[Vinesauce] Vinny - Inscryption (PART 1)

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always so this is inscription daniel mullins i believe made pony island which i played and it was amazing and it was not what you think based on the name and i did play an early version of this and it was [ __ ] great so this appears to be something perfect for the halloween season huh that's weird why can't i do a new game oh okay like cards i'll do screen shake until it annoys the chat i guess we're good for now yeah i guess this this is fine we'll just go with the default i'll click on continue i guess i don't know why there's no new game another challenger it has been ages perhaps you've forgotten how this game is played allow me to remind you oh great now people are going to be playing card games in the playground play the squirrel card now play your stoat [Music] stoats cost one blood sacrifices must be made and honorable death play this dote [Music] wolves require two sacrifices you don't have enough ring the bell to end your turn and commence combat your stoke stands unstopped the number on the bottom left is its attack power one you're still dealt one damage i added it to the scale you win if you tip my side all the way down like this oh look at that crusty hand my turn your stoat stands in the way of my coyote my cody dealt two damage to your stoat that means your stode's health is less than two or is two last sorry if a creature's health reaches zero it dies it's your turn again you may draw from your deck or you may draw a squirrel what do you mean a squirrel how dull why'd i draw a squirrel i regret this your wolf demands two sacrifices oh hey stop fear not the beast is sacrificed but not removed from your deck suffering was real but you will see it again that's why because i needed the wolf i see oh because you were learning i will pass again the choice a random card from your deck or the certainty of a squirrel tur is a turt here you were lacking sacrifices for that creature it costs two blood but what is it i i need it stats oh okay it's got six health one attack i see touch with the ground ah sound i'm on the hunt dumb after you three damage dealt three weights on the scale pass i'll put the squirrel down it's a square put the square down i can put another wolf down or i can put the snapper down but i have to sacrifice the wolf or i could just attack [Applause] that seems like a good move you've won this match they won't all be so easy let me recall your story oh yes you were lost deep in the forest a single path revealed itself two denizens of the forest approached you tentatively the undying cat sacrificing the poor beast does not kill it because it has nine lives when a card bearing the sigil is sacrificed that does not perish the caustic adder damage from its poison bite is always lethal only one may grace your paltry deck oh man um [Music] take the cat another creature joins your caravan some of the creatures of the forest seemed willing to follow you you came across an abandoned sack you found a squirrel in a bottle break in case of emergency and have a second another useful implement allow you to tip the scales with it three is as much as you can carry those are my items i guess this is interesting you were ambushed while crossing some rough terrain you sacrificed me while i was sleeping it was the right play i get it maybe you'll help me play along for now you may now see my moves ahead of time [Laughter] stop stumpy you were lacking sacrifices for that cat but you do have a squirrel [Music] squirrel has died to to save us to help us i'm going to put down a stout as well because we can sacrifice the cat but the cat lives and then i can put a river snapper down with the sacrifice of those two and now we have a river snapper going down this lane the squirrel died for our sins uh doritos [Music] mind the ambitious wolf cub it ages swiftly now we have a boulder in the way of of us taking damage but i'm gonna draw there's a wolf here but i need a squirrel to play it so i'm not gonna be able to put this down you ignored the stout oh no they parsed out the airborne bat flies over creatures to attack directly oof my bat flew right over your river snapper that's not good i will put the squirrel down and then i will sacrifice the squirrel and put down the wolf the wolf is going to have to attack the stump all right okay okay now we have a problem we got a problem everybody hear me out i have another wolf i have to sacrifice this wolf to do combat with this wolf it has to be done use the squirrel potion not yet you had a river snapper to kill can you move your cards wait wait wait i thought they have to face each other to do combat is that not how this works i'll learn they do you can't move the cards and they do have to face each other you prevailed and trekked onwards past the now bloodied terrain if nothing opposes them they attack directly this is pretty [ __ ] cool the vibe of the game is just as effective as the card game itself wolf cub the young wolf cupboard grows into a wolf after a single turn or the sparrow the meek sparrow inexpensive if feeble flying creature i i like bird a lot i like birds it might be nice to have a bird you stumbled into some strange stones in the mist you were compelled to choose a worthy sacrifice one that will be lost forever why um say goodbye bird pick me i don't understand what's happening what an honor ghastly spectacle but the soul of the sparrow now lives in the stought the stoat can