We Dokapon Kingdom Connected until we lost our minds

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so I believe the goal is money you wanted money capitalism we're doing a capitalism oh it's like board game style oh it is board game style yeah okay this is going to give stats you roll a spinner and you move this looks dangerous fight him do it I think you are you're level 10 it's level six why I don't want to go away you just give up immediately as an option so he's gonna poison yep you're going for the counter oh that's very rude I think you've just been poisoned oh so now it's your turn to strike yeah cause you take it in turn order he's gonna try and counter or defend [Music] s to be continued yeah so you gotta you gotta go back and continue the fight and beat him we can just see the smoke of the fight oh yeah I could continue this fight but I'm worried I'm gonna immediately fight Kelly if I go here whoa oh fight I'm against Kelly yeah oh you are oh Mom poisoning we're already resorting to violence I'm gonna go for it oh go first strike oh no no right I'm gonna play a prank oh no change your name change the hairstyle oh my goodness that's funny siren surface the humiliation of being drawn on let the mockery commence all right so I have to fight this off now okay let's get him [Music] let's take about never punished yeah I'll go this way [Music] killer killer fish oh no see my head oh it looks like that one fish Wind Waker he doesn't look like medicine like he seems like a happy little fella Scorch him make a fish [Music] he's just been fried he's already gone anybody hungry okay so Kelly's gonna come back now what do I look like I can revive you right away if you pay me 2500 gold oh yeah we started with money but we're all broke eggs yeah I'll be honest I was hoping that I draw like a clown smile or something on your face no items currently so I'm just gonna I'm gonna just make my way in the world I'm Gonna Leave You leave like the more money you have I I believe it's just money for winning is the main thing you're after oh so you really want to stockpile it we are gonna I had to get rid of money because you're not sorry I'm gonna pretend he's you Lizard Man lizard oh he's so Square is the shape of them how do I use my new move I just got and have a look at your inventory maybe on your next turn yeah she's gonna score action for now toast is buns can liberate a town here oh Mariah that's let's go for it oh he can't move counter has been locked okay I'm just gonna attack him and hope he dies [Music] there we go that worked the strategy seems to be to pick attack pieces were gonna fight in the background yeah they're just beating each other up you can collect your collect taxes oh wait what what who are you taking taxes from yeah you can invest as well that'll collect taxes give me your taxes give me your money money starting people that you just show up with like your sword it's like liberate more towns you show up and you're like I killed this lizard now you owe me tax you gotta pay you got to pay for the like be dealing with this Bob somehow yeah and killing monsters doesn't put food on the table I'll tell you that you gotta pay up like my guys let's eat the monster same stays in the castle with him it would cost you 100. it's not that kind of Castle okay there's rooms out I think that's what's going on here Josephine what oh you get your taxes as well is this the tax phase yeah it is I might I might invest smart saving and such okay so it's gonna cost quite a bit to invest but I'm gonna do it no go on I took the greedy route you just like tax the poor like you didn't even try to prove me infrastructure oh I kind of want to go to the weapon store there is the pyramid there I kind of want to go with the weapon store though go on see what they got you can always go back is the thing as well true [Music] if you're lucky you can rob stores I mean you can rob them now that you know he can't afford anything here are we just gonna be a criminal Criminal she's like pissed it's like really she's like Okay jump Bring It On rock paper scissors it's always rock yeah oh no consider yourself in the most wanted list above your criminals [Music] apparently if you guys kill me now you get a bounty oh what is that sounds good sounds good yeah my life is in danger oh no Quest assistance for that's a lot of wash that's quite a bit of money you know what investment oh no [Music] that's a huge Bounty hey what if I go to right now oh it's the end of the week is it I think it um that's what it was I didn't have a good first start let's just look at those assets look at those assets yeah so investing in towns oh my gosh she's so pretty she is I'd let her kick my ass any day the horns in her head are very far back I'm trying to figure out what part of her head maybe they're clipped in oh my gosh I should have done that I'm wait oh there's a whole thing on in here I'm worried this is gonna be a high level area there's gold money spaces I want a gold money space I need to get down without like fighting the monster because I don't think I'm supposed to be here and if I fight the monsters I'm probably gonna die you can go to this way and then land in a book and that makes it safe all right let's see oh this is so