I Edited YOUR Photos in Photoshop! | S1E8

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in today's video i'm turning your photos into something epic and spooky because it's halloween well it's not but it's going to be i don't want to waste any of your time today but before we start a very quick thing we now have a discord server we've been having one a while now and in there we actually do a lot of really fun stuff so if you're interested definitely make sure to check the link down below and then join the server then if you want to send your photos for the next episode of editing your photos make sure to send it to bennysubmissions gmail.com it's the same one as always so can't miss it the first one today was sent in by thompson i'm thompson from india can you make something cool with this photo i sure as hell will try let's hop into photoshop and get started i just can't get over how stupid this mask looks like someone made this and was like yeah this is this is amazing anyways guys because i thought it's the spooky season why not be in character for this one i can see exactly 50 of what i can usually see so i mean that's just fantastic really let's first drag in our beautiful subject and then we are going to add some clothing because obviously we only have half of her for example this one right here i'm gonna make it a bit smaller i'm gonna put it right about here and use some warp to kind of attach it to our own clothing if that makes sense something like this doesn't seem so bad so now i have to add some more of these it's really just all the same then this last one is reaching all the way to the ground yeah that's cool all of these are red and her clothing is obviously not so we have to make this a lot darker so i'm pretty sure something like this is pretty good it does look kind of nice then let's fade this one out a little bit let's see what that looks like here and there some shadows of course can't hurt you guys know how this works yes this is starting to look nice look at that we'll call this witch and let's go with this beautiful image then let's go ahead and add some blue to this and then first actually let's remove the background and i think quick selection may just work pretty well something like this there you go i don't like these blocks so i'm gonna try and see what happens if i try to remove them by using some content aware fill wow look at that holy this mask is actually so annoying like i do quite often i'm gonna add a nice blur to the background this seems to be looking quite good let's hit okay then one also has a beautiful sky look at how cool this looks and i also have some mountains for the background so for that i'm going to use these then i'm pretty sure we can just kind of put this right here then we just have to remove the top area and then we're all set i don't even know what it is i'm doing right now but it looks nice so i'll just continue to do this okay so now we gotta make sure that it looks like she's actually standing in this landscape let's start by making her a lot darker and then we probably want to add some blue to her as well then like you may have expected we're also going to need some shadows here and there there are some areas on the dress that just are too bright for what they are so therefore we'll just add some nice shadows and later highlights too of course that's gonna make this look real nice why do i keep doing these weird things to myself i didn't need to wear this anyways that is looking pretty good then i'm gonna make another shadow which is going to be a bit more of a global one in front of her then like i said we're also going to need some highlights so let's go and start right here actually first uh yeah the light is coming from back here but i think i'm also gonna add some thunder so the light's also gonna come from above so you could say the light just comes from behind that quite covers it i am very curious what this one's gonna look like not almost done but at least i've done the part on her now i still need to do the entire freaking dress but that's fine let's just go for it because i am pretty sure it's gonna look super dope very nice right now i just hope it's gonna be worth the effort because if it's not then this is a lot of wasted time right here okay i think that should be pretty much it as you can see there is a major difference than what it was before this is far better far better just using the same old mist brush i've been using the whole time okay now i am starting to sound like bob ross what the heck and a little bit of light coming from the background here this one really turned very cool very fast i don't know how this happened so then for the lightning idea i had i found this and if i set the blend mode to screen and just make it a little bigger i think we're pretty pretty close already see something like this then we just need to add the same glow which i have here so it should be there in three two one there it is however you can see now it's not very bright anymore so let's go in here and add some bokeh bokeh bokeh what even what even is that word there you go that's looking fresh right there so let's give this one a nice very bright sort of glow as well because it's it's very bright just like i said one second ago so that looks nice and all but i think we are going to need some highlights on these buildings as well because it's so bright and another little thunder thingy on this side also looks kind of nice i don't know i was just kind of missing something and i think this is just exactly that of course we do need the same highlights on these so uh let's do that let us add a bunch of particles around the thunder i may add some more stuff but i'm just really curious what this looks like with a filter so i'm going to try that camera raw filter this is where the fun begins right there you go hit ok and as you can see that is a big improvement looking at it right now i don't think i should add more stuff because i don't want to ruin this well if i do add something you'll see right about now but if i didn't then i guess this is it and we can go back to the studio and there you go i like this one a lot actually so i hope you do as well i'll send this back to you asap then did you notice that join button if you become a member of the channel you will get early access to photoshop edits news and themes and you also have guaranteed hearts and replies to comments and of course you get the epic stickers and badges i guess click join and find out yourself then the next photo was sent in by lesac if you have some time please do something with my photo maybe something like battlefield or anything you want have a nice day thank you for this photo is call of duty okay too because i'm pretty sure some zombies could look very badass on this let's drop this into photoshop laptop ladies and gentlemen welcome back to photoshop isn't this photo just beautiful this photo is freaking beautiful first of all as always let's go and grab the pen tool very quick and just kind of go over this edge doesn't have to be too precise but just a little bit almost there yes there you go beautiful background gun i also kind of removed the other guy but that's fine doesn't matter collateral damage then i have a bunch of these zombies which i would like to add if you don't like scary and nasty stuff maybe this isn't a video for you but anyway here is the first one i'm gonna put her somewhere here kind of looking at him from behind that rock then we have this