Best of RTGame 2020

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oh [ __ ] oh mario i've been paid you're a wizard harry alright oh [ __ ] am i gonna have to breastfeed this baby do you want to see my lung sword hi mom i hope you're proud of my career [Music] oh hi daddy [Laughter] i'm going off on a straight i'm going to change my stream title to smacking balls with the lads my liver's hurting now this is a really relaxing game to play don't mess with me or i'll snap your population i gotta get it i gotta get it oh he's aiming for me wait what who is that who's that [ __ ] [Music] come get me i'm coming at mayer thanks for the amazing work you've done for our city no problem random citizen everyone's getting a planet today and we're gonna make a galaxy oh god it's an avalanche oh my god we actually made this oh the ship's on fire how's the ship on fire did you leave the banana oh [ __ ] yes daddy oh i would so like a nice deck daddy he got me he's strangling me it's nice to meet you oh my god rt when are you gonna do a face reveal sometimes i don't even know why i bought it that should be okay now please buy my cakes [Music] happy new year i'm going to change the category to just chat i'm just going to update the stream we're literally just watching paint dry let's see if like the amount of people in the stream increases by doing this there's currently 3 100 people here oh i post sorry the paint is now drying what number are we on the just chatting streamers who do we gotta beat pokemon has 17 000 people okay we may not be pokemon this is mommy rt anybody need anything to eat or sandwiches nice biscuits who did that paint job it's not particularly yeah so that's the bad thing we're watching paint dry and the paint job isn't even that good i'm watching paint dry there's 10 000 people here um it's it's the biggest stream i've ever done i thought uh you guys were just poking fun because you were playing daisy earlier and they're like oh he's watching painter i was like oh daisy can be like that no no i i'm literally watching paint dry right now who knew that the best moment that the decade happened two days in oh that's kind of [ __ ] depressing it's only gonna go downhill from here some people are just making stairs to get off this planet [Music] that's that's 20 20 in a nutshell yeah they're after our people just straight up leaving this planet uh so do you remember when we did the climate change stream and it was like really harrowing welcome to 2020. oh look and a fortress of hell has emerged on the server that's just what we needed going into the new year yep i've never agreed more randy thanks for 100 bits hey rt me and my girlfriend are getting married today i'm in the process of getting my dress on due down the aisle in 20 minutes wish me luck oh yeah don't be watching the [ __ ] stream you got you're getting married what you doing here ah no but [ __ ] congratulations have a wonderful day what if you show up late like for walking down the aisle now i was like sorry i was watching an irish guy like construct shrek in minecraft toad you know something don't you that winning smile daisy he's not smart he looks really depressed that's not that's not a smile the infinity racket oh my god it is it's the exact same color scheme what happened to my keep the rally going mario you know just pass the ball back and forth hit him in the eyes you cannot stop the rise of thanos all of humanity will perish i will snap half the population no close the door not with him in it go for a stroll hopefully they can't use ladders thank god the ai hasn't got that fair you want to say hi to the stream we haven't found any people so you'll have to do i'm collecting blood no that was my blood i thought i was gonna take blood from the kit instead i kind of just slit my wrist open please don't die because like you're the most equipped of us all i hope he doesn't have like some tires to get the car and work in order i kind of want us to get dan he's doing cpr stay with us stay with us hello oh i should i should have helped you cpr i was just [ __ ] watching we're just like looting this guy and like dan's like having a heart attack every three seconds the bad news is there's no medicine the good news is i found this hat that's a daisy experience i feel you wanna come do some casual terrorism yes i would love to do some casual terrorism i thought you'd never ask okay i gotta try and get into the conversation and work my irish charm watch out okay i'm sorry are you sniffing me i can smell more we're kind of stuck my man i don't know how to get out of here the headmaster won't leave us first [ __ ] jesus right here this is what we call pumped up kids moment what you want to do my man is you want to hide for your life what is happening what is happening what do you mean well if you look over there people are being brutally murdered wow i can't believe i died at my first day in school this quiz will reveal what stranger things duo you and your best friend forever i've never seen stranger things what do you and your best friend forever do for fun do you play jenga i don't know who these characters are this past the simulation reveal how italian actually i'm not italian jews are past the shape first i thought it was gonna add to that okay you want tomato sauce or alfredo someone in the buzzfeed office had to like line up pictures of all these dishes it's just [ __ ] stuck jpegs too they didn't even try you on top of parmesan cheese or fresh get some cheat graphic design is my passion which what the [ __ ] does this have to do with the top i'm the pointer toe guys guys it was a joke on the first question it was a joke on the first question everyone knows i'm still a virgin on this channel okay mario i'm in pain he is they just sound like you're constantly in pain that's how you do toes that's how you do it [Music] oh there's a lot of [ __ ] in there c d e f gun at this point in the stream i would like to apologize to the developers for making the mistake of giving me early access to your game mr clean and his trusty partner bleach okay he's got a he's got a pukey oh god oh no what have they done to you oh no it looks like he's more naked than he actually is mr clean no oh my god that little butterfly thing is what that all evolves into let's kill it oh it's like oh wow it's so cool i love the design murder it end its existence this guy is just showing up sitting at benches as he goes along yeah he [ __ ] knows he's cycling dude yeah well like look i i got a bug that's wrapped in like a hoodie okay don't mess with me and i was wearing just my underpants before it was cool okay you got nothing on me so how was your vr chat like role play experience well we all just pretended to be sheep and just stood in the field in a grass don't murder me i'll kill you twice like that there we go oh god that's some uh janky [Music] [Applause] physics [Music] absolutely amazing the game was muted what happened for [ __ ] sake oh jesus this is a good game i swear they've just got some problems with the pc version god he's behind the tree jesus no i made a mistake killed by isaac newton oh no christopher lee what have they done to your face let's kill yoda start the year right baby yoda was so 2019. just just button mash i think we're winning it's really hard to tell it's really hard to tell you say it's leviosa one [ __ ] more time no one likes a smart ass okay that's the moral from harry potter books the key with lego is if you're struggling just be aggressive yeah throw a tantrum exactly if life's got you down you don't know what to do next why not just cry oh no you're a wizard harry you're a wizard oh he's got two heads but oh no wait that's no that's ron's face hang on ron's not looking too good please don't be daisy please don't be daisy please don't [ __ ] oh god damn it first star hey my very own chinese i see if i didn't have daisy i would have got this star i don't have enough coins i'm so upset by that now it seems to be a shame not much fruit is coming by oh no oh no i'm catching like most of it before you god it's not even coming down that far how many did you get out here how many was it more than 97 was it more was it more oh no you didn't win let me high five my best friend luigi i'm just going to shoot you in the face and that's how i claim second place there we go worked like a charm the unlucky bonus yeah please please give this to me like i've had a very unlucky game okay everyone gets one but me all right wow you look incredible incredible it's a strong word yeah go hatch by yourself you take good care of it or you can hatch it now at robux how much are robux these are monthly rates subscribe to get more uh let's let's not give these people our credit card information oh this also costs robux this also costs robux wait family home it's 200 bucks only 99 no thanks i'm good there's like pop-up ads coming up on my screen i just instantly died oh no that was the actual roblox oof wasn't it this is this is what you spend your robux on you can do amazing maneuvers like the levitating train skip what's genocide in french genesee oh do we oh so we just take the word from yes we legit that looks like it's been shot in the head that's too much blood that's [Laughter] oh yeah it's oh no that's so cursed now i don't like it it's gonna be like standing up and he's not like yes he is instead instead of bath he just goes i don't like how currently some of the wall is like flesh-colored don't like that at all so it's a really good piece of hair i will not sleep tonight that's how good it is it's like hey rt tune into the stream for the first time it's been a while to be able to catch something you know it's just nice to see quality wholesome family entertainment by the way here's a group being roasted alive on a spit a fair warning advance this game um brings out the worst in people an inappropriate time to wear a tuxedo okay i'm so sorry in advance that that was my creation i i didn't want to laugh early and like try to influence it but i'm so sorry i hope my mom's not watching fun fact we did actually have like a uh a t-shirt of the phuket from city skylines for a while but it turns out having a t-shirt with a volcano full of [ __ ] on it wasn't exactly a good shirt design there's potato sand i worked so hard on it it was so hard to fill in like all the space i didn't do a good job why is it just like someone like gave up on that drawing it was like a work in progress and like they ran out of time or something i haven't run out of time they just drew a woo how was that one winning so radical i'm gonna ask you to go baby daisy all right you're and you're gonna be the only baby daisy everyone else waluigi mercedes gla i'm a little nervous okay there we go yep okay every everyone everyone gather around [Laughter] okay can the guy with a bomb just drop it right dead on in front of us just everyone huddles together and this guy's gonna detonate it jesus so if what do i do calmly take out your axe brian and i'm gonna make us safe hang on wait you're gonna box this is a panic room uh yeah so now we're safe just keep digging yeah just just keep thinking keep your head down do your work don't question it work your nine to five yeah there you go oh [ __ ] oh fatality so when you die you lose everything in your inventory good wait i've been waiting for this hi daniel my name is connor i've come to get you out of this oh my god i know a lot of things about you daniel we should place bets on how long his village lasts i mean how many days do you think i'll survive where everyone dies low on food don't mind that warning medical tent this yeah this seems like it'll be important let's pop one of those down burial pit this also seems like it'll be important oh and then there's some decoration let's just make a statue oh oh that was a very sudden turn the water's gone oh bollocks is there anything in the tower the tower's not finished oh it's because we all use all the metal on the statue high priority oh wait whoa that came down fast oh we gotta slow to speed okay someone worked the doctor's clinic and someone else worked the burial pit because today's a bumpy day just appreciate the statue we have in these trying times i'm sure that hit nothing important so you can fire some command in this game but if you fail the fire and you don't get it in the green zone [Music] i shall write a poem about this for my belinda dude i just shut my pants i'm sorry i'm sorry i think we can fart for longer now your actions have affected your purity yeah my uh my pants are quite soiled now oh kevin do i want to take a condom that we found buried in the woods kevin i appreciate you find us money in the ground and not the means to prevent stds ah oh uh hello milk chocolate who better to encapsulate the struggle between brutal survival and enlightened intellect fantastic i hope you can sustain this performance oh to get a glimpse of such love even for just a few seconds okay look we're marrying someone here yeah we going with herman or joss okay perhaps you will allow me a glimpse of a loving kiss yeah here we go and you're betrothed instead i don't have the kiss though hey josh you want to see your magic trick hey herman i just don't love you enough sorry oh my god wait so do we [ __ ] is this a [ __ ] adventure map yeah i think yeah oh my god well you have to go to the hardcore that was just a scream of terror don't ban me no way just in case i need it just in case i need look diagon alley could be true this wall all right if you just let me punch through it it could be right there i'm just i'm just gonna i'm just gonna poke a hole in the wall i think it's true there can you stop oh you reformed the wall it's magic look at it open i can't believe this we're going right now to hogwarts i love star wars so much i can't wait to meet chewbacca dude all right let's see great bad [ __ ] you both value ambition better put you in this entire time you little [ __ ] little [ __ ] ass [ __ ] you [ __ ] badger piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] you if you had your face as [ __ ] hey mate richard larino your friendly neighborhood seduction guru here and welcome to super seducer i'm so excited to be getting it into your hands you're just so beautiful and i want to give you a kiss no no no no no no no i'm not trying to [ __ ] you in the ass or anything i'm not trying to do i know like jesus what's your problem we'll meet again right if it's meant to be maybe we will bump into each other if it's meant to be who knows where who knows whether bye goodbye richard again that's one of my favorite moments in the game and you know it does show a good positive trait which is persistence and in reality no no no no that shouldn't be one of your favorite moments in the game no it should american culture teach that in like i don't know half a day or something american culture like you invented what a burger and a doughnut i mean i do like doughnuts so that's wonderful we've done that big win you're italian i love pizza no no no no no no