Planning the Perfect ONE TILE CITY in Cities Skylines!

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hello welcome back to city planner plays where we are trying to build the perfect one tile City in City skylines that is right we're gonna finally take on the challenge and try to build as large of a city as we can in one tile but because I'm me I want this to look good and I want it to function well so we're gonna be judging this based on not just the population but the traffic flow we're gonna try to keep this above 80 percent and make it look nice as well it's not in the comments let me know what you think the population will be at the end we're gonna be building on the land of the Isles map for the map pack 2. so if you want to build along and try to beat me go for it and we'll be using these mods it's a pretty basic list but I figure it would make my build a lot more comfortable so without any further Ado let's Jump Right In before we just jump into it I thought it might be helpful to take a look at the map and come up with a preliminary plan so we can see that there's a lot of water on this map about a third of the map is water and then another significant chunk is either terrain or transportation so we're gonna need to take advantage of the terrain maybe his parks and we're gonna need to completely rebuild this interchange it's way too big that's valuable land for other uses I also want to plan around this rail line we're going to try to get our cargo and our inner city people into our community using rail so the very first thing that we're gonna do is draw a little chunk of road so we unlock a bunch of stuff there we go and we've even unlocked our planning roads that's something I really really wanted in this build so I'm gonna plan out a real quick roadway layout it'll change with time but this will be our preliminary plot for our community this is the real basic roadway layout and here's the main thing I'm thinking right now we'll have most of our commercial and office uses right here along this collector we'll focus our City's service buildings right here in the center along with some unique buildings this dirt road is going to be our rail line so we'll need to figure that out at some point and we'll have some potentially on either side the ability to get passengers on one side and maybe one of those new warehouses that is attached to a rail line on the other plus some industrial back here although that will go away eventually and then right here is our new ramp onto our Highway that we will eventually get to this is all kind of a mess right now but we are in a spot where I think we can finally begin let's add some utilities and we'll start right away with maybe this new Advanced Coal Power Plant it is half of our money and then we're gonna need to upgrade roads as we go it's gonna be kind of a Meandering pack and I'm feeling very uncomfortable now because we've used all of our money basically but I think we could figure this out let's add some of our utilities I wanted to upgrade this I was thinking about drawing water directly from here I think we'll try to but because I don't want to pollute the coast let's add in one of our Inland water treatment plants again that's a ton of money we don't have and then we will pump some water let's add a pump right here on our beach and we'll make a completely unnecessary connection right there but it makes me happy now let's add some water pipes we're gonna put those underneath the road right where they belong all right I'd say that we're off to a start the issue that we have right now is we have five thousand dollars left let's get our first Zone districts in place and hopefully start making some money now we are losing money rapidly we just need to get some of these areas to fill in so that we can actually move I'm gonna add a bit of commercial along here to hopefully keep things chugging oh this is super stressful negative seven thousand dollars we don't even have enough money for water pipes this is this is bad this is not good oh a little Hamlet we've got a little bit of money now but we also have a lot more requirements including we need to take care of our trash our elementary schools yeah that's that's gonna be some things that we need to take care of we're still losing money there is a way to fix that but I'm reluctant to do so we could drop the budget on our power plant thing is I always forget that I've done that so I'm gonna try not to don't even have enough for a landfill and we're finally making some money so now we're seeing things move in a positive direction for the first time I'm gonna upgrade this this is always intended to be a cup split uh I should not have upgraded that that was all of my money and the main reason that I wanted to upgrade these was just so that we don't have zoning occurring along here all of that said is it worth the money I don't know probably not but we're gonna go for it for a little bit of this anyway ah and garbage is piling up oh no I don't have any money I wonder if I could take out a loan yet I can this is a bad idea but we're gonna do it anyway because we have to up worthy Village worthy Village we are now a worthy Village we don't have our school yet we need that but now we also need all other emergency services please fire uh yeah that that's gonna be more expense so we get the high capacity elementary school that's going to work up towards this is a small enough area I'd really love to put two of these in and have nothing else let's worry about making some money and again responding to some of our zoning needs