i broke every bone on my path to success

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All right. We're checking out the only game where you get to play jump rope with limb-severing lasers. It's Stair Dismount. Stair Dismount is one of those games that puts you in a position to hurt yourself real bad. There's about a million different ways for you to kill yourself, and you also get to decide where you spar to kick your own body. So the plan is, once we get past like the warm-up here, I wanna get 1 million points on every single board that we play. That's the challenge. I do also appreciate that they tell you every single bone that you break on the way down. There they are. He's fine. I think I severed an arm. So in order to get the most amount of agony here, I can already tell what you want to do, is you need to pick a side, not like, uh, not like here, the old mafia-style kneecap. And you don't want to hit him too hard. Maybe like right there. That-that right there. Look at how perfect this is, hmm, lower back break. You can see it very clearly. I managed to miss every single thing on the way down. I just wanna see what happens if you like very slowly slides through as it-- there in. Oh, my, ugh, my forearm, come back. [laughs] Oh, this is working out real good. You know what, a million, we may need to go for 10 million eventually, 'cause I have a feeling that 1 million is coming out. Yes. I went from missing every single column to hitting everyone. That right there is the upper rib cavity. I think I broke myself in half. Oh, 1.4 million. Just getting that like it's no big deal. I think the best part is-- What? You can just be a box? You can pick so many different characters. You ready for this? This isn't just jumping into traffic. This is jumping down traffic. Starting off with the rib fracture there, looks like we're going to be squeezing, ugh, between two vehicles, worked out quite well. Ricochet off the left-hand side, go ahead and clean out my ear with my own ankle. Then, uh-oh, I think we're gonna get stuck here, or I'll just leave the board entirely. All right, starting off at about 400,000. Not bad but I think that we could do a lot better on the board like this. I love how angry my one limb is. It's like, "That's not enough points I'm gonna get you more, Gray." Thank you, right femur. Are we done yet? Nope. I definitely want to see if I can get that first ramp. So in order to do this, let's kinda like arch ourselves a little bit. Right like that. That should be perfect. Okay, scorpion-ing right away. Of course, I completely missed the ramp except my toe, ugh. Squeezing through those cars is so satisfying. I have a feeling we're already going to be at more points than we were last time. This is looking good, as long as I can kind of careen left off of the blue car just like that, that's perfect. Then a nice slow maneuver around the yellow car. Oh, we got it. Hold on. Here it is. We're jumping it. [growls] What happened? I lost both my arms. I don't know why. I love how this sign is just chilling out here, kinda like halfway down. How am I supposed to get up there 'cause I've lost all of my momentum? I don't even know what happened. Like my arms are somewhere back by the original ramp. Not gonna be happy until I can get this ramp. Okay, now I'm way over to the right. That's got to be it, right, except for the pink car that got in the way. I've already lost a leg. I love how my leg's just going on ahead. It's like, "I'll meet down the finish line, Gray." My leg is the thing that's getting all the points now. My torso's not actually moving. It's like, "Huh, you broke your leg again, Gray." I know. Actually getting 200,000 points with one single limb isn't that bad. Here it is. The full jump. This is new height. I don't think I've ever-- Whoa. That could've been so much better if I would've stayed in the middle of the roadway and not gone off to the right. Hmm. You see how many flips that was? I'm pretty sure that was like a half a dozen. We're going straight for the million here. 700,000, 800,000, come on, 900,000 off of this backbreaker. Yep, right there. And then kinda twist around, heel to the back of the skull, and you've got your cool million. This is called, "Hold on, Rose." I appreciate that it's the Titanic, if the Titanic-- Puh, was specifically made to injure people as much as possible. Ugh. I'm not even sure which way I'm supposed to be kinda moving. I think it slowly yeah, it's slowly sliding knee to the left. There's also the gigantic propellers