini was a very little consequence we actually don't use it for I don't think any major fights I think we only used it once to switch into one Rival Battle to just tank one hit and I think that was it okay wait for the review on this no slime oh hi what's up there's gonna be so what's going on it's good to see yeah come on because like this does this feel as good as getting it on the first try because like this makes it so the stakes on the first try weren't even that high yes they were though no strict objection uh I risked my entire team to catch this [ __ ] thing I lost my only fire type I had so few resources yes the stakes were high okay so interestingly he's not even using Victini this is what I would type Jim right now he just all he needed was Audino audino's a pretty good Pokemon man that's what I mean we didn't even use it I guess he like swimsuit a lot I personally don't think it's that good oh no no hang on I can tackle everything else with violent competitive criticism all right but now you're going through [ __ ] fire I ran a whimsical for a Pokemon tournament back in the day VGC there's no need for this slander I came force in my VGC tournament as well with it I didn't win it for other reasons I just wasn't that good but whimsicott was a really good part of that team it doesn't get as much utility as it does later on wait no sorry I I didn't use women's car on that team it was a rose raid kind of something different I've retract what I just said another fairy typing or anything it's just a fast grass type that's okay that can have some uses he's so good Quake thank you there we go and now we can evolve it okay optimal play yep RT has been very good so far at identifying the powerhouses of Pokemon and using them it's very very good thank you the extra Dell the archeops the Victini I guess um I'm excited to see what else he's he's gonna go for damn you have betrayed his dad lied live on Twitch he's having memory props oh about what I said there people are hung up about the whims to cut I did not use a whims of cotton BGC no I hang on guys it's not easy for me to make this video I'm sure you've heard the rumors I didn't want you to have to find out like this and I'm truly regret foreign s being exposed for what they are I'm deeply remorseful that I did not use a Whimsical in a VGC Pokemon tournament it was a rose raid but I'm sorry I had lied to you all you deserve better in my next tournament I will use a real Whimsical and I'll make it up there don't don't unsubscribe stop hitting the dislike button stop it stop it it'll be better we'll show bring Whimsical to the light he deserves okay now here's seven met mid-roll ads and this stream's brought to you by manscapes okay so this is one of the hardest fights of the game if not maybe the hardest fight in the game oh yeah this is a rough one I think it's pretty hard too is like the number one thing that you need to figure out before you go into this fight we'll see what his plan is here okay we can just use does improvise wildly count as a plan dangerous play dangerous play I don't think he has rocks I switched again he has it right oh no switch I really like the idea of the pivot here it's a little bit unfortunate that apparently Oshawott was either dead or Rock slider AI was doing something weird there extremely good decision to go to Arch in there to yeah I clay was destroying me at this point in time uh we were in a really tough spot to switch arson into the ground move there and then beat the rock slide for Excadrill to switch in no that's just unfortunate damn you clay ah I'm so sad in my original playthrough of uh Pokemon black and white back in the day I had an archeops on my team and it was one of my favorites so it it that hit very hard like that and Excadrill were like the two early ones was like yeah I want to use these to the end hashtag Clay's overparty yeah we might as well it's just don't have to worry about it could also just grind but yeah sure why not sub-optimal item usage feel a lot safer oh no he's like yeah yeah it's not that one rare candy in charge Stone cave like RT should know better I lost to this guy in the Pokemon tournament oh why does he have to dig that deep into me man come on so I didn't get roasted in this review he got roasted wait a minute the guidance chamber it's two encounters not a separate yes okay so immediately yes that's a separate encounter that was another point of contention when I was streaming it some people are like no it's the same area Matt but it's a different place name and that's how we treated it he hasn't actually commented on us using a level 100 shiny Dialga to fly around the region with I don't know why I thought that just would have been noted at some point I'm pretty sure we had it at this point um but I mean we didn't use it in battle very good at like I said very good at identifying the powerful Pokemon in this run encounters anything thank you enjoy retirement you're kind of thick too let him die thank you for your wait what and he's gonna enjoy retirement kind of thick too did he just call Audino thick I didn't need to know that about you but that's okay oh I like the Chandelure too he's not been using Victini at all huh I haven't I I guess there's not a lot of fights where it's even that good I didn't even think about that like apart from Berg whenever you excited about using Victini it's not that good on the Elite Four I think I guess for Marshall kind of but psychic is like not that great of a typing to bring in that if you're ready so that was a point even from early on I was thinking about because I knew from the offset that I wanted to use Chandelure because chandelier is really strong but also it's a guaranteed encounter darmana time would have been good if I used a darmanitan yeah would have been good but I was thinking chandelier is the one I won because chandelier is [ __ ] cool all right let's see Bryson bring it oh this is gonna be a sweetheart save the good move yeah this is another sweep he's not even using Victini here