Miniature HOWL'S MOVING CASTLE made from JUNK // Ghibli Crafts

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Watching this I realize how little patience I have. This was beautiful to watch.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/RazorRamonReigns 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

Thank you for posting this! 🙂

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/OkNefariousness6850 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

Really, really well done

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/western_mass 📅︎︎ Aug 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

Worth watching the whole thing! Relaxing, well-designed, entertaining, inspiring. Oh, and AMAZING CRAFTSMANSHIP!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Manderse 📅︎︎ Aug 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

I know it's not, but this looks like something out of a Courage The Cowardly Dog episode.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/dendawg 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2021 🗫︎ replies
this video brought to you by the support on patreon hey studs welcome back to studson studio today i'm crafting this house moving castle model out of junk and whatever else i can conjure from the trash can so we've got a lot of work to do look at this beautiful mess first time i set my sights on it i knew i needed to try building it this is going to take the full force of my garbage collection since i'm going for a size that still comes pretty close to tabletop scale and i know you're wondering about dog scale it'll be about the size of one birdie we'll start by assembling a loose body shape using trash after months of hoarding plastic i pretty much ended up blowing all of it on this project starting with the grand prize you get for eating a gallon of kimchi you can almost envision how this big oval will soon become a walking castle get that out of here one of the things i was most worried about was having strong hips to support the weight that will ultimately rest on the castle's chicken legs i used way more hot glue than you can actually see the only thing left to do now is to paint it clear atomic purple so we can see the insides noodles now i've only seen the movie but as i understand it the book describes the castle as four looming towers bespelled to hold together around an instant bulgogi udon bowl i also have tons of these instant rice bowls one of which will be used to plug the neck hole here okay and another one will be bisected to become the bones of the castle's jaws all of these additions are just for bulking out the general shape of the castle so i wasn't too concerned with being quick and dirty and just gluing random junk together solid dressing bottle the back of the castle has a platform that sort of tapers up and outward so i'm adding an extra rice bowl here which will be covered in bricks later check out this nut jar [Music] the top and bottom have an ideal bulbous taper for wizard architecture the castle turrets seem to get wider as they rise which is important because wizard aesthetic is to build things that look like they'd fall apart as soon as they're released from their spells [Music] the noodle bowl ended up not being quite tall enough so here's an inch of foam carved to taper upward to add more real estate for the central turret [Music] this christmas bobble will be the bones for the domes of each turret make sure to carve this side into magneto's helmet to fit this very specific space here's another nut jar for the central turret as you are learning about all the food i put in my body this container could stand to be a little more thick though so let's bulk it out with a layer of foam board that will wrap around with hot glue quick balance test bad we'll make the legs later but for now these cardboard kickstands temporarily hot glued in place are enough to keep the castle upright this big smile is another rice bowl for the front turret but it's a bit too flat on the top so i'm going to use a piece of this apple crate somebody in the comments mentioned how it seems unnecessary that apples are sold in plastic and i agree but these wasteful apples are great for crafting i'm plugging up this nut tube with a cardboard cap here a wizard and then topping off the rest of the turrets with a couple more domes the transition from the castle face to the turrets needs to be a little more of a gradual slope so i'm bulking out the upper lip with a foam strip then using strips of hot glued paper board to get the general shape the silhouette is looking pretty alright but i don't like this jar dimple on the back here so i need to cover up that booty but don't worry you still get to see a little booty on the rice bowl back here i wanted to add a little cobblestone patio that in hindsight you'll never actually see because of how much junk it gets covered with i've talked about this specific air dry clay before but i've decided i actually love how bad it is i can't get it to not crack while drying but the cracks always end up looking like free weathering i'm using a classic recipe for making foam bricks after a medium dice they're aggressively tossed in a dressing of rocks this will take it from this to this wow with bricks it's kind of looking like a castle now they call this a castle i carved a faux stone foam battlement around the cobblestone area then i finished up the bricks around the backside but they really feel like they're missing a little something [Music] the back side just like the face side gets a paper board strip treatment to blend the jars into an overall more cohesive blob and now it's time to bring out the big guns my neighbor nancy dropped off a large offering of these conical lids which will make excellent cannons for the top of each turret and they just so happen to fit in these dollar store game pieces which will help the cannons look properly mounted on each dome [Music] it