beauty look at her she's gonna kind of chill around right here and then we have this last guy right here and let's put him somewhere on this side i'm guessing and then of course we need a beautiful sky so i think this may just work i'm gonna put one on the left and one on the right to hopefully make it nice and big a little darker on the left very good then the foreground needs to be a lot darker let's try something like this and we need as usual actually a lot more blue because night equals a lot of blue let's try something like this so this doesn't really look like night yet but i'm sure that will come the moon is also a necessary factor let's put this on screen and put it maybe a little smaller instead so it's a bit more realistic it's still too big technically but it looks nice maybe we need some haze here in the background like that oh that is fantastic look at that and some of that sort of glow around the edges as well that's gonna look amazing by the way since the background is blurred so should the sky so let's go to filter and add a very nice background blur look at that that's actually maybe a bit much i think ladies and gentlemen it's time for some shadows i am just gonna put some of these guys all over the freaking place clearly the light is coming from above so we don't need all of this detail down here just like so baby lock them doors and turn the lights down yes this is starting to look nice let's make the moon pop a little bit more there you go nice glow and you guys know what that means we are going to need some highlights oh yes let me move some of these sliders a little bit and then we can simply paint over some of these areas dancing in the moonlight a little bit on this guy himself as well so now it's time to add some of the zombies back here you go i guess we can start uh with this one a little bit darker this hair be looking fresh that is looking pretty nice actually then i had this idea wouldn't it be cool to give these zombies like the lit up eyes and make them nice and orange and then add some yellow in the middle maybe maybe we can add like a glow there you go that looks actually quite nice maybe a bit more orange and maybe we should draw just a little bit of light around them actually very cool i'm not gonna lie i did not see that happening uh that is interesting so this same thing i'm gonna do to the other zombies as well highlights once again this is going to look very nice wouldn't it be the coolest coolest thing to just sort of add a laser pointer right here just something like this that is actually sick and like a nice sort of smoky texture on it there you go yeah that that really makes it a lot better now what is this missing i was going to add some fire to this like down here maybe but looking at it like this i think it can only ruin it now let's see how big of a difference this is going to make and then i guess that's it i definitely don't want to overdo it so i think it's pretty much done and there you go i'll make sure to send this back to you asap then the next and final one for today i think is going to be great is sent by sure tales hi benny you're a really great artist and your work really deserves respect and admiration if there's one thing we artists need on a regular basis it's new challenges and people we can inspire with our work i still have some raw images from my first photo shoot and i'm happy to let you use them for your videos just have fun experimenting greetings from germany i totally agree i really love your photo too and i even have a pretty cool idea for this one let's go get em it all started with a placement of some of the base photos i found i made sure the landscape filled up the entire ground area and once this looked decent i started adding the little buildings these i masked out and placed somewhere in the composition [Music] once everything was kind of in place i started darkening the landscape again it was of course going to be night so a lot of blue was required once again i experienced with a bunch of clouds but this didn't look so great so i moved on to the first fire photo i put it on top of the first buildings on the right and massed away some of the parts to really attach it to the house if that makes sense i realized where there's fire there was smoke so i added a massive smoke image to the background it took a while before it actually looked good but like always it's trusting the process for this one getting the right amounts of light and color was tricky but it ended up working quite well now i started working on the buildings on the left side so i added fire to it and again cut away some parts i added glows and adjusted the color until i was satisfied later i also put fire inside of the building as i felt it didn't really look intense enough the roof being on fire alone didn't seem very realistic to me to really sell the effect i started adding some yellow and orange light on the buildings and surrounding land this really helped for the believability of the whole thing since the fire is so bright of course it's casting light onto the areas around it it only makes sense really i blended the background towers into the background and added the necessary fire images to really make it look like one big village this is when i began working on the night starting with the main shadow on the grass the knight himself wasn't very well lit in the first place so darkening wasn't really important right now the highlights were though so this was the next step the base i did with exposure so later i could add color to it [Music] to add some haze and smoke behind the knight i added various solid colors and painted over them using a mist brush you guys know how much i love moons so of course i couldn't resist to put one in here as well right above the smoke i also added some light around the smoke to really make the moon pop like that it is a moon we can all agree it doesn't quite have the same vibe as it usually has in my work which is great from here i added more of the same some more fire some sparks basic blending and of course a camera raw filter at the end [Music] [Music] [Music] i think it is quite interesting to see that this time they're all on the same level more or less usually just the first one is really good and then the last one is kind of shitty but this time i don't really have a favorite i guess i just like all of them and remember guys if you want to send your photo for the next episode make sure to send it to bennysubmissions gmail.com that's not my business email and then i guess that's it for today if you like this video make sure to leave a like and a comment and if you enjoy my overall content feel very very free to subscribe that would actually mean the world to me then i hope i'll see you in the next spooky video [Music] you
Channel: Benny Productions
Views: 284,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bennyproductions, benjamin, design, starwars, photoshop, editing, digital art, breakdown, speedart, speed art, adobe, creative cloud, tutorial, entertainment, photo shop, break down, spooky, october, halloween, editing your photos, editing photos, your photos, creepy, photo editing, your images, editing your images, audience engagement, edit show, send me your photos, I edit your photos, magic, sorcerer, fantasy, medieval, lord of the rings, game of thrones, horror, witch, zombies, monsters
Id: S6kB9ZHkWf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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