no no it's probably i closed the game so we're going to be given everyone who connects to the server one of these plots like this guy's first reaction is just i want nether so i'm just going to swap it and this guy's reaction is [ __ ] my fountain broke if you could build anything in minecraft you just have to build asda oh one guy's just decided to make a guard in here that's actually very cute let's just get some flowers and nature here this guy's just got a log someone start at work on the little yes and it's right next to the asda this is perfect you wanna buy some krabby patties kid don't eat too many you'll get the shits like squidward did like spongebob no we have a co-op as well yes why do we have like every normal like shop someone needs to make a tesco now no i don't like this though you're a wizard harry no why have people done this i don't think gen 1 is very good gen 2 is after gen 1 then it's gen 6 gen 8 and gen 7. whoa [ __ ] oh my god holy [ __ ] we did it [Music] yes oh my god what number was it was it 3420 did we is it actually 420 oh no oh it took 49 hours now we get to play the game observation no [ __ ] up it's been like 45 hours here we go come on cupcake jesus christ cupcake is going to kill a man in a moment here we go it's it's just dead the lamb has found blood i have more dictators than topical country i'm a here suck what marriage is a lot like streaming services help i've been forced to write for 10 days daniel please let my family go [ __ ] the first good joke let's let's never play this game again the game that you are playing well it causes much hilarious oh what's going on only words and phrases ending in hysteria you have to answer quickly no you really mustn't carry them and anybody can compete a tom addict a harrium i heard she gives too quick and says i want to shoot myself high in protein low morality use oh i can't believe you did that it was still alive this is this is how they do popcorn chicken in kfc in america we're on parole again like we said the last time did that seriously just break away that broke a window don't sound it i wasn't locked down to anything oh we're not by love by enough people to be albion's dumpling wait dumpling because we [ __ ] our pants we take a dump [ __ ] off alex i don't care about your story where's the town crier this citizen should be known to all as dumpling [Music] it's too perfect did we make marnie irish before i can't remember help with something for a sec now i want to see if i'm ready for the next leg of the gym challenge yeah uh sure thing manny should we make more pekko irish as well alright i have no trouble beating a man of fire kabucha right why don't you go over the motor stock stadium and get that gym badge already all right all right all right i don't like irish or pekko we can do it we just gotta live one hit and the burn oh we're okay back strike we did it oh that was a scary gym down we did it oh he's he's not taking it well great pokemon and great trainer it's no surprise that you won he says he's crying on his knees the tapestries the sword and the shield the box art from the pokemon game you purchase at gamestop what could it all mean not just that but those pokemon appear to be holding a sword and shield as if they were using them who could have foreseen this is someone like vomited on their canvas you can't just accuse someone after their first try look what they do it's just a very abstract car guys i got hacked [Laughter] sure no it said it sure it says like when you come home like what do you like what do you associate coming home with hey did you know that aliens get a completely different prompt done the buttons no what what if tk's an alien no it's not me it's not me you go to costco it's you it is you actually this is called again please it's not me it's actually not me it is not me no is it the level you're playing is watching this stream right now really is there someone who worked at lionhead actually here ask the dev if there's a secret wall in this room yeah listen my chat's trolling me right now is there a wall in this room that we can bust open if you just kill everything and then like you level up faster become stronger faster it's basically the game plan like they don't intend you to just murder everyone in sight like that's just like walking xp okay buddy i'll do some community service all right sorry i didn't mean to shoot you in the face that time but i did this time taking you into custody wait is he simultaneously finding me everyone loves this iron pump i don't keep iron pumping what kind of crappy ring is that there's no game as good as keystone yeah okay i'll do some community service that's okay you got be fair and square that time stay above 90 oh god it's like speed if the car drops below 90 miles an hour the bomb goes off come on go go go go go [Applause] that's a design we're gonna have to look at this the entire time no [ __ ] off leave me alone this one this one guy's gonna overtake me don't take this from me dude we're already so far behind stop ramping me finally we're off thank god we're on we're on just a normal road now hopefully the race is about to end you've lost several races in a low would you like to lower your drive entire difficulty to inexperienced oh welcome to the shopping mall for today's stream welcome to hell this is where you're going kids oh it's right next to the playground too that's great oh they're toilet wait no they're toilets why is this glass no god there's got to be a better spot to put the toilets oh here's a mcdonald's it was only a matter of time before capitalism caught up with us this is an actual shopping mall i imagine it'll be a nightmare simply because of so much fire and um you know slavery spread across the shopping mall but if you just overlook those bits we're gonna pimp my ride today as the kids say oh my god it's got stabilizers look at these cult cars for the horizon festival drag strip they're not gonna know what hits them here we go vintage cars [Music] there's no contest we're just so much faster you know the joy of vintage cars is they let you relive a simpler time wait it was more peaceful gee golly i don't know if granda is going to make it home in time for christmas dinner you know the home's quite far away the roads are pretty treacherous we're saving so much time right now oh god at last sight of the destination turn left i can't turn left i'm barreling through the woods right now there we go here we go oh no no no no no a delicious looking pint we're gonna hear that we're gonna be hearing that a lot of times my liver's hurting now stewart do you want to find like some music that you can play for us on stream find something good for us [Music] that's that's too loud you gotta turn it down turn it up turn it down now i want you to find look for another sound clip right keep that one on loop and find another clip of like people just screaming the guys just like draw the screen that's a wonderful point look at my head on that like people are being killed by bees everyone is dead [Applause] the best spider-man villains never make it to the movies like the evil fritz von meyer who is a blank made of blank spider-man's greatest villain yes is it a nazi made of beasts what talk about a pr nightmare for bees uh how does that work uh i think there's only one answer here the decision has been made blend those kids which do we want to blend more i mean i purse like we've killed a lot of wool already so let's just stick a child in and see what happens you know it's over before i'm just saying i'm not saying i endorse it best nicknames for alabama and mississippi it's memes and [ __ ] versus [ __ ] and ball george it's hard to compete with [ __ ] and ball torture honestly it seems quite overwhelming big win daddy likes no no don't say daddy likes i just came into the stream to see a murderer people to read shadow music [ __ ] i love this channel oh there's one this guy's just waiting to get service like everyone is dead you've committed one of the worst massacres in albion's history and wiped out the temple of light your malevolence knows no bounds it's like you commit a genocide please i just they're all gathered some of them are that was fantastic and no dogs oh no kevin don't worry i'll look after fur face here goodbye hammer i've got nothing left so when trouble comes it's up to you saying you've got no energy left but still seems to be something left in you buddy you want to live i suggest you all get back on the ship with us no we are giving everyone a single type of block at a time and we're going to ask you all to coordinate i mean it kind of looks nice on the inside apart from the fact where they've sealed off the upper floors and you can't go upstairs door guy um dora guy i think is upset can like enough monkeys fashion typewriters produce shakespeare essentially what we're seeing the campfire like this wall is literally on fire [Music] that's not safe at all yo this this is like your burger and then you start going up and it's a layer of onion and a layer of onion and a layer of onion and a layer of onion ah i'm going off on a straight oh i hate it i hate it so much because the car accelerates so fast that the wheels for turning are in the [ __ ] air half the time like it does it doesn't matter if i even turn the wheel right now i i i am convinced the ideal way to just race now is just crash into the sides and have really high acceleration so you can recover fast everyone else is like slowing down to protect themselves when they enter the terms not me i got good health insurance don't worry debbie we're gonna get you to the prom in time oh no we got stuck wait wait can i some of these perspectives this really is just like oh no this is the best one you can truly see all the action debbie's family will remember this night for the rest of their lives good to see you guys too thanks for the xp light show yeah you don't say the most fearsome enemy we will face well done i feel like that was supposed to be more of a fight i mean i've already killed a lot of people i don't mind please i just want to see my parents again okay you take this you'll see them real soon we just reunited with your parents i'm surprised she died after the first 12 shots why does the shadow core of the same sprite is theresa that is a fan theory uh that theresa is related to the shadow court because you don't really know what threes is oh wait no lion just said utter laziness okay right wait so i lied are you just dispelling that entire fan theory in like one swift movement here hi guys it's good to see you oh there's no need to get out of your seats i need a place just for my bdsm toys oh no oh no so that's why i'm happy to introduce the toy boy he's a personal assistant that will help you hold everything you could possibly need in the bedroom uh because he's there to serve for your pleasure my big titty got girlfriend just doesn't satisfy me anymore introducing an ak-47 i want to cover up my massive boner we all make mistakes in the heat of passion now my idea is [Music] [Laughter] there's nothing left to hide one of the most common questions uh that actually does come from like the youtube highlights for the streams is where the [ __ ] can i download the map or like where can i see all the past builds uh it's on the server here's this is like the hub world oh my god oh yeah this is built like the first like 10 days oh there's a there's a wulu statue over there this is incredible there's cupcake in all her glory why do we even bother sometimes in the build streams with like this shit's going on survival server like you just like look at it this is straight up the united nations but it's for the minecraft server like this this is stupid yeah so who's overseeing climate change on the minecraft server you know keeping an eye on that like where's the minister for the environment welcome to the weezer zone yeah you know we've seen all these like economies and like these like beautiful coliseums and statues but carol weaser the fat kid from the jimmy neutron has to be the best thing on the server your selfish actions have left a man's romantic dreams and tatters on the upside you have an undead girlfriend yeah greetings master chief oh yeah we're still called master chief oh jesus this is a corpse ah so uh how was rt stream today well they committed necrophilia but apart from that it was wild well it's not technically necrophilia since she's a reanimated corpse when you have to start your argument by saying it's technically not necrophilia you've done something questionable do you consider that a victory you're merely delayed [Music] oh i thought he'd never shut up he's dead that's it battle royale for some reason it exists in this game [ __ ] off get back on the road this car is too big no wait [Music] oh it's beautiful cat you know i'm not for using a car to get to work anymore i want to be a bit more environmentally friendly that's why i'm doing 140 miles per hour on my bicycle i'm like destroying fences as i drive fast they gotta go from the rank six okay all right you want a race no no i just gotta not hit any trees this is i'm going completely blind i [ __ ] no oh one more i don't know when to quit you only need to move the controller a teeny tiny amount to get your imp to respond go on move around a bit i think he's doing okay oh it's a bit choppy get lost tin can oh need your advisor help piss off ah another scumbag you're no useful for anyone what todd howard why they remade pt oh we gotta play pt you guys remember this from the developers of little big planet the day hideo kojima's lay [Music] kill lisa like jesus who shot mr burns i don't know but maggie's got a semi-automatic [Music] [Music] i i i don't have any words damn we're too late you did a cracking job of quartering that bad league staff member varus let me sing you a song fitting of your rocking deeds but still the only thing i can do is sing sing my humble song the there were six people bars hop now is your chance go get out of here this is just sad this is this is just sad that was worse than minecraft story mode showdown for the ages it's champion time to turn up the heat charizard time for a gmax wildfire this is gonna hurt we did it we beat the entire game using only a shiny wulu my time as champion is over what a champion time it's been leon now that you're no longer champion i'm so happy i can finally say this go [ __ ] yourself how many pennies does it take to make a hole apparently we don't have a torch there's five of us and we're still taking sticks four legs to hold shovels and the other lights to do the work kevin why did you [ __ ] seal us in i'm trying to get it i'm trying to get [Music] here's phase two oh [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] i am the dark lord pringles it's time for your first taste of true fear introducing pringles smoky bacon flavor vanquish the vile pringles and save this world no i'm obama the energetic pop star defeating the dark lord would be difficult with only two of you by calling your