was hard to film this next part because the clear plastic is kind of invisible to the camera but for each dome i cut up pieces of this apple container to make mini overlapping layers of metal plating then i accented each plate with an overindulgent amount of rhinestones as rivets [Music] suddenly way more than i planned on doing it was at that moment he knew he'd have to continue placing rivets at a consistent level of detail [Music] the bottom of the apple container has what i guess you'd call feet which have this very cute dimple that will work very nicely as turret armor to hug up nice and close to the cannons more bricks and then another little baby cannon made out of a glue cap tofu containers yes i'm using just a small piece of the corrugation as an inset for gluing into the foam which will later house some sort of tube detail i just can't stop eating nuts if they keep supplying me with these beautifully beveled jars the best trick i have is to try to use the geometry of these plastic containers to your advantage by fitting them around the geometry of your model it's kind of like making up a model kit on the fly oh and here's the promised tube for that inset i mentioned and then a piece of riveted rice bowl for this little section but we can't forget this little turret hiding over here the cannon i believe is a piece of a plastic spray bottle no rivets rivets now we're flipping back over to this turret which confusingly looks like all the rest of the turrets but hopefully this context helps as we jump around to various sections of the model this tower like the others features cannons and overlapping pieces of recycled plastic as metal plating if you're a gun pla builder you might recognize this side skirt from the ultron gundam which i'm using as a little input where a pipe section will be connected to later next we'll need a fire demon to help bend some plastic oh what a pretty fire this gundam beam rifle is now just some generic pipe detail do you like my bracelet it's just some plastic and rhinestones that will be more flattering on the castle as a strip of riveted metal to help break up these two sections hungry oh did you know you might have some crafting supplies in your fridge take out containers like these sometimes have very interesting textures that make somewhat convincing metal plates after you add a few rivets and pipe details which i'm making from this lollipop stick if you're working with fire and plastic make sure you're in a well ventilated area and wearing a mask this plastic was thin and soft it only took a quick second to heat up to be bendable but i still mask up just in case and here we are back on the turret on the other side just to confuse you i refuse to tell you what i'm doing because it's the same techniques as what was done on the other side but i will tell you about what i'm doing here which is making a ladder out of pieces of styrene rod and armature wire okay suddenly we're going to work on something different because i got bored and wanted to make the balcony where sophie says wow water i'm using coffee stirring sticks here and thinking a few moves ahead by making more deck than i actually need but you can never have too much deck as they always say then use something heavy to weigh the wood down as it dries in all sincerity thank you very much for this now back to the deck slice off just the portion that you need and then for the metal railing use some metal railing the balcony will later get attached to a building portion which i carved out of foam off camera i gave it a black paint and mod podge coating then made a few door and window details using coffee stirrers for the rivets i have these tiny tack nails which i'm stabbing right into the foam after a micro dip in pva glue i made the canopy by heavily mod podging this piece of fabric then masking out the stripes so i could splotch on the alternating red stripes with craft paint we'll set this piece aside for now so we can work on this tall glass of water over here i sculpted this zveldt structure out of foam using a craft blade and a pencil to help accent the brick and crack lines for the roof i made rows and rows of shingles using a method i first learned about from eric's hobby workshop if you alternate the shingles like this you can give preferential treatment to just one row of shingles with a little trim which will add a lot of nice variety in shingle length once all the rows are glued down i made a set of window shutters by splitting coffee stirrers in half then gluing them down with a wisp of breathing room between them the other windows are too round to use coffee stirrers so i sliced out the window panes using a craft blade and some scrap paper board for the bottom of the building it's more coffee stirrers then chunks of takeout chopsticks cut to very specific lengths so it could nestle right up against this turret oh i'm lost computer show me my build progress cool we've done some turrets and these two buildings keep an eye out for this throughout the video so you don't fall too deeply into the unending void of details now let's go get lost over here i was very excited to find these nostalgic beauties at a secondhand store the other day these will add some nice roof variety but i also think fish scale shingles give a nice cozy ghibli vibe they also give a nice ghibli vibe next for this little platform down here that i barely noticed at all i'm using a plastic lid as a base tailored to size with some plastic snip so that it can fit the castle's oblong booty after a layer of bricks and a layer of modeling paste i wanted to add a floor and underside using air dry clay and i remember there was a comment a while back that mentioned adding pva glue to the clay to prevent it from cracking and after a very sloppy application it worked kind of okay though it did make it way harder to sculpt i let it dry a little bit then just decided to glue it in place and let it do the rest of the