fly the sparrow had to die so the stoke could fly they fly now behold my totem it inscribes my canine cards with the airborne sigil it's completely insane you see that right no care for the rules pathetic really enough only keeps me around to watch me suffer back on the board there you go why is the stout talk so much bad order oh yeah you're right that was bad order totem has granted my coyote the power of flight oh my god [Music] um [Music] i'm probably dead now i did a little bit i probably will yeah that's it that's the end of this match you've lost using this is a learning opportunity may be the only way to mitigate my disappointment get up get up from the table [Music] fetch the candlestick from atop the barrel beside the door huh oh oh god it's like grim rock bring it here i want that too give me the knife give me the knife i love all this stuff does this become a dungeon crawler i mean it kind of already did but all right here you go you need this all right fine you need this now sit back down there's gonna be puzzles here let me explain something to you that was one of the two mistakes you can make here if you make another i must sacrifice you now where were we chase porcupine the ornery porcupine sharp quills await those who dare attack it there's a sparrow again the monstrous grizzly its form speaks enough of its efficacy [Music] grizzly is pogging [Music] i'm having difficulty choosing um [Music] flip a three-sided coin all right grizzly it is campfire or a boss what is it what's this one or is this a totem the cat must be sacrificed but the cat can become i can use the river snapper to have the infinite lives the turtle makes sense because it can also tank rip cat not infinite lives but infinite sacrifice i mean let's see if that cunning plan is gonna work out there's a way out for both of us it's somewhere in this foul cabin be silent or i will tear you to shreds i guess i need to uh so i'm gonna hold off i'm not gonna use that bottle of emergency oh god i need to use the bottle of the emergency bottle now holy [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] the snapper will live now i'm wondering i can do the stout as well over here yes i'm sure you're good [Music] okay snapper will survive one more turn do i draw or do i squirrel because i could squirrel and then put a wolf on this lane [Music] okay that wolf will do some damage for me tipping the scales now that grizzly is still a little bit frightening however [Music] there's my grizzly which i cannot sacrifice i need to squirrel and then i can get a grizzly stall with squirrel yeah or i can just grizzly it up or i could just win the match i kind of didn't you need to use the bottle the squirrel bottle that kind of sucks okay we get the proud wolf a vicious contender we get a raven conniving raven a blight upon the skies elk it moves after attacking [Music] you ever had elk meat um i haven't what do i do here let me think about this for a second because they're all twos the elk could be interesting what sound does an elk mate make i think it goes something like that i'll help it up so what is this icon a gust from this may lift your creatures into the air if only for a turn a rock may get you out of a hard place [Music] what what did i just choose wait what is what is these things again what are the pliers i meant to just see what it was it tips the scales you can tip the scales with those oh it's a heal alright well that's fine then cool the trees seem to close in around you as there's a chill mist descended in the distance you could hear the clinking of metal on stone a hobbled figure stood in your path [Music] where's the prospector [Music] he's doing the prospector again easy boss the mule's key [Music] pack mule at the end of the owner's turn a card bearing the sigil will move in the direction inscribed touch with the graph um we'll put the squirrel down there you're getting backseated by a ferret you get the stout [Music] okay that sucks a little bit i could heal that if i needed to um [Music] i thought i had the turtle limes is watching out for you limes is here still hey limes if you're still here oh no oh cause the ferret i get you i get you so i could we could wolf it up stoked not ferret draw for cat or turt well i don't have cat turt is quirk draw and hope for turtle [Music] you have to tank some damage buddy boy need that tert well we got the elk [Music] [Music] i was told to go for the pack mule rip stove [Music] man that tart really didn't show up now draw a card first um oh i didn't think he would really do it oh my god yeah and i'm going to the dentist later so that's nice [Music] i have to squirrel stall [Music] the pack mule will be dead after this what is this oh look at that oh that's the uh dagnabbit my mule oh [ __ ] oh man no no that was the meme hands just when i got a bunch of cards i should have used that last [ __ ] pliers wolf did three damage i i wasn't even yeah i should have been more aware of the wolf you aren't dead yet this isn't purgatory though you may think of it that way before you expire i must ask you a favor i would like a memento your very own death card it's quite plain at the moment isn't it we will work together to amend that i want this to be the perfect memento of you here are some cards from your mediocre deck we can put them to good use please choose a card to draw the cost from well two blood i will use its power and health nice grizzly for two oh [ __ ] yeah choose a car from which we will extract the sigil