I Created A Pickaxe That Mines The Entire Earth

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today we're going to upgrade our picks and we're not going to stop until we have something world breaking now we all know the original pick made of wood and not that fun it mines a single basic block this fast luckily for us we don't have to wait long for an upgrade this we create the next pickaxe which is the stone pickaxe but I've had an amethyst chart to either side it turns into the Mystic stone pickaxe so that's going to start to help us mine a little bit quicker okay maybe a lot quicker I didn't expect the first one to be this powerful but that's a good sign we're going places today this one does leave the orange stuff behind so I still have to mine that manually and we're gonna need some of that coal for food because I am going to do this semi-legitimately I just wanted an excuse to kill the cows well now that I got that established the next pickaxe is made out of iron so we need to find some of that so we're just gonna poke around with this pickaxe until we find someone it really shouldn't take that long at all we're gonna have to be a little bit careful how we do this so we don't drop ourselves on our head this really does make mining a lot quicker I can kind of make giant stairs if I go like this and just go down a little layer at a time and I already found some iron so we're just gonna dig around and see exactly how much of it is we and then as soon as they have three or more iron and gets I can make the next pick that is of course after I very legitimately mine up some amethyst that's going to give us the Mystic iron pickaxe so let's see if my little elevator strategy is still gonna work okay that's perfect one little step at a time as long as we're staying way far back that mine's a whole bunch for us I don't know how big of a spot this is but it's really really big and this is only the second pickaxe there's still eight more to go for now I'm going to use this Unstoppable monster to find a little bit more iron so I can get an iron outfit that way I have at least a little bit of armor to protect from all my stupidity an unexpected benefit of the pickaxes too is it's not very easy to get lost you just follow the massive tunnel back to the surface so let's pretend for a sec that I mined way more iron than I actually did and now we have full iron armor and some extra tools to help us along the next pickaxe is made out of gold so we're gonna go find some of that hopefully somewhere down below I don't think the game liked what I just did but since we have this nice big cave we might as well utilize it to go deeper and then we go down to the gold level and mine away with our Mega pickaxe this makes it so much easier like I've dropped down to about floor 26 so that means I can just tunnel around mining a thousand blocks at a time good news I found my first bit of gold I did have to go that far but I only had to swing my pickaxe like four times to do this so now pretending we made ourselves an oven and smelted all that gold we would make a pickaxe using this magic recipe Mystic golden pickaxe isolates and mines ores so let's put it to the test over here and yep it mind the ore is too so that makes it a little bit quicker for me actually that makes it a lot quicker especially because now we need to find diamonds to make any progress and we're gonna find those even deeper I do really like how we kind of mind the useless stuff first and then the oil lingers for a second and then break so we get a look at what's actually here and where it is mission accomplished not only did we find this cluster of diamonds we found one over here so if we go ahead and take a little bite out of that wall the diamond should break up momentarily and then we have our first diamonds this other clutch is bigger I've got to use the regular pickaxe to do it otherwise I'm going to explode myself down a hole in the case you're wondering how far we had to mine to find those diamonds we weren't going down very quickly but we were going very far we got to make gentle stairs to do it this way but about this far from the main Ravine now we're not only going to make a regular diamond pickaxe but we're also gonna make the Mystic diamond pickaxe mines and other Stone types which I assume is a game's way of trying to tell me where I have to go into the nether soon but for now I need full diamond gear for that so we're gonna mine a little bit further using our big your improved pickaxe that's gonna break the game that's a lot of ore oh this one leaves the Oris intact so we don't have to bind it all it is mine's a bigger spot but that's still good anyway because we've got a lot of ground to look through so there's any diamonds we definitely won't miss them even just his pickaxe is already almost too powerful because it's making the game really struggle and we're falling into holes very legally luckily when we get into trouble we can bravely run away I'll feel a lot better once I have some diamond armor I'm currently on floor -32 so there should be some diamonds kicking around here somewhere it's just a matter of waiting for the game to catch up with itself uh now we're gonna introduce some water physics to this mess but I do see some diamonds up there okay in this one little thing I just mind there's actually one cluster diamonds two clusters and one up there and they say finding diamonds is hard I accidentally tried to mine the diamond to the wrong pickaxe in the game really freaked out a little bit there but we're okay still I took