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as you can see by the title we decided to do twos until i lose and as you can see by the length of the video it's an absolute banger so if you guys do enjoy the video please be sure to leave a like and subscribe if you haven't already also i do want to say one more thing before the video starts tomorrow sunday the 25th is the last day to buy some rizzo merch after that it's gonna be gone completely so if you did want to buy some and you haven't already do so because the time is running out with all that being said i hope you guys enjoy the video i'm gonna be doing it a little bit differently this time i'll be doing twos until i lose because i haven't really finished my placement so i figured you might as well i think i have like grand champ mmr um somewhere somewhere along the grand champ lines but i've never been very good at twos anyway so i don't really play them all too much so we're gonna see we're gonna see how this goes and uh you know hope for the best oh god wait so it's on my team he's not on my team yeah we lost we'll see how this goes oh he's that's 112 ping i don't know why okay weird also i've not played it uh at quite a quite a bit it feels like i mean most of the time i just play on stream or like i'll record occasional videos you know um wait why'd you just miss us what how did he how did he even piss dude oh no how did you miss it's rolling one mile an hour bro what oh my god what is that how is that the first play there we go oh there you go big fake come on baby okay we got it right back we got it right back don't even worry about it 14 seconds in now it's just like the game is 14 seconds less you know huge fake he never saw it coming i see he's got this yes he does looks like he's going for us would you love to see well this guy probably no he didn't actually go for that i don't want to give him the ball somebody dribble here i see them both back oh this guy just preached me i tried to boom it to myself did not work out too well i'm gonna try to stick in this play too i've somebody's not a lot but there's only one guy back now so not the best touch i'm actually just gonna go back for this boost because i think it's gonna spawn that's why i'm able to keep up pressure too hopefully my teammate passes it no he doesn't it's okay oh god wait i actually i misread that by my holy that was pretty bad regain regain i have to dodge this guy oh my god how'd i kill him what that made no sense at all might be a good balance now it's not a good bounce press really good my teammate didn't go though oh i ended up getting it past him but i got bumped there no teammate why i just used all my boost it's okay you end up leaving this one for me can't really get to this just yet so i'm gonna fake challenge this okay it's pretty good 50 by em but it's going to give our teammate the ball as long as he doesn't get faked out there this is a little light but i can still try for it yeah if i hit that off the higher part of the backboard it would have been a lot easier to shoot that except like go down for that one essentially trying to keep this close to myself okay this guy ended up going that's fine hopefully it didn't need that boost because i ended up taking it oh my god he ended up hitting me into it i'm gonna fake ah okay i don't need to fake i'll let my teammates go it's fine if this is hit because actually maybe it's not oh god guys okay we're good we're good don't worry about it okay right to my teammate should be in his lap not quite maybe i can bump this guy again not quite oh i tried to get that bump there so close oh i just rotated in a weird way made it really awkward for me okay good job too man let him get the boost too hopefully he goes quickly so it doesn't get bumped okay am i dead no not dead teammate we'll go yet again it's fine just let him go oh no it's not in so no need to panic hopefully i'm trying to get out of this guy's boy i just hit it way too hard hopefully this guy will go i don't know i can't tell i can't tell what he's doing i'm gonna leave this booster my teammate oh god this guy ended up getting wait what's my tummy doing he's trolled oh that almost worked man let's get that little chip try to beat this guy if i can oh i ended up getting the pinch too but then uh go around him teammate just whipped okay maybe he can bump or something i don't know what he's doing he didn't do anything it's okay we'll regain oh my god i get the boost either i'm trying to leave this actually don't want to get my teammates away trying to make it very obvious that i'm leaving the play this guy's gonna be like right on my ass so i'm just gonna be a little careful teammate okay like i still had it somehow i just oh wait let's go he actually got it i wasn't sure if my teammate was gonna be there but i just watched this guy do some weird stuff so i was like all right you know i'll just go for it see what happens end up working out i also messed up my wave dash there so it could have been pretty bad if like i did get a touch but really good with my teammates to capitalize on that i end up missing that shot too maybe this guy's out of boost he's not let's see what this guy does dodge the bump not okay not not that one not that the dodging was on purpose initially oh wait it's open nice let's go also this is like el squanchi muffles it's like squishy muffins name but like just spelt differently so i got like squishy muffins on my team essentially it's basically what