How This Plat Beat an SSL | Supersonic Plats Are Real?

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away no shot no dude this is gonna be so hard i took an ssl and made him play platts until he lost here's how i came up with a bunch of terrible nerfs for our ssl like no boost no jump driving backwards only you get it then i made him play a bunch of plots until the plot was able to defeat the ssl you suck needless to say this was hilarious rssl got very mad kind of like how mad you'd be if you didn't check out our sponsor for today's video opera gx opera gx is the world's first browser for gamers it's extremely useful especially for pc gamers because of gx control check this out gxcontrol lets users limit their cpu ram or network usage for their browser so you can open all of the tabs while still balling out on rocket link without lag just to give you a reference here's how much of my ram google chrome was taking with a couple tabs open with gx control i could stop that from happening another awesome feature is gx corner they've got hand-selected free games amazing deals on games new releases and you can easily switch between platforms all in one place log into your twitch accounts directly from the sidebar to get notifications from your favorite streamers like me or use it how i do and watch the pros while browsing you can even access discord directly from the sidebar too along with other messengers if you're into customization they've got you covered i'm into the black and white aesthetics so i chose white wolf if you own razer chroma you can integrate the backlight with that as well now there's tons more features i don't have time to mention but head to my description and click download right now to check it out for yourself to keep things simple for round one i disabled the ssl's ability to air roll this is gonna be scary oh boy all right even the kickoffs are gonna be horrible dude they're gonna be so whack i'm actually pumped about this dude i can't hear all the oh speed flip oh oh i can power slide yeah i try to speed flipping i feel i feel you you can still ball them though like you can get that kenobi flick you know just the jump flip it's so good oh yeah you can't even hit an aerial dude you're you're chilling oh the oh that was stuffed but that was good jaden rl is uh is shook right now he's our resident platt and he has full air roll capability uh do they use that in plat the way that they should or is that are you basically at the same level here oh that's good why are you wearing the black beader what the heck is that on purpose no i had that on like he's already typed in chat that's mad with aero gone like what feels weird like what do you think is messy literally definitely like speed flicks right now i can't do ski flicks and then like arrow shots i guess yeah i feel like aerials would feel wacky like you can't recover you know yeah let's be like at least like i'm power sled yeah yeah powerslide fireside i thought about taking it i can't harold i think arrow is worse than powerslide probably yeah maybe i'm wrong i'm not 100 oh you can still corner flick that's pretty good oh you peek oh you pete i can't oh boy all right here we go here we go nice all right i like that you're still winning kick off even without air oh the bump play oh my goodness i think my favorite part is your your mechanics just look ugly like without air roll there's no style it's just like i'm kind of hitting this ball but that's all i can do yeah like it looks so dude i don't know how you doomsy dished with that looks disgusting oh no jaden oh that was a ripper he's he's clean with it that's a tough challenge turtle oh i can't turn that was so clean all right tenno this is wow that take off is still working fine honestly oh my that was embarrassing for you i'm not gonna lie yeah you're not lying oh no oh dude that was that was actually nice that was nice let's go bang let's see 113. oh dude i called it dude it's 113 kph that's a mess up it's so funny to watch you speed flip it just looks so awesome i know i don't know i keep on trying and i'm messing it up no he's picking you dot rag dude air roll is not that important to you apparently oh he just gave up what was that oh well played for round two i disabled the ssl's ability to boost so the plot would be a much faster player also many of you are not subscribed to my channel please take one moment make sure you're subscribed and tell me which way for lunch in the comments oh boy i i already i can just honestly gonna do that it's gonna be whack i'll give you that i'm not really 100 sure what's going to go down to be honest okay what is that kickoff what was your what was your mental process there i don't know i wouldn't like slightly fake of you know but uh you know yeah it looks a little awkward the difficulty is like how do you oh no never mind never mind i'll just say how do you challenge the ball but he just like literally fed it to you you know you know like some coco oh some what coco puffs coco paws they you know cereal you know i love i love me yeah i mean can you flick they need to play faster he's just like slowing down and giving you space when that lets you build speed you know you swishy oh oh no oh this is not good okay we're fine thought about making one of the challenge you can only switch you save the ball but that would be oh he's good he's going wait wait wait it uh that was so awkward what's he doing let's go he started to really die with zero um the good news is you never have to go for a boost so i guess that's kind of cool exactly yeah you know i'm gonna snag this one anyways okay now i can't grab any crap i want to see you get super sonic and demo him somehow oh oh actually hold on maybe you can yeah you can oh there you go yeah the little chain dash okay yeah search your dominance oh my that was so bad oh bang no wait what's happening dude you're nice if you can get a demo i'll give you 500 credits okay okay you know i might have to go for demos oh oh i almost had it dude super sonic too i wanted to go all right yes so no boost was no problem up next i gave the plot rumble power-ups just to make things clearly unfair all right