Engineering a city 1000m BELOW GROUND in Cities Skylines!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to the magical world of enduretopia where engineering dreams come true like highways underground Airways careful bait Atlantis ways poop shoots yes that is raw sewage he's traveling down and what we had did last time a city in the sky that you can only reach via airport now if I if I press Escape we get out of cinematically you will see there's oh God you will see there's a few there's a few warnings it's not actually that bad I thought it would be worse I'm not gonna lie a Chia city City's thriving how about you it's the Pokeball thriving yeah I mean some of these guys they're they're lacking customers but uh if that's the worst of a problem over here then I think we have achieved and however we do we do have another imminent problem so this is our this is our puke you know and this is where the Architects of our city live actually let's go we don't need to see the architect's needs but basically they live on an island or who actually why is that clear water coming out of there or is that who I can't really tell anyway they're meant to live on an island of poo water which which we have engineered to create unlimited power for us and also provide the tourism of boat tours um but it did get a bit much we had to see this like let's see the over spill Canal over this way with the lovely views of our Highway down there very very impressive and over to this one where you can see this is filling up and there is no overflow out of here so once this is filled up with poo um it's full it will it will be leaking so a little bit concerned for the traffic down here because you may have a poonami landing on your head from up there at some point soon but uh to be honest I think that's a problem for another day because I've just had a fantastic idea of how we can improve engine Topia now unfortunately with such massive infrastructure constant features and bridges that we're adding to vengetopia constantly we are attracting all sorts of people including more Architects so we're gonna need another place for them to live and our Sky City we built last time it sort of gave me an idea could I do sort of the opposite so first off I'm gonna go to the landscaping tools I'm going to say level terrain so we'll grab that then we'll right click up here boost and then we've got that level so wherever we paint landscape it will be at that height now I'm gonna go probably over this way sort of well out the way I'm gonna build a platform type thing we're gonna do we're gonna do a little of that or frame rate doesn't like this too much quite a big area there we go we have we have a massive massive Mound I guess you could call it then next up I'm going to use this tool the shift terrain tool and we're gonna we're gonna try and Eyeball into the middle so you're there and then we're just gonna gonna hold right click so basically we're drilling down into the depths of the Earth but we only really get that far because that is the bottom of the map now what I want to do I essentially I want to build a city down there it's actually it's actually quite peaceful down there so up here can you hear like in the background noise you hear that there's like there's like Ambient sound like traffic and planes and stuff if we head inside do you hear that nothing it's silent which also means we won't be able to hear the whining of Architects as they as they complain about sunlight I mean there will be sunlight for some of them actually that's a shame all right so let's delete all the trees and stuff in there bull days oh that's gonna hurt the frame rate all right there we go completely Barren perfect for Architects and next up we're gonna head inside and we're gonna we're gonna do our best to build something The Architects will actually appreciate now Architects they do they do love a bit of a curve and there's nothing really wrong with that so I am I'm gonna be fairly generous in my in my layout down here we're gonna go along that edge all right so I've done my initial layout like that you can see actually it's sort of like a smiley face and then if we zoom in you can see well perhaps this guy hasn't been to the dentist because it's all in the shade that's because Architects they are they are afraid of direct sunlight and then we're gonna go to town and literally just give them all the sort of artsy Farsi things they want like the art museum I mean look at the state of that they're good you're gonna love that we've got a theater of Wonders what is going on with that like that roof that's not even possible like there's no material that would be able to withstand that like there's that's not supported anywhere what is the point of having a cantilevered roof over a build like there's like there's a building out of the roof that makes no sense oh man I'm getting I'm getting wound up I'm building this for The Architects and they're already getting to me I'm not giving them a stadium they can sod right off if they're watching any sport I built them an observatory as well so they can like look up and be like one day we will escape alright so I've done a load of unique buildings we're going to do the living areas next and our Architects like to do like different things just for the secret so we got like the straight road area got the awkward pattern area for no reason we've got the curved area the spiral area the let's make this middle layout a pain in the ass for some Highway engineer I'm sure they'll figure it out maybe we'll take credit for them Eventing the roundabout we've got the long looting area and the swirly area so we'll just paint all of those in like that probably give them some Services because I'm not an animal I'm also going to put all these drainage runs under the road as well because an engineer is building this after all right so next up we're gonna need some electricity for them so so I've shoved two nuclear plants in the place of