Editing YOUR Photos in Photoshop! | S1E4

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this video was sponsored by squarespace build a killer website today in this video i'll be taking your submitted photos and turn them into well anything i feel like whether it's subtle dramatic adorable or badass i'll do my best to turn your images into something more than just images this is editing your photos [Music] ladies and gentlemen welcome to a brand new episode of editing your photos if you want to send yours for the next episode send them to bennysubmissions gmail.com and then let's just get straight into it for today i have a few very cool photos and i'm pretty sure this is going to be a blast so let's get into the first one which was sent in by he-month i'm hemond from india do whatever you like with it i hope you see it thank you for submitting let's eat this into photoshop and get started so here we are in photoshop and i'm going to load my first image which is obviously this guy and we don't need the background so i'm going to take the pen tool and yeah just start you know masking out the whole thing this is going to take a ton of work and there you have it so then i'm thinking this might actually work i'm gonna put this man there and then first before i'm gonna do anything else i'm gonna go and add a camera raw filter to the uh the basic image because i feel like it's just a bit too dark so i'm gonna just try to make it a tiny bit brighter there you go first of all this uh well this needs fixing so i'm gonna go and make this look as if it's just nice and around and then flip it so this is not gonna be perfect but it's better than nothing so then i'll make this one fade out now oh that is amazing then i will group these and now let's make that whole thing a bit darker and also some more of this blue stuff going on especially in the shadows and i'm gonna add a tilt shift to the background to get this nice uh you know distance create a nice depth of field and set the blur radius to like uh 20. see there's the nice depth of field and maybe there's a bit much red in here so then i'm thinking yeah first we should do the reflection so i'm gonna copy this whole thing then merge that flip it vertically i'm just gonna take a guess here it only needs to show at the water all right you know what this is not gonna be like a super accurate reflection it's gonna be just some sort of ish the right reflection so i'm gonna go this area right here if i just drag it up then this whole thing should go like that i'm pretty sure this is good enough so then i'm gonna mask away some areas like this his feet you know what i feel i feel like this one actually might turn out pretty cool like that and then i also need obviously the same effects that i used on the other one so i'm gonna copy those there that's already a bit better i don't know i just feel like this should be just a tiny bit blurred sometimes we do stuff for no reason it should probably be a bit darker as well because it's a reflection that is actually decent not gonna lie okay so then um then what i need to do is the shadow below his feet because this looks absolutely horrible i'm gonna go to exposure and i'll take my brush and just uh make a super simple ambient shadow first which is like the actual touching shadow and then a second one that's a bit more more global and i'm gonna add some shadow down here as well on the bike itself maybe his shoes and now i think it's best if i first make a glow here and there because i always feel like that way it's easier to see where the highlights go because you can clearly see what light source is really bright and uh you know it's just super handy so i'm just gonna go and make a nice subtle glow on some stuff the pink signs there you go it's pretty cool my flow is literally one percent that's how soft i'm painting and then some blue ones that is pretty sick so now that we have the most uh important light stuff going on up there i'm gonna add some highlights first of all the pink red-ish ones because those are pretty sure those are the biggest ones blend if already does a kind of good job at this and then i'm just gonna paint over these areas so that's definitely pink on his face as well on this side it's mostly this blue one i'll just leave it subtle here just a bit on the edge this is maybe a bit too much though especially on his shoulder right here then i'll copy that to get like that really thin edge out there makes it look just a tiny bit more stylized even on those shades just a nice pink little edge then clearly the motorcycle also needs those highlights so let me just uh quickly add those and then also again the nice little edge around it or a very bright nice accent and again guys is this realistic probably not does it matter absolutely not it just looks nice and it doesn't have to be super realistic there you go that's pretty sick i'm pretty sure this is the most important uh stuff for the pink highlight so then i gotta do the same thing for the blue one on the right so uh it's literally just the exact same thing except blue so i'll just take my brush again there you go actually i'm pretty sure that blend if is enough in this case because this looks really good and the tiny little edge even all the way down here just a tiny bit however now there is still this huge area on the motorcycle that is not really lit and i don't really like that so how about i put some kind of light source on the left right here just something i don't know something that's not in view i'm pretty sure that could be nice but what color i'm like it could be white but i feel like it would be just a bit boring especially because we have this nice duotone of pink and blue so i'm not really sure if that will work you know what let's first just uh go to the background and add some nice haze because that is what i miss right now first i'm gonna do some blue haze and i set it on screen and then i'm just gonna paint really softly just back here tiny bit to create just a little distance between this guy and the background i just feel like it's all a bit too cramped if that makes any sense maybe with a nice mist brush as well see that is actually pretty cool and then on some areas it should be a bit more pink around these pink lights and this entire upper portion should be pink there you go very nice see that's just a bit of distance really nice also some areas can use some more shadows because it's just a bit too bright for example the legs so then i only still need to do