What if Civilization Restarted in All 50 US States? (CK2 - EU4 - Age of Civilization - DEFCON)

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hey America are you like me are you mad that Europeans got to do all the fun things in the Dark Ages like have a Black Plague and do a bunch of incest to keep your monarchy lineage alive well guess what I've got the universe for you this is basically a place for we get to do all those things and it's gonna be fantastic the US states and just North and South America in general get to participate in all that action and oh man I'm getting ready to bust right now this is basically Game of Thrones taking place inside the United States bunch of families doing bad things to keep their line and things like that you know another thing that I forgot to mention why don't we get a Mongol invasion I really wanted a Mongol invasion that would've been so much fun and I'm kind of offended that they didn't come after us like come on are we not enough as Americans well luckily we got that to accept the British are gonna invade which is gonna be equally as bad and terrible honestly forgot to mention this is kind of a post-apocalyptic which is just really the cherry on top Wow yeah I'm gonna stop now I don't think I'd keep that for this entire video trust me I would if I couldn't I would if I could so basically I've got a surprise made campaign a little early Christmas present because I was able to figure out an interesting way to do this mr. off and seek a - I know we're focused on America for now but in the second game the rest of the world is gonna open up and things are gonna get a little crazy then by the end we're really gonna end with maybe one if not no winners this is a post-apocalyptic scenario so technically it might just be an ongoing cycle like the world's probably gonna end again so we're doin CK to you for age of civilizations - and DEFCON which is gonna be just so many nukes flying everywhere it's gonna be terrible instead of doing slowest the world's just basically gonna end in nuclear fallout which is perfect again because the cycles gonna repeat multiple post apocalyptic scenarios basically I wanted to try something new and also this whole video wouldn't even exist if I didn't do it that way the converters are like what makes me almost never do made campaigns ever and I was never gonna do another mega campaign to be honest because converting to Viki - and hi for just is not it's not possible right now and it crashes and I can at least control my own destiny and do it even if the converters don't work in this scenario how about you guys but I'm pretty excited for this Caribbean Empire look at this thing look how beautiful it is unfortunately I do think it's gonna fall apart I did see like an option in there that said like don't let this fall apart I left everything on default so some some Bad's gonna happen to it then we got the holy Columbian Confederacy which is this like equivalent to the Holy Roman Empire except it's in the deep south that is quite quite the difference there oh and it looks like Brazil is like the China of this universe normally we're playing this game based game we've got like China off-screen I guess the Brazilian Empire are like these insane powerful people maybe I don't know if I'm reading that right we've got a whole bunch of different faiths so people have clearly just broken apart we've got like Catholics in the middle and people have gone back to Celtic and I don't know why these these people Canadians in Minnesota Wisconsin why you believing in Norse what's going on with that we got the Rust Belt doing like cult stuff alright don't don't drink the kool-aid trust me that'd be bad I have no idea why you guys are Hindu what the hell is happening here that's ok fantastic choice there guys but that was that Portugal or somewhat somewhat similar to Portugal did Portugal escape from the old world I'm assuming it's all like just terrible chaos mushroom clouds over there we even got Native Americans maybe to come back so my editor Frank's gonna be real happy about that I don't know how abayas he's gonna be actually the culture is just all over the place so clearly some time is gone by obviously we got like castles and things back in the US right something like that and as I said humans have been pushed back into the dark ages so we've gone back to like feudal systems for the most part although Canada is following a lot of tribal stuff we've got some pneumatics here in like what I know the sewer back and then I don't know what California is doing California really come on now what is that actually let's see who the first ruler of California is anyway Southern California so we had King Ronald's ronald's of McDonald's maybe the great McDonald's he's honest and proud he's a poet's way of the fist I don't know he 15 and then there's the valley right next to them so they're gonna be like really like powerful everything's gonna sound like a question when they in a statement I think they're gonna be pretty good some states have like broken off and just forms their own thing like yeah Iowa Arkansas things like that but then there's like cities that did their own thing like Indianapolis I don't know why they didn't just do Indiana I don't know Michigan's all over the place all right come on Detroit let's go Detroit we got the nomads in Canada now these guys need to worry because as I said the Redcoats are coming and that's gonna be the