EXPLODING Glitter Bomb 4.0 vs. Package Thieves

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Wonder why some of the porch pirates are blurred out in the video while some are not?

👍︎︎ 620 👤︎︎ u/g_s_c 📅︎︎ Dec 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

Looking forward to next year to see if he can take down some of those guys that break into cars. Somehow worse than porch pirates. Not only do you lose your stuff, but you have to replace a window too.

👍︎︎ 1084 👤︎︎ u/Sekh765 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

The second guy must not be able to smell or is so used to the smell of farts that he enjoys the fart spray

👍︎︎ 169 👤︎︎ u/CollumMcJingleballs 📅︎︎ Dec 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

The horn is absolute gold. You open the package, the horn goes off, and everybody within earshot turns their head just in time to see you get glittered, sprayed and photographed. It's like a modern day PG tarring and feathering for thieves.

👍︎︎ 172 👤︎︎ u/boyengancheif 📅︎︎ Dec 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

Wow, what is wrong with San Fran where you can reliably get your car smashed in like that? Seems kinda wild to me.

👍︎︎ 490 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

Well there's a pawn shop that needs shut down at least, $400 no questions asked?

👍︎︎ 78 👤︎︎ u/pickled-egg 📅︎︎ Dec 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

2 of the fart canisters should be replaced with crazy glue - really make that glitter last. I wonder if any of the thieves were caught.

👍︎︎ 251 👤︎︎ u/jkjkjij22 📅︎︎ Dec 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

I find it amazing this guy’s name is Mark Rober and he spends all of his time trying to mark robbers

👍︎︎ 218 👤︎︎ u/BlkSkwirl 📅︎︎ Dec 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

Shout out to Sean Hodgins who builds these things with Mark. I think it's a shame that Mark doesn't seem to give him credit. He appears briefly at the beginning of this video so I assume he was involved this time but who can tell? Here's the video Sean made showing the build process of the first version: https://youtu.be/IpMxOmUcfOI