the uh the bright light source coming from the left wait a second isn't that beautiful it's glorious we could put the lights on yeah let's do that i'm just gonna erase the darken layer again easiest way to do it this is really starting to remind me of the edit i did in the uh first episode and i'm gonna make it a whole lot brighter there you go and you as well and now let's uh let's add a glow to those which is just going to be a bright yellowish white one that however also means that we need some more highlights except this time white ones wait isn't this a light as well where's that the light i literally know nothing about motorcycles like at all let me let me just google it real quick it says mt-15 right there does that mean anything a few moments later yep that's definitely a light the glow to it there you go look at that that is pretty sick that surely definitely is a lot better let's just go with a bit of blue on this side it needs something so might as well just take something we already have there you go that is pretty sick also a bit down here what if i just put this this image like in his glasses right there it's a bit much maybe let's put this on uh i don't know 40 percent look at that some of the blue stuff over it that is pretty nice that's definitely better so now i guess there's only one thing left and that is the particles we've got this image right here i'm just gonna rotate that set the blend mode to screen and then i'll just add some of that stuff to add some life to the thing then turn them blue where they're supposed to be blue which is here and then the same thing over again except with a bit bigger ones just a tiny little bit there you go that's pretty sick i feel like this i just feel like this side should be a bit brighter for some reason i don't know why what if i put this right there oh hell yeah i really feel like this uh this is it i'm gonna go to filter and then camera raw filter and then let's see what else i can do here to make it really really finish it yeah yeah i just feel like every just everything is a bit too much so i'm gonna go back in and see if i can just decrease a few things especially the flares and particles are just a bit much also i'm gonna add some more of that background haze then i'm gonna re-add the filter and there you go yeah that's definitely better in literally every way look at that so yeah i'm pretty sure this is uh this is it i wouldn't really know what else to add so um hereby i uh declare this one officially finished onto the next one big thanks to heeman for sending over your image i'll make sure to send this back to you whenever i get the chance by the way this doesn't mean y'all should start sending me motorbike photos after the first episode a while back you guys kept sending me motorbike photos but i'm not gonna do the same thing over and over and over again so if you want to be chosen it's best to bring something new to the table that said before moving on to the next photo first a quick word from the sponsor of today's video squarespace for creators like me it is extremely important to have a good working website squarespace is a platform that allows you to do literally everything you need to do when building a website it's also made super easy so you don't need any professional sort of skills or website building stuff and there's a bunch of cool features like donation options social sharing blogging tools and of course full analytics over your entire website it's super detailed i myself made a super quick website on squarespace to try it out and i gotta say it works amazing it's super fast super easy and besides if you don't have any ideas for your website you can just pick one of the templates they already have and i have a special offer for you if you go to squarespace.com you can start a free trial and when you are ready to go use squarespace.com bennyproductions to get 10 off a website or domain i mean that's amazing link down below now our next photo was sent in by josiah hi benny i'm josiah from indonesia i really enjoy your content and i hope you can edit my photo however you want thanks a lot thanks mate i have a pretty interesting idea for this one so let's get straight into it so here we are for the second photo and uh let's just go i'm gonna first take this image and make that very big so it covers the whole thing then i'm gonna put this guy sort of right there and obviously first again i need to mask him out because we don't need the background so i'm just gonna skip that again because who wants to look at this this is incredibly boring if you and there you go we've got this guy isolated so then i'm gonna let's see it like that so the idea is like i wanna have this guy floating above this uh lake with a bunch of um cool stuff around him and i'm gonna show you that in a second let's first just add some tilt shift to the background so i'm thinking about this is where his feet are on that level there you go you've got that nice depth of field right there so then let's see i want the sky to be a little darker so i'm just gonna paint over it with a very soft dark blue solid there you go because i want to put some stars right up there so i've got this one i'm gonna make it a bit bigger and then put that on screen however it should be blurred as well it's gotta be even darker though a night sky also these mountains a bit darker then i'm gonna add some dust again on the horizon to create that nice atmospheric depth however on this side it should be a bit more red there you go that is pretty cool then i'm gonna darken the entire background just a tiny bit and then this guy should be a whole lot darker well not a whole lot just a bit let's make this haze a bit more strong really need that distance i'm not really getting that right now however that bright area right there should remain bright so i'm gonna use some blend if cool wow that works then to match this guy with the rest i'm gonna add some color balance so first of all some red literally because there's a lot of red in the base image and then in the highlights some more yellow and red so now i am going to do something very weird at first but i think this could look pretty cool at the end i'm gonna surround this uh guy with uh some planets why i don't know because it just seems cool this is gonna be one of these really surreal edits and mars by the way it says this is venus but i'm gonna use this as the sun neptune i'm not gonna look at sizes i'm just gonna do it randomly i simply just don't care enough it's