equivalent of a Mongol invasion so I don't know how well everyone over here is gonna do isn't our Bertha's supposed to be the Texas of Canada so I guess we'll kind of keep an eye out I mean they would they should do good maybe oh we got the Longhorn realm so like the Austin UT Texas what kind of dungeon is he put in that that seems like a BDSM dungeon or something oh it's a football man okay I just said it oh the longer oh I'm stupid okay I was trying to just be stupid as I said in the past with ck2 don't get discouraged if your nation disappears for a little bit they could definitely come back or don't get too excited if your nation gets huge this game's crazy with like how fast things rise and fall oh boy does Connecticut control long islands yes they do major Willem of Long Island so yeah we got like dukes and things like that controlling territory oh but they can get it back they have like still a piece of it so I mean I don't know we'll see speaker this New Yorker is he gonna be cool it says he's kind so maybe maybe this emperor of the holy Colombian Confederacy really busting out those kids Dan yes a bet Oh will one died yeah might as well just keep it going natural death he was nine how is that natural so we got tennis I Iowa and Michigan hopefully I said that right also Ontario doing pretty good there's still a lot of people that are getting a bunch of lenses come and cheriya comment chariot day what does go always one-eyed okay his leaders one-eyed Andy's disfigured fantastic combination oh yeah I forgot about that who exactly are we crusading against the u.s. is crusading against is it Brazil or something oh it's like everyone I forgot oh never mind it could be I don't even know I'm sorry I haven't dived too deeply into the lore I apologize but this this mod has tons of lore Oh Louisiana coming in hot also looks like the HCC has lost a bit of land they're not doing as good what the hell what does Carthage doing Carthage why are you in Tennessee is that Tennessee please get out of Tennessee also we have Ohio Miami and regular probably the more popular Miami there they're both back now what is happening in the Pacific the Pacific Northwest's who are you people and that's seen you before oh they're invading Native Americans are they they must be from Alaska or something has a terrifying name Black Hills I would not want to mess with him all this man also imprisoned his wife man man lucky guy ah the good old days huh I'm just kidding why do we got to Mexico's we got Mexico the Yucatan Peninsula and we got Mexico yellow Mexico there could be some more and I don't even know about it also Honduras looking pretty nice why is this weird-looking though okay they got like two different couple different colors and a pretty cool Panama I like Panama I remember do you remember I remember and actually almos kicking some booty down this way too so that prize accurate oh my god why can you stop why is the hcc doing so good okay so they were they they were not doing good then we also got the Gulf Coast Florida basically form down this way Hey look at this Empress way Emperor Emperor I'm sorry I thought this man look like he's the one some lipstick I wasn't sure apparently there's a pope in this world and I had no idea where is American Pope at I got to figure that out Oh actually it makes a lot of sense I don't know why I didn't think about that if we've got the Catholicism out this way then it's got to be somewhere Wow faith is looking so strange around the rest of the continent Chicagoland what a original name they're also Michigan is taken back the Lower Peninsula they haven't taken the up though oh you know what that means the Mongols are coming the Redcoats are coming that works in both ways actually so basically I guess these are like people from Europe I don't know if they're super invent what okay well that makes things interesting this games so crazy it is so crazy we also got the Arctic Arctic Quebec and then there's regular cool back down here anyways so the Redcoats are now just starting to invade it they're probably going to take a lot more than just that so Kyle's done so thanks a lot you guys didn't even do anything also we got like The Crow and like so all of California basically sucks not a surprise there I don't know how these holy people got down to the Caribbean that's kind of sad because I was like in the Caribbean Empire they must have fallen apart a long time ago and ck2 strikes again at one point they were super powerful and now they're going through a massive revolts which they might get this all back but they ended up losing a lot to this like Florida Nation Gulf Coast I like it oh and so Cal is back okay so so Cal somehow managed to come back briefly although these guys invading from like Alaska is that Alaska they're doing really good too I don't even know what the hell that is what is this what are you all doing up here with this name we got the granular grande lander I don't know empire I don't know where they came from but they're looking okay with like a lot of states are there control people straight up just name and home now oh man I guess Americans aren't great at naming stuff I'm not my channel used to be called BA I started gaming on what the hell I was thinking yeah what's the Pope up to and what state is he in is this Illinois kind of Illinois little piece of that so what you doing temperate he's kind he's honest just oh so he's good dude a little greedy but