I made commuting to work 1000x MORE FUN in Cities Skylines!

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hello fellowshipers and welcome back to City skylines now as many as you know I used to work as an engineer I did it for 10 years and that involved commuting to work it was one of the worst parts of my day in fact I did a video fairly recently on City skylines where I've recreated my commute to work at least how I remembered it anyway I'm pretty sure that's what happened long story short is basically I didn't enjoy commuting to work that's why today we are going to be making the most fun commute ever so I've started a new map you can see there's nice nice highways then we have this Junction and a oh a suspension bridge lovely and that leads us over to here where our citizens are gonna live so three lane Motorway that is going to lead to a simple sort of City layout I guess right so we've got our road layout there we've tree-lined this because we want people to be relatively happy here we're trying to make people happy overall so we'll just paint this up with the residential colors and then we really we mustn't forget these areas these often get forget it in City layouts we need to we need to work these and that's it I like that I like that and then we should see civilization is appearing out of the ground so this looks like a lovely area to live the only thing that could possibly ruin these people's lives is if they have a horrible commute to work but remember that's not gonna happen we're gonna make sure their commute to work is lovely now where is work you might ask well if we head away from this area we head over this way way up high into the mountains you'll see there is a commercial and Development Area going on there's going to be industrial buildings offices factories all the jobs you could possibly want the trouble is we've got to commute from there so first off what I want to do because there's loads of cars coming in we know that nearly everyone here has a car already so the first leg of the commute will be via Road and before we get too far I have noticed a few issues with with this area so I might just want to quickly plop the essentials down even if you ignore the stinking burning tip it's still a lovely place to live right leg one the highway now seeing as I pretty much designed highways on a daily basis for 10 years of my life oh it's so long now I know what makes a good Highway and basically what I learned is a good Highway wants to be like a go-kart track people love racing so I'm gonna build a road that allows them to do that so we're going to be using this the one-way Highway with sound barriers now the sound barriers will also act as a safety mechanism meaning cars shouldn't go flying off however I have noticed visibility not the greatest so as you're coming around here if someone's broken down like on that bit of the road you will have no idea and probably crash into the back of them still this is racing racing is not safe so a good go-kart track it's Gotta Have A Nice figure of eight circuit I think that's like sort of classic but I don't just want to end us there because go-kart tracks typically they're not long enough everyone wants to keep going so behold the ultimate figure of eight track I've stacked like 15 figure of eights on top of each other that is gonna be fun to race around I tell you that and next up good go-kart tracks They always have like a long tunnel in them uh people want to feel like they're racing around Monaco in the Grand Prix do a nice curve and then we should end up about there lovely and then this is where a Finish Line is gonna be located so the race track will go straight through the arch and whoever gets through it first wins just to get rid of that really annoying sign I am just gonna join this route up to it people can go visit this they can go look at the Finish Line cheer on their mates as they come along and stuff but from here this is where our second leg of our commute is gonna be now much like Mikey mute I used to go-kart my way to a car park where I'd then board a train so let's build a train station boosh come on it's got a car park one that was probably designed by an architect looking at that but we've got our train line in and we we are going to use this to get across the water but also to have a lot of fun now first things first I think the most fun thing you can do on a train is go across a massive Bridge gonna be so cool I'm sure that's what everyone says it's not just nerdy Engineers right right so I've built a very quick Golden Gate wait what I built a very quick Golden Gate Bridge that definitely doesn't disappear depending what angry you look at it and we're then gonna do some train lines so that we come out of here then we end up on the Golden Gate which apparently we are making Bridge deception so we have truss bridge on top of suspension bridge the ultimate in Bridge Building Technology so that is really gonna cheer our people up as they get a bit close to work now they're getting a little bit Eerie a little bit Twitchy like I could just be at home sat on my pants but it's okay because you've been distracted by a bridge and then next up we come to sort of like an open bit of land and what does any sensible developer do with an open bit of land they turn it into a theme park or even better of roller coaster so overall coasters start with a hill lift chain now unfortunately you can see there the slope is too steep however if we turn our little birdie up there from a normal reality loving