team member to come and join you okay yeah it's got to be mr bean our knight in shining armor come on squad squad squad we got to go quick they're all just screaming stop debating which shakespeare play you're gonna recite i thought that went very well they've all lost interest okay you can all go home now money bag how much gold would you like to give to paul the beggar you are now good enough to use the apologize expression we did it we're max good our face is color again i don't know how i feel about that there's a halo around my head hello there master chief master chief did it the law come on i think everyone's dead i don't think there's anyone left alive hey guys which villager were you shiny no we're not killing the villagers guys that's not how it works in this game you make friends with the villagers oh no i hate boone i had this guy in wild world i remember you i'll i'll find you a spot boom hang on too close to the water what's the problem i don't want him to have access to anything um i mean i could say it stands for something else what do we think should we do lsd oh daniel suggested ptsd absolutely sounds great it rocks just so he knows his place on the island think of the children this is my island i'm allowed to this is my paradise okay i can do what i want like you know it starts by me con like harassing boone every single day he's in this town and then eventually like you know i'll start sealing the exit to his home but i gotta unlock the tools before i can do that being an [ __ ] in this game it takes time and proper planning but we will be an ass everyone's getting a planet today and we're gonna make a galaxy someone's making a biodome on their planet over here that's really cool we have someone making like kind of like an airship planet they have propellers on it this guy straight up is just converting his planet into a bee oh yeah oh this is what happens when you don't let the show die and it goes on for 32 seasons someone's making the house from up yes oh that's perfect and there's gonna be like if there's like no base here and this is just going through space once you see it like you know because i i didn't go into this thinking someone's got to make a terrorist once you see it you just can't imagine the build without it there was already a mario planet so i made a luigi one oh my god yeah oh we finally know who the mystery man holding the world hostages it's um yeah who else was it going to be after the walker's brain to kill it jesus i just want to make sure he's dead now that you've seen all there is to see would you like to exit oh god oh just start shooting get off me you wanna dance then you you're kidding me i haven't got anything in here oh no you can't finger get them down we'll get another run and start down here new area discovered merrow's perch you know this is a popular tourist destination on fortune island it's really nice you just have to like enjoy the fresh country air you know the one to get like outdoors more and this just seems like the ideal car for it honestly i'm gonna have a heart attack look we're fine we made it see offroad race oh that poor man oh just an easy jump [Music] we're in the clear we didn't need that bumper okay you know eight isn't too far behind first the stream lily is already dies in the car crash nope it seems to be these guys can i push this guy off the edge yes i can no no no oh no well this is the end voice you can now use a closet to edit wand outfits and so now with a wave of my wand my clothes disappear impart from i'll be right back with that thought oh the dude was just lifting weights while a tarantula was trying to kill me cody what the [ __ ] so what we can do is we can place anything i think we have catalogued i'd like you to meet my friends isabel there we go isabelle's in her new home okay um i'll see you later what the letter harvey your island's haunted who needs the real olympics when you have sonic mario sonic the character dressed up as you oh all right a gift off [ __ ] point i've lost the voice already it's gone waluigi representing kind of forgotten most of the controls how do i jump we did it no not enough speed you're doing you're doing great pal you're doing great wario's getting a stroke okay go wario the drugs have kicked in thank god shirtless wario is not something i thought i would see today um my life will never be the same now that i have oh god you have a mozambique is that bad yeah y'all let this man pick up a moses what what does that mean that's one of the worst guns in the game i have this one too i switched the mozam out for that no no no i got some more ammo for my mozambique i hope i'm not killing you on the inside right now you just put that thing down put that thing back where it came from without me you're literally the best of this game you're an apex predator now how does it feel i'm going to call my mom and i'll update my cv you finally got a real job hang outside for you he's going in he's going inside i did it yes that was the last person i'm coming i'm proud of you jesus my back hurts all of a sudden you know carrying this [ __ ] oh god oh it's towed out as well i get to do the toad voice who might you be i've been thinking those mp sweets are huge i can't even fit one in my mouth you what now i just swallowed them whole that was a conversation there's several comments that we could take away from this you know like you're probably thinking if you're watching the stream what direction is am i going to take this joke am i going to say that like the sweets were just too big for obama's mouth am i going to say that obama has trouble swallowing i'm just going to leave you in suspense i'm not going to make the joke for children hey this game is 18 plus in russia okay this is a mature game what's going on oh no that top left room um should i just pop a curtain over the top screen should we give them some privacy calling yourselves we will be beautiful and terrible with that animation it's just not right so how was the miitopia stream tonight he made barrack obama gay no one tell michelle we are going to be letting everyone on the server design a carriage on this train this is the icelandic carriage oh my god do you want me to butcher the icelandic language welcome in rt ice lengths lest i do lollipop is that spot on very good he says he approves okay i got a new language under my belt i'm going to update my cv oh this poor sheep oh we have a prison carriage this is always good to see oh no no i think it's more of a dungeon no no no it's prison why of all things you could build did you just make a massive toilet on the train why are you all like in it like it's a [ __ ] swimming pool thomas the tank engine he might look nice on the outside but inside he's a whole other nightmare i mean apart from the nightmares inside him it's a very good thomas i've got an air horn oh okay oh geez we went off those flags one of those is not like the others so if you guys want to see the winner's perspective just uh click on rt game right now oh my god if that hit him i would have been so happy i would have deserved it i wow sean you must really suck at this game just when it gets to the top when i was in you oh my god it was the drift king not the champion this is the title thing when it gets the two call me by my proper title you little ball all the girls around uni they're like you see that guy it wasn't a lie it wasn't a lie i was the drift king though i actually was you wouldn't believe [Laughter] anymore not as good you just gotta take a moment to appreciate what's going on here uh like these are all horrendous epi do you wanna explain it's time what does that mean just get everyone joining in it's like a freaking cold come on we can do this let's get it in time for the beat we got the band together oh god this is so stupid good job guys good job my arm hurts oh my gosh oh there's a massacre oh no everyone's dead uh what happens if i've already clicked the execute button you can only click edit hey hannah what role are you well goodbye hannah okay good oh oh thank god oh they were guilty anyway sometimes you sweat because you've killed an innocent man by accident but no thank god we found out and post mortem that you know does anyone have have any information they want to put forward oh no uh i'm sorry for you i am innocent should we just vote samuel because he's try harding yeah this could be a totally random player that has no idea who you are and does not know we just lynched this man it is there's nothing wrong so if i just yeah i should do there we go see the internet's fixed good job we just gotta gently ease it out oh god easy just crush the package oh okay so i got to get it in there wait no oh we'll get rid of that i am trying to clean the floor there it is we did it good job getting paid to spread my legs never thought it would be like this let me just like stretch one and two color coded why does it matter what what happens if i go on your site um okay that kills me apparently good to know thanks for that kevin oh god this one needs three feet he's got one on him oh what a nice guy what are you doing to him it's consensual okay then it just really likes my feet yeah i'm really getting like accustomed to being in cuffs like this [Laughter] i think this has awoken something this should be easy we're really good at this now okay come on oh i made it i did it you guys remember arms i got the [ __ ] chuck no that's no it's the fun chuck sorry anyone playing this game online he's back get this guy no i was going for the grab he's just going for the grab strap joke's on you i invented that strap doesn't mean i'm very good though we know exactly what he's doing and we're still losing we're still losing i won i defeated a player my first match in ranked 100 win ratio i'm never gonna play ranked again just to maintain that oh here's tom nook in all his glory he's on his way to smash the peaceful windmill we've got in the island tom nooks hit the drugs a bit hard with the red eyes oh he's got like a pile of bells on him oh that's genius mr nook please don't break my knees i need those oh tom nook skilleting for the villagers that don't paid her loans isabelle bringer of death reaper of souls repent again just the cutest character i will come to reap the sinners you know it's so nice to see her here on the island but you know this is like our little island paradise here oh my god there's so many what do i do where am i on the screen where am i let's get into the club lads we grooving hope you guys like seeing this screen after we play any mini game tonight oh oh we've been rumbled what role did i break if i leave this server and reconnect to another one will it be empty so i haven't even said what server this is how long do you think it will take for someone to find i haven't even said what server we're on everyone find a spot we're mining for oil this is a really relaxing game to play oh all the penguins are waving goodbye as well that's adorable use twitch primes that's so funny hey someone a forest fire i didn't see anything kevin you like we've barely been on the server like 10 minutes like 10 seconds is that what they sound like the [ __ ] no bye-bye i found them yes i did it i don't think this is um lads do you have some spears i'm gonna need i'm gonna need us some help because i forgot my armor oh i hit the one in the back why wait did you guys like her in the cave it's a lot less stressful being dead to be honest this is nice i don't know whether he's following you or running away okay now he's on you now you got this come on there you go you gotta [ __ ] die [ __ ] um join us no no nine days so welcome to egmol crossing new egg so this is hans house um so i wanna show you guys the new app i've got on the phone this is island designer we can now build a wall around han's home it's perfect we did it we've sealed him inside oh yeah okay so it actually marks the ropes it i got an idea there we go so where's your favorite part of town well you know i really like the downtown area like daniel's house is kind of nice and then he's got like i got like the able sisters and the lily valley and then you know there's a [ __ ] beach really like [ __ ] beach oh here he is speaking of [ __ ] bunny day is most definitely the fashion event of the year this is why i hate this guy he actually likes the eggs groovy what was that you're gonna mess up my hair and like my body that's very much the intention hans if you make me swing you're basically swinging someone for nothing he's using logic guys get him i like how these uh town people are more like bloodthirsty than the actual mafia members this town is corrupt i i say we impose a current election to re-select the mayor please don't hurt me no you're dead but that's how we treat veterans apparently in salem oh jesus i am an agent of chaos feared [Music] oh did everyone else just kill each other and i somehow survived our team literally just did a luigi and one by doing absolutely nothing that's the one person i killed just kind this was recorded as part of a charity campaign called hope from home to raise relief funds for those affected by the coronavirus for every thousand we get i will chuck a meteor at the city oh thank god the ambulance is on the scene it's okay people we have doctors on hand take shelter immediately if any is available no stay calm i think it [ __ ] yeah you're fine oliver nothing happened nothing happened there's hope yet for the city look we're making money again the population's on the rise and the people are happy again education is we hit five thousand dollars well it was nice having the school it's okay there's no one in it [ __ ] there's a lot of students that's all of them well it was nice having the children mayor thanks for the amazing work you've done for our city no problem random citizen residents should seek shelter immediately no problem how much junk we want in the trunk uh this is florence cathedral also known as cathedral the santa maria del fiore uh one of the ps the renaissance i'm just trying to get it right no round it out over here god open air natural toilet why is this under comfort nothing says luxury and like a good night's rest like [ __ ] in a shrubbery but you can scale objects up and down with the bracket keys oh why didn't you guys tell me this i can't wait to meet the new neighbors you know find out where i go what they're after i give a comforting hug i'll cheer you up there we go he's happy now it's instagram your pet [ __ ] i'm going to change my stream title to smacking balls with the lads you know i really want this stuff panda [ __ ] off first dates with with rt game in the [ __ ] we'll get some chewing gum okay that's i'm not getting more tickets than that just hit it hard and it goes in i think it's too hard come on i could breathe you in wait i'll help you that breathing sound effect yes look at that look at that pair of balls got in the hole someone hit me ah the irish a great obvious oh my god i just went off into orbit i don't know they need some private time