that means so that's good that's a good start to the uh dudes till i lose you know oh my god like i should challenge this crazy the balls on this man oh god ah watch him miss bro what it was wide open what did he just do what did he just do i don't even know i gotta let him know only do it for twitch channel points sorry oh sorry brother all right uh i say that replay real quick not bad got the first dub run it back maybe we get the same lobby what do you say no problem bro thanks no bro all right got our next game here game two will be placed uh well not this game but i guess if i guess we gotta win got a dub here and then play one more game and we'll replace also i think i just slammed my teammate on accident i think i can beat this guy uh that's a pretty good 50 though uh not if he's backwards okay at least he was patient want to see me go nice didn't get it past him for free that's so good maybe you can get a mid i don't know not too sure it's gonna try to hit it it's gonna hit it upwards too so buy some time for me to get back if my teammate feels like he can go he's gonna go um if not then clearly he's just not gonna go okay get some pads here refill the old bush tank you know what i'm saying i'm not getting bumped here so i gotta dodge this guy this guy's already on it so i just let him go it's fine i'm gonna hit it to the open corner that way i can actually do something with the ball uh because if i just hit it towards that guy he's gonna end up fitting me hit it to the open corner at least gives me a uh a second to make a decision on what i want to do with it oh my god this guy went up so quick don't bump me try to get a good flick there maybe i don't know why my teammate went but it's okay where are we in he's gonna take this boost from this guy teammate needs to he needs to dribble the ball a bit more he keeps uh kind of passing it up a little bit as i as i do the same exact thing but anytime he has some space he's not okay there he is there he goes yeah get that baby there you go take that dribble just gonna try to hit off the backboard maybe my teammate can go it's wide open and he can't hit to the side that's okay we regain that's how that's how it goes down that's rocket league for you should i hit this one back teammate will go don't get bumped by this guy and now he has a ball looks like he might get bumped though okay that makes no sense try to bump him it looks like it worked i think i landed on him should have boom not as far as i can these guys bump quite a bit too hopefully my teammate can contest this doesn't look like it right i'm getting a good read there so it works out i try to bump this guy he probably gets the boost though yeah he does open though let's go let's go baby regain are these guys solo cute no they're not these guys are partied up the other team of course i should be able to rush this actually there we go he just got stopped on the goal line side all the time in the world to place it he essentially just had like the just how close i am to this to the net he has to pre-jump my shot to predict exactly where i'm shooting it which it is it is you are able to tell where somebody is shooting it but it just kind of takes a lot of practice i'm going to try to stall time here take a good possession that was another one where he kind of had to predict my shot there but that what that one wasn't even really that good of a shot i don't think but faking there ends up giving me some time to actually line up a shot because if i rush it then it's more predictable for him he can uh position himself better i'm just gonna rush this because i see him already doing an aerial so he's probably gonna lose possession try to block him too might be an open for my teammate i know this boost is gonna spawn pretty soon so i'm just gonna go for it maybe 50 this guy yeah there it is my teammate shouldn't have gone he should have waited for me but that's okay he's gonna let him go it's perfectly fine if he hits us as you can see i was fine as well my teammate could have gone or not gone it didn't really matter because i would have been there to block the guy anyway can i just pass up the ball i'm gonna fake this and go the opposite way there was too much space for me to like not really do that try to get a good 50 here fake then i'll go should i make a little awkward for them while i go back although this isn't that wasn't the best play by me i gave them so much space hopefully this guy gets another demo not quite but it's okay also let him go up although i should have went upfield a bit more cause now he's gonna be up here alone ends up working out this guy just moves up to me oh that's a really good touch actually nice save teammates should have that not too shabby i should basically uh secure the game there too is going to pass this back i'm faking this guy's already up for it yeah i'll do it ah that'll do it no big deal chill him you know how it's done i only oh god i only do it for twitch channel points sorry sorry brother same exact thing i said it last guy also my teammate s first sign too mr red i don't know what that car is tigress never nerd of it all right we got actually that's so funny that i see these two i haven't seen these guys in forever but prem and you butters i mean i said i can't see them forever we got rival series season one and season five grand champion so i should tell you enough they're ancient bro oh i gotta miss the boost wait don't take that thank you whoa whoa my game just froze what's