much cheaper yeah you can beat them up do you want to join me I kind of want to try to beat him up yeah you got this oh it's a draw yeah oh my God gotta keep going it's intense come on oh my goodness oh he's giving you a run for your money [Music] you get okay viewers [Music] oh man oh no you didn't even get it you can just now accept it to exchange it I can't believe I'm finally getting I mean it's you know and I can get rid of my spear oh I'm so close to the gold yeah I'm scared look at the bounty no so are the enemies random levels yeah I think there's higher level area oh my how much damage I want to see oh my God oh you got you got the Grim Reaper oh that has taken me from the worst time in the world like everyone's just like killing us taken advantage no why why are you here all right now go forgive up you might be able to escape if you give up maybe maybe you do lose battle but you don't die you survive you're alive that's what's important what if I fought her as well oh she's horrified she doesn't want this okay let's see can I get two wins in a row you can do it I'm probably gonna die instantly and she's gonna and I'll be walking capitalism yes two in a row oh oh she's giving items oh my goodness if you give the string to the mayor of a town owned by another player you will gain control of that town oh wow you charm oh let's see what this is Red Box or less oh wait hang on one of the one of those Dash [Music] die thank you I'm just dead situation my goodness another Banshee oh it's a Banshee I just have to I have to just hope that it lands like a literal Pokemon oh that's a lot of damage yeah right they hit for a lot I'm gonna do a strike and hopefully instantly kill it no oh strong why did they die oh man we are getting a lot of income from the tones yeah it's still a stone I'm still a bug assets are climbing no oh my god oh this is good this thing was the worst idea it's gonna be tough oh my goodness oh he's big he's gonna absolutely obliterate you do anything you gotta strike him you gotta go over the strike you gotta go for the Power Attack dude you have to go for it you hit him what what's that dude oh there's something from I think he yeah that's what I'm questioning here wait no you swapped HP you didn't you oh my God you did 600 damage to us whoa okay if I get the strike if I get the strike I can do it has anyone managed to strike one of the Banshees properly I don't think so come on land it oh yes thank God we're okay actually beat it so you did hurt the Cyclops severely yeah oh wow I don't know if you can kill it I don't know how if you don't do I can only imagine the rewards I wanna believe you have severely injured it though which is actually leave at least something he's gonna defend he's he's towering in fear oh strike come on oh my God oh my goodness Kelly pulling it's been nice oh my God you're level 17 Flight of The Game Jesus Christ you did it Kelly you beat it oh my God gonna gather some magic I can't believe that happened I'm not gonna rock oh oh my cat Rob Chris how can I help you today yeah but you should Rob Crystal yeah I have a track record so far take him out Crime Time crime time all right John Ken the cat must be defeated [Music] gosh my character's just not oh my God like these flash bombs okay uh it's just a fan oh my God yeah I gotta go for it come on oh there we go yeah we're just always lucky with the strikes oh that was a close one town has been liberated hooray the road from feeding the big monster I would give RT game oh my god oh sticks it is a cyclops that's a good sign here's your man if you beat a second one that you're gonna be at level 23. click arrow for prediction okay I'm sorry sorry well you did it you did it though grow don't I oh I'm going to die oh you have no house oh no it's a furry go I'll counter I'm no I'm not ah it's not quite uh oh oh the jet block I forgot oh yeah the most convenient of items this is great yes oh blessed oh Leanne I'd like you to deliver this item to a town I'll take it there you'll be rewarded deliver this to flowering I got blue cheese oh gross oh no oh it was worth a try this is a lot of damage Kid ah Lauren uh there it is oh there it is here it is so this is I mean this is quite far away oh don't you have your fourth spinner though yeah I do have the four spinner so uh there are the lots down they're like super strong as well they're all like level like million uh you know one step at a time seven oh my God oh my God no we're one shot the town's been taken over as well so like so close oh oh we do like a good gambo I can't I gotta I gotta go oh you mustn't I shouldn't are you giving up with the cheese I'm looking at it I'm not gonna be able to deliver a weapon because I'm not high enough Gamba cave I was a high enough level yeah I'm the cave yeah yeah exactly look at your other cave all right we're going to the casino that's good oh you can hear them [Music] oh it's not a special event oh hey you there oh that's a tour oh she has the same purse as me I did it oh nice you got lucky don't have any money I guess the jokes on you I'll remember this I have my revenge next time oh she didn't even give me anything oh no oh what was that what I just got robbed oh it's the boss it's because we've been ignoring the boss