gonna be unrealistic anyways then we've got mercury is that enough or do we need more we've got ceres as well and finally the moon and move the whole thing just a tiny bit down since uh this is gonna be the sun i'm gonna make this really bright and therefore it's gonna be the main light source and then another idea i had was to make um neptune also very bright because that would be like this nice blue light source which adds to the whole surreal sort of look so there we have the bright thing then if i just add some sort of glow to that i feel like it already might look pretty lit and it shouldn't be blown out anyway because then it just gets white and that's weird there see now it already is a bit as if it emits light the sides have to be brighter most of all the edges look that's better maybe we can even add this tiny outer glow there you go there you go ladies and gentlemen this is what i mean this is exactly what i mean since uh that thing is so bright the guy right here obviously needs a highlight in that very bright yellow color and then i will use that to create some nice yellow highlights there you go that's looking pretty sweet then up here and on the shirt there there you go i'm just gonna use exposure was about to say that looks pretty solid so then all the other planets need this same um first of all highlight but also just need some shadows and just some blending overall so i'm going to do that however i should probably first turn neptune into a light source as well let me just make that a bit brighter and again the edges most of all and i'll add some glow once again there's just something about blue glow that makes it a lot cooler than other colors i don't know why it's just it looks so cool just really big see how big that is awesome i love it so then there's our second light source and first i'm going to add the highlight to the guy again except this time a blue one right here make that a bit brighter there you go this is very subtle and yet it really adds this nice depth and realism to it there you go oh that is actually really nice and even on his fingers just a little bit i'm really happy with this maybe i can even enhance it with a bit of exposure i really didn't think this one was gonna look cool at all this is gonna be pretty sick i feel like okay so anyway now that this guy is in place too i can move on to the other planets um i'm gonna first add some shadows to them because i think that is actually a lot more important than highlights something like that it looks a bit fake i don't know why maybe a bit of glow on the edge i don't know why but it looks off maybe it's because it looks like it's behind this guy so this entire lower portion shouldn't be actually lit maybe that's it right and then this guy needs a shadow because this thing is real close to him right here there you go then we've got mars first let's do some shadows [Music] and the nice yellow sort of light that's pretty much it already isn't it and maybe just a touch of this blue light on this one as well just a teeny tiny little there wow and some more shadows on earth and the yellow light and of course the moon and not to forget saturn some of the blue stuff over here that looks very interesting and the final little planet and then i'm pretty sure that is all of them so now let's see what could i possibly add next other than the reflection of course i just want the background to be even darker i don't know why it just feels like right yeah yeah that's pretty cool let's just do the reflection first because i don't really know what else to do so i'm gonna take this whole thing merge it together and then flip it vertically and then move it all the way down here so it shouldn't touch because he's floating right above the water now to make it look like it's an actual reflection i'm gonna go and see if blend if does its job then it should also have a motion blur and it should also be distorted and for that i could take the easy road and just try to liquefy it or i could use a displacement map but that's a lot of work and i don't feel like doing that so i'm just gonna try and see what i can do with liquify and i know i know this is a very cheap way to do it but i just don't feel like putting the effort in making a displacement map for something like this i am lazy you guys should know that by now that does work there you go it's very tiny and very subtle and very barely visible but it does it it does the job that's what it's uh that's what it's all about then of course the very bright blue planet also casts light onto the water itself so i'm gonna make sort of another blue highlight for that on the water and i feel like this is gonna look very good i'm gonna zoom in and sort of paint down here see what that does oh look at that and then the same thing i'm gonna do for the yellow one right about here i don't know about you guys but i'm really digging this this is fantastic then some blue all over the right side what if i put some stars in between these planets that could actually that could actually work and let's make it a bit bigger let's put it right there then i'm just gonna take my brush and just here and there paint some of these stars back i feel like this this might be something just all over the place then on the right side i want them to be yellow wait that's the left side i'm stupid yeah that that's just a little twinkly sort of uh effect let's put a nice glow around this guy maybe he needs a reflection in his glasses as well since the sun is literally right in front of him you know what i don't really know what else to add i feel like if i start adding too much it's just gonna suffer from it and i also feel like this one might actually get a lot better if i add a camera raw filter so i'm gonna do that to filter and then camera raw filter and then let's see what we can do here some clarity bit of texture brighten the highlights and some curves maybe tiny bit of sharpening as well color mixer is definitely the most powerful tool in camera raw by far and some color grading which might have a big impact as well it really has this soft look which i really dig usually my work is kind of harsh but in this case it actually is quite yeah well soft and a tiny bit of grain you know what i don't like though is this red stuff right here i'm gonna try and see if i can get rid of that and just paint over it with a bit of blue okay that was easier than i thought so then i will re-add the camera raw filter again and there you go this turned out completely