that's fine there's nothing wrong with glue little greed wicked priests just now you have it to this priests are very inappropriate for his position and what's worse he has been unable to hide them from the public view so everyone's knowing he's doing creepy stuff out here he's doing tentacle things I don't know how that works out but okay that's his error not only the appearance though but this man is 55 and the other one is 61 but there's you know it's fine we're living in the future we're doing crazy things out there we live in in 2020 but uh this man is living in the year 3000 almost literally we're pretty much almost there New England has also formed and I'm assuming that's because the British were huge duds Wow that that was it okay this was no Mongol invasion at all I don't know when they got cut off maybe they got him further but then they quickly fell back I don't know and here's one last look at the map right before we go to see k2 so we had a couple of new powers come up definitely you know some interesting figures and they're gonna be able to colonize in this next game so it's gonna get pretty crazy fates pretty weird I don't know what's happening what is this that's taking over Mexico but we still have I mean the normal things it's really scattered though oh man all Celtic is going away also culture is a huge mess it's really mixing a lot and now we're gonna have some Europeans coming to invade so it's only gonna get way worse now let's take a look at the full world map and see what was going on down when we were just looking at the Americas I guess Oh strangely enough it looks exactly like it did the first timeline wow that's so weird even though there's supposed to live again they were supposed to end everything now I got to worry about that actually hold up I was making a joke there but things are not exactly the way I remember them okay also pretty sure these guys aren't supposed to be they don't know even know what that is we've got a lot of different like we got Native Americans basically over here in Iberia and then in England we have lost Spagnuolo this is a Caribbean nation and they've got like a couple different things oh my goodness Ontario Quebec what do you guys do Massachusetts get out of there I just want to know how they got landlocked Oh like that's the confusing part I don't understand this but maybe Brazil was doing some like black magic in their Amazon or they weren't even that big the acre a bigger what the heck is going on with that well either way Panama looking pretty good we got the Aztecs who kind of formed under a lot of those people I don't know if there was some vassals SoCal looking great oh man that's great and the Confederacy is not once what they once were oh no every single time every single time man you for it just loves the memes I'm interested to see what like Jersey and New England do as well as like Quebec and a couple of others I guess the Redcoats got kicked out they're gone for good actually we did like her own sunset invasion right so basically we did the reverse where we took over parts of Europe that that is weird not as weird is that though oh my god what okay okay you know I can't even I can't even explain that one I literally didn't even see this when I zoomed all the way out so this world is very different very very different I I don't even know Thanks so we had the holy Colombian it might remember that right Confederacy yeah now we have the regular HRE back and the other ones are long gone yeah that thing is dead now probably for the best oh the Mayans did survive so maybe they just like left their home to go off in an island and these islands are looking good they got multiple let's do a colonial Mayan Empire I would like that well unfortunately Chinese Brazil is not gonna last very long of course even in this universe Brazil explosion Brazil explosion instead of being explosion you know I'm saying and SoCal lasted just about as long as that Brazilian Chinese nation we also got the Gulf Coast doing okay and whoa where'd you guys come from you taken out a bunch of people you guys can do it though I believe in you the Confederacy can come back maybe a Jersey got destroyed I would have loved to see Jersey do good but I guess not New England it's gonna take over for them this is gonna be a tough area for these guys to do good because they're just surrounded from all sides oh so Cal's kind of back but Oh Cass Cadia also kind of bumping up against the Gulf Coast's uh yes and this is the new Cuba they obviously work the Confederacy before I don't even know what this is now bang Oh Spain what happened to you okay well I like the Michigan still around also a couple of others that aren't supposed to be there but that's fine crap England's taking out everyone but Massachusetts still lives on weirdly maybe they can be friends for a long time I don't know I don't think I mentioned this but when you do mega campaigns especially when you bring them in to you for the AI doesn't really listen to what it's supposed to do like it kind of breaks and does really weird things so that should make things even better I guess if you like crazy things that don't make sense and I guess you've already saw that with the Brazil thing and I'm talking about colonization stuff but anyways I like this Venice Venetian Balkans doing good oh yeah the other thing is that nations aren't gonna form formal nations not when they're using like ck2 data but anyways we