Beginning with AN ESCAPED PANDA?! 🐼 Daily Planet Zoo! β€’ Day 1

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[Music] it is finally here you guys the world of Planet Zoo is in our hands now and any minute now and even it now that baby Ellie that we see with it's adorable nose with it's adorable little ears could end up being our baby Ellie we could have a zoo with that little one they could thrive and grow and then end up having a whole herd of their own and then having babies and then watching their grandbabies grow up I am so excited it is time let us begin by creating my avatar oh my gosh oh my gosh this is so exciting we're gonna make Syria the pixel biologist let's get this going let's see I'm gonna go ahead and go with a little bit of a darker tone and actually that faces what that where's the longest hair you guys know my hair is like donkey day is long okay that'll do up in a cute little bun let's see no accessories needed unless it happens to be a zookeeper outfit that I would highly approve of can I get something get some khaki in here come on people we know what this is really about I want that zookeeper outfit yeah there we go get some khaki going on speaking of khaki let's get some like khaki pants what look like the pants these look like the most poop resistant pants and that may sound like an odd thing to say but I know where we're going do you guys know where we're going we're going to be taking care of the animals in the zoo oh okay I wonder if you can unlock like more things to be able to decorate your avatar with actually because if you look the avatar that's hiding back up here actually had a little Hedgehog hat on with a little Hedgehog tongue going blue so I definitely want that oh my gosh if you change everything you really change everything uh you know what I'm okay with some curves I don't mind it looks like I can actually like pick up and flip a zebra over my shoulder and I I'm gonna need to have those skills I accept our zoo needs to have some very humble beginnings my friends we may be very excited about the idea of having cheetahs and pandas of having pangolins having lions and tigers and bears and even more in our zoos but we have to start from its very humble roots of a franchise zoo so let's go ahead and get back going Oh Ellie oh my gosh I am so ready for this I was born ready for this I've literally this is what we've been on YouTube for six years preparing for our very first zoo here in Planet zoo and what would I like to call it zoo dasya obviously so this is going to be zoo Dasia zoo this will be the seed the beginning the home for what will hopefully end up becoming dozens of other zoos where we will be able to add in wolf sanctuaries and giraffe horizons oh I don't even know all the animals that are implanted zoo yet so let's go okay some rewards oh oh that's right this is actually the franchise okay okay okay we're actually going to change the name of the franchise to the pixel biology zoo Society oh no I can't okay pixel biology Society can I add that Oh almost we're gonna go with just pixel biology the full name of our franchise being the pixel biology zoo society and hopefully we will be able to make this one of the best franchises ever sprinkling zoos throughout the world raising literally thousands of animals being able to contribute to the community events the conservation all of it oh I'm so excited alright but we need to go ahead and begin with our very first zoo so let's do this whoo oh my gosh look at all the biomes do we want to desert Zoo a grassland Zoo tropical zoo temperate zoo taiga zoo or tundra zoo well we've had the grassland zoo and that was really fun we got to try out the plan is ooh beta with that I'm kind of tempted for temperate not no pun intended because the temperate would allow us to be able to have all four seasons spring summer autumn and fall and see the different changes in temperatures but my heart is leafy green so we're gonna try out tropical oh and then I can pick where it goes do we want a tropical African Asian Ocean North American oh my gosh um oh man do I want a tropical North American Zoo there are some tropical locations in North America and I'm from North America but oshina Oceana sounds amazing sorry uh-oh she Anna there we go Asia would be amazing as a base but you know what for a home base let's go ahead and go with North America just to have a home base and then we'll have so many future zoos that span the whole world so we're gonna go ahead and now we can create zoo Dasia zoo let's do this oh boy oh boy you guys look oh my gosh it's our new home Wow look at those mountains I could just imagine we're at the Appalachian Mountains which are actually a temperate rainforest one of the only two temperate rainforest in the entire United States and we are buried in a little Valley holy cow now that I'm like looking this is gonna be a huge sue look at all of this room to roam on this is only gonna be like one of them that we begin with taro this is this is gonna be fantastic all right we definitely need to get in a trade center oh and a