i'm leaving i just want to say that this is great [ __ ] crack oh brilliant isn't it jack absolutely grandmother they said i love my chunky children should we just kill them up you go granny granny big what that's some bad vibes there because i'm in quarantine i can't have a birthday party this year so i've recreated all of my friends and myself and we're gonna throw the best goddamn birthday i'm ever gonna have so here's me um you know faithful to my physique uh unfortunately the ass didn't expand large enough but you know we're bound by the limitations of the game i want to set up the best birthday party i possibly can wait george discovered the fire oh no oh harry get out of it no i wasn't even trying to kill him let me just put on something new here's my body armor do you want to see my long sword this is the worst guy at the bar right now he bought everyone water like his friends just pissed his pants and then he just stripped down and starts singing uncontrollably stop singing order your meat and cheese now it's time to start this party let the games begin you call it a party but wonder quarantine so i can't play this with friends so it's just me but you know who needs friends when you have ai counterparts oh for [ __ ] sake he's just got the bonus space off the back punch him in the face well that's easy level ai for you okay i have a 60 chance to live luck of the irish don't say luck of the irish historically the luck of the irish has been terrible why'd you have to say it [ __ ] i'm dead last now if i don't get this third one that i'm just fourth place because they both got one state i lost that one role just lost me the entire thing oh here's the llama pit as well some of the llamas are still alive they may be alive but what life is this here yeah here's like the song lyrics for country roads oh god because i was like before we had to start banning it because it gets spammed everywhere this minecraft server was the original subscriber minecraft server back when i was still just a tf2 channel this is this is dickington we're currently in at the moment and though there was basically like two little towns that were set up where the community was spread there was dickington and there was blackpool this is my original house rt time to set it on fire it was my little garden here was my crafting room i made all this myself i like grind all the materials pop it all together when you remembered how to play minecraft this is yeah this is when i still actually played it oh i missed this can we just ban like 90 viewers so we can go back i don't think we can oh my god rt when are you gonna do a face reveal it's not happening guys why did your parents name your rt game because i rumbled and tumbled out tammy asks are you a bottom oh you know there's domino's pizza guys the subway sandwich guys i'm more of a nintendo switch guy if you know what i'm saying mom i'm sorry i need to know your favorite color my life is actually dependent on it that's a real shame in it i know you have my son where is he that's for me to know will you drift me daddy what are some of these questions what's wrong with some of you is sans undertale still funny it was never funny i was just gearing up to do an end for this video and then i noticed this post on the subreddit and oh good god that's [ __ ] terrifying um i want to die don't you feed me uh not again hungry why does this always happen kevin wait look at the table promo i can i can do this right there you go oh i munched it up we're going to do a bit of bone hunting a bit as they call it oh no we're going to bone with the lads [Laughter] with me at the moment i'm just gonna name them after each of you guys because i haven't seen you in so far where's the chicken no no stop opening the door i have to keep you safe i'll come back for you i didn't want you guys to just like cannibalize him so he's lying i hear them no no no no he's lying i found them i know the chickens no kill them all leave him alone help mr president um what why did you need help why did you need help i'm the president you're serving under me we gotta get to the elevator let's go okay i'm out of ammo okay you're just kind of leaving me i ran out of ammo yeah i hope you're in there i'm in it no i'm good gentlemen oh no i'm dead too what's happening we don't have air wait where's the space oh okay yes no air in space wait wait where's how do we get a spacesuit where's space suit rt help me i've fallen over like oh no no i need oxygen we're dead dude who knew there was no air in space okay here we go we're dead oh we can get him we we will win a game before long just you wait we still lost but i did better i beat one other guy by 30 points this is looking bad oh no no no no i'm so bad i'm so bad it's like time to take seven shots on that guy and i still die oh no oh no no no no no no this may be the end lance even throw my final bit of paint i think we lost uh we'll know very quickly if this has worked yeah it's worked add a dark form to your vampire wait can i make it so that like he just does that no no that that that affects both of them oh no i tried to undo it oh no he's stuck he's stuck oh god it's like he has testicles for eyes okay the family enable autonomous killing for active household how long are they gonna live if i turn that on what my god oh the police are here too though they have guns wait wait how did you die run over how does that work where did that even come from could you stop killing sims i don't have all day to reap souls you need to go to dr phil this serial killer at large has just like shot seven people in a restaurant they need to go on dr phil we have a city look at this everyone's going to be assigned a lot uh to make their own building there's like a very tall height limit uh you're gonna be able to build buildings next to each other for the first time too oh someone's done it i can't believe this a man has fallen in a river this lego city this guy's had an interest in use for the free space spider park aka disappointment land this is the worst theme park i've ever seen it's just spiders there's a brown spot those are the poisonous i'm pretty sure oh this is [ __ ] amazing looking yeah they made like a full-on pagoda i think oh my god look at it it's actually so impressive how this build has come together fair play that everyone that was involved with this like it looks astounding it's a colorful city you know it's a bit of like a mess as it always is with the builds you know it's never going to be perfectly coordinated but it's a city and it's identifiably a city oh like this reminds me of like the end of like the lego movie or something where like they're just building things in tandem in harmony like everything's next to each other and this is where the street lamps come in because it's all lit up someone just said his wand looks very phallic oh no without your arms there hagrid you know let's get the world moving oh oh don't point that [ __ ] at me okay i'm like 12. oh do tell me about ah hagrid's meat stick i [ __ ] love hearing about it his pork sausage his spicy [ __ ] so tell me all about it it's not very vegan oh no you think because hagrid's like eight foot tall it means the schlong is massive too because he's a big lad in general oh oh oh god he got me he's strangling me she's trying to blow where's big d when you need him oh here he is big d big d the only thing you want to see when you wake up there's some jelly beans ladies and gentlemen there are literally hundreds of people here i believe like there's people in pocket dimensions too the server has been phased multiple times over there's a lot of players that have come out for this get get the legs going yeah we're all under quarantine at the moment you know we need exercise that's why we're playing world of warcraft for the next five hours protect the weaker sacks protect the weaker zax oh guys we can get drunk keep drinking i want everyone to be absolutely hammered oh guys we're getting in a lot we're getting in trouble now we gotta be real careful here oh it's a bit of a fault mind yourselves oh god it's an avalanche oh god i think there's even more zackson before too oh my god there is because the realms all split they've all come back together now for proto this is like the final quest to destroy the ring we got we got we made some memories about it you know we watched a lot of our friends die our mission is complete right she can all go home now okay oh i might need a lift oh god you can fire the cat i'm not going to fire it but i am going to just put them in it oh no they're shooting from the island wait who's shooting us oh my god you want me to cook another banana for you um you know what you want one too cool okay i'll leave this here oh the ship's on fire how's the ship on fire did you leave the banana oh [ __ ] oh god it's on fire uh it's still kind of a blaze oh i'm getting more water oh god i was just trying to cook a tasty meal i did it i got two cress how many crests have you got jessie i've got two so far sorry i'm allergic to your [ __ ] oh i got it i got that right this is a message to your editor who got it please thank you well you can't just leave a message to her well i just did it's okay chloe chloe rewind that clip okay who [ __ ] got it because i think i got it okay you distract him a moment distract who the the the snake hey a sneaky snakey snake snake you did it oh got him no don't tell me they're all gonna end with birdie bosses we don't need to keep going back are you shoving these up your hands always my toes dude getting the toast out so what you do in the morning you pour your cereal just start spanking your toast until something comes down listen it's the best way to start the day all right you need to be wide awake and there's nothing better than a quick spank to do that this toaster is like your baby or something i'm just popping in the back of the van doesn't have legs just yet it's not fully grown yeah like if i'm a toaster and i'm like a sentient being is it kind of human trafficking to be yeah i'm kind of surprised too oh it happened again did you get hit by a car yeah well what else is new yeah typical kevin when do you think we'll be like washed up youtubers and irrelevant ourselves like i already am oh one step ahead of you fantastic easy does it easy does this pivot oh the ai wins though i blame kevin i don't like that i don't like that at all no no [Music] who has a nice deck that i can use please daddy yes daddy oh i would so like a nice deck daddy [Laughter] yes daddy now i haven't saved so i can just yes daddy yes daddy yes daddy oh boy oh my god it worked out guys it's just inappropriate okay a bunch of you keep making these pictures of me with the photoshop legs and every day i hop online there's just dozens of these on my timelines my mom watches my twitter alright like she's gonna see these things and she's gonna wonder why i'm in thigh highs half the time with like my crotch on display should we meet up on the plane i think we should be yeah let's make us meet up on the present license bringing this with us so that no one can no no no get off the plane pilot not allowed in oh i'm dead it was like radicals lifeless corpses being dangled around too that's unnecessary [Music] oh a lot of people died in the bathroom when we weren't looking oh no oh this is normal it's always like this oh i died oh no why is everyone dead who's that ow get out of my bed it's another barrel in here we won i helped why do you think the shots get out of here no it looks like that was that wasn't a shower but more of a blood patch turn it onto a higher heat burn into the pan oh god it's okay mama will help you you say that mama but there's fire in your eyes and it just exploded wait no why is there night vision mama what kind of circumstances are you serving dinner under air fryers should work on the principle that you you don't need to pull it out every second like this oh no i lost something gotta give him another shake such skill there we go perfect honey i found the finest japanese restaurant in town well i want to add just eggs how many eggs will let me place it's like a [ __ ] help oh well we'll add a lime too it's just eggs we're just gonna make it soda like you're basically just eating soap and a little bit of wasabi it's it still let me place quite a bit here oh now it's too much is it mama honey you're gonna love it here they serve soap god it looks like human flesh or something that's not right oh man overboard men overboard pull the ankle oh no i'm too drunk to swear i needed to make a sharp turn no they killed me uh avenged me oh no what happened what ah oh that's why i can't use the cannons because we're [ __ ] sinking uh-oh i'll swim as long as i can with the treasure you know there are sharks in the water oh great all right we'll see in a bit then stay safe i can hear like oh there's a shirt no no no no no no no no no stay away stay away stay away stay away i got you i got you here you gotta get the shirt i missed me oh he got me yes got the bastard thank you kiwa and kevin and kevin you helped yeah there's a lot of movement in the booty area isn't it yes there is you're in like prisoner of azkaban where ron just starts twerking oh you're okay there need a minute right [ __ ] you're all right sorry stop trying to get the car immediately kills yourself and you have to clear the next one so if you um if you bring that ledge over here and don't just like [ __ ] throw it into the abyss you know there he goes she's just leaving the planet i'm off the crown of kings has been stolen by the archmage and taken across the backlands to mampang you've been sent to get it back journey began it was about 11 months ago we've been on the road a while i have aligned three stars the ghostly man declares vic rises tonight the goblins show their hand tonight but also you you are here tonight my name the figure in tones is lorag i was once a scholar and a noble of this city later i founded it this is the first founder of the city if you allow me says i will bend time itself so you may return to the city and find the spell for the gate so shall you take the adventure or will you leave carried the burn understand also he adds directly i will curse you and the journey to follow if you do not assist me i am sorry you declare solemnly and i am no one's servant lorac seems to shrink a little from your will then he says i will help you travel past the wall of carrie that you may watch its fires burn from safety and see what your selfishness is wrought but i will come for you as a curse there is nothing for me here we did it we saved carrie we have the two like double acts as far as like the irish youtube scene is concerned uh dahi and terrorizer myself and kevin but it's like brilliant oh you got the short end of that stick you guys are just abusing each other well like me and kevin are just having like a fine and dandy time good evening how are you doing i noticed one particular gentleman he's missing oh i was just watching him i was looking for her oh my