Tech Shuffle mode in Civ 6 is TOTAL CHAOS and I LOVE it

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hey buddies i'm patel mcwhiskey and welcome to civilization 6. for those of you who don't know civilization 6 came out with a recent update that introduces a whole bunch of options to randomize and customize your game and so i thought it would be a ton of fun if we were to get together and try to do a completely random game of our own so we'll be playing with a completely random leader on a shuffle map with random resources all enemy ai is completely random as well as the tech and civic shuffle mode and last but not least the most important thing we'll be doing is removing the cliffs of dover from the natural wonder pool it's not that i hate the cliffs of dover it's just that they're not very good and i never want to see them in my game ever again now we did roll the english empire as our civilization but as an irishman i'm contractually obliged to hate everything that has a reference to something being british and so that means we'll be doing a quick restart to find out different civilization arguably the scottish are just the diet version of england so we'll be re-rolling again in the same way that the welsh are basically dr pepper in which nobody likes i'm really looking forward to the amount of comments i'm going to be getting from scottish english and welsh people who are like hang on a minute how dare you speak this way about us it'll also be really funny when people realize that most of that sort of stuff is just banter between people who live on the islands i guarantee you there'll be someone who like i can't believe he said something so offensive and it's like you should see this stuff that gets posted on some places oh we're gonna play indonesia all right i'll take that okay this is actually absurd what is like didn't my last game have this exact same thing happen why am i always spawning next to this goddamn wonder what the hell is happening i mean i'm gonna play it because it was just pure look god this is actually crazy so we actually are playing indonesia which has some really nice bonuses first of all we definitely want to settle coastally so that we can pick up that extra faith and pick up a nice and early pantheon tanks to guitarjas abilities we also started with the hermetic order which i think is the only one that i haven't actually played with at this point so i'll go ahead and give them a whirl oh we spawned right next to a ley line amazing i don't know what's happening but i feel like the last few games i've just been getting absolutely absurd and broken starts oh right the tech tree yeah hmm kind of forgot about that it's uh it's chaotic it's uh i mean astrology is over here i don't even know how i'm gonna get to that in a reasonable amount of time although i do have a bunch of early science and that's kind of working in my favor i've already found another two ley lines oh this is gonna be a very very fun game the downside is they are in the tundra and snow but i can live with that another ley line up in the snow oh my god i don't think i've ever seen this many of them well there's archery not exactly what we're looking for so let's keep digging into the tech tree oh there's horses here as well damn i was actually gonna place a um holy site here but now that there's horses here that kind of gets in the way we do get to pick a turn seven pantheon however thanks to insane faith bonus of mount rorima and the settling on coastal ability well that the indonesians get hey did you know that this video took 10 hours to record and about six hours to edit that's right a lot of work went into this video so i would super appreciate it if you could smash the like button and maybe consider becoming a member of the channel for every like i get on this video i pledge to drink one milliliter of whiskey while the warcraft shadowlands is coming out soon go ahead and check out the discord if you want to join up we're playing horde on spinebreaker on eu servers and the guild is called spotties you just find it in the guild or community finder anyway that's enough interruptions to our regularly scheduled programming now i believe the hermetic order best supports a scientific victory thanks to the alchemical society building and while science isn't a natural direction for guitarists to go i think it would be a fun way to take this game with that in mind i'll want to pick a pantheon that will support a science victory quite well and i'm thinking either divine spark god of the sea or religious settlements could all be valuable choices that said i already have a ridiculously overpowered start and i feel like going for anything other than religious settlement wouldn't be appropriate considering how strong this start really is just a casual turn seven free settler another free governor title thanks to meeting antioch first and getting an envoy with them i really enjoy just how the secret society game mode changes the game because it allows you to get governors so early and they can really change how you play oh this is perfect writing is right on the way to getting astrology and i want both of these things i want a religion and to get campuses i wonder what rich is this tribal village will hold another secret society and a governor title and i got the booth from foreign trade equally confusing is the civic tree opening up with mysticism how do you make an overpowered tile even more overpowered that's right you build a pasture on it and now it's a three production tile that will get even better as the game goes on placing down our very first campus adjacent to our ley line we want to start earning some of these great scientists as soon as possible so we can start buffing this up in the mid game ah i managed to meet my mortal enemy pericles oh we actually did in fact discover the sanguine pact and i'm interested in trying to go for a very early aquaculture this game as the indonesians because we also have access to the kampong which is a very very powerful coastal improvement now i seem to have discovered a very interesting little exploit here completely by accident so pericles will buy any amount of horses for two gold if i offer him you know eight horses he'll still spend two gold he's willing to sell me horses for eight gold no matter how many horses i add to that trade deal now i had been just happily sitting here trading him horses for quite a while but now i've realized that i'm gonna be able to exploit pericles's ai for infinite money it's a very slow and tedious exploit but it is an exploit nonetheless here's the 35 horses that i just traded two pericles for two gold each straight back at me for eight gold thank you i'm starting to think something might have gone wrong with the ai in uh the latest update that that might you know might warrant a bit of a patch or something i'm pretty sure if i do this for long enough i'll actually get like an rsi like the sheer amount of clicking that goes into this i wonder if i could maybe make up like a hotkey script that would uh automatically do this for me apparently i'm really bad at making macros so i spent about an hour there trying to get it to work and well it was probably a bit less than an hour but i'm just going to go ahead and continue to do this manually until i lose my sanity apparently i'm really really bad at doing macros but i did manage to extract enough gold from greece to be able to purchase myself a settler on turn 31 which is a pretty good time to get a settler settling a third city on turn 34. and ain't she a beauty also has an amazing campus location that i'm looking forward to using ooh this is really good he's now willing to give me four gold for each horse well let's keep trading pericles seems like he would like to become friends and we are now friends with him which means he actually can't declare warn me so i have about 30 turns where i can expand freely and then i have to worry about him excuse me um i was just able to move a unit twice in a row i'm a bit confused i'm gonna replay what just happened but this guy moved from here around here and still has two movement i'm extremely confused i was just able to do it again so apparently there's like a very short window of time where when your turn is ending and your turn is about to start where you can actually move a unit and then move them again ah this is a very i don't know how i find these things what is going on so if you watch carefully i'm able to move this slinger even though i've ended my turn and then when i click on him my turn is started he has his full movement that's very odd clear another barb cam for 30 gold and some extra error score we're two era score away from a golden age go ahead and buy ourselves a cute little galley that'll give me exactly enough error score to hit the golden age in two turns now i don't think this exploit works if the unit doesn't already have movements when you end your turn so it seems like it's not a double move but it gives you a chance to remove some units at the end of a previous turn not sure it's like a super useful exploit and probably not worth even fixing but it is an interesting little thing welcome to the classical era and we have a