it's just dropping us it's not cool I'm in the middle of a battle here oh I'm making counter that's really all I can do oh no oh no person scorching please take him out you're okay flopping around ooh buoy okay I survived not dead okay so I should definitely counted you just want to go for the counter I mean it's the only yeah most things just kill you here it's the only way counter is the only chance you get out hey you were in there for a while though the fact that you even beat one is insane I could probably just go to the item store oh you could do and Robert just Rob no because if I if I rob it then they won't let me in the casino let's remove four spaces I think that's the amount I need to get there I'm gonna be perfect I'm Four Towers away from the casino so if I buy this oh it's close between us [Music] my stock portfolio is Horizon this is amazing cash play the slot machine yes let's see if it pays off oh never mind that's not great I gamble again play again when you have more money no we called you poor no I feel I need I need to do something that makes me feel more powerful so I'm thinking kind of looking at it I feel like I'm not doing enough damage interesting I'm in the casino I'm doing up damage here as I spend all my money you can get back to the item shop which will let me get it again okay one more time on the slots everyone's here for you all right one more time on the slots oh you can come to casino cave oh my God wait can I actually go see okay oh my God I can let me in uh going back to the casino now I see yeah I I I gotta try it one more time all right that's what you say just one more yeah gotta win big it's all chance oh oh close [Music] one more one more I can do it next time do I just leave or do I just I gotta roll the dice one more time oh my God [Music] it's a sign gang just one more round I'm gonna win big I got a good feeling come on you know this man is being legendary what oh I know oh I made my money back that's a sign to stop that's not too bad at least you got something true it's a sign oh oh it's from the Lucario movie isn't it yes yes he looks just like that guy but no he's I don't think he's stealing money I think he's stealing items oh for him it better be more than 600. look at it there he goes it's cool though I mean if you're gonna be stolen from how much money am I down oh okay oh Christ oh my God oh my goodness I was already pretty poor there's a gold chest next to the casino oh Uncle chest oh that's pretty good face go on money space you can get some good money before you go and gamble it all the way might as well be prepared you know it actually don't wow [Music] that's not bad all right you know so I'm gonna let fate Take the Wheel again if I end up in the item shop I have to gamble again yeah oh oh oh my god wow round four oh oh yeah [Music] I wouldn't [ __ ] oh my God I gotta get back to saving the town sometime and leave the casino exactly I've been gone a while and they'll be fine it's just gonna try it out you're not gonna fight me at the casino right no no no I would be very funny each other to the death in front of the slots I swear to God if you win I believe ah no that's okay okay I've had my phone what what oh I got my money oh you just is it the Cherry that is that like you just maybe you got seven seven it's one of the two if I roll enough to get to the shop I will buy another item and I'll go just one more time wasn't it last time you were like no no oh you think I did it again no it's close the game is saving me for myself I couldn't know longer gamble I must leave all right I was holding back on that joke I'm not gonna say it out loud you're saying why are you gobbling these nuts no yeah Jesus oh my God this seems like fun throw someone to a different town be gone wait so where am I being Santa Sid cap I'm just gone oh my God I can I can never fight no I'm not beat him up I'll get him get him I'll try it you gotta do it you got it oh wait no you're very injured all right maybe oh I'm going to die [Applause] I can't believe she's gonna blow windy I love the t-pose though oh no I'm dead [Music] Last Action was just he posed medicine oh wait why am I immediately in conflict oh no why oh my God you know what to do you know what to do I I have to just counter thank God thank God [Music] but the thing is oh my God I almost got him strike him Striker come on get up no okay you're gonna have to no God damn it we're gonna miss I have no touting okay there's a wild upset here oh my God Kelly's gotten a lot of capital very quickly way down there look at the crap [Music] you're rocking it oh there's a new guy bad news Wallace is here hockey Wallace not Wallace what does Wallace do people saying walls with Ray towns that are looking for cheese yeah they're looking for you in that cheese yeah we're just being very nicely done he casted he cast a place let's see how much more money you get it's going to be a lot it seems to be increasing you're chasing him down Kelly is getting really far ahead like yeah if you kill that guy don't even that's true actually if I kill if there's a pig if my point which is backfired more and more and a multi-crystal as well oh what's a Multiverse all right we we should be looking because it's pretty horrific so I can