god kill him oh he got me he got me he must be actually he's going up the ladder he's around the back of the door he's dating me and giving me away he's got in the building in the back in the barn over there open right there oh there he is there you have it oh no oh no oh no i can't hit him you're pissing me off then oh no you're kidding me you kidding me oh god stop shooting [Music] how about the astronomical space society also known as ass first league is good you guys say that with such confidence as if i should know first league he got a first league he's a first league player a leader is getting to level he's just been sitting at home like waiting for the end times i don't know if this man should be promoted this planet offers low habitability for the selected species colonization is still possible at all pops will suffer an increase in upkeep and resource usage i mean it's all we have like old water world is gonna die soon this is gonna be new water world we call it new water world it's a tomb planet god it looks grim here unemployment and poverty are spreading and alarming right a new water world no why is our new planet so [ __ ] no foreplay guys oh we're not doing board game no there's no foreplay that's the thing there's no forklift you can't just jump straight to the action you got to build it up a bit well i have so a bit of a dictator a dictator i don't i don't i don't get what you're implying here kevin please explain it to me ah i'm in the fire i'm in the fight i'm dead i'm i'm not doing well it's actually really difficult to dodge them no hey guys i'm back how are you doing fantastic every weekend you look forward to us don't you this is the highlight of my week kimo if you're about we're just puking on max at the moment do you want to join the car there's plenty of space to puke on if yeah we can use some more vomit why are you not dying thank you whoever's firing those cannons you're doing great oh no problem kevin am i helping my help i don't know but he's dead why is it gone so murky oh we're the end of the world oh that's why they're turning oh no is this guy just asleep guys wait who there's someone in the captain's corners he's just possible he's just asleep through the whole thing we have a story we want to save her this moment what are your final words he's he's just [ __ ] clapping okay now now you jump yeah you got to walk off man this is just awkward if you don't i can't believe kevin's dead it's the worst mullet you've ever seen and a man with a penis for a haircut you despicable champion we're going to keep letting dynamax pokemon run wild if you want to stop us do your best to chase after a splendid looking but okay stop drawing attention to your ass please nicely done wedding cake the sat on the dock feel like whenever you catch like a legendary creature like in these games you just gotta give it like the most innocent pet name like this pokemon has brought destruction to thousands of civilizations it's nicknames snuggles you know what boris i think i found a dream of my own i want to be someone who can help out pokemon that are in trouble wherever they are i think i want to become a pokemon professor wait he was so insistent about finding his own path this entire time and then he just copied what sonia did and he only came up with this idea like in the last like 20 minutes when we were touring all the chimps that's at the resolution i expected i'm gonna take a different path and you and lee are taking boris but don't worry because it's the same as sonia apparently and oh and the sword and shield man are here too we have abdicate the title to her there are no other rulers but baris oh god i think this has greatly improved the experience being eaten by a book i deserve this yes you did karma hit you like a ton of bricks and i'm very happy about it a ton of bricks because it's lego it's not your best work but i still respect you is this a hogwarts piece will i get my redemption arc please oh it looks it no no i know it's just something for stopping the toilet i think i'm so sorry make it up to you i'll make you want a microsoft paint oh thank you i'm looking forward to it i'll send claw yet and she can just photoshop me getting it so and then just add that in the video edit and then i won't get a bad rap then you see you seem to be having more of a fight here than me i just got to sit back and watch i'm just telling you you died i'd be like you know i'm sorry that's my role in this scene i'm just waiting for the end we did oh [Laughter] no you can't just take out a lego manual you wait and watch as the creature drags itself up from the crack in the ground is a long six-legged bug with hooked jaws and a deadly looking sting creatures going to steal your ring talk with animals yup grabbing the wig from your pack you pull it onto your head and weave your spell the creatures clicking legs and rubbing jaws is suddenly transformed into words soft flesh and murmurs don't run from me come to me i am beautiful oh it's perfect reveal dice he had the call there because he couldn't really bet that he had three of ending dwarf curses and hands over a ration of cheese and bread thanks for the game stranger he declares miserably i better be moving on he replies can't stay out here forever we might travel together he screws up his nose at that my rations will last twice as long without your friend he answers you can head out and starve on your own take his bag i'm on a mission to save the whole land so i owe you my lunch replies the dwarf take the bag let me kill him let me kill him you snatch the bag from his fingers empty the provisions into your pack and throw it back to him you continue on your journey oh it's so mean i i just want to get out into the world i don't have time for college i'm a youtuber i get to adopt a pet as well and i get two paydays good job dan you're doing skipping college was the best decision i ever made i'm gonna be a superstar and get a hundred grand what someone's a bit higher mighty supposed to be a fictional life there now sean this is very inappropriate uh for my husband's name i'm gonna say kevin so happy honeymoon kevin kevin kevin the cat that's weird is this is this the guest list for your wedding there okay no this is the lineup this is my tinder that goes with the right outfit could be quite handsome i think this is yeah it's going into really bad places kevin do you want to call a truce and maybe i i stopped stealing from you and you know stealing from [Laughter] them the most sincere [ __ ] no i've ever heard oh hi i didn't see you there i was busy ruining my neighbors lives in case you're wondering why i'm holding an ax it's because i like to remind the animals who's in charge in this town and willow's afraid of me now so when you go just north of town hall you actually get to where my house is and the cool thing is with the layout is i've given myself this sort of private island feel uh just within the island so like i'm completely separated from the other animals so if i want some space i don't want to have to put deal with them flip what are you doing on my land no flip you can't just do that flip flip you can't just walk up to someone and sneeze on them uh but i also have a grave um and i like to pretend this is where boone is buried how far away is the island yes oh the anchor we checked like four times and it was never there no twitch chat wouldn't like it actually teleport he's been breaking guys be punished guys this is uncalled for okay like i'm perfectly fine wait why are you seeing the brick yeah why am i in here ah i'm spreading conspiracy theories we all waited for it i missed that that's left so i need right i did it we cleared it it's kevin oh let go we actually did it okay oh oh oh oh yeah you need to go a bit left a little bit less a little bit more left oh we did it what the hell dude from my view that was so close oh okay there was another rock there was a bigger one sometimes i don't even know why i bought it reach the goal is fire mario oh good god just how brutal are some of these reach the goal of riding yoshi how did someone do this in four seconds backwards tongue acceleration strap probably plays a role here what the [ __ ] is the backwards tongue acceleration strap you can't just say that as if that's a matter-of-fact thing 100 clear right reach should go after grabbing at least 999 coins have i got to grab every coin fail the level to ruin the 100 clear rate i could do that uh you guys want to spend five minutes to be a statistic mario is just like where'd you go there is a hole is there oh yeah that's that's much easier we did it we're a statistic now clear right is now 93 the youtube level from earlier is 27 clear right now i gotta see this it's nicely done guys it's ruining my immersion again jesse that's basic biology this time listen i just can't get past the point that magic doesn't exist so i really don't think i would guess i'm carrying it today hey i'm i'm doing some stuff too you know what we might be working as a team that's not don't don't get ahead of ourselves now well it's it's taken five streams gotcha that's [ __ ] terrifying actually terrifying i found you well these kids are really good at hide and seek something about our teeth actually terrifies me serious one bellatrix has been defeated and nothing bad happened i believe harry just pulled off sirius's legs they've done that scene in injustice i'm sorry oh hey kevin oh there you are oh my god you look fantastic why are you in a suit i just want to look oh my god no you should be able to go into like lower body and that's like none oh there we go oh god you look like like a version of like george washington but you're supposed to be made of plastic and i melted i guess your naked body keeps walking in the way of my bullets kevin i think you're just trying to look at it you just shouldn't help it where else do i look help me kevin you just fell off the highway hang on i'm gonna have to come get me i'm coming thank you i know just take your time there's no rush okay everything going well outside ah yeah it's grand hop back in the car kevin uh no thanks i made it [Laughter] that wasn't even me what was that do you like my car okay 200 person hunger games here we go like this is going to be awful i hope you guys like that sound effects [ __ ] [ __ ] oh it's 1v1 it's eric versus canto oh that was a fantastic performance there good job gandalf splash potion of oh they were trying to give me a sword thanks man i appreciate it what else you got okay we stand a chance now man oh no no no no oh i think i might be stuck no no no no no no no i lost him i lost him oh you didn't lose him i didn't lose him at all he's right there there's 36 people in this space oh no no this isn't gonna end well wait get in the minecart play dumb [Music] didn't it didn't work this was made for me you get to summon natural disasters on people cause disaster i know that's not a disaster he just set the forest on fire i seem to be under attack by more of the disasters than like anyone else right now why should i say that i did just flood los angeles i kind of feel like just bombing halifax at this point wait did that oh it just took a moment to kick in i thought it didn't do anything for a second no yeah it's completely dead now if you rebel again i'm gonna be very upset swear to god cause disaster we finally set the national park on fire don't mess with me or oh i'll like snap your population that's what happens i haven't positioned these triangles too well but it's okay because you can just make more triangles it's working as planned there's a bit of a drop to get on your family i'm pretty sure that car fell in the ocean is it just this straightforward i just pop it all on ropes that should be okay now [Applause] this right no try this the other way i don't know if i'm cut out for this one guys i'm gonna get these children to school don't you worry at least the children were spared you know like they never made it into the water bus driver's [ __ ] determined to kill him though like he's not taking his foot off that accelerator we're getting to school kids thank god you studied english you know i was originally planned to go into engineering believe it or not oh this is not how i expected him to cross if we die we start over we get one life jump jump do a flip guys please we gotta we got a lot we need to do so this is the final boss and this is what you're working towards killing my greatest enemy right now is getting off this tower alive i'm very bad at just doing that tip don't die oh what a great tip top tip you know just just win the game jeez i didn't consider this why did i [Applause] [Laughter] i'm okay look it's a bumpy start but you know we're out and about in the world now we're doing good i'm going to come out of prison and stab you i don't think he's been reformed well i think he needs more time in prison we can't just let him out yet i can't why can't you put a house on it because you need to own all of the properties in the orange color to therefore own the area to therefore develop the area do you want me to draw something using colored crayons that's done are you serious how she got it [ __ ] it's not letting me click i can't go back no it won't let me go back and go back to your properties and unmortgage them like i did before nothing's actually working i'm pressing control that means the game's broken the game i didn't disconnect no no no no no people can see it on my stream hey no wait wait flip the table i thought you were a cool guy dan i didn't just no it actually glitched i couldn't clean it this is the last book i read i never made it to the deathly hallows i will end the stream right now i feel like the romantic subplot between like harry and ginny just comes on quite strong quite quickly there's that one scene in order of the phoenix where hermione's like choking take her eyes off you could she and then jenny pulls her face and that's that and then halfway prints the like right on your knees and tie my shoes oh no not a euphemism i love how we're just like we're just playing the lego game it's like so what are your favorite harry potter ship my favorite ship is um the giant squid and the actual castle mine is hagrid and everyone else mclaren who's that car [Laughter] jesse i might need a hand listen i am trying to finish the story oh god oh no they're not creating dumbledore with much respect right now i'm not afraid of you anymore okay i'm a little afraid that a tower activated this will just signal to all the enemies where we're hiding so they can come and find us something else is very important to note you can make friends with the dogs and when you give them korok seeds you're finally awake they caught you too huh a couple of nords trying to cross the border todd howard you've done it again wait a hundred years to deliver the princess's message oh you could have just texted me empa um i've got this new iphone on me oh weed the buddies yes we are slice the ropes he's swinging again sword passing through the ropes