👍︎︎ 586 👤︎︎ u/aspz 📅︎︎ Dec 14 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] this guy stole a package from my car and a different guy stole my package from a porch and he's about to open it in his car hello but what he doesn't realize is this is the fourth generation of a new and improved custom-built bait package that is recording him on four phones and just released a pound of the world's finest glitter and he's about to discover the other five new surprises for this year now i know what you're thinking isn't it a bit excessive to spend the last four years of your life trying to engineer the perfect revenge for porch pirates just because someone stole your package a few years ago and the police wouldn't do anything about it and to that i say no and imma keep doing it every christmas until we can make a dent in the 2 million packages that are stolen from porches every year plus it's become such a delightful engineering challenge for me to try and think of all the different ways that we can upgrade it each year and so with that this is glitter bomb 4.0 and that is the first of five major upgrades this year the lid shoots off as soon as the package thief tries to open it our original design to pull this off was a flywheel that spun up at irresponsibly dangerous speeds then we lowered these wheels to make contact with the flywheel and they shared an axle with the gear which then used a rack and pinion to launch the lid but that was just way too over engineered even for my lofty over engineering standards so that's when we pivoted to a pneumatic system but space is limited in the box so we had to custom design these aluminum pressure and tanks with a little help from my friends at proto labs they hooked me up and made six of these in like two days which is why they're mine and your best friend for quick turnaround machine parts like this so the tank is filled with air pressurized to 80 psi and it's nestled here in the base and then with the top half on this hall effect sensor right here can sense a magnet attached to the lid so when the lid is lifted it triggers the air to rush in the pistons and the boxing gloves do the rest and the second major improvement is this car horn because that just feels like it's gonna make things more exciting for everyone so when the lid first pops off it actually sounds a little bit more like that then the third upgrade is the design of the glitter cup itself this year instead of an open cup like this that spins all the glitter out in one shot we have a two-chambered cup like this which means we get to fire the glitter three separate times so the way it works is you pour glitter in the top chamber here and it fills up both chambers and when the cup spins the glitter in the lower chamber flies up and out the sides but the glitter in the upper chamber is trapped due to the centrifugal force then when the cup stops spinning gravity basically loads the next batch of glitter in the lower chamber for us and so now of course it's ready to fly out on the next spin and so on this totally passive solution means we get to save one of our three glitter fires this year for when we get to the end of the out loud countdown sequence now of course you'll still see the standard four phones here that record the thief in all directions and upload the footage to the cloud as well as these four canisters filled with 20 more fart spray of legitimately the worst smell you could possibly imagine as demonstrated by the time i almost killed macaulay culkin himself i still smell it the fourth upgrade is we have a dedicated onboard microphone to record continuous audio once the package is stolen and the fifth is this outer casing is now made from this opaque machined acrylic that means the entire glitter bomb now glows much brighter to light up the scene if it's open in the dark and it just looks really dope when the whole box pulses red and blue as we play the fake police scanner chatter a few minutes after being opened to further encourage the thief to get rid of the box so we can recover it and then the final upgrade for this year isn't actually on the glitter bomb itself last year we developed these doormats that would covertly charge the box on these contacts so it would be at full battery whenever it got stolen that was fantastic but a lot of boxes were being taken at night which was leading to footage that just wasn't that great so to solve for that this year we designed these planter boxes and when the sun goes down the side raises up and they autonomously slide over to swallow up the glitter bomb concealing it from any would-be thieves in the night without the homeowner needing to hassle with bringing it in and out every day then of course in the morning the process reverses and the box is ready to go so now when the bad guy comes sneaking by in the day and steals it off the porch the batteries are all at 100 charge and the box knows it's no longer on the mat so it starts recording and uploading footage to the cloud in addition to texting us that has been stolen and sending gps location updates and so if you compare glitter bomb 1.0 through 4.0 you can really see the design evolution and while my lawyers have already made it very clear that i am not allowed to sell this if i did it might look something like this glitter bomb 4.0 is our most advanced glitter bomb ever beautiful complex yet simple a sleek and porch-informed design now includes a car horn from a toyota corolla and twenty percent warfare spray a completely redesigned multi-spray glitter cup with a pound of our finest biodegradable glitter means your porch pirate will remember this moment for a very long time but especially in direct sunlight oh and there is one more thing introducing the world's first self-launching lid glitter bomb 4.0 [Music] [Music] because sometimes revenge is a dish best served fabulously so there it is and while you can't buy glitter bomb 4.0 if you want to support more efforts like this you can rock this stylish wireframe glitter bomb hoodie here or we've also got this cool retro pop art version for 4.0 with the boxing gloves available of course only at markrover.com and so now all that was left to do was to put it out on porches all across america and wait and we didn't have to wait long [Music] wait a sec is that who i think it is and sure enough fortnuts had run out of walnuts so instead of trying to make an honest squirrel's living fat gus had apparently turned to a life of crime and speaking of which i'd like to quickly point out that whether squirrels are stealing your birdseed so you build them an obstacle course or humans are stealing your packages so you go full home alone the beauty about being an engineer is you can come up with clever solutions for your real life challenges it's like a super power but a superpower you can learn and i'd love to see other people catch that spark