different than i thought it would but i don't mind at all actually this is very interesting i like how this is different from the stuff i usually make with that said and done i guess this one is finished as well let's move on to the final drawing thanks again to josiah for submitting your photo i'll send this back asap [Music] let's check out what you guys made in photoshop using hue 263 first of all darkder with this captain america edits very nice and cinematic then next we've got this one from teemo which reminds me of that episode from love death and robots also very cool and finally for today i chose this space scene which i particularly like because well it's space so yeah thanks for tagging if you want to see your edit in my next video use this purple color and tag hashtag u263 in your next post then i hope to see your work here in my next episode for the final photo of today i chose this one from obey hi i'd like to see what you can do with this love your videos and thanks a lot thank you for sending this over let's add some magic to this one as well so for the final edit um let's just you know let's just start with masking this guy out this is getting incredibly boring why do i even bother telling you and there you go away is the background now i'm gonna put this in a new document because there you go i want this to be 4k just seems like a nice format then actually i should probably remove this car it just doesn't really fit so now first i gotta extend the photo because obviously it just stops right here so i'm gonna let's see i'm just gonna take this area and move it here and then fade this edge just a tiny bit so it you know so there's a nice transition flawless erase the edge again isn't that absolutely beautiful so then for the main sky i found this beautiful sunset image so i'm gonna make that a bit bigger and then let's make that a tiny bit brighter and let's take out some of the color because i find that blue a bit too much then let's blur that because as you can see here the background already is blurred in the original image so let's go and go to filter field blur and that's a bit much maybe let's do about eight nine yeah that's it then for the skyline i found this photo beautiful buildings and these i'm gonna put on the horizon and i think if i just use a bit of blend if i might be able to just see erase the sky just like that it's gonna be in the background anyway so we don't need much detail and then paint it back it's gonna look a bit weird at first but trust me it'll be fine then let's add that same blur to it again and now it's a bit too dark especially for how far away it is let's bring that a bit further in the distance i'm just gonna decrease the fill that's pretty cool however let's add some of that haze down here that's pretty nice all the way at the back then maybe let's even brighten this area up even more because that is where the uh sun is but so we do need a shadow below this car because well there's the sun and that clearly should create this huge ass shadow so let's grab our brush and start painting a beautiful shadow of course this is always a bit of a guess i'm just gonna go here and then erase it a bit at the bottom maybe right here it should just go straight down yeah definitely then where also should be a shadow is right here because this edge is not being lit by the sunset that's pretty good you know what let's add some glow already bear that's pretty cool very intense but cool and maybe a bit of blue on this side then let's go and add some more highlights because this car it has highlights but not really convincing ones so let's just go and add these manually some on his face most of all and some on his jacket as well maybe it would look a bit better if i just put some color in the window it definitely is better it felt it looked like it was empty for some reason i think that's even better maybe a bit of glow on the back lights right here this is small extra little light detail all this time i've been doing all this without color balance so first maybe maybe it's nice to actually add some color to the whole thing because bloody hell okay um let's see first of all some red however on this side it should be a bit more blue sort of ish speaking of blue this guy should probably have some blue highlights maybe not really highlights but just light in general just a tiny little accent let's see if that works it's a bit much but it could work let's bring that down a bit i feel like that actually might just be it and some on his legs as well this might actually end up pretty cool his feet are a bit bright though these shoes pretty sure this is a bit better and i might as well put that yellow highlight right on here since this is also being lit by the sun this area could maybe use some yellow okay that definitely works let's also add a moon right there rotate it a bit put it on screen at the same blur gallery and then we should be all set oh wait one final little detail that is a beautiful number right there and to be very honest i'm not really sure what else to add let's just go and try a camera raw filter this one is uh pretty simple pretty simplistic nothing nothing explosive going on it's just just a car with a sunset and i guess it's nice so uh yeah that's the final one for today and there you go thanks to obey i'll send this back to you whenever i can so these are the three photos i did today don't forget if you want to send yours for the next episode email them to bennysubmissions gmail.com that's not my business email for the record leave a comment on how many times i've said there you go in this video leave a like subscribe if you enjoy my content and most of all hit the bell to stay notified about future videos at all bloody times then i hope i'll see you in my next video [Music] you
Channel: Benny Productions
Views: 1,644,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bennyproductions, benjamin, design, starwars, photoshop, editing, digital art, breakdown, speedart, speed art, adobe, creative cloud, tutorial, entertainment, photo shop, squarespace, displate, editing your photos, editing your images, photoshopping your photos, editing photos, your photos, edit show, photoshopping photos, audience engagement, send me your photos, photo editing, your pictures, your images, planets, space, star wars, cars, car
Id: Aaot3JZRxRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 28sec (1588 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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