the eyeballs then I sort of want to fill the rest of this with like commercial just so they have like some they have like places to work because these Architects not get a free ride gotta go to work so it will build lots and lots of Roads then we end up with something like that and then painting commercial up there do the rest as offices and then we can probably press play and watch all the Architects start building their houses and things so commercial side is growing lovely the first houses are creeping Out of the Shadows oh it's so dark down here and as this Grace you might be wondering well Matt why why is there a big gap down the middle why aren't they linked well because this side's in the sun I thought this might be a nice area to take all the rubbish from enjotopia and plonk it down so we'll just do a few little few landfills oh yes look at the unhappy faces this is what we want to see so whilst The Architects are sort of living living in the shade enjoying life they'll know that the heat is warming up the garbage then if they put um some giant fans in along here then these should waft the stench about and really really get it smelly down here so I think because this is circular there should be a Vortex of stinky air circulating around lovely all right so next up The Architects they can't actually they can't get to work the living area isn't connected to the working area so I'm gonna be I'm gonna be very very generous here in that I'm not just going to give them a bridge to cross the garbage pit I'm going to give them two Bridges a bridge within a bridge it's Bridge perception you know what that means it's time for a bridge review this incredible feat of engineering literally takes Architects from the Dark Side to the Light Side a mix between a cable Staybridge and a suspension bridge it features six Lanes of traffic and is covered in lighting columns to light up the darkness of architect land overall I give this bridge a high score for its hybrid nature of 8.0 out of 10 Bridge review so yeah that's our first hybrid suspension slash cable stayed bridge and I'm treating The Architects I I feel I may have gone a bit soft anyway looking down here look we're very very short of workers that's because no one can actually get here yet now I was sort of tempted to try and get an airport in here I mean I guess I still am tempted I sort of want to see what the planes do if they try and take off and land here so perhaps I might lose some commercial and then how are they gonna take off here all right so we're going to name this the archiport shove that there that's the airport terminal we've got a concourse going down here control tower a Runway then a large aircraft stand there so we can get the biggest of planes landing with all the Architects we need to move them out of engine Topia as fast as possible they're spreading death and famine everywhere anyway back down the hole it's gonna allow for the airplane to get to the runway and then Off The Runway All right so that's that's set up I've also I've also got a little plane as well well look look a plane's Just Landing it's a big boy Whoa so yeah we use state-of-the-art Rock technology there and the plane actually flows straight through it landing at the airport completely unscathed so that's good we can now bring Architects over here and we should be able to fill up some of these jobs however this won't be the only way to access this because we do actually want to bring all of our rubbish here so we're gonna need we're gonna need Road access so that the garbage trucks can actually get there so since we have a highway coming over here anyway I feel like we should probably grab this and say come up there head over that way and then the road coming up and can connect down there I also want to say if you're coming from this weight go right over the top if you want to end up left go out that way and not down there right lovely well actually not really I'm not sure I'm not sure people can be able to drive down that Highway all right there we go that's better right now we've got to get from down here up to there so what I'm thinking we Bridge across this River very nice and then we sort of just work our way around until we're up at the top nice so if we head along oh man look at the view they have look at the view of inertopia it's beautiful I feel like there should probably be some safety railings on the edge of this as well I mean quite a drop down there anyway if we head down here you'll see we've basically got a series of like Bridges and tunnels and that just curves all the way down down to this point so I think from here I probably want to just do like a few these sort of laps keep heading around like this so we've got this which sort of looks like a glazed donut now um Donuts but then we gotta take this road very very carefully now it's gonna require a few Bridges plus a few tunnels plus a few tears in the fabric of space and time we are gonna get down where this game wants us to or not it's just a case of trying to stick to the back wall clearing the city below and then finally connecting in like that we've done it we are connected to the outside world and things have already started to go a little bit weird what was that truck doing I mean technically he was flying over the airport so I guess that's allowed oh but he's he's still going he's destroying buildings in his week he's heading right for that ball and that where actually is he going oh look he's parked he's parked inside that oh and now he's disappeared yeah not sure not sure angiotopia is in a good place anymore look at all the holes through this wall let's say it's not good I mean unfortunately it does actually give some of these guys like a nice view looking up now that isn't what I wanted but I thankfully it appears the sun can't get through here so they're still well in the shade which makes me happy and look look there's a jet coming in for landing all right let's follow this and see no no