of the bridge for a moment everything teeters then the bridge begins to laugh as you took wait why'd i do that while i was still on the bridge well there we go unfortunately the ceiling does not move and is very much in your way the last sound you hear is the pitiful whale of a hundred injured felines oh god you and several cats has been squashed but can you not on some level feel it you not sense that you are not in control of yourself i'm the villain i think but i'm gonna kill him you the gamer were evil all along you could have stopped playing at any point in time but your actions caused all this bad stuff to happen you did this daniel i can't remember if this guy could one shot kill me but he is very straightforward at least we killed a mini boss hey uh like sometimes i know what i'm doing okay hey buddy so we gotta help this guy out what am i good uh oh oh i don't know if i'm gonna live the fall we're okay thank kylia okay i'm gonna show you guys the cheese strap and i'm gonna see if they even attempt to counter it they just don't care why well played a.i oh god love him he's checkmate gambling stream i'm going all in oh no they've all got 20. hit me you have to hit me [ __ ] i don't have any more chips like round two do what do i get to play oh it's just like actual gambling you can rack up a death i'm really good at games guys you know you don't give me enough credit for just how talented i am okay wait no i i can screw her over okay because watch this right i've won it's right she's gonna get these three and now i shade in the entire rest of the paper my master plan has come to fruition you don't get a turn anymore [ __ ] i brought this on myself oh god how do i how do i aim it i don't think i can mess this one up oh korok fast and if you just walk straight ahead this is the master sword i'm not i'm not gonna go too far in welcome to day four of the permadeath run here's the final boss is that the entrance to ganon there is that it right there yes that is canon so if i walk through that arch i will trigger the final boss sequence of the game i'm not that ballsy but i i i physically don't have enough weapons to get through the fight it wasn't that bad to get up there honestly i thought there would be more stuff trying to murder us [Music] don't tell me that i'm dreaming [Music] what i didn't do anything what the hell is wrong with you well i don't i don't but i do disaster this is dancing here we go [Music] why don't you try that again junior this time good you're making me uncomfortable that's all you guys right now imagine dancing so bad you make someone physically ill oh these vr shakyasan hey you want some tequila bro but we were gonna get married phil and that's all it took wait we talked about oh did you say no i said [Music] i gotta do it all again oh no why did you take off his head he pulled off his head three two i get the head as a souvenir i get the head i didn't like that one that was a sad one give him a slap guys put it back on does he need two heads well he doesn't need two heads another head yeah we just make up all heads hang on are you putting that are you putting oh my god what have they done to my beautiful boy i can't find it the machine's saying he's okay with the head hey wait wait i'm gonna take wait kevin i'm gonna take off his arm you take off his head and let's swap his original head and his arm oh my god are you ready god this is yeah brilliant is he now only like when you're trying to find him in a crowd he just waves his hand and he's taller than everyone else because his hands on the top of his [ __ ] body what the hell happened to him is that where the arm goes he's fine he's fine he's perfect master sword has been acquired so first things first we need to boredom and he's got a lot of the helicopter guardians let us clear the way he's going into the volcano yes so we've got to go here we go welcome to the first divine beast oh god look at the master sword go he did hit us for six hearts there we got him that is our first divine beast complete we did it that's one down look at the size of this land they actually did way lord justice for once because in the battles like his sprite is tiny but here he appears [ __ ] i didn't even realize i was being chased definitely have a talent for finding diglett if it's okay we'll find all the other diglett too sure thing but you found one diglett so far so please find 150. buddy you're [ __ ] pushing your luck okay i said i'd help you but i didn't realize i was rounding up a [ __ ] military here's the master of the dojo why hello there my name is mustard i'm rather good at pokemon battles you know i'm pleased as cheese that you could join us cheese to meet you i didn't expect to get so invested in the [ __ ] diglett side quest because i think this is stupid that's the thing i think this is absolutely stupid and i don't know why this is here to this degree but i've lapped it up i'm like the market for this by the way go [ __ ] yourself do we get a [ __ ] dick that's what it wants i'll respect its wish please take good care of diglett receive the grand prize of a diglett i can now say as one of the first people in the world to do the diglett side quest don't do it okay so these hit as strong as guardians basically this boss battle is like advanced flappy bird if you flappy bird with giant lasers available now on the new iphone how's it going he shot me in the face who can play at this game we're halfway there in terms of divine beasts how about we make it a twofer right now up we go and we've done it boss number three hey buddy how's it going i think we've got him two in one day oh that does look like a penis slightly at the top you need to get that checked out jesse is that a chicken i think something's wrong with your penis there i'm gonna be frank with you it's not supposed to look like that it's the fact i don't have one i have never actually seen a penis in my life okay i haven't seen one either i'm too scared to look down i'm not that bad at this you did it yay good job that'll be cut out the edit chloe don't leave that in make it look like i was uh winning that fight instead oh it'd be so funny to do a really badly edited like character over this is like a jpeg of like my irl face over the lego character we're out of biscuits i've got no [ __ ] biggies you've took the last hobnob i'm not saying that this is why i snipped this no oh no no oh that's terrible they did him dirty they did him dirty it's disrespectful it's very disrespectful we did it we destroyed the one ring that is not very dramatic this is this very scary bit of the run and i want to stress that going in i will probably be very quiet when i'm getting through this section because i i do not want to be distracted and i really need to focus that is the hardest bit done okay we've done it going straight oh no bad start come on you bastard come on oh god oh god [Music] not quite the selfie i was hoping for take the shot i can block it [Music] we did it there's still one bit left that was the hard but courage part not be remembered man that's not the you're so time finishing me uh ladies and gentlemen we have beaten legend of zelda breath of the wild master mode no meters graves no fairies in a single level permadeath run is complete destroy ganon can take that quest off that one's done minimum size is two by three failed failed i want to make it so it's just like just shower constantly because you know we have to clean you up the crime you committed it's going well oh god this guy's just bleeding now in the ground we still have to get them just build that over that unconscious man on the ground there it's been five days oh god okay we've almost got every prisoner in the dormitory now don't mind the bees oh the ceo is calling we need you to reduce the meal quantity but the prisoners are already starving why are we feeding them less they're literally dying of starvation oh that's a lot of problems that's not a problem i just build more doors look at that guys a net profit of thirteen thousand dollars a day i think we've made a successful prison pokemon gets hurt you should heal with this machine but if you pokemon faints it dies forever here we go first encounter time [Music] it's a pidgey okay we gotta name the pidgey and the nickname shelby burb we have a chance for one of two rather interesting pokemon here we go [Music] oh we got the good one there we go welcome to the team crumpet oh sweet we got a hair across aim at the yeezy surprised every obstacle i have in my team but can you beat the yeezy if you get 2100 coins you do get a dratini i don't have an addiction i can quit any time i like we just gambled our way to a tratini willy wonka has joined the team everyone please be civil please be civil up to 180 players on the server which is pretty good um 179 have crashed the pass is ah this is the top we're so close we can make it how are there ambulances up there okay whenever you're ready let's bring on the blimps oh no look at this bobby tank it's like it's like little bumper cars or something oh and a papa tank and a mama tank love each other very much i shouldn't have ran that guy over it just crashed okay how's how's it going he's just giving me the middle finger it's just [ __ ] anarchy spawn the dump trucks jim do it i don't care anymore oh no that's that's a lot of tough truck the golf course it's crashed oh god oh god this weapon existed too why didn't we just use this against canon because i'm just saying it could have made everything significantly easier what killed me [Music] the grass when i was firing the bow caught fire oh i always knew it was gonna be the stupidest way that we die for the first time link died the hay fever oh just the pollen didn't mean in the end so this guy takes pictures of your team on roots when you pass them this will be a precious memory when someone on the team inevitably dies oh mom's calling got a useful item while shopping so i bought it with your money okay thanks mom oh my god she's spent all my money this guy might have some strong pokemon we need to heal come on spoons we gotta roll the dice spoons is no longer with us oh no since we took the last picture spoons is no longer with us a member of our team has been lost this man gave me a lot of money mom's gonna call me i hate you let's just wing it and hopefully everything will be okay come on true you know it's all fine watch out for these other guys god that's cutting it that van's gonna go straight into that train you just know it how did i where's the collision wait okay well there's a collision there because that ambulance drove in it's [ __ ] left-wing all green lights the design of my city has come to fruition observe as traffic that's what success looks like don't mind those cars flipping over in the background i think i got him am i gonna have to drive to care dude i don't know if this is a good idea okay here we go here we go this is harder than it looks hang on let me just grab my gun again please come back out sir thank you does this look like the suspect what about now i found something does it load it doesn't appear to be i don't finish the case i think we can shining honestly i know a shortcut gets my place faster you have proven to possess the power of a true hero in the name of the goddess hylia i offer this final trial oh doctor strange in this which one is him oh which one is him he's just [ __ ] everywhere there we go come quick with stay since i can get him gotta keep fighting for our lives oh my god come on phase three ganon only had two faces i can get him oh that was a hell of a fight we did it we beat doctor strange you get a motorbike and it lags the game apparently because it moves too fast welcome to mario kart this is my son it's a little bit slow in the head i don't know why you're doing okay down there baby yeah he's doing fine because this is um cooking mama i actually made some preparations just in my office i actually have a chopping board and a potato masher here baby how are you doing i'm gonna puke i'm gonna puke he's doing okay like every time this comes up it's like it's very important to not shake the baby you got to be careful when you're holding them like god forbid you put his life in jeopardy if they didn't want me to shake the baby don't stick a wii remote down its spine this is the same controller you play tennis with you don't play tennis with a baby you got you gotta really swing it for it to register get up rally go i wanna like you kid you are my flesh and blood but i still have the receipt from cex and i know they sell other babies there where's my wallet trial of the sword you must survive where nothing but your underpants link i hope you can't hear me don't don't look this way don't shoot me don't shoot me no god what was that what was that i hate you come back here you little [ __ ] oh my god see you in hell i need to get him down oh this you gotta live dangerously sometimes let's go i think a thundershock won't kill oh okay it's on perfect range oh my gosh we knocked it out of the park we got a gyarados on the team because this is an intimidating like sea leviatin uh we're gonna name him gilbert before we leave here as well there is a camera that's just set up we should take a picture of the team because everyone that's currently on the team is someone that we hopefully want to make it to the end here's the gang well it's looking a bit empty okay welcome to our new island home [Music] okay maybe i should have picked up some other resources other than just acid mushrooms oh he's aiming for me no buddy buddy buddy let me scan you real quick for the catalogue gradually learning to stay alive i just gotta be careful not to die before i finish learning happy new year food cooking montage [Music] who will do you now rt games by plump bella who is rt game's girlfriend kevin of course how many cats does randyll have is it zero or he can't get [ __ ] how tall will i be when i grow up you have a balanced diet yes i hate greens my mom feeds me everything choose one this is preference burger getting a bad gateway burger it doesn't like burger okay [Laughter] no guys guys you're destroying the sight okay you guys ready to go down here we go oh my god what have we uncovered are the eels friendly okay it's time to leave it'll take us a couple of days to align our oh [ __ ] should be able to establish direct contact with you during that time okay they're they're gonna come 40 minutes until we get off the planet right guys right guys change course set thrusters to full happy new year what am i even looking for oh [ __ ] oh i just want magnetite in the mountain biome which is to the right of the map you have a very slim chance of finding a larvitar we get one shot we get one shot no it's the tongue monster what are we gonna call it salorp oh no oh my god we got us like giovanni has done before me i would just find team rocket here today farewell jesus christ mom bob it's not a good time the earth this year kind of sucks so we're going to build a newer the very first thing built in