Prop Hunt in Pokémon

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I invited three of my friends to play Prop Hunt and Pokémon every round one of us is randomly selected to be the Seeker while everyone else hides in a selected biome and tries their best to blend in because we are Pokemon I've got my spot I've got my spot wait I'm supposed to be hiding John just rapid Ash running away no I'm just using something I had caught before recording it's going to be great it's going to be great so here is my mindset uhhuh you guys are trying to be as small as possible or or not findable as possible I'm going the opposite direction I'm going as large as I can I'm scared this might have been a bad idea Groudon moves at maybe2 mph so I'm going to just rattle off maybe some ones that you chose that I feel would be a really good choice if you're just catching him in the Savannah Biome uh ryhorn is super super common dodoo well unfortunately I'm a Magmar so if you see any magmars John just don't wait a second that doesn't spawn in the Savannah Biome that spawns in the coastal cave area only Magmar I have a Magmar on my SC I shouldn't have said that closing on your location listen I am a sellout I can be bought I know where Arley is $20 do you see me okay there's a Pokemon that's not in my Pokedex that I been seeing off the corner of my camera that I want to catch so badly I want to go find Jack so badly it is eating at me don't do it my spot is only good if it if it's just me right if there's if I have a giant Mewtwo around here or something I'm blown I think I do see you what no stop stop who is that that was you wait you were the Pokemon you're the one I wanted to catch are you serious d i was the whole time I'm like I see you in the corner of my screen like I need that that for my Pokedex wait a minute that's you I think that means I'm doing a good job good handshake wait come over here handshake handshake are you guys having fun I feel lonely now you feel lonely okay oh my bad sorry didn't mean to literally joking me we got to run oh my God I'm out of here does it ever go away new spots I I literally thought that was a different Pokemon I didn't know it was you so here's the thing I'm not good at this yeah but you look good oh thank you let me ask a couple questions sure sure John yep where are you I'm running around with my head cut off head cut off okay are you a pumpkaboo close this is such a good spot I'll will find him where is he no John who would who in their right mind would give up somebody's spot I would never I just I want to see you miss you okay John John where are you at I don't know don't tell him anything he will he will spawn a giant ball near you that's a TR I can still see the ball which is the funniest part where is it there's no way wait John are you you're in the Savannah Biome right yeah yeah oh that one dang it all right you can't do this ryhorn dead okay not a rorn he hit the wrong rorn stop moving your screen I'm trying to find things around you got to move I got to I got to stay on the move bro where PM 7's going to find me okay wait wait wait I know exact okay I know the landmark you're at okay okay there is no way that this is just there what I just want this one random executor this has to be somebody there's no way oh my God it's not I'm so bad it was a giant Blissey just walking alone in the savannah no friends oh you can't just say that is this supposed to be an Easter egg Yes Man come on oh SAA wait wait I know where that is I'm on my way I'm still really slow but on my way run run I see you no you don't you look very Pokemon like right now I am like checking every surrounding I'm so scared as you should who is that who's that budy what's up dude look what I found before we [Music] recording let's go run run run run joh Oh I thought we were supposed to play with it he knows where we he knows we're over here oh oh you get over here right now what makes you think this Pokemon's me well you stopped to talk to me that might be the first that was one of the two heads the other one is inconspicuous oh well have a great day did you find pm7 well it's more if he found me he really just ran into me all the issue is I know where Jack is cuz I went to say hi Oh yeah I didn't tell you whenever we see the Chaser on our screen we've got 10 seconds to yell jelly beans John hear me out you out we can negotiate okay he only found me cuz of you no he found you because you were looking for me okay not potato okay give away I can make it away this is easy no it isn't he was the guy who sent out the Merill as a baby bird John you are the slowest Pokemon I think I think we need to get you a new Pokemon to to seek I'm a lados and I am flying around listen I was just trying to give a little iron leaves representation in the game okay I'm sorry that they just decided to not include okay in your head imagine iron leaves or verian running quick right what is this wait Arley is that you oh God where are you do a do a circle is that you again it's Jack no no I see you come on John she's right there she's right there look in the way I'm looking go that way go what way she's running no I'm not I'm not I don't see a where is it's