that what's all that about bud that was a pretty bad touch hopefully my tb doesn't go for this left side maybe doesn't end up passing it to me teammate rotates out hopefully it's gonna collect some boosts i'll be chilling here for a bit got full boost didn't even go for a big one end up passing it's a little weird though for me to catch goes right to the net behind your teammate just gonna let him go for this maybe absolute ripper at the back of the net baby oh god i probably should not be going for this it almost worked out surprisingly oh god careful tv there you go do it to him get him back baby get him back i don't think it said no so close wait for the i don't even know the 10 second fake i should just win for this wait why did i not go oh no oh my god i actually saved that how i'm going to flip 40 i'm not going to use my boost because i don't want to put myself in a bad spot i did end up using some but nice teammate perfect there we go baby let's go good work i was there for the 50 but i was also ready to go like every which way like i could have rotated back here or forward if it ends up going up there the only thing i can't really defend is like some crazy outlet pass pinch or some but so whatever didn't happen we ended up winning went in the fifth they got the goal oh god that's pretty bad i can like try to drop it to myself but two minutes of going which is honestly not even that bad i just need him to hit it or something i need him to okay now i have to wait for him just fine it's all so fun timing was back far enough it's good that he takes possession here too he just goes like around the players he doesn't really um try to fake this i don't really want to hit it forward because it's gonna pass to them oh two man ended up going i think the other guy was watching me prime minister watching me so he just he went for that without really realizing that my teammate could go too oh so close ah guys oh my god bro are you kidding me ends up just pinching it to our net oh i thought i would actually be able to get back to this i was so close too maybe if i waited a second i don't even know one second longer before i tried to save it he's gonna go up the wall i think yeah oh no teammate no way man no way i'm just losing the 50 50s bro am i just a pidgey he's not even doing anything he's just standing there menacingly we regain we regain get there cipher you got it buddy hit it a little far from himself but maybe no shot close maybe my team making shoot come on please oh no i went for it too why was this shot one mile an hour why did i go i'm gonna get demoed but he's gonna miss he's gonna miss it's open good bump oh my god he just went hopefully my teammate goes up field maybe they boom it to me or something i do end up with me i'll try to go again why just open why is it open i'll take it this guy's keep going mid oh i see okay i trusted him with his life i'll take it bro i'll take it try uh i'll just say i'm trying to go mid but oh god oh my god my old man hands just malfunctioned i'm scared it's gonna grab these pads okay this is fine i'm just gonna head back hopefully my teammate doesn't like commit fully that's fine yeah it's perfect you just don't want him to commit while the other guy's still in the air because one bad 50 and that's uh it's gg's what are you doing you turning you going can't tell he's going i didn't want to take it from him but i was in a bad spot so it's better for me to take it from him there just so uh we don't end up like over committing for something stupid i could just hit it to the side and then we kind of we kind of regain afterwards you feel oh my god i thought i'd be able to get a good shot there teammates should just kill us in the corner it's probably dead yeah nice i'm gonna fake rush this just go for the actually he's gonna let me shoot oh he jabated me bro my plan has been foiled oh my god i got bumps what okay he's gonna hit this right to my teammate hopefully do you make oh god he didn't go oh that's really weird try to kill it to my teammate i just need him to kind of go there there he goes okay i should have win for that man i should have time to just get this boost i'm gonna stay close to this oh little double touchy let's go oh my god i think he tried to dribble it so he got like such a weak clear on it if he flipped into this i think he has it but that little jump kind of screwed him up that was all my boots too i think i just realized i think my teammate went for that that was scary all right got game four i actually don't recognize any of these names although it's not the first time in this for some reason i felt like i was like recognizing the names but really i only recognize prime and butters actually fits as well fits from the first game besides that not many oh there you go i'll take that we'll take that let's go baby are you the real no no i said no problem no the real cockpit what the what is he what's that even mean hit it just a little wide that one that one would be my bad okay i just didn't get bumped oh yeah oh yeah do it i just what did i just do oh my god retreat no oh my god okay my bad my bed i don't know what that was no i don't have a my bad bind oh i have a no bun no there you go yeah on me on me that dude like just sat on my head or whatever i sat on his head i didn't know what to do man i panicked teammate dusted the air there oh that might not be good for us maybe what's happening we're good i don't know holy wow like i just missed what oh god