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hey guys and welcome to rocket league kickball this map was created by simpleshark a brand new map creator in the community he has brought to us a brand new field in the shape of a regular baseball field and it plays out the exact same way you'd expect it to the ball spawns in the center of the pitch and teams take turns back and forth kicking the ball and trying to cover as many bases as possible the defense has to bring the ball back to the home plate to stop the offense from running the bases we added a point every time someone got a home run and we decided on five innings for the video even though this map has its quirks and we had to reset stuff here and there it's super fun and i think with a bit of polishing this map could be considered a mainstay in rocket league now let's get right into it hope you guys enjoy also just a quick update on the website for custom apps we're getting really close to having a version of the website that you guys can use while we finish up the community maps section here's a sneak peek at the application that knox phoenix is creating for me that will accompany the website now let's get right into rocket league kickball uh i call kicking first left mine all right all right okay all right the first official game we've now solved all the problems we'll uh pitch boys did we just chill like i said the young randy johnson right there never mind so no flipping into it i think um yeah that's fine now you just drive they're just trying to get to the home plate oh my gosh wait a second oh [Music] okay so he got he got the third plate nice but uh you have to drive now you can't boost cannot boot you can't boost it oh he made it okay so it was so close so i gotta reset the score here take that no foul oh let's go okay so what happens there dwight do i get to go yeah how many fouls is it in baseball it's four fouls and out so okay what about kickball is it the same i think we can sit as far as far as far back as like the back of the white box here we go oh there we go outfielder go danny go run run i'm moving i want we're not gonna get it oh he missed [Applause] let's go which way is field which which field is it am i left outer field right now or am i right you're in you're in left field danny's in right now okay so it is left outer okay that was that's correct what's he going to give here all right i'm going up yep okay okay now do you freak oh that's the work doesn't work this is fun i like setting up i can boost into it when i'm pitching yeah you can boost into it just to get a proper hit flip into it when i'm pitching sure yeah you'll just be like further ahead all right frank i'm left field we're zooming oh all right give me a signal here um you actually take sandals from the third base coach so oh hey mr sports man we get it there you go here we go i'm waking up one waving him daddy go get it oh no up there let's just come back that's the oh it's out of the field wait what is happening come on oh man all right well we're tied up we're going back to uh yeah swapping on we'll swap inside again is everybody ready yeah we're ready here we go yep yep you gotta let it hit the home plate i don't know if you did but they work all right all right you want to go you want me to go um you go you go i'll try to get a big boomerang the last one could be bathing send me home danny taking a lead into it oh it's true but he messed it up a little bit they're rushing somebody do you need help i'm going i'm going okay we got a home we got a home run okay so you made the first place i did not get the second i didn't get second okay okay so frank knows a lot about first base and only about first i might not have i might have done that right oh my god the ball went yeah those boomers i'll pitch this time you guys can i'll go i'll go i don't know if that's a good idea we gotta get we gotta change it up a little bit seems like a good idea to me shut your mouth that's you danny yeah yeah i'm down field in mid just boom it down oh no okay oh yeah it's looking good oh yes sir yes sir i missed keep going left left okay yeah i'm gonna go i'm gonna go uh outfield yeah i'm gonna pitch yeah good move good move wait your team i just realized how stacked their team is i'm gonna i'll be the third base coach stacked you guys are a professional rocket league player i wouldn't call myself a pro anymore i'm gonna have all the americans so you don't know how to play baseball for kickball you may not have a balance i kind of jump there holy crap that is insane come on come on go come on i'm waving come on come on yes there we go they didn't make it all right that was three innings we're on the third because we change up the order a little bit i'll go first [Music] i just put water over me that's solid nice yes i made it just in time it's a rocket league oh don't they have an mlb pack though they do yeah i think so i think you had to buy it though yeah you had to buy it during the event okay yeah i'm not touching that that's bad yeah that was a bad kick that was a bad kick it was a ball what was it called ball ball yeah that just wasn't even close to the plate well that's a good one nice oh that could kill them oh he's going to mess it up oh he got it he hit the second base though that's pretty good we're doing well we're doing well this is good send me home danny got you frank i got you over here literally one of my pitches was like past the right box and i hit it because i wasn't going to about it now you get a slow pitch because i couldn't do what i wanted to do it works to five right though oh you got it got it yep yep yeah yeah left you need oh no oh no like hits someone and goes out it's a home run that's that's a home run for sure he scored it out so yeah damn