got English Cape of Good Hope yeah there's not gonna be a Great Britain or maybe a couple of other nations that normally form at all which is kind of good I like that cuz I like to see the original person that usually started that stuff sometimes Scotland forms Great Britain and I don't even see it excellent spot there Quebec great great spot just chill up there you should be fine a Mac what is a Mac I don't know what that is but anyways Stadium cast Gideon Canada casket camp I don't know it's doing good Cascadian kkk-katie uh Alaska Canada he's good Padma still just chillin which I mean if they control the Panama Canal forever wouldn't that be oh look at that big old chunk okay and then we got like Incan Colombia a couple of other open as well is not doing as good as they once were oh yes we got Quebec going after Africa so I wasn't sure if the Americans were gonna do their own like Imperial ization they're at least gonna do paralyzation we'll see if they get to Oceania India still very divided but we got a while to go and yeah China is dead but Brazil lives on please Brazil please win this game I would love that Chinese Brazil how did you guys get here so fast oh yeah that's right so people were colonizing that shouldn't this is like an Arabian nation and Minuteman looks of course the man looks I don't know what else I expected we got a couple other weird ones here in Indonesia but who knows if they'll keep that especially when like the British come over and just take the stuff over can we get a Mongol invasion to please we didn't get to see it in this universe and hey I think it'd be fun just come on let's bring it back it was great it was great the first time like I said no one's gonna be forming Russia or any form of nations so Muscovy is gonna stay Muscovy and perm is way are they it's like a vassal or something i don't know what's going on here France has annexed Naples I don't think I've ever seen that but I guess it's because Spain dropped out so fast Cascadian Iberia oh I liked how does the guest gideon's over here Timmy looking chunky out here boom he's looking real thick and a QQ looking ok so the Ottomans but the Ottomans aren't as sexy they do have like the canal Suez Canal not really but kind of Ethiopia also reaching up as well as like their their neighbor kind of going into Africa let's see who keeps this because I know people gonna start to raid these coastlines who is this okay so we got people going after Scandinavia I think are the Dutch gonna form hopefully the - format like that Gulf Coast has kind of unified the deep south and they are battling against some pretty big foes New England is gonna give them a lot of trouble and so is obviously this like middle Empire who is this SoCal are there to SoCal's no no at the Navajo tribe coming back though the Aztecs unfortunately are falling apart but I like that some of the Native Americans are like randomly making cameos and I can't believe this but the floridans the Floridians is that what the Gulf Coast people they they moved around Brazil and got La Plata so they have like Florida Argentina basically there is a real La Plata - I don't know where that formed from bigan are still alive surprisingly so I don't think this world's gonna face any problems with from the Europeans there actually I think more technologically advanced by the way forgot to mention that oh the Cascadian starting to get pushed out of Iberia a little bit I don't know if it's navara or Aragon Morocco they probably FET fighting a lot of enemies oh wow yeah they're dead goodbye there's a lot of green nations over here could you get less green that's too green the revolutionary Ottomans do their revolutionary which is probably bad sign they're probably gonna get this big coalition war against them eske dia also has Hawaii so they have made the ultimate colonization that's all I care about let's wrap this thing up they won they won they got Hawaii see I'm not a problem with the Mamluks colonizing this area but you got to name it right come on you got it at least get give them give them the respect I guess they're doing it up here too though but man no no respect for the Shire any fun little trade colonies coming up out of Indochina it just from Morocco Morocco has Moroccan Indochina and actually this this nations just from Africa I like I said weird things weird things gonna happen I thought I said I Gore or Igor I was like Igor is a nation The Hunchback from like Frankenstein wow that's an ugly really ugly India but maybe it'll get better I've never heard of Dottie Dottie Dottie woo-woo-woo they're doing good as well as they have whoo wound North China it looks like the coastal provinces of China won't be taken hey where's Brazil please tell me Brazil still alive Chinese Brazil the ultimate best Brazil I mean boo perm con dove got crushed a little bit that's sad I thought they were gonna be kind of Russia but no Muscovy probably has all the power over here and things are getting serious in North America so the Gulf Coast or Florida they've been pushed out like the cube is still alive Panama still doing good and New England is gonna be the only person that can really stop this like is this Midwest it's like a Midwest Empire I don't even know oh the Cascade Ian's also died to a so cows now back that's so weird they keep coming back I don't know why Oh the Confederacy er is escaping just like the Germans that's that's great really like that comparison of