Photoshopping YOUR Drawings! | Realistified! S1E4

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this video was sponsored by envato elements a very good day my name is benny and welcome to this spooky new episode of realistified this show in which i turn your drawings into sort of reality using photoshop obviously today it is halloween october 31st and that's why i chose to do a special episode of realistified because you guys don't seem to get enough of it today i'm gonna do some seriously monstrous and horrific creatures you guys have drawn because well as i said it is halloween i mean not that i usually don't do horrific creatures but you know you get the point now if you want to see your drawing in the next episode all you got to do is send it to benny's edit show so let's not waste any more time and get straight into the first drawing of today which was made by william here's a cool drawing i made of a horror version of pikachu you can do anything to it obviously it would make my day and his instagram was attached carlson draws thanks william for this great drawing i think this would be a great one to start with today and i'm just gonna try to make him look as creepy and evil as i possibly can oh wait before we start if you don't like nasty stuff maybe this is not the best video for you and also if you really love bread we're gonna have a problem too let's go so here we are in photoshop first i'm gonna try to get rid of the gray background by erasing the edges and some levels there you go that's better now for the fluffy yellow fur i thought this image would be best so i'm going to take my quick selection tool and sort of select most of his body because that's what i'm using to build pika's body from the ground up there and now make that yellow i'm first going to add a human saturation layer and make that as yellow as i can and then an exposure adjustment layer to make it look bright and vivid so now i have to construct his body for his main body this actually is the perfect shape so i can just leave it there but for the head i'm gonna have to use some warp by the way i have warp merge now so if you want to have an awesome hoodie that says warp with well the warp effect you can purchase that below anyway now that that is complete i'm gonna let's see grab a brush and erase the stuff we don't need i'm gonna carve out his mouth like that i'm using fair brushes for this makes it look more realistic beautiful now that's what i'm gonna have to do to the whole thing part right there there you go now look at that that is a lot better than i hoped oh and now that i said it i also have there you go merch so that's also down below go check it out but anyway it looks very flat and fake so let's go and add some incredibly stylish shadows with some exposure adjustment layers so i'm just gonna paint here and there give it some shape some depth some ambient shadows if you will and then an even darker one now see that's what really gives it shape right there perfect so then the little ears and that's actually pretty much the same idea as before just using another piece of fur and put the parts together like that remove the weird stuff we don't need and there now i just need to add the same shadows there you go sick at this point it could technically still become sort of a happy pikachu except well it's gonna be a nightmare but the tip of his ears obviously have to be black so let me just uh make that darker oh and take out some color as well like that oh that works holy sh some blend if take it away from the highlights then i think i can just copy that thingy and move it to the other side yeah look at that gonna have to warp it a little though to get the shape right to make the inside of the mouth black i'm just gonna make a black shape with my pen tool there then put it on there now look at that perfect then for teeth let me just put all these right here and some flesh back there but now they look kind of weird and flat so i'm using another exposure adjustment layer and just paint over them like that there you go that's a lot better this looks uh this looks so weird what the heck they're a bit grayish though so let me just uh add some color balance there you go that's actually decent i'm gonna put this one right down there too for the other teeth painting it back like that right and now i can just grab one of those teeth again and move it over here and now i just gotta copy and paste them there great now let's go add some shadows again like i did before oh and also the same color balance of course the flash below gonna use some shadows as well because it looks a bit a bit flat right now it's funny i'd never make any of this kind of stuff if not for the show you guys give me ideas to make by sending your drawings it's uh it's crazy anyway there's his mouth in that beautiful this is horrifying bloody hell so to make that weird disgusting stuff on the sides i found a really uncomfortable image to use i do not want to know what this is i'm just gonna do this as fast as you can because i do not like well this kind of nasty stuff like in movies disgusting stuff is great but like this is real i think i don't even know let me just use my brush to get rid of some areas make it a little darker and of course add some shadows on top and below to blend it together with everything maybe i could even add another layer oh here it comes again ew like that