Who Can Make the BEST Jurassic Park Movie Poster? | Edit Race S2E5

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[Music] today's edit race is going to be a little different than usual where normally we have to use the same images and assets we are now free to use whatever photos we want today we are going to see who can make the best jurassic park poster welcome to this brand new episode of edit race [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ladies and gentlemen welcome to this brand new episode of edit race like i said today is a different story and i am too excited to introduce today's artist jeff also known as 7th voyage i've been waiting for the perfect opportunity for this guy and i mean it doesn't get much better than movies jeff is all about them and it reflects onto his work big time i'm a huge fan of his stuff and together we found a killer concept to let both our skills shine at the end of this video we both give our opinions again so make sure to stick around till then for today there are no images we have to use like i said we can literally use any photo or asset we can possibly find to make a jurassic park poster whether it's a stock website like envato elements the sponsor of today's video or just random places which is likely when it comes to movies there is a small number of rules though so let's go and check these out as you know we have to make a dedicated jurassic park poster we have complete freedom to use photos assets and brushes from the internet we must include at least the jurassic park type logo and the movie poster credits the aspect ratio of the poster has to be 2-3 which is a standard format and finally we can only use photoshop and lightroom or camera raw with all that said let's go ahead and start off this battle [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] if i told you there's a place where they have six million three hundred sixty one thousand seven hundred forty seven digital assets ready for use oh and another fifty million stock photos and you can have it all i mean that would be the dream right well no because envato elements has exactly that photoshop layer styles and brushes gotcha fonts and graphics gotcha stock video and video templates gotcha stock photos and 3d elements guess what gotcha for digital creators this is heaven so make sure to get a subscription today only 16 with an annual subscription link down below then let's continue this adventure [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey what's going on guys uh first thing i want to do is thank benny for having me on the channel uh this was a blast to get the opportunity to make a poster for one of my favorite movies and i'm looking at them both side by side right now and i love how we went the complete opposite direction with both of ours you did more of the classic kind of movie style or movie poster style and i definitely went with the kind of alternative movie poster style that you see uh mine is very dark and moody and you went super bright and uh warm with yours yeah i'm looking at it now and it just honestly you killed it with this the composition is phenomenal uh it does a really really good job at guiding your eye up throughout the entire poster so there's movement to it honestly going with the warm colors was a really really good idea just because it relates to the mosquito and the amber from jurassic park i'm not sure if you did that on purpose but if you did props too uh but yeah just the placement of everything is really really well done um i i really don't see any like glaring issues with it i think the only thing i personally would have liked to have seen is maybe where allen was uh maybe like a big t-rex head up there and maybe move allen like smaller and off to the right a little bit uh just because the t-rex is like such a big part of the movie and of jurassic park uh spoiler alert if you haven't seen jurassic park i don't know what you're doing with your life uh but yeah that's probably the only thing i would have maybe tried to have done differently other than that man this looks phenomenal uh really really well done uh love what you did and again thank you for having me on the channel uh this was a blast and i hope to be back and i hope everyone enjoyed watching this video [Music] very well just like jeff said they are complete and i mean complete opposites in basically every single way in color and composition and the overall sort of style what i think is interesting is that we both didn't use the standard jurassic park logo which i think is quite fun actually but in general i love how jeff creates these very strong moods or vibes or whatever like it actually gives you a feeling you experience it you're it's like you're there in this particular poster i really love how the rain looks i think it's it's just beautiful and his choice of a dynamic composition really helps putting some action into it which i think looks just fantastic about the t-rex instead of allen i agree that would have been cooler i just couldn't really find the good images of a t-rex especially not in high resolution and i mean in general i don't like the t-rex image i used it's quite generic actually but i guess this is what i had to work with so yeah i think we both did a fantastic job at this especially because they are so different that's what this show is made for jeff i want to thank you for participating i couldn't have done this without you and happy birthday because as you guys know today is his birthday maybe you didn't but now you do so make sure to comment down below happy birthday he deserves it then i guess that's it and there you have it if you have a favor please let us know by voting on the community tadpole i created so there is something very different from what we usually do for edit races if you like this and want more different kinds of edit races definitely comment about it down below i myself think it's refreshing to say the least don't forget to check out and follow elements in the description below and then i guess that is it for today if you like this video make sure to leave a like and a comment and if you enjoy my overall content feel very very free to subscribe that would mean the world to me then i hope i'll see you in my next video [Music] you
Channel: Benny Productions
Views: 305,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bennyproductions, benjamin, design, starwars, photoshop, editing, digital art, breakdown, speedart, speed art, adobe, creative cloud, tutorial, entertainment, photo shop, edit race, edit batttle, photoshop battle, photoshop race, jurassic park, steven spielberg, poster, poster design, jurassic park poster, movies, blockbusters
Id: 1-4xcoT5c-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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