golden age i don't think there's any choice but money mentality considering the amount of faith per turn we are making and the amount of faith that we already have oh hi it's our friend suleiman go ahead and send him a delegation and see if he would be open to open borders and also sullivan how do you feel about horses ah one goal per turn not quite enough for me to consider exploiting you for it just a couple turns into the classical area and i've already been able to buy two settlers with faith and my faith income is only gonna grow bigger hey look we found norway let's send him a delegation too oh norway pays four gold for every horse you know what that means it's carpal tunnel time oh god my wrist please make it stop i've already sold them 35 horses 38 39 40. and if you're wondering why i only sell 40's because after 40 they don't pay as much god my wrist hasn't been this sore since i was a teenager where the hell are my government texts this tech tree is just really being uncooperative also this tech doesn't know what era it's in is this medieval is this classical what are you doing are there stacked texts here like oh my goodness some of these techs are drunk i need to go home man that is so disappointing i miss that i'm getting hypathia by a single turn because i didn't quite make enough faith and so now greece is going to get him hey it's time to found our religion the illustrious religion of sea turtles aren't real let's grab ourselves choral music and watts which will allow us to turn our faith into culture and science please don't pillage my tiles i feel like i've found a lot of the sieves this game that can actually do serious damage in a scientific victory and it's not really being helped out by the fact that i still haven't found where the university is on this tech tree it's somewhere here in the medieval era but i have absolutely no idea where the good news is japan will pay for gold for each of my horses and i do have a nice stockpile of them to sell off fantastic we've actually managed to find political philosophy and that'll allow me to upgrade my government let's see if we can maybe go ahead and build the pyramids this game just finished our government plaza in palombang nice thing about that is it's going to give us access to another governor title we'll be picking up the connoisseur promotion for the extra culture ah beautiful at long last we have found education that's going to open up the university for us and more importantly once we hit the medieval area we'll be able to build the alchemical society probably gonna be my very last settler that i purchase considering the classical era ends in seven turns a delicious little forest fire has ripped through this territory giving me a nice three food two production tile without any improvements all i have to do is slap a lumber mill on that bad boy and there's a three food for production tile now if yields like that don't convince you to try out the apocalypse game mode i don't know what will political philosophy is arguably one of the most important civics you'll ever pick up in the game the hard part is trying to pick which of these governments you want to go for autocracy is great for the extra yields and if you're building wonders which i am the extra yields would be really nice in that one city classical republic is awesome if you have a fairly small empire that already has districts and you're earning great people points which i kind of am doing and oligarchy is really good if you're going to go to war with some sort of melee unique unit which i'm not going to be doing so it's really between autocracy and classical republic but the real question is am i going to try to stick with about this many cities or do i plan to mass settle some more because if i plan to stick with this amount of cities i'll have to choose my government building to reflect that carefully i think considering my golden age is running out and the land over here is fairly low quality i'm probably just going to stick to a fairly tall build so i'm going to pick up classical republic for all the extra benefits that that gives once you have your damn if i trade with antioch i'm going to pick up 12 gold per turn that more than doubles my current income and i'll get an envoy that's like the easiest choice i've ever made and the scrambled indonesian chaos empire falls into a dark age it's a little bit unfortunate but there's nothing really much we can do about it but i can pick up free inquiry here i get a little bit of error score from eureka's and constructing science buildings i can't possibly see how voting to make units 50 cheaper to produce could ever backfire for me the nice thing is we do know where shipyards are which are going to be super helpful as in indonesians the downside is that they're buried behind another six technologies oh well now that we have universities may as well head over for apprenticeship to pick up that plus one production from mines i do really enjoy just how powerful forest fires can make forest tiles and this thing is only ever burnt down once if i remember correctly oh hey we found the fountain of youth this thing has been showing up in all of my games it's so powerful i really wish i had found it first also can we talk about how this map looks what the hell is going on it's like the snake continent right here just built their very first camp pong these things will do a lot of work for us this game plus they also look so nice in the water if you're wondering what the kampung actually does it gives you a ton of production and housing and a little bit of extra food depending on how many fishing boats you have beside it speaking of which it's probably a good time to start spamming builders from somewhere as much as i sing the praises of the apocalypse game mode there are some downsides namely when a couple of storms roll through your territory and destroy basically everything oh nice one we managed to find mount vesuvius of course it's miles away from my territory all the way over in where the hell is that actually click oh it's over here i don't know how i did manage to find that last turn one question i need to ask myself is where do i plan to build my mausoleum and i had planned to spam builders out of this city but i feel like mausoleum might be the better move i'll place that down there and see if we can get it done and i'll move liang out of here again oh a haboob dust storm just rolled into my pyramid city and destroyed basically everything i had set up here which really really sucks i'm not a fan but if you want to see a good tile here's the kampong look at that two food one production one gold and that's only going to get better once i finish this harbor i found a very weird bug actually for some reason my archer it tells me i can shoot this guy but for some reason when i click to shoot it doesn't work and it actually just moves him now the good news is the archers are moving in i should be able to start clearing them out just finished the research of apprenticeship and now my minds give me a nice juicy amount of production too bad most of my minds are pillaged due to all the chaotic explosions and stuff that are happening but in other good news we have another governor title to actually pick up the alchemical society which means i'm probably going to start producing one in my capital because it's going to give me a delicious plus two production plus four sides housing a citizen slot a great engineer point a great merchant point and a great scientist point and all those great people points will be doubled once i get the grants promotion for pingala i often forget just how bad the disasters are on the apocalypse game mode i mean look we're only like a hundred turns into this game and the sheer amount is ridiculous god damn it i was literally sending this archer here to occupy this tile and now the ottomans have settled my one tile island i'm very upset by this i was like a few turns too slow i was like maybe i should put a unit here derp curse you adana oh mega colossal eruption just devastated my city but i did get the pyramid so that's pretty nice but turn eight is now in dire straits plus the pyramids are gonna make my life very easy it massively increases the efficiency of your builders and it looks like all the storms over here have made this land incredibly fertile i need to get some extra settlers over here asap because i did actually elect to go for the ancestral hall building and that'll allow me to get extra builders once i actually settle my cities which will combine very nicely with the pyramids i think it's about time that we picked up reina because she has this very nice harbour master promotion that should go amazingly well in mataram where i plan to build a harbor and a commercial hub should probably also place down my aqueducts to lock their price in since once you place a district its price can't increase from researching new civics ooh civil service is actually in a great position here i just picked up medieval fares because i wanted that extra governor title being able to move on into alliances is going to be fantastic for my game the really hard thing though is i have a decent spread of envoys in these city-states