now look at the prediction [Music] there's a chance [Music] okay [Music] he doesn't have a lot of Health though he might be okay he really doesn't but you could get the lucky cat I don't know I'm glad you didn't try it I'm glad you didn't strike oh that's okay all right counter nope oh yeah [Music] can I take this town hang on I think I might be able to oh I'm gonna try it but we're about to find out oh look at him no it's not mine he looks a little scary he looks like he's from Wizard of Oz oh too much caffeine in his system wait so you're just gonna bribe him and it's like is this yours maybe I think I need a nap this town yes you can have it oh it's mine just straight up that's mine now and I get there it's money I can go to Wallace yeah I gotta try beat Wallace I'm gonna defend that's all right so he's the super spreader all my stats are worse now but well he's already injured I think if I get him with a strike I think it would get him I don't gotta go strike go on oh no [Music] no no already ouch absolutely destroyed why did I lose control of volgo what does that have to do with anything on to the next town oh oh no Wallace that's rough you should also go to gross groat we love gross wait where is there it is been struggling for a while I'm gonna just I'll go check in on Gross and if I die or die come on well I died instantly taking my town I will never live right grow we got it before oh 15. oh my gosh 15 times Jesus that's wrong that's a lot of money yeah you know it's more money than I have we're going because Wallace took to town I'm catching up oh see I went down look at this it's because Wallace took time though that's not even us Josephine stole my town yeah I did but I'll do it again what happens if I go here just come say hi how can I help you oh I could stay I could beat him I could just attack him all right let's see what happens oh this is serious yeah I want to try it oh no oh oh what's up oh man oh yeah this is very sad take this one we didn't even have that much money look funny I'm gonna fight like a level two fish I'm just going from combat to combat level three three oh it wasn't ready we Dodge this is gonna be so angry I'm going to wait did he kill you oh my God I mean he was level three how did he do it another fish killer he really do be a kid oh my God you know I feel like if he was level two you'd be fine I don't think it was the level three this game wants me alive how did you die to a level series I'm lying down oh it's Rico Jr oh his face I just oh oh my god oh okay all right nine nine nine nine damage sure that seems fair oh oh she got a mug you again she's ready to take your retirement fund now all right you got some new cash in your wallet this world has been brutal to us this world's been so tired there are 12 Grand gone no it's not it's not he's the one that actually helps I'm also dead I don't think it steals weapons oh you're knocking us [Music] stealing from the dead thank god oh thank God oh that was that was I'm just losing money I'm gonna try to stay alive for more than two turns this time because this is getting [ __ ] yeah just stay stay clear of the ocean you know there might be a fish in there our mouth I will fight you for real how much taxes I so cute though oh yeah yeah no I'm gonna go first that's my story all right fingers crossed come on mayor come on mayor yeah oh we got money stealing from people please [Applause] [Music] I am a menace to society oh mushrooms I mean you can just kill them you can just kill them strong I didn't realize okay I mean I I think you're okay here as long as you just attack and he doesn't Dodge there you go John well I helped get out there I hope yeah Kelly is so far ahead she's liberated so many of the big boss towns you're level three I don't want to say we don't stand a chance you're level 18. [Music] [Music] this guy is kind of scaring me I'm gonna try a counter oh um well hope you enjoy being dead I'm just dead constantly [Music] what if I counter maybe ah crap we're so obsessed I was so obsessed with Catherine you have a lot of towns oh yeah but you were by far in the league oh yeah my total assets are twelve thousand twenty five dollars do you have a single town no I don't know oh my God creates balls of light that explodes and damage all bosses and players on the map you're currently on that seems very powerful let's see what happens let's see you can get Wallace is on the list yo and and uh fungal lower guy oh oh it's yeah it will hit all of you as well the only one who did so he's probably on one HP though probably is on one oh my God that's pretty good please please like [Music] oh I nearly got her does that mean like I should chance countering it's not gonna kill you no matter what happens at least yeah yeah I'll try to counter I don't know if it's good obsessed with our coyotes no that's okay that's okay all right we must get the counter oh fishnets on the arms assassin let's go I wonder if there's a different color what's he doing oh counter's been sealed what am I supposed to do now favorite attack you're not allowed to give up he said scary eyes oh well I mean oh no oh no my only move I'm going to die I have a terrible terrible feeling uh you can use predict oh you can refresh wait so Refresh on gust