I took harpoon jumps to the extremes

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all right we're checking out the only game where simple is code word for you're going to die horribly [Music] it's happy wheels i found a level it was called the simple jet fall i feel like i've been lied to hey great don't go down this is a warning well why didn't you say so sooner yeah here we go oh there's a van here i feel like i can i feel like i can get rid of this van somehow if i just keep aha come on yeah i love it you just have to continue to thrust on the van this van was made for thrusting and that's just what i'll do i'm gonna thrust all over this van what's weird is i feel like there's extra like there's clearly a ledge up here i don't know i feel like it goes somewhere here's some text thank you for your hard work okay go down here uh nope i was lied to all right guess i have to try and beat this the right way uh-huh although with me at this point i don't oh my god i don't really know what the what the right way is anymore wait i could do this hold on i have an idea all right jump off this grab yonder pogo stick and you've got to watch this now you got to do the yiddily oh god all right that didn't quite work as i had no all right this stuff level there now kick it kick it just click click pick the pogo stick okay just gotta kind of work it like this here good for the ab muscle and then what the hell how do i keep managing to ride this thing ah to my legs how did this happen oh my god it took all my limbs um you know what this might actually work to my benefit hold on right i just need to see this may look terrifying but it's actually just pipe cleaners that's what's holding my lower legs my upper legs yes ow boy okay there perfect that's what i wanted nice go don't ask me how i'm doing this i'm using my pogo stick with my dismembered body and i won i technically beat all of them just in case anyone wanted me to beat it the real way like that didn't count or whatever there i got down the right way for you hello everyone before you start i would appreciate if you could i don't know what it says gordon x gaming thank you gordon x gaming let us do a nice rope swing all right let's try this again and fully eat into another fully heat and a land then we're gonna go ahead and go on to the ball the ball is uh i guess gonna put us over here oh god hey welcome to the gray nixon fall the object here is to go all the way down the intestinal trap as you can tell not so bad so far looks pretty easy i'm gonna go ahead and eat this my way this way now we do have a couple of angry arrows as i like to call them right over here is a skull crusher you want to go feet first like this there we go get nice and keep your body erect like this and then grab and flip there we go then you go up the colon there it is now we're in the uh now we're in the lower intestine at this point uh you don't want to fall on your head like what i'm doing and we have a winner i think that was the longest i've traveled in a fall ah yes the old bottle flip but this time a quartet of ninja stars is blocking it man you can win like every single way on this board what's in the secret area i do wonder god my bottle never gets the opportunity to hit the ground oh like i was like oh huh it's just like a bunch of adult film text someone's gonna be like that's how you sound most of the time great when you're playing these games mlg son fine i got hal op still not what i want though i'm going to get that win i don't care what it takes no i was there i mean i guess i could try and get a couple of eats yay the heat god i got mad come on oh oh oh do i unlock the win yes the win isn't locked put him out of bottles no i'm not stopping until i win [Music] come on did you see it it was there i how the hell did i win i won but i didn't win no i need it inside the box oh wow i fit into legends somehow i keep winning without winning um inside of gray still plays i'm just not standing that sounded weird there's the full yeet elite there it is yes ssr says thank you for playing thank you for making the level ssr this is oh boy this is called gray still plays impossible hmm i think i might be able to do this now what you've got to do okay wait for it wait wait wait okay all right and hold on now you gotta get your body on the thing like this and then let it fall and that there like this okay and then you do the slide with all of the spears up the ass okay all right hold on now follow me with this all right you pull your legs out oh god oh god yeah that's hot there we go okay now you've got it you gotta thrust pelvic glee like that grab the cord watches your heart slowly wait a minute is there an invisible part here where i'm not allowed to win no matter what i do i made it through all this come on give it to me i'm still gonna try oh no it is a lie you lying bastard all right we'll do it the right way all right here we go [Music] yes two things first off i got it even though it was impossible second off i like cheese as well this is called what keeps happening to tom god is hanging up like a cheap suit anyway this is called gray's harpoon run hard sorry i pissed all over the background i was just about to ask why it's that color see what two children's vitamins does you urinate pink lemonade if you can't do this there's a tip in the description there's a tip down here this might be possible bye tom wait a minute that may have made my job a lot easier i'm just going to go check something no it didn't make it easier at all or did it oh no i should probably just use the right way anyway hmm ah okay so i can potentially keep my son alive that's important get down there bike i need to wait for the explosion i'm not hearing an explosion that ain't good here we go oh i'm oh i'm totally still alive and my legs are still working see there is no violence here nothing injurious has happened now i need to figure out what button combination is going to get me to the end because i could totally win this okay i think i figured it out now i think i've got it to the point where it should be perfect at this point i just need to make sure that i go down this very slowly otherwise i'll explode when i hit the bottom from the speed okay that was a lot