right there you talking about I know exactly where you are I'm coming no pinpoint on that location real quick the Lake's at the top she's a sabble I'm out of here oh sabble I'm on the run I'm on the run I'm on the run I'm on the [Music] run howdy who's oh wait that was just a regular sabble oh my God that's why I HD that never mind that was not Arley it was just a regular sabble I'm on the move just look look for a sabble waddling no okay wait a minute why is this Sable in the middle of this field I got her oh my God it's so scary Rayquaza coming at youest thing I've ever seen in my entire life our next Chaser is me and we're going to the coastal biome oh no Jack what do you think we should hide as what's that new Ru that has like a really long head I don't have that man I don't know about that or like Pokémon what about like alolan exeggutor shiny right something with like a lot of verticality right okay okay the the more bold the color Choice the better you'd say hidden I in my mind okay I'm about to find out if this works uh okay this kind of works I am so slow I think I have found an elite location to hide what do I want to hunt as Groudon I second that I've got something here here I come H I wonder who came up to the very top of the mountain I wouldn't know that to hide with the Arin IDs like this D pider nope just a regular [Music] God I think I smell some fear no no not that I'm taking a risk right now anybody running across the beach right now yes all I can say is uh don't up are you trying to say gullies on the ceilings I'm not falling for that again no I'm flying around as a giant eternus and I see somebody's body here is that a party Arley or is that Johnstone why does our character look similar Arley said she was slow which one of these Pokémon's slow or aoro is pretty fast how do you know all of this this man has been training he knew we were [Music] weak I swore I thought that was somebody let me check the beach down here I'm so scared wait a minute was that somebody I just Auto battled something where'd it go who is this is this somebody no it can't be your knowledge of how Pokemon move is terrifying me how do you know what a finon looks like in the water man come on I don't know why I'm treating this like real life I'm like if I speak me I'm like trying to whisper all right who's here who's this grimer oh man this would have been such a good spot okay that wasn't somebody huh I think my spot is too good to leave what cave are you in John I'm actually not in a cave however I see one oh this is you wait a minute I caught you I I went to Auto Battle I that scared me so bad I like was like turned around and didn't see you at first and then I and then I like moved my camera and you see an eternus flying around I have a secret weapon for hiding what it's me I'll let you tune I'll let you tune in my stream if you want to see my secret weapon okay we can just watch what you're doing and then run from you good luck running oh oh no all right where are they move Jesus Christ okay what what is going on fastest Pokemon in the game man let's go why where are you okay if I were Johnstone I'd be hiding in a tiny little corner that is not true number one like over here I'm waiting for one of these caves that I go in to have somebody there not cuz I'll be happy that I found you just so you can have the fear of me walking in the front of your cave and there being no way to escape what is what did you invite us to jimy be what are you trying to too man find you John oh oh wait wait wait I think I found somebody no I think I foundy is not complete let me finish my journey fish go across who's this little fishy who's this little fishy it's not completed leave me be hi John do you know how I got you cuz I've been making across the cuz you've just been swimming straight like what wait can go and land Boop okay now I finished my journey I can help you a let's go find Johnstone I went from one end of the map all the way to the other wait a second who's the in no no no no oh classic that wasn't Johnstone dog you got me there the wild Pokemon started running away when John I'm near I think I'm near where John's character is but I just don't stop going into caves I don't think he's in a cave do you don't think he's in a cave I'm not in a cave How can I believe that because we have we have built such a great trust this is true you wouldn't lie to us I could be lying that I'm I'm up near like the waterfall area where his character is I think this is oh he's up by the waterfall it's actually my cousin okay okay I'm heading up there who's this Rayquaza who's this Shiny Rayquaza why do you think that was him can you imagine JN as the shiny Razer that's the thing though John very much W it is tempting okay so he's not under that is he behind the waterfall oh you can clip into waterfalls Jack I will say that you are close why I was just there H Jack it's me yeah do you see this alola hey hey guys hey hey man oh John I thought I thought he was hiding down here no I just drowned myself in the waterfall yesing took so long to get up up there no I just drowned in there Jack oh my God y'all you can die in this waterfall I just did it you can't just