I Created An INFINITE GOLD BASE in Palworld

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it's a beautiful day here in pal world all my pals are working hard crafting unlimited firearms in fun things but one cool thing I did recently Oh wrong button is that I just leveled up to level 15 which means I can make three bases now we have this one right here plus we've got the unlimited iron mine with my Bowsers going C they should have named them Bowser I mean if you're just making things funny enough the way it is let's just oh wow they immediately all went to sleep that's weird but if you're just straight ripping off Nintendo anyway like why not just name him Bowser ooh 100 more ingots that's delicious oh there's a shiny somewhere do you hear that I was teleporting back to get that I think there's a shiny up on top there let's get my flying Mount and go up there this is the wrong flying Mount what is that oh oh it's another sh that's a shiny Kitty a kativa I feel bad cuz they're adorable Oh wrong button hello shiny Kitty I'm going to poke you with my poke stick I'm sorry I didn't mean ow no no no no no you're not allowed to attack back really I just let's just let's just end this soon I'm so I'm so sorry you know what here have one of these I kind of excited to see whatever stats this thing has because shinies are always fun or lies I'm sorry oh he's a lucky pyromaniac much like myself and he's adorable look how cute they are so I also was saying we need to set up another base there's a lot of areas here I like these little areas that are nice and flat but we need to find a really good one cuz I really want to use those things to make unlimited resources if we can just put people in like the the beards and the meows cuz these meows drop gold coins from farming we could have a lot of fun doing that now I found this area over here that looks absolutely perfect to make a base up big flat round a couple Gale Claws and our socks whatever those are I'm not exactly sure what they are but I want to tamame him wow he got obliterated by floaty Fireball boy it's ridiculous how strong shiny is he's like oh there's a synate thug over there let's just obliterate him but we should be able to just build a PO box right here in the center and if you were wondering where this base is way on the left side of the map really good flat zone I needed to grab some stuff like fiber some more ammunition oh this is great my Pal's even made hypers spheres for me something about making 88 gigas speres that sounds like a good idea oh dang 25 of these nah 88 of these and someone mentioned that I should try breeding one of these uh Anubis with a lunys except uh those are both females so I'll just throw her in here and those two should make some sort of weird baby if I give them cake yay cake here you go friends enjoy that so I'm not going to lie I think this is one of my favorite parts of this game is setting up new bases with new ideas even if it takes a lot of resources to go back and forth so let's build down a wooden chest right next to the pal Box start putting some of our resources within it hey why are you shooting my horse he was my friend here that's what this guy's for oh man that's amazing that's my job to kill it fine coming back here shiny you guys like the name shiny I think we're going to keep the name shiny for him no you're not going out whoa Dodge that shoot that in the face and the butt cheek Ready Get Set Dodge it ow I tickled don't do that again and captured and let me it no I wanted to climb it and and got it very good this area looks getting dangerous there's a lot of thugs hanging around here thankfully the the thugs aren't too dangerous I don't know maybe this wasn't a great place to put a base but I'm going to capture a Gail claw so I have that going for me ow please take the green sphere oh yeah another Gil claw that's one of the other things I want to do with this base because we can dig up spheres as well so Pals let's get our Ranch going I need more wood but you two made a baby where are you going you're not done back in the be breeding box give me the egg I want to see what this does a large Rocky egg oh that reminds me I got a large dragon egg too all right set that egg there's that large Rocky egg I have no idea what this could be but I just follow the comment section a dig dig toys I have those but that one's actually pretty good he's serious and abnormal also check this out a huge dragon egg I have no idea what this could be but I'm excited about it come on friend it's going to be uh relaxasaurus great I only have 10 of those now man it could have been something cool not going to lie they are pretty cool what's this one a flame Bell and then we have a large other one this probably going to be a a jolt hog and it's a a ray Hound hold up that's something new I haven't seen before oh he's pretty cool can be ridden can double jump when mounted did I get a new Mount let's see has he got any cool stats not really he's a hooligan all right you go back in the