They're making a real floating city, so I made it in Cities Skylines!

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if you follow the occasional engineering news story you may have heard of the line the 170 kilometer long linear city which I recreated in the city skylines in a previous video well construction of the project in real life has now begun and it's on course to be completed by 2030 the year Saudi Arabia has set for the completion of several other Mega structures they have planned one of which is this the Octagon yes they heard the news that hexagons are indeed the best guns but figured they could improve the design by adding a couple more sides its industrial city that will half sit on the coast with the other half floating at Sea with a shipping Lane passing straight through the middle yes hello fellow engineers and welcome back to City skylines and engine Topia boom of all these Bridges a couple of incredible Feats of Highway engineering as well as Atlantis style cities the Pokeball and the pit which we created last time and this entire place is all powered by poo poo goes in the top Powers these dams and gets filtered clean water comes out the bottom where we drink it straight up lovely yes if we press escape and just just ignore all the death and stuff things are things are pretty good here people just want some more jobs you can see down here we have demand a very high demand for industry and offices uh yes that is partly because they have the infinite demand mod on but details details so I'm gonna satisfy that demand today by building an octagon City and first off we've got to figure out where to do this this map doesn't actually have a coast so we may need to build a fake Coast first I'm sort of thinking up here might be the best place as well so we've got the river we got Road access we do have a mountain which we don't really want I mean alternatively over here this is sort of this is almost a coast there's no roads or other connections we have to build them ourselves but as a highway engineer for 10 years how hard can it be uh yeah maybe maybe we'll ignore that so yeah I think we're gonna build this down here I may need to build we need to build a river over there as well all right okay well let's come down to the landscape and disaster's Tool let's say level terrain right click down there and then goodbye all of that stuff because we need a coastline so you can see all the water rushing in filling that area that's fantastic so this is our Coast just just ignore those mountains at the back let's just see maybe it's the small sea the Seas of edges I don't know I feel like that's a bit of a deep question for this early in the morning anyway we need to build a river to this place and I'm sort of thinking that the water I think I think on this map the water flows from the top left on the top right they meet in the middle and then flew down through the Pokeball so I think I'm gonna divert this River like over that way to our new hang on what's going on there what's good oh no I forgot the Poop Shoot is still still leaking isn't it maybe that's what I should do yeah if I can clean all of this water perhaps I can take that over there trouble is there is a rather busy highway in the way I tell you what let's let's shove this underground first okay it's a temporarily sorry everyone you're um if you're driving on this road you're gonna have a bit of a shock because I've just removed the road front view oh they're all disappearing into nothing and by the way these are still named after like my very first patreons Yannick Becker OCD thank you both that was back when I was playing this game properly I mean this I'm still playing properly I just haven't discovered the oil money that Saudi has yet anyway so we want to take this highway we want to take it underground come over to like hereish come back up again lovely we'll do the same on the other Road sorted now road is in tunnel which means I can build on top although whose power lines aren't in the most ideal place can I let me just see something can I take power lines like oh wait they're not even not even connected aren't they meant to be glowing blue if they're working maybe that just doesn't happen anymore I don't know there's a lot of mods installed on this so it's probably getting a little bit dodgy these days anyway we just need to bypass this so we've already got a load going that way I want to see can I take this I can't seem to take it up there I need to turn on the Anarchy bird unfortunately that mod is not working at the moment but I probably probably could just come off this way and I build over the Poo sheet oh no I can't I guess I can and we can come up for that weight and then delete these ones there we go okay so we still have power to everything we now have a clear route to take this along that way it's it's still dirty water at the moment so I may want to clean that up yeah but first let's just hit pause I think I'm just doing another one of these ramps essentially which was an absolute well it wasn't fun to build but let's put it that way so what do we want we want a slope to rain we want to end up probably oh no let's go to the top of it first and then we can chisel out the mean thing so yeah we want brush plays a little bit wider okay left to right so I think from there to the right so let's click and see what happens oh it's a little bit wider than I thought it was gonna be oh hopefully it'll be okay looking at the width of our road tunnels not ideal still just about fits I think and then we end up up there perfectly almost all right so now we have a