course it's in Argentina too so it works a lot of large empires around the world and things are only gonna continue to consolidate until we get to like a top like five or three let's check out the rankings top eight for now now we're only halfway through technically we got England Morocco Muscovy boom yeah they're doing get I'm not even trying oh that seems like it's gonna be trouble trying to pronounce Oh an Indian nation the or aid QQ and the Tim Ritz we got some hordes up here in the top three in India I don't know that was not the way I expected but look at this I mean it's really closed for the year three thousand three hundred and seventy seven which is accurate we ended ck2 and three thousand and then we went three hundred and seventy seven years into the few that right I guess it is it must be I did math but I don't math good anyways like I said this is humans second attempt at civilization since the first time failed miserably obviously and things are about to get real heated here because this game allows you to do pretty much anything and we're probably gonna see hopefully people take over continent cuz it's kind of what we need to have happen the certain name changes had to be made because this game doesn't allow for me to put super custom names I just picked a random state I actually randomized it and Illinois came up it could have been Texas or something else but yeah you have to be already in this game to have the name kind of confusing but yeah that's also a way of the Cubans back here in Cuba which makes sense and some other things alright let's get into this I also just realized Japan never formed that is really sad or they never United at least I don't know what's going on with that so full imperial ization of africa and probably australia is gonna begin to happen because you for has a lot of wasteland so now it's time to eat up the last bits of land and can be pretty important boom these guys get most of Australia then we have Borneo taking a lot of the Sahara Desert Tunis got a little bit of that and then like most of Congo doing actually okay so yeah Japan I forgot Japan's over here also a little bit of colonization of the northern like Arctic is happening too because we actually have like a full map that we're working with now horrible nations will start to be a thing which is probably gonna continue to happen so we have the United Kingdom's over here Sweden already had Scandinavia and now this is the United Kingdom's and actually they're looking really powerful don't underestimate them oh boy Savoy is getting pushed out by France that's a good move by the French but Urbino is pushing them out of Naples so that's kind of problem Empire Brazil is looking really sexy hopefully they're putting the team on their back after the Chinese Brazil's fell Chinese Brazil fell miserably that sounds so weird to say that's why that's what I'm stumbling over my words California looks like they're already getting eaten by Illinois at any point it's gonna get close we also have Canada up here who formed out of maica was that maica Quebec is just trying the best to hide on Greenland and they were kicked out of North America a while ago oh no New England's not doing good who are these people why are you doing so good Korea has been taken out and man this map is gonna get interesting I don't know if it's gonna be fully like beautiful and United I don't think that's gonna happen but maybe we're lucky uh Savoy we got a little bit of extra stuff here so maybe they'll survive even if they get kicked out of Venice's out here and stuff oh man Europe is just a disgusting mess Panama is invading Long Island and the llamas have been keeping them safe for now actually they were going after like Florida Florida Florida and Argentina but maybe not anymore I don't know Ethiopia pushing for in 2qq lands which might actually allow the Ottoman Empire to break away and maybe try something a little bit Oh Muscovy not doing good but keep in mind this is not peace deals this game is good at by confusing me with that it you never know what's gonna actually like peace out for stuff Muscovy seems barely alive as the Swedish or United Kingdom's now coming in going after like Poland and stuff like that and look at that perm is back perm is back baby oh that's a beautiful perm feel like a lady in the 80s or something woo is becoming the next China I'm pretty sure I'm not pronouncing that right but that's okay and while they're having a big battle against this horde I don't know how that's gonna go grab MOOCs are you gonna keep your most beloved continent I know you guys love this place so much but it doesn't look like you're gonna keep it you don't look that powerful anymore here Africa is getting crazy and I don't know if there's anyone any outsider that's really gonna have a chance of taking this continent it looks like it's gonna be somebody else probably a native from here New England's won the war they were losing the battle but it's all good at the end they took all this stuff didn't they yeah this is a peace deal man I was getting worried for saying I couldn't believe that they were about to lose over there so maybe they go after Florida they got to make sure Illinois and too mad though what is happening down this way with all the colors things like that someone's blowing up some weird I've never seen rainbow nations form like that it's good there it is I don't even realize the QQ kind of sucked now Timmy's