but i'm never going to get caesar into you of any of them because pericles is in the game looks like the ottomans are trying to spread islam to me which i was trying to save up my faith to be able to do other interesting things with it but it's probably about time that i grabbed myself some missionaries and probably should work on the temple in here too i think i'll save up for it with gold oof another mega colossal eruption in turn at a the city is just struggling i think i'm gonna run my archer away because he started he's almost dead we are very close to getting the mausoleum it's not an amazing city for the mausoleum but the most important part of the mausoleum is actually the double engineer uh ability the most important thing to me right now is spreading my religion of sea turtles aren't real they're just not real you can't convince me otherwise don't send me images of sea turtles they're all hoaxes okay big turtle just wants you to believe in them so they can sell you toys at sea world oh hey matsumusa is in the game just look at that amazing robust beard that he's got he's absolutely dripping in gold this guy knows how to make money hey we got the boost to reform church because we spread the belief that sea turtles aren't real honestly in this day and age i'm pretty sure you can make up basically any belief system and somebody out there will believe you all right let's place another farm to get the boost for feudalism now that's a tech that i really wanted to find in the tech tree and it looks like where's feudalism didn't i boost it shouldn't it be revealed am i just blind reformed church was revealed i'm really confused i'm really i'm i'm i'm really confused where is feudalism is is it did it bug where is feudalism didn't i just reveal it by placing that farm i think the game has become a little bit too chaotic for me now because i'm not even seeing stuff that's real ooh mausoleum and halicarnassus i'd say pyramids and mausoleum are like my two favorite wonders in the entire game and now i have both of them purchase myself a temple now don't forget i'm getting extra culture from these temples so they're amazing plus six faith plus four culture and that'll allow me to purchase an apostle to evangelize my religion am i dumb do i already have feudalism am i like where's feudalism i don't understand do do i already have it obviously i'm going to vote for sea turtles not being real to get extra religious combat strength there is no other belief system and you can't convince me otherwise catholicism who's ever heard of that get out of here with your silly made-up religions nice we just finished the alchemical society and we're picking up a delicious delicious amount of great people points in this city now all being doubled thanks to pingalas promotion grants been sitting on a couple of extra trade route slots for a while now i'm going to pick up the two of them now been waiting for these time to do our first evangelization of our religion and pick our belief looks like most of all the good beliefs are gone already which kind of sucks so i'm gonna be picking from the bottom of the barrel actually never mind the ai is dumb they never picked up holy orders so thanks very much for that which means i now actually have enough faith to go ahead and evangelize again my god that is easily my favorite belief just saved me like 200 faith already oh it's time to appease the gods again and i think this time i might actually be able to do it but here's a fun fact did you guys know that this pantheon number here every time a population grows without a religion in a city the pantheon gets added an extra 50 pressure which means if you quickly convert a city it'll have a very small amount of pantheon for example over here in palombang there's a very small amount of people following the pantheon but over here in turn 8 because it keeps getting murdered and all the population is killed and then it regrows a lot of population really quickly which then gets killed by the volcano there's a massive amount of pressure for the pantheon just a fun little factor that i thought you guys would be interested in uh this does not look like a very good great scientist option here so i think i'm going to go ahead and pass on a meal du chatelet and hope that japan picks up the other one and then i'll be able to get isaac newton that's exactly the kind of great scientist that i was looking for universities providing plus two sites is amazing and i'll probably place him in mataram so i can actually cancel building the library and work on some other stuff time to evangelize again we actually have some very interesting choices here pilgrimage tithe world church and cross-cultural dialogue are all amazing beliefs the real question is what do i need more science or culture and i'm thinking if i take cross-cultural dialogue that gives me another way to turn faith into science so let's go ahead and pick that up it'll also give me a nice boost to my science already roughly 10 of my science is coming from that belief just based on the little bit of religion spread that i've already done and there's not that much religious pressure competition in the area so i might be able to get a bit more people following it beautiful we've unlocked civil service giving us access to alliances i think the very first alliance we're going to make is with the ottomans they have pretty good tech so i'm going to open up with a research alliance with them in the hopes that they'll give me a little bit of cash alongside it pericles on the other hand i think i might go for an economic alliance with for now so that i can pick up an external but a gold from any trade routes that he decides to send me wait you can build kampung's adjacent to each other i thought you couldn't do that i swear they updated that oh my god you can build kampung's adjacent to each other holy sweet jesus these are even more overpowered than i thought they were oh wow we found torres del paine is anyone settled near that oh i need this wonder where's cartography cartography is all the way over here i need to start producing settlers i'm so glad i went for the settler government building because i'm going to try and steal this i don't think anyone lives near it the entire point of picking up aquaculture was because i thought that kampongs couldn't be built adjacent to each other and that these could fill in the gaps but apparently i didn't even need to do that beautiful there's isaac newton one of my favorite great scientists in the entire game i'm going to anime teleport him over to madaram so he can instantly build me a delicious university over here boom use isaac newton and my science jumps from 67 point something to 77.7 very easily catching up on the rest of the ais now they are a little bit ahead of me still but i should start to gain momentum as i get these alchemical societies online i mean just look at that we're picking up an extra three gold from that campus thanks to the alchemical society it's not a huge amount but across an empire it really adds up now we exit the dark age and enter a wonderful golden age and it's me you know that means we are actually in a heroic age which means we get to pick from three of these abilities one of them is money mentality for sure we should take that one we could also go for reform the coinage that seems really good but i'm kind of tempted to go for monumentality hicks hunt dracones and maybe exodus of the evangelists i feel like these two combined would allow me to mass settle everywhere if i really start working on my faith income i'm gonna go for money mortality be able to purchase builders and settlers cheaper hicks on tricones so that any settlers i put on continents other than my own will be better and then reform the coinage to get extra gold to be able to purchase even more settlers we're going to be going for a mass expansion on all of this unsettled land over here at least that is the goal whether or not we can achieve that is another thing we do have cartography so we could if we chose to purchase ourselves a caravel for 480 faith the amazing thing is that we basically spawned on our own little tiny continent here which means any cities we settle basically anywhere is going to count as being settled on another continent if you combine that with the hicks on draconis we're going to be starting with three extra population on our new cities alongside a builder i think it's about time we just start mass expanding i'm just gonna produce all of the settlers i can everywhere that i can have you ever seen a tile with such diverse yields one food one production one gold one science one culture and one faith the power of the mausoleum combined with the kampung is just delicious whoa why am i at what were the aztecs excuse me oh because i just made an alliance with japan and then they declared on japan thankfully the aztecs are pretty far away although actually speaking if i were to get some carnivals over there i'm pretty sure i could steal some of their cities yeah most of their cities don't have walls now that i have naval infrastructure i'm going to plug that in instead of urban planning because this is worth more gold it also means that purchasing