challenge you guys we have our first challenge yes we're totally going to rise to these challenges because these challenges can give you rewards of not only cash money which I've learned from the beta you run out of that really fast because surprise surprise giraffes and warthogs have a bit of an appetite we can totally manage that but to manage that we need to begin we need to put down the very first plants other than this grass lovely lovely grass we have here the very first paths and get the very first animal in Chu zu Dacia Zoo the seed from which I hope that literally hundreds possibly even thousands of adventures will grow so all right in order to somebody knows my tastes and has already added in some ferns highly approve mmm-hmm I very much highly approve and I like the size of these trees one of the first things I actually wanted to do was like plant a celebratory tree so let's do that let's put down a celebratory tree oh my gosh I can see all of the trees now I totally forgot about that now I'm gonna be able to see everything that we have to offer for the plants for planet Zoo oh my gosh look at all all look at these roots I think we had some of these roots before but I'm very excited to see that there's some big old tall trees birch trees look at the cherry blossom trees yes I would love to have some cherry blossom trees that carpet Moss is back looking fantastic highly approve of that too we have caribou moss now that is a zoo tycoon to you throwback for sure cow berries do I have cows to give the cow berries to we have oh look at these plants oh oh my gosh look at the little fairy fan flowers oh they're beautiful we'll be able to make so many gorgeous Botanical Gardens and foxtail palm trees we'll be able to make so much oh my gosh that is a giant red cedar alright I think that's gonna be like one of the biggest boys we can find one of the biggest trees it feels very fitting I think we should pick this one I'm gonna double-check because I'm pretty sure the babua tree is even bigger let's see let's see there's monkey puzzle trees but I'm pretty sure that cedar is going to be the biggest tree we have and we will plant it in our ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate opening up the zoo decΓ­a zoo and then we will get a move on with putting down all of the paths inviting in some of our staff and figuring out what our first animal is going to be alright yeah I think I don't know where the babua trees have gone off to I'm probably way up here because it's alphabetical silly sorry alright coconut palm candelabra maybe we need to unlock them no barrel cactus oh there we go these are also very big Boyett trees like they're quite large that's a beech tree I'm looking for these but Boas like look at that this is huge I already know that tree is huge so that must mean that the Cedars are gigantic like really really really gigantic all right where's my cedar in fact how could I find it much easier by just being like boom tell me where my giant cedar is all right here we go alright guys with this I would like to welcome in to our tropical zoo a wonderful addition the very very first tree that we will have ever planted the seed from which mini forest of adventure will hopefully spread and sprout boom it's done I could even stack a tree on top of a tree if I really wanted to go out there but I'm ok with that but alright guys now that we have put down the first tree we need to make sure that we have all of the facilities that are required to get this place functioning and to be able to start adding in the animals I can't even look at what kind of animals we could get yet because I don't have the trade center so we're gonna go ahead and kind of do a gentle little speed through I'll stop every time I bump across something that's just like a monorail what just far too fascinating and I have to share with you guys but I know what we're here for the very first animal adoption in the zoo so let's get going [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so now we have the habitat set up look at how the reflection of the glass goes through oh that's so cool this will be hopefully the beginnings of our very first habitat it might not be big enough but we don't know what we could actually end up trading yet and I'm not gonna peek just yet because we do need to kind of decorate this area a little bit and think about the needs of our guests we already added in a little bathroom back here but they need like an information place so they can think about how amazing Zoo dusty a zoo is and then while we are waiting for the animals we should definitely decorate our gardens around our tree the tree of beginnings is what I am going to be calling of that thing oh my gosh welcome in fact I think I can actually I can the tree of beginnings you guys I love it and now we can go ahead and just know that this tree when we click on it we can remember how important it is we definitely should do that in the future because that real life is OU's they have a scattering of all sorts of like trees and and bathrooms I guess and we could