what this is the best card ever the sigil of many lives from the river snapper what are we calling this card the l nub nub what should i call the card um the boot card how about glup shitto there is now but one final matter the portrait are you ready you do not need to smile the glup shitto card is now the best card in the game here we go again another challenger perhaps it is time perhaps you can understand bones back to the bones resourceful opossum costs two bones you gain a bone when one of your creatures perishes for any reason i understand the bones from the death of your creature you've gained a bone you will not lose this until it is spent or until the battle ends [Applause] oh yeah that made the most of any sense got more bones and we got a wolf about to do some nice damage that's a lot of damage halloween trash i have not halloween trash but i have an episode pre-recorded of two and a half hours of me checking out mostly good halloween games just variety and uh some a little bit of trash but mostly just really interesting fun stuff good halloween themed [ __ ] so that'll be over the next couple days that'll be up i forgot your figurine get up and fetch it for me it is beside the safe some what the [ __ ] something's in here so that amazing glup shitto card i need that mighty leap card bearing the sigil will block an opposing creature bearing the airborne sigil oh this is like an appendix okay two seven three oh i saw okay i'll try that after this the coyote meager coyote but what did you expect for only four bones the nefarious rattler brittle creature once passed its monstrous fangs the unkillable cockroach returns to your hand after dying do the cockroach you're free to get up again to keep your blood flowing i'm no tyrant you may stand whenever the map is unrolled it allows me time to plan your next encounter but do keep your hands off of my possessions the stink bug oh hello i wasn't i hate these [ __ ] things i wasn't sure if i would ever escape that iron crypt it's it's the stone around the stunted wolf this madness must end put that away the [ __ ] um yeah this this is what i like to call brute force i don't two one oh but wait wait what what three huh damage and health then damage and health oh oh that was easy this kink i forgot that i put that there very well you may add it to your deck and i'll deal you one every so often but actually wants me to like play the game but doing another thing so that's cool i'm just gonna brute force it i get i i get it no it's i got it i don't get it i can't move that one in this game you need to deal five damage to the enemy in one round best i can do is two damage this one stuck so learn what the skink does this the skank bottom cards vinnie oh it's fine some bone tokens for a rainy night yes we have a big bone deck at the moment so you again indeed our friend freed me well i basically told them how to do it you got a plan we have another friend here you've got to be i wouldn't call him a friend but i suppose we are in deep this time [Music] mighty leap card bearing the sigil will block in the opposing creature bearing the airborne sigil stinky this creature opposing a card bearing the sigil loses one power [Music] uh oh smells like [ __ ] [Music] total misplay he's probably right i could kill the stoat and replace with the bullfrog [Applause] that's not good [Music] back in the game [Music] they were doing something here skink the skink is lou's tail when card bearing decision will be struck a tail is created in its place and a card bearing the sigil moves to the right of course it has no cards left the game master black goat is this a black phillip from the vivic the hypothesized goat truest offering sacrifice it grants three blood that's what's up that is what's up there's the elk and glup show [Music] i gotta get club let's see what a campfire does came across a small group of survivors faces shrunken from starvation they huddled around a campfire they looked upon your group of creatures and beckoned come warm one of your creatures by the fire one said or by the fire that it will enhance its power said another you notice that the survivor is wiping drool from their mouths um the roach because it's just going to keep coming back fire warmed the poor cockroach enhancing its power when the survivors reached toward it another gnash their teeth a little word you pulled the cockroach away from the fire and left strange vigil sigil sorry oh it's one of the totems so strange why can't i remember his name i believe i lost some of my memory in the flash look there's a third talking card somewhere around here personally i hate the guy biggest killjoy ever but he's the only one of us with a plan to get things back to normal [Music] fine [Applause] oh boy [Music] i don't have two bones yet that was a misplay yeah that was a misplay [Music] [Music] alpha does zero damage against my stink my stink lad skink um um [Music] does damage vin oh the boulder does do damage [Music] oh man i mean i could only hope yeah i mean that wasn't too bad at the very least [Music] i mean this will just block the wolf for one turn and my wolf will do some damage in the meantime it's glup shitto time [Music] there it is [Music] we got this [Music] oh look at that look at that glup damage how brutal of you you dealt me more damage than you needed to win however in my game such feats are rewarded to be spread to be precise a tooth to keep for each extra damage dealt trapper may be interested in your spoils so i