drying on the castle hey what do you think the function of these curved pipes are they kind of look like human ears to me so that's what they are and that's music to my ears [Music] i'm outside now because i needed an extended plastic melting session the wind calcifer only obeys master how we took a bit of patience but the wind frustration definitely beats indoor lung damage i also have some of these interlocking pipe toys which i ruined with fire in such a way that i could glue saxophones and pipes together into something vaguely ear shaped with a little bit of epoxy green stuff i made it look like it's been repaired and patched up with metal plates this has the added benefit of hiding actual seams as well alright ears done who's ready for tongue the tongue looks like it's made out of overlapping metal plates i think this milk bottle should be a good starting point i prepped the bottle by cutting out all the rings at their deepest indent to use as the tongue rings but i can't remember what this thing is it's on the tip of my tongue oh saxophone i'm using this segment here as the tip of the tongue which i'm gluing to some roughly carved foam to use as the tongue bones basically just a structure to hold the plastic rings then i'm sliding my way up the tongue with larger and larger rings that get wrapped and secured with hot glue 200 rivets later most of which will be hidden deep in the throat and the tongue's done and hey as long as we're working on details you might not ever see let's fill out the mouth with a bunch of wood and bricks for the mouth floor and pallet we're going to pop into some prangles and as they say the once you pop the fun just continues for an indeterminate amount of time if you don't have prangles just gluing a bunch of broken coffee stirring sticks to paper board works too this was a lot easier than trying to glue the sticks directly into the mouth but i'm going to tell you right now that i really regret not painting it before gluing it in there and the back of the mouth is air dry clay that i rolled over with a brick texture roller that also will be a nuisance to paint continuing with the list of face details we're going to tackle the nose next which is one of the more iconic details in my mind i've already started harvesting this gundam for this project so why not borrow its back skirt which is already a beautifully detailed five-sided polygon i drilled out a couple nostrils making sure to tear up the plastic along the way then accented each nostril with a delicate slice of this shampoo pump bottle tube after rivets and a couple more gun plot pieces it's a nice little pig nose the game plan here is to cover up all this paper board with plastic kicking it off with this piece from that plastic apple container which is really just some base structure to help mount the nose to for the eye sockets i'm using two of these dimple pieces from the apple container then adding on a couple plastic tile spacers but just the ring section this will add some strength but it's also a new convenient place to add rivets and i almost goofed and put the eyes up here before realizing nope they go here for the corners of the castle lips i glued a bunch of coffee stirrers to a piece of paper board hot glued them in place then got ready to make those kissable lips [Music] the curved ridge on the bottom of this thick plastic salsa container should provide some structural stability to the bottom lip one technique i did occasionally was to cut tiny windows into the plastic so i could hide details behind it such as this gundam fist punching out of the hole to add some subtle detailing everything was made nice and rough with a good sanding so each piece held strong with just a bit of ca glue and then for the chin that is mostly obscured on the underside of the mouth i used another one of those apple container domes to round out the whole thing okay do not emulate this next technique for cutting plastic i don't know why i thought scissors would get through this but i'm very lucky the blades didn't slip a hobby saw or plastic clippers would have been the superior choice for pretty much all the lip pieces on the upper mouth go fetch these extremely niche and specific gundam parts that you're keeping under your desk or follow the more accessible option and use random junk plastic cut to the right size just like i did for the bottom jaw hmm i don't know what this is do you please let me know if you do i found it recently at a thrift store where i've been trying a new technique of crouch walking to find hidden crafting finds they're usually down here you should try it there tends to be lots of broken stuff at the backs of shelves especially in the toy section that a cashier would likely be happy to get rid of just make sure to ask nicely when i do this foraging technique i try to always buy something so i'm not just a scavenging goblin i'm a customer and a scavenging goblin any red piece you see is from that gunpla kit i threw up on the screen a minute ago except not this slightly off-red maroon piece this gundam groin belongs to this guy a couple more bedazzled gundam pieces here this is a plastic piece to use for the eyebrow area i tried to use the curve of the bottle to my advantage remember you can never have too much deck so put a bit here followed by the bell nozzle of a gun plot kit next continue dismembering gundams and take this ankle for the corner of the mouth here this is the hot sauce limiter that big salsa puts on the end of their hot sauce bottles after a couple gear charms and some rhinestone rivets it makes a fairly convincing rotation point for the jaw here speaking of the jaw i added some broken coffee stirrers to make the mouth a bit more dilapidated mayonnaise squirt bottle i need my face aesthetically pleasing and perfectly proportioned so this was definitely the hardest part of the build ninety percent of the progress i made while crafting was just four dimensional chess