we're not going to get anything more until we get some elementary schools we're gonna want maximum coverage here so I'll place that right in the middle and then for police and fire I'm gonna Place those kind of in this general area near this anyway I don't want to put it directly on this collector and we don't have enough money for a fire station hopefully we're okay for a little while let's take a look can we adjust our tax rates we can let's crank this to 12 because that's what you do and again this budget I could definitely take our power budget down I believe anyway yeah we're producing double what we need but we're gonna grow this thing fast enough I'm not gonna worry about it I am going to worry about other stuff that's already burning down and we've resolved that we got a fire station right here and everyone wants a place to shop and I think this is going to be silly but we're going to eliminate some of our population to do it and we're a Tiny Town as I demolish population we've also got a need for a high school now and our dog park thankfully thankfully we get our dog park there we go there we go there we go commercials still our biggest need so I think we will develop along here now I've got some interesting ideas for right here it looks like this is a couplet but I think I'm gonna do something bizarre this is going to be a pedestrian area along one side and then we'll go with just the normal road on the other and I think to get our first pedestrian area we need to actually paint one and then we have to place a service point and now let's upgrade this to one of our pedestrian roads yeah I like that that's super weird but I think it's really neat so we'll go with that and it will add some industrial back here because that is our other big need and I'm going to connect that through just for redundancy's sake I didn't mention this but I decided to leave natural disasters on I don't know if anything's gonna happen but you never know so because of that well just the plan ahead all right and we got to boom town we can have an airport area we finally unlocked our highways so we can get to building our new interchange we have cemeteries now so we have to worry about death care elder care and child care we definitely need to worry about those and we have trams and I do want to start thinking about our Transit so that is very very good so before we forget let's add our death care and I think we'll add that right about maybe right here everyone loves that and then for our elder care I just want this to cover everything and I also want it to be efficient so we'll put that right next to our Cemetery there we go and now we should start building our Highway ramp so this is going to be a little bit of a trick so I think we're gonna need to relocate the highway a bit to make this work [Music] now I'll make the perfect connection with our curved Road Tool Part of network multi-tool then I will use the create parallel mode shift this over it's like it's maybe 28 meters perfect connection I'm gonna parallel one here this will be the ramp onto the highway and we'll do the exact same thing on the other side but this one's gonna be tighter and more challenging and the main reason for that is we're at the edge of the map foreign [Music] then I will use my create curve mode I'm going to choose this bridge here and this one here and that should give me the appropriate connection and we're running out of water oh no yeah oh whoa oh it's our power I don't want this to ever happen again so I'm going to add this temporarily until we can have a better power plant that should get us power to this which will give us water again yeah we're clearly at the edges that's our big problem and I I can't afford one of these it's just that I really don't want to we'll go for it we'll concentrate those uses right there and then we have one more connection to make and that is going to be a more challenging one we basically need to mirror over here and come up and over so we're going to give ourselves lots of space to make this happen so that's why the ramp on this one is so long and that is Network multi-tool for the win what a great mod just absolutely phenomenal and we've earned enough money now that I think we can upgrade the highway and not feel too bad about it foreign we hit busy town 4 000 people we get some City Planning policies tourism a bunch of new roads and then some new power plants thank goodness because we need to get rid of ours and we get some more Transit options so we've got to start thinking about that soon but we can't do any of that until we're done with this there we go our new interchange is complete and you know what I think I might be more proud of this interchange than I should be I think it looks really go with it and then we'll get rid of all of this stuff over here the other reason why we need to get rid of this is we don't really have any local connectivity through these two sides and that's going to become a huge problem down the line and to make these connections I'm going to use my create connection mode there we go that's looking really really good I am going to try to get rid of this too we'll use move it a little bit of a cheat but you know what we gotta we gotta take one right just one now I was thinking about getting rid of this but maybe we should turn that into some sort of Park so to commemorate everything that we got rid of here actually we've already demolished part of it so we'll save the rest of it there there we go the Circle Park and honestly this could be really helpful for us because maybe this is where we