maybe gonna take it all over as long as again they need to be careful cuz you might make the wrong person pretty angry love how france is kind of coming back like rats did not look good at all but they are okay they need more like coastlines but they kept Italy so that's good oh and they have all of Venice - now come on Canada I can't help but like not root for you guys keep on going I mean just chill like Quebec is in Greenland don't make anyone too angry and you'll be good same for the chuchi just lie low Chuck gee I don't know how you guys are still alive but I like it how is Illinois losing this so badly is California helping California do an ethanol thing and Florida is back baby Florida has helped take over the Inca I cannot believe this you can't keep the Florida man down there Duke crazy Rwanda is unbelievably looking really good in Africa unfortunately they're not in a great spot to keep this I don't think cuz they're smashed in the middle but I don't know that'd be cool yeah Morocco looks a little bit better they might be doing I don't know good things Austria is back now what the hell happened to the Ottomans whoo still has a couple of enemies to take on but I like their chances they're looking really good I know these provinces are probably pretty valuable okay well we haven't seen you all games so that's interesting there are gonna be a couple new nations that probably join the game I don't think they can win but that'd be cool and New England's has taken out Quebec Quebec has took an L but they were doing good for a long time they honestly shouldn't have survived as long as they did but yet New England is also just America now kind of Navarra kind of like raiding the coastlines of Western Europe going after like Brittany and the Dutch I don't know how they got this stuff now this game does allow for some pretty good naval invasions but it doesn't look like these guys have a chance they're gonna need to take out a lot more they got to get like China basically if they want to win this or even make it to the next round honestly and that's probably not gonna happen whoo also taking parts of Indochina they took out like Cambodia or someone like that we'll see I still don't know who's gonna win out in this area uh-oh this could be bad California is now invading New England and they could help Illinois because Illinois still back oh this is this is not good also we got southern Japan yum and they're taking out Canada let's see if this is wait let's let's zoom in onto action right here 70 so there's not very many people badly now Canada's fine I think they're fine Timmy what are you doing in the Sahara Desert get out of Africa man you're not supposed to be there oh you're actually all over the place what's going on and it happens New England fell apart and Nebraska is back for some reason and a couple maybe another state who is this that is caller caller Wyoming Wow Wyoming okay so because California got involved I think that's why I doing it fell apart that is depressing it like the whole con it for a second look how chaotic Europe is right now this is nuts can we please get Germany under control someone woo now attacking perm and I don't think perm can really stop them Timmy come on man you got a chill Timmy was number one right so I guess they are in this game too but that normally doesn't happen like that oh the man looks kind of getting kicked off of Australia almost getting close you can keep New Zealand though that's something they borrowed Brazil has pretty much taken out Florida floridian Argentina Panama still alive so it's divided and Illinois has won the grand Empire thingy I guess I guess they'll probably take out Canada here soon probably oh wow California is in North Carolina so that is now a thing England has now taken over California and North Carolina and we also have this Confederation I don't know the Confederations love Cuba I guess they've just always loved coming back Wow Timmy this is getting a little ridiculous man can you calm down please please calm down okay India's gonna have a word with somebody here soon enough man that is one huge woo though really loving that woo Illinois in Siberia and has anything happened why are you guys loving each other can you stop look at this rainbow battle this is what I'm talking about I don't know how this is happening it's actually kind of cool though if every battle was like this I would I would like it more but this is good so this is basically the ultimate battle for South America looks like Panama's gonna win or sorry lose so Brazil will be taken over in DEFCON here what empire is this where did you guys come from what is happening here okay well it's disgusting but I think we kind of have concepts of winners for the most part we're gonna check those rankings though and just to be sure just the top ten just if anyone's wondering but we're looking at concepts of winners cuz we got to take them into the next game Brazil is gonna take South America Timmy's gonna take Asia Illinois obviously North America I'm gonna give woo Russia you'll see in DEFCON United Kingdom wins in Europe so United Kingdom's that's Sweden I yeah they clearly are wait I was gonna say England doesn't deserve it yet they don't look that powerful over here sorry and strongest person in Africa is extra Wanda so the 14th person is actually gonna squeeze their way in just barely even though they they probably shouldn't we need somebody there though this is