monkey see monkey do what are you doing it fun John Jack if he was watching that he'll never resp us again this man is laughing this man is watching us look like idiot so he threw his Pokemon out in this direction he's really trying to math it out huh he's got to be around here somewhere you have me so convinced that he's here and I don't like that cuz anywh on the map that's the thing he hasn't jelly beans I did Jelly Bean you just didn't hear me but it was it was only it was only when Jack was hunting I have an idea I think what happened if you want to look at my screen I think Jon threw his Pokemon out here and then kept falling down going this way cuz the only small caves are at the beach there's a small cave there and there's also a cave down there to the right I think he's in this tiny little area right here sir you have cooked so hard you burnt the meal I'm going to get out of the spot I am watching the front of that cave like a fortnite hacker right now Johnstone if you walk out of it you are getting oped I'm not in the cave why do you think he's in the cave he's told you so because listen if he's telling me he's not in a cave I think he's in a cave John is this you you Piplup is that you is that you no no where is this I'm sorry for calling your pip up a bad word it's okay PM 7's now the Chaser we're heading to the polar biome I prepped a Pokemon for this just in case I also prepped a Pokemon for this biome why did everyone prep a Pokemon for this biome the same one stuck where are you you can tell me I won't hurt you I just want to save you I don't know how to get down in the sky all I need to do is find a little buddy that I can disguise with and I'll be good I found him my brother blend in all right it times's up I'm ready to find one flying Johnstone no no everyone else can stay very very safe where's the Man flying where is the magnet I'm assuming he's a magnet no we of a extraterrestrial sort at this point you know hiding is a lot easier when you start running around and you see an entire biome it's a little daunting I don't know if I love this entire Mountain business maybe if you climb to the top there'll be a surprise are you all near each other no I feel left out I don't like this I died what do you mean you died wait I need to find his character where is his character where is his character oh I found him wait how do I get down how do I get down how do I get down wait wait a minute wait spe why is there a Deoxys flying around wait did joh go dex's speed I will get down to him I will do it I will do it um um not to be that guy but John you're l is faster than his Deoxys speed you can catch up to I know I just have to descend slowly yeah it's cool don't worry about it I died oh my God that counts that counts that counts yeah baby climb that mountain again I'll meet you there you said to have fun Jack you said the one rule was fun John died getting chased John you're a chaser bro I'm sorry I'm not I'm not going to put John through this man I did not do it on purpose I turned a corner and there's a golet there and he punched me in the head okay just act natural Jack all right if I was Jack what would I be doing actually if I just wait him out he will eventually move out of boredom so where would Harley be that is so untrue John you could be anywhere as long as you aren't at the top of the mountain you are beyond safe have you checked the tip all right okay I'm sick of you and yes that's where I found John run run run Jelly Bean wait John what are you doing right now uh just vibing run around just having a good time can I ask why you decided to be a flying Deoxys I'm having panic attack after panic [Applause] attack oh my God stop getting closer is he hunting you down I just accidentally found the best space ever I don't like that at all I was running away from John not specifying which one bonus buff and I fell upwards somewhere I I'm pretty sure I saw you no you didn't I saw I saw John oh a bunch of times mhm love that John guy that's such a that's a great tag you know what I think I should like change my YouTube name to That All Right Rock boy I don't want to hear it wait a minut boy why I'm a stone a stone I still have not seen anybody oh Jelly Bean good timing never mind it's actually a crime how slow deo's speed is Jack you're the master of this why is the little engine the fastest thing in the world jelly beans uh I don't that's a good question wait go down I believe JN Stone has rode past me like or blown past me I guess like six times levitated perhaps levitated past me does anyone want to be a Lapras what are your thoughts on Lapras gen one very cool dinosaur Guy come on very fun maybe purple any takers Jack $5 you trying to give me $5 to get caught wait a second actually let me check something wait a second is that you it is isn't it you moving so fast who is you who is it I I don't I don't see you oh okay I thought it was all right Jack Jack it's your lucky day in my hand I'm holding something special that I was going to give you a long time ago but the the moment never arose $10 Roblox gift card party Arley is right outside the front of charge Stone cave for characters right there Lord Harley look at my