funnel all of that traffic through that I was worried about and the main concern here is yeah we want to make this connection so yeah this is actually this couldn't have worked out better for us so I don't know if Park is necessarily the best way of describing this but what we're going to do is reorient this road a little bit and I'll make this connection here instead of the one that I was making and now there's a connection to our collector right here and then this will become kind of a minor collector back here this I haven't zoned in here because we're gonna make this a city park at some point the only there's actually one thing I didn't do that I'm really regretting right now and that is I promised you guys that I would never use this vanilla Zone again here I am just using it and while we're waiting for all of this to come back we'll make sure that we have fire coverage back here as well because that is really important for industrial areas and we'll add in a couple of recycling centers we're still way behind in our garbage processing really we need an incinerator but that's 6 000 in population so I guess we have a bunch of landfills let's start to think about our public transportation and we will add a tram we'll need a deviate from our roadway plans a bit which is not a problem foreign and then we'll run this back here I think we'll have our Loop basically go through this District we'll go we'll come in the back end here and then we'll come up here and add some trees for the first time all the way down here oh this is so much nicer what's not so nice is that we are demolishing half of our commercial just to add this I think what we'll do here is start our bike Network and we'll run a bike tram track back here [Music] now we've added our high school here let's add a clinic and we still need our child health center and we want that because of births and we'll put that right here that will supercharge our births and a couple of things I was just thinking about as I was waiting first of all we are going to convert this all to be just the residential we are going to use this for our park we don't have the space to set aside little city parks like this and then the other thing is I connected our future rail line that's what this dirt road is into our roundabouts that was a mistake so we're gonna crank and I think we're just gonna upgrade all of this up up and we better stop there's always something it's water it's power it's sewer uh to me this is probably power and yeah it's definitely power our biggest issue our Nemesis and we have no money to resolve it we do have one quick resolution we could take out a loan but I'll do that the other thing we'll just crank and for water our sewage yeah we're right on the edge there too we're making enough money we're just gonna we'll juice it for now and that'll cut into our profit but that's okay that should be most of what we need to fill the rest of this in which honestly makes me a little bit nervous about what our end population is going to be but we haven't added any high density yet so no reason to fret just yet we are having lots of problems with industrial I don't know how to resolve it because I really don't want to dedicate any more space to this so I'm really just hoping that if I let this go for just a little while we'll end up in having things improve to the point that this doesn't matter I want to import stuff actually that is our solution we'll just add a warehouse and then we'll store commercial Goods in here now this is gonna be a disaster we're gonna see so much traffic come here but it's gonna be fine I'm gonna upgrade this actually in light of that and we'll make this a four lane road [Music] 6 000 population Big Town taxation policies so we can finally maybe have that industrial space utilization get some of our wall to wall buildings and does that mean we also get high density we do we do now it's time to Speed Run we also have our incineration plant so basically everything that we were worried about we finally have we've also got our natural disaster buildings so I think that those are going to be a thing now first things first we are going to adjust our taxes because I will forget about these so there we go 12 for everybody I do want to make sure that we're doing okay with education though and we are drastically undershooting our elementary let's get rid of this one and go for a high density Elementary everyone loves that and I actually just gave us a high school it's okay we'll put them right across the street from one another wow that's really looming over that road right there that is brutal I don't know about you guys but there is something inherently super funny to me about having all of this high density under roads just trying to imagine that so we should probably start thinking about our road upgrades as well you know when we're actually backpedaling on our population which is really exciting maybe we should Jazz it up with a couple of parks and the other thing that we can do is I'm noticing that some of these block sizes are really large so where I can divide them further to get additional zoning I am doing that and the one thing we don't have in this city is any University coverage so in anticipation of our offices being able to meet some of our demand let's add one of those as well editor Phil here and your eyes did not deceive you that is another high capacity high school and I'm not gonna fix it oh boy and now we'll start having some office now I desperately want some of our terrain infrastructure eight thousand so we're so close we're so close