and add the same effects again to that thing yeah that is pretty much exactly what i aimed for now let's add some blood all over the place firstly down here on his lips what a joke just painting and painting and again no tablet just a mouse don't worry ooh and also some on his teeth maybe even on his fur down there there you go yes dude i have this texture and maybe if i can put that on overlay let's try that with a soft brush just very softly there yeah i guess that works it's a small detail but it does add some uh variety i guess then let's do those black sort of cracks on his chin just with a black solid color painting again nice now for the eyes i found this and actually i just need the reflections from it so i'm just gonna make the shape for the eye like that then put it inside of it a little bigger and now it is very shiny so maybe i should make that a bit darker with some shadows oh i should erase the edges with a fair brush to blend it in yes dude that looks great and then also some more shadows around the eye there now that's pretty alright and yeah there's the same thing for the other eye so uh so far so good i'd say he still doesn't really have limbs so let's start with the arms that's the easiest basically it's the same thing as we did in the beginning using some portions of the cat's body making a nice shape like that and then it needs the same shadows painting great and then let's copy that thing to the other side dude that's so cool this really was a great idea this whole thing was made using one cat and some other small stuff that nobody really cares about putting some teeth on his hands as a claws again with the shadows and collar balance this is so epic dude look at that oh and his feet boom holy this is dark wait a second he doesn't have tail there little darker yee now i'm gonna add a quick background to make it look a little more interesting and dramatic so i'll see you in a sec [Music] so [Music] so [Music] there you go i know i've said this many times already but this one turned out a lot better than i thought it would it's definitely a very terrifying pikachu i definitely would not want him as a stuffed animal anyway william thanks for submitting your drawing i'll make sure to send this back to you whenever i get the chance so before moving on to the next drawing let me first tell you a little bit about today's sponsor and vado elements because what some of you may not know by getting a subscription on envato elements not only do you get access to the actual best digital creation asset library but you also support me as an artist and youtuber and i would really really appreciate that i've been using envato elements for like nine months now and i can't get enough they have so many stock images you can use but also overlays and 3d elements especially that actually came in quite handy recently you can find literally any object find the right angle and download it as a png or psd and even for video editors there's great stock footage motion graphics and templates but there is even more there's also photoshop add-ons like brushes and layer styles which is super helpful lots of people ask me where i get mine from well there is your answer i absolutely 100 love and support and vital elements i think they do a fantastic job and i consider them the best option if you're looking for stock assets of any sorts it simply really really helps to have good quality stuff to work with when you want to grow your skills and results and for just 16 a month with an annual subscription it's also super affordable if you're interested do not hesitate to use the link in the description to get a subscription and support me in the process now on to the next drawing this time however i'm doing things a little differently for the second one halloween is all about scary stories so that's what i'm doing for this one i asked zombie inspiration on instagram to write an origin story for the creature i create you may remember him from the man who killed the world speed art which also had a story and if you like good stories make sure to follow him anyway this drawing was made by brett hey benny i've been watching your videos for a while now and was wondering if you could realistify this drawing i made thanks for your submission this drawing is clean and not very detailed which means i have loads of freedom to make it as dark and terrifying as i possibly can here's the creation of the creature with his horrifying origin story deep in the arctic a team of some of the best international scientists worked hard on the world's greatest struggle of today the grasslands were on fire and the icebergs were melting something along the lines of the idealism of global warming was on the rise pushing all of the populations to live in cluttered safe zones these scientists were working tirelessly against time and the extent of life itself to escape the earth's self-destructive behavior there had to be an alternative placement for who was left from the apocalyptic proportions space exploration had been delayed due to many setbacks in manufacturing issues and mission failures panic was here leaving the professionals to make the mistakes of amateurs however they scan for possible relocations but there was already a lack of solutions to begin with due to the many factors of having a place to be deemed livable the well-known planets in the solar system were discovered to