faster than i meant to go down and getting so close i'm getting so close to it i know it doesn't look that way oh oh oh okay okay okay all right now don't hit me in the groin do not do it don't do it don't you do it don't do it now yeah hey yeah i just gotta get my body up here come on okay now there and then you get this here okay all right now lean this way good okay i can't get down this hole because it's too small it's a big problem you see i'm i'm i'm trying so instead we're gonna have to do this another way hey okay freaking cords if my right leg would peep please let go of the rest of my body this would make my job a lot easier there okay now yes oh my god finally did it i knew there was a way the worst part is it took me that long to do that and it's not even the real board so here we go for the okay fine we're gonna eat this way well this could be oh my god i'm the fastest okay i got there i mean like 99 percent of me got there [Music] that was like 80 he could go all the way hey that's how you do it this is called a gray wiggle run hello humanoid hopefully gray joke's on you i'm not human oh ah there is something here greetings great if you read this i just want to thank you your top tier videos help me through a tough time and it's nice to know that this could possibly in a video that helps someone else that's really nice i'm getting all gushy and i feel weird because like my physical body is also getting very gushy i guess i should try and survive this there it is thank you community all right all right let's try that again oh god what the hell is there some sort of cheat where my body can't make it i don't think so huh i'm still alive guess i can see if there's anything at the end of the board alloy tom yeet nothing but darkness there we go i have no clue what it was that was keeping me from winning but i felt like if i just had my body and not the bike i could do it this is simply called gray still plays death run don't go down here absolutely hmm hey kid [Music] all right now that's all clear bike my weight bike my way down oh there is literally nothing here i survived this for nothing all right guess we're gonna go do the death run that's bad okay oh look at that speed oh yeah oh yeah oh we're rolling it we're doing it i don't know where i'm supposed to land i'm just gonna keep pedaling i'm gonna keep pedaling i think i pedal right off the board all right i get past that pretty quick all right now i'm gonna slow down here because i think maybe maybe i would i went a little bit too far is there any land mines waiting for me down here i feel like there would be there is not okay go up here uh-huh all right how about now ain't any any land mines now i'm still alive i'm a winner this is called oh my god jump in the wall why does it start with me getting something up the ass i won i don't know it says save the fastest replays there's mine but i'm not gonna type anything 313 son [Music] 197 just in case this is called the gray still plays level maybe a secret win a okay oh it's up my ass wow every single item right now is up my ass i almost have my pogo stick up there it said i should be able to do it but in order to do it i'm gonna need this what happened why did the battle axe randomly kill the homo viking i was gonna say if i can do it i'm gonna need this can't stop me are you gonna stop me yeah yes oh god right now i have to play the actual level all right we got tom hardy over here oh what was supposed to be the easiest part ended up becoming the most difficult all right hobo fight [Music] why's that say sorry no win oh wait a minute no this battle axe finds my lower jaw all that why is my son vibrating with this this cleaver up his nostril yay boop there we go hobo viking this is this is very inappropriate god get out of my crap no i okay listen youtube hi damn it back to our regularly scheduled programming which always involves a sword up my ass are you serious right now oh there is a secret win okay or a second secret win i don't even know how many that is at this point we getting there okay yiddily d and of course the sword manages well this is awkward okay the dad has the sword land on this like a freaking boss and watch this here we go ready ready for it stand load up boom and a winner this is called gray still plays goes fast hi grand people this is fun to make yeah i'm sure i'll have a what there's no secret to go back you must first go forward okay [Applause] oh what the hell what do i get to win or what happened [Music] there was some text there but i don't know what it said i won though what does it say if if you beat this yeah i am grace dopely this is called is it possible i don't know what the hell the point of that was but i guess i guess it is this is called zero zero zero one percent possible and if i win i get a shout out you got it are you done you done good [Music] i'm still live no i'm not you weren't kidding your level's pretty hard this pogo level's insane oh god okay okay i gotta break i gotta break all his ass ah don't touch the land mine ah come on let me have this i'm tired of becoming a pincushion i'm never going to give up oh i'm still alive okay well yes and yeah i made it i'm kneeling but it still doesn't count okay there's a pattern here there's a pattern the only way that i can find to make it is over to the right land on the upper level and then you have to be ready you have to be ready to jump as soon as possible once you get all of the arrows out of your groin and tilt slightly backward and you can potentially do this here we go yes anyway folks this is what a porcupine that bathes in strawberry jam looks like hey i hope you enjoyed this episode of happy wheels until next time stay foxy much
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 4,301,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, bad life choices game, funny simulator, simulation games, mobile game, stickman fight, stickman game, stickman games, happy wheels, happy wheels funny, happy wheels gameplay, happy wheels 2020, happy wheels banned levels, harpoon jump, bottle flip, extreme spike fall, spike fall, spike fall happy wheels
Id: EZ6ATQxz9y8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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