which is why a few times a year i teach a month-long creative engineering course and enrollment for the new year session is open starting right now over the course of a month you're gonna watch me design and create three builds from scratch but the best part is i'm gonna guide you through finishing three creative builds of your own so whether you're a complete beginner or an experienced engineer class has been designed to meet you wherever you're at and level up your skills go to monthly.com markrover or use the link in the video description then go sign up as a new year's resolution goal and let's hang out making some cool stuff and now for the sparkly karma [Music] so he hides it under some clothes and a few minutes later he brings in a consultant it's a tracking device oh this guy wins the award for our most contemplative thief ever i've sped this footage up to double time so we have to make up his mind with a third round of glitter fart spray and then the countdown 15 14. and as if stealing a glitter bomb wasn't a bad enough choice already this guy doubles down and decides to open it in his car man fifteen fourteen three two and it's worth mentioning of course we have to make multiple glitter bombs because sometimes they do take a beating and yet they battle through the pain like chance [Music] and they're referring to our dead giveaway shipping label here with harry and marv on wet bandit way i feel bad [Music] and apparently they landed heads because a few hours later this happened what's up this guy stole it and took it straight to a pawn shop to try and negotiate a deal no give me one more hundred then we're good one more this is a brand new the wrapping looks kind of weird no that's 2021. open it and see if it's just in there one more hundred and this one's hilarious to me because if he wouldn't have got greedy he could have walked out of there with 400 bucks and instead you get zero dollars and a bedazzle jacket oh my god [Music] oh [Music] oh this is a trick i'll fool you [Music] no they eventually threw it away and then went the extra mile to help us rinse off all the glitter followed up with a light dusting last year if you might recall we went up to san francisco aka the car breaking capital of the world and got a glitter bomb taken in a matter of minutes and while we never got them to actually open the box it did have an interesting conclusion so this year naturally we went back and at the end of day one we had no takers but then we stopped for like two minutes to get some snacks for the trip home and when we came back to the car we saw this they took the backpack with the gopros but left the freaking glitter bomb so now it was definitely on so we went back to that exact spot the next day and within 10 minutes this happened and you can see here just how quickly they work you can literally hear them doing another smash and grab here not four minutes after they smashed our window come on and unfortunately in all the jostling of stolen goods the glitter bomb had a false trigger and they were on to us so if you keep a track at home that's car thieves with three points and me with zero without a single ounce of glitter being fired now i'm not proud of that but there is a silver lining here because the police rolled up on us after this break-in and let's just say they are both familiar with and fans of the work being done here in fact they were actually tracking the guys that smashed our window but then they lost them so next year i'll be joining forces with them in some capacity and i'm giving a mark rover guarantee that i'm gonna get some points on the board and perhaps uncover how these guys run their whole operation in the process so make sure you're subscribed if you don't want to miss that but it wasn't just the police who'd heard about the glitter bomb this year just like before we also put some glitter bombs by a few group mailboxes and i'm happy to report that the overwhelming majority of people do the right thing and either don't take it or even go out of their way like this nice lady in fact they were stolen approximately half as often as last year so either people are getting more honest or perhaps i don't know enough people have seen these videos that it's the devastating power of glitter that's encouraging more civil behavior and i'll just leave you with two pieces of evidence that kind of seem to support this working theory [Music] god right in my house [Music] that thing has a tracer on it too the cops are going to be right outside and i'm wondering if it's one of those package speed things that spread out fart but this thing is going to start talking from 54321 so just don't steal packages because it's not nice but if you do need some extra incentive just know you might be opening next year's glitter bomb and trust me you don't want to meet version 5.0 if you twist the bottom of this contraption you will never have to reach into a pringles can again and this motorized fork means eating spaghetti has never been easier this is a ferrous wheel for organizing your spices and this device will save you if you're the only one in the house who likes your oj pulp free the way god intended and finally this is the fastest way to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich incredible and what do all these have in common they were all constructed by people who took my month-long creative engineering course in fact this contraption that feeds your dog with a pull of a lever went on to get 120 million views on tick tock then launch and successfully fund a kickstarter campaign and because feedback on this month-long course has been so positive we're doing it again this year and you can sign up for it starting now this class covers my full engineering design process all the way from how i come up with an idea to prototyping to finalizing the build and giving it character i show you everything that i'm thinking everything that i'm doing and i do it three times over the course of a month you're gonna watch me design and create three totally original builds and i'm gonna guide you through finishing three creative builds of europe and this is an online class so you can take it from anywhere and work it around your schedule but it's fully immersive and intensive so whether you're a working professional or you're taking this class as a family whether you're a complete beginner or you're an experienced engineer this class has been designed to meet you wherever you're at and then level up your skills so go to monthly.commarkrover or use the link in the video description to see what other people had to say about their experience and then enroll and i'll see you in class
Channel: Mark Rober
Views: 15,165,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3c584TGG7jQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 13 2021
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