figured it out for middle formidable creatures those ants very well ants i will add them to your deck and make them available for future challengers more well i don't know how to make the ants work exactly so uh welcome to brute force once again i could look it up or i could try to brute force it which is equally fun fun it looks like them being parallel maybe uh don't know hmm okay without having met her this wood carving is meaningless in time you'll understand its power [Music] strike each opposing space left and right space across from it uh ant spawner when a card bearing the sigil is played an ant is created in your hand that's cool but that's not gonna help me right this moment is there a way to like see all the cards um ants is damage damage equals amount of ants oh it's like the one combination i didn't do caged wolf curious okay [Music] must make a different kind of choice now choose not a specific beast but decide the cost that you wish to pay [Music] the meddlesome bat a minor terror random card with the cost of bone what were you expecting uh i clicked too fast oh it's one of these the choice is yours um sacrifice glup never that is way too expensive you might be right [Music] i don't know what the [ __ ] this caged wolf thing is you can do a flying wolf flying ant that's just a real thing but for one for one yeah i'll do a flying ant caged wolf again to play that card you'll need to sacrifice two different creatures it's just six health there's gotta be more to it than that value represented stitch will be equal to the number of ants the owner has on their side of the table caged as a barrier maybe yeah the wolf will after it takes enough damage it'll come out [Music] oh man oh man oh god oh man [Laughter] [Music] power numbers that's yeah it's creed [Music] i think that's a rip yeah that's a rip that was just dumb that's just me being dumb that disappointing just so dumb you were stopped along the way by a trapper looking to liquidate his pelts there's something uncanny about his appearance but you were quickly distracted by his wares he had to look at me pelts take a pelt free of charge see the quality you'll need more teeth for that one wolf pelt what do they do you're leaving already please consider me pellets you'll need more teeth for that one i'll take the the wolf pelt and assured you the value of the pelts they appear to be useless in a fight but he mentioned that the traitor further down the path would reward you for them oh defend and can be sold boulder harpy's birding fan creature will attack as though you have airborne sigil you immediately will gain four bones i know you're fond of me pelts okay i'll get the uh the boulder and oh there's another item and i'll get a squirrel the intestine clank clank clanking reverberated between your ears the path the head was blocked back with this grotesque figure here's the slide again okay we got an early glop early glep confirmed and an early glop we shall have [Music] nice [Music] you can sacrifice [ __ ] oh for free yeah you're right i forgot about that [Music] all right well squirrel is [ __ ] but we'll will save us will help us there's the ant queen yeah snakes could demolish boulders in real life too dang nabbit oh i got the bounty squirrel wolf cub rat king and uh coyote i would have put down the damn ant queen got some rats too let's go get ahead of yourself you need to draw a card first okay we can use the bones [Music] that was a pretty good turn i would say [Music] oh i hope you didn't think it would be that easy there's gold in them cards oh my god glop is dead i've struck gold what did you do to my my cards that's not good you're out of space there's no room for that card [Music] well that's [ __ ] oh can you sacrifice the gold no i can't do anything prospector boss again you got the stoke keep me alive ah no promises rip stove [Music] it's rat time pelts for blocking i kind of want to save the belt for a boulder there though for what oh there's not more after this it looked like there would have been i thought it was like slay the spire where you have different acts that you just go through with the same like all at once you know poison a boulder yeah in one hit too okay well now we have actual wolf [ __ ] you prospector allow me to light your candles once more i won't be killing you quite yet you see what i mean like yeah there might be more you're the first in a while to overcome a boss as a reward you're granted an opportunity to select a rare card choose carefully i all i need is glep [ __ ] oh sorry the euro yuri lee level of british strength needs no explanation strange larva largely unimpressive specimen geck the uninspiring geck perhaps you can find a use for it um get the larvae that's what i'm thinking the geck has no cost um larva mutates oh man this is tough larva geck maybe later it's on the prospector's pick still pickaxe still ringing in your ears you carried onwards yeah there's more rank smell rotten mold permeated the humid air every step forward was answered by some nearby slip or slither you tread cautiously into the wetlands so where's the pelter i gotta figure out which one of these represents the pelt but also there's a mystery card or is it i'll get it and we'll go to the x oh it's the bear trap so bones or um [Music] two blood it's another wolf all right you came across a familiar stones some familiar stones but there's something different you intuited that the fate of a creature selected for this would not be pleasant [Music] you