shipyards is really valuable for me here picking up an extra eighth production in my capital which i do want because i'm building the kill because sawani oh i found feudalism it looks like there was a bit of a bug with the thing and it's stacked underneath um that that other technology in here i actually can't select both of them that's amazing uh probably a few kinks to be worked out with the new shuffle mode nice we just got susan t of mohenjo darrow because no one else had discovered them it's given me a ton of vision plus they're really nice bonus of giving my cities full housing from water even if they're not next to a river that's going to be extremely handy in cities like bhima that was settled on just coastline and doesn't have access to an aqueduct speaking of settling new cities we're going to go pop this one down and it'll act as a nice little canal i also picked up an extra envoy from that tribal village which makes me very happy and this city starts off with four population thanks to hauntzig dracones which is going to massively boost how quickly this city can get online it also means that i can pretty much instantaneously place down two districts and i'm going to go for the harbor and campus because those are my two core districts this game beautiful we just picked up feudalism that's going to give you an extra food on my farm triangle see over here look at this farm triangle producing four food per farm and one production that's a total of five yields from each tile improvement that's going to feed this city for a very very long time and allow me to place down a ton of districts oh my god look at this campus plus five adjacency please get me that campus as soon as possible my amazing diplomacy skills has ended up with me being friends or allies with most of the sieves in the game with the exception of norway and the aztec another mega colossal eruption that's going to rip up a lot of my territory the good news is though we have picked up reformed church reformed church is great because it's going to give us a 15 discount on our faith purchases which is going to stack with the monumentality golden age bonus we'll be able to purchase settlers for a massive discount while this is far from an ideal city location i am going to plop a city down here just to get me established on this new continent for aerosport and acting as a base of operations where i can purchase even more settlers from oh man we just got yee sun sin that's going to give me an ironclad instantaneously with free coal i think i might actually be able to take on the aztecs with that i'm gonna see if i can steal this city here's our free ironclad perfect and we have our caravel here ready to take on the city of chapultepec why do i see this in every single game it's a huey toy cali in a one tile lake this is like the one tile petra oh man we also built kilwa giving me three envoys this is probably the most insane wonder in the game why the kilwa is nice is because if i can get suzerainty of two of any of the same kind of city-state i'll get a 15 boost to the production type of that city-state for example gold if i get to trade city-states across my entire empire i feel like that's something worth aiming for it's a very nice apostle you have there the aztecs be a shame if something were to happen to it i know you guys are going to ask for this so i will build the venetian arsenal in my capital all right listen i know the comments are coming if i don't build it this game you guys are going to be very upset these are the things i put myself through to keep you guys happy i don't know why it's so tempting to settle a one tile of one tile desert hill in the middle of the ocean but i'm playing indonesia so it seems like a good idea man this iron clad will just shred this city so quickly oh now you want peace now that i'm attacking your cities you want peace never mind the amount of times you denied me peace until i was actually you were at risk of losing a city oh now you want peace you're not getting it you're not getting peace until your empire is in flames okay that's how this works basically that great admiral pretty much just got me a city for free considering settlers cost about 500 production for me because i've made so many or you know 500 faith that's a pretty damn good deal man i love that these cities start off with four population i can instantly plop down two amazing districts holy crap plus six on this campus where the hell did this frigate come from oh this barb camp right here of course yeah just my look that a frigate would appear right outside my city man the thing is i like i'm trying to win a science victory here but i have no idea where to go on this tech tree because it's just all unrevealed i know i need to get like somewhere up here but i don't even know where to begin time to improve this tea for the fifth time today it's a very clear message from the gods that we should not be drinking tea i feel like tea is an abomination onto man settle another juicy city apparently we have the largest empire in the world with three more cities than the next biggest rival grab myself another incredible plus four adjacency campus and a plus four adjacency harbor in this city another amazing plus four campus in this newly settled city now that we've unlocked mercenaries we actually have i completely forgot that the sieve has a unique frigate that i could have been using this entire time had i researched this i think my best target to attack actually is the aztec because all of their cities are coastal and they're relatively weak right now so if i hit them pretty hard with jongs i think i could take them out start to catch up on the list of sites i'm now only two techs behind the aztec oh my god as this game goes on i just find more and more land that i could settle i'm starting to run out of turns in the renaissance era so i need to make a decision about how i'm going to continue forward oh my god i got a free governor title from a tribal village i think i'll save that to pick up indoctrination next era that's going to give me a huge boost to the value of those ley lines inside my empire because they'll give me plus one yield equal to the great person's district type kind of surprised i haven't had any more great scientists in a while someone must be snapping them up or this one was just exceptionally expensive and i think it's actually just that this guy was really really expensive another one is settled on a nice luxury resource now the sheer amount of high adjacency campuses i'm gonna have i'm really excited to see just how much science i have in the late game time for the aztecs to suffer let's go ahead and declare a formal war he's at war with pretty much the entire world at the moment which makes you pretty happy because uh people won't be too upset that i'm murdering him also get the pillage of some of his trade routes for an extra chunk of gold the first turn of the war we've already got the city down to 75 percent of its health since we can't actually heal this iron clad i have to pillage fishing boats to heal it up because while i do technically have coal uh you have to have one in your stockpile for your units people to heal themselves time for this city to fall i think and we'll use our ironclad to finish it off and netting it a nice chunk of xp problem is gonna have a hard time holding the loyalty in here with uh just victor it's that -17 loyalty per turn but that's not super important because we could just flip these independent and then run around and take out all the coastal cities and then maybe wrap back around and take them out the good news is while the era does end soon and will run out of most of these bonuses we do have enough error score to score another golden age and since i'm more or less done purchasing things with faith i think it's fair to switch over to merchant republic so i get that extra 10 gold it's pretty long overdue that i actually stuck in natural philosophy yeah that gave me a nice bump to my science an extra 10 or 20 or so the tech tree is looking a bit jumbled um i'm kind of looking for civil service because that boosts my campus but i have no idea where it is i'm going to go for the enlightenment because that'll give me rationalism military emergency did trigger against me but i'm hoping that people vote it down so i don't end up at war with a bunch of them yeah it looks like pretty much nobody wanted to go there that's what you get for going to war with half the world montezuma all right at long last i'll be able to get susan t of a second industrial city state because i have to kill what kisaniwa or kisawani i forget how that's pronounced if i go in here and take a look at the city's production you should see here i'm getting a 15 boost to my total production in here my capital is getting a 30 production boost giving me 18 production per turn that's just the power of the kill by kissiwani oh my god can we stop getting haboob dust storms over here it's getting a little bit old in brighter news we did actually find civil engineering and we're in a golden age man these are hard choices do i go for heartbeat of steam with my really high adjacency campuses i haven't actually built that many