they're all missing maybe bump them bump them or this i'm scared i'm scared i'm horrified i'm bummed that's fine oh actually it's not fun this guy gets a boost what you actually got what the what what is happening i probably should have gone all the way back there and let them uh there you go dude just keep dying out of nowhere bro stop catching it sideways please wait is he scoring he's not scoring i'm gonna go back down and get the boost okay there you go uh maybe i can get this boost from this guy please what the dude you hit it backwards come on bro we're out worse than that man that's such a bad shot i'll take the booster oh my god okay regain please regain nice flipper off that guy's head off the easy oh my god get some height on it bro there you go big 50 huge open epic gameplay let's go he just faked it he faked it in the corner he just said no problem no problem my fault wow what a what a good teammate nah he literally didn't do anything wrong i don't know and he said bye bad by fault even though you missed it in the corner my fault oh god he's right here that's so wide yeah it's wet oh god i'm just flipping oh my god it's still in how is it still in i legit smothered the 50 that's what i get okay we got this buddy minou mean you oh he actually just shot it well dude i thought if he was going to watch me go for it like that he's he's not going to shoot it most people just try to fake that if they see those but yeah he's very challenging and then you don't fake challenge but he read my read my not in fake challenge so i just shoot it i just waited on the gold line the whole time bumped him this guy's scaring me but it's okay oh my god who died okay the other guy died hopefully my teammate can go for this i don't know i feel i honestly feel like this game is an ill oh this guy went what he went my mind's blown okay wait maybe there's still a chance i just faked it my god i actually think this guy's a once a man does he have it no way no way the clutch i dude that was such a bad bump attempt to the clutch the clutch come on baby we got this please don't break my heart oh this guy's no booster you can shoot it you can shoot it yes yes he's so pissed he's so pissed she she good buddy good let's go man beautiful beautiful he's on the other team again okay i know how he plays i'm in his head he just laughs at zero seconds it's over for him that means he's gonna lose again right right i think so i'm telling you bro he's a one's main so like oh god i'm obese oh i missed that wait he missed that all right regan i i don't know if i touched it but it wasn't good so i think i touched it yeah barely didn't really do anything he'd have just side flipping if he double jumped he had that easy unlucky regain i just hit it i like how he's on kickoff oh we just hit it oh what that's weird he's gonna try to kill it to himself oh i missed him bro i already know what he's doing oh he's backwards i can't tell what he's doing i can't tell what my teammates do i can tell dealer is doing oh no that didn't work at all i believed in myself you're good teammate i'm getting bumped okay i believe now i'm dead nobody just goes right he went every time no it's not in its wide please teammate maybe nah i don't know if this guy's gonna boom i'm kind of scared as soon as he jumped it's like uh okay it works out perfectly clean he's too clean okay this guy's the ball uh i think it's a pretty bad first touch he's gonna try to dribble it or something i don't know this guy's weird maybe my teammate can shoot it oh it's so close it's off though actually i can go for this don't touch oh it's a horrible shot my bad i don't really need a big boost i wish i got a big boost okay i'm gonna go away from these guys it's gonna move back there you go it's perfect for my teammate i think this guy pre-jumped though he definitely did i don't have that one again although i tried to hit it to myself just didn't work out somehow i killed that guy my teammate also plays super far back which kind of scares me because anytime i do go aggressively for the ball it's going to leave him back in a 1v1 i don't want to do that too much not sure what he's doing he's just like staying under the ball it's okay he's actually killed to himself where's my teammate he's not there i'm scared no let's just end isn't it no it's not what dude how is that a bump on me man please please please please please teammate why is he so far away every time dude he's always please i know he's not there i know he's not there for that one but he's so far away from me every time he's never in the play it takes like three seconds to get there there you go that's much better i can't go just see it just because this guy's so close he's slowing up getting me maybe a shot they go much better so much better uh okay i kind of gave him an open up there no oh god man okay this is fun around this guy oh my god go he's confusing the out of me wow how'd that just work he didn't get bumped at all wait a shot for them it's fine all right i it's it's all up to ot let's see what happens uh it's not the best but teammate should be there it's fine just bump me what the hell okay that's thin cool i guess that works thanks yeah i don't know what this pre-jump was all about but uh it's interesting to say the least uh aren't you all saying you're insane thank you i just i straight up just ripped on my teammate the whole game feel bad but that's okay that's that honestly that's the way rocket league goes also i divved up not bad