slab now we want to make the brush size a lot smaller then we just want to push down a bit because this is going to be our water level I mean actually I should probably take the water level over here so let's go that height do that oh my goodness that's quite deep yeah I think we'll raise it up a little bit we'll go to like that level and then slip tool again we've just got to pick the height that we want up here so I think we want to be looking at the Contours let's go with halfway up that one so I think it's halfway up that one so I'm going to right click that and if we head down the huge slope start from down there then we just click and then we go up like that and yes we're chiseling out yes we are chiseling out a little river slide yeah I'm gonna get rid of those trees they're sort of I don't know they're making me freak out a little bit they make me feel like weird so sorry tree lovers boosh they're now gone all right they're not the top we can oh goodness weekend smooth terrain maybe not that much there we go just to get rid of those lumps all right so then we have a poo shoot ready to go the trouble is I don't actually want poo going down there so we need to clean this first so we use these little guys the floating garbage collectors and if we just completely fill this area with them then as we press play we should see yes the Poo should make its way down the Chute I'm hoping it's not gonna glitch through the ground because it does seem to do that quite a lot oh Bulls I think it's happening I think it's happening oh no no no no oh why do you do this game why did you no the city all right hit pause hit pause all right can I save this using canals I shove a canal there going down to the bottom is that gonna save this thing uh the water was like yeah I'm not going down that scream it I just patch this up a bit if I can force all the water down the middle like that sort of thing maybe it will oh it's working it's working okay ah pause pause I just realized there's nothing at the bottom oh it's beautiful it's actually working okay so what I'm hoping now is as this comes out the water yes the water's not glitching through the map okay that's good let's hit pause again so all I gotta do is chop a river over to here but I gotta I gotta do my layout because essentially we want to go like around here and up like that way so it wouldn't recommend after a very steep downfall that you just put like a 90 degree Bend IN but uh pretty sure there's no erosion physics in this game anyway so it should be fine so it will head around here well it looks like there's sort of as an area like waiting for me so that's where we're gonna aim for straight in like that and what I'll probably do as well is like lower this water level so I don't want the water backing up like it is doing but nice okay uh uh hang on pause again pause again that's a lot of poo I need to clean this so more cleaners down there are these cleaners not doing anything oh man the water is trading out of this in a big way we're about to see the Battle of elements fresh water meets Fresh sewage that can be only one winner ready it's like two Roman armies clashing who's gonna win oh look look we're actually we're cleaning the Poo water okay we're actually cleaning it out so there might be a bit of poo in there to start with but it should get clean oh my goodness that is that is a big wave that is a big wave please don't flood please don't flood okay a little bit a little bit of over spill I think we're good though all right cool so up the top it looks like the water levels have drained so we're no longer yeah I think we're no longer leaking so that's good the ferry should be back in service oh no what happened the fair very stock collapse right rebuild this building needs to be searched for survivors by a Disaster Response Unit before it can be oh okay where's a Disaster Response Unit what sort of section are they in hospitals oh disaster Memorial I can put that up there to memory them well I couldn't find it but I did find my hotline to biffer who told me I can just use the move it mod and I can just say reset objects so if I'd go boost like that yes we're rebuilt so I'll rebuild whatever that was as well as a water tower there you go so now the ferries oh no why aren't you going there is the water level too late I think the water level's too late all right so just raise that up a bit that should allow this to fill up a bit and then the ferry will be back in business yeah for now water levels are too late the current is too fast it's too dangerous for them to do their Journey but tourism is a big part of engine topia's Financial income I say income like we're not losing nearly a million dollars a week but yeah anyway back down here things are looking actually really good so we've got water flowing in until what though I think I will raise the water level of this just to sort of like I mean perhaps go to there or something so you can see the current is bubbling the water level is rising I just want to make sure this is always wet because look this is drying out now because there's no water coming down the Chute currently but anyway I think now we're finally ready start building our octagon hang on hang on water level's still Rising water level is still Rising all right well let's go boost there we make the brush pretty big and then oh wow that is a big chunk of land yeah essentially we just want to carve out an area that we can do half of our Ox octagon octagon it's called the oxygen but obviously the shape is an octagon right so if we just push this towards the edge I just really want to