of them so this might not be that valuable or do i keep going for these really really strong settling cities reform the coinage gives me an insane amount of money too really is a tough choice choosing between these right now i think um hunt citracones is just so unique and i usually pick one of the other ones that i'll go ahead and take this one because it's where you get a situation to actually take advantage of this the other thing i want to look for is colonialism because that has a really powerful card that makes your cities on other continents much more powerful oh man do i actually try to build the forbidden city here seems like a no-brainer to me considering how powerful it is plus five culture in a wildcard policy slot is insane well this city is flipping independent whether or not i'm occupying it so let's go ahead and evacuate and begin taking down this other city the meme the dream the request that you all made in the future even though you technically didn't make the request i knew you would make the request so i followed the request even though you hadn't already made it listen i made the venetian arsenal and now i'm going to go ahead and promptly run the test that everyone wants to see will faith purchasing a unit with a venetian arsenal result in me getting two copies of that unit the answer is i i no i i don't think so i don't think it worked i feel like it should work but you know it is the venetian arsenal if i do choose to build a boat unit which i probably won't this game i will get double trying to figure out where in the tech tree research labs is a lot harder when you're completely blind i might be able to get my hands on oxford university though i do have a spot near my campus in my capital that i could plop it down i think that seems like a pretty damn good idea i would be very happy with a 15 or a 20 boost my science and my cap oh hey i think i'm going to get a free settler from capture in this city no it looks like the settler was just murdered oh well but i did capture another one of their cities and the most important thing is that uh the aztecs are taking a serious hit to their science per turn because of this war the goal is to take pretty much everything except for their capital so i'm gonna have to kind of slowly work my way around ripping down the cities one by one and then bringing a fleet from chapel to peck to actually capture the cities for real oh man greece is all the way down here as well i mean it's not that far from their mainland norway is starting to spread to the south half of the map as well i did find some pristine land over here to grab for myself though the good news is this city will last much longer with a garrison up to 233 turns so we can actually start to hold some of the territory that we're taking off the aztec oh my oh my god i had farms all the way through here and i had this improved but looks like that haboob storm actually wiped out a ton of my infrastructure including this lumber mill guess i'll be getting some more builders soon oh god i just settled the city and it didn't get a freeze builder oh my god no it actually damaged my ancestral hull builders right now are so expensive there are 161 productions so missing out on that is actually a huge problem whoa talk about the snake continent it looks like a little pistol like a little uh not the club air what's that little pistol that they used to use in world war two the wealthier no the krueger could be the kruger i don't know it just looks like a little gun of an island oh nice we're gonna get philippo brunellesch that guy should be really useful when we're trying to build the oxford university for now though his job is to sit pretty in my capital and await his fate although i could actually use him to build the tundra petra too oh man which do i want more tundra petra or oxford university i mean tundra petra is so cool it would take two charges ah man somebody else is building it and they're almost finished i might just let hungary take it yeah i guess i'll save them for the oxford university time to begin the siege of semper walla got my ironclad ready to take the city even have an archer in the area to pick up some tribal villages too bad that was a boost for humanism since that's now a leaf tech oh wait no it's not it leads to some other stuff this whole like system is very very confusing because like humanism doesn't lead to natural history but it does lead to civil engineering so like this line goes underneath natural history and ends up at civil engineering it's a very very confusing system in fact wait a minute oh this also takes nationalism damn this whole tech tree is completely scrambled this is literally the worst place that a pair of ley lines could appear in the entire game neither of the tiles that are adjacent to both of them could could could be used for by a district like you could put harbors here big whoopty do remember it's actually a lot more valuable to harvest later in the game because the total amount of production you get is higher so if something's going to take you a little bit too long don't be afraid to harvest and then improve the tile that shaved eight turns off my harbor which is pretty damn good it's why i've started to appreciate actually harvesting a little bit later into the game and try not to harvest too early there is a bit of an opportunity cost to like using up all your chops too early into the game oh time for sample wildlife to meet its maker i think i'll be able to take this next turd or maybe the turn after actually it's got a lot of health left there's another moth in my room get the out of my room you moth i guess this is the turn that sample wallet will fall yoink thanks for the acidity aztec ah the moth is back get out of my room that's right go up there yes that's it i've got you exactly where i want you i rolled him up in my blinds and now he is dead die moth the only downside is if you put my blinds too far down now there's like a graveyard of moths who have been like rolled up in the mechanism all right time to pop out something man i really want all of these cards in but i think i'm gonna pop out trade confederation in exchange for rationalism because the amount of science that this offers is insane right now it's only about 10 per turn compared to the other card but as time goes on and my population grows and i build more campuses that will start to become a huge amount of science the aztecs are trying to beg me for peace and i don't think they're really in much of a position to beg me for peace considering they have zero military strength because i've burnt every single unit they own to the ground i thought the aztecs are supposed to know that you need to negotiate from a position of strength speaking of positions of strength i'm currently burning down the city that's trying to build the coliseum although it is a pretty late coliseum if you consider that it's 1170 a.d ixtapaluca is mine this city is going to be a little bit harder to keep in terms of loyalty but if i can get a good control over it mainly what i need to do is grab all these other cities because eventually i'll just have enough loyalty pressure to keep it without any help i might even just destroy it or let it you know be on its own and just take these other cities myself oh hey a meteor shower i think i'm actually near enough to try to steal that see if a builder can pick it up i was planning on saving my money for settlers but this city is just so bad and the shipyard is just so good it's nearly gonna double the city's production in fact it yeah pretty much doubled the city's production for a thousand gold that seems like a pretty good deal to me especially since i need this city to actually build my intelligence agency i mean of course a crippling blizzard appears to instantaneously wipe out the shipyard that i just built oh apparently greece has already built the oxford university i guess that explains why they're almost matching me for science well may as well use this for the uh tundra petra then it's about time i got some use out of philippo category 5 hurricane my word the absolute size of that unit ah for the love of god exactly as i predicted this goddamn shipyard that i literally just finished was pillaged i think it's worth eight production per turn you think it's just okay to sweep in and destroy it two turns until the cathedral is finished can i get that down to one turn probably not all right finally time to pick up indoctrination that's gonna give me much better ley lines i mean they're not amazing but one food two production three signs and one faith makes them workable in fact it pretty much makes them into this tile right here from mount rorima overall not too bad a little bit underwhelming if i'm gonna be totally honest i think this is my first time playing with them uh maybe it should be two for a great person or something like that took me a while but i think i'm finally through the walls of this city which means it should fall in a couple of turns time to take susan t of nan madol for two reasons first of all they're going to give me a huge amount of culture for having my districts next to coast pretty much all my districts in this game are next to coast