dedicate like the bathroom to somebody we could dedicate a cute little taco stand to somebody we could dedicate this habitat which is far too small and we will be changing in the future so we'll figure out what animal we're gonna get and then we will masterfully as much as our budget allows alter it but we do need to remember that the guests are going to be the ones bringing in the lifeblood the money to keep this place growing so let's take care of our guests - all right there we go I have made to show you guys what what I did but I didn't notice I had turned the camera off so sorry about that but we do have a beautiful new log path with a couple benches recycling and trash we have a lovely little restaurant over here that we can definitely spruce up with plants all over it later that is called the bountiful bean burger so hopefully people will enjoy a bountiful bean burgers here the bathroom is a little bit further away down there but I think that that's okay we can always move things around and we're definitely going to be filling in all of these gaps with plants but I figure we've probably got enough going on we have our little info stand over here where hopefully people will be able to come and the Information Center look at all of this you can see so much customers served staff room scenery reading add scenery items around the building to increase the the look around here that is so cool the finances of like the people who have come to take care of this area that would be really useful to know in the future so we can convince more people to hey come over here and spend your money on our little info booth so that we can make money off of you all right yeah setting the prices for audio guides adoption packets for cheap normal expensive different umbrellas all the umbrellas are probably going to be really really great to convince people so like by over here and stay even in the bad weather but enough of all of this setup even though this is very important and this is the seed of the beginning of all of our adventures what kind of animals can we get that is what we are here for all right animal market animal market there's aardvarks are you kidding me oh my gosh oh my gosh and the African elephants we can't afford them because we need to have like a ton of conservation credits but you guys look at this there's aardvarks at all there's african wild dogs that I could actually afford with money are you kidding an American bison look at all of these species there's camels there are camels and too pure and tiger and wilderbeest and bongos and bonobos oh my gosh look at them orangutan geez there's just the pangolins common ostrich warthogs Formosa black bears oh holy cow Galapagos Tortoises we have to have some Galapagos Tortoises in honor of Aldo that is something I have been wanting to do a port for ever oh my gosh okay we're gonna go ahead and adopt this male and female galapagos tortoise because hello hello I did that entire with the Galapagos Tortoises at the San Diego Zoo and I have had it in my heart that one of the first things I needed to do was get Aldo in this Zoo the Galapagos tortoise who tried to eat my dress there are giant pandas you are kidding me there are literally giant pandas and greater flamingos in this zoo like we could buy these oh my gosh all right I'm spending the cash on a couple of these animals even though they're not very big having them is better than nothing I kind of really want to get this Panda but I think I need to think about it for just a second so we can see what else is here hippos Indian elephants Indian PFL rhinoceroses Indian Rhinoceros Japanese macaques Komodo dragons mandrels Nile monitors Noah oh my gosh oka P Ochopee Plains zebras pygmy hippos oh the cute little pygmy hippos red pandas yes I want some red pandas in my life this is supposed to be a tropical place after all the giraffes reticulated giraffes and the lemurs red ruffed lemur oh my gosh they didn't even I had no idea there was gonna be the red ruffed lemur saltwater crocodile oh boy oh my gosh ringtail lemur sable antelope the Siberian tigers the snow leopards the spotted hyenas um yes Springbrook thompson's gazelle the wolves oh my gosh people would never forgive me if I don't get some wolves oh my gosh this is really happening like these could really be re animals oh my gosh okay um that's right we're supposed to be a like tropical place so I need to fill up this place with a whole bunch of like the kapag trees and I need to get more tropical vibes going this path was nice when I didn't know that we had pandas but now that I've realized like a wait a second we have pandas I feel like I need I know this is a really weird response but I'm like okay we need something less North American loggy and more we're going to surround this place with so many stunning and gorgeous colors we're gonna make this we're gonna make this really something I need more pads hopefully you can report like you can research more paths all right that's right tropical tropical I need mechanics so that we can research more decorations but okay I'm so