be inhabitable to humans there had to be another way or so the scientists believed with nowhere else to go and as they expended valuable resources for a solution there was only one viable option it was a long shot but it had to work for humans sake cross genetics were and have been a discovery for some time now this was the solution to push for since it was the last option left as the land was on fire and the ice was melting people had to succumb to live in an environment that they never thought was possible it was the deep underwater resources of building structures in the deep sea were going to take time although the scientists were required to speed up that process many civilians had volunteered as test subjects to become injected with an assortment of dna groups from all types of animals that live on land and in the sea scientists were making breakthroughs within only a couple of weeks span those weeks were detrimental as the fiery destruction was closing in on the remaining zones of what was left of the population unfortunately none of the test subjects were strong enough to withhold their injection of dna which resulted in their unfortunate deaths the scientists had to approach the solution in a different way they began from the very beginning taking strands of dna characteristics from all kinds of different animals to create a human that was born with these changes than to have a person become accustomed to them in theory it would have worked but professionals weren't entirely reliable under pressure after all they were human unlike what they had created the embryo was born with an accelerated growth speed to test if living underwater was even a possibility it only took a few days for this creature to become a fully matured beast the scientists had to run more tests to figure out its extent of survival but the beast had grown aggressive its combination of strands from spider to alligator and even branching out to a species of squid the creature had inhabited unimaginable strength just as one of the scientists was about to draw some of its blood an assistant accidentally knocked over a flask of corrosive fluids the flask shattered all over the tiled floor the fluid splashed up and onto the creature its skin created boils peeling away from the bone the beast cried out in agony with its tendrils flailing wildly this accident caused the beast to attack in defense the tendrils launched the terrified people against the lab's walls body-sized indentations lined the walls of hallways and wounds inside the fabricated building as it was making a run for the exit people crossed its path trying to steer it back into the testing chamber but it was no use the beast shoved their heads in between its jaws creating a crackling crunch with each one blood trailed behind the threatened creature as it tore off the secured doors of the building and made its escape it disappeared into the blinding light of snow flurries humanity was forever crippled by the scientists last efforts to save what was left of their history and culture the man-made creature was never found again rumors said that it lurked in the great ocean to where it belonged some reports stated that some people have spotted it along the outer beaches of the philippines may we never encounter this aggressive beast in the world that it now claimed to be its own there you go honestly i'm a bit shocked by what i made but well i guess mission accomplished a monster mainly created with a sponge texture and bread nice i'll send this back to you as soon as i can now i think we've had enough death for one day so let's do something a little less frightening but still spooky of course this drawing was made by james hey benny i drew these and want to see if you were able to bring any of them into the real world and make them look a bit more realistic thanks for your submission james that shouldn't be a problem at all let's give it a shot to start let's first get the shape of his body with the pencil of course i'm not including the arms and everything though purely this is just uh really the main kind of thing there and then to make that look cool we need a texture so i've got this one i'm just gonna set the blend mode to luminosity and if we use some levels it'll look a whole lot better there and then i'm gonna use some warp again to make sure it looks roundish like that then copy that a few times for the whole thing cool then as usual shadows it's getting old already with an exposure adjustment layer of course and putting some depth on the little man is it just me or does this look like a potato yeah no definitely a potato anyway for that edge down there i'm gonna use this flesh texture and just kind of paint all over that then after we could just add some shadows to make it more realistic and stuff so then once again exposure and now i just gotta figure out what's darker and brighter but it's really just trying and seeing whether it works or not then to make sure it looks like an actual hole let me just make the other shape for the inside yeah that's cool then i'm gonna need to fill that with that same potato texture of course it has to be a lot darker though because it's the inside so well like that for the outer edge there i think i'm just gonna do that exact same thing as i did before with the flash texture why do i like nasty stuff so much am i a psychopath probably anyway same thing up here