make sure that this doesn't flood oh no oh no oh no this happened already why am I so bad at building in this game all right okay that looks pretty good let's delete these trees all right and then we've just got to build an octagon are they why are we flooding this is meant to be level why what why I think it's just the waves from when I did that I'm gonna build I'm gonna build on the flood waters it'll be fine I'll be fine so the easiest way to build an octagon if we go straight above is firstly we just build a square so if we do that that is a square we can then rotate and then we just do another Square I mean oh or actually could I could I use the move it mod if I say grab all of those roads can you then copy unknowingly I am copying trees then yes we can spin it that way okay nice so we Pace that there to end up with a bit of a start and then we just chop off all the points okay see you later mate oh I know it's left loads of bridge pillars and each one I gotta say yes to delete it can I like hold a hold shift or something wait no I don't no I don't move it mod map remember the move it mod so grab the point boost it out of existence yes there we go there we go well look how helicopter tours they're already coming nearby to take a look at the construction of the project nice see people love these Mega structures that's what it's all about okay so that is the basis of the Octagon so I think around the edge I want like some big six Lane roads so I'm going to build this slightly on the inside we'll do that to there and then after a bit of that bit more deleting you end up with the basis of the Octagon so I do actually need to do a little bit more a little bit more tweaking because we just need like a little islandy thing because we're gonna have like a cargo port in there so that's that sorted they're not gonna lie not entirely sure how to make a floating city in this game I might actually have to fill this with land to make it actually float but uh essentially it's just loads and loads of like I I really should have hit pause right here oh that's gonna take a while to get rid of isn't it hey at least it looks a little bit more deserty now a bit more realistic right now the water's gone let's hit pause then let's do some building all right so just built a grid out at Sea I feel like I might have to yeah I can't paint this I think I'm gonna have to raise the land like in some of the squares and stuff yeah but for the one that I've done down here looks like I can paint all of those that's good I think first off I wanna I wanna place my big buildings down though to shove that in there waste Transfer Facility should have a fusion power plant in here I'm sure the city of the future will be running on some crazy new technology so we'll shove that in there make sure we got some big offices down all right then we just need a few more roads around all of these we want a couple of police stations a couple of hospitals of course some fire stations yeah we then want cargo ships I think we want a cargo Harbor cannot connect to root what route is that the problem do I need I need a cargo route down here tell you watch yeah might be you can only place these if you have like a c connection and we very much don't still I'll come back to that I think for now let's just fill in this area so we've got level terrain so it will just fill in a load of these squares and we're leaving the odd one with water because I don't know I know why they do that that's what they're doing maybe they couldn't sell all the plots or maybe they hired an architect to come up with this layout I mean otherwise it would be a hexagon right surely what I've actually I've actually made a face I don't see that that is a face surprised I don't see a knob for a change all right so now because these are these are on a bridge I can't actually put the buildings next to them so I'm gonna have to delete those then rebuild all my roads so we end up with the zoning that we can like fill in after that nice okay so I'll just do that for the rest of this area and then it will end up looking like this okay right we have a road layout we have quite a few like build knee things that look quite industrial next up we need to paint this with our industrial zones and probably some offices so I think I might do a load of offices like up this way perhaps a few up here as well right and the rest of this is going to be commercial so hopefully I can just go like that nice that was quick and easy but before we hit play we need to get some drainage under the ground so I think literally let's just do a grid so it's all covered then we can just connect this to oh look there's some behind lovely now we then need power but I did put this guy down and where's he gone there he is the very efficient looking fusion power plant so hopefully that'll give people power I mean I'm going to press play I'm pretty sure because of the displacement of all the water I've done here uh this is just gonna flood instantly but uh oh well let's press play speed up time see what happens oh dear oh boy oh wow all of that went straight underwater not too surprising hopefully that can just repair itself first that is so much water all right good news there's a very expensive industrial building over here still in one piece just about don't quite know how some of these other buildings are holding up but um won't complain so time to do some resetting because I've learned how to eat whatever you are welcome back to life and you and you so I think that's everything repaired uh oh Bulls okay yeah this this side's flooding now oh looks like this