excited okay calm down Siri you've got this all right I only have I have two tortoises I have something goes oh my gosh we could get disappears Oh oh she's a sickly little tip here oh gosh okay well think about that I think the getting the tigers would be amazing and then we could mmm that's a sickly Tiger though so we might want to be a little careful I might want to wait till we have a bit of an establishment I really would love to have the Cheetahs yes I would love to have the Cheetahs and the orangutangs and the pangolins like even if they're gonna be tiny let's get a couple pangolins up in here like the common warthogs sure oh my gosh there's already another glop agos tortoise available I'm doing it I'm doing it uh and the pandas okay we're back to the pandas I think the pandas are gonna be my first big purchase my first we're doing this kind of thing um and there's a really good flamingo for monies all thank goodness all right all right we're gonna do it we're going to get a panda and that's gonna be our first big animal our first big animal in here we are are we ready for a bandha I don't think we're ready for a band are you guys this needs to be bigger all right this is more like it this is more like it I'm beginning to feel this a little bit we're gonna get some some awesomeness up along the back we're just gonna have this this mountain where we're gonna put in some Panda but we need to get some staff and we need to get our very first animal in here now because bad dog we have panda and penguins and so many things and I'm already low on money Siri okay I need to be very very careful here I need to hire more staff amongst many other things I'm trying to remember how high power I would even have power to it like power this place so we need to get water treatment in here so that and we need to get like power in here so that we'll be able to keep this whole place functional so let me let me actually get the power generator like chucked at the back here there we go alright so that's gonna be running so hopefully we can keep the place going we're gonna need a water treatment plant that's gonna need to overlap with at least a little bit of the the pandas exhibit so we'll get that that down somewhere over here alright there we go the water path yes it'd be very nice if I could put this right here alright let's hook this up to make sure that this can actually be tended to you by our staff they do not need such a huge path to get there though oh my gosh calm down bad you do not be really good but staff does not need to have a path that huge to be able to walk this but oh well alright let's see there we go and now they can come and work on our water treatment if they need to fix it they can already reach the power yes okay now how'd you hire staff okay here we go here we go all right we have two vendors who will already be showing up you guys let's get our very first zoo keeper welcome welcome to the family Nellie a Crabtree all right we're gonna we're gonna have miss yeah you know what I love that name I love that name and we're gonna go ahead and she is going to be our Panda keeper so she's gonna be in charge of this zone and this zone is actually going to be renamed we're gonna this is work zone one this is panda panda mountain and we're gonna turn this into a gorgeous mountain at the very entrance you guys it's gonna be amazing it's gonna take a little bit of work because we have never really done something like that before let's go ahead and incorporate all of the staff buildings over here so that she'll be able to get herself taken care of she can work her way over to the staff room as she can go to the Trade Center so that is what our wonderful Nellie Crabtree is going to focus on and then we're gonna need some other stuff so let's make sure we hire a vet very important there we go so we've got our vet she's gonna be fun to work with too and actually you guys leave comments what the heck leave comments so that you guys can in a big humming our staff throughout the entire park like we need to have different staff members we need to name our animals oh this is such a big deal this is so exciting alright well go ahead I think I'll wait a little bit on the caretaker just in case just in case we can get away we do need to have a mechanic and I think that between the secure like we don't need security right now but between the mechanic the keeper and the vet I think we can achieve what we need to do in life so well here's hoping here's hoping but you know what we really need to achieve right now animal storage do I really have a panda I really have a panda I have a panda I have a panda oh my gosh I am so excited okay let's get her in here let's get her in here and then figure out what she needs from there let's do this guy's it is time it is time we have a panda we have a tree of beginnings we have paths we have bathrooms we have not enough plants but we will definitely fix that and may I welcome all of you to the grand opening of Zoo Dasia Zoo the first in a grand line of different zoos animal sanctuaries wildlife reserves