again making an edge then for the brains i found this image and this is from envato elements 3d section super easy i could just choose the exact right angle so that's perfect for this so then i'll make that a little darker and add some shadows i really do hope this is gonna end up like i see it in my head now like it's gonna be evil but cute at the same time that's uh it's weird then a straw that kind of sticks in the brains i'm just gonna put that on there and the bottom part should be rotated a bit just uh to match the angle there then let's cut it off right there like that nice and then also down here make it look uh really you know there you go now it's going to be red like the drawing fantastic now let's add some blood and stuff already because that's fun yeah this is uh painting again look at that that's pretty cool then also some down here and for some real blood i found these images so i'm putting that there on its head and use warp to match the shape so it looks better then it's probably too colorful so let's bring down the vibrance erase this weird right here some up there and of course down here on the big wound definitely uh add something very nice but our potato monster doesn't have eyes yet so let's bless him with sight by creating two circular shapes they shouldn't be too perfect though can be a little uh you know maybe even a mini cracker in there then for the 3d edge that's also just gonna be a shape and let's put the same exact texture in there again which of course should be a lot darker and some shadows again who would have guessed the original has a little smush running from his eye right there so let's go and add that too i've got this image which is probably a bit dramatic but who cares we love drama and that looks interesting for sure then let's add some more of that red stuff all over the place to give it a bit more detail and variety how is this video not the most boring thing ever i'm doing the same thing over and over and over again bloody hell this is uh one depressing potato think i can just do bevel and emboss hmm well yeah i think i think that's all right for his mouth then let's add a belly button like the original there you go now let's put that right there am i the only one who just doesn't like belly buttons they just make you feel uncomfortable when you look at them this closely and long anyway it does look pretty decent so uh yeah initially i was gonna find an image of a tie but those pretty much all sucked so i'm just gonna make my own thing anyway then let's put in the textures add some shadows however obviously it has to be blue and pink so let's do that as well there you go that's uh cute or something i don't know of course i still need the bones down there so let's make these shapes for that boom now they have textures and then it all comes down to shadows again so let's start doing those epic speed up time nice so for these shoes i have been looking online for some good images but well it's never exactly what you need so and the other elements had exactly these kind of shoes as a 3d object so i just found the best angle i used that instead of course the angle isn't exactly the same as the drawing but come on i mean i deserve some freedom here some shadows that's uh that's decent actually then it's just the legs there yeah cool and now the arm still and then we can put him in an environment but you all know how this goes by now a shape a texture some shadows beautiful now let me just add a background and some light again epic speed up time [Music] do there you go i added these little light thingies in his eye sockets because i thought that might be uh cool or something i mean without it it might as well be a dead potato anyway thanks for your submission james i'll make sure to send this back to you when i can so then i guess that's it for today if you want to have a possibility to see your drawing in the next episode make sure to send it to benny's edit show you can find that in the description and make sure to check out and follow elements as well if you're interested it's definitely worth it so check that link also in the description i have had lots of fun this spooky season first the giveaway contest benny spooky edit war on which almost like 3 000 people participated that's nuts then editing your photos which also was a lot of fun and now of course this episode of re-elicified the finale to the halloween season this year it's been great so thanks for the support and love if you liked this video make sure to leave a like and a comment and if you enjoy my overall content feel very free to subscribe but most importantly hit the bell to stay notified about future videos then i hope i'll see you in my next video [Music]
Channel: Benny Productions
Views: 1,988,745
Rating: 4.9601235 out of 5
Keywords: bennyproductions, benjamin, design, starwars, photoshop, editing, digital art, breakdown, speedart, speed art, adobe, creative cloud, time challenge, tutorial, break down, realistified, drawings into reality, drawings realized, photoshopping drawings, drawings, realistic photoshop, photoshopping your photos, editing your photos, your drawings, realistify, episode 4, halloween, spooky season, character photoshop, creepy, monster, horror, pikachu, pokemon, fantasy creature, terrifying
Id: vyxTH5RJCco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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