we've got to do whatever it takes to get there I think we need to do more than just this though why don't we start to vary up the look of our districts by creating this tricks because right now we don't really have any and near the beach we'll go wall to wall everything and then maybe over here we'll add in some of our shopping malls it will also be office wall to wall and some self-sufficient residential and I'm almost thinking that we need some sort of entertainment and tourism District so why don't we actually eliminate some of this from the beach and I know that we're trying to build our population now that is our goal but there's more that goes into it than just that so I'm gonna grab this this will be our Leisure specialization and then just beneath that I'm going to do some green cities commercial so just to very things up a little bit I don't know if this is actually going to help but I think it's going to make this city look a lot more interesting ah we're a small City we get our cargo train terminal we get our train station we also get this Warehouse with Railway connection that is what we were looking for in a bunch of metro stuff I think we are going to do something with Metro something higher capacity maybe along this collector and we missed upgrading these roads we will worry about that after we focus on some city services and our train station I've been noticing that we're having some crime issues and I think we're gonna try to get away with what we have been doing which is replacing all of our low density services with high density ones so now we have no services at all wow those are so expensive 95 000 I did not realize that that's the problem with having money in the game most of the time is you just don't realize how expensive things are but we'll take out a loan I don't have access to the big dog right here 16 000 but we will at least have excellent fighter coverage and I'll do it I'll take out both loans so that sometime soon we'll also have an excellent police coverage oh my goodness everyone is a criminal in this city oh and we have a thunderstorm so we have a disaster no Police Department oh boy I really shouldn't have deleted that that was not a good call [Laughter] oh well do we have any power lines I I actually think I think I got rid of all of them so I think oh about these ones but but we added this so we're already a step ahead we don't need to worry about that we'll just get rid of those oh whoa whoa whoa we don't have water anywhere oh this is on fire okay we'll pause it we'll take a break take a quick beat and connect that back up oh my goodness as soon as I it just it zaps it and now we're losing money I really wish someone would put this out that would really help us out um option two I just placed a new one next to it [Laughter] and that one's gone anyway so you call I stand by that the crime rate is 61 percent I think we're gonna unlock the courthouse and I I don't know that I've ever naturally unlocked that but this appears to be the way if you want to unlock the courthouse just let me be the mayor long enough and now we're just burning through money so ah oh oh our entire industrial district just abandoned all right all right I really didn't want to do this temporarily I'm gonna put that there we'll arrest everybody and then after that then maybe we'll have enough money to to build the high capacity station this isn't even where I want it but I just kind of feel trapped at this point okay this was a mostly failed experiment in getting the police station there but we're back in business we're gaining population again I feel good about what we've been up to kind of so let's get the rest of these roads upgraded we'll get rid of the rest of this and hopefully I won't kill the city again okay I got rid of all of the low density residential but I'm gonna take a momentary break because we've got to get this train line in here that said it should be easy enough to build a nice straight track right through the real tricky part is going to be getting this connection made across our highway so I'd love it to go in both directions I think both are good for outside connections I don't know how easy this is gonna be though we're gonna have to elevate the highway and let's just use the create curve mode tool and honestly not that bad and I did this pretty far away but I think it actually might be pretty good oh and the city's looking beautiful we've got the heirs all over the place but I know that we can now connect this up and have some good things happen all that said I'm a little concerned that our warehouses are now on the wrong side so we're probably gonna flip these over after we create one of our new Warehouse Railway connections oh no oh no it has to be on this side so maybe we will not so right now the rail is trying to come in on this other side I suppose I could fix that the easiest way is gonna be just to have it over here though so maybe alternatively we'll just make this connection here and that should solve our issue as well there we go I probably chose the most complicated way to make this happen and reasonably this is not an excellent configuration now here we have our tram going through the train tracks twice so that's going to slow down all of our Transit we've got to figure out a better connection there and truthfully this isn't going to be the most realistic thing in the world I've got the solution now I really want to take care of our trash collection we've got two landfills here they're almost full and then we've got a bunch of recycling centers but they're just not doing the