ireland it's double inspired but it's made of [ __ ] butter oh someone made stonehenge already jesus that was quick i thought that's actually really cool that people have maps because yeah that's gonna look [ __ ] classy if we have one of these in every country a lovely french cafe a lovely french ufo a lovely french toblerone oh god it's mr blobby uh i i don't know if everyone's familiar with mr blobby let me see you real quick if um what are you packing for yeah mr blobby is like the stuff of nightmares that that's too many i feel people have gone overboard with the spiders sorry i really gotta get better at not killing the fish hurry oh i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry sir i need more [ __ ] magna cart oh okay what's our shopping list do i do i have a notepad and pen can you pick up some cheese while you're out too now go get some bread while you're popping down to the shops dad can we please get some chocolate soundtrack guy like why is this the music okay so here here's my game plan right i'm gonna leave every oven on and gradually fill the entire kitchen and we're just gonna see how long we survive the new cooking technique all right i like my pasta extra spicy if the stream dies in a moment when these like detonate you know why like i feel that's a lot of fire concentrated in my kitchen uh where's the fire extinguisher i think every appliance in the kitchen is gone the fridge just went completely blown up please buy my cakes get em while they're hot they won't last long oh my god this kitchen was white a moment ago this might take a while wow oh my god they've popped every flag here that's so cool uh here's of course the uh leaning tower of pizza that someone has established in italy it was only a matter of time temples built up uh you know you gotta represent like the naked uh greek statues somehow i'm doing it oh i'm top of the pack i've never wanted anything so bad in all my life [ __ ] oh god love them bravely go you have to have a leap of faith it's like the indiana jones movie don't don't don't push india off someone's gotta go first gotta kill four more it was almost me oh no oh no no no no oh god look at the size of this lad this stream is now sponsored by subway that's a footlong if i ever saw it's just a bunch of teleporty things this is horrible this is horrible this is this is my worst nightmare where's my ship oh [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] it's broken go oh that was the worst that was a scanner room doing oh my god oh my god that doesn't help it's everywhere it's all around you it's coming out in the walls there's copper inside your toes welcome to freddy fazbear's pizza oh what a quirky zany fun new game i found to play that spooked me a little it's just five percent power guys it's just for it's just three percent power the fastest way i can use it we go did i do it did i beat the game yay oh wasn't that bad i can't see jack [ __ ] oh that's what i should be doing i can see i don't like being able to sleep [ __ ] gotta go don't grapple onto him don't crap upon them he doesn't like that anyone else playing this game please dress up as the toe i want to see how many toes we can get it's nice to meet you jesse do you like tomatoes i may have to go off the toe skin now just to clear my name because everyone's going to think i just have a foot fetish now at this point you do i don't no i don't i don't i can see like the highlights video title now it's like like fall guys made me realize i have a foot fetish there's five there's five toes on the screen right now so we have a whole foot of toes a full foot of toes oh [ __ ] jesse that's amazing news oh now we get to spread athlete's foot to everybody is that us oh god oh yeah that's me holding your hand it's cute you speed the diamond to achilles unfathomable wisdom he just screams oh he's so wise [Laughter] what i think we just won that jacksepticeye in there i did hear a faint top of the mind yeah oh i didn't like that i don't like that okay um what the [ __ ] now that is a scream this might be the last time we ever board cosmo because i don't i don't know if we're gonna come back here well goodbye how dare you coswell was part of the family was part of the family was part of the family make it the irish flag i think that's the best i can do it kind of looks like subway again oh it has to it has to be prepare a time capsule here's a copy of adobe illustrator a cup of coffee pop in a diamond and a bunch of acid there we go launch the rocket we're clear performing gravity we've left the planet soundtrack guy is going off it right now it's a [ __ ] party in there i've put rats in a bucket and put the bucket on his chest and i'm heating the bucket so that they'll start digging crying metals down here oh we're doing we're doing you seem to be you seem to know what you're doing i don't but a bucket of rats goes a long way apparently because he just gave up wait no wait brian why are we fighting no because you both try to lay siege to the same place english now [ __ ] when did i become english my guy is overwhelmed by stress my options are either visit the brothel a new view of god or just bite my lip brothel oh no guys i got lovers pops i am sixth in line to be the king of england wait can i just pick england yeah pick england and commit suicide welcome england i gotta imprison my hair i gotta imprison and kill my heir no no no no you're okay leave the air yeah wait no no i was married to his daughter i needed him to become the king you're the worst double agent i've ever seen i can show you the world how we doing not great we need to go a little higher you need to press the r and use the control and plus key on the numpad 6 i've lost connection to the surface i think we might be in trouble hang on where's the plane it's not supposed to be packed like that [Applause] is it's like an onion [Applause] it's not [Applause] what are you up to today ah i'm having an existential crisis yes this setup is 100 legal please don't write me up i could bribe you you found an old bait where'd you lose the permit well you might not believe me i fish ate it oh no really that sound a little fishy i wish i had my laugh track button right now sadly i do not we can we can we can just make the laugh sound effect ourselves [Laughter] again comedy gold can i just drive this up the island will it work on the paths i may have got the boat a bit too stuck alrighty it's nap time okay that was a bit sudden guys who's our ex shazzy oh they joined us with rocks let's get him out of here get him kevin i can use a hand dan's got a weapon kevin you have two i'm not afraid to use it kevin i need help keep running dan he'll get tired eventually mystical purple thing is there that i really want but i think there's a spider in front of it you see the yellow it's fine i'll throw my spear at him that'll get him okay that'll count down at all i'm going i was joking i was joking i don't think he is terrible good luck guys which one okay it sounds like it sounds like you followed the wrong bird acting science manager can i kill him with the spear we'll get the science out of you one way or the other and over all your science we're not really that experienced but you know we're dipping our toes in the water oh we got a foot in the door it's going to be a major feat if we win i'm coming down oh oh jesus christ almighty i'm here pidgey's going down i'm going to oh you can do it you can do it you can do it goodbye [ __ ] yes everyone having a nice day on the ship no i'm dead squiddles she killed radical in front of me squiddy do you have a defense do you have a defense for that um that you killed no come neopets is neopets still alive the site isn't working don't tell me we've taken down the entirety of neopets i got a toe i can give no no i no i i want that to be the end of my career you hahaha you laugh so hard that you fall on your face and crack your head on the stone someone call an ambulance you pray to god to save i mean that's an ambulance in medieval times you know if you get injured you're kind of [ __ ] eat the man grab the man by the head and pull it forward you tear a large hole in his neck revealing the sweet sweet blood inside i'm a vampire now jim carrey show yourself you're now watching jim carrey's show but he hasn't started it yet carrie hi i'm jim carrey and this is my show why are we here jim i don't know i'm just here waiting to be funny you feel a sense of train hide his body in the wardrobe you hope you'll be able to use him like what does that mean the music's so annoying but are you saying you don't like the same six notes repeat it time and time again so what was the world record for this game again why am i asking that because i i can't look up right now no 269 well we didn't get it we didn't welcome to vegas one of the best games in the entire thing i've got a pair of clouds come on better than luigi god i love gambling oh luigi you shouldn't have rt with the luck i'm a natural born gambler you know i i i don't lose when it [ __ ] i know what i'm talking about i have 40 hours in this game how do i change my vote in nogla you know after just saying that what are the other rooms that are of of note that i should be paying attention to it doesn't matter i think it's blue i think it's blue wait why basically blue fake test defects in electrical they're fake tasked oh yeah i know how long that task takes that was a fake task i'm willing to let you all skip and i'll just vote blue but watch out for blue because blue is source if you're that suspicious come with me let's have a little [ __ ] let's have a look if that guy is the stupidest [ __ ] ever i don't know how we were born in the same womb like look at this dumb [ __ ] we [ __ ] lost [Music] mario's dead there's been a space disaster we can't die at like the first hurdle that that would be really bad you murdered a child yeah he was still in his egg that's fine technically he wasn't born so that makes it okay you earned one additional mario thought they were one-ups mario just gets replaced every time he dies that's kind of messed up though take this poster oh spring mario you suck i don't know if there's one on top of that oh there is i gotta get it i gotta get it we got it we're good these newborns will grow up to become galaxies someday the screams of the looms oh no screams of the death they know that only the void awaits them that's why they super scream galaxy you can now play as luigi the run has truly begun because we have killed our first child we can now spawn several copies of luigi as we go i need to see luigi's everywhere just like add like a luigi jpeg to like the screen every time until it gets wildly out of hand like there's no there's not even a screen that's viewable anymore this galaxy was the first time i died in the mario run do i want to try and clear it here without issue if i can oh no i could have saved it she's with me is she actually gonna say luigi oh she does she's your girlfriend now luigi for the final time uh bowser falls into the sun itself and is boiled alive who cares thank you for playing my game luigi says thank you for playing the game he owns it now the grand finale galaxy is now open it's a purple coin collect-a-thon back at the star festival we're back at the start of the game hang on let's try and win their friendship and now he's falling into my trap oh no oh no no no no no oh [ __ ] it's a fellow villager hang on and the song is the dk rap they know they know we found a friend oh come on we got him what is genuinely happening we're just playing animal crossing you know we got added to mario kart this is what the game looks like now i've really hurt myself day one let's see what you got kid like is this five nights at freddy's who are you you can just toss her oh oh you bastard he didn't even stop just like that oh this has to be in violation of some animal rights somewhere i don't think you can do this hey mom have you seen the what the [ __ ] oh he's just going to take a poop he's actually taking them sorry i won't disturb you i'm going to bed [Music] oh no wait local team passes out from not eating enough i got hit by a car look in the camera oh sorry sorry ghost hunting ghost hunting [ __ ] just me guys sorry why didn't you do that oh we got it right i'm so proud of us and only two of us died best twenty dollars i ever made we're gonna make a race track out of my apartment of course i got the luigi version of the go-kart because i am a man of taste but you know i got you now [Music] carpet tunnel don't say dad doesn't i like you know have fun with this [Music] oh no there's a bit of the carpet that's too low you just gotta dodge that we've had an accident i'm just throwing stuff everywhere and it looks like i've been robbed this pizza guy oh we got the creeper uh outfit which also lets you make this monstrosity i never thought i'd get to play with all my favorite characters in one place there can only be one king of video games oh no well it's steve oh no oh it's spandex obama come on obama bring it in bring it in you did it obama we have done our best to outline the entire united states this is disney world how's it going man oh god please help it's the hollywood sign they're missing an l it's hollywood oh you want to buy a happy meal kids is this a poop cano west virginia taking me home the great poop okay are we in west virginia oh my god and there's meteors well the tools are very limited in minecraft they did their best that's really not bad considering like you know we've only got cubes to work with i know how this looks she died it's not me he vented he vented here somewhere oh hey demon baby how you doing oh no give us a sign did you hear that that was kevin no power of christ compels you uh guys the power of christ isn't working the power of christ isn't working nothing's all right and everything's the matter this ultra mega numpty of a scientist insists on getting in my way can we start a counter for ultra mega dad is dead it hurts an ultra mega hurts add one to the counter oh it's spotted dad what a massive look dad you can't just say that come on cupcake oh jesus come on cupcake oh oh we're hitting hard come on two three that was easy oh oh no it's the final boss oh [ __ ] it's peter griffin got him cupcake oh god he's strong oh no it's true like this is more intense and dramatic than like the actual legendary battle he's been defeated oh god he's gone he's gone he's been yiddish oh and my mom my beetle has died please stop spending my money level 45 ho let us simply use the ball spicy burb do not crit [ __ ] oh time for the failsafe sacred fire incinerate him i lance the dragon master accept your challenge going straight for dragonites okay right okay this is where fodder needs to go in [Music] you served as well father [Music] as long as this doesn't finish it [Music] we did it it's over it's done we are literally just signing every single poster here this is the content i'm here for it's a good smell do you guys want some of that i don't know if you're supposed