what's going on okay can I talk about this [ __ ] Pokemon for a second oh disclaimer I have all the respect in the world for goth girls okay I love goth girls if you're a goth girl please okay we've learned his opinions about Audino I don't know where the [ __ ] he's going at this point right don't take offense to this and also slide into my Instagram DMS but this Pokemon this Pokemon is absolutely awful okay the idea of making a goth Pokemon for the n a region you know what I can respect the idea but do we not all agree that the execution is absolutely God awful and why did this Pokemon line then also need an awkward middle Evolution just make one off like if you're gonna make awful it's not fun to use it's got Shadow tag which is like one of the most unfun abilities as its hidden ability and if it doesn't have attain ability it's completely useless outclass by every other psychic type ever it created I think he's been needing to get this off his chest for a while this is clearly upset him for a number of years so we should just let him have this moment it's so goddamn ugly just look at this this could have been cool we could have had goth Gardevoir imagine that okay and what we got was this do I have to say anything else this is literally my least favorite Pokemon oh Mike okay it's okay it's okay it's out of your system you feel better now oh good God that did a pitiful amount I was just saying that to do more oh no I was too was he what move was he using there was it a normal type move so you have a free switch to channel Aura and now you can no longer guarantee that slam because not only are you on low HP and he's using a random move to kill you you're also putting him to overgrow so I think using that second signal beam there is just a straight up blunder it 100 the correct play was to switch the channel over there even if you're poisoned I guess it was a mistaken retrospect he still has hacks for us huh I didn't realize yeah okay actually with hacksters should be fine no matter what but this is still really dangerous and I it was it was definitely avoidable lives [Music] oh Tailwind into Haxorus I think that's smart we cut it very close he's okay he's no longer oh but he lives but yeah you're fine you don't take that much damage your house so that Empire is a a problem that you'll see come up a lot of times uh my Haxorus had an ability called rivalry and rivalry does damage to Pokemon of the same gender 25 more but the downside of that ability is if you fight something of this the opposite gender you do 25 less damage and a lot of times I use this Haxorus things just barely live and it's specifically because of rivalry and it's so unfortunate that that's just the one I was that's the hand I was dealt Sharon still has a simapore which is now weakened oh it's really interesting how in this fight you can see how the mistakes kind of snowball yeah they got really out of hand this got really bad it's getting worse what moves does he have here get some damage on it oh that does [ __ ] nothing I love [ __ ] nothing British people am I right I'm thin [ __ ] ice seed inward right you better be careful if you use that manscaped razor because I'm coming for your balls I'm kidding I know he's Irish I'm sorry I retract that statement it's all it's all forgiven we don't full stop it says one guy in chat okay you wanna chance it because this risks two Pokemon's lives here we go oh no [Music] is he hoping for random move here this has really great I think it has like Furious weapons here we go yeah I was hoping for the monkey to be [ __ ] I don't live this no way 145. is whimsicott faster wait a minute I'm in space I definitely wouldn't it's pretty useful for the Elite Four it's a Steel type it's fast it's got stab earthquake it's [ __ ] crazy um I was second time you're out for sure it's it's not that good five minutes okay so there is there what now luckily it actually works out that we sacked Excadrill specifically there and you'll see why in a moment I knew I had to sack something because this fight this fight was a [ __ ] train wreck like I was not doing well I knew I had to sack something and Excadrill had pretty much just swept the past like four gyms and my logic at that point was let's make it a bit more interesting so if something had to die because everything on the team was actually quite good I would sack the extra drill at that point and also spite to that one guy in chat what is it if I go into Victory Road and encounter a dust cloud can I just capture a new excuse noobs gives you the option you were allowed to capture the same and use that as your encounter if you so choose you're on your wolves if you think that's fun you should do it personally I think when I think about building rules for these runs we don't need to hear that part it's okay if dupe's claws is optional there is a lot of Pokemon games where you can encounter magikarps on most routes Gyarados is a really good Nuzlocke Pokemon and we're basically imagining a scenario here where in those days you have a lot of magikarps if you so choose to you can always and it's usually the correct play run around with two Gyarados in your party for double intimidate I never thought of that I don't think that's very fun so I don't play with that Clause I think it's way more interesting if dupe's claws is forced for me personally but if he has more fun doing it this way he should be doing it this way again um just to stay as well because I would not have ran two extra drills at once is the fact that our other active drill specifically was actually dead at this point you know I'm not gonna have like triple battle go triple X drill and just kill [ __ ] everything but it's a fair point like just because yeah I I would never really think about running like a team of [ __ ] extra drills or a team of gyarados's I think that's just ridiculous because actually what a giga Chad there we go we got X control back Toronto's lead has Willow Chad plays I know we get to sack our ability which is actually kind of good oh