look at my screen $10 really $10 roblo okay come on clearly you could see the advantage of this deal I'm trying to find Jack but I have no idea wait is that now I found someone or that's a shiny Piplup I I have found someone I don't want to try to kill it cuz I've either found someone or that's a shiny Piplup that I'm staring at I'm right behind it you're going to have to try and kill it bro I if you found a shiny you you got to go check it wait send a screenshot I don't believe you did you actually find a shiny no okay okay I got I can't get away all right let's go find Arley wait you didn't tell me where you were you don't get this gift card oh I so what I was going to say earlier but I didn't want to give away Jack me and Jack are both shiny Pokémon all right jack we're going to need to really come up with a strategy cuz my only strategy has been go to the top of the mountain hate all of my decisions be miserable we know we're looking for a shiny and we also know where arley's character is so she can't really be much higher didn't help you last time ignore the character shiny she wouldn't be a shiny seal that that would be both evil and miserable Arley did we ever did we ever run into each other while hiding I didn't see you until you got found I was like turning the corner and when I turned the corner I saw you and John and I was like and then I just walked away wait a minute wait Jack why did you should have stayed the PIP upup you should have just waddled around wait a second secret agent there you are it's somewhere around here John H all right let's just go in a circle in the same area over and over again this will work no I knew it I knew it I could I just killed a seal and I looked over I looked over and I said that one looks a little different there's no way that she's actually seal and we were joking about it and then is that hilarious oh my God it's a criminal it looks awful in this game party Arley is now the Chaser and we've got to go to charge Stone cave I don't have any Pokémon for this I have a Pokémon for this I need to find something okay something that's natural something that spawns here this was a terrible idea wait I need a Pokemon so bad okay okay what are you doing all right here we go it's kind of I feel like it's difficult to be a Rayquaza in a cave John Stone look look at my spot you're just standing that's this is my spot just oh I died are you kidding me actually no no no new placeat new plates new place I don't even know what room that is no come to me come to me come to me where's you is that you uh yep no Easter West I don't know where you okay yeah yeah go that way go that way go that way surely I can hide behind this rock I could blend in oh oh there it is that is the spot nobody will F oh she's cooked she's cooked I've Got The God Spot right here I'm coming slowly but surely keep on going little buddy trying to remember what Pokemon besides jol tick can be found here well I I know one of the Pokémon you're going to find here oh my God wait it's got better it got better I dare you to release a ball right now do it do it I'm not going to blow my spot up with the ball okay $15 Roblox Card coming your way yeah what if someone hid under the ball you got to get rid of that thing man stop rolling it's it's rolling to a worse spot listen is out is what we're saying the ball has come out it has a it has a mind of its own it's if you want I can come to you and push the ball away so John and Jack are in basically the same area no not really I'm in I'm in charstone cave okay me too Jack has an incredible hiding spot and he's an incredibly sneaky Pokémon you'll never notice he Blends in with the scenery he Blends in with the Rocks I said the scenery so I want to ask you a question regarding your location but I can't ask you ah yes yes I can't ask you the question which gives it'll give it away so I have to be creative in pig latin oh my God Arley do you know Pig Latin nope yes okay okay uh anj I am in I don't know how to Pig Latin those words Fay and K hold on there is there's a ladder oh oh uh uh erect k a way that work does not pick Latin John what is going on over there no no wait Jack yes Johnstone AE AE sea okay AE light Ray oh boy feel like I'm hunting you look at my screen you'll know where I am if if this is the a very wait yeah help help me out help me out help me out help me out help me out how are you faster than me why are you two those two Pokemon what is going on are you all three today wait wait wait leave it there leave it there now now let's go this way no no no that's exactly what she wants oh okay a little bit further a little bit further a little bit further or maybe we're not moving it at all you know what actually let's use it to block this hallway true oh put it in front of you guys blocking a little cubby she want to see that coming oh this corner right here this corner right here cubby I'm convinced we're not in the same video game it's like rocket League okay perfect there we go yeah yeah okay now now we go this way may I suggest you using explosion to blow up this part of the cave got it all right explosion that's a great hiding spot honestly oh there's the ball oh no no don't get