I Built the Most EFFECIENT Train Station Ever in Cities Skylines

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hello everyone i'm kimbits and welcome back to city skylines where last time we started on our oil refining area and actually earning a profit in our city so today we're going to expand that over this entire island but most importantly we are going to have to make a super massive train station to deal with the flood of traffic then the sky's the limit baby and if you're excited for that remember to leave a like getting started though we have to rip out a ton of stuff honestly we need a lot of train stations this is gonna be a lot of traffic and we're gonna double the amount of traffic once we fill in the rest of this district so let's just bite the bullet let's just do it all this gotta go because i want to have as many train stations as we can possibly fit in this area also we want the trains in this area because we have a lot of the road network designed around trucks going towards the warehouses so if we have trains next door and the trucks can choose either or should work out pretty well hopefully so let's see what we can do rain station one two three and four okay that should be enough train stations i hope that's gonna be a little close though we're gonna have a lot of traffic going through here plus we have a highway that's gonna be going straight through here too it's gonna be a little a little difficult to design it's actually fit back though okay so we can get the highway back in that's great this complicates things a lot in fact probably too much the thing with the train stations is it's going to have all of this traffic heading right over to here and the trucks are going to need to be able to go back to the district over to here they're going to want to leave down that highway and then some of the vehicles are just going to want to go all the way back to here so we have to provide all those options and right now i've kind of left myself without anything so i think we're gonna have to shimmy on down this way right so everything has been destroyed and moved over it's gonna work just fine now because now the vehicles have a way to scoot over this way and then they can head over here go back to wherever they need to go back to now we only need to focus on the train tracks and the out of city line and for the train tracks there is like no way we can do all the train track stuff here so we're probably just going to go across the river so goodbye road it's a little inconvenient but it has to be done we don't really have another option here you guys all scoot down here then we'll do some kind of insano train junction at that point which leaves us with the roads roads the roads the roads always the most ridiculous so we can't really cross over this train track like we could but it would be a disaster so we're gonna have to have all the roads go over this way and the only way they're doing that is if we go up like so now we could connect to this highway and then we have a highway exit going this way and to like there for example but if we do that then the inbound traffic is gonna get absolutely insane and it's all gonna back up because there's gonna be an insane amount of traffic coming out of here so that won't do in fact i gotta look at this entire idea again maybe this road will work maybe it won't but this road can definitely go so then this can scoot on over and do the same thing by scooting this way okay and then maybe we got something going here scoots over this way that scoots that way and then we still have this highway entrance okay that seems like a good plan and we'll figure out how to connect this up to here and that's gg now can we connect the train stations up to there so many questions let's do some science it's gonna be very very very tight i think we can do it whoa yeah but okay can we do that again solution immediately for me game you shouldn't have oh yeah it's like just enough room for this it's a little sketchy but yeah that's gonna work and what about the very end of the line here come on a little bit higher yes okay that's good that's real good see that's the most difficult part we've just done here because we have infinite speeds for the train tracks now and practically infinite space for the inbound uh roads so let's work on those next because they're right here and what we have to do very methodically now is make sure that the entrances to each of the train stations is perfectly equal to one another as in it's perfectly viable for every single truck to go to every single train station because if one train station is like a millimeter closer then all the trucks are just gonna pile into that one traffic out the wazoo and we're doomed what we're gonna do is we're gonna get this giant one-way road have it go to here uh no where's like the perfect center you know what i have to do this the other way around these roads have to come out further this way and we have to combine them together equally looking at the construction cost 270 that's 270 so that should be good same deal over here okay so both of those are pretty equal then from a central location i'll go this way this way i'd go that way that way now we can get center road in this does not look like it's perfectly equal i'm gonna have to figure out that distance oh it's like right there that's 300 that's 300 okay so that's perfectly in the middle perfect that means you go this way that way and that's kind of the entrance we're working with here because now when the vehicles all come from the district or wherever they're gonna go in here and when they get to this junction the trucks are gonna be like hey every train station is the equal distance away and they shouldn't just pick one train station and be like haha that's where i'm gonna go and forget about all the rest only other thing is i had to tinker around a bit to make this system way more efficient so way bigger road got a big six laner that goes into a two-lane road which i might upgrade the main thing is it goes to another four-lane highway road that splits into two because each