Bluebird into a heavy metal physics to find bridge Bird yeah then it means we can go way steeper and we can really start to get a roller coaster feel to this thing now thankfully I spent a lot of my childhood playing Roller Coaster Tycoon so I know all about how to build a good roller coaster so we do a hill chain up to that then we'll loop back nice Steep Hill down in a bit of a curve and then we come back up and then what we want to do here we want to do a vertical Loop but we've got to make sure the top of it is lower than the top of our drop otherwise our roller coaster won't make it around so we've made a very nice looping track there so we want to do a bit of a flap we want a couple of up and down sections then around here we're gonna do one of my favorite track Parts we're gonna do an upwards Helix so a helix is just like a curved track that has a bit of elevation on it as well so basically as we head around we're going up all the time so I think that's enough of a helix I think we now just want to do a few linking turns that go up and down at the same time crossing over the track is good remember because as people coming down this slope having a little tunnel under their looks like oh no they're gonna hit our heads but no of course there's all roller coaster being engineered to Perfection just to give the illusion of being unsafe have we come along here we have an onboard photo so you can buy them at the end that's extra profits for us roller coaster entrepreneurs yeah we then end up back at the start except this time we don't because remember we're on a commute it's a one-way roller coaster so we'll just carry on going this direction and then our train will end up here however we do actually we do need to get back so I will just do a sneaky one-way line over here but this isn't part of the commute that's just Logistics so we have a complete roller coaster track so next up this needs to be on a roadside so that's fine we'll Punker Road in like that another car park designed by an architect because it looks fine but then when you try and actually get into it it's impossible now from this one we're gonna have a little very little drive or even a walk a walk along a tree-lined road to this place now this is a fairy Depot because what we're gonna do we're gonna be going from here across the water there's no more bridges involved we've got to get to work and work is all the way up there so we've got to draw this with a fairy pathway so we're just gonna go from there under these lovely magnificent fridges sort of to there because this is directly opposite where we actually go to work so what do we need in order to get a boat from here up to work well we're gonna need a couple of things most of all we're gonna need a hell of a lot of landscaping and this is probably where this is gonna go wrong but uh what I want to do I want to make like a bay that we can put a fairy Depot in so if I find the Contour that's sort of yeah maybe it's the that major one if we right click like there that's set the level then if we go from like there ish we can sort of create a dam so that finishes there like that lovely jubbly and what I'm hoping to do is I've never actually done this before but I'm hoping to go into water so like to place water source then in here I should be able to click and then I can drag up and down so if I drag down we should fill that up to water like that so if we look at this and then press play there we are we have made water and hopefully none should leak out assuming our damn calculations were correct oh Bulls how did that happen well actually yeah see no I think it's fine I think it's fine we've got we've got some runaway water small little tidal wave heading down but look it has actually stopped so what I'm gonna do up here we're gonna shove our Ferry stop in like that and then we're just going to connect this up to our roads so that people can get to work although oh there's a bit too much water um excuse me who's in charge of this water level there you go it's going it's going so quickly draw a road sorted okay so that's good what isn't good our place of work is screaming for employees don't worry they're on their way soon but first we've got to make sure it's fun for them and what's more fun than just going on a ship well it's going on a damn water slide so I think what I need to do I need to I need to delete this Railway I don't think it's as many as used time that's fine I'm sure it's fine but I think what I want to do I want to head up to here where I can possibly do like a temporary pool and then we're gonna have a very steep water slide down to the very Port it's going to be super fun everyone's gonna get splashed oh man it's going to be they're going to love it so first off we gotta do some Landscaping so what I'm thinking is we create the pool up here first so I think I want to end up probably at that level and just try and follow these Contours right I feel like this is going to be the perfect place to go down so let's just bring this out that way so next up we want to use the slope terrain tool we want to end up there but start about there I think so if I go like that I should be able to sleep up so this is sort of like a glorified what I did with the Poop Shoot in engine Topia right then we want to go probably to there from down here and the same to like there probably right so since this is flat up here we we should be able to say go to that make the level that sort of level as long as it's wide enough for our boats to get past and then or down there