near me wait Arley can you give us like 15y Arley Arley give us 15 seconds please why would I do this no it'll be funny it'll be funny give us 15 seconds oh my God you won't no get them get them get them John into positions into position I'm still going really slow I forgot how far we pushed the ball oh oh I'm crazy okay I'm good I'm actually great you're good wait you made it out yeah well no how did Arley not us when she found the ball oh my God it's here you see me what's what's the word what's the word I to use jelly beans jelly beans jelly are you [Music] RM did you die yes I watched her collide with a RM and just disappear oh where was I man I don't even okay I'm going to try to find the ball again ja come look where I am wait wait I can't I have to hands off the keyboard John please nobody turn this corner before this happens oh oh oh no oh no wait wait no one no one knows what happened everything is fine everything is fine yes I'm trying to think nobody's going to be found how did you not find John because I died to a rhm I'm a yeah that's a brave and insane choice to hunt us down you chose a Mudkip to hunt us yeah I just my little guy bonus Bo I mean to be fair John you wore iron leaves for like 12 minutes before yeah Hey listen we all start somewhere okay not this cave I know you said down like wait did you not see what Jack was no I didn't I didn't even see John yo John yes he came home for me okay now 500 IQ block my Z's no look at this check this out a little bit to the right a little bit to the right yeah yeah yeah yeah there's no way she'll find this I'm trying so hard to find where I was earlier but I just get so lost in here so in the hypothetical situation Jack when she comes into this room what is your game plan cuz let me show you a little reenactment of what I would do in my scenario okay just like pretend just be can you just be Arley for a second or Arley could you just be like hey guys I got oh no but I okay one second one second what is going on okay ready I'm Arley yeah yeah yep read you're you're having like a play oh wow Red Alert no nobody here Red Alert wow looks like this is empty okay that's not that is not what I thought you say I was reenacting do you think she's going to find me did you see my spot it's so good yeah but maybe she has eagle eyes do you think I can hop onto that blue thing yes in front of you you do anything you set your mind to okay so there's a giant Cavern above that I would have to descend down to land on top of it oh okay yeah not worth no I'm a risk taker you're going CRA oh say I mean I still have the greatest spot ever oh there's a shiny minor who's that it's nobody it's nobody who is this minor it's me oh Johnstone she caught you in that new area can I tell you where he is no don't do it5 robots no over here over here you already passed him already passed him I already pass him yes well hold on there's somebody sleeping right here what the hell is this reggi rock doing in Pala asleep wait what's that behind you okay the slowest get off ever I'll save you wait who is The reggi Rock who are you I don't know who is who I was trying to find a to the top the RM killed me dude that rhm is insane wait who's this what do you mean who's this I came to say hi I thought you'd get lonely I I can't see you I definitely can't see you all right let's py turn it this out and let's go find John go go go go go go go okay wait wait wait Stay Stay okay wait okay okay I I did my Escape Plan I escaped I did it you jumped from the top all the way down to the bottom no I did not do do that that's not what an escape plan is so your Escape Plan was just fall down this hole right no that's that's the guiltiest yes I've ever heard ever John he's on the bottom floor bottom floor just clb to the top I'm trying to like get down faster but floating is that you right down there John right under me not moving as a jolic no yeah I am floating so listen listen he's I I can't get to you I can't get to you oh my God are I got to get down faster he's a jolic and I got to chase him but I made turnning and I'm flying too high okay I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming baby I'm literally in the same room as you I just can't get to you come down is that not you how do I get through this hole oh my God this is you this is got to me that's not you which jtic is John I'm going to find you pm7 you can't get away you can't get away where did you go did how did you actually get away from me John I can see you wait where is he can you hop as a jol tick like INR mode you can yep okay okay got him got him John I got you dude I got you John hey if you like this video odds are you'll probably like our other videos here's a really good one click this right here they have a Nerf gun pointed at me please click no no no no no no no
Channel: Purplecliffe
Views: 2,520,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: purplecliffe, pokemon, prop hunt, hide and seek, indigo disc, synchro machine, pm7, johnstone, partyarlie
Id: vTOq0jI_aTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 9sec (1989 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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