the perfect mega campaign to end off and DEFCON rather than having like normally we have somebody escaped into the galaxy and they go out and colonize stars and systems like that well we already started on in a post apocalypse worlds the cycle would probably continue maybe the feudal system would probably go to a different content whoever gets like nuked Elise in this world so we have all the winners of each continent except for Australia which they were I don't even know where they were ranked at but like I said they needed to get a lot more and we got two Asian nations which is good because they were looking at Tim Ritz and will they both were doing good I really don't know if that's pronounced whoo but I like it whoo so basically it's all or nothing there might be one left or there might be nothing left luckily the scores weren't like super like crazy where someone was super far out ahead okay so basically we're at DEFCON 4 and we're gonna have a lot of chaos happen everyone's gonna start to maneuver their nukes along the ocean and they're gonna attack different continents to pay on who they think they could take out it's really kind of messed up because oh my gosh look at this battle in the Pacific so we have to kind of keep an eye on one which a ice all team up on another brazil's looking really good right now and yeah they're actually already going after Illinois which actually changed their name back just to make it simpler because they never actually formally changed her name I just did that to do that so yeah the battles are pretty important because whoever loses their fleets first are gonna have a tougher time stopping the nuclear fallout rain from the Hellfire at the end of this even know what I'm saying Sweden or the United Kingdom's kind of going after whoo here and little fighters battling it out there trying to take out each other's satellites no nukes have launched just yet though DEFCON 1 in BAM okay so at any point we're gonna start to see them fly and this world is about to end boom oh my goodness okay so sometimes we start this and there's only like one nation that decides to launch him first no these guys have been aided each other for clearly thousands of years they're ready to go boom Ethiopia taken out first oh and then a bunch of others all it's a mess did you launch from oh yeah you launching from the fleet I thought someone hit a fleet with the nuke that was been dumped it looks like for the most part the tim roads were getting hit the hardest which makes sense they were all over oh rwanda not looking good either man that'd be hilarious if we Rwanda wins because they probably shouldn't have been allowed to get in here but I let him anyways BAM okay so they're not having too much fun here in Washington and New York those are some cities that are getting hit pretty badly to which I mean they weren't hit before assuming that because you know they were in the year 3000 and they were building castles and things like that I don't know they're gonna get hit now though oh no Korea oh my goodness that is bad who is this who is doing this whoo okay so Wu is attacking from the Pacific alright that's a lot of a lot of casualties a lot of casualties actually just looking at like the radars Timmy's not looking good at all actually surprisingly United Kingdom's are doing the best possibly they got a lot of stuff here actually no it could be Brazil - maybe he's Brazil there's a couple fleets still maneuvering a bid here is actually really only a couple boats left because I think a lot of population look at this fleet all this send out a what's it not a fleet air raid and air raid launch detected boom we got whoo going after North America loss and so is Ricky sorry Ricky Ricky might he's editing this part sorry buddy we'll love each other to the end I promise you Rwanda launching from Tunisia oh he got no they got strike struck down this they're looking really good over here look at this they got so much open space like no they live don't think it'd been touched Oh BAM so here comes couple bombers coming from the north this is actually pretty big invasion right here I don't know if it's a good idea you guys should probably not be wasting your resources you also get into like a little dog fight in the ocean I don't know if that's right oh no you leave each other alone weirdly out here detected from Oh Brazil getting hit now all Brazil is getting hit bad whoa that dad is gonna mess with the score here dig look at this and that's from Rwanda they had a couple of sneaky subs they have some also some aircrafts uh-oh BAM so this is it no one's holding anything back there was gonna be no winner here there really is gonna be no winner I thought we'd be left with only one left no that's not happening okay well let's see where most of them are going so they're gonna exchange honestly it's anyone's game right now because we're one it's gonna hit Europe really bad Oh BAM here goes Oh North America hitting like Brazil oh okay this does not happen every single time just want to point that out they are letting it rain it is raining and not not the good way that the new quake there's really like no boats left but whoever has these fleets still they're gonna be good BAM okay I think it's safe to say Timmy's not gonna win Europe's definitely brought down a little bit in terms of points now is launching a whole bunch Brazil also lowering got a beautiful in a horrifying way man all this like build-up