he has rivalry that sucks yes it does yeah I'm glad he's caught up on that and that's gonna matter hugely in a few fights I would have really liked I'm not sure what his box is I really like dark types for the Gen 5 Elite Four I think they're really useful for both pivoting and just like dealing with Chantal and with Caitlyn I would have liked to see him drop either a Samurott or whimsicott probably whimsicott for a dark type here I don't know um I don't know what other dark types he got throughout the run but something like that okay honestly it's a very valid point you probably should have just used crocodile like it's one of the ones that we got that we considered using but we used Excadrill over it well the defense drop is yeah that sucks a plus for Pleasant do you sweep here I think so with brick break wow really rivalry oh rivalry rivalry dude that ability sucks so much oh my God this Haxorus he was in crit range there too okay that was a roll apparently too mistake we can attack at least one hit rivalry would have made that entire fight like so much easier like I would have just been fine if I didn't have it I would have just been able to like clean sweep but it's like now it's like everything is horrible and then the defense drop too it was awful I think I would like to see Whimsical out there you just resist the earthquake right yeah that would have been smart everything made me anxious here you're fine it's real so good here okay good choice to pick up a second one thank you I think I take the fake out I mean you do but it doesn't really achieve anything right because you gotta switch anyway so you might as well switch on the fake out instead of on the night slash generally even though Pokemon is fake out yeah that probably would have been a better play wouldn't it I should have switched then I'm I made quite a few mistakes but we're gonna get away with them yeah we can kill Ray unicles in one God we're good huge yeah chandelier characters oh you should be fine I think that's quite Ranger didn't like that yeah this one made me nervous I like the idea of doing camera here but like imagine imagine like a dark type here it would have been a lot easier you can't switch on this insurance policy there I was scared so I gotta use megahorn hopefully kill it oh it didn't have it oh I could have sworn it oh of course because he hates this Pokemon so naturally he knows every single detail about it and it that Pokemon spends much more time in his brain than any other Pokemon that he enjoys because he hates it there's a fine line between hate and love Yan you know it's okay if it's something you want to admit here I really don't like samirot for this Elite Four oh so [ __ ] close I was tired he has this I guess oh wait this actually yeah we've resist that yeah switching into that before the Thunderball came in I guess was the correct play but I guess he didn't know about Thunderball so she kill you no I had no idea I think this fight is pretty easy yeah in what world this was the hardest one this is definitely crit range oh no I don't know if I like that hacks were so good for the next fights risking it first I really risked it here I would like like extra lunch chandelor switch there I think or something I was so bossy although I guess what do you do from there because Chandler also kind of dies the Stone Edge right I think he definitely could have done better in team building for this I think both women get out of there it's probably the best off but I like Whimsical I think we have the sacrifice mistake and get the water gem surf because that at least puts in this position where we can then win really good call if anything else that's like the best I think play that I've seen from him it's a really good flattered oh nice that actually almost killed two oh man that sucks it's been an honor It's Gonna Hurt it's so close yeah that fight was hard [Music] I guess it was why'd you say it was I'm not sure what he could have brought maybe maybe it was gotha Rita after all level 50 Reshiram there's a fine line between love and hate get him [ __ ] friends [Music] I've got everything I need here we go oh here we go I love this I'm just gonna die right okay he's just choosing to do this too but these back-to-back battles 5V 12. I respect it so much thank you if you roasted him for his Victini and his extra little stuff all of that should immediately be gone because he did this fight 5v6 he's absolved from anything not that he needs to be absolved for anything so this cling cling that is zororc the reason you can tell this heartbreak it's not the level they're the same level this is really advanced stuff so I do absolutely not fault RIT for not getting this the Zoroark has Focus blast and the way that the Gen 5 switch in AI works is that it just chooses the move with the most power calculating in type differences so uh Focus plus is double to 240 and no other Pokemon has moved more powerful against extra drill than that for this specific end fight in your Nuzlocke this is something this is something to keep in mind is if you see a cling clang and you have a Pokemon out that's weak to flamethrower or Focus blast or night slash it's probably a zorg I just saw it advice honestly yeah because this is I completely forgot about this and it threw me for a loop uh but it made this fight a lot more exciting to say the least oh no I don't believe it that's a sore Arc yep now he sees it actually yeah I think the correct play was if you see that then you just immediately switch the uh you'll eventually and on the focus plastic although this has flamethrower oh he's actually [ __ ] okay this bike if it's alive this thing is flamethrower like this fight is insane this is the hardest thing I've ever done in any Pokemon damage it's not right is he playing for the paralysis chance actually gets it I was playing for paralysis go for the Thunder might have just won him to fight crazy call what that was so good it's a [ __ ] Slaughter so we were banking on the Thunder but the idea was he was