pretty cool and we got a game oh ninja poggers i love ninja i'm just gonna go for this i think he's already up so he actually didn't end up going up but i had to just full boost at it because if i get beat there um or any 50 it's awful but i also can't leave a shot because it's floating towards our net what oh i still end up getting that oh i missed the boost oh god this is so bad i just let him go wow i actually got a flipper so that was crazy i think he was gonna get a flip off of that that 50 was crazy too hopefully we get a nice kickoff here saying knowing now that i just said that it's going to go straight into our net that might be in let's go i got that placement maybe sheesh let's go baby what just happened like i just didn't go actually the other guy went which is weird but i think he just yeah okay just went so late okay oh my god what is that what did he say oh god oh my god i don't want to get bumped here i just let them do whatever it's better just actually not force yourself into the play see what he does again if he goes whatever it's fine because now we're just playing the clear i'm letting my teammate play the kill but not clear by not going for it and there you go i got it wide open that so i mean i'm just gonna force him to do something just by uh going up there and then my teammate can just contest easily if i go behind him yeah uh that's team chat yes sir i need to not get them out there oh my what is happening mid oh my god i thought well now it's open let's go let's go wait that guy just didn't go what dude why are they just giving my teammate shots they're just giving him shot after shot what is that maybe he didn't read it maybe didn't i don't know it was off the backboard i figured he would have time to read it oh god i got slammed back left perfect exactly where i wanted to be i still got that i was crazy we got this teammate me and you buddy me and you oh my god i'll just go for the boost watch out teammate he's coming for you maybe oh my god my teammate just jumped at that what oh my god i was on gold oh why is he shooting right at me bro okay my my teammate pre-jumped to be fair but yeah my clear uh i okay yeah my clever why's my teammate pre-jumping midfield you know i got to yell on my teammate you always have to yell your teammate it's rocket league after all you know okay they just pre-jumped nevermind he's speaking he's speaking don't don't sweat it bro don't sweat it you're doing great out there chip doing great out there champ love this guy love this guy could never say a bad thing about him so i need a big boost oh my god i'm dead it keeps slamming me bro just keep getting slammed by a bunch of dudes what am i supposed to do man now you preach on me buddy hit me back all right yo can you guys forfeit i gotta i gotta speed up the video here you know already we're already 45 minutes deep in the recording don't know how long the video is probably like 42. actually that's so light hey i'm getting the boost it's fine yeah i don't sweat it okay fake okay uh we're good i honestly thought we were getting scored on there always he's he's backwards don't score it don't do it ninja don't do that man you know big blevins the big blev me ninja you know we go way back well i suck at this oh you just unbalk him forgot what a game man what a game rated e for everyone don't forget actually is it rated t for team because there's explosions i don't even know it's probably e hey who knows oh ninja poggers i gotta make oh it's actually the same i didn't realize these guys were partied up before but now we got got late bloomer 007 on my team so we're gonna see how this goes oh my gosh oh my please stop please that dude the worst part is i couldn't get him off of my car like he wasn't slowing down at all and i was dribbling this guy i don't get it why was he not slowing down oh i just missed oh i'm sorry teammate wait he just didn't jump holy okay that works uh i probably should have just shot that now that i'm thinking about it but uh that's okay i mean it still worked out right big late bloomer 07 with a nice pass like that that's how i should have shot it bang bang give us another one wait what's happened oh my okay now why are you going from right here bro i just let it go wait i are they trolling no they can't be trolled you're telling me that i scored three goals the other team was trying do they know who i am i okay i actually tried to pinch that with my teammate it did not work out too well this guy probably has a flip maybe just what is happening bro what it what is happening seriously does anybody know i really hope this this one doesn't go on the whole five minutes and i hope they just forfeit come on i kind of want to speed this up oh god okay good luck oh he faked it he was right on the ball any fake challenge let's see we can escape okay cool i'll just stick to the left side there's a lot of open space over there uh teammate looks like he's going back so i'm gonna not hit that towards their net i end up missing that bump i can't really slow down here or else i'm just gonna get demoed so oh my god that almost went in oh god i slowed down oh my god that was so close i also thought i had a double touch definitely did not have that double touch up there late boomer bloomer dude okay i don't believe in him i i believe in him i believe i believe guys my bad that one's on me that one is on me he definitely did hit that on target don't really see that too much in grain chip just hitting the ball on