callously slaughtered the wolf however the bone lord was pleased by your sacrifice minor boon of the bone lord you will start each battle with one extra bone the bone lord you shook off the viscera of the poor wolf and carried onwards snake so sharp quills once the cardboard and sigil struck the strikers then dealt a single point of damage early glop is always good oh yeah now all of these things have spiked will save us [Applause] oh [Music] i was hoping that would be a bone boy oh right you can sacrifice with glub i i every time i forget every [ __ ] time [Music] yeah you're good stoked you're good i should have did the rattler we throw a bullfrog there no problem no problem rip club [ __ ] pelts [Music] i was hoping that would be enough to win not quite strange larva [Music] vinnie why aren't you playing exodia what is xodia what are you why are you spamming the word exodia like i know what it means [Music] you're not supposed to attack forbidden one but is it yu-gi-oh meme i thought it was a game that came out that people were like you need to play this okay larva has spawned into strange pupa hero i was really hoping to get a bone creature of some kind exodia wins you the game when you have all five pieces in your hand is it the monster oh wait wait wait wait is it the thing with the five that makes the face and the met the person i got it i got i thought it was a game i thought it was an unrelated thing entirely but that's a problem but we do have now the mothman the mothman with seven damage everybody i'm gonna squirrel block and win [Applause] i'm just gonna i win now nice nice yeah larva was a good choice you encountered a small outpost in the woods tented by mysterious woman was the traitor the old trapper mentioned appearance was unsettling but you were mollified by her offerings do you mind if i examine those peltiers let's start with your hair pelt here's what i can offer i can trade you any of these take your time um i wouldn't mind more bone things a new cat just dropped though i guess [Music] the beaver when a card bearing sigil is plated dam has created each empty adjacent space i'll do the cat that's no problem and a wolf pelt too oh now we get some upgraded cards there's a mole here the card so this also does not perish it just blocks basically we also got a turkey vulture that spawns an ant oh god then there's a mantis that can attack in two different directions a coyote that spawns an ant as well and a grizzly that spawns an ant i need more bone things i can get a flying opossum possum how much does the mantas cost i can't tell is that blood one blood for mantis the adder is good but it's also two vulture is big bone mantis is double damaged double damage if unblocked um be very easy i'm gonna get the turkey vulture the the tolkie vercher because i had so many bones before here's item [Music] okay so we're gonna enhance the power of card i kinda wanna have the cat attack that would be a little bit weird but it'll be something i was gonna maybe the larva well cat's gonna be on the board a lot so you know what how do i how do i get back from this attack cat why not [Music] [Music] greetings it's me such a negative stoke what are these bees let's hope i'm gonna get a cat there [Music] hmm [Music] sorry stoke gotta go oh [ __ ] we got a mantis but i can't do any damage because the stink bug is here bullfrog man um if only i had that cat [Music] still going [Music] and we'll just get rid of the squirrel put the bull frog here that'll block the b and we have a turn why do we get a b did i neglect to mention overkill damage excess damage is not wasted carries over to the card behind the mangled corpse of the victim lucky for you [Music] oh i wanna oh okay [Music] there we go okay it's this again most exquisite of pelts can i not afford i want that golden pelt i'll take it thank you mutfrids so we can do i think it's probably in our best interest to get items if you deem necessary you may cut up one of my cards with these do the bone bank and now we have items [Music] rabbit pelt again that's the one problem with the pelts is now they just take up extra card slots which is one of my many names [ __ ] kingfisher oh kingfishers oh then it okay now it's not active for a turn kingfisher's back it's a little uh dangerous move there everybody a little danger the cat has arrived but i can't set it yet i thought that they were wait no [Music] so okay caged wolf [ __ ] caged wolf i can't really do anything with this [Music] hmm use the wolf i'm still getting a net positive yeah but that poor cat is gonna get destroyed oh wait no cat's still alive hell yeah attack cat okay now we have a problem because my my wolf is now gone salutations oh finally something something that can use the bones oh this is crazy golden pelt i see the way this is going i concede you may accept my surrender or you may finish this match the slow way i accept i accept i guess the math was just that it would have taken a while the tragic rat king when their tangled bodies become corpses you will gain four bones rattler and the bat i'm gonna go for the rat rattler because again bones which one is this again is this the upgrade the card by sacrificing another card my dentist appointment is in two hours i'm good i was just gonna cook upgrade by sacrifice well this deck is already huge so might be a good idea to do exactly this um i couldn't sacrifice the cat and give it to no larva sigil i don't know if it makes it into the mothman though turn larva into return