confused and I was also hoping that maybe with a combination of the two if we got very lucky with the paralysis that maybe we can take it down because signal beam wasn't gonna do it anyway and I was hoping Thunder also would do probably just a little bit more power but that [ __ ] zoroak was just insane and like we just couldn't get it he's playing so well I'm actually really impressed like you don't need to actually sweep here right you're not gonna sweep because vandalux is going to come out so it's time for one it's gonna really hurt us otherwise this is the hardest thing I've ever done in any Pokemon game like just straight up dude got the Rivalry yeah oh [ __ ] I was gonna say a plus one plus one you can maybe kill this but not with the Rivalry come on you gotta rely on fire blast here it's fine though and that was just caracosta actually the team honestly the team he brought is pretty fire yeah oh this is gonna be weird he's redeemed he's way too soon oh god dude yeah I think going for the Tailwind there might have lost him potentially the fight but it didn't because of the archaeops like we needed that I guess so really lucky I guess we had Dragon Dance anyway so yeah maybe we shouldn't have just done it Dragon Dance would have been fine for the speed but we didn't lose yet I don't know if I agree with that um actually for the archeops um called Dragon Dance there if he does Dodge that Stone Edge I guess he's gonna hit our caps and defeat us so he'll be fine yeah no good call in the Dragon Dance actually good play I also forgot that the cling cling is still on the party I somehow like called it being over after the analog so there's three Pokemon left oh yeah okay so he's down to two Pokemon I think right um he's leading with a Pokemon that's dead so let's see how he causes that these Pokemon are technically dead so here we go get the fair switch in I'm simply going to spam Pokeballs and then I'm gonna try and beat Gatos with two Pokemon super Fair the toxic is the problem if we set up now we eventually die just by course of the battle and we need there we go we need to set up Dragon Dance 2v6 wow this is actually super nice he's literally down to these two Pokemon he needed to hit that well it was to have any chance of winning this is crazy actually this is like one of the most intense Champions like we've ever reviewed I think he wins it's dangerous I think he just sets up on this and wins I think no that's not what happens it's really bulky head charge this is the one I'm scared of okay 126 . oh that's a lot you gotta I think you gotta go for plus two right yeah I think I get a second dragon dance earthquake come on yeah you can't play around the crit there I charge gonna miss too no nice he's playing this Haxorus masterfully really really good exactly knowing when the Dragon Dance timings are I'm really impressed with that you ready to see their get sweet to your lives I talk about like setup moves being boring and all that a lot but there is a lot of skill to using them correctly and he's doing it this is why the extra sweep is so good because it baits out the hydration it's like okay the exact time we gotta do as much damage as we possibly can how do you just pronounce that Pokemon's name says Mio toad oh it's Seismitoad isn't it look I say art like archaeus is Arceus right like I'm Irish British people think about to then [ __ ] ice rivalry's gonna kick it it's not gonna kill right with rivalry so close it's so sad uh actually oh man it's just chandelor versus this Bisharp and electross I think he just loses right kill he needs to like hit like three fire blasts in a row here I think I need to land a fire blast this is so intense really what this comes down to that's insane I'm just looking at the move set I didn't realize this has crunch yeah he has to he has to hit him first yeah Jesus but I mean now he's fine unless unless I miss I think you're still okay I would probably shut them all here I think double Shadow balls safer I think yeah we pulled it off well maybe but honestly all my calculations of probability here probably ruin how intense this ending was I I was like my heart was racing I thought I was gonna die after that 5v12 and then we came about 1-0 come the other side very sorry about that RT I just get into the weeds there no you're good very very very intense battle congratulations I am extremely impressed with how well our team is us that was super super fun right thank you very much at the end yeah that was the RT game and I was like I really hope you guys enjoyed it um that was great you improved so much RT shout out to you oh thanks down the description thank you so much for watching and see you next time oh he's too sweet I'm High Praise from that I think I think a good review and it was like there was no addendum at the last time we did we did is you got to turn off items next time no turned off items it's pretty critical I'm glad he reviewed it too because I knew that would probably make for an interesting one just because of all the Victini business and the X control business and the actual tension in like the finale uh and I hope everyone here found it entertaining too as well react Andy all the not British I'll take old I'll take old I've not got many years left foreign [Music]
Channel: RTGame
Views: 837,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rtgame, rt, game, rtgames, rtgaming, rt games, rtgamecrowd, rt gaming, funny, video games, games, gameplay, rt game, stream highlights, rtgame pokemon, pokemon, pokemon nuzlocke, pokemon challenges, pokemon black, pokemon white, pokemon black and white, pokemon nuzlocke reaction, pokemon review, pokemon champion, pokemon gen 5, pokemon gen, rtgame review, rt pokemon, rt nuzlocke, rtgame nuzlocke, let's play all of pokemon black and white, rtgame pokemon black and white, rt review
Id: 4-Mv0nYD8Tw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 43sec (2023 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 05 2022
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