just kinda chilling out on the bottom if I can get to them. Ugh. Yeah. Oh, I got severed by the propeller right off the bat. We haven't got in a million yet though. We're just at 660. All right. So I think we really need to pick a side here. I'm gonna go out to the right. All right. There's the backflip. Starting off good. You want time this well, too, because you want to get, yeah, see, shocked into the air as high as humanly possible. I'm going all the entire ship. Now, the ship's gonna sink without me. This is like one of those instances where Leo was like, "Hey, Rose, I'll be right back." And she's like, "Okay, I'll wait." He just jumps in the water. All right. Kick the foot out. We're gonna try and go down a little slower here so that I have time to get to the yeeter. There we go. That's the yeeter that was perfect. There goes a leg. Make sure that my skull keeps me going down the middle here because, without this propeller, I don't think that there's a way for us to get a million. Oh, never mind. I just got stuck inside of the underside of the stairs. This is looking perfect. Oh yeah. Oh, we're on top of the ship. We're riding the smokestacks at this point. Hey, arch around the side and we should be perfect for the prop. Yeah-yeah-yeah. That's the stuff. 700,000 come on 800,000. It's actually gonna be kind of difficult for me to figure out how to get this million. Hey, one of my arms just, I don't know if it got embarrassed by me or what? Hmm. Maybe if I try the back of the skull. Get that forward, that forward flip. I almost caught that right in the groin too. [chuckles] Hey, off to the side. I forgot about those weird cords there. I missed the prop. I really wanna get my groin caught right in the middle of this pillar here. Right, like that. Perfect. See that'll-that'll get you a nice clean 100,000. Okay. We're not starting off with a lot of points here. So I'm not really sure that this can be the one. And of course, somehow I make it through the entirety of the prop losing both of my arms in the process and still not getting over 750,000. I'm gonna punch him in the elbow just because I think that that'll get us the spiral effect. Say, lined up for the yeeter. The yeeter just ripped off one of my legs. That's fantastic. It also yeeted me out into the Atlantic. We're going skull first 'cause I haven't done that yet. I thought maybe that would provide me a bit more control. Also, I haven't done the right side. If I'm gonna get-if I'm gonna get like mauled I might as well get mauled on all the different sides. No, God. I haven't even started yet and I just got ripped in half. At this point, my arm is doing whatever it wants. Well, there goes my-there goes by lower half. We'll meet up again. Say, look. [laughs] Technically you gotta get twice as many points because you have twice as many body parts flying around. Right. Getting a million on this is super tough. I think what we need is a different character. I don't know what I'm looking at here. It's called Mr. Stalwart, but it looks like a guy with a tic-tac has a chest cavity. All right. Let's see how stalwart you are. Not too stalwart considering he got ripped in half the first 10 seconds. Vitamins. What are those? All right. I found the guy who I think can do it. He basically looks like a slice of American cheese with legs, but he definitely scores points very quickly because all of his limbs just decide to nope out. You can see all I have left is one leg. All right. We're at 300,000 already. If I can hit a prop, we can get 700 easy. There it is. That's the last leg by the way. [chuckles] Okay. This is-this is easily my best one yet. We're at 400,000. We haven't even gotten to the prop. So this is looking good. 500. Come on, baby, give me that million. 700. Come on, come on 800, 900. This is happening-this is happening. No, look at the distance. I've almost made it all the way to Norway for God's sakes. I don't know what limb is still breaking, but I'm giving them a raise. Whichever one it is 'cause we're past a million. Yeah. I love how that one limb is actually still racking me up points. You're ready to see something insane. It's called mosh pit. It's a gigantic eye chilling out in the middle of a violent- a violent speaker. And all it does is just keep vomiting you and your limbs up in the air. This is the stuff nightmares are made of. It may sound like getting a million on this is easy, but it's actually kind of hard because the problem is it's constantly trying to throw you out of the ring. So you kind