I Let My Subscribers Decide What I Make in Photoshop!

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in today's video i'm putting all of your random ideas together into one photoshop edit may he have mercy on our souls [Music] ladies and gentlemen welcome to this brand new video today we're gonna do something quite different on my instagram page i posted this without really any context basically asking you for some random ideas you have for photoshop edits well this is what it was for i chose a few random ideas then sat down and tried to think of a composition that would look at least a little nice using these ideas all in my head of course let's see how acceptable we can make it like the video subscribe and then let's get straight into it so there we are in photoshop obviously i have to start with the landscape elements and the biggest one is the floating tree i found this fantastic image which is actually a bonsai tree but nobody cares i'm just gonna put it somewhere in the middle then of course we also need some sort of ground not touching the tree but you know something down here to make it look nice and for that i found this image which i think could work pretty well obviously we don't need the whole thing so i'm just gonna erase a whole bunch of stuff as i said it cannot touch the tree either so uh something like this and of course i'll make this edge look nicer towards the end but for now this is more than fine to add some nice detail to that i'm gonna use this bush stuff right here because i kind of like the way it looks and that will hopefully give it some more spice get rid of the background there you go and i'll just fade out some of these edges and then to refine the edge i'm using the refine edge brush tool and actually let's just do the grass brush right now why wait if we can do it just something like this nice and subtle and a little bit on the left as well to make the bottom of the tree look a bit more natural and nice well i mean a flying tree isn't really the definition of natural but you get what i mean let's just make it a bit more stylized and nice later i'll enhance this but uh for now this is fine um then what's next the cave this image i'm gonna use for our cave very nice so i'm gonna put it right there and i'm curious maybe i can simply just use a layer mask and kind of [Music] like that it blends in quite well with a rock that was already there okay that i did not expect to be so easy but thank you very much i don't know who i'm thinking but that was way too easy this wasn't actually requested by one of you but i do want like a nice background here obviously that's what a nice picture needs so i'm just gonna put this right there and then mask away the sky like that i love how at this point it could still be a decent nice mystical edit except that's not what it's gonna be the sky though is not complete without at least a few clouds so right down here i'm just gonna put some uh well clouds pretty sure we don't need the top area and then to finish the sky for now a very nice blue solid color fantastic i'm really not blending yet i'm leaving that for later but first i just want to put some stuff in there to have a good start then the next submitted idea was space so to make space let's put some space in the sky we can set it to screen to get that nice light effect and on top we can make the sky a bit darker to create some nice contrast there you go just a very nice and warm vibe down here and a very cold vibe up there where there is space there shall be a moon so i have a huge moon then i think if i put its blend mode to screen it's instantly yeah that's instantly a lot better i mean this on its own could be such a nice peaceful edit it's almost a waste that i'm gonna ruin it this bad well actually you guys are the ones ruining this but so far i managed to put all of your ideas in a pretty decent composition but from this point it's gonna get kind of crazy however before making it crazy let's first blend all of this together a little bit more because this is just not looking very nice let's make it nice and bright towards the horizon that's something i do in pretty much all of my work then the mountains in the background should be a lot lighter and yet darker at the same time less contrast that's what i'm trying to say this is already starting to look a lot better some nice glow and sunlight would obviously make this one a lot better too so let's go and try that something like this also makes it a bit more hazy then next we have this hill which has to be quite a bit darker because it's in the shadow near the edges however it should be a bit lighter because that's where the light hits a little bit some brighter areas on top now we can put the cave over it which is still very light and bright so let's add the same stuff to that first of all it's going to be a lot darker there you go let's add some extra shadows here and there since it's really in the shadow of the shadow which is kind of you know extra dark now that looks pretty nice if you ask me so then the tree one more time first it's going to be darker like so then it's gonna be a bit more bluish using color balance this one however is going to need a lot more highlights than the other stuff because it is directly in front of the moon which by the way first maybe should have some glow the stars are always behind the moon so let's destroy those very nice and then let's duplicate the moon to make it a bit brighter there you go and then let's make it shine by adding some glow to it not too much but just enough to make it look nice and shiny then the highlights these i'm gonna do as a speed edit because then you can see it all in a very short amount of time it's amazing let's roll it [Music] [Music] [Music] fantastic beautiful magnificent so that means that now the blending part for this area is done area that's when you know you play too much theme park tycoon um i meant this whatever so the next idea was a charger and you can either mean a charger or a charger so i chose the charger right here i have a charger