in the void of my mind i spent most of my time just staring at garbage and trying to figure out how this non-existent model kit was going to go together whenever i got to cut and glue a piece together it felt like a triumph oh what a pretty fire seriously i couldn't have made this build without cleaning everything i could from scratch bashing he has true junk vision and is so good at unifying garbage into something beautiful and with that we've reached full face all right face done time to deliver howl his hot bath water with this boilerpot over here we won't need fire we'll need this fire hydrants toy i'm slicing off its two arms and combining it with the cap from a bottle of ramune to create the chamber and for the pipes that deliver the steam or the magic sauce the castle runs on i'm using a couple of these 90 degree bends from a set of pipe toys throw on a couple more mysterious gundam pieces from the bit box and it's done eventually this piece is going to go right here but forget about it for now because we need to make another one on the other side starting with a broken piece of a recorder i found at a thrift store coupled with tank wheels pipes and rivets this one is done too may all your baths be scalding hot next we're going to make the little tacits that protect the castle's chicken legs for the general shape crack open a ripe ping-pong ball and harvest several of the wedges gluing one on each of the hips and then for the scales or tacits get ready to make a mess with some yogurt gotcha i like the plastic that these containers are made of because they're very flexible and easy to work with these plastic scales make a lovely nail manicure but for today we just need to throw some rhinestones on them and then glue down two layers of scales onto the hips and then a strip of craft foam to hide the mess what about this very minor gear component that doesn't really matter it's part of a shampoo pump bottle metal gear charm part of a plastic tank model a bead cap and then it's done quick progress check next we're going to build all of the various room attachments that hang off the side of the castle a lot of these employ very similar techniques and they're pretty basic so i'll do a very cursory explanation of each one this building will be nestled under the pipe so i filleted off a bit of foam in order to squeeze it into its perfect cozy spot that actually goes for all of the buildings they're all made of foam specifically for ease of slicing and fitting for the windows some cross-stitched canvas has window panes and we'll call it good and here's another building that looks almost exactly the same as the last one except for the key feature of how the foundation of this one is tailored to fit around the curve of a pipe there is nothing unique to tell you about this little only shack down here but i thought i should show it to you just so you know they're not forgotten that last building was nothing compared to this absolute show stopper up here the biggest thing i learned on this one compared to the last few buildings was how cross stitch canvas windows look much better if you wedge them into cut out foam holes this building is also a fancy twofer it wraps around a turret with a wood shack on one side this next little crumb of a building serves no purpose other than to fill the armpit of the castle here you sound so sinister good [Music] all right that should be all the buildings on the left side how's the progress looking nice uh oh i think i missed someone there's one more little guy hiding up here behind this turret i made this platform to give the house a little bit of elevation covered a foam block in wood siding and then topped it off with a chimney made from a shampoo pump bottle for this thing which is what i assumed to be one of the castle's numerous open-air sewer vents i used this very ribbed portion of a cap from a printer ink refill bottle nestled it into this piece from a plastic apple container then topped it off with a bead cap so the pollution can vent out if you have any extra saxophones just use them as miscellaneous pipe detail wherever we'll attach it later after painting let's continue moving along to the back with more plastic filler such as more gundam kit pieces and another boiler chamber pipe combo made from the mouthpiece of a broken recorder more pieces from a fire hydrant toy and anything else tubular this pipe glob will ultimately rest between the castle's webbed flipper wing things which we're making right now these beautiful butterfly wings look like the webbing is made out of mini overlapping metal plates held between five segmented fingers we'll start with the webbing i've been saving a lot of these takeout containers because i really like the ridge details on the sides i cut and sanded a bunch of pieces like this and after lining them up these boneless wings are almost ready to take flight but i prefer my wings bone in with an armature wire skeleton hot glued at the joints i'm actually impressed with how sturdy these feel butterfly i recently learned from miss cass about the powerful combo of green stuff and milliput using a one-to-one ratio of each it creates new and improved light green stuff that's easier to sculpt than green stuff alone yet slightly more flexible than milliput on its own i thought the working time was supposed to be almost 2 hours but i had maybe 30 minutes tops before it started to harden up so i had to go quick hurry up please i made some faux rivets using the end of a plastic tube then covered the webbing in more pieces of that takeout container to add a plating effect to connect the wings to the castle i need something to mount it to the tips of these tube toys happen to be the perfect diameter to fit the finger segments of each wing i used a lot of ca glue and accelerant to create a strong weld for each tube then i should be able to insert these wings into place after painting is done [Music] i think there's some