of these roads has two lanes and i just wanted to make sure the trucks had ample opportunity to go into the lanes they needed to go into and you know what because we have a six lane going into two lane road that doesn't make sense let's make this a highway not for the speed just for the lanes really that should make things perfectly efficient okay so this middle road is going to get absolutely bonkers it's fine highway exit wise though doubled without a little bit more too same kind of system step up thing but it goes to a highway a little bit faster and they can scoot that way turn this into a highway it goes over top the warehouses it connects to this highway and then they can scoot as well and from this highway they can go over to this district plus there is an exit over to this district right here but that's probably not good enough there's going to be an extra highway exit over here it goes way down over this way why this far because we have another exit right there and i didn't want to interrupt it too much in fact you know what just go to there done and i'll tidy that up a bit more a little later on okay roads done good probably only other problem is we have all these vehicles going towards the highway here but then there's a highway exit right there so a lot of traffic is gonna try and enter the highway and leave the highway within this short span of space so we might have to get rid of that or move this again i'm not sure i think we might just have to test it out to see how it all goes oh we can't test it right now we don't even have the train tracks in oh gibbs you rascally land all right well similar to the traffic we're gonna have hundreds of trains scooting through here all the time so we're gonna have to use one-way train tracks so inbound wise which direction do we have to head in um no we want to go the other way so the two way tracks the right side the track goes inbound and the left side the track goes outbound so what you can do is you can have a track going outbound like so and it doesn't cross any tracks and then you can have a track going inbound and same deal no track lines are crossed meaning all the trains are able to scoot in and out easily just to make this efficient though and for the trains to actually work either the inbound or the outbound probably the inbound line is gonna have to be raised to go over the outbound line so now this goes over top of here and very crudely goes to there and the same deal no pass or crossing everybody's happy happy this is one way and eventually i'm going to want to go to a two-lane rail track and both of these are gonna combine again and if we've done this right you see down here as well there isn't any tracks crossing but we got some spooky glitch stuff happening it's probably because of my mods i'm using let's try that one more time there we go perfect so you can see none of the real lines cross that means they're not going to stop or clog up and everything will work fine at the end of the day we end up with this so exactly as i designed before just a lot more clean we have the two-way track coming over this way these tracks don't clip the inbound goes here oh that's not connected so we have to watch out for that that will go into here and then same process repeated you do have to look at the tracks though like if you do not physically see the tracks there that means it's actually not connected see now it is now it's not that got me a lot on previous playthroughs aside from that though it looks like everything else is good to go yes yeah that's good this is good all right that means everything's combined up to here the roads are all set the train line is set too we just have it going over this way past the airport this is a library by the way so now it's going to have a train and the airport planes running past all the time yeah classic and oh i guess we do need to connect this up to a main line where is an out-of-city train line right over here skirts this way goes to there and then outskis then we have another one that just goes to like here that looks cool that's too far out of the way let's connect up the train to this one we also just want to make sure that we have a little bridge going over this poopy lake we've learned now that this is the emergency overflow poop lake so it is now a feature and has to be protected so scoot over there and straight on ahead to here now we just have to make a train junction and exactly how we make a highway junction and using the lane dynamics i was showing you earlier i need to make sure that the one-way tracks go into the right side of the rail line so it can start out like this or the track can just scoot over this way can combine some leaves properly then we just have to have a couple lines that are up here that connect down this way and do not cross the main line perfect and same deal with the other direction just like so and then of course the usual clean up so everything's all pretty imperfect and you might think this is a little overkill but trust me trust me it's not it's probably still gonna get clogged up in fact train traffic is one of the worst things to deal with in this game so i've tried to do a couple things namely i've tried to have most of the connections in one area but then for one connection i moved it way down over this way just so the trains can kind of back up a bit just in case now will that work out as intended i don't know but now wait no now we can find out everything's done the roads are in the train tracks are in it's time to test the video game sixty thousand dollars profit right now forty thousand dollars profit right now twenty five thousand dollars profit right now okay profits going all over the place tower important there you go now we're to see a massive massive flood of trucks just be like train chew let's go because the trucks they usually are trying to find the shortest way out of the city and right now there's only one way out of the city but now these trainer terminals count as their own export place directly out of the city so this is easily the shortest route so most traffic is going