that we shall celebrate in to the pixel biology Zoological Society and community we definitely need more plants oh look at him go we'll have to give them new names based on what you guys actually would like to be named oh here she comes here she comes here she comes here she comes okay wait wait not too quickly not too quickly vet we need this is the very first animal we're gonna be taking plenty of pictures the very first animal added in oh boy here she comes we got to give her a new name we need to give her like a really special new name I'm gonna have to ask my beloved chips because he speaks so much Chinese the very first animal we have the pleasure and glory of adding into our world is a panda look at her look at her move look at her little panda paws oh look at her run look at her waddle oh I'm so glad we made a bigger area for her and now we need to make it absolutely panda perfect let's see what it would take all right my dear you need enrichment you need your habitat improved you need basically everything we could release her to the wild if we wanted we can all we can quarantine her at a facility if she could sick because now that we're no longer in the beta we probably will be facing different illnesses that our lovely lovely panda could be struggling with but before we do anything I feel like we really need to just go ahead like I want to look at her her stud book I want to look at her social her genetics but let's try to make sure that her habitat is good for her first that is one of the most important things we can do so she really wants more of the grass so let's pop over terrain there we go so we're gonna go to terrain and we are going to paint with short grass so we're gonna be adding in a lot of short grass she wants a lot less tall grass too much tall grass maybe the grass blades have spooked her pandas spooked so easily chips is actually paying it to China and then to the the panda sanctuary that they have there and now we need a little bit of soil we and she wants to have oh you could do a light and heavy soil now nice and you can shrink the size too so you can really start kind of customizing what this place looks like by chips who is my best friend boyfriend love my life partner in all things good and wonderful in this world has been to China because he used to teach English there and he speaks fluent Chinese now in like both the old style and new style Chinese oh my gosh he's very talented but he has been to the panda sanctuary that they have out there and he says they are basically some of the derpiest animals you will ever see they fall over their own two feet they trip over themselves all of the time they're okay we edited enough soil for her which is really wonderful let's see she needs a hard shelter so that she can have a feeling of not being exposed everybody we can actually construct our own but I'm gonna go ahead and give her a little basic wooden shelter just to kind of begin so that she has something sort of sort of plain sort of basic but I want to give her a lot of options and we'll make like a really pretty forested tree shelter for her in the future all right so hopefully that hard shelter will count maybe basic wooden shelter does it not count as a hard shelter okay if it doesn't I want my money back so a hard shelter the shelter space is critically insignificant to cover all animals so we'll need to make some sort of shelter for her and we definitely want to get her some plants some temperate biome Asian plants and let's see is the terrain yeah she's happy with the land area we'll probably make it go up and down quite a bit in just a bit here but let's actually get lots of plants Asian temperate plants in for our Panda what am I gonna name her like just to just to start things off with I feel like I feel like she needs a good little name oh just it just just a lucky name just we're gonna just go with oh hang on oh I know we're gonna go ahead and go with on just for now for like peaceful tranquil feeling so she's just gonna be on and we can change her name in the future as you guys can help me figure out no no no there we go Derek that is your name now dear all right and then we will change her name as you guys or chip so helps me as you pick a really good name for her so now what we're gonna do is we are going to give her the temperate Asian plants so let's do this biome temperate continent Asia and she will love all of these leaves which better include bamboo yeah there's a lot of bamboo oh my gosh it's so cool-looking look at the gorgeous bamboo here you go on you're gonna love this oh my gosh she's probably gonna be like a static we can even hide the keeper Hut look at this bamboo holy cow this is gorgeous oh my gosh there's so many oh my gosh and of course like it doesn't all have to stay at exactly the height we got it at we can actually go ahead and move it hang on we want to fancy move it and we can like lower the bamboo a little closer is she gonna eat it like because the animals can interact with all of the objects so is she going to end up eating her own bamboo probably all