is the only world you live so you might as well do it I just hope for the best I believe in you all right refresh out in open just ready for that hit aggressively oh drag the hill yeah you should have countered you should have counted I should have all your money tricks kills 20 of students [Music] all right Kelly's sitting with like 55 grand here we go you're gonna pick like 2K off of me a cheese oh no that's what yours okay it's on it's on oh we really gotta deal with Wallace back up that way he's taking so many times you know what remember me stealing every town remember I will remember you remember me there's no way he's gonna win yeah this helps really he's so hurt oh he is hurt he's so injured and you're first yeah you're good like just attack him doing my town again oh you're kidding me I'm going to explode oh my God the game the game hates you Josephine all these roles and your cat land on YouTube no one's able to get back no one's good I grow it's just gone No One's Gonna Be able to help it hashtag free Grocers now in my chat it's now trending get a trend in the guy everyone just start like randomly posted on Twitter it's like God it's terrible it's happening gross calls for age no one's YouTube answer no no answers surely you're gonna get him get him get your first I'm gonna get him I'm gonna get them don't Dodge don't you dude oh my God I don't know if counter would work or not you have to counter or you die you could defend for a basic attack you can do it you might as well counter [Music] see I'm also wondering what we'll get out of beating him up now get let me encro let me in I for God's sake okay we'll liberate Sterling while we're here World Peace would be achieved before grope peace yeah it really feels it moving up maybe level 12 but I got those fat stack assets I have 9 375 Golds those of you you just need to get a town [Music] don't trust him [Music] oh no well you you got it you did it says that they believe the big bug eats your items oh God oh oh no oh nice oh is he coming for me now too whatever no oh no we'll eat your equipment all right what are you gonna get I don't know nitroglycerin what what do I do oh my God explodes he gave me a bomb if I get hit apparently I now explode great it's either Ash random or the chance to blow up when you're damaged by any attack yeah it seems kind of Friday no don't you dare save grow that's been my quest for like weeks this is my mission I mean if you just attack him he's dead I think yeah let's see Dodges come on fun Galore oh yeah of course throat knows that I am its savior I am alive oh my God wait a second oh you can get them on again what else to lose right I'm gonna do it yeah I love his silly little face though I'm not dying in shame okay and now you just need to land ahead it's just hit him you just need to hit him yeah okay take him out do it do it you've got him yes you did it get the heck out of here a lengthy battle oh my God that was worth it I wonder if the town will give you anything [Applause] oh my God is this my town now [Music] oh yeah all right you can take him down go Kelly go hey ah nice let's see how much money you get for this one I'm absolutely devastated I'm so sorry that was my mission we're about Warriors here competitive everyone wants to give you presents oh oh no oh there goes all my money great oh my God wait where's he going that's the new era I love it it's not a heck out you just cursed someone to attack oh you're upset about grown aren't you oh my God I will get you I mean if you guys I I wasn't going to but because you said that I don't know actually coach yeah oh oh oh he's made it onto your boat on the boat hey grab some stuff from another player for cash It's gotta be she's so much welcome back Kelly oh man I mean you can get some cash you could you have so much cash you're not even gonna notice if something's gone right you're not even gonna notice [Applause] oh my God I didn't expect it to take that much I I am a shirt the century don't do it oh wait is that oh okay wait a second oh God damn that's why I didn't notice he was there oh no okay let's see here predictions believe in the heart of the cards all right who are we rooting for damn it I was gonna pick that yes yes oh my God yes oh my god oh man see I ignored myself I told you you shouldn't have attacked me Kelly you attacked me again I can rob you oh my god prank me please prank me I want to see if you can do wait for something give oh no oh okay oh no forced to accept some cursed items I think I gave you my Nitric oh my god oh no oh my God ticking time Mom I should have trust in my gut I was gonna defend I did it it's gone electric blister it's God I feel like I'm on an episode of Jerry Springer right now like Jerry Jerry God I can give the cheese to the king now too oh someone throw a chair the cheese King really hates this and just what is your name oh my gosh I'm so sorry Kelly he's not sorry don't don't listen to that he's not sorry you're okay you haven't said anything in a while plotting you're just going you actually attacked me there though you actually attacked me okay so I wasn't self-defense yeah that's fine you can take my whole house if you actually attacked me someone summarize my self-defense is now I have robbed 50 