so that'll be a huge boost but not only that i already have seasonity of mohanji darum that'll be another 15 culture across my empire right now i'm making 119.4 culture per turn i click this button and instantaneously i'm making 242.7 culture per turn yeah i get the feeling that nan madol and uh kilbuck is a little bit overpowered just just just a smidge you know all right desert petra complete this gives me plus one food plus one production plus one culture and all tundra tiles in this city which pretty much makes this land actually workable the only thing i'm missing is conservation which is buried somewhere in here but then i'd be able to plant some forests and put some lumber mills on here and have some tiles actually worth talking about time for this city to fall i reckon can i kill it safely with this looks like it's a minor victory so i should survive you ain't the city belongs to me we will of course be keeping it i think it's about time we finish the forbidden city as well only another two turns until we get that free wild card policy slot at long last we've managed to find industrialization it was hiding behind a sanitation this is going to get extra production on my minds as well as access to coal and the coal power plant let's go ahead and sacrifice this knight into the volcano because i would actually like to get my hands on one of these rewards if i could oh nice one we just got ourselves forbidden city and it looks like the emergency against us failed more importantly though we've managed to pick up colonialism which will give us access to colonial taxes which perfectly lines up with us getting a new wildcard policy slot that's going to massively increase the amount of gold and production we're making across our empire jump up from about 285 gold to 400. apparently the aztecs have conjured up an army out of thin air probably a good time to look for a peace deal i guess especially since i'll be able to suck about 78 gold per turn out of their economy seems like a pretty fair deal to me i mean it's one hell of a picture of border gore but an extra three cities for very little investment i'll take any day of the week oh man we just picked up civil engineering and democracy is immediately after it i gotta go straight for this nice we also managed to find ourselves research lab so i'll probably stop off to pick up refining for a little bit of oil so i can get some aircraft then rush for research labs here's a thought this city isn't really doing a whole lot for me right now why don't i just go ahead and sell it back to the aztecs for a bunch of money in fact one others give back basically all of their cities all right 41 gold per turn from the aztecs for that city they do get to keep their grievances with me but the money is worth it and then i trade off malin calalco as well for 82 gold per turn and then i'll give simple walnut back as well for an additional 63 gold and 193 gold i think i'm now making an absurd amount of gold per turn yep 536 gold from those trade deals i mean it did hurt my signs per turn a little bit to trade those in but the amount of gold i'm gonna get out of it and all the settling i'm gonna do as a result is absolutely worth it plus it's not like my army disappeared i still have a massive navy over here ready to strike again if i feel like it another category 5 hurricane in my ocean just please don't hit my capital city i would really appreciate that i think it's about time that we stole a zanzibar off of pericles here that'll give me a boost to my gold income up to 660 now remember when i begged the game for that category 5 hurricane to not rip through my capital the category 5 hurricane ripped through my capital hey nice we won the competition 48 points for throwing a single knight into a volcano looks like we picked up the zealot on our suitcairs not the most useful one but might be able to find something to do with them i can't help but feel i'm constantly being offered the worst great scientists in the game so i'll go ahead and pass on this one although it almost guarantees that these two guys are going to snatch them from underneath me just casually making 703 gold per turn if any of you are wondering why i think coastal empires based around harbors are so good this is why like a single city like this that doesn't even have a harbor is making me 8.8 gold per turn i swap over to a city like mataram that does have a harbor and it's making me 28 gold per turn and just for the sake of fawn i actually concentrated all of my trade routes into my capital which is now making me 144.7 gold per turn from trade routes nice we just got suffrage which gives us access to democracy which is going to make our trade routes even more insane pop in democracy we do lose merchant republic but everything gets a little bit cheaper to purchase so it's not much lost in reality i'll plug in new deal because that'll give me a ton of housing and amenities across my empire oh nice we actually found conservation as well this is going to give me access to the ability to plant forests that'll help me turn my desert tundra city into an absolute beast there's another taste whoa the meteor shower actually landed on the barbarian encampment wiping it out completely and it looks like the city of adana decided to join my empire i guess this is my one tile city island after all and it even comes with a harbor and a shipyard for me thanks very much ottomans you know what i'm just gonna purchase that shipyard immediately so i can flex on them oh my god i completely forgot that jongs can escort units as far as you want them to that's going to make that would have made settling so much easier i can't believe i forget how things work i should really i usually take time to like read all the abilities of a sieve at the start of the game but i was like i know how indonesia works and just went for it i've made so many mistakes this game oh man look at all this juicy oil i have in my tundra if you're wondering why uh democracy and whistle banking is so strong all you got to do is take a quick look at my capital it's currently making 195 production per turn 78 of which is coming from outgoing trade routes it's because i've put every single trade route i have in my entire empire into my capital city and they're all making somewhere between seven and six and eight production each that's what's letting me build an aerodrome in a single turn hell i can build a statue of liberty in six turns if i wanted to i already have suzerainty of zanzibar and i'm about to get sushi of antioch i have 754 gold per turn i click this confirm placement button and now making 841 gold per turn seems like a pretty good return on investment to me all thanks again to the killwork isawani have i mentioned that this wonder is really damn good are you kidding me this boat got its very own miniature hurricane on it it's a goddamn category 4 hurricane designed exactly to destroy this boat although i feel like you shouldn't take damage if you're in the eye of the storm that seems a little bit unfair to me oh nice now i can buy battleships for faith which might be a good idea in the city of bantam which i kind of neglected and now there's a swarm of barbarians attacking it also managed to grab myself horatio nelson who'll instantly build a lighthouse and shipyard probably one of my favorite great admirals because it instantaneously makes a city from being just kind of okay to being great it seems like our barbarian problem up here has only just gotten worse well nothing for it but to start bombarding them with everything i've got nice we just picked up research labs that's going to give me a huge boost to my science output if i can get them all online in my capital alone it's worth 11 signs per turn oh nice i should also be picking up electricity here because the seaport is gonna absolutely skyrocket my gold income with the amount of water tiles that i'm working are you gonna really force me to take this crappy great scientist i'm gonna pass on it and hope that the aztec takes them and i get a better one like albert einstein who is exactly what i was looking for you can have alan turing aztecs i'm making room for einstein well it was good while it lasted but now we're heading into a dark age it's gonna make loyalty a lot harder to deal with but i can't pick up part b to steam and get a ton of error score for building all these industrial era buildings oh this is going to be an important technology computers i think i'm going to need flood barriers this game already the world is about to flood i'm only eight turns away now this is more like a tundra petra it's not quite complete yet but this city's already cranking out 52 production per turn and a ton of culture to boot cool thing is even though i just purchased this settler and it has zero movement if i attach it to this zhong i can instantly ferry it out to where i want it to be been a while since we've seen one of these bad boys but we got another mega colossal eruption on our hands i mean i don't think it really slowed down this city that much but it did pillage a bunch of my tiles which kind of makes me mad on the plus side i killed a bunch of populations so we don't need as many amenities it's