trick for us we're teetering on the edge and we've got to do better I think we're gonna try to tuck some of these incinerators away back here and we'll summon not an earthquake or a sinkhole a collapse of both of these and now we get rid of all of our old school industrial we're done with industrial we can import everything okay we're making some progress on eliminating all of our pollution but we've really got to start thinking about our power if we're really gonna make a change right now we need 88 megawatts that's not too bad so our solar updraft Tower will produce more than enough and I think that it's the route that we're gonna go and I figure we'll add our new water treatment as well let's just get rid of all of these utility issues that we could potentially have and just be done with it and that is kind of where we're at right now I'm going to add a second water pump as well and this will allow us to turn down our budget and now we're making some real cash so this little District right here we can't just eliminate it we still need this so what I think we're gonna do is add a ton of offices back here so this will be some kind of an office Park it's not the greatest I mean we're not mixing uses obviously that said I don't think anyone really wants to come back here for much else than going to work it's super polluted it would be not super Pleasant this might be the only use that I consider to be rational back here now let's pop back over here and get this stuff going and we've got a whole bunch of low density commercial type stuff happening over here some of this is in our specialized District so it doesn't matter but the rest of this is not I know that we just want to wholesale residential this out so I'm gonna go for that and we'll add a little bit of shopping in between so folks could walk although again we're gonna be adding some high capacity transit to this area soon so maybe it's not a huge deal this is not a big place I'm curious we've got some of our commercial abandoning education was too low so let's look at our education levels and we are still short on Elementary I would not have guessed that not with our high capacity Elementary School that said we can resolve that that's not a problem what I'm gonna do is grab this Elementary School pull it over here then we'll grab this one and we'll pull that over here and that should give us some fairly decent coverage now I just want to make sure that we are well blanketed with marks and maybe even fat throw in a couple of unique buildings so we know that we've got this pedestrian District right here maybe we do something like this over here I'll have a music hall we will have the media Broadcasting Company and then I know that I want to turn this into some sort of a large Park so we'll just prep this and that will unlock all of our stuff truthfully I don't know that City Park was the right one to go with here but it it's gonna be fine no no it's not this has to be a nature reserve and then over on the other side I can go with one of the side Gates so the nice thing about this is it won't look terrible if I were to just go with some of the non-self leveling paths which I might do because the terrain here is kind of crazy let's just go for it and see how it looks all right this isn't necessarily the best park basically it is a bunch of campsites right in the middle of the city where everyone is sick and dying and unhappy so we're doing our best and it's funny I thought that we might be able to survive some of this if we had low density commercial but it's just not doing it and we don't have enough educated workers so we just have problems all around we need more commercial but we also don't have enough workers for it it's a double-edged sword I think this is kind of one of those waiting games where we have to just let things go for a little while and in the meantime we're just gonna add some Metro stations and I think we're gonna try to keep them along the collector maybe a block back you know we have this parallel station I wonder if we could do something interesting with this we'll add this right here and then maybe we go one block forward and one block back yeah I like the idea of that so they'll basically be running parallel then they'll meet up here and they'll separate again and then I think I'll have them meet up again maybe like right here and then separate once more as we run out of money so perfect and let me tell you friends metros are very expensive constantly bankrupt [Music] oh my goodness we finally finished it thankfully we're making a ton of money right now so that is really kind of saving the day for us but boy oh boy it has been a struggle now we've got death care issues everything is a little bit of an issue right now but feel like things are about to start popping off we should probably look at our old forms of Transit holy cow we've got 500 people waiting to get on right here well I think that we should maybe think about about adding a larger capacity vehicle maybe 132 and just crank this and we've got the exact same thing at a different stop on our other tram line so I feel fairly confident in just upgrading this actually that we have one that was 140 140. we'll go 140 we'll go 15. look at 20 Vehicles we're just gonna throw all the transit at it I want everyone on Transit and on the Metro I think we're gonna have a similar story I don't even care at this point I just want everyone on there so we're gonna throw the 500 capacity Metro I know it's not the 600 but this is pretty darn good and I think we'll go with three so there we go so much capacity so many trains pinging back and forth and for our traffic flow not looking good actually we are currently at below 80. 