PO box and I've got to grab some wood to bring it back unfortunately this stuff is really heavy also write a comment down below what I should breed next in the breeding station all right it's time to build I can build four ranches cuz can I have 16 pets per area so that's actually kind of exciting there's a lot that's not quite flat enough so let's hit one right in here I want to make sure all of these are like spaced out properly oh that's going to be real good there's another Bron Cherry that might be one of my favorite Pals I kind of want to capture them oh there's another one over here my goodness it's my lucky day they're worth a lot of experience too that's kind of the fun thing so let's do a little bit of animal abuse and hit this guy on our team you just abuse it enough he eventually likes us how sad is that BK all right capture that in your face oh easy peasy hello friend will you be my buddy yeah you will oh wow okay so that would be my fourth one awesome so the Bron cherries with I forget what it was gave the Anubis oh yeah the uh relax I wish another Bron Cherry would show up but it was only a mammo rest this time this has been 5 minutes of building these things so I guess we get to try to capture that now I've never done that before so here you go friend you uh you soften them up a little elbows this is bad I've never no no no you H attack the ammo there it is burn it burn that actually does a lot of damage and he's stuck in the tree have some meteor strike you Dingus all right we got some better hypers spheres here oh my this is actually working really well shiny's not doing any damage all right and take it back capture it come on come on come on mammo rest time mammo rest time give me a mammo rest give me a Amo rest yes got it woo all right that's the big one that's the first time I ever did that yes that was awesome shiny did so good I'm proud of him also we have tons of breeding centers now or uh that's not breeding center we we're just start putting in some stupid things like we don't want these we want chickens cold blooded hooligan diet lover sure all right some of these are not very good skills but I need four of them you guys are just going to go make unlimited eggs we might have to breed a better chicken breating the perfect chicken that'd be fun next up I want meows okay we have a good meow but we also have this one the meow Crist which is like kind of the boss but it's a slack so you go do whatever you do meow Christ this one likes working I think that's what it means yep Artis gives a 50% work speed so that's going to be digging up lots and lots of gold so the four of them should start making lots of money for me the chickens are already working too maybe we need like something to haul maybe a hum cuz human's only haul which is kind of nice but theill kill Amari are really good for hauling too plus a motivational leader is always nice and the Vixie I believe are the ones yeah dig up items so we need some Vixie in here I only have two of them but they're going to start getting us lots of cool stuff oh the kace what does you do too wool we don't need wool okay so these guys need a feed box and I'm hoping that they'll all just eat eggs that's my entire goal here that all of the eggs will be brought immediately over here and we'll be able to capture more univ volts because they're invading my BAS that's a pretty E Capture so is that one ooh oh don't do that all right you're about to get messed up friend you're not even my friend pal oh hello down there my goodness this might have been not a great place to build a base there's just a lot of mess happening why are you guys out here it's not meow time they just obliterated these guys go back and make babies in junk or whatever you o i leveled up that one was a ferocious one sick stop it you guys are annoying me good it looks like yeah I thought it'd be working hey there is an egg in here though so that's perfect I also really need to get some storage going on so if I pop in a storage box like here look at all that gold already that's awesome why is the meow over here this might be weird but I'm going to totally try breeding this mammal rest with a lerys or maybe an Anubis o that one's good male female excellent can I just pick up the memo rest I kind of just want to grab him and pick him up who's like a boy gravity is not a thing on this planet all right you guys do the thing where you make an egg and we'll just we won't ask questions I'm also trying to find cloth thought I had a bunch of it but evidently I don't but if I crafted some cloth and I can start making a few beds we'll just put these generic ly over here I wanted to build a barn but it seems like the pathf finding in this game is a little bit broken so whatever I'm really starting to get second thoughts about building here every like 2 minutes something comes in and attacks but the good news is the strategy is working pretty good we're getting a lot of lot of gold coins already and a few pal spheres being dug up too I did see