to sniff these i it's not toxic is it we're doing drugs oh yeah give me some of that silver sharpie no that's a good stuff welcome to canada and this direction's also canada and more canada it's all canada we found an island in the shopping center there is a lost island if you are this island's parents please collect it from the tilt our grand master moose of justin trudeau he will save our souls through his magic hockey stick and his maple it i think it's supposed to be maple syrup because male syrup sounds like something very different oh he's got pancakes that's adorable but don't go near him they'll break your arm oh no someone's making the titanic irvs titanic work in progress it's it's totally sinking as well this is my life my world why don't we take a step behind the scenes to rt life oh god okay we're uh we're almost home to stream i just gotta make it down here please don't it's okay i don't think anyone noticed oh god i didn't set oh i just showed my stream keys on stream oh god what oh no i've been hacked i've been i can't get out i can't get out and you wanna know the hard part now now we gotta eat them oh there we go our most ambitious stream yet where were you when rt ate 2 000 donuts this is the hungry hungry caterpillar but it got way out of hand you can do it your health is dying dude we did it oh and here's the punchline that was a good meal what's for dessert welcome to new greenland this is the entire country oh no why is there like an emoji on it because now if you look out from the other side [Music] it's very cursed what is on the outside daddy oh no diglett devourer of worlds well there's the old earth wait luigi oh my god what happened why have his legs fallen off it's me versus a [ __ ] gun champion of being dead inside oh no twitch chat all he's done is use double team well the gym was significantly easier because lieutenant surge forgot to attack oh [Music] oh no oh god damn it so we don't have a master ball this time this is a legendary pokemon the goal is to catch it well that was easy i'm fully aware that by doing this i risk jeopardizing the entire play trip i'm fully aware of this but at the same time if we pull it off it makes a good story here we go there's no room for mistakes we're in the clear we've done it the sweep ladies and gentlemen we have defeated every gym in kanto mount silver is the final challenge apparently you can mod the game files so that you have everything unlocked is that right no we die we're dying way too fast does this work oh god are you ready oh god no it's too much it's too much it's one fps launcher moon oh no no it's way too much we got four fps we're doing you know it could be worse i think that moon's coming back for me yes i'm i'm about to die oh man these donations coming in are like sabotage kevin oh this is freaking real course get back get back together a little better i i killed a guy get out of here oh no come on good fights good fights yes i got him you're next and he dropped a load of loot for you come on that's two down someone struck cam with lightning and he died so you want oh great i don't have to find them should we just we just see a beast take a beast just take the bird you guys you want a chicken this is terrible uh well like there's almost no synergy oh we have a chance buff the chicken i i have to chicken his face i think i can win the game i didn't think the chicken will now be the best card in the entire deck oh my god we did it an angry chicken just won us the game we get to okay we get to add another one crusty to crustacean okay i mean there's no contest i already know which one you guys want me to put in the deck i think i've won i don't know if he can stop me if he doesn't kill both crabs we win the game i can get a third krusty you want to forsake the path of darkness and follow the path of water i'm sure hydration is important this is the last pokemon we need kub foo evolved in the urshifu yeah i think i read that urshifu is absolutely mad for some kind of sticky honey slurp pop why are you drinking it i definitely wouldn't call it very sticky this isn't for you hop that's got to be applins nectar on you oh though don't drink it off my head hop but is apple's nectar sweet enough for her she foo no i don't like where this is going i don't know don't don't you slurp my hair sir i'm gonna have to call the police i'm declaring the gallerian star tournament open one final time let's annihilate him god love him he didn't even dynamics there you have it ladies and gents the results of the final round go hi boris does not want to wave just one wave will do online game does it work wait can i can i play against someone else but there's no one here oh i never i never thought i'd say this about a wii series game but like it it just doesn't feel right come on lexie come on lexie you got this you can hit the ball you can do it it's still not work come on maxweek come on lexie [Music] come on you got five seconds come on oh this [ __ ] janky ass piece of [ __ ] game what do we name the park just hell it's just hell itself look at their happy faces are you having a fun time at hell oh there we go are the people okay is the moment where things went wrong oh god this guy's like solution it's like god speed i've the best job in the world i don't work a day in my life we can go to a traditional irish pub take in the sights and sounds of ireland okay but y'all want to go to tesco for some reason it's it's tesco it's where you want to be oh [ __ ] you're messing up the date no the date's going fine we got our candles we got our candles and we got our wine i'm a baby i do baby oh don't tell me he's [ __ ] back i'm gonna go deal with the baby so we can enjoy our date where did you get a gun you're seven months old okay okay put it down i left the blender in here i left the blender oh you're going down sunshine well that was a close shave you need to hear me it's gabby i'm not gonna lie i kind of feel like like soul is screaming out to me screaming it's gabby right now yes i kind of want to just vote her anyways he can hear me my energy has been received all right no it's humes it's huge he did it i will never play dungeons and dragons again if it's me i will never do it no it's humes look your cart humes it's done you've been caught red-handed damn you you sweet man you've been caught red-handed you can't get away with this anymore you it's not me i can't do it myself this is the void oh my god it's like we're in deep space or something isn't that actually really pretty [Music] very useful map of the void oh yeah i'm never gonna get lost now god is that a giant luma [Music] oh my god you can see like his little rod that he waves he's a round boy here's mewtwo he's just chilling back here yeah i guess we're just here until he stays in the ball the theory is this one runs just out of power points and then it kills itself oh god damn it are you ready kids i can't hear you that's even more nose here we go oh hey lugia oh yes we got him anxiety let's join the team this is it this is it this is the final battle we either beat him when we die pokemon trainer red level 88 pikachu you've done your best noodle that's a good hit for the team though we can earthquake it perfect kill that electric rat come on donut please do not tie to the iron tail oh it's gonna die to hail no donut [Music] the fact that we were able to catch this lugia they've just been the key to victory and that is all down to noodle noodles like sacrifice will not be forgotten this is for noodle this is for donut this is for arson this is for gilbert this is for burb finish the job we have to defeat it pokemon trainer red and complete it our pokemon heart gold nuzlocke dan come here let me show you around give me give me the tour kevin all right come up here why is this so why is this so high uh how else are you going to break your ankles down where'd the ramp go wait what oh no it's gone look someone had to do it it was tearing this [ __ ] raft apart you broke it why is the [ __ ] gorge drowning oh no the shark the shark come on how did they go where'd you put him how did he get out what do you mean how did he get out obviously kevin's [ __ ] thing isn't good enough look at your [ __ ] title what's what's wrong with you now you disappear there's a bear you're leading the i'll fight him off you get out of here i'm a gunner anyway i'll distract him i'll give my life get off me bear i killed the bear i killed the bear how am i alive oh it's really difficult to turn oh my goodness i'm sorry i'm sorry okay let's go oh it's happening it's happening oh he's messing up he's missing it's missing he's awesome um i'm typing the word [ __ ] out in the potato as you request it i can kind of see it you can only kind of find you paint it better than mr painter wait what what happened there did i oh no a volcano has emerged in the middle of our potato field i think uh me finding the landscaping tools was a mistake uh this did start as an honest mistake where i just missed clicked on the potato field but then i lost control it's lovely just a gentle jingle i had a boost [Music] end the stream on [Music] you can just disable nipples yeah turn that off that's too much for me kiss him i don't think i can is the game gonna just [ __ ] oh yeah i think a crime might have been reported i just gotta get out of my oh [ __ ] oh you got a date jackie do tell me more okay let's get going let's hit the road [ __ ] i didn't mean hit the road like that he looks so handsome look at our boy is that adam sandler oh [ __ ] it's happy gilmore we gotta get out of there that guy can golf jackie no hold on do it for me jackie is there still time for the kiss how you feeling oh god [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh victor i'm in so much pain [ __ ] oh you installed linux on my brain it's um i was using windows 7 featuring all your favorite marvel your dc comic superheroes got him is still in danger we've got him to me i'm seven edible oh my she did not hesitate let's make our own hero i need to give him a big smile you wanna know how i got these skirts behold my creation eggman couldn't be your building uh graveyard no that's that's not so cool you shouldn't be this excited about the sentient graveyard you need the most op character at all of dc pacquiao wait what is that real as of now i'm a vegetarian and this is bad cow what the [ __ ] why is this real she now lives on a barn in wayne manor this this is why dc has problems why is there a clown fish found you now it's time for el oh it's nemo if nemo's here and like not in the water doesn't that mean he's like oxygen starved and going to die just a reminder an official beyblade rose is part of the red sea with a beyblade wait what oh no there's another beached whale they always don't need water they need perseverance science is gonna need to help me here i don't know if this is true right is it possible to have some water that's more wet than utter water no question right science help me lava in a lava lamp it's not actual lava can you drink it yes but only once spongebob's house misters oh that's [ __ ] cursed someone made the mariana trench yes it's here now we just need to find the mariachi trench i'm going into the horde you're a psychopath you're a psychopath run dead i'm done i'm done it's all over oh you're there it's all up to you oh okay now he's done he's done he's done 10 seconds just go kevin just go you've got 20 seconds wait do we go back just leave me just leave me no just no run into the horse run into the horse oh no just run past them dan i'm sure you did it dan no guys jack come on sean come on oh my god oh my god oh some michael bay [ __ ] oh [ __ ] hey it's finally time i hope this is gonna last us a long time legendary quality katana oh my god it's so good it just tore through the police officer can i take them let's find out hey this is gonna be fun oh [ __ ] let me just uh get the work real quick here is there anyone still alive [Music] this one didn't come out of the car she look at her head flap back it's like she's made a rubber give it a chimney i mean someone's built a chimney up here for santa i could just like kind of say like oh yeah that's totally part of my build status cool oh no i mean he has to get coal for all the bad kids somehow oh someone's made an advent calendar oh that's [ __ ] amazing oh we also have just like santa walking through the woods here and apparently he's got claws for hands i mean i guess he's santa claus merry christmas everyone there's so many like dream villagers that are now living in the town we've got ken as well i don't like ken oh anka are you all do you want me to come back like you just hop down the loop ah daniel let me get up let me just finish real quick you might want to open a window in here anka uh when you're done helping out santa would you come back and see me again i have a small token of my affection for you in honor of the season okay i'll come okay she needs the poop again i'm i'm going there we go see faithfully recreate it from the first time we stream the sims travel to the future is an option uh yeah sure let's send ross bob on an adventure welcome the 2077. there's bob's alive in the future so what if we get the bobs to die in the past and we only have one survivor surely that will affect the timeline move objects let's just speed it up oh i think there actually is less bombs the christmas special has taken a dark turn oh no i forgot this is the christmas special ross has spotted a mysterious door maybe it requires a key to open oh my god you're doing okay isn't ross a bit too big sorry let me just fix that it was me at the this event right there was not foul if it was a self-report and i missed it now i'm like apparently yeah hoping that they're blind absolutely yeah i'm so unfocused i need to get all the [ __ ] off the screen i can't play the game right now i gotta where's my task i can walk over to one of them get rid of the rocks smelly guy good luck smelly cat what sort of [ __ ] weird like among us friends role play is this no janice janice no guys it's it's janice we need to get janice gone janna's stabbed it is janus yeah it is janice janice killed me oh my gosh chandler oh no we're dead oh my god everyone in the cast of friends is dead the entire cast of friends is deceased you
Channel: RTGame
Views: 2,679,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RTGame, RTGameCrowd, RT Game, funny clips, funny montage, highlights, Irish, funny, moments, gameplay, rt game, rtgames, rtgaming, rt games, best of rtgame, rtgame cities skylines, rtgame minecraft, rtgame among us, rtgame animal crossing, rtgame irish lads, rtgame funny moments, rtgame moments, best of rtgame 2020, best of 2020, rtgame forza, rtgame new earth, minecraft new earth, rtgame lego harry potter, rtgame pokemon, rtgame fable, rtgame sea of thieves, rtgame sims
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 173min 57sec (10437 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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