so you just like what unbounded your unbounded button okay unbind on is that a word unbounded um [Music] it sounds so wrong to me okay as long as you can kind of like keep things going and wait for his power to kick in i feel like he can probably score at least once or twice yeah or uh or yeah or that yeah that's fine all right yeah yeah let's go oh what why are you what's what was that what are you doing uh yeah i'm practicing and practicing you're practicing all right i bet i'm down for my candida training oh come on reset oh my spikes no no no no it's a free goal oh he's insane all right that's good that's good this is his calling okay he's a spider legend ah yeah that's where i'm gonna get most of my girls from yeah oh god where are you going there oh i always find that that power up like helps more than it hurts if that makes sense like yeah no i always try and waste the document yeah yeah oh where are you going there oh whoa no way bro his brain is huge that was like big brain plays so it's just oh i thought he had a big brain oh i did i don't know but i think he actually just gave you a free recovery he's so i'm pretty sure he just sent you to the wall that like perfectly puts you on the ball wow thank you guys he thought that all right here we go you know i'm not oh wow you faked me yeah fake dude oh close it's so free oh i thought you had it oh easy reads 100 percent from literally free love yeah oh my hey oh no you got it there he goes oh wait i'm waiting wait wait oh get wrecked oh no he did not okay all right let's do it oh i did i was just right here dang it then oh my god oh get up there yeah double oh pretty flick oh man that was too good since that still wasn't good enough i just removed the ssl's ability to jump which makes him basically helpless this time you have no jump at all so you're basically glued to the floor but yeah so that's pretty hype good luck with that yeah what's what's your top strap uh i'm definitely faking and oh no oh yeah you're lucky oh i can't jump i forgot exactly i've tried to jump four times now all right okay you're chilling yeah this is good what are you gonna do here i don't know i don't even know i don't even know yeah dribbling doesn't quite work the same way does it why no gosh dude oh give me a boost all right here we we go bro open opportunity he just choked just through let's go i'm peeking whoa shaking okay oh that's that's tough yes let's go oh he's shooting he's shooting yeah yeah yeah i can't i can't so i don't know what i'm supposed to do on kickoffs though yeah you got his boost too oh he's terrified he's really wasting time here oh no i want to bang it not just oh oh i can't just you're actually chilling he whips oh yeah oh nice okay okay go go go yes let's go wait wait wait i forgot i can't yeah pull out pull up the dribble work make some magic pop oh opportunity let's go let's go let's go oh he's he's not going yeah you got some power on that you know he's going for that nice okay all right big brain you need to use all of your oh let's go my brain is huge i was about to say you got to use all your brain cells and he literally just uh i think forgot to use his all right grab that boost yeah little did you know this actually comes with a free coaching session from me about how to play with uh mods different mutated get out of here oh joe jennifer joe let's go oh wait 4-1 that's nuts yes if you can hit a ceiling shot i'll give you another 500 credits wait wait ariels run out of food no dude okay if i can't over there i can't if i throw this okay you got it oh oh i can't i can't okay i have to peek on a save here oh you got this easy yes oh he's gonna shoot though it's over we're running out of options so i told the ssl he's only allowed to drive backwards so put it in reverse and stay there all right let's get it for this round you have to drive entirely backwards so that basically makes it so you can't boost like it's gonna be incredibly whack i don't know how you're gonna handle this to be honest yeah that that's it that's so good you now you can't aerial but you have to jump from the ground backwards and aerial like upside down nice okay okay you're looking good you've got great technique with your badgers driving right now okay make make use of that power slide they call me mater oh let's go oh challenge him oh he's probably so confused i haven't told any of these plots what the challenges are um i'm so i'm so focused right now bro oh my god i wonder if we could dribble backwards there's gotta be a way no shot no dude this is gonna be so hard okay all right that yeah that's good oh whoa whoa whoa bro it's so hard i'm telling you bro why did you go off the ceiling i don't understand i was like oh my god that's what she said all right here we go yes dude we're trevory oh yeah this is an opportunity oh is that in no it's not uh it could have been though angles oh tried oh this could be tough okay recoveries all day yes he whipped oh the no i can't i just can't bro it's it's so confusing like all right here we go here we go wait i have an idea all right it's that bro that was sick oh bro that was actually nutty nice okay hey you faked him out that's like half the battle oh easy easy oh i'm trying that was actually pretty good that was a good try oh no it's free oh my god six oh it's a toughy oh bop oh yes let's go so easy trash dad is gonna flick you bro oh no don't let them do it to you brazil bro oh my god you got smacked well this channel is nothing if not educational so here's your takeaway a plot can beat an ssl under a lot of conditions
Channel: Striped
Views: 950,371
Rating: 4.9276457 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket League, RL, Grand champ, GC, Supersonic Legend, SSL, Striped, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Plat, Diamond, Champ, Free to play, Grand plat, supersonic plat, ssl loses, plat is best rank, plat rank, rank battle, ranks 1v1, best rank in rocket league, best player in rocket league, rocket league funny moments, Can a plat beat an SSL?, Can a plat beat an SSL
Id: WZGG3Fex54k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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