don't go with that um okay not entirely sure where okay he's down here he's down here he's sweeping back around him and I assume he's gonna pop out this other side oh he lands like that yeah hopefully that flight isn't too turbulent for all my visitors but the good thing is people are moving it I really don't like all these flying trucks I I properly broken the save now I'm starting to think it was the bridge section's fault yeah from up here you can see this piece it's really coming together now you can also you can also see all the tears I've caused on the side of that wall not ideal unfortunately I am gonna have to build more because I need to do roads back out of here probably starting from this end so I'm very sorry to the employees of Indie lizard and Nick Beard Marnie promix doesn't even have a beard but I'm gonna need you guys to uh to make room so sorry and I gotta try and get above the other Road I think that's as far as I can go all right here we go we're above and we're climbing again the first of us going up we're not actually making any holes at all perhaps because they operate it so it's so much neater than the down one oh man I'm gonna need a lot of patience for this it was going well but I've been stuck trying to build this bit for bloominagers I'll tell you what I need to change that lovely little bluebird up there into a peppery metal do anything you want but it's just like that we've arrived at the top so it will weave our way back then since they've still got the bird active I mean I could just see that then we're all connected up though because I kept the bird active that bridge went really really low still pretty sure no boats come down here so it's fine I love that the lamp posts still go like upright like super super steep road but um that place they've got to be vertical right all right so next up we gotta wonder why aren't people joining our lovely like why wouldn't you want to drive up that it looks amazing all right what if I come up here and then click on that and I say you have to go up there you have to go up there and you have to go up there oh everyone's just like saw that I'd rather not exist hey look at these cars like no I'm pretty sure you can't just not exist forever I'm Gonna Keep fast forwarding or biffer I think I'll just put you out of business meet because uh if you want to fix traffic in City skylines all you gotta do is just build the pit right okay okay let's just see if I were to put like shortcuts in so you go across there then when you come back out go across those across those aha so now it's short we're actually attracting people they're not even being forced look I haven't even set that one up people are choosing to come to the pit oh boy oh boy I was not ready for the grand opening look at the ball yes hello hello welcome welcome to the pit you've made it top check out the scenic view of engine Topia below yeah they are taking the shortcut which is a bit of a shame I mean that's quite a lot of road I built for literally zero reason but that's good that means we've got people coming in so do we have garbage trucks leaving that's what I want so if we check this road yes there is then what are they donut trucks as well and they're just coming up to a very exciting bit of route as well oh they don't go faster down steep hills it's interesting anyway they're now going up a bit of road that looks more like a graph you'd find on the stock exchange but reversed obviously look then they're up the top heading towards engine Topia to take all the rubbish back into the pit yeah we do we do have some fires down here guys do we have I think I I do hear sirens although it's a police chase this is way more interesting than watching a fire it's like a Lamborghini go on son look at these races he's literally got nowhere to go thankfully in the meantime that fire put itself out and if you look down here this is all the new traffic that's coming in because look over this way welcome to the pit so as they come down the hill this is what they're greeted with isn't it beautiful means to be fair I've I've literally seen worse places but um yeah once they head round and head over the bridge section yeah they end up with this side in the darkness with the giant fans Yep they're not turbines the fans wafting the stink towards their houses and all they can do is look up and wonder what life outside the wall would be like because on this exit I have vehicle restrictions I have no cars only service Vehicles can leave and actually annoyingly if we go into this view like can you see the warning signs down there no you can't because there aren't any whereas if we head over to entertain you oh it's just every building has like a death symbol on it I mean even up in the sky City it's not looking great down in NJ Atlantis uh yep still quite a few of those dotted about hey but at least the pokeball's doing all right we also have another very pressing issue the potato is leaking no I mean it's actually it's filled with water at the moment how has that happened uh so yeah next time we return to Rancho Sapia we're gonna have to try and fix this I mean look it's even stopped the boat tours because the boat tour hat is underwater it's like you've got a boat tour traffic now oh I think I've realized maybe there's not enough people to create poo so these just pump out water is that what's happening have I killed all the people I mean to be fair now I've built the pit this is where Architects are going to live so hopefully their architecturalist infections now that should not disrupt our community anymore so everyone should Thrive from now on we just might take a little bit of time to recover I reckon so on that note I'll say peace love and glaze donut cities bye
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 991,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: br4MEf17N7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 23 2022
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