for pretty much nothing because you guys are all gonna destroy yourself so good job guys really great job Wow oh I really thought the United Kingdom's or Sweden was gonna pull away with this nope it is not happening oh so many casualties come on oh look at look at the timber it's they were just thinking like barely any satellites left their cities are just completely open so all of these nukes are definitely landing no matter what Oh the Americans are getting hit hard too all right so they are definitely not having another another beginning that's for sure there's gonna be a lot of a lot of fallout over here now hey they're protecting those stuff up here in Canada though but you don't got no cities in Canada so I don't really know what you're doing Canada was united under one nation anyways in North America so I don't know boom Rome got hit hard oh it's gonna be really interesting to see like who's still alive that is fallout China is one big will fall out they still got stuff in India though and Tim woods mainland is still good like this where the Timbers came from oh there you go nice two million I don't know you know maybe someone can still make it to Solaris after this I mean if you didn't get too much fallout which America did and Brazil did man they did not they were mad that we focus so much in America everyone's like now screw them let's like let's take them out and I shouldn't have said anything I should not have said anything victory to Rwanda come from why don't you guys even hit Africa I guess because maybe they were so low on the ranking system they just they forgot about it and there was a lot more anger between the other continents look this fallout everywhere except for Africa that's that's so weird now I really want to see a mud that does this same scenario like the feudal system in Africa can is that a thing that'd be actually really cool and then you could do the exact opposite maybe the Europeans the Mongols could still invade and things like that I mean Africa's somewhat represented in like original ck2 but not really definitely not really anyways but did Rwanda really win I mean yeah they have the top score but in terms of like survival survivors that there's survivors all around it's not too bad technically it's up for debate but they did get the most kills so yeah they were out here just oh and they got it by far too by far look at this timmi still had 30 nukes left did someone take out a lot of his attacks or like his fleets no he had a couple of fleets oh maybe he was trying to launch it looks like he was trying to launch some stuff but he was a little bit too late dude you're supposed to be attacking Africa I don't know what you were doing we focus so much on America and when it's all said and done we've got basically everyone gone look at that population was 2.9 million and then you killed 7 point what how is that a thing what oh oh that's right I keep forgetting that's what's left so population currently so there's still plenty of people to have fun well not so much in what cities as Chicago wow that's weird because Illinois took oh in New York there was only point two million people 200,000 people in New York that's kind of funny because we started this video with Long Island kind of divided maybe that was a sign yeah Brazil got wrecked multiple cities I can at least five with less than a million and yeah I kind of feel bad I thought they were gonna win but no they got they got just smacked Oh insane for Europe I mean London only has like point two left there were some nukes still left on the table but all right then anyway it's up for debate but you know we're wanting to just definitely destroy it the most people they might not necessarily be the bet wait where are their cities at I don't even check their cities oh that they're fine actually they need to get hit hard but it wasn't terrible again I wouldn't have been able to do this with Vicki - or Hawaii for the converters are just too messed up right now and I don't know I like this way if there's other games that I can customize the map more then I would include that I need to be able to control it myself because like the converters are out of my hands so it's kind of fun to be able to just do make campaign that I could control which was pretty nice but anyway it's still waiting for that feudal mod now for the feudal system come in Africa because it's the only place without any fallout so the cycle can continue and continue and continue continue because these this alternative timeline just doesn't make it a space I could tell you that like it's just not meant to be they've got the apocalypse ready ready to go I don't know anyways thanks for watching see you next time and thanks again to set the whole unlike stole mega Fatboy 2.0 filer be a Mikey blobski crews wall my birthday dad sleeper 56 time Brendan a guru dog pizza maxi Jesus our poster occasional I should senpai LPC [Music]
Channel: Drew Durnil
Views: 749,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drew Durnil, CK2, EU4, age of civilization, age of civilization 2, aoc2, defcon, defcon game, mega campaign, Civilization, All US States, USA, America, 50 States, State, Civ, UK, Great Britain, United Kingdom, HOI4, Vicky 2, Paradox, Stellaris, Gameplay
Id: y6hoxev0YP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 23sec (2243 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 21 2019
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