of have to ricochet back inside somehow. There we go. But I think we're gonna get the million straight off the bat here. 700,000 multiple flips. I'm gone. I'm completely Is this-is this like the home of the devil down here? Oh, come on. I love how every once in a while it doesn't even like-- I don't even know what bone it's talking about. It's like you broke something and I'm like, "Well, what bone?" And it's like, "Does it matter?" Okay, now we've got our million 1.3 million actually. Okay. This one is actually gonna be very hard. This is called bird watching. You have to murder yourself by landing on top of a bunch of gigantic seagulls. [laughs] [ding] So, that was-- Wow, that was. Like, a perfect landing on the wing there. I'm using the dude with a gigantic head. I figured if there's more skull to annihilate, I would get more points. Ah, my head just went into the ground. Where is it? Oh, I'm just traveling. The weight of my brain is carrying me home. Uh, I, um-- I think I broke the game. I think that my head is too heavy because I'm still just sliding along, and the game won't end. [beep] Okay. There's gotta be a way to get a million on this. Oh, that's a terrible start. I've gotta hit, like, at least three seagulls to have any chance. All right. How about the full power hit? If I can hit that first seagull, that would be great. Okay. that's two seagulls. That's not bad. Unfortunately, all I have left is my head. There comes the rest of my body. Pulling in about 500,000, but, yeah, my head just, like, evaporates down to the underworld. I need more surface area to get murdered. All right, dollar store Gumby, get back in there. All right. I got plenty of-- [laughs] No. Hips, come back. The entire top of my body just stayed behind. Alrighty, let's try that again. Uh, let's arc over to the right. Here we go. Yeah, that's gonna get that first bird for sure. Perfect. All right. Give him a little pat on the head. You're doing a great job, and second bird. Nice. Now, as long as I can, like, slide on off this bird, we'll be fine. Okay, I'm riding the bird like a dragon. All right. First bird right on the beak, and I managed to miss everything else. Go a little bit higher. Go by the arm. Do a nice spiral. Here we go. Okay, there's the first bird. Nice. Florida would be proud. I think we're gonna get this wing over here with our pelvis. [shouting] Oh yeah, that's nice. Okay, and then ricochet off of the stone. The entire body just disassembles, and we've got our million points. Okay, that was actually a little bit easier than I thought it would be. Okay. The time has come for the most ridiculous board there is. This is called Reach for the Lasers. Oh, all the laser's do is bring me agony. Look at that-- Look at the spins. Yeah. This one actually might be more difficult to get a million points than, I think-- And you have to land in the center. All right. Starting off with about 600,000. That ain't bad. [ding] I'm gonna do a very light hit. I wanna be right in the middle for this. Ooh, yeah. Oh, these lasers taste like Capri-Sun. So good. And beauty. Hmm. Haven't even lost a limb yet. How about that? Okay. Come on. Get in the middle. Get in the middle. Get in the middle. No. Getting inside of that is gonna be super tough. Okay, but we're getting closer. We're at 660 now. Do, like, right on the top of the head. Maybe I can get more downward force like that. All right. Yeah. Looking good. I think I'm hitting, like, every single laser on the way down. Multiple spirals. That was my leg and my groin. And, okay. Doing good. 640. This is gonna be it. Oh, this is it. This is it. Oh. 1.3 million. And just because I said I was gonna do it. There's the million, but I'm also inside of the cup. I'm gonna go ahead and take the human slurpee I've been made into and drink it. Anyway, folks, hope you enjoyed this episode of Stair Dismount. Until next time, stay foxy and much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 695,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, dismount, gameplay, ios, ragdoll, lets play, video games, stair, game, physics, comedy, iphone, turbo dismount, secret exit, indie, stairs, android, mobile, mobile games, ios games, android games, best, best games, top, top games, games, stair dismount game, stair dismount gameplay, stair dismount hack, stair dismount mod, stair dismount glitch, stair dismount android, stair dismount ios
Id: cS-fPIcOi1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 21 2022
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