one more little bite out of the wall and there's two Diamond clusters there and one more here they're actually pretty common these days I don't really know when all these loose materials start to despawn but the game's gonna like it a lot better when they do but for now we're just gonna keep going until something breaks which might not take long I definitely found a weird cluster of what seems to be Iron up there I've never seen that before so that must be a new thing but it's not Diamond so I could care less but I pretty quickly mined up 36 diamonds so we're gonna call that close enough to have us all geared out turns out that's more than enough to actually do that so that's fine by me yeah this seems a little bit better and safer now we can head to the nether now all I need to do is make a flint and steel and find some obsidian pretty sure these usually gravel along water gravel has Flint two seconds later I found one so when Clinton's still now we maybe need a bucket because if I felt so inclined to actually do it legitimately I could take this bucket of water to some lava we're also gonna make a little detour at this Village because I can't help but wonder what happens if I mine up this guy's house okay well it machines out the ground from under it well don't worry I'm just improving their Village a little bit so if I use a diamond pickaxe of mine there now he's got a flying house everyone wants one of those even the Golem can come down here and play there we go everything's so much better now and rapist at the Villa jet is right there's a lava pool I already kind of screwed this up but is anyone really that surprised and just like that we have what we need to make the bare minimum of another portal but we're not always here for the minimum now are we sometimes you just gotta see how big you can make things and that didn't actually take that long at all the problem is apparently there is presumably a maximum size topic you could make these things because this portal doesn't seem to work and that's very sad because there's five minutes of my time I'll never get back next we have the deeply uncomfortable task of trying to mine netherite and I really couldn't think of a worse spawn given how powerful my pickaxes are I'm gonna punch right through and go down to Oblivion so before mining anything at all I'm gonna take just a little look around I'm already too impatient we're gonna mind out whatever we can with that pickaxe I'm sort of backing up as I do this I hear lava that's not great I hear lava I see a little bit of lava I see a lot of lava but we're okay and of course because where we set the portal we're right at the top and we need to be basically at the bottom which is somewhere way way way way down there there and this is why these pickaxes are so dangerous here I just mind down a few steps gently to see what kind of ground I was above and it's really not great pretty sure I'm close enough to jump to that at least and from here we can somewhat safely jump our way down I decided for the sake of actually getting this done that I would just fly myself down roughly to the bottom I realize this is still going to be almost impossible to do but we're just gonna go ahead and take a bite and watch the lava flow in on us hopefully we survive long enough to um not die immediately I guess the lava moving around the game has to slow down a little bit so then we'll get a chance to move a little bit before the lava entirely takes us that was really really dangerous and I still managed to light myself on fire with stationary lava but I'm not gonna give up yet we need those better pickaxes and I'll stop at nothing to get them here's what I was looking for one ancient debris but it's under a large like a lava so I'm going to consider that um officially mined all the ones we need to get some netherrite realistically these pickaxes just don't work well in the nether they will absolutely kill you and distance so we've just come back up top but we um definitely got all the netherray we needed because I'm a filthy cheater so we're going to go ahead and make the next pickaxe which is the Mystic netherray pickaxe that replaces the diamond one and the process moves on now on top of this amazing new high-powered pickaxe I've decided I earned some netherade gear just for funsy so I'm going to go ahead and plop that on and now it's time to find out what kind of a world the story this pickaxe is that's a really really big area in all directions so we'll start mining our way down and I think it's probably going to go pretty quick it likes surface mining because it's not as many blocks up top okay the water is coming in now so we're just gonna kind of go this way I'm pretty sure there's some love over here they can fight it out but this obviously mines pretty pretty quickly we'll just keep going down for a sec we only take a little bit of fall damage anyway I think we can actually mine faster than the water can fall we get mine right to the Bedrock faster than the water till that happens I got a little caught up with their fun new pickaxes and forgot you're not supposed to dig straight down so anyways this is the size of the blocker reminding before but now with the new and improved netherway pickaxe I feel like it's going to be a lot bigger provided we use the right one and the game actually like this that's a huge spot look how big that is and this one even mines all the ore with it so it might all the way to the ceiling and everything falls down so even the diamonds come down with it so we can collect up all the good stuff