not really what i would call a stereotypical plus side but it is a plus side did i use the word stereotypically instead of just typically what the hell is wrong with me oh please god blizzard no don't wipe out all my things that i just placed my precious lumber mills man i've been kind of slacking on the holy site front oh that is a rough blizzard right there 11 tiles essentially wiped out in bema the good news is i am finally getting oil online however and that'll be used for some power plants as well just unlocked computers giving me access to the flood barrier which i am going to need to use but more importantly it did actually lead to rocketry so we'll be able to start our space race very soon just going through and making sure that i'm building flood barriers in every city that needs it it's going to be pretty important for keeping my society protected now i am currently using democracy which has a huge benefit of giving you a ton of production and food however communism is really powerful because of that 0.6 production per citizen and that 10 science boost i think right now though due to the size of my empire and the number of trade routes i have democracy is a better choice but if i was a smaller nation communism might be better some of my cities are going to take a little bit too long to produce their flood barriers so i built an encampment in my capital and i'm going to go ahead and purchase military engineers because they can be used to rush out flood barriers there's rocketry giving me access to the spaceport and so i'll start producing some rockets in my capital i might make two spaceports this game but it's probably just gonna be one and i'll also need some spies to defend it as well pick up uranium because i already have nuclear fusion researchable although i think i need to do the manhattan project first there's uranium and i'm already lucky enough to be getting six per turn in fact of the five uranium that i spotted on the map pretty sure two of them already belonged to me which is pretty damn nice considering i currently own about forty percent of the world's uranium supply oh my god how many haboob storms have rolled through this city at this point basically every single district just got pillaged ugh the good news is we do have robert goddard and he's going to give me a 20 production boost towards the space race twice because i still technically own the mausoleum even though it was very close to flooding baseboard completed let's launch that earth satellite only going to take us three turns owing to the fact that we're making about 169 production per turn in our capital one of my cities did flip independent which really sucks but i'm not sure it's worth the effort to recapture it i mean why would you bother recapturing that city when we have a massively overpowered empire we're making 480 signs per turn compared to the 261 of our closest competitor we're massively ahead in terms of scientific victory in fact i don't even think anyone else has begun to build uh our spaceport yet yeah it looks like we're the only one easy peasy lemon squeezy earth satellite the giant phallus to commemorate the earth conquering the stars i mean did we really conquer the stars or did we just send a giant rock it up into space so that we could spy on our neighbors with google earth i am at a bit of a loss here though because i don't know where the moon landing is i assume it's somewhere in here but god knows where it actually could be i've only got 10 turns left until the sea levels rise again and if that happens all of my flood barriers that aren't finished will probably be redundant at least for a lot of them because things that are flooding right now are in a bit of an emergency dire situation so i need to get that fixed one thing that's really important if you're going for a science victory is to have a couple of space ports and make sure you protect them with your spies the ottomans want to go for a joint war on pericles and you know what i kind of like this idea for too long have the greeks stood in my way plus it'll give me something to do with my faith to actually take on the greeks i feel like i need an aircraft carrier let me buy one of those and a battleship or two probably won't be a myth although i'm probably better off buying a battleship armada ah everyone has declared war on me because of the betrayal emergency well this isn't how i envisioned this game going down but if they want to fight they can have a fight time for a government switch good old communism now we're switching to communism because it has a lot more military policy slots we need to start mass producing units i'm really curious what the ai was expecting to happen during this emergency they've basically just given me 60 turns where i could just murder them all freely i guess this is technically a shuffle slash chaos game so this is exactly what you want to see in the late game just hordes of enemy units getting mowed down first air attacks are now landing on fire slows we are slowly whittling away at this city once i get a couple more battleships we'll be able to rip through these guys i really do feel like the ai has just straight up made a mistake declaring war on me because i was kind of bored like in the late game i know they've made it interesting for me so i have to like kill everyone the great thing is now as well i can just start pillaging their coastlines for money time to begin researching nuclear fusion so we can get access to the manhattan project and the nuclear device a single attack from a fighter almost killed the queer is here yum yum yum i love aircraft they're so cheap to upgrade so cheap to maintain and they do so much damage the world has entered the atomic era but i'm entering another heroic age i can't think of a more perfectly timed heroic age than one that's like time for a betrayal emergency against the entire world i'm definitely going to be plugging into arms that's going to give me 15 production towards military units heartbeat of steam will give me a huge boost to my campuses adjacency providing me production and bodyguard allies will make my life easier by allowing me to use my spies more i'm actually super glad that i built the uh that i built the phoenician arsenal oh my god never ever quote me on that okay because every time i build a battleship i get two of them now we're starting to make progress on first loss i've even got fighters to uh rip down all of the local infantry units cities start to take a beating now we're ripping down quite a bit of its health every turn late game war could be super slow though if you're not ahead technologically and while we are ahead technologically we don't have like an effective lead because we haven't actually found the units we need but i'm just going to go ahead and pick up giant death robot just built myself a pair of submarine armadas that are going to go pillage the coastline of greece for resources oh that bomber just took out 58 of the city's defense strength nine turns until we get our hands on our giant death robot i feel like having a giant anime robot is exactly what we need to turn the tire to this war been a long time coming but farsolos finally belongs to me of course the loyalty in here is a bit of a problem but that shouldn't be too much of a problem oh man my battleships are doing like 10 damage to these walls a single attack from the bomber did 66 damage to the walls time and time again i'm reminded just how damn powerful bombers are this game i'm really loving how an aid request and a military emergency targeting me have both been proposed like these people have suffered a massive tornado but they're invading the world they have to be stopped slowly but surely we're conquering the world one city at a time thanks for the free city montezuma about 23 turns into this emergency now and i've captured my second city this one will probably be a bit harder to hold because of the awkwardness in terms of the amount of cities exerting pressure on it but uh if it flips again i might just delete it athens is almost done for just a couple more turns of hammering away need to get a tank over here to finish the city although i might use my giant death robot since it finishes next turn oh hey hungary's been long dead i may as well liberate them at least that way i don't have to hold on to the territory myself and they should have a pretty good opinion of me allowing me to get a friendship with them well at the very least i'll be able to get open borders with them if not a friendship giant death robot please take athens for me belongs to me now let's go ahead and get a governor established in there i think that's a pretty decent chunk of damage to greece's economy now i still have 33 turns left on this emergency though a pair of bombers hitting the city of magara should bring it down to just low enough to where my giant death robot should be able to kill it next turn a nice one we actually won the world's fair and that got me a diplomatic victory point 100 great people points i wasn't even trying but apparently my empire is just so huge and powerful that i won also been grinding my way through the aztec cities over here shouldn't take more than a couple of