we get to watch god dude when you said you got it danny i just started sweating immediately all right that was a freaking steroid you got you guys needed one there you go they could they could tie it up here though number two so i think the pitcher needs to go behind the plate the home plate right afterwards and we need to deal with the ball i think you you need to drive forward frank and and you're out of the map way out oh there you are um oh from the stands here we go oh there it is okay all right nice wait lefree is that just oh my god oh no oh it came back in it came back in we're good we're good hey there we go so that's second base all right this could be big first is huge come on go hey jd you're a second place you're a second base right yeah yeah yep go ahead franklin all right let's see it i'm gonna clock her right now oh my god afternoon oh my god can you redirect that or no i'll put it in there real quick to get off of me no we're fist fighting come on oh i missed okay we're good you do not want to fist fight with me mister bro what are you gonna do dress up in a glizzy costume and try and punch me [Laughter] what what a pitch solid yep big big boomers there nice right here that nice there we go that was the third inning so we got two left if we're doing five yeah two more innings let's go this is working nicely dude i hit him and he just disappeared he just disappeared like thor's hammer all right here we go i'm gonna try it i'll try freestyle pepper thing here that works [Music] just hit the ball straight dude it's not that hard hey man i was freestyling passing that what why because i'm a freestyler come on i didn't pass home plate i don't think it was good yeah it switched it's still good oh god please i mean oh this is also honestly really fun though like it is really fun i'm in pain oh no way i can't i can't oh oh god i'm hustling you love to see it you love to see it so hustle hustle daddy hustle that's it oh he got it you made it you made it to the third though he didn't make the third you need to get an out before the third plate even makes it or else you're gonna be like an entire inning behind oh no oh no oh no oh my god what a sniper he made it though so yeah that was really good that was a good out you want me to pitch this time or no no i'll pitch up there we'll fumble it we'll fumble the bag that's fine it's true this is the second half of the the fourth inning right there we go oh you want it okay frank hit me frank hit me give you a base we give you a base oh all right yeah you go for it nice i believe in you i believe in you frank it's okay danny can get it no don't keep going keep going nice they got the third so that is uh ten to eight now right with third place yeah rjg big moment here no this is xerx right no no i just said i just kicked just go yeah yeah it's got to go first oh yeah yeah all right guys mr barry i gave him the third place i'm midfield as well you missed these you missed these daddy do you have that i'm down bullying me wait interference interference they're nervous they're nervous they're nervous they're messing up i'm running eric's playing yes yeah what is that wait did they get it what is the score is it is it ten to eight it's ten to nine nine to nine okay that's the third that's the fourth inning right yeah so we're in the final ending final inning here it is i thought that first i get i gave you the benefit of the doubt i thought that first bump was was an accident and then they kept coming the the five after was also accidental yeah okay yeah for sure for sure all right here we go nice he did miss oh but they got it first base first base all right back to the plate back to the first base i go nice good it's good got it nice just turn it down oh my i got the second so you got the first dandy are you both are you both a second okay we're both on second so frank has to go back yeah thank you yeah yeah that sucks all right all right there's a big one you need to let us get both there and we'll have 12 and we we just have to stop them from tying up we'll go to overtime big ones oh shoot i don't know sir moving boys he's not in the third year not in third that's so much time oh my god that was huge that's so right okay so we got a small team that was so huge okay we gotta we gotta get a really really good round here oh this is actually really really intense it is you gotta hold him yep okay oh my god oh my god [Laughter] i cannot believe that it was right there oh my god it was point blank it was point flame this blue team can technically walk out oh my god oh no it sucks you have to edit yourself missing that yeah yeah like like literally right next to it that was so funny that's fine just edit it soon redeem yourself is there a ceiling oh yes oh my god i can't get it i can't get it keep going [Applause] oh my god well i hope you guys enjoyed that video that was a lot of fun uh that was kickball in rocket league uh that was the biggest thrill i've ever seen i hate my life dude i'm never i'm never joining a recording again where was he where was he was he right here [Music] that was really good you
Channel: Lethamyr
Views: 1,438,003
Rating: 4.9436398 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket, League, Lethamyr, Pro, Leth, Grand, Champion, Champ, GC, RLCS, Pros, 1v1, 1s, Doubles, Squishy, Muffinz, Sunlesskhan, Fluump, Mertzy, Linkuru, Johnnyboi, amustycow, Musty, Jon, Sandman, Cizzorz, Squishymuffinz, Scrub, Killa, New, Custom, Maps, Road, To, Rank 1, Rizzo, Sizz, CBell, Supersonic, Legend, Free, Play, Update, Season, Brand, Map, Modded, Modding, Jstn, NRG, SSG, Best, RL, Top, This, Is, Kickball, Baseball, Base, Ball, Field
Id: bWqCLDa-_Jk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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