80s are are our Benchmark part of this could be all the tram traffic and vehicles going around part of it might just be that people are moving in part of it might just be that we never took a very good job with Transportation right now and we added three crematoriums and I think we're gonna collapse this Cemetery just like we collapsed the dumps before them because that is valuable land right there and that was incredibly disrespectful but sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures heading back to our park we are gonna make this thing at least a little bit attractive and part of the way that we do that is having more tent camping because apparently that's what everyone wants to do in your main city park is go and grab a tent pitch a tent but beyond that I think being able to make it up here and have an excellent view would be amazing oh boy the things you can do with the network multi-tool and move it I am gonna miss these mods and City skylines too but boy oh boy what a great Park I'd love to come up here and take in that view good enough for me now if we really want to take this park to the next level we need to copy some trees so we'll go into our Marquee selection tool and have only trees selected and we'll just control CVS and just Spam these all throughout back here now it feels like you got some privacy that feels a lot better now it feels like I think I understand why you might come back here before not so good not so good at all we're having a ton of goods issues so I think our resolution for that is going to be an I.T cluster District I hate this because they're so tall and this is just not a very big place but they produce goods and we need Goods so we're gonna go with it we're gonna have a super awkward it cluster District right in the back over here we'll basically say if you're on the wrong side of the tracks you are it cluster District this is a massive cul-de-sac I think you guys know how I feel about that one I kind of feel like I don't have any options so we're gonna roll with it you know it's really kind of a shame that we've got all of this low density commercial and it is causing problems so I think in light of it causing problems we might as well get the most bang for our buck although these are the shopping centers and those are causing issues well either way I think we're gonna increase the density here it doesn't seem to matter it's problematic to everybody I think it's a little ridiculous but we will upgrade these I think we're gonna do one more big thing I really want to have the utilities not impacting this office District it looks terrible so what I think we're gonna try to do is form some other connection maybe underneath the highway oh and across the railroad tracks okay so I tried to make sure that the road I'm choosing has a direct access to the collector and then we're going to make our connection right underneath the highway I will Elevate this we're going to make this a bridge but I don't want to increase the height of the highway so that means that we're likely gonna have to drop this down the the road that we're creating and then I'm just going to create a real quick and dirty super ugly road back here [Music] and now we're gonna see if we can actually fit all of our utilities back here there's that gigantic Hill so I'm not super hopeful but we'll give it a go so the water is polluting [Music] and then we have our power plant and I would really love to sneak that in over here I think the only way that we could do that is if we mirrored this train track so that's what we're gonna do okay our site is prepped I think all we need to do now is move this over and then maybe drop a power line definitely drop a power line because no one has any power now and honestly at this point I think I'm gonna do one more thing before I just let this run for a little while to see where we get to I think we need to take a look at our elder care and our child care make sure that we are as Juiced up on that as we can be we need to make sure that we're always going to have power over here a big part of that is gonna be just trying to jump the power and I might do that with something a bit unconventional we'll just add this large emergency shelter we should probably have one anyway with disasters on we are sick we are very sick and forget to build a hospital oh my goodness I forgot to build a hospital I was gonna build a new hospital and I never did no wonder why everyone's sick okay well that that's a good reminder though because now I can build the new hospital and I can also build that police station that I wanted to get to so I'm gonna build a hospital right about I'll take out a bunch of office and then we'll replace that Police Headquarters with another one that has more cop cars and now that we've done that things are going to kind of go through the roof I imagine so that was the missing link and in terms of our death care I'm guessing that's why we had so many dead people too so that's the reason why we were seeing dead people we'll add one more Death Cure anyway everyone's happy everyone's loving it and there's something doc wouldn't forgive me of if I didn't add it in and that is a post office so we'll add that and I wonder the post-sorting facility is probably not going to be a huge help to us so maybe we'll just keep that out of the we can do it we can do it we'll add it right here and it's funny this is so close to not being a cul-de-sac but unfortunately