guy's up and running though even though even though it's underwater you've got that on top spinning around we've got we've got steam coming off the nuts so that is one positive about all this all right I'll tell you what I'm gonna do I'm gonna do what I would do in real life if I'm trying to stop something from flooding like this we go to like that level I'm gonna put a drainage ditch and literally just wrang this around the outside and then hopefully the water should go in the ditch instead of on everything else there's so much water yeah around here you can see you can see it is working all right so here we go people are building the trouble is I've just realized uh we don't we don't have any don't have any outside connection so no one can get here so I've just carved out a bit of landscape there I'm gonna put in like a mega highway to get four lane Highway with barriers yeah and what I'm gonna do I'm gonna use this Junction here now this is something they actually do in real life if we have a look at Stonehenge so Stonehenge is there and you'll know that I sort of worked on a project where we're putting the a303 into a tunnel so if we go into this view you can see stonehenches there and there's a road literally right next to it yeah the idea is they're putting all of this underground so it'll just be grass there now but if we head from Stonehenge up to this Junction here can you see how this has been made uh probably not because it won't load come on internet anyway basically when the a33 was made they sort of realized it was going to need to be like a really fast Road some point in the future about the time it didn't need to be hence as you're driving down the road here it comes to a roundabout if you go on the satellite and image you can see it's all at grade so as you're driving down the road you've got to stop you've got to go around the roundabout then carry on but the way they designed this they left space down the middle in the future basically so that they could put a highway like through the middle that goes over the roundabout meaning that the traffic going straight through will be going really fast they cost a lot of money because it's like you need structures you need Bridges because obviously you need to take the main road over the roundabout Road you need slip roads and all sorts but when it was designed it was future proofed so you could easily put that in and essentially that's sort of what we've got here I mean this this would never happen this wasn't me by the way this was done by the by the devs I guess the map creators three lanes down into one to join that one no no no no no we're gonna delete that and then we're going into a four laner and we're going over the top of this four lane most waves are there back down to ground level and we're gonna come over on a bridge and then head down this slope that I built and then we're gonna loop back stay in parallel with this road and then we can just cross this Motorway again right so then I've just deleted the slip roads we're just gonna put them back in I'll probably just do like a Cloverleaf or something because it's easy I mean you're not gonna light efficient Highway design still runs through my blood it seems all right so that's the loops in we then just do the from there to there roads all right and there we have it looks like a two-year-old's toilet I don't have time I'm trying to focus on this down here so from this I think we're gonna let's connect to a few different locations so there we go that's all connected so I guess now we head over here and then we press press play and we see if anyone oh my goodness what was there was a car flying that we'll see if anyone heads down there to our new industrial octagon and here you can see why the Cloverleaf isn't the best because everyone that's coming off here to join onto this Motorway they're cutting up the people coming along here that want to get off down there uh hence I drew this pretty quickly because this is only going to be temporary the residents of engine Topia deserve much better than this but for now some cars are heading towards the oxygen so here's the drive-in you come oh man look at this place it's huge it's a beast so yeah pretty much fully up and running now there's there's still there's still the occasional flood but nothing the reset objects button can't fix yeah unfortunately I couldn't get the cargo ships working however we do have ferries so I can just quickly do a line just to show you there would have been ships down here but I picked a map that's another Coast so yeah that is the oxygen an industrial city coming to a Saudi Arabia near you uh not gonna lie it makes a fine addition to engine Topia I'm quite quite annoyed at myself how like perfect this who shoot is like compared to this one which is just like what what is this one what does that just show like how far my my city building skills have come I don't know all I do know is once we fill up this with poo we're gonna be extending the ferry tourism route down this shoot so they can check out the Octagon but yeah for now I'll say peace love and oxygons are the best against bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 1,416,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, citys skyline, city skyline, cities skyline, cities skylines 2, city skylines, neom, saudi arabia, the oxagon, the octagon city, rce, real civil engineer, oxagon cities skylines
Id: JTtncy8aJ80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 51sec (1191 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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