sort of illusion spell that keeps adding more houses on this shot every time i look at it from this broken star wars speeder tank i'm using the windshield frame to mount a nice deck on top of this deck goes an improvised house made out of foam since this building's on the back of the castle i thought maybe this can be the bathroom but as you know it's the new wizard law that witches and wizards don't use toilets so this can be sophie's toilet and here's a sewer pipe coming out the top next let's get our hands on this thing dangling between the legs which is the door where sophie first enters this also includes the rest of the junk that hangs off the back i found one of these kids echo microphones at a thrift store sometimes i ponder the moral dubiousness of an adult depriving children of potential toys just so i can take them home to break them for crafting these pieces kind of look like an industrial vent to me i mounted them on a piece of chipboard to match the width of the castle and then added a little maintenance door for this section now time to fill out this deck with a bunch of sticks the texture on coffee stir sticks is a bit too smooth on its own so i taped a bunch to a box and roughed them up a bit i filled in this section with a piece of yogurt container plastic then here's the thing i found on the ground and i have no idea what it is kind of looks like a metal beam so i'll add it right here i drilled some holes for inserting some osha approved railing even though hal's fines are innumerable then i pre-glued some stirring sticks to a piece of paper board for a top deck and here's a cute little stairway isn't that wonderful i accidentally extended the door past the top of the deck so i'm adding some foam and plastic to help transition between the height differences then i added a bunch of bricks to help transition it to the rest of the castle but it's missing something every build is incomplete until it has a horseshoe charm somewhere quick fit test under the wing zone and this door section is done but it's not the door section you might have been thinking [Applause] i carved the main shape out of foam and added bricks off camera ultimately this dongle will hang down right here after some modeling paste for brick texture the main defining feature is the metal scales that cover the top and the bottom [Music] the door is pieces of coffee stirring sticks a tiny armature wire door handle paper board hinges and a few rhinestone rivets now back to the castle because i almost forgot to pay attention to the belly the underside is covered in a frightening amount of details but we can take shortcuts because it's barely seen from a salsa container i used earlier i added a few rivets and that should be decent enough to cover the majority of the real estate then i had this tank tread which makes a nice collar occasionally i would place some of the buildings in their place to make sure they would be crowded in junk details to hide the seams when i glue them in later i didn't reference the movie too much but instead decided to just improvise with whatever junk i had on hand like this leg which had a nice vent that fit perfectly right here and then i used a broken bubble wand to fill the rest of this gap this shot's just for the gunpla fan so they can keep seeing me desecrate the master gundam you can never have enough exhaust pipes the castle is covered in tubes leaking goop so i added tubes wherever there was space if one of your tubes is emblazoned with the insignia of the rebel alliance just put a bead over it and call it good now hold this in your mind for a second while we fill in some more gaps over here with plates and rivets okay good now put it there nice this was part of a noisemaker party favor that this building will mount to then the rest of the gaps are train wheels and zip ties because i can get away with whatever recognizable junk i want to more riveted metal panels but for this next section let's throw down a row of wood boards around the neck someone tweeted this movie poster at me and i noticed there's this little pimple under the chin that i forgot this little wood shack will go right here but i need to camouflage it with some miscellaneous junk pizza time these miniature tables that come with pizza have three free tubes that can be heat warped into whatever shape you need next with this thing we're going to this build to the other side let's fill this gap with some bricks and maybe a tiny turret looking out for any attacks coming from the underbelly as i was filling out this section with more junk plastic plating i ran out of super glue but then i figured heck why not just use the cap as another exhaust pipe but all those tiny belly tubes barely count as exhaust pipes those are exhaust pipes this fire hose squirt gun is already pretty close to chimney shape i gave it more of a whimsical shape by adding the bell from a broken recorder and replaced the trigger with more pipes because why not with a second squirt gun i embellished the top with a deodorant twist knob part of a water filter a couple pieces of plastic pipe then mounted the whole thing into the inner part of a plastic spray bottle the rule of threes means we need one more large smokestack which i happen to find in the form of a children's telescope during some junk foraging in the wild this one's pretty much good to go [Music] i mixed up another epoxy putty batch of green stuff and milliput and added various plates and patches all over the smokestacks to give them a more ramshackled appearance for the eyes or maybe their snail tentacles this star wars speeder has an engine on the back that is secretly an eyeball tube i like the design of this piece because it means i don't have to make it from scratch it gets us about 90 of the way there the only addition i made was an eyelid from a tofu container the eyes are asymmetrical so the second will be conjured from this junk and maybe a bead i stole from bill