to hand i don't know if they stack they do okay so what do we do here then give cats ability to free card so you get seat free sacrifices i don't have a free card [Music] cockroach the larva okay i cannot larvae does not show up why doesn't it show up though that's weird it does it's blind it your blindness right there what oh very silly i cockroached the larva i grappled the leaper hopefully we get a good draw the boss battles are high stakes tests of your aptitude with one flame you'll either overcome them or die fear not i will let you keep the smoke foul smell invaded your nostrils and caused your throat to seize a hulking man sat by a brackish pond with his feet submerged in the dark water pulled a hook from the pile of rotting fish and rose to his feet i am the angler go fish [Music] the angler mind his hook play as a squirrel or play a squirrel or something when he aims it that will protect your best cards lucky draw i i wouldn't exactly say that bone kick one constitutional thighs four bones are awarded instead of one [Music] that was already a misplay kind of not really [Music] a little bit but not too bad stoke will live it will kill the kingfisher [Music] oh man it's gonna get hooked should i just sacrifice it now well actually no it needs to it it'll do damage to me if it uses its hook [Applause] switches to squirrel vinny the game is too loud all right hang on you're right it is a little loud let me just get that down a bit then he play the squirrel pressure fish easy choose oh [Music] [Music] mine now go fish oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] why is the stoke not dying still fish hard shoes i'm okay with that but airborne oh right right right right right right right well we're attacking like directly past them this caged wolf then is useless rabbit pelt speaking of useless [Music] [Applause] [Music] god damn it stalemate again until i get something that can use bones [Music] [Applause] skink i can't sacrifice any of uh though i'm wondering if this would be better than the stink bug because oh no not really [Applause] wolf is not doing anything i can't even sacrifice the wolf [Music] they wouldn't let me [Music] there we go you'll need more bones to play the rattler oh man [Music] i i had to kill the stoke [Music] [Applause] gotcha go fish what have you done bait bucket [Applause] [Music] turkey vulture oh man i don't have the bones for that [ __ ] oh no oh no oh my god [Music] glop but i can't summon club yet [Music] well now you have the bones i don't have eight bones [Music] use pelts as shield [Music] [Applause] scissors are gone [Music] how many do i have one two three four one two three four five six seven [Music] [Music] [Music] there we go oh got it and it only cost all of my golden my golden pelt let me relight your candles very well you may choose a rare card the pelts are not gone wait they don't really they don't go oh strange larva again pack rat never doubt the utility of a well-stocked pack card bearing the sigil is played you will receive a random item as long as you have less than three items get the rat i think now may be a good time for me to get going consider when the angler catches as a meal but the rank odor deterred you dinner would have to wait let me see rigid gust of wind billowed unwelcome into your lungs the beauty of the falling snow fell to distract you from the chill in your bones you had ascended to the snow line well snow thank you i have to go [Music] okay well this game is really good and i wasn't even planning on streaming it today i was gonna do a pre-recorded if i had the time to do so but i did new teeth just dropped last saved one minute ago oh cool all right yeah this game is very good uh i even know how to um exit the game now all right thanks everybody for watching i appreciate it thank you for the continued support um this is a lot of people for 4 p.m it's just a lot of people period so i'm happy to have been able to stream it was good metroid was good this game was good i'll eventually play more of it because it's actually [ __ ] amazing but like i said i have a lot of other games i want to get to so i'm going to try my best to do as many halloween things as i can before halloween uh have a good day thank you very very much it's not lost on me how kind some of you are to me and how understanding some of you are appreciate it so see you when i see you um and take care of yourselves and you know look forward to more of my pre-recorded stuff too including some good halloween games and castlevania goodbye for now and uh i don't know who else is streaming i don't need does auto host still work chat before i go because i heard that twitch was killing auto host does is it still does it still work it does not really no oh i you have to host manually that's a shame well if uh no one's up next just check out my mods um raid limes i'm just gonna host limes because i still don't know how to raid properly i always [ __ ] it up so all right goodbye for now rasputin mind control dick trick
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 123,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Fullsauce, Playthrough, Let's Play, Gameplay, PC, Horror, Horror Games, Scary, October, Spooptober, Spook, 2021, Card, Battler, Roguelite, Card Game, Inscryption, Daniel Mullins Games
Id: ClBXye8uL0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 31sec (5431 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 20 2021
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