some arrows as well my goodness I just came up here to find another spot that we could potentially build that one's got sulfur on it which is awesome but there's a lucky over here woo so it is my lucky day I've only had like two other lues total but now today we have like two of them already so that's cool how do I capture you the best I probably send in my doggy boy are you going to attack fella there you go all right we're going to use the big ball on them I'm scared about this your highly effective attacks please don't kill them oh all right all right capture all right 100% I'll take that I'll take 100% sweet sure kind of feel bad for these little fellas cuz I I stole your friend from you but you're oh come on you're on my team anyway r i missed a tree all right we good we good we good get them both get them both did I get them both I got one come on I want that XP bonus yes there's also a chest here does this one need a silver key nope all right fine you guys can join the party too oh I don't have bullets whatever just coming on my team anyway I'll send my my fox after [Music] you all right go away Pokey stick of death ow bro what do you do that for I kind of like this spot up here it's kind of quiet away from anything flying I don't see any Syndicate and I got two dogs and a shiny this looks like a good spot for me there there was one problem though it's a hot biome and I'm not a huge fan of that I could put on that would actually be just fine I kind of like this area better though cuz it has a sulfur and it is perfect that blue line is very faint but you can see it we don't get up on the cliff very much we don't get down below so this is perfect all right so I successfully moved the base over here found out that these guys the van worms are amazing for carrying things like super proud of him also I put up a nubis in here just to help me build things I do want to create a high quality springs for these guys to Lounge in so I'll pop that down right about here like such as and I'm hoping the Boy comes over and helps me cuz this is a 3 minute build but now with him it's like 20 seconds because he's so good at that look at that four handywork what a stud there you go friend thank you for the help I also think I might get another one of those fan worms in here I don't have any super great ones I mean The Artisan's good but nobody's fast so we'll just do one it's kind of annoying too that they carry one thing at a time but I mean whatever we're farming this is just massive AFK money farm right here and I found that the eggs and the chickens they make so much that you can never end I think this is funny too these woolly pops they drop cotton candy when a sign to the ranch I think that's a food source for the creatures oh oh the M pacas oh they give wool but I thought the Manda would do something he's a pretty strong one too you can get rocket launchers for him now I made it back to our home base here there's a large burdent egg here I'm scared of it I don't have any idea what's going to be inside of that also Anubis just chilling on the rock up there bro get down and I did find a Frozen egg I'm guessing this is just going to be something stupid like a s oh but that's good gave me an extra 3750 XP let's see what this vernant egg is no idea what could be in this but it's a Manda wow and a mind foran serious that's a really really good one why is there a bron up top I also really want to build an improved furnace because we're going to need it just these regular smelters really aren't enough to delter there we go now the best part is that leveled me up to the next level of pal box so I can upgrade again and now I get 16 Pals oh boy a large pal bed that's actually not too bad and I do have it unlocked so that's awesome also the single shot rifle is ready but it needs polymer yikes and the ultr sphere I'm kind of excited for that too things just really got stupidly expensive like real talk what does a refined Ingot even need oh just or and coal that's not too bad except it's like double the amount that Reg oh or is too interesting so it just needs coal I'm fine with that why are you guys pooping out so much milk too it's weird so thankfully all of the gigas speres are done I do want to start crafting up a bunch of these oh boy that's a lot and collect those pal speres great now we got to go get a bunch of the things that we need for the other base more meows more Vixie and whatever the last thing was so while I'm on a mission for vix first actually you know what we can get some chickpeas too and I'm wondering if I can't just throw a ball at them which one do I have up can I just throw a ball and capture them oh man that's pretty close no don't would you not right now please I'm trying to capture these you can have eggs to eat dude hey there we go there's some V VI I just totally messed that up don't shoot him in the face that's a good idea come back here Vixie nothing bad's going to O there's a oh come on there we go that's a good shot and captured it now if I go in