could be Carnage this is where the water is going to flow down and that's where we're gonna try and go up so if we press play you will see this huge Dam we've built on this mountain it should start filling with water I'm hoping oh Bulls I was about to say I'm hoping no water will come through the wall I mean this one this one's settled down in the end so perhaps this one up here will oh yes yes I think it is someone's sub to me again why do people keep stopping to me when I'm trying to record thank you for the sub by the way all right so as you can see this is filling up nicely not leaking at all anymore but we should have yes we got a constant stream of water down here and what I'm hoping is as this runs down it should be constant enough and wide enough that we can send our fairies up there but while that's sorting itself out we do need to do the actual fun bit of this the water slide down so if we hit pause what I'm thinking we do a slope up again and we end up I think just around here somewhere so if I say slopes are there then hopefully I'm always a little step above the town I can do the same on this side all right then all you need to do is cut the water out of there so there we go water is away whoa I'd say what I feel like Rapids aren't that much fun if you have to dodge through trees so let's just let's just delete all those trees all right so I think that's good all I need to worry about is whether this is now gonna flood because there's excess water coming in I don't know water spawners work they might sort of keep the level flush or will this excess water rise it might be okay otherwise we can just put like an over spill little channel in or something but yeah for now let's go have a look along here so that's got constant flow of water coming down all the way oh look at this look at this so this is the only dodgy bit it gets a little bit patchy but I think we might be okay so head back into the ferry pathway tool and then what we're going to do we're gonna go from here we're gonna head up we've just gotta we just gotta keep it in the running water so fairies can actually get up and then we're doing the same down this end oh that is fast rapid so we end up down here and then boost we've made it next up we've just gotta we've just gotta connect a line together so fairy line I think think we just want to go from this one up to this one and then we just go back again to complete the line right thanks to chat I've learned to turn off the despawning of traffic which should mean every car that we see will actually remain so I'm hoping these guys they want to go to work right so yeah like down here we got we got this guy parked there in his sedan oh sorry I said his it's Holly Davis uh she works at Frank's fish stick Factory so if we click on that whoa it takes us all the way over here so that is where they work so I guess the main question is are they actually going to get to work all right come on guys who wants to go on the go-kart track oh here we go go we've got a car we got a car where are you going where are you going you're going left Wait no that's the wrong way that's the wrong way I just he just exploded he turned into a woman and a dog ah is it because they can't get back from okay I think it's because they can't get back from here I've just realized let me just do a very simple way home for these guys all right there we go one way rodent people can get back now so they should all be flooding to work someone's actually going to work someone's going to work yes he's using the go you got track he's winning look at them go the speed of it they are currently winning because no one else has bothered to go to work fair enough but if we look from above we can clearly see how they're doing on the figure of it where the hell are they where are they gone wait I think I saw a car I think I saw a car where was it down there oh there they're there yeah absolutely cheesing it through the go-kart track I feel like I'm loving it more than they are though so this person oh look they're actually their job is an operator at the train station yeah you can see they've avoided the pillar they've come down there and then they're going into the Monaco F1 tunnel imagine the F1 noises as they're coming around this corner and they've won they've done it what a way to start your commute to work and oh look they've got out oh they've got a dog it's taking your dog to work day oh it's like every day with me and paddy he always comes to work with me oh look wait that's not a dog that's a giant cat why is your cat so big why did you take it to work with you that's weird anyway the good news is there are actually loads of people oh my God there's loads of people using it now I think we just had to wait for that one person to get to work because they were the train driver so of course we need a train driver before we can actually drive the train oh look some people some people have done the journey on foot they've got their luggage oh they've just got they just got back in the car how random they wanted to I don't know what they wanted to they want to look cool they wanted to cross the finish line while walking like yeah we did it walking and we still came in the top three so when people get to Finish Line like run backwards because they think they're hard anyway yeah lots and lots of traffic on its way to work oh they actually they look like they're having a blast I'm not gonna lie to you so they're all coming through now there's there's lots of people getting out their cars and then