but the crown jewel is the grinder from a salt and pepper grinder then i just arranged the chunks of junk in a way that looked most aesthetically pleasing to me and glued them each together then to make all those random pieces more cohesive i added a cable made out of a hair band which is a little trick i picked up from scratch bashing and with that the face is complete we're almost there just a little more junk pile left to go oh no okay listen i know we already built 100 redundant houses but great news there's more but these ones are the most interesting ones and that's not sarcasm i'm temporarily placing the chimneys where they're gonna go so i can see how much space we're working with here three point four by two point three three three three three inches write that down the foundation of this building is in a regular hexagon covered in wood siding sadly this structure is almost completely obscured in the final build and only serves as a platform to elevate the next two stories the underside of this building almost certainly doesn't need this many wood supports because they'll be invisible but i just can't help myself at this point i made the next floor to overlap the roof with a little bit of nonsensical overhang again wizard aesthetic and it just wouldn't be wizard aesthetic without a spindly tower covered in stones jutting out from the side somewhere at the top of the tower goes a circular penthouse with a classic conical wizard roof and then to make these plain walls a little bit cooler ranch i carved in a few areas where the siding has broken away to reveal the bricks underneath chimney shingles and then sneaky boards to cover up the seams in my phone then a little bit of modeling paste for stucco texture and we'll call this one done for the last little unassuming wood shack up here i started with a chunk of foam with a notch cut out to that foam goes a very shallow barely steepled roof then a couple windows but then i realized that this building is missing something you can see it right here and here so i made a coffee stirring stick cross because this building is in fact a church i wasn't aware that howell is religious but in the english dub of the movie howl is actually christian now that i know this is a church this makes what i was going to place right here seem like a wild choice in this nook i'm adding a chain and a hook the pre-made orange beam was from a micro machine toy then i added a couple gears and jewelry chain to it i probably should have glued the hook to the chain first but this is more fun [Music] nice catch the castle is covered in nonsensical chain gear garbage like this and as long as we've built this one let's build another one that gets a whopping 10 frames of screen time [Music] the starting point is this wishbone from a classic set of micro machines [Applause] i glued the two tips together and then added a couple gears and the threaded rod from a deodorant stick this geared catwalk is going to connect to yet another building that will sit behind the wings on the back not much interesting to report about this one it's more foam and coffee stirring sticks except i did have this very cute little trap door that comes off the roof here hey kind of interesting thing i learned is that everything's made up and the details don't matter in fact the castle details change between almost every shot in the movie which means if i tell you this corrugated metal shanty exists in the film you legally have to believe me i added a lift arm with part of a spray bottle but we need to eliminate this chain wobble and now we have a nice little chain popsicle off the back of the castle there's a very inadequate propeller though i prefer the flight version from the end of the movie so i'm going to combine the two concepts just a bit i have this pre-made propeller from a micro machines toy but it needs a little extra beef to be a more appropriate scale for the castle i glued on these angled wedges to a bunch of coffee stirring sticks and that's looking much more powerful we've saved the highest and lowest parts of the castle for last at the very top of the castle there's a crow's nest and some catwalks the main part of the nest will be this plastic toy bucket which will sit atop this very stiff bubble tea straw here's a random toy beam i found at the thrift store which fit on the straw with a little bit of off-screen drilling i truncated the beam and added a few catwalk details such as this cross stitch canvas as metal grating and a safety rail but we need a way to scale this junk so i made a ladder out of this mesh insert from the mouth of a plastic jar as a little more visual noise here's a scratch-built propeller and a random spout for the crow's nest itself i cut off the top to make it a little more squat and capped it off with a roof made from this dome lid of unknown origin i found this on the ground at a place where sports happen and i have no idea what it is i'm using just this part as a hat for the crow's nest and here's a chimney after adding some chains and rivets off camera the crow's nest is done and that means it's leg day the castle needs to have stupid strong stumps to hold up everything so i'm using two pairs of metal curtain rod brackets they squeeze right into the hip sockets have a built-in knee to mount everything and are extremely sturdy but if this thing falls apart once it stands up i'm probably gonna scream we need strong lower legs too that hurt my hand so that means this is strong enough to beef up these thin bones i'm going to make some classic bill making stuff bead bot legs to start make sure you accidentally glue your legs to your table surface and then remember that this is what parchment paper is for i strengthened the knee joints with more beads and lots of ca glue and accelerant and lastly these chicken feet need some talons after gluing in the toes i feel pretty happy with how these feet turned out but they're actually the second set i