Grand planted a bomb on her spread to the king yeah okay I think we're even though I think we're even I'll go I'll go I'll go easy on you know I think that we can call it even though I think this might be the last week that was week nine wasn't it yeah this is the final week I don't think I think someone's been foreign but I could get involved and ruin everything Josephine no no you don't want to do that Josephine yes really you really don't want to yeah it's okay yeah it's okay you know he's actually protecting you if anything warmer I'm the main protagonist now taking on the heck out [Music] all right everybody say hello dog good job all right just attack him and the defend he looks like he was ready for it okay that's really good that's a really solid start if I just defend and I play it a bit cautious it'll be okay he's breathing will you be able to live with that oh my goodness that we're good we're good I read your grace oh no it's Rico oh no you might just be dead oh no this guy just murdered me last time yeah you like one shot here oh I'm gonna Scorch you hope for the best very strong you did hurt him oh my God oh [Music] my God damn it's the last I've got nothing done it's gonna be twiddled in my thumbs over there oh oh oh I swear please oh it's the murder robot on them could you could go in Assassins oh we can finally see him at work 42 000 goals that's a lot of money [Music] it's a Gamba I know what I'd suggest he's done okay yes oh here we go he's got the knives Search and Destroy okay I might have a bit of time there's some distance between us we have the features heck I feel accomplished no are you proud of yourself I get a full heal as well very proud I'm very proud 50 Grand oh my and a four spinner I'm gonna run away I'm running away I'm just running oh my God my logic here is if I get the item store I can buy extra three Spinners so that I can control the space I land on for like the all of the next turns oh my gosh that's my game plan but yeah you know as it goes it's not the worst idea [Music] okay so master plan oh three spinners you have so many we will control our movement gang all right what day is this [Music] oh it ain't tonight you're safe from the bomb pieces returned all right 50 Grand I'm gonna say I had no bonuses to everybody wait oh oh what oh y'all got paid I'm dead and I got money uh what oh oh the king why why would you that might have cost me the game that might actually cost me the game oh my God I probably saw you beat me to the ground and then try to blame him that might cost me the game your three Spinners oh my God roll the dice I must control the where I go in this battle [Music] that's good all right that's just instantly very nice big hammer I guess I don't have to worry about being confused what is [Laughter] the moment let's be the best choice yes play it safe I think he just kills you know yeah his magic attack was so strong I'll take care of it don't worry don't don't you worry Kelly me I feel I need to do something on principle do it it does it's not gonna kill you it's just it's just to send a message okay magical Spinners go oh my God oh uh 13. okay I can't make it to the town see if we can quickly liberate a town before the game ends yeah I don't I hope you can't just kill me in one shot you gotta go first okay so I don't know if I'm gonna do enough damage with a basic attack so maybe I just go for the strike strike I think I just try it mirror oh I I've just stolen so many towns wow Daniel I know you knew not to land on blank spaces no I was trying to land on towns that's why I got the Spinners did you know or not I didn't know because Chad said oh but I mean come on like I that's what I wanted to do it's the controller you go that's it a week results in the king me and Kelly are just like it was self-defense great job Adventures start at the bottom it's me it's no it's got to be me oh no oh you are terrible you should be ashamed that's so mean second worst Adventure [Music] you're wasting your potential you need to try harder next time second place the best non-winning person is a whole time who knew siren it's you I worked so hard why are you so behind oh we just stole it look how close is it all right he gave it to you yeah wow I mean I think it'll give us the graphs in just a moment I really want to see the graphics oh my God oh I just stole that in those final turns oh my God look at the grass that was great unless Kelly okay I think we've had a good run here you know he's going next no you can't hold myself kind of you say that you say don't hold grudges I'm so happy right now [Music] happens [Music]
Channel: RTGame
Views: 456,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rtgame, rt, game, rtgames, rtgaming, rt games, rtgamecrowd, rt gaming, funny, video games, games, gameplay, rt game, stream highlights, dokapon kingdom, dokapon kingdom connect, dokapon kingdom switch, dokapon kingdom gameplay, dokapon kingdom funny, dokapon kingdom funny moments, cakejumper, kelli siren, queenrowlet, dokapon kingdom switch gameplay, dokapon kingdom connect gameplay
Id: F1-ySADN3wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 16sec (3316 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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