getting in their cars after they've gone through the loop don't really understand that what are you still tourists isn't it oh that person just fell through the road oh look some people are falling through anyway everyone's sort of turning up now so I presume is there a train gonna appear wait what's happening where are you going up there oh they're all going to go cheer their friends or oh that's nice that is nice uh sadly though no one wanted to get onto the train they've literally all just come to this place I mean to be fair it's got a banging view like you've got the arch above you you got the finished line of the go-karts and then looking out there you've got the Golden Gate you've got the roller coaster trainer but yeah maybe they're just like looking at it like oh I can't wait to go on that right so so I could get this to work um so I asked my buddy biffer City skylines bro I asked him any chance you could uh you can have a little look for me and I just sent my save file to him he just replied if you don't hear from me again you know I couldn't take it uh he's a very sensible City Builder he doesn't really believe in um probably the coaster commute yeah shout out biffer what a legend what a legend right so he's only gone and done it that biffer he's not just a pretty face I mean I won't lie this isn't the best looking Loop in the world it does actually work now so if we head towards the bridge we have our first train heading along the Golden Gate people thought this would never happen oh my God it's going so fast it's going so fast it's heading up the chain if you meant to go slower up the chain lift oh look at this I can make this behave like a roller coaster I can set speed limits yeah we want it to be going slow around here then as it goes down the truck it's gonna get faster and faster so here we are following the tree roll acoustic boosted freeze your hands as we head down the first Hill because there will be a photo taken at the bottom so ready for this we're heading down the hip oh is that I think we're stuck from the back of it the Train's too long this is meant to be like Max Speed it's moving more like a slug than a snake anyway all right here we go we're off we're off get some speed do the loop it's doing this that is so terrible buddy they're having fun they're definitely having fun they're upside down right now just ignore that they're not upside down they're doing a loop right so we've just done the leap we're then heading up the next sleep so this should slow us down so we're going quite fast we want to slow down so this section we're like we're sort of like oh man that Loop was insane we need to relax a bit we need to relax oh no we can't relax because there's a load of Hills coming they're gonna be insane look how fast we're going maybe if I play this back at like three times speed it might look better oh yeah there we go that's what we needed three times speed that's better so now we're entering the Helix and then as we sort of wrap around here uh we should we should lose some speed we'll get slower and slower as we reach to the top yeah very exciting but a very uh Source sort of like it starts off exciting like oh actually this ain't so bad I'm not gonna die then we head along this bit under this another train's coming down that's cool wrap around this way as a train comes down there as well Gotta Love overlapping tracks and then finally a slow finish to the end where we've completed our roller coaster section oh man that was actually really cool I'd love to have that on the way to work anyway after that excitement we then pull into the station where our passengers can get off and then head on to the boat Port down here so fairies leave here they head under the bridge which disappears occasionally round the rocks and then they head up the Chute so question is are they actually getting up here okay I don't see any further up ahead oh no there's one there's one so let's go around the corner fighting his way through all the trees Fair Play That's look at him go and are there any further oh there is there is look so one's got to here and now he's going down the fun bit the rapids oh look at him going look at him go oh he's he's not well yeah he's not moving as um as rapidly as I thought I guess is the right saying I I might just want to give that a little bit of softening so if I just there we go there we go we just sent some water down that side oh there's a boat coming behind there's a boat coming behind run oh dear all right so my thinking if I make a bit of a channel down here and the water should sit in the middle right so we've sort of done it the it's not quite the super fun water slide that I envisaged but um hopefully they can get back up and then we have actually achieved yes go on son go inside right you've made it back you've made it back okay I think we've completed it I think we've made a usable water slide look how much fun he's having going to work whoa so that was our incredible commute to work perhaps if my commute was this fun maybe I would have stayed an engineer never made a YouTube channel who knows all I do know is that was awesome let me know in the comments what your favorite part of this was but for now I'll say peace love and water slides bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 376,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oTvbyEKzHUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 9sec (1209 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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