target that's a tough one close oh no i missed a boost i was about to go back for him but not worth seeing get these pads on my way up nobody can kind of stay in the play a bit 70 is more than enough boost dude how did he get a dab on me he barely touched me teammate why are you on their side oh god he's not gonna get to it is he oh my god bro what okay i guess i probably should have gotten back for there or like contested the ball i thought if i left it he would have had it but that's okay okay i went for a bump there and i don't even know if i got him like i felt like i did because your controller well i play with controller vibration so your controller vibrates when you bump somebody it definitely vibrated there so i figured i bumped them but could easily have been not the case not bad not bad i heard my teammate behind me so i knew if i could just put the ball in a good spot that uh it would end up just being a goal i knew he wanted to come in he was he was revving behind me no i didn't know if he was going to play backward i probably should have expected he would trying to bump this guy uh okay i just teleported through the car good save though i'm dusting this guy yeah by an absolute mile by an absolute mile voice okay i honestly i don't even i don't even know what game we're on seven eight i didn't even save every replay so i can't go count them just keep it going all right i thought this guy's name was pirates because i used to well not used to but there's a guy named pirates who like yeah i would say used to kind of played against a lot but uh his name is definitely pilates that's a pretty bad flick they didn't end up getting a boost there either which is not the greatest i just missed that boost oh it's such a bad one no i don't think my teammates touch the ball i used two points so say i've been chasing it like the whole time hopefully you can test uh it works does it work my bad totally let them get the boost yeah as long as he just goes she'll be fine not fine not fine we're good we're good wait stop none he might still have none okay let's just let's just get this boost again is there boost now where's the boost he has that boost right there you go got a big boom or two in your back pocket can i get a contest can i get a contest please a little bit of assistance please that would be nice oh my god buddy gotta hit the ball forward keep that pressure up okay to get demoed what okay that's uh oh my god i can't land anywhere man oh i missed the boost uh see go guys is he ongoing no he's not i just flipped the wrong way i could have bumped him if i didn't do that and that's not my best work okay i'm gonna get this boost you stole from me for a second and there we go perfect exactly how we drew it up buddy oh my god he's gonna dodge me it's fun trying to make him do something oh my god dude he's so far back every time am i crazy am i just maybe am i challenging weird confusing him i actually don't know like oh go man there you go there you go baby you're fine nobody's there last guy just went what the hell wait i got the boost what which one did i get the mid i had to get in the mid okay there we go let's see oh my god he's peeking he's speaking he's speaking sadly i can't get that boost try to make it bounce and then go i missed it teammate is a mile away but that's okay i shouldn't really expect him to be there dude he he's just not going for anything i know you need boost because you're not going for nothing you're not staying in the play you just keep you just keep staying back bud you're never gonna collect nothing if you don't go anywhere that was a bad kick off by me though all right let's get a boom come on i should not have gone for that oh my god team i got a 50 clutch i'm honestly i'm tilted i think we just guys i was gonna say i think we just l this game i think this one might be to cut off he ended up getting a piece of that wow crazy 30 seconds like why is my teammate on their corner bro that's a bad shot it's horrible actually oh oh my god this guy actually goes for it please be there buddy buddy oh my god man dude what am i i always get so tilted when i lose these dude there's no way we should have lost that game just rotate with me oh my god this could have been a two-hour video bro oh brother what a disaster oh my god okay well you know we lasted an hour the recording's an hour two minutes the video is probably like 50. who knows but i hope you guys enjoyed the video i think that was seven wins one loss so i think eight games total if you guys did enjoy the video be sure to leave a thumbs up if you haven't subscribed already please be sure to do so um and that's all i got for you i'll see you all in the next you
Channel: Rizzo
Views: 321,490
Rating: 4.9480519 out of 5
Keywords: rocket, league, rizzo, g2, gameplay, game, champ, champion, pro, plays, player, rocket league, Rizzo Rocket League, Rizzo RL, Rocket, League, Lethamyr, Pro, Leth, Grand, Champion, Champ, GC, RLCS, Pros, 1v1, 1s, Doubles, Squishy, Muffinz, Sunlesskhan, Fluump, Mertzy, Johnnyboi, amustycow, Musty, Jon, Sandman, Cizzorz, Squishymuffinz, Killa, New, Custom, Maps, Road, To, Rank 1, Rizzo, Sizz, CBell, Supersonic, Legend, Free, Play, Update, Season, Brand, Map, Modded, Modding, Jstn, NRG, SSG, Best, RL, Top, SSL, Spacestation, Gaming, Arsenal
Id: 4bJBb0Z0y_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 51sec (3351 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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