made i had a grand vision for zero dollar garbage feet made from dog poopy bag cardboard tubes and a bunch of leftover plastic palm trees but the end result looked way too thick and had to go and there they are at the full load of all the parts ready to be painted oh wait papa needs his checkbox [Music] i kept all the pieces separate to make them easier to paint and to make the final assembly more of an exciting reveal so take one last look at this hideous hodgepodge of colors i'm priming everything in flat black and then also flat black because i'm probably going to run out at some point then i hit everything with a grey xenothel highlight to make these primer shots more interesting to look at [Music] everyone loves a good coat of primer so glad it's not a disaster now let's grab a brush and start slapping some colors all over everything yeah slap it on i'm going to use cheap generic craft paints mostly but for the metallic paints i need something with more actual metal flake in it wait what are you doing [Music] there's a lot to paint but my plan for going fast is painting one color at a time starting with everything that is made out of wood sorry if this edit is confusing we're going to jump between sections constantly but dividing it by material made the most sense in my head plus it meant not having to wash my brushes as often which is a thing i do not like to do the main wood strat is a be sloppy because we can clean up later with the other colors and b over brush without getting too deep in the crack so we can retain the dark recesses as shadow this first pass is translucent but i don't care because the lighter browns to follow will hide this cursory paint job this is where i learned the importance of brushing those hard to reach molars for the inside of the mouth i was less concerned with doing a good job as i was with doing a paint job just get that brush in there and wiggle it around until everything has paint on it now that it's all base coated we'll take a lighter brown just to hit the edges with a dry brush if you have to choose between good fast or cheap when it comes to dry brushing use a makeup brush so you can choose all three it does a decent job knocks out everything very quickly and requires very little thinking only wiggling a brush next we're going to tackle all the house siding which is all cream colored we're going for a stucco appearance with this color i don't remember the specific name of this shade though do you that's bone oh right bone it took about three coats of creamy bone to cover up the primer but you can use any shade of almost white that you have on hand look at that subtle off-white coloring a tasteful thickness of it how old you're gonna make me blush you're so supportive of my painting [Music] [Music] okay that's all we're done with the cream sections now i've learned my lesson with yellow and base coated this building in orange first to help the yellow coat feel warmer in the recesses i dry brushed the edges in silver painted the deck and trimmed off a piece of my painted fabric for the canopy i super glued on some armature wire but we'll assemble it at the end so forget about it for now next we're going to focus on the roofs roofs there are many for most of the roofs with shingles i stippled on a dark red followed by a coral dry brush to subtly highlight the edges but for some rubes you got a terracotta especially the corrugated paper roofs to help imply that they are made out of clay tiles and why not throw in a nice purple roof too just for cuteness because it feels appropriate for these fish scale shingles with a lovely light lilac dry brush oh quick thing about windows real quick after painting the panes of this tall boy i finished off the grills with a piece of green paper board so i could just glue the pieces on rather than having to delicately avoid painting the windows i believe i gleaned that smart order of operations from a mechanical fiend video then i gave each pane a light green highlight to help them pop a bit [Music] for the bricks i'm unifying everything with a quick and sloppy first pass in a grayish red that i mixed up then i picked out the chosen bricks and added a little variety with a family of similar colors red gray and some tan and i applied the same color scheme to the bricks on all the house attachments too the colors are a bit too vibrant so i'm muting everything down and blending them together with a nice warm gray that felt like it could play nicely with all of the colors next for the material i've been afraid to meddle with after priming everything the metal plating was looking pretty decent but i noticed a few gaps in the armor so we're filling the gaps with a sludge of brown paint and baking soda to hide the holes and add some rust texture like this deep crevasse that you could fall into i tried to focus the goop on just the gaps but was inevitably very messy so i blended it out a bit for a more natural look which i have decided was my intention all along and don't forget to rust up that underbelly adding to that basic brown let's dab on a little terracotta to add some depth to the color now for the non-rust shades starting with old brass which i dry brushed over the legs to retain the dark primer in the deeper recesses for the wings i wanted them to have a two-tone effect a stippled copper over all of the wing membranes then a dry-brushed gold on all the wing fingers then i added some wear and tear with a dry brushed silver speaking of silver dry brushing just keep doing it make those turret domes so dry and so silver i felt a bit bad about how dry i was making the brush so i rewarded it with a quick exfoliating spa then after a thorough drying it's back to more dry brushing primarily bouncing back and forth between copper silver and maybe the occasional bronze for the rest of the castle but why dry brushing in my mind the finish of the castle is very worn and aged it's a neglected antique which dry brushing