without having to individually mine it so in theory we could find like 20 diamonds per mining swing and there's even some on the ground I forgot these guys even exist I have another eight sword though so I don't think they're going to be a problem so it looks like as long as I'm mining four maybe five blocks up I'll actually mine just about level with the floor that I'm sitting on maybe a little bit more but that means we can hollow out a giant area really really quick look at all the diamonds there's some here there's some bell there there's some there there were some other ones right over here I made of this entire thing in like 20 seconds and I could have done a faster but I was busy picking up diamonds I don't need anyways you could probably get on to our next pickaxe now which is actually a quartz pickaxe quartz is a lot easier to find another right but we won't ask any questions we'll just go ahead and swap out our pickaxes and see what this one can do this one actually converts lava and water into obsidian and ice so that would definitely make the nether a little better but let's see how this one works we're gonna mind that spot that's a big area that's an even bigger area oh it doesn't mind the ore so we can see it all look at all the diamonds diamonds there there there there there there one over here one over here it's very interesting to see them laid out this way probably should have installed some kind of mod to make everything bright but you know what I tend to get things wrong many times before I get them right I'm just really impressed with how big this binds and I think it actually clears out the debris doesn't it because nothing falls down it just like evaporates the useless blocks and leaves all the good ones there I'm trying to make a video get out of here but we've definitely got to try this pickaxe out in the nether to see if it actually does do that to the lava now I don't want to destroy my portal so I'm going to go ahead and just take a bite out of here and in theory I should be safe because any lava that would be there would be turned into obsidian except for stuff that's just outside but even now I'm pretty sure if I go like that yep it absolutely turns that into obsidian lava definitely still Flows In from up top but I'm pretty sure if I'm quick I can actually take care of that solidify it all so these pickaxes went from making another wildly dangerous to actually pretty safe as long as I don't drop myself and take ball damage I'm treated as running around mining whatever I want the big lava fields are definitely going to be something of a barrier because they're just going to turn into obsidian oh maybe just a surface spell you know what as long as I'm mining there we go there's an Asian debris there's actually three of them and there's another one hiding in the lava there but we're about to uh turn it around a bunch of obsidian I've also confirmed this pickaxe will not go through bad Rock one there's another cluster there and another one way up there plus this one here so just pretend I did this all the reverse order and found these earlier and that's how I got all the netherrite but this pickaxe is probably actually the safest of the mega pickaxes so far uh because fall damage aside it will stop uh water and lava from being a problem and we could definitely turn all of the water in existence into ice and the game does not like that it turned the sound off but we mind such a big area this is also really dangerous to do because if there's a cavern below me I will once again ball to my death but look how big this thing mines we still got a few more to go speaking of which the next one's made out of blaze rods which we definitely legitimately got when we were down there in the Nether and this is going to give us the Mystic fire pickaxe oh this one automatically smelts or drops so that would make it a lot quicker at this point and it seems to mine a pretty large area that's fun it smells it all right into the bars but so far I haven't found the height limit to how far this one can go and we're still going deeper and deeper a little bit at a time so I'm just gonna kind of I guess like strip mine with this thing because that's the safest way to do it and we'll get some you know a big strip to the Earth hey there we go that's the maximum height it can do so it obviously Minds a whole lot at a time and it's very handy that it does it this way it's actually kind of crazy to think about how much reminding and how long this would take to do legitimately and I just did in like 60 seconds basically as fast as I can run we can mine and we can mine This Much another cool thing about the pickaxe like this is you can actually mine underground now fairly safely because oh well it doesn't do anything with lava but it does smelt all the bars lava wouldn't really be that much of a concern anyway but it's melting all the bars and destroying all the uses blocks is really nice and that makes a super efficient Mining and every time we swing these pickaxe we get like a hundred diamonds at this point okay the next pickaxe is something we definitely already have obsidian just gotta add a little bit of our magic amethyst Mystic obsidian pickaxe converts ores to blocks does it convert chicken to the blocks I'm a little unsure what it means it mines a colossal area we'll work our way into the Earth a little bit oh wait I don't know what these are converts origin to blocks is that a cold block is that a thing block of coal So in theory then it's multiplying the ore and smelting them all at once because