it is we just found a way to connect this over it would no longer be but we have to leave the tile we're way too close to the railroad track to make anything happen so it remains a call to SAC this thing will burn down so we should probably if we're being smart add this right here just dedicated to ensuring that we don't lose all of our power so now we're going to look at all of our city services where we'll thumb through them quickly good on Healthcare good on death care good on child could care good on Elder Care good on fire coverage Verde Beach good anyway our crime rate is acceptable we're good on everything except Oh I thought we added a university we did not so we've got our high capacity University which will get us to Grand City give us a whole bunch more stuff that we're not going to add in we'll look at our transit system quickly to make sure we don't have any passing up occurring we're looking like we've got way too many trams now which is better than where we were at but we will take this down and I'm gonna actually cut it right in half I think I got over excited there and our Metro's looking pretty good too way too much capacity there but I'd rather have too much capacity underground than above ground because that's going to impact our traffic flow which is currently not in a very good place and some of that might be just that we've got a lot of people moving in some of that might be that we haven't done a great job with our transportation Network which I hate to admit added a couple of skyscrapers from the skyscrapers content creator pack and from Modern Japan they don't do anything in terms of our population but they just make it look a ton nicer plus I feel like it helps with some of the density that we have back here and it raises our land values and that is something that we kind of need right now if we're going to get this place to completely max out and you see that where I've placed these and with this pedestrian area we are absolutely going nuts so that is perfect and I really want more money so we're gonna take a loan try to completely crank up the amount that we're making and then hopefully place the rest of the skyscrapers so I think that if we placed a couple of these small hotels these are real money makers and they're not difficult to max out and I think right along this Park area is the right location and I was right about that we're making about a thousand per Hotel this one's a little bit less because it's not totally maxed out no we're there so the benefit of that is I'd really love to get to this City hotel because we'll make some serious money then all we've got to do is line it up along this side and we should get there and the trick is to just take every loan that's available to you which I think probably not the healthiest way of looking at things but some people do that some people do that and I think one more and we're there and we've unlocked our City hotel and some of our other bigger ones that is what I was hoping for so even our boat tell I think could be really valuable here so for the boatel I'm gonna add that right about here once we have any amount of money there that should be enough to get this to not be all that great [Laughter] fine I like the boat tell anyway this is more about having a hotel that looks attractive in our city adds a bit of visual interest maybe distracts from this a bit because that's pretty terrible now I am going to try to get rid of these and the way that we'll do that is just adding a couple of these large water towers I think we can get away with one being in here and then maybe we can add another one right over here and I think with that that should do the trick for us maybe we could even get rid of these power lines that are a disaster waiting to happen now we can also get rid of these pretty up our park and our Shoreline I love it that's great that even improves the old actually the popularity is going up here because we now have some of our commercial wall-to-wall spawning there and then I'm going to add a City Hotel and again we'll do that in this exact same Corridor and this again is just perfect apparently this entire collector right here is just the perfect place to visit there we go we've got a ton of hotels now we're making so much money and this is going to help us fill in so I think for just a moment we're gonna let this thing load up see where we get to we still have a lot of needs but people are still moving in so I am hoping that our residential demand is low because there's still a lot of Zone space available I'm also noticing one more thing as soon as every time I want to just let it sit for a moment I notice we've got a new issue crime apparently there's one angry crime person over here so we'll add one more police station maybe a couple of small ones on the fringes then we add our fire departments as well and then I really think that we should probably look at Healthcare we've still got 300 people sick so if there's anything that we can do to fix that we should probably do so and now the big weight we just need to be patient and see where our population shakes out woof we have had some time pass and you might notice that things look a little bit different the very first thing I did as I was waiting was I planted a whole bunch of trees and so all throughout the city anywhere there was a gap I added some trees to make it feel a little bit more Lush and a little bit more filled in I also added trees to the sides of roads in between roads where it was appropriate and generally cleaned some things up and then I started to think about