to end up here only big thing is we don't want all the trucks choosing one train station and then going plus there's this road issue too uh so far so good looks like a lot of these vehicles are kind of just looping around though why because they're trying to get to this exit right here and then what going around here there they're trying to get up to there okay so with that in mind we should have another highway exit like about here so they stop looping back to the main highway because the main highway of course is going to be very very busy so just do this temporary again i tidy things up later and that everything else trucks why are you only choosing one train station oh no there's some going there okay trains how are you looking good full of my oil products you are lovely oh what happened here ninety thousand eighty thousand dollars profit cool oh yes how's the train junction it's probably getting busy very quickly it's looking good not like an absurd amount of trains here over a hundred thousand dollars profit this is what i'm talking about brother still looks like most of the trains are going oh no no no trucks are going here too no everything was working so well i can't believe i've done this i've made a fatal design air the one stupid thing with trains is they have to be built in the right direction the train stations or else this happens this port is the import this port is the outport there's no way to change it it's just the game's design and i've built my cargo train terminals on the wrong side of the road so what's happening is there's this crisscross of trucks constantly which is going to cause like infinite traffic no it looks like this has to be redone anyway for the exit so this is the worst case scenario i'm gonna have to move every single train station which means i'm gonna have to move all this too is anything salvageable yes actually yes yes yes yes yes i'm pretty sure we can just copy this with the move it mod there we go copy you put you over here and then the rest of it well i guess i'll move everything around or maybe there'll be some weather who knows what a horrible accident where so many people's lives were lost so unfortunate save me a little bit of time though to rebuild everything so i guess there's that yay so exact same design as before it's just now everything's on the right side of the road so this is facing this road and it should be fine test number two goodbye all the vehicles that don't know where to go now traffic's still looking good uh did i remove all this properly yes all the tracks are not connected i see you fiend okay and there we go this is what you want to see trucks go in and then they go out they don't do the little song and dance much better why are vehicles despawning here though oh probably because i moved all the train stations okay so no biggie no worries yet looks like the money's going up too back to 100k beautiful you love to see it very importantly as well we're seeing that the trucks are going from here to both train stations which is super important i forgot to upgrade these roads though there we go then right at the end here we go to a four lane okay it just makes traffic flow a little bit better okay 170 180 000 profit for me okay things are working very very well excellent i think there's still a couple things i want to tweak though namely with the output of trucks here it's not really working all too well but even after some fiddling it's still a little rough i've turned this into a highway all the vehicles are using one road most of them are just trying to head to the main highway and scoot through so i don't really know this might just be how we leave it because the traffic continues to flow through but i might have to tinker with that further in fact at some point i probably will we'll see i'm just happy the profits are up and also now we have this built and it's working we can finish up the rest of this industry area because this is only half of it baby now we can fill out all of this space with as many oil processing plants as we want and effectively get infinite money so let's push things to the limit and see what breaks and after this absolutely something should i filled every square inch i could with as many oil processing buildings as possible so things are going to be a little crazy for a while let's just speed it on up and it looks like we're already getting a couple problems here brother i think a lot of these i can fix with lane dynamics but by the end of the day the traffic kind of evens itself out good house traffic looking over here same kind of problem but it's not backing up to the train station so that's okay even better look at that all the vehicles are actually going to these ones too oh thank goodness good very very good all the train stations are actually being used meaning we're probably gonna run into some train traffic a little bit but nothing too out of control the real out of control stuff usually happens over here at a big intersection but no it's working fine good all right no problems no peek problems anyway yeah not again i can fix with the road dynamic stuff cool or hey actually who knows maybe the traffic will just clear itself out after everything has a bit of time to settle so i'm just gonna let the game run for a while and tinker around a bit but for now i think that's gonna be all for today so i hope you guys enjoyed and thank you for watching have a fantastic rest of your day and bye bye
Channel: ImKibitz
Views: 512,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, cities skylines gameplay, cities skylines mods, city building games, cities skylines industries, cities skylines let's play, cities skylines game, kibitz, imkibitz, cities skylines public transport, cities skylines update, cities skylines dlc, cities skylines tutorial, cities skylines money, cities skylines sewage, cities skylines traffic, city design, worst city, money, infinite money, unlimited money, cities skylines train, trains
Id: gx82VzSZ8v0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 20 2022
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