I'm pretty sure a block of coal takes more than just a singular coal to make this feels strange I'm turning everything into blocks of itself and I think if I'm the depth of how far down it goes which is a long long ways so we'll take a bite out of there yep there's officially a roof up there and we have a whole bunch of copper and coal so one baby with his pickaxe combined all of that space so we've taken his pickaxe down to the bottom of the world where now we can really get a better idea what's up there look at all the colors and look at all the diamond blocks we have I swing this pickaxe once in we have like 20 30 blocks of diamonds I don't know how many individual diamonds that is but it's a lot this one is definitely my favorite so far just because of what the visual it gives okay this freezes everything up there into blocks that's so fun plus the game doesn't struggle incredibly hard so it's not that long to do this thing doesn't seem to mind that stuff very efficiently but that's okay we don't like that stuff anyways well I suppose you better move on to bigger better pickaxes at this point but that's just a really fun visual next on their list of ever increasing pickaxes is an ender pearl pickaxe Mystic Ender pickaxe kills all mobs I have a feeling I'm gonna like this one since we have a bit of a mountain in front of us let's take a little bite and see how big of a thing it takes definitely getting bigger before I might just bought Lake for me to the ball away I thought that was huge they're just getting ridiculous at this point why there's a mob over there let's go ahead and open that up a little bit so we can die hopefully we don't fall to our death yep that works great any mobs in the vicinity die we could definitely have some fun with that look how quickly it does that too the game Hardy even struggles with that despite the fact it's a colossal area probably because it destroys the block so they don't fall but oops if we pointed straight down [Music] no not that much it's less exciting than I thought but we did find the height of how much it mined so it mines this whole thing in one swing and it's not even the best pickaxe but would you look at that a peaceful Village full of living idiots be ashamed of someone eliminated you all well we killed them we still use the houses but once we get underneath the Molly it's really gonna undercut things some help from under them one of those probably record time for eliminating a village use this pickaxe we can buy note like an entire mountain in like 30 seconds I pretty sure we tested most of it not already I keep forgetting that when I mind it mine's like all the way around me so the walls disappear everywhere and it gets very disorienting well in about 60 seconds flat I managed to do this to a mountain basically made it entirely gone except for a bit of uh ore and stuff on the inside of it but now it's time for the biggest baddest pickaxe of them all and in order to make that we actually have to combine all nine pickaxes that we have so far here's What's called the world eater if I'm seeing that correctly it looks dangerous and you know what it feels a little bit dangerous I don't even know where to start swinging this thing I'll tell you what I'm gonna do it right here that way if we go down we're going down together you ready let's do it one little tap and nothing wait wait the game's thinking about something I don't know what's happening yet oh the debris is going oh there's meteors falling for this guy there's okay I don't know there it goes just as planned we're on fire and so is the rest of the world this one I like a lot it really seems to do some chaos so it launches a bunch of meteors and also mine's a really big area so let's point that straight down and try it again the game does not love this on one little bit let's find a few spots just because we can alright I hear the audio cue of a large explosion that means something happened and we're closer down to bedrock than we were a minute ago I would like to point out that I swung this pickaxe technically twice and this is the kind of area it's mined out so it's definitely the strongest pickaxe in the universe at this point that's really really impressive how big that is so we better try one down at Bedrock Moana Kearney on Bedrock but we're pretty close we'll just take a bite out here to see what happens I hear the blocks folding in on themselves now it's slowly working its way through what's about to happen because there's gonna be a lot of blocks and probably a lot of meteors up on the surface I'm not really sure what happens with those the game definitely hard froze for a second and now it's catching back up with itself like very very slowly but it is doing it we got water coming in we got lava coming down the meteors clearly hit somewhere you just know it's a good pickaxe when you swing it once and it does this to the world it turns it into absolute chaos this I think actually mined all the way to the surface like you left the oars behind but you had actually mined all the way to the surface that's why it had to work so hard to get here and the surface is also on fire because of that so this pickaxe really is a little terror it doesn't do a lot of good things for the world well now I'm kind of excited to see what kind of this stupid stuff we can do with this [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 52,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eV-NpTuiF6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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