here there should be some Muse you escape that you Dingus ow you escaped that one too why does this have to be way harder I thought it was going to be stop it now I killed you or I could just hit him with these and there should just be an instant capture for pretty much everything if they get out I don't really you got out I don't really care I was definitely hoping in these caves I could find some Muse which I did or Meow ma whatever they're called hey buddy come on in here oh yeah 65% that should be good where'd your friend go come on little meow we need to get you good I did not know that mammo restor territorial creatures they're just been wailing on each other this is incredible I'm going to capture both of them ARS are kind of dumb stab it in the butt a few times why you running away buddy why you run away they're going into the corner is this like one of those things where the the people just hurt him off a cliff yeah whatever you're M now oh maybe not 23 only wow you just killed him oh that's annoying what you what are you doing here this is a big boy fight you're not allowed give me that give me that sphere I want it no I said give me that oh come on get the capture get the ah I got one more catch please capture it please capture it oh oh oh no this is really dangerous I didn't know this existed it's that small settlement there's a merchant here that straight up buys and sells Pals I don't know I mean how much is is one of these little guys for I mean you're a slacker I'll sell you 130 eh how about something bigger like that memo rest I just grabbed oh 3,000 it's not great he's downtrodden I'll sell him any no I won't I'm kidding I'm not going to sell him what can I buy though what is this do I have one of those I don't know do I get experience oh I do hot dang all right we found the experience farm so I've been grinding R in a little bit came out of a cave and there's owls out here it's night time hey hey give me this oh no shoot I didn't want to kill him I just wanted to waken him up so I can throw a ball at his face and oh who greates interesting I've never seen those oh really buddy come on get captured I want a new pet thank you oh he's a workaholic that's fantastic all right this is hilarious I just came back here after my grinding session my goodness look at all this garbage pal spheres coins arrows eggs everything is here look at all these coins wow okay that's pretty incredible 3,000 14 16 17 18 19 that's hilarious are those the meows or the Vixie I don't remember why are you attacking that bro I like it too that there's just a good number of eggs here so those are supposed to be walking oh there's a bunch more in here here too so we had like 1,600 money plus another 800 for like 20 minutes that's incredible I love it the best part is I don't even need that Anubis here and I did just capture a whole bunch of other things I don't think I need any more chickens but I captured a bunch of them but these meows could be good also what does this guy do workaholic dark knowledge is just kind of a dumb that's what he is but I put more meows in there so we can make even more money look they're just going to go dig who's a good little Diggy they're just grazing wow that's so cool so many grazers I did get some more Vixie too but I don't know if I need all of the tier one balls uhhuh Burly body and aggressive ferocious those are good for like a capacitor what does that mean oh lightning attack damage you don't even have that yeah so I didn't get any good Vixie but I did get a good ones of these look at them digging a you're digging for something yay did you find treasure for me I'm going to go see oh you did an arrow woo I don't know why there was an arrow dug there but that's cool there's another arrow this is how to make big big stacks of cash then you can buy Pals with it like who who doesn't like that anyway my friends that'll do it for today's video I hope you have enjoyed it I did I love this game so keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time and i' like to thank all my patrons and channel members including spider sacks Doug rules skunk chess bred dton c scer d Mr cple one Bon please fussy badge missing sniper lank H Kyler J Nitro VR Nitro White H Auto Dave Ben dick J Teddy Hipp General Harris Trent M codo rler Warrior Keegan H zarof axer ra BC engineer scarx Spencer T whiskey and YH
Channel: Blitz
Views: 249,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blit, blotz, biltz, palworld, pal world, palworld gameplay, palworld blitz, palworld intern, palworld multiplayer, palwordl, palwolrd, palworld boss, palworld bosses, palworld hatching, palworld animals, palworld eggs, palworld incubating, palworld condenser, palworld essence, palworld essence condenser, palworld iron, palworld gold farm, palworld coin farm, palworld money, palworld mau
Id: 0OJQSys-ees
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 36sec (1296 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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