helps emphasize by retaining the dark primer in cracks and around rivets this is not a factory fresh castle this is a beast constantly buffed by the elements the result is some decent color gradation across each surface almost giving it a pre-shading effect around each panel without having to use an airbrush we're just about finished painting this tetanus inducing smorgasbord which will bring us to the final step to finally tie everything together weathering we'll start by making a few homemade washes but this time it's dangerous we're going full respirator because mineral spirits are poisonous please wear a mask or go outside because the side effects of rooting and stuffing just aren't working i've completely converted to oil washes and can never go back ladies and gentlemen if i say i'm an oil man you will agree [Music] i wish i could tell you the perfect proportion of mineral spirits to oil paint but it doesn't exist like water-based washes i used a paper towel to dab off the extra before it pooled and dried and here's a little flavor taste for how the wash looks about 15 minutes later i love how rich these are looking i feel like i'm cheating working with these washes does require more prep and cleanup but i think the results are worth it provided you have ways to avoid breathing in poison i'm doing several passes of different colored washes but everything is first bathed in burnt umber to start with the unified base weathering contrary to the belief in my brain the castle is not fifty shades of brown but many vibrant hues of red green and blue splotched everywhere i'm going to add more colorful washes later but for now please enjoy these four peaceful minutes of assembly without me talking over it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] am i enough yet father not yet my child there's always room for flocking i'm mixing up a moss paste using glue and fine green turf but don't toss this pesto on your pasta just yet it's not for your mouth it's for this mouth i'm adding a few streams dripping and growing down the lips because the castle practices terrible oral care i'm also using this pureed spinach as a gap filler around any buildings or anywhere that moisture might accumulate like at the drippy tips of every exhaust pipe it's an all-purpose goop maybe it's pollution maybe it's algae maybe it's moss maybe it's grass stains from the castle getting too rambunctious when it's romping in the alps flocking is my favorite and i just kept adding more until it was no longer movie accurate [Music] as promised it needs a little more color by way of oil washes [Music] we've reached the end my friends thank you deeply for your patience as this project stretched thrice as long as expected special thanks to everyone on patreon for their support and another special thanks to demon gummies for lending me this lo-fi music track stick around for the rest of their song and 185 patreon name shout outs thanks for watching and let's roll the beauty shots and nico michaela murray dungeon masterpiece nick custello christopher smith bobriella starboard emmy coona briench legal milch happy birthday ellie emma kuck danny cara pettin poet fox karkichu ginny jennifer galleon she was lost random noob henry cats caleb crone caroline steve cardinale carmen b aaron g ng katie julie bradley's majesty king antonius ii cassian david snowder dominique baggett grayson 107 reagan kate foster danny ducker brandon bell case era syrah karen milgren the cow actually amba libby arnold leo mary sabby proctor carous kelsey lynn bramble eric morrison junior buzzy beaneck bowie sarah jameson ryan bateman randall young mcsquirrel kai monatois on leslie young mazaya strazy [Music] jessica baked haunted clay heather angle on a haze leafy green boy titty coffee flop and love akila connie lia army with love azure star amelia red eye jedi no goshi lunar magi mochi jinx the dings jesus zamora josephine liu and laura katie ocean bradley harder scott grossman jake harker katie pott madley merc gia ferrugia andrea wilkins justin wilbanks hailey jonas sarah sophie claire blaze lewis 4 mitchell mares and benoit deutsch lucy ball stephanie gusman justin shields marisha goodman maxine delcor sebastian and michaela calhoun dan peach issa's org carrie friesen florian brewel derpy washy wizard slithering snake amber eve sebastian lafaye artsy geeky merrick mingo nades doggiest josh hanno brianna diega garcia halcyon hyacinth jackie f nathaniel spurrier honey russ clint thunder aaron said thomas acm jamie jamie jams casey van jammi media inbar myerson travis paul henderson 93 rin wtf dylan carroll dylan wright laurel deal ally mcknight adrian knight mr morrell brett forsyth deborah lavelle letterpress soap studio blueprints workshop a simone breon peterson henry bieberman linda wilson grist gina griez co-mingled shipwrecked mecca tiffany hoyle lauren kelly j.s red scott frost sasquatch and greg's soul harmony dasha james croots jade north flock utatra luke gambell d sports junior annalise pep rock anthony was here johnny boy kayla littlefield jenna hill cyril and sarah cropley hannah robinson musical blind dana mccarthy catherine scatson stephanie walker corey newton daniel rucker tango wild 8 8 and kendall yates [Music] you
Channel: Studson Studio
Views: 3,023,407
Rating: 4.9799566 out of 5
Keywords: howls moving castle, studio ghibli, crafts, studio ghibli crafts, how to, how to make howls moving castle, ghibli, ghibli crafts, studson studio, kikis delivery service, howls moving castle theme, howls moving castle theme piano, princess mononoke, spirited away, miyazaki, hayao, hayao miyazaki, diy crafts, diy, how to craft, tabletop terrain, gunpla, how to make studio ghibli diorama, scratch building, kitbashing, kitbash, how to make a castle
Id: FDQ-sDDqWvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 1sec (3121 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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