the traffic flow a little bit and I made a couple of Minor Adjustments here and there around the edges things like removing these traffic signals on every single intersection with a collector and also just generally making sure that the bike network was complete because we kind of had a couple of spots where it just stopped so for instance down this collector now the bike Network extends all the way through but there were some big things I had to do as well so I wanted to try to get as close to 80 as possible and to do that started realize very quickly we really had to have a connection across the highway this could not be a cul-de-sac now the reason for that is the trash collection and without more than just this one outlet that we had over here we were basically seeing every single garbage truck funnel through this area and really the cities start to fall apart so I converted this road to a highway and then made a pretty simple Junction across the highway and things seemed to be functioning much much much better now and look at this what a great demonstration the other thing that I did that is a little bit more intrusive was I went through and basically the entire tram network was backing up I've adjusted it made sure that we have an appropriate number of vehicles now and the ridership is is doing really well as a result but I've also gone through and taken the entire network and increased the capacity what we were seeing is massive backups on the tram Network and the funny thing about it is as soon as you convert it over you lose the bike lanes and it doesn't seem like it needs all the capacity so to compensate for the loss of bike Lanes I added bike Lanes down some of the roads that parallel the tram Network so we've now got this little network of a couple of bike facilities not many but just a couple of pair parallel facilities here's the tram Network here are the bikes that was to make up for the loss of the lanes there and then this is another one of the fixes basically we had two roads coming in here there were node conflicts so I converted this to be a four-lane road right here two lanes East Direction rather than having those roads come right into this collector right here even though I liked the way it looked it wasn't functioning well and then lastly I've separated this before we had this minor collector keying into the highway it was creating lots and lots of backups and as a result I've separated this if you want to get from the highway to this road you've got to do a little bit of a loop-de-loo around here but it seems to be flowing a lot better as a result there was a lot of pedestrian traffic through here as well so I've added this nice little Bridge generally I'm very pleased with the way that everything is turned out and the way it looks so with a quick drum roll let's see what our overall population looks like now that everything is filled in 27 000. 27 000 in this one tile but remember this tile is really a I have tile and truthfully I think it looks pretty good we haven't totally maxed out the density we've got a couple of spots where right here for instance we've got the wall-to-wall buildings so we're stepping down as we get towards the beach but still have a pretty significant population a lot of demand and in general I think things are looking pretty good let's look at our traffic flow 75 so we didn't get there that is my one regret that said I released a video about two months ago where I said to stop focusing on the traffic flow and start focusing on the actual flow of traffic in your city and what you'll notice is that things are flowing very efficiently the thing is this is now we're up to 79 there's this is not a very big Transportation Network and as a result small tweaks around the edges will have massive consequences so I'm not overly concerned things are flowing well through here if we look at our Transit Network about 1500 resident trips per week 336 tourist trips per week things are honestly looking very well in this city so I think we have just one more thing to do take inventory of what we've done with a brief City tour foreign foreign [Music] foreign I have absolutely had a blast with this challenge it was really fun making a city that is basically 100 high density trying to pack as much in here as possible while still making it look nice and function well and I really hope that you've enjoyed this but more than that I really hope that you see what you can do on this map as well and if you do please drop your population and your traffic percentage down in the comments and if you record it as a video let me know and I will pin it in the pin description of this video I really hope that you've enjoyed this video I know it's a bit of a change of pace but it was a lot of fun if you did please hit the like button if you are not subscribed to the Channel please consider doing so and I really can't wait to see you in the next one thank you so much for joining me take care bye-bye [Music] please [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: City Planner Plays
Views: 737,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, city planner plays city builders, City planner plays cities skylines, city planner plays, cities:skylines, cities skylines 2, cities skylines one tile, cities skylines one tile challenge, cities skylines one square, cities skylines one square challenge, cities skylines gameplay
Id: qoym2jj2lok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 25sec (2905 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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