turns to completely wipe them out there's only a turn ago that i started attacking megara and uh it's done yoink city belongs to me now definitely starting to snowball thanks to the giant death robot as you get the espionage packed past to prevent disruption of rocketry which pretty much guarantees my win right now especially since i just unlocked the launch of the mars colony finally get to liberate antioch back to who they belong to don't forget that once you actually liberate a city-state they kind of belong to you because you get all of the envoys oh my word i'm gonna pillage three trade routes in a single turn well no it actually only gave me two of them but that was worth like a thousand gold oh my goodness and smart materials is right here this is going to be a quick win i feel like the tech tree has been very friendly to me this game i think i'm going to start deleting some of my battleships because they're not super useful now that i have bombers and they're pretty much using up all my coal which is causing the apocalypse faster than i would like they're also using up a monumental amount of my gold so now i have a bit more to play with another aztec city falls as well now i need to go back and start filling in some of these other cities although 10x title is a 20 population city so that's going to be a tough one to take and the city of rhodes falls now as well i feel like i've really hit that snowball point where i can't be stopped i feel like giant death robots kind of trivialize the end game once you have bombers and giant death robots you just can't be stopped and just a short while later we launched the moon landing sending neil armstrong to uh you know stage a hoax on the moon just another day in plain sieve time to pick synthetic technocracy that's going to give me a huge boost to electricity across my empire at a massive 30 boost to my space race ability bart is also going to fall to my giant death robot yoink i like how i can just continuously liberate hungary from this city and generate an insane amount of diplomatic favor and off we go to mars the sec uh third last one well i've got quite a few projects left but we're almost at the wind condition oh my giant death robot was killed by fighters i forgot that they're weak to fighters i guess i'll just have to pillage my way to another giant death robot but we do have the exit planet expedition at least let's go ahead and get that thing started in my capital we've only got so many turns until the world floods and meteors start falling from the sky and another one bites the dust and another one's gone and another one's gone another spikes the dust i don't know what other song to sing there but the conquest of greece is still going along happily really this is just that kind of vengeance you work because i'm kind of tired of grease being up in my in my games the viewers demand blood and so blood they shall get finally i've unlocked jet bombers it's gonna add another 10 combat strength to these bad boys and it's a fairly cheap upgrade too only costing 300 gold if you thought jet bomb if you thought regular bombers were good at doing damage to cities wait till you see jet bombers they absolutely just shred cities in quick succession i mean a single turn and this city is capturable by one of my tanks just gotta do a smidge more damage boom we pretty much captured this city in a single turn bada bing bada boom nothing you can do liberate the hungry hey hungry's back in the game i mean back in the game is pretty subjective they do have zero military strength 10 science and six culture but i guess technically they're back in the game oh nice the exoplanet expedition boom launch that bad boy that means we have started the countdown timer for us to win the game just gotta wait 50 years for this thing to travel of course if we can find that technology that's in here somewhere that can speed it up we'll be able to win much faster than that i think this is the third time that i have liberated edgar for hungary i mean i'm not complaining because i got a hundred diplo favor each time hey nice i won my military emergency granted it was on the aztecs greece and japan against me and it was pretty much just hold the city of farsilos which to be fair is now so deep inside my empire that you'd have to give me a root canal to get it off me i do finally have enough gold to buy myself another giant death robot just gonna pop him down here in mycenae and use him to help conquer the rest of greece i only got a couple of more cities to defeat got pest and estergom to liberate and then we'll make our way down here to a thesis my leader sam says fakia and namsas all right there we go we liberated pest oh i guess not there wasn't quite enough damage let me use another unit there we go now we liberated it oh hey look we got another golden age but this is the one where we get to pick a giant death robot which i've actually never done before so i feel like i kind of have to and there's that bad boy fresh and free a brand new giant death robot almost all the grey people have been taken by this point i'm going to get sergey korolev who is going to help be helpful in uh speeding up how quickly we win the game the really interesting thing is just how powerful these ley lines become in the late game six production two gold eleven signs and one faith not an amazing tile by any stretch of the imagination but considering every ley line in my empire has that seems like it's pretty reasonably good definitely feel like the ley lines need a little bit of a buff and the hermetic order in general could probably use a buff as well well here's to liberating the very last of the hungarian cities that exist all for the low low price of my sanity as i micromanaged my way through this war but i mean this was a 60 turn emergency and it is supposed to be like a late game absolute destruction emergency and i think it really did fit that goal it gave me something to do while i wait for my science victory and by something to do i mean purge greece i'm not even sure if i'm going to bother going after these other cities i kind of want to get greece's horrible blue colour off the map but at the same time i'm so close to a victory that it's probably not worth my time this is probably the worst place for off-world mission to spawn as basically the second last technology in the game in fact this is a repeatable technology so it literally spawned as the last tech in the game that makes me pretty sad cause i probably could have won this game a lot faster usually i like to win the game around turn 250 but i feel like the shuffle mode slowed me down a lot off-world mission spawning very late was just another factor in slowing me down at long last we have finished researching off-world mission and so we can begin launching lagrange laser stations thankfully i have search a carla rolev who should instantaneously finish one and double the speed at which my light speed is so we should take about half as long as we would have to win the game another lagrange laser station and use corollav as well we've actually launched two in a single turn now we're traveling at four light years per turn with only 33 left so it's about nine turns until we're finished looks like it's about time to start making peace with people so i may as well clean up my uh war so i don't have to deal with any nonsense just in case anyone gets any nuclear bombs or anything like that i think we managed to do fairly well holding our own but i have a feeling that suleiman is working on nuclear bombs and i think i'd like to be at peace with him up to five light years now but only 29 light years to travel so that's about six turns until we win now we're going seven light years eight light years the unfortunate thing is if you boost a project that uses power you actually lose a little bit of your speed so i've only traveled a couple of light years since then because the city technically doesn't have enough power this should be it we're about to travel eight light years we've got seven left so i think it's just one more end turn and we win and there you are victory screen i hope you guys enjoyed this game one curious graph that i want to see is the total units killed you can see right about when the war is declared upon me and i just start murdering everyone's units yeah you can see it it's like right here everyone just starts losing units out the gate anyway i'm going to call that the end of this hope you guys enjoyed this exploration of the shuffle mode let me know if you guys enjoyed these kind of edited let's plays i love you all very much and i'll see you guys next time bye
Channel: PotatoMcWhiskey
Views: 533,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: civ 6, civ vi, civ 6 lets play, civilization 6 lets play, civilization vi, civilization vi lets play, civ vi lets play, civ 6 indonesia, civ 6 deity, civ 6 potatomcwhiskey, potatomcwhiskey civ 6, civ 6 guide, civ 6 tutorial, civ 6 meme compilation, civ 6 funny, civ 6 meme, civ 6 great, totally balanced lol xd
Id: lOl8O483br8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 1sec (4021 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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