so let's go and put it right in the tree because i mean come on then let's go and grab some sort of grass for a brush and put him in the tree because right now he's just kind of sitting on it which is not great so then we can go and just kind of just like this there you go maybe a few on top of it as well you probably already guessed that this guy has to be a lot darker for some realism we should probably add some shadows near the leaves we also need those same highlights again obviously so let's go and make those i think this is uh pretty decent so uh then next yourself say no more oh yes this is gonna happen right about there then we shall remove what must be removed now you must be wondering why i'm holding my hand like that well photoshop an uncooked piece of steak to make it look grilled and seasoned like gordon ramsay well there you have it there we go then let's grab the pen tool and now this little one i'm gonna put right there for this shadows are the most important thing and there you go that i i have no words this is art but we're not even close to finished because there's quite some more ideas you guys mentioned company logo oh that's easy there you go right about there isn't that nice absolutely fantastic also these headlights should probably be turned on like that and then we just need to make some light rays and glow and stuff like that nice and bright and then kind of this nice light just like that a plane crash that's a nice detail to add in the background let's add some shadows to it i mean it's a super tiny detail but it is technically a crashed plane an old owl that will fit perfectly on this bit right here let's make him a bit smaller there you go and then we can put him right about there and some shadows again i mean really at this point it's all the same again i add something i make it darker i add shadows and so on it's a miracle you're still here like that it's not really an old owl although i don't really know what an old owl looks like but it's an owl so that's nice a thick potato with six-pack now that is something unique oh well let's put this guy here he's just kind of sitting looking at the sunset then you may be asking yourself benny why is this a thick potato and not just any other potato well let me show you now we can do better than that look at them butt cheeks it's quite subtle but you can see it and that really does make this a thick potato however this potato also was supposed to have six-pack and while he's turned around so we can't see that so instead let's give him a different kind of six-pack our boy is just casually enjoying the sun with a nice cold beer alpaca two very cute alpacas just sitting there in the cave being in love and all from here on out it's like 99 shadows they are barely visible but they are there then a snake i think i can do pretty much a lot with just this image see something like this is actually not even that bad and then it's going all around the tree so you only see it when you're actually looking for it and now i just have to make it look like it's going around this tree and i don't actually know how i'm gonna do that i can of course try using something like this and it goes around the corner right there let's go and put some shadows on the tree like that yes i like that a lot and then it's gonna go up and then whoop another one yes dude check that out after this bit it's just gonna go somewhere up here so we don't see it anymore but i like that a tv let's put that right here in the grass for absolutely no reason at all now the only question is what are we gonna do inside the screen of the tv we could just set it to noise but i feel like that's a bit boring maybe one of these it does add some color to the whole thing look at that you know what i'll just keep it it's quite nice actually it's nothing special but i mean just look at the whole thing come on then there's only one left light bulb now this is gonna make it look very nice trust me i'm gonna put a rather big one somewhere right here and then maybe another one and then some small ones around them this is gonna spice it up so much yes yes yes now we just gotta switch them on like this this is like the main light source same thing on all the other ones and then on top a slightly bigger glow there you go they are currently floating though so let's go and fix that very nice then let's go and make some final highlights coming from those light bulbs because these cast light onto the tree now would you look at that i am dead curious to see what this looks like with the camera raw filter so let's go and do that oh boy in here i'm hoping to spice it up a whole lot let's go and add some curves to it as well make it a bit sharper and then the color mixer where the real magic happens and there you go actually this isn't even like a bad edit it's it's idiotic and it makes like zero sense but it still looks pretty cool well this is what happens when you let your subscribers decide what you make without them knowing i even asked back to the studio i guess a very interesting and most of all fun experience if you like this and want to see more of it in the future make sure to comment down below and then who knows maybe this will turn into a series also of course follow my instagram page to make sure you don't miss stories like these because i mean who wants to miss stories like these honestly if you like this video make sure to leave a like and a comment and if you enjoy my overall content feel very very free to subscribe that would mean the world i'm so sorry that would mean the world to me then i hope i'll see you in my next video [Music] [Music]
Channel: Benny Productions
Views: 402,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bennyproductions, benjamin, design, starwars, photoshop, editing, digital art, breakdown, speedart, speed art, adobe, creative cloud, tutorial, entertainment, photo shop, your ideas, photoshopping your ideas, eidting your ideas, compositing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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