right oh look at this beech tree oh it's beautiful it's huge so we could add in some of those wines some broken whoa this broken cherry tree looks really cool let's actually put that in but then what we're gonna do is we can come over and flop it on its side look at that look at that and that way one can play with it if she wants to or we can just leave it there nice that looks really cool all right let's see I want to see how many plants she needs still I'm with you my dear I love plants - she likes Ivy Japanese maples are an option are you kidding me oh yeah we're gonna hand that in for sure and Nettles she loves Nettles oh I will happily line nettles up at the front of the exhibit that actually sounds perfect let's put like some patches of large nettles along here and then we can sprinkle in some other types of plants you can rotate constantly nice nice just to kind of keep things looking good all right yeah she's gonna be a perfect fit for me because on is gonna want tons and tons of plants oh but I'm gonna need to watch the money okay so we have the Asian temperate plants but I need to watch the money too wisteria clusters Oh on I'm so tickled that you love wisteria clusters as well and these twin flowers all those are so pretty we can put those behind the nettles in a couple places so that people are here even in front of the nettles nice and then people can just enjoy looking at the flowers oh that would be perfect all right we'll put those down there so people can enjoy the beauty of nature um let's try adding in a beech tree or two because she's still not responding not responding to the plants we're in a critical condition here now maybe a little beech tree does that help on all right maybe she'll be happier once we get like the big the big trees in hmm what else could we put in water lilies yes heck yes let's make her a little water path oh this is so exciting on hang on all right we're gonna go ahead and make a little river or a little lake not too large and then put the water in oh wow oh that's pretty on this is so pretty I am so freakin happy look at the bracken those are even better than nettles for good knows I'm a Bracken person now I'm totally look at that oh yeah so many plants oh you guys know how much I love plants but there is vile an important part of our ecosystems after all so I mean it all has this made sense to me it really like plants I like living so of course I like plants all right let's see common water lilies I how can I get you guys in here there are aquatic plants which are really nice I know that's something that a lot of people were concerned we wouldn't see at all but here we have it lovely aquatic plants they might need a little bit of help rising to the top what cherry blossoms forget the Tom no wine we'll go ahead and move this because I do love the Japanese maple though I'm gonna move it on the outside of the exhibit and we're gonna be putting in a cherry blossom for on oh that sounds so cool on you're gonna have little cherry blossoms Lightning over the place up hopefully these will these will cheer you on - no pun intended because they're cherry blossoms oh she's getting happier look at the size of this wine do you see this glorious thing of course I'm gonna give it look I can get a little heart so I can come back to it easier oh that's so perfect she's so happy she loves the cherry blossoms Oh on you are like a beautiful panda after my own heart alright we'll get the cherry blossoms in over here nice and then another one maybe down here she really likes them I have no complaints oh look at her now she's happy yes you guys we've done it oh we should add in some oh my gosh these elm trees are huge they're so cool maybe a couple elm trees just to kind of have a little variety and let our Panda have a little bit of privacy here and there probably more bamboo than elm trees though so maybe just the one a couple of extra trees alright actually what is this guy the beech tree look you can you can go and live over like here because I like these elm trees now the own trees and I are like best buds all right where'd they go see it now if I can't find it I don't need to panic there's a little fountain bamboo okay I could get lost in this forever but I want to see her out and about being able to move around so let me get another elm tree a smaller one put down over here and we'll work with the rest later all right what else does on need before we release her set her free she needs more going on in her habitat with a hard shelter so that she feels like she's nice and safe so here are the hard shelters I think we can go ahead and there's a basic wooden shelter but I think she really really wants to have like a shelter where she feels super non-exposed super out of the elements I could have sworn is the basic wood shelter not gonna do it on she's like heck no all right she doesn't like the basic wood shelter what about this little shelter if we tuck it back here son you're good what and okay maybe we need to add like multiples so and you are a rather large panda um do you need like a bigger size maybe so let's try this and see if that helps and maybe some bedding so that maybe she can feel like hey this is like some nice space that I can be out of do I need more maybe I need to add in another one let's try adding in another one like on this side huh okay well we'll have to get to the bottom of what's bothering on about a hard shelter for now I'm gonna add in this little shelter even though it's kind of small and we'll give her this large bedding so hopefully she knows she can go in there and relax but otherwise let's get in some her enrichment items we need to be able to get her enrichment items of course of course okay so we do need to get her enrichment items do I have anything I can offer right now and you can actually sort by species to see what we can offer a great panda a giant panda right now for enrichment and it looks like the answer is a climbing ramp oh my gosh that is that is the and I could give her some logs to climb on truly like will she climb on these could I make her a little climbing set along the edge of the river because that would be sort of amazing little climb above platforms there's a little ramp so she could have a little ramp to be able to climb okay that might be a little bit beyond my ability at the moment being a what let's try it putting in this climb above platform and seeing if we can give her I mean that she's our very first very first member of the family I'm really excited about that alright and let's get some duplication going on and there's that and we need to do research on her basically because the more research that we do on on the sooner we will actually be able and let's grab that and then what we can do is we can lower this climb mobile ramp I'm pretty sure yeah then we're gonna want to move it let's get it all the way low and lined up oops alright low and lined up and then turned a little bit more like so and then up a little bit more and then over a little bit more oh look at that and you can line it really meticulously just so and we'll even turn it a little bit more everything perfect for her before we go ahead that should be good enough she has a little climbing wrap oh my gosh alright alright and the last thing I almost forgot that's absolutely crucial if we want to be able to make any money off of our wonderful wonderful on a donation box so we will build ourselves let's do this and then whoops let's actually do that yeah look at those colors I love those greens let's do a darker green there we go and then we're gonna put down a donation box for on tada we don't know anything about her yet because we have to do some research but hopefully this will be the beginning and guests will start coming in so once again friends let us begin our life in Zhu Jessie a zoo with only three thousand dollars left I'm sure that's fine and let's go ahead and follow on as she begins the first steps in her new home well come on I need to get you some food I need to do research on you I need to provide you a shelter so you don't feel like you have to like pace all around the place but she is our new home remember guys and she's beautiful listen to the way she's just is kind of gently huffing to herself she's come over to lay down in her little bed check it out she's exploring her new habitat is she gonna see her little ramp look at her little ears mom oh she's a woman panda swimming under the cherry blossoms Oh are we ever gonna make that happen oh my gosh alright guys it has been a one heck of a beginning we still need oh and she's cooling off in the water and that's making her welfare go way up watch that's so cool that's so cool okay this is fantastic unhappy because we gave her her pond we will cover it with water lilies for you on we will search for a mate for her we're gonna try our hardest to make this happen this is fantastic but alright guys thank you so much oh my gosh look at the rush of people coming to see look at this I think the zoo may be a success so right my friends thank you so much for joining us on this wonderful beginning the very first episode of Planet Zoo the start of so many adventures we have the tree of beginning we have a panda we are going strong right out of the gate now we just need to make sure that we can make enough money to keep this place growing and Fleur if you guys would like to join us on this and literally thousands more adventures yet to come do please consider subscribing but most of all most importantly stay curious and I'll see you next time bye bye [Music] you
Channel: Seri! Pixel Biologist!
Views: 282,081
Rating: 4.8936343 out of 5
Keywords: planet zoo, planet zoo animals, planet zoo breeding, daily zoo, planet, zoo, planet zoo gameplay, planet zoo tips, planet zoo full zoo, planet zoo enclosure